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1.A wipe B.wrist C,waterfall D.witness
2.A.stress B.erupt C.sex D.network
3.A.sky B.s'cstem C.style D.terrif,2
4.A.tap B.match.C.addicted D.cash
5 A.own B.incorrect C.SOS D.locate
6__by his teacher’S words,he works even harder.
AJvloved B To move C.Moving D.Having moved
7.ItWaS SO——an experimentthat all of usfelt
A.disappointed;disappointinted B.disappointing;disappointinting
C.disappointing;disappointhlted D.disappointed;disappointinting
8.Iinsistthat adoctor——atonce.
A.hasbeen sentfor B.sendsfor C.willbe sentfor Dbe sentfor
9.It Was................——he said.,.............——encouraged me.A.what;that B,that;that C.what;what D.that;what
10.Orgywhenhe raisedhis alTn—————————hisfacefromtheblow.、
A.could he protect B.he could he protect
C.he could protect D。

could he be protected
11.Shewas so angryatau——1was doing——shewalked out.
A.that;which B_that;that C.which;that D.which;as
12.tfl had worked harder at schooII—in a comfbrtable Office.
A.would have sat B.would go C.were to go D.had gone
13.Theoldgrannywalkedinthe street——.
A.followed by a Young Pioneer B.followed a voung
Candfollowing aYoungPioneer D.andfollowaY0ungPioneer
1 4.——thelr service.the workers ofthe hotel are active in leaming English
A.Improving B.T0 improve C.Improve D.Having imprOved
15.Whatwouldhavehappened,——asfar asthe riverbank?
A.Bob had walked farther B.ifBob should walk farther
C.had Bob walked farther D.ifBob walked farther
16·How 1 wish every family——a 1argehouse With a beantifal garden!
A.haS B.had C.will have D had had
17-My sister advised me that I——aecept the invitatiOn.
A-could B.must C、should D.might
18·IhavebeenworkingforovertwenD,years and seldem~sotired aS now
A.Ihavefelt BIhadfelt C.havelfelt D.hadtfelt
19.Ifyou——me results——the cause,youwillfmdthingsareotthat simple.
A.relate;to B.relate;with C.relate;from D.relate;between
20.At the dinner we usually_——soup and fruit
A.beginwith;endupwith B.beginwith;end upat
C.end up with;began with D.end up with;began as
Many hospitals recommend that We use the letters DR ABC to remember what to do whenwe havetothinkfast.D 21 for danger.We should 22make surethatthe accident scene is 23 dangerous 244 we were to get hurt Wing to save someone,we would not be 。

tohelp Risfor response.We cando alot ofgood by 25 asking‘'Are yOu allfight?”
I“he person cananswer,weknowthathe or sheis 2_66and Can breathe.The questionwiil
also calmthe person,—2—7 him orherknowthathelpis—2—8
A is for airway.We must make sure that a person’s airway is 2._2_9 and it is easy to breathe.This car!be done by gently 30 the person’s head back 31.B,~reathing).We should checkthatthe person carl breathe.Ifthepersonisnothreaththg,wemusttD‘to 32
his or her breathing at once~usin 3g~3_3 method.Ifthis is not done 34five minutes,the person 35.C is for 36.Is the person’s blood circulating?We‘carl 100k fbr coloL coughing,and 37movemem.We can also check a person’s38byputting a finger on the person’s neck or wrist.tf a person is bleeding,we should cover the wound一39a clean piece of cloth and press on the wound 40 the bleeding.
21.A.stand B.stands C.standing D.stood
22.A.0fallfirst B.all offirst C.firstofall D.thefirstall

not longer B.not long C.no longer D.no long
24.A Though B.But C.And D.If
25.A.simple B.simply C.easy D.easily
26.A.conscious Bconsciously C.unconscious D.unconsciously
27.A.let B.lets C.letting D.andlet
28.A.ontheway B.intheway C.totheway D.attheway
29.A.open B.opened C.close D.closed
30.A.to B.tipping C.tips D.Dtipped
31.A.slight B.slightly C.heavy D.heavily
32.A.end B.finish C.start D.over
33.A.mouth to mouth B.to mouth mouth C.mouth-to mouth D.mouth-to-mouth 34.A.witlain B.in C.on D.at
35.A.die B.dies C.dymg D.will die
36.A.circulate B.cculation C.circulates D.circulated
37.A.hand B.al"m C.eye D.nose
38.A.temperature B.pulse C.heart D.breath
39.A-by B.on C in D.with
40.A.stop B.stopped C t0 stop D.stopping

Shortly afterlfirst cametoKorea.I had a phone callfrom a youngKoreanI had
met:“Ijust got married,and my wife and 1 would like you to come to our house for
dinner next Saturday.’’。

