
中国人开始摆脱绝对化地以群体取向为上的道德 束缚,开始把道德的社会功能从主要是调节人际 关系转化为主要保证个人得以自我发展和自我完 善上来。
Cross-culture Communication and Pragmatic Failure
Have Fun
有次房东问我 did u eat anyting yet? 我说no. 她听后重复了一遍 so u didn’t eat anyting. 我 说 yes... 房东老太太犹豫了下,又问did u eat ? 我说 no. 她接着说 so u didn’t eat . 我说 yes ...... 估计她当时要崩溃了。
(2)对时间的使用差异 中国: 使用时间比较随意,灵活性强 美国; 受制于时间,有强烈的时间缺失意识
个性 和谐 谦逊 守时 命运 争先 侵犯性 西方 东方 东方 西方 东方 西方
美国黑人 穆斯林、美国黑人 美国黑人 美国黑人、非洲、 穆斯林 美国黑人 — 美国黑人 穆斯林 美国黑人 美国黑人 美国黑人 西方、美国黑人 美国黑人、东方、 穆斯林、非洲
李大钊 《东西方文明之根本差异》
“东西方文明有根本不同之点,即东洋文化主静,西 方文明主动是也。……一为自然的,一为人为的;一为安 息的,一为战争的;一为消极的,一为积极的;一为依 赖的,一为独立的;一为苟安的,一为实进的;一为因 袭的,一为创造的;一为保守的,一为进步的;一为直 觉的,一为理智的;一为空想的,一为体验的;一为艺 术的,一为科学的;一为精神的,一为物质的;一为灵 的,一为肉的;一为向天的,一为立地的;一为自然支 配的,一为人间征服自然……”

GlobalLeabharlann riseHowever, with globalization, especially the increase of global trade, it is unavoidable that different cultures will meet, conflict, and blend together. People from different culture find it is difficult to communicate not only due to language barriers, but also are affected by culture styles.Thus the same words can mean different things to people from different cultures, even when they speak the "same" language. When the languages are different, and translation has to be used to communicate, the potential for misunderstandings increases.The study of cross-cultural communication is a global research area. As a result, cultural differences in the study of crosscultural communication can already be found.
Cross-cultural communication endeavours to bring together such relatively unrelated areas as cultural anthropology and established areas of communication. Its core is to establish and understand how people from different cultures communicate with each other. Its charge is to also produce some guidelines with which people from different cultures can better communicate with each other.The study of languages other than one's own can serve not only to help one understand what we as humans have in common, but also to assist in the understanding of the diversity which underlines our languages' methods of constructing and organizing knowledge.
cross-cultural communication跨文化交流

