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1.A wipe B.wrist C,waterfall D.witness

2.A.stress B.erupt C.sex D.network

3.A.sky B.s'cstem C.style D.terrif,2

4.A.tap B.match.C.addicted D.cash

5 A.own B.incorrect C.SOS D.locate


6__by his teacher’S words,he works even harder.

AJvloved B To move C.Moving D.Having moved

7.ItWaS SO——an experimentthat all of usfelt

A.disappointed;disappointinted B.disappointing;disappointinting

C.disappointing;disappointhlted D.disappointed;disappointinting

8.Iinsistthat adoctor——atonce.

A.hasbeen sentfor B.sendsfor C.willbe sentfor Dbe sentfor

9.It Was................——he said.,.............——encouraged me.A.what;that B,that;that C.what;what D.that;what

10.Orgywhenhe raisedhis alTn—————————hisfacefromtheblow.、

A.could he protect B.he could he protect

C.he could protect D。could he be protected

11.Shewas so angryatau——1was doing——shewalked out.

A.that;which B_that;that C.which;that D.which;as

12.tfl had worked harder at schooII—in a comfbrtable Office.

A.would have sat B.would go C.were to go D.had gone

13.Theoldgrannywalkedinthe street——.

A.followed by a Young Pioneer B.followed a voung

Candfollowing aYoungPioneer D.andfollowaY0ungPioneer

1 4.——thelr service.the workers ofthe hotel are active in leaming English

A.Improving B.T0 improve C.Improve D.Having imprOved

15.Whatwouldhavehappened,——asfar asthe riverbank?

A.Bob had walked farther B.ifBob should walk farther

C.had Bob walked farther D.ifBob walked farther

16·How 1 wish every family——a 1argehouse With a beantifal garden!

A.haS B.had C.will have D had had

17-My sister advised me that I——aecept the invitatiOn.

A-could B.must C、should D.might

18·IhavebeenworkingforovertwenD,years and seldem~sotired aS now

A.Ihavefelt BIhadfelt C.havelfelt D.hadtfelt

19.Ifyou——me results——the cause,youwillfmdthingsareotthat simple.

A.relate;to B.relate;with C.relate;from D.relate;between

20.At the dinner we usually_——soup and fruit

A.beginwith;endupwith B.beginwith;end upat

C.end up with;began with D.end up with;began as


Many hospitals recommend that We use the letters DR ABC to remember what to do whenwe havetothinkfast.D 21 for danger.We should 22make surethatthe accident scene is 23 dangerous 244 we were to get hurt Wing to save someone,we would not be 。tohelp Risfor response.We cando alot ofgood by 25 asking‘'Are yOu allfight?”

I“he person cananswer,weknowthathe or sheis 2_66and Can breathe.The questionwiil

also calmthe person,—2—7 him orherknowthathelpis—2—8

A is for airway.We must make sure that a person’s airway is 2._2_9 and it is easy to breathe.This car!be done by gently 30 the person’s head back 31.B,~reathing).We should checkthatthe person carl breathe.Ifthepersonisnothreaththg,wemusttD‘to 32

his or her breathing at once~usin 3g~3_3 method.Ifthis is not done 34five minutes,the person 35.C is for 36.Is the person’s blood circulating?We‘carl 100k fbr coloL coughing,and 37movemem.We can also check a person’s38byputting a finger on the person’s neck or wrist.tf a person is bleeding,we should cover the wound一39a clean piece of cloth and press on the wound 40 the bleeding.

21.A.stand B.stands C.standing D.stood

22.A.0fallfirst B.all offirst C.firstofall D.thefirstall

23.A。not longer B.not long C.no longer D.no long

24.A Though B.But C.And D.If

25.A.simple B.simply C.easy D.easily

26.A.conscious Bconsciously C.unconscious D.unconsciously