“That’S wonderful[Congratulations[”I said,“Thank you.I’d love to.I'm looking forward to meeting your wife.”“She is not beautiful.and she cart’t cook very well.But I hope you’11 come.‘’
At this poim,I WaS shocked speechless.WaS he already tired ofhis new wife?Why
WaS he complaining about her to another man?
Butwhen hiswife greetedme at也e dooLIWaS astonishedtO seethat sheWaS a stunninglybeautiful youngwornan.Onlythen didI reaiizethatIhadmi~udgedthepoor husband.He waSn’t criticizing her to me;he was just being polite.41.ThewriterWaS shockedbecausehethought—————————.
A.his friend’S wife Was not beautiful B.his friend's wife was uoT a great cook
C.he had a phone callfrom his brother D.hisfriendWaSfired of hiswiferight after
A.TheKorean’S wifeWasnot beantkfi~,
B.The Korean friend invited the writer shortly after wedding.
C.The writer broke offrelation withhe Korean.
D.The writer was eagel’tO see the Korean’S wife.
43.The Korean mend was too
A.honest B.modesl(谦虚的) C.proud D.kind
In 1955 a man named Raymond Kroc entered a partnership withtwo brothel~
named McDonald.They opened a popular restaQrant inCatifblmia which sold food that
was easy to prepare and SerVe quickie Hamburgers,French fries,and cold drinks were-- the main food there Kroc opened similar eating places under the sarfle nanle.
一,“McDonald…S,and they were an instant snccess.He later took over the company,and today it is one ofthe most famous and successful‘Tast-fuod’’in America and around the world.
Why WaS his idea SO successful?Probably the most important reason Was that his timing was right.In the 1950s most married women stayed home to keep house and take care ofthe~children.Inthe1960,manywomenwenttowork.this ment that thev
tess time or energy to prepare meals,SO they spent more on“TV dinners’’and fast-food restaurants.Single parents also have little time to spend in the kitchen.People li~ng alone also depend on this type offood,since cooking for one is often more trouble than it isworth.
44.Wheredidtheyopentheirfirst restaurant?

45.WhatfoodwasNOTinctudedin也emainfood soldintheir restaurant?
A.Vegetable SOup..Cold drinks.C Hamburgers.D.French fries.
46.‘‘Cookingforoneis oftenmoretroublethanitisworth'’meansthat
A.cooking fur some people is wolth more money
B.itisnotworthwhile(值得的)totaketoomuchtimeto cook for oneperson
C.there are more problems when one person cooks
D.therewerealot ofhouseworkandpreparationto dowhenone cooks
47.McDonald’S success was mainly because
A.peopleliving alone depend Onfastfood
B.single parents have little time to spend in the kitchen
C.many women returned to the workplace in the 1960s
The volcano is one ofthe mos~i surprising frightening forces ofnature.Maybe yon
’have seen pictures of these“fireworks”of nature Sometimes when a volcano erupts,a very large wall ofmelted rock moves down the side ofa mountain.It Iooks like a"!river
of fire.”Sometimes volcanoes explode,throwing the melted rock and ashes highmo the air.Butwheredoesthismelted rockc。

The earthismade up ofmanylayers.Thetoplayerthatwe seeis calledthe crust.
Underthe crustaremanylayers ofhard rock Butfar,fareneaththe crustwhose rockis
so hot,that it is soft.In some places it even melts.The melted rock is called magma Sometimes the magma breaks out to the surface through cracks in the crust.Thecacks
are volcanoes
Most people think of mountains when they think of volcanoes.But not every mountainis a volcano.The volcanois simplythe openingintlle eaI~ttlfromwhichthe magmaescapes.Thehofmagma,orlava asitis called,cools and buildsup oilthe surface ofthe earth.Over thousands ofyears,this pile ofcooled lava can grow to be very,very big.For example,the highesinountain in Africa,Kilimanjaro.It towers mofe than
16,000feetabovethe groundaroundit.
48.The underlined word“erupts”means———.
Amoves down B.breaks away C.builds up D.suddenly throws out lava
49.Which words in the passage have the salne meaning as‘'melted rock'’7.A."volcano”and“explode'’B“crust”and“hard rock’,
50.Which is the correct order ofthe layers ofthe earth(begioming with the top layer)? A.crust-hard rock-magma-soft rock B.crust-hard rock.soft rock。