Cross-Cultural Communication: Definition, Strategies & ExamplesCross-cultural communication is imperative for companies that have a diverse workforce and participate in the global economy. It is important for employees to understand the factors that are part of an effective, diverse workforce.Cross-Cultural CommunicationCross-cultural communication has become strategically important to companies due to the growth of global business, technology and the Internet.Understanding cross-cultural communication is important for any company that has a diverse workforce or plans on conducting global business. This type of communication involves an understanding of how people from different cultures speak, communicate and perceive the world around them.Cross-cultural communication in an organization deals with understanding different business customs, beliefs and communication strategies. Language differences, high-context vs.low-context cultures, nonverbal differences and power distance are major factors that can affectcross-cultural communication.Let's take a look at how cross-cultural differences can cause potential issues within an organization. Jack is amanager at a New Mexico-based retail conglomerate. He has flown to Japan to discuss a potential partnership with a local Japanese company. His business contact, Yamato, is his counterpart within the Japanese company. Jack has never been to Japan before, and he's not familiar with their cultural norms. Let's look at some of the ways that a lack of cultural understanding can create a barrier for business success by examining how Jack handles his meeting with Yamato.High- Vs. Low-Context CultureThe concept of high- and low-context culture relates to how an employee's thoughts, opinions, feelings and upbringing affect how they act within a given culture. North America and Western Europe are generally consideredto have low-context cultures. This means that businesses in these places have direct, individualistic employees who tend to base decisions on facts. This type of businessperson wants specifics noted in contracts and may have issues with trust.High-context cultures are the opposite in that trust is the most important part of business dealings. There are areas in the Middle East, Asia and Africa that can be considered high context. Organizations that havehigh-context cultures are collectivist and focus on interpersonal relationships. Individuals fromhigh-context cultures might be interested in getting to know the person they are conducting business with in order to get a gut feeling on decision making. They may also be more concernedabout business teams and group success rather than individual achievement.Jack and Yamato ran into some difficulties during their business negotiations. Jack spoke quickly and profusely because he wanted to seal the deal as soon as possible. However, Yamato wanted to get to know Jack, and he felt that Jack spoke too much. Yamato also felt that Jack was only concerned with completing the deal for his own self-interest and was not concerned with the overall good of the company. Jack's nonverbal cues did not help the negotiations either.Nonverbal DifferencesGestures and eye contact are two areas of nonverbal communication that areutilized differently across cultures. Companies must train employees in the correct way to handle nonverbal communication as to not offend other cultures. For example, American workers tend to wave their hand and use a finger to point when giving nonverbal direction. Extreme gesturing is considered rude in some cultures. While pointing may be considered appropriate in some contexts in the United States, Yamato would never use a finger to point towards another person because that gesture is considered rude in Japan. Instead, he might gesture with an open hand, with his palm facing up, toward the person.Eye contact is another form of nonverbal communication. In the ., eye contact is a good thing and is seen as a reflection of honesty and straightforwardness.However, in some Asian and Middle Eastern cultures, prolonged eye contact can be seen as rude or aggressive in many situations. Women may need to avoid it altogether because lingering eye contact can be viewed as a sign of sexual interest. During their meeting, Jack felt that Yamato was not listening to his talking points because Yamato was not looking Jack in the eyes. However, Yamato did not want Jack to think he was rude, so he avoided looking directly into Jack's eyes during his speech.Language DifferencesThe biggest issue dealing withcross-cultural communication is the difficulty created by language barriers. For example, Jack does not speak Japanese, so he is concerned with his ability to communicate effectively withYamato. There are some strategies that Jack can use to help establish a rapport with Yamato. Jack can explain himself without words by using emotions, facial expressions and other nonverbal cues. He can also use drawings and ask for an interpreter.Additionally, companies that have to deal with cross-cultural communication can hire employees with proficiency in other languages. Fortunately for Jack and Yamato, they both had excellent translators who communicated their words. The next cross-cultural issue regards how individuals deal with power distance.Power DistancePower distance relates to how power is distributed within an organization. Typically, American companies utilize a low power distance and have more informal hierarchies that allow for interaction between executives and their subordinates. Managers ask for feedback from employees and will even socialize with subordinates. Companies with high power distance are typically very hierarchical in nature and have severe differences in authority. Some Japanese companies may utilize this power structure.。

跨文化语用失误与语境郑宏伟(广东茂名学院师范学院外语系,广东茂名 525000)摘要:跨文化交际语用失误是指在跨文化交际中由于交际者使用语言不得体而导致误解和冲突的现象。
关键词:跨文化;语用失误;语境1. 引言跨文化语用失误是近年来语用学和跨文化交际学研究的热点问题。
英国语言学家詹尼·托马斯(Jenny Thomas)对跨文化语用失误的研究具有开创性。
托马斯在1983年发表的《跨文化语用失误》一文中首次提出语用失误(Pragmatic Failure)这一概念。
托马斯认为语用失误是指“不能理解话语的含义,语用失误可分为语言的语用失误和社会语用失误”(J.Thomas, 1983: 91)。
2. 语境1923年波兰籍人类语言学家马里诺夫斯基提出情景语境的概念,认为交际环境对于语言交际来说是不能缺少的部分。
语用学Chapter 12 Cross-cultural pragmatics陈新仁何自然何伟

