东亚领导人新年贺词各有玄机作者:暂无来源:《华声·观察》 2014年第1期文 | 杨恒均在国际上讲道理、遵守和平共处原则,以及在国内力推改革,改善人民生活,解决长期存在的一些不公正、不公平现象,正是一个国家抵御外敌的最好武器。
2014年新年贺词英语版-With the compliments of theseason2014即将来报到,新年祝福短信怎能少,幸福快乐新年祝福公司同学都送到!小编在此专门网罗马年祝福短信,方便大家动动手指,为大家送去马年祝福!生意兴隆: wish your business success大吉大利: wish you good fortune and every success蛇马精神: may you be as energetic as a dragon and a horse 恭喜发财: may prosperity be with you年年有余: may you always get more than you wish for新年新气象: as the New Year begins, let us also start a new 万事如意: hope everything goes your way岁岁平安: may you start safe and sound all year round财源广进: may a river of gold flow into your pocket一帆风顺: wish you every success名列前茅: always come first in examinations鹏程万里: have a bright future风调雨顺: timely wind and rain bring good harvest国泰民安:wish our country flourishes and people live in peaceWith best wishes for a happy New Year!祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。
I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。
英国首相卡梅伦新年英语演讲稿英国首相卡梅伦新年英语演讲稿精选2篇(一)Ladies and gentlemen,As we bid farewell to the year that has passed, and welcome the dawning of a new year, it is a time for reflection and renewal. It is a time to look back on the challenges we have overcome, and to set our sights on the opportunities that lie ahead.The past year has tested us in ways we never could have imagined. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a devastating toll on our society, our economy, and our way of life. It has pushed us to our limits and forced us to confront our vulnerability. But it has also shown us the strength and resilience of the British people.In the face of adversity, we have come together like never before. Our healthcare workers, our essential workers, and our community volunteers have been on the frontlines, fighting tirelessly to keep us safe and to provide for our needs. They are the heroes of this pandemic, and we owe them a debt of gratitude that can never be fully repaid.I want to take this moment to acknowledge the profound loss that many of us have experienced. The loss of loved ones, the loss of jobs, and the loss of the sense of security that we once took for granted. It is a pain that is shared by millions of people across our great nation. But even in our darkest moments, we have shown tremendous courage and resilience.As we embark on a new year, we must continue to stay united and steadfast in our resolve. We must continue to follow the guidance of our scientists and healthcare experts. We must continue to support one another, especially those who are most vulnerable. And we must continue to work together to rebuild our economy and create a brighter future for all.But let us not forget the lessons that this past year has taught us. Let us not forget the importance of gratitude, compassion, and community. Let us not forget the sacrifices that have been made and the lives that have been lost. And let us not forget the strength and spirit that has carried us through.In the coming year, let us make a promise to ourselves and to one another. Let us promise to cherish the moments that we have with our loved ones. Let us promise toappreciate the beauty of our natural surroundings. And let us promise to never take for granted the freedoms and opportunities that we enjoy.I am confident that together, we will overcome the challenges that still lie ahead. We have proven time and time again that when we come together, there is no obstacle we cannot overcome. So let us face the future with hope and determination. Let us make the year ahead a year of healing, a year of growth, and a year of renewal.Thank you, and may you all have a happy and prosperous new year.英国首相卡梅伦新年英语演讲稿精选2篇(二)Ladies and gentlemen,Firstly, I would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year. As we stand here on the brink of 2023, it is a time for reflection and renewal. It is also a time to look ahead to what lies before us and to set our sights on a brighter future for our great nation.Over the past year, we have faced many challenges as a country. The COVID-19 pandemic has tested us in ways we never thought possible. But I am proud to say that we have faced these challenges head-on, with resilience and determination. Our scientists have developed vaccines at an unprecedented pace, our healthcare workers have shown unwavering dedication, and our citizens have come together to support one another in times of need. This is the true spirit of the United Kingdom.But we cannot rest on our laurels. There is still much work to be done. We must continue to fight against the virus, to protect our people and to rebuild our economy. We must invest in our healthcare system, in our education system, and in our infrastructure. We must ensure that no one is left behind as we recover from this crisis. Together, we can build a stronger, fairer society for all.2023 will also be a pivotal year for our country on