C.magma-soft rock-hard rock-crust D.volcano—cracks.magma-crust
51.The best title&the passage should be
A.The volcano B.Kilimanjaro Volcano C.The Mountains D.The Melted Ro
、Thanks to me,huge SUCCESS of Harry Potter,many teenagers dream about living in
all anciem castle(城堡).These dremns may inelude beautiful silk dresses,delicious food.servanLs and ofcourse,magic.However,real life in all English castle was not easy.With thick stonewalls and high towers,castles were built for defence.So they were not good places to live in In medieval times,castles must have been noisy and smelly places.Horses,cattle,chickens and sheep walked freely,blacksmiths did ironwork,soldiers practised swordfights,and children ofall ages played aroundthem.Castles didnothave central heating;the only heat qaraefromthefireplace.Evenin summerthe castleWaS
c001.Peoplelii6nginthe castleshadtouseblanketstokeepWalTUwhileatwork.
Life duringtheMiddleAges beganat sunrise。

and cookedthemorningmeal.Themid-momthgmealwasthemainmeal ofthe dayand oftenincludedthreeorfourenusses(一道菜).Afterdinner,everyone continuedhisorher work.The owner ofthe castle,the lord,sometimes took his guests hunting or shooting.Hiswife.thelady,spentmuch ofthe daywatchingthemaids(女仆)work,aswell aS
people working in the kitchen.She also kept an eye on the weavers and embroiderers whomade clothesforthefamily.Supperwas simpleand eatenlate,justbeforebedtime.Youmayfind some oldmagicbooksinacastleasHarryPoWeronce did Readthem
before yougoto bed,becausewhenyoufall asleepthemagic ofcastlelifemay appear
before your eyes.
52.For what purpose were the castles built-n England?
A.To raise poultry(家禽)and fivestock(家畜).
B.To provide a working place for blacksmiths
C.TO defendthe city or country against enemies。

D.Toprovide aplaceforteenagerstolearnmagic.
53.why were the ancient castles noisy?
A.Because soldiers practiced sword fights there。

B.Because blacksmiths d{d ironwork there
C.Because children ofalt ages played around them。

D.A110fthe above.
54.Which ofthe following about family life in castles is true according to the passage?
A.The servantsin caStleslived an eaSylife.
B.Supper was eaten before sunset.
C.Thewife spentmuchofthedayathome.
D.Dinnerwas eateninthemiddleoftheday.
B .castlesinnovels aredifferentfromthoseinhistory
C.Ha//2~PoSer's storyinacastle affectedpeople
D.whatreallifewaslikein allantient eastle


一Wemustgoto adance soon,orwe’11forgethowtodance.
一I'vebeen studying.hardformyexamination.Andyou?
一Whyhave youbeenlearningJapanese?WhynotEnglish?
一Ⅵellwe’11 both have to start learning all the new dances.-
一Yes,let’s gointothehallandaskifwe cantake dancingiessolls.-
A,What have you been doing since I last saw you?
B.I hope to visit Japan next year.
C.1wishI couldgotoEngland soon.
D.They can teach elephants to dance nowadays;perhaps there is hope for us.E.NeitherhaveI
F.But I’m afraid I call’t go with you.
G.I’ve been learning Japanese every evening

61.TOs—istomake aloud,longand sharp cry.
62.The chairman—————————(summary)what they said and drew a conclusion that we musttake actionto savethe earth
63.Thebigfirewas aterrible——(see).Thewoman couldneverforgetit.
64.Come to my office—————————(immediate).
65.I am—————————(hope)thatthefutarewillbemorebeautiful.
66.The famous singer was warmly welcomed 011 her...................——(arrive).67.Manypeoplewanttoworkinu areas butstillliveinthe countryside.
68.It is—————(believe)that asvell—educated husband would beat his wife.
69Thetwogirls usedto see each other——(regular),buttheyhavenot been ableto
do SO sinceodeofthemmovedt0 anotherprovince.
70.The Caraccident-------(terrify)himwhen heWaS alittle boy and even now he
often dreams of it
The policein a big citywerelooking athief,Atlast,they 71
caught him.Butwhiletheyweretaking photo ofhimfrom 72
thefron,fromthele垃with a hat,without a hat.he sudden 73
attackthe policemen and rail off.Then aweeklater,the 74
telephone rang in the police station and everyone told the 75 policethatthemanwasin a smalltown namingWaterbridge.76
The city policeatrlce sent 4 different pohtos ofthethefto 77
the police intown.Less than 12 hours later they got a call 78
fromthe policeinWaterbridgetoldthemthey caughtthree 79
ofthemen andthattheythoughttheywould catchthefour soon.80


6—10ACDAA 11—15 BAABC 16.20 BCCAA
21-25 BCCDB 26—30 ACAAB 31-35 BCDAD 36.40 BCBDC
4l一45 DBBCA 46-50 BDDCB 51—55 ACDDB
56.60 EAGBD
61.scream 62.summaris(z)ed 63。

sight 64.immediately 65.hopeful 66.arrival 67.urban 68.unbelievable 69.regularly 70.terrified
71.100kingAa加fOr 72.pohto--~photos 73.sudden_suddenly 74.attack---*attacked 75.everyoue---~someone 76.naming--roamed
77.、78.inAtown加the 79.told--~telting 80.four--~fourth.。
