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▪ (3) 分析从句和短语的功能
▪ 从句:什么从句?(主语、宾语、定语、同位语从句) ▪ 状语:什么状语?(时间、原因、结果、条件等等 )
▪ (4) 分析词、短语和从句之间的相互关系
▪ 定语从句所修饰的先行词在哪?
▪ 同位语从句的被修饰词在哪?
▪ 状语从句的引导词在哪?

▪ (5) 是否有插入语等其他成分。
▪ 2)找出整个句子的语义结构

▪ 3)分析各层含义间的逻辑联系

(因果、时Baidu Nhomakorabea顺序等)
▪ 4)灵活运用多种翻译方法
▪ 返回首页
▪ 在分析长句时可以采用下面的方法:
▪ (1)从整体上把握句子的语法结构


简单句: 找出主语、谓语和宾语。
▪ (2) 找 出 句 中 所 有 的 谓 语 结 构 、 非 谓 语 动 词 、 介 词 短 语 和 从 句 的引导词。
▪ 结构: What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man 定语1 (coming in ---, ),状语(just before---),定语2 【 (who--- ) 定语(that ---)?】
▪ 3、What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming in for a routine physical check up just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months.
▪ (6) 分析句子中的词组、搭配。
▪ 1、A conflict between the generation— between youth and age—seems the most stupid of all conflicts, for it is one between oneself as one is and oneself as one will be, or between oneself as one was and oneself as one is.
第六讲 英汉长句的翻译
▪ 一、长句概述 ▪ 二、英语长句的分析及翻译 ▪ 三、汉语长句的分析及翻译 ▪ 四、长句翻译练习
▪ “长句: 1)句子长 2)句法结构复杂 3)修饰语多
▪ 长句翻译:“层层剥笋”法
▪ 1)弄清楚原文的语法结构


简单句: 找出主语、谓语和宾语
▪ 两代人(即年轻人和老年人)之间的冲突似 乎是所有冲突中最愚蠢的。这样的冲突不过 是现在的自己和将来的自己的冲突或过去的 自己和现在的自己之间的冲突。
▪ 2、Anyone considering taking part in the transformation of those forms of older art which seem to us in many ways unsatisfactory, so that they should be more in turn with the changing times, and anyone who does not quail at the prospect of seeking out new forms of expression for new materials and new building function, will find spiritual kinship, observing Borromini’ buildings.
▪ 译文1:有些旧艺术形式似乎在许多方面不尽人意。考虑改变 这些形式以便更好地跟上时代变化的人以及勇于为新材料和 新建筑功能探索新表现形式的人,只要观察一下博罗米尼的 建筑,就会发现风格上存在亲缘关系。
▪ 译文2:有的人考虑变革在很多方面不尽人意的旧艺术形式以 使其更好地跟上时代变化,有的人勇于为新材料和新建筑功 能探索新的表现形式,这两种人只要观察一下博罗米尼的建 筑,就会发现风格上存在亲缘关系。
▪ (试比较,哪个译文更好?)
▪ 3、What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming in for a routine physical check up just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months?
Anyone+定语 and anyone 定语 will find spiritual kinship .
▪ 2、Anyone considering taking part in the transformation of those forms of older art which seem to us in many ways unsatisfactory, so that they should be more in tune with the changing times, and anyone who does not quail at the prospect of seeking out new forms of expression for new materials and new building function, will find spiritual kinship, observing Borromini’ buildings.