E. 道谢与道歉方面的语用差异
汉语中的谢谢与英语中的“thank you”适用场合 不尽相同。 服务业中: 在汉语交际中,被服务者感谢付出服务者。 而操英语的本族人认为是相反的: Thank you for your service! That’s my duty! I’m glad to be of help.
• 英,语言学家,利奇(Leech,1983) • 语用学: a) 语用语言学( pragmalinguistics )
b) 社交语用学(sociopragmatice)
II. 语际语用学
• 语际语用学(20世纪70、80 年代末):从语用学 的角度研究第二语言的习得或第二语言学习过程 中出现的中介语,包括中介语的类型与特征,产 生的原因,给交际带来的负面影响、语用失误。
A: Yes or no?
B: Thank you! I will try to come.
PS.:操英语的本族人,特别是美国 人,在握手道别时会讲客气话,没有 具体时间、地点的邀请不必认真。 Give me a call sometime. Let’s have lunch sometime.
• 太过完整,会产生言外之意,误以为说话人不耐烦,耍脾 气,对对方的提问不领情,觉得是多管闲事。回答:"Yes. I have."就可以了。
III. 社交文化语用研究
招呼用语 道别用语
邀请与应答方面 道谢与道歉方面
• C) 探讨语际语中的语用迁移
• 语用迁移(pragmatic transfer) :外语习者将母 语母语文化中的有关知识借用到外语的使用与理 解中来。 • 按迁移的结果与目标语关系分类: • 正向迁移(positive transfer ) • 负向迁移(negative transfer)

Classification of Cross-cultural Pragmatics
Blum-Kulka(1989 )
Speech act Pragmatics 言语行为的语用研究 Social-culture pragmatics 社交文化的语用研究 Contrast pragmatics 对比语用研究 Inter-language pragmatics 语际语言的语用研究
Pragmatics across culture
Definition of Pragmatics Definition of Culture Cross-cultural Pragmatics
1.Definition of Cross-cultural Pragmatics 2.Classification of Cross-cultural Pragmatics 3.Research Methods of Cross-cultural Pragmatics 4.Equivalence of cross-culture Pragmatics
Cooperation and conversation
Much of current pragmatic thinking is based on Grice‟s “Cooperative Principle”. However, many criticisms have been uttered of it, often based on the assumption that not everybody is willing, able or obliged to cooperate. The discussion on the so-called universality of cooperation often focuses on the phenomena of conversation. When it comes to actual conversation, the assumption is again that people across cultures will obey certain rules of collaboration in order to make conversation happen and have the flow of talk to progress as smoothly as possible

跨文化交际中的语用失误Pragmatic Failures in Cross-cultural Communication内容提要英语学习者由于对英语国家的社会文化背景了解不足或者不能够结合语境来理解和使用英语,以致于在跨文化交际中产生语用失误,也就是措辞不得体甚至不达意。
关键词:语用失误社会文化背景语境英语教学一、什么是语用学和语用失误?语用学是研究语言的理解和使用的学问(Leech, 1983)。
跨文化交际是指不同文化背景的人们之间的交际(Gudykunst, 1984)。
Thomas(1983)认为,在言语交际中,说话人没能根据标准的语法模式去遣词造句,他顶多被认为是“说得不好”(speaking badly);但没有按照语用原则来处理话语,他就会被认为是“表现不好”(behaving badly)。