the international stage. As we forge a new path outside of the European Union, we must seize the opportunities that lie before us. We will negotiate new trade agreements, strengthen our relationships with allies, and promote British values across the globe. We will be a force for good in the world, leading the way in tackling issues such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. This is our chance to show the world what the United Kingdom is made of.But as we look to the future, we must also remember our past. We must honor the countless men and women who have sacrificed so much to make our country what it is today. From the soldiers who have fought for our freedom, to the healthcareworkers who have cared for us, to the entrepreneurs who have driven our economy forward, we owe them a debt of gratitude. It is their legacy that we must carry forward into the future.So let us enter 2023 with optimism and determination. Let us come together as one nation, united in purpose and vision. Let us build a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come. I believe in the strength of the British people, and I know that together, we can achieve greatness.Thank you, and Happy New Year.。
David Cameron卡梅伦新年致辞文本
Prime Minister David Cameron’s 2013 New Year Message2012 was an extraordinary year for our country. We celebrated our Queen with the Jubilee. And with the Olympics and Paralympics we showed beyond any doubt that Britain can deliver. It was a great year. But, if we are honest, it was a tough one too.We are still dealing with debts that built up over many years. And for many families, making ends meet is difficult. So to anyone starting this New Year with questions about where we are heading and what the future holds, I want to reassure you of this: we are on the right track. On all the big issues that matter to Britain, we are heading in the right direction and I have the evidence to prove it.This government inherited a huge budget deficit that was dragging our country down. Well, this New Year, that deficit is forecast to be £13 billion smaller than last New Year, down by one quarter since we came to office.We inherited a welfare system that was frankly out of shape, that paid people not to work. So we made some big changes, and this New Year almost half a million more people are in work than last New Year. That is real progress.We inherited an education system where too often mediocre was deemed good enough and discipline in many schools was slack. We said we need more discipline, tougher exams and more academies because those schools consistently get better results. Well, this New Year we’ve got more than 1,000 academies open than last New Year. The numbers studying science and languages are going up. And teachers have more power over discip line than they’ve had for years. This is, quite simply, a government in a hurry. And there’s a reason for that.Britain is in a global race to succeed today. It is race with countries like China, India and Indonesia; a race for the jobs and opportunities of the future. So when people say we can slow down on cutting our debts, we are saying no. We can’t win in this world with a great millstone of debt round our necks.When people say we’ve got to stop our welfare reforms because somehow it is cruel to expect people to work, we are saying no. Getting people into good jobs is absolutely vital, not just for them, but for all of us. And when there is a fight on our hands to change our schools, we are ready and willing to have it because having a world-class education is the only way our children are going to get on in this world.And we know what we are doing all this for: not just to get our country up the rankings in some global league table but to get behind anyone who likes to work hard and get on in life. It’s for those people that we made changes to our tax system in 2012, cutting the income tax bills of 24 million workers. It is for them that we have frozen the council tax for three years in a row, to keep bills as low as we can.And we did the right thing by our pensioners too, in 2012, bringing in the biggest ever increase in the state pension. This is what this government is about: making sure Britain succeeds in this global race and, above all, helping our people succeed, the people who work hard and aspire to a better life for their families.So this is my message to the country at the start of 2013. We can look to the future with realism and optimism. Realism, because you can’t cure problems, that were decades in the making, overnight. There are no quick fixes and I wouldn’t claim otherwise. But we can be optimistic too because we are making tangible progress. We are doing what’s right for our country and what’s best for our children’s future. And nothing could be more important than that.So Happy New Year and best wishes for 2013.。
