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07trade 6 class day: monday time: 2- 4pm michelle 3207008566 the girl, who is shortishl and pctitc2 is me—michelle. i have even dreamed that i could be a tall3, well -built4, gentle5, and active6 girl, i have a round7 face, and what makes me discontented8 is that i? ve got acne9 (pimpleslO or zitsll)on my face, i? m woeful 12when i see it, and i feel agonized 13 when i suffer such an accursedHskin disease- so i don’ t have the smoothl5 ,rosyl6 skin, but the roughl?, olive 18skin. even thought i have no the perfect face,i' m still be the confidentl9girl because i do believe that the inside beauty is more important 20than the outside beauty, i have the shoulder length21hair, which is straight22and tamed23. i m thinking about perming24 and dying my hair, now the color of my hair is brown25. i' d like to dyc26 it blond27. i find the beauty of the world with my small28, hazel29 eyes. most of my friends feel happy when hanging out with me. the main reason is that i' m a extrovert30, easy-going31 and gregarious32 girl, my life is animated 33and airy34. my attitude towards life is optimistic35(not pessimistic36). i often be the joker37,telling my friends the funny38 stories with my imaginativc39 thought when they are unhappy40. im also friendly41and polite42to other people, i have a stong43 aversion44 to a person who is arrogant45,and always patronizing46other people, compared with the narrow-minded47person,i’ m a open-minded48, broadminded49 person, i' m bright50and curious51 about everything happens around me. i' m a pcrfcctionist52, so i often ask myself

to be a considerate53 and caring54 person, every time i get distressed55 or heartbroken56, i' 11 attempt to hide my joyless57feeling , in fear58 my friends find out and worried59about me. howev er, i’ m grumpy60and hot-headed61 sometimes, if a goof ball62 does the goofy63 thing,and he’ s stiff64 to understand what i' m talking about, i car/ t help being impatient65 but become grumpy, to be blunt66, i' ma slacker67 and not

hard-working68 enough to get what i want, i think this is the most important reason why i bombed in the exam, i’ m an ambitious69 person, but not strong-wi 11 ed70 enough, i? m always thinking about how can i be the tough cookies71 instead of being a slob72. every day when i wear the jeans73, hooded shirt74 (also wear coat75 or windbreaker76 if necessary)

and pumps77, walking into the classroom, i keep thinking about one thing: can i be the busy bee78in my life?” because i don’ t want to be the loafer79, who usually lead the flat80 and dul 181 life, i make myself energetic82 every day, and i’ m flcxiblc83and dauntlcss84 to deal with the complicated problems i meet, i have dreamed that i can live a happy-go-lucky85 life before, but now, i’ m a grown up86 and competitive87 person, so i try to make my life sparking88. my parents needn' t worried89 about me any longer because now i/ m an independent% and trustworthy91 person, living in a comfortable92 life doesn' t help me a lot, and if i want to be the book-smart93 person, but not a bookwarni94 person, i should not only be