(2)社会语用学(Societal Pragmatics)研究社会各组织结构与语用之间的关系,包括社交语用学(Sociopragmatics)。

跨文化语言学(cross-cultural pragmatics )是在语言学和对比语言学研究的基础上发展起来的一门新兴学科,是将文化因素引入跨文化交际中意义研究的一种宽泛的语用学,主要研究不同文化背景的人进行交际的语用问题。
就跨文化交际而言, inter-cultural communication的研究不只对言语交际感兴趣, 它还力图对影响跨文化交际的各种因素作出解释。
它研究的重要是在非语言的文化因素上, 尽管不否认语言在体现文化差异上的重要性, 但文化问题似乎比语言问题更为重要。
而跨文化语用学( cross- cultural pragmatics) 强调不同文化背景的人之间的交际研究。
所以, 跨文化语用学中的跨文化我们用cross-cultural 而不用inter- cultural。
第12单元 跨文化技巧 Cross-cultural Communication

(1)非语言交际包括使用语言之外的一切传递信息的方 式,其形式多种多样,如:姿态动作、目光接触、面部表 情、身体距离、衣着打扮、空间利用、触碰行为、声音暗 示,甚至没有表情和动作都可以构成非语言交际的有效方 式。
(2)译员应提高语言功底和口头表达能力。熟悉其语言的文化背 景,理解语言的雅俗、诙谐、夸张、婉转等修辞上的特征。注意表达 上的言之有序、词能达意、严于流畅,保证语言层面的正确性,注重 语言使用的灵活性和多变性。
(3)译员要熟练掌握源语和译入语的转换模式,了解原语和目的 语的语言概念完全对应、部分对应及其完全不对应的情况下该如何翻 译,提高语言表达的高效率。
(1)译员应设身处地体味说话人的情感,将自己代入对方的心境, 以引起共鸣。
(2)译员要承认并尊重母语文化与异文化之间存在的差异,克服 民族中心意识,抛弃有关性别、民族和文化等方面错误甚至歧视性的 态度和看法。
(3)译员要关注跨文化交际中异文化使用者及其现实的交际场景 ,注意对方的言语和非言语表达,理解对方自然的情感反应。
1 口译中的文化差异 Cultural Differences in Interpreting
2 口译中的文化障碍 Cultural Barriers in Interpreting
3 跨文化口译的原则 Principles of Cross-culture Interpreting
4 培养跨文化意识 The Development of Cross-culture Awareness
5 口译中跨文化非语言交际 Non-verbal Cross-culture Interpreting
Pragmatic Failure in the Cross-Cultural Communication 跨文化交际中的语用失误

3.1.4The difference of the religion beliefs……………………………..........9
3.1.5The difference of the customs……………………………….................9
3.1.1The influences of the pragmatic negative transfer in the cross-cultural communication………………………………………………………………………...6
3.1.2The difference of the values…………………………………………8
CharterThreeMeasurements and Implications…………………………………..16
1.The Measurements of Avoiding the Pragmatic Failure in the Cross-Cultural Communication………………………………………………………………………..16
When people of different cultures communicate with each other, the first barrier is“language barrier”,especially when they don’t share the same mother language ,even if they share the same mother language ,the language barriers are still exist in various aspects ,so it is common when the culture conflicts occur in the cross-cultural communication,this kind ofconflicts usually reflects on the language, and it is accompanied with the pragmatic failure ,which sometimescausingunnecessary understandingsand confusions.The English linguist Thomas(1983)divided the pragmatic failure into two categories: pragmalinguistic failure and sociapragmatic failure ,the former one refers to the speakerswhodon’t follow the native-speakers’ habit ,they express the words in a wrong way ,or they don’t know the right way to express, some of them eveninfluencedby the mother language (e.g. Chinglish).The later one refers to the speakers whodon’t knowor neglect the culture background of the target language, whichleads tothe pragmatic failure .In the most occasions ,the pragmatic failure during the cross-cultural is caused by the different social and culture backgrounds. Language as the keystone of culture is tightly intertwined with culture .Learning a language is inseparable from learning its culture .When learning a foreign or second language ,the learners shouldnot only learn the mere imitation of the pronunciation ,grammar ,words ,and idioms, but also learn to understand the ideas ,customs, and behavior of that society ,learn to understand their “language of the mind”. That is to say, the speakers need to learn enough about the language’s culture so that wecan communicatein the target language properly to achieve not only the linguistic competencebut also the pragmatic or communicative competence as well.

关键词:礼貌语、语用差异、跨文化交际Pragmatic Discrepancies of Politeness in Chinese and Englishfrom the Point of Cross-cultural CommunicationAbstract:The use of politeness is a common phenomenon in various societies and groups, and it is the mark of human social civilization.However, affected by different cultures, politeness has specific characteristics. Aiming at reducing misunderstanding and cultural conflict and promoting successful communication in the process of cross-cultural communication, this paper begins with the different principles of politeness, contrasts the pragmatic discrepancies of politeness and analyzes the causes for the differences in Chinese and English.Key words:politeness;pragmatic discrepancies;cross-cultural communication1、英语礼貌原则美国语言学家Grice提出了言语交际中的合作原则。

跨文化语用学(cross-cultural pramatics)做为语言研究的一门新兴学科,它的理论基础来源于语言学。
跨文化语用学cross cultural pragmatics

In the same language in different place, the same word or phrase may mean differently in different places. e.g.
e.g He is in the office.
What's in the tea, honey?
Do you know John Smith?
Lexical level
A word which has a similar counterpart in another language may have a different interpretative bias. e.g.
Syntactic level
People from different languages/cultures will employ different speech act strategies by means of different sentence types.
For example,in English classroms a teacher says:"Would you like to read?" it is a conventionally polite request, but one which definitely expects compliance. In Chinese classroms a teacher would use a straightforward imperative form such as "小明,你 念一下第一段。" In the service encounter: Chinese: 给我一包。。。 English: Can I have...,please? Or I'd like...please!

跨文化交际的语用问题研究姻刘源对外经济贸易大学摘要:跨文化语用学(cross-cultural pragmatics)在语言学研究中,是一门新兴的语言学分支学科。

跨 文 化 言语行 为语 用 结构 的差异 性和跨 文 化语 用策略 等 。 系统 了解跨 文化语 用 学理 论研 究的 历 史发 展 、 范畴 和 内容、 研 究 方法, 深入 剖 析其 发展 动向 和存在 问题 , 将 为跨 文化语 用学理 论研 究进一 步发展 提供 有益 参考 。
关键 词 : 跨文 化语 用学 ; 言语行 为 ; 综述
为语 用结 构 的差 异性 和跨 文化语 用策 略 等等 。
二 、 跨 文化 语用 学研 究的 形成 和发 展 跨 文 化语 用学 自2 0 世纪 7 O 年 代形 成到 现在 ,发展 较 为迅 速, 不 断有 创新 理 论 发展 。初 期 , 一 些西 方学 者 主要是 关注 一般 性 的语 用学 理 论研 究 , 如 言语行 为 理论 、 会 话 含义 理 论 、 礼 貌理
化》 、 王 福祥 ㈣ 《 对 比语 言学 论 文集 》 、 王 得杏 《 英 语 话语 分 析与 跨 文化 交际 》 , 胡文 仲 、 林大津、 贾 玉新【 瞎 学 者的 《 跨 文化 交 际
学》 。此 外 , 李萍 、 郑 树棠 , 姜 占好 , 陈 治安 、 袁 渊泉 等学 者 介绍 了国 内外语 际语 用 学 的最新 成果 和 研究 现 状 , 指 出 了国 内语 际
社会 阶层 、 不 同地域 、 不 同群 体之 间的 交际 也存 在 着类 似 问题 。 何 自然认 为 : “ 跨 文 化语 用学研 究 在使 用 第 二语 言进 行跨 文 化言 语交 际 时出 现 的问题 。” 【 B 啊 兆熊则 认 为: “ 跨 文化语 用 学是 对不
同文化 背景 的人 之间 的交 际进 行 的研 究 , 其 重 点是 对不 同 文化 的语言 活动 进行 跨文 化对 比研究 。 ” 【 l 尺 管两 位学 者对 跨文 化语 用 学研 究 的范 畴 表述侧 重 不 同 , 但 其 基本 要 点是 一 致 的 。王建