英国首相卡梅伦承诺修补破碎社会演讲稿英文全文第一篇:英国首相卡梅伦承诺修补破碎社会演讲稿英文全文英国首相卡梅伦修补破碎社会演讲稿英文全文PM's speech on the fightback after the riots Monday 15 August 2011 Prime Minister David Cameron has delivered a speech in Oxfordshire on the fightback following the riots and looting last week.英国首相卡梅伦15日表示,骚乱事件凸显出英国社会已经“破碎”的现状,而自己政治日程的首要任务就是修补这个“破碎的社会”。
以下是英国首相卡梅伦演讲英文全文: It is time for our country to take st week we saw some of the most sickening acts on our streets.I‟ll never forget talking to Maurice Reeves, whose family had run the Reeves furniture store in Croydon for generations.This was an 80 year old man who had seen the business he had loved, that his family had built up for generations, simply destroyed.A hundred years of hard work, burned to the ground in a few hours.But last week we didn‟t just see the worst of the British people;we saw the best of them too.The ones who called themselves riotwombles and headed down to the hardware stores to pick up brooms and start the clean-up.The people who linked armstogether to stand and defend their homes, their businesses.The policemen and women and fire officers who worked long, hard shifts, sleeping in corridors then going out again to put their life on the line.Everywhere I‟ve been this past week, in Salford, Manchester, Birmingham, Croydon, people of every background, colour and religion have shared the same moral outrage and hurt for our country.Because this is Britain.This is a great country of good people.Those thugs we saw last week do not represent us, nor do they represent our young people – and they will not drag us down.Why this happened But now that the fires have been put out and the smoke has cleared, the question hangs in the air: …Why? How could this happen on our streets and in our country?‟ Of course, we mustn‟t oversimplify.There were different things going on in different parts of the country.In Tottenham some of the anger was directed at the police.In Salford there was some organised crime, a calculated attack on the forces of order.But what we know for sure is that in large parts of the country this was just pure criminality.So as we begin the necessary processes of inquiry, investigation, listening and learning: let‟s be clear.These riots were not about race: the perpetrators and the victims were white, black and Asian.These riots were not about government cuts: they were directed at high street stores, not Parliament.And these riots were not about poverty: that insults the millions of people who, whatever the hardship, would never dream of making others suffer like this.No, this was about behaviour……people showing indifference to right and wrong… …people with a twisted moral code……people with a complete absenc e of self-restraint.Politicians and behaviour Now I know as soon as I use words like …behaviour‟ and …moral‟ people will say – what gives politicians the right to lecture us? Of course we‟re not perfect.But politicians shying away from speaking the truth about behaviour, about morality… …this has actually helped to cause the social problems we see around us.We have been too unwilling for too long to talk about what is right and what is wrong.We have too often avoided saying what needs to be said – about everything from marriage to welfare to common courtesy.Sometimes the reasons for that are noble – we don‟t want to insult or hurt people.Sometimes they‟re ideological – we don‟t feel it‟s the job of the state to try and pass judgement on people‟s behaviour or engineer personal morality.And sometimes they‟re just human – we‟re not perfect beings ourselves and we don‟t want to look like hypocrites.So you can‟t say that marriage and commitment are good things –for fear of alienating single mothers.You don‟t deal properly with children who repeatedly fail in school – because you‟re worried about being accused of stigmatising them.You‟re wary of talking about those who have never worked and never want to work – in case you‟re charged with not getting it, being middle class and out of touch.In this risk-free ground of moral neutrality there are no bad choices, just different lifestyles.People aren‟t the architects of their own problems, they are victims of circumstance.…Live and let live‟ becomes …do what you please.‟Well actually, what last week has shown is that this moral neutrality, this relativism – it‟s not going to cut it any more.One of the biggest lessons of these riots is that we‟ve got to talk honestly about behaviour and then act – because bad behaviour has literally arrived on people‟s doorsteps.And we can‟t shy away from the truth anymore.Broken society agenda So this must be a wake-up call for our country.Social problems that have beenfestering for decades have exploded in our face.Now, just as people last week wanted criminals robustly confronted on our street, so they want to see these social problems taken on and defeated.Our security fightback must be matched by a social fightback.We must fight back