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Defining cross-cultural pragmatics
Defining cross-cultural
Thomas: any communication between two people who, in any particular domain, do not share a common linguistic or cultural background.
Phonological level
Pitch plays an important role both in tone language and intonation language but in different ways. In tone language, if the tone of a word is changed, its meaning would also change, but in an intonation language it remains the same. Intonation in English may reflect syntactic or semantic differences.
station In British English, it usually means railway station. In American English, it refers to bus/coach station, train station. "窝心,检讨" inTaiwan and the mainland of China.
Leech: pragmalinguistics studies "the particular resources which a given language provideds for conveying particular illocutions."
cross-cultural pragmalinguistics studies the differences in the pragmatic force assigned by people from different cultures to the same or similar linguistic unit in their language. Such differences in structures can be located at different levels: phonological, lexical, syntactic and discoursal.
Cross-cultural sociopragmatics studies the social values underlying the differences in employing different pragmatic strategies between people from different culture.
Defining cross-cultural pragmatics
Defining culture
In linguistics and cross-cultural communicaction, "culture"mainly refers to an intergrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning. culture also refers to the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group.
(c)道谢与道歉方面的语用差异 汉语的“谢谢”和英语的"Thank you".
汉语的“对不起”和英语的"Excuse me" "Sorry".
(d)恭维与赞扬的语用差异 Chinese 甲:你这件毛衣真漂亮! 乙:漂亮什么呀!都穿好几年了!
English A: You look smart in your sweater. B: Thank you.
Discourse level
The organization of conversation or texts is different from culture to culture.
For example, when Chinese people make a telephone call, they usually begin their conversation with a small talk and then get down to business. English-speaking people ususlly do the opposite.
Intercultural communication refers to the study of interaction at the individual level between members of distinctly different cultural groups. Cross-cultural communication implies a comparative account of some phenomena across cultures.
Syntactic level
People from different languages/cultures will employ different speech act strategies by means of different sentence types.
For example,in English classroms a teacher says:"Would you like to read?" it is a conventionally polite request, but one which definitely expects compliance. In Chinese classroms a teacher would use a straightforward imperative form such as "小明,你 念一下第一段。" In the service encounter: Chinese: 给我一包。。。 English: Can I have...,please? Or I'd like...please!
Defining cross-cultural pragmatiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้s
Defining pragmatics
Leech: pragmatics can be devided into two parts: pragmalinguistics and sciopragmatics.The former studies "the particular resources which a given language provides for conveying partivular illocutions" and the latter is "sociological interface of pragmatics."
Leech: Sociopragmatics is the sociological interface of pragmatics. It studies the underlying reasons for choosing one linguistic form over another.
Cross-cultural Pragmatics
Defining cross-cultural pragmatics Pragmalinguistics Sociopragmatics
Defining cross-cultural pragmatics
Defining culture
e.g He is in the office.
What's in the tea, honey?
Do you know John Smith?
Lexical level
A word which has a similar counterpart in another language may have a different interpretative bias. e.g.
A. 社交应酬方面的语用差异 (a)招呼用语的语用差异 汉语:“你好!”“你早!”“你来了?”“上班去?”......“吃了 吗?”...... 英语:"how are you?, how are you doing?", "lovely weather, isn't it?"...
(b)道别用语的语用差异 汉语:“再见”,“慢慢走/走好!”,“请回/请留步!” 英语:“Good-bye!”, "I wish you a pleasant journey/good luck!", “It's nice meeting you.”
汉语中在回应对方的恭维或赞扬时,人们习惯于使用“否认” 或“自贬”的方式,常被认为是一种谦虚或礼貌的表现。 在英语中,面对恭维或赞扬时,对方不会直接否定,更不会自 贬,而更多是迎合,即表示感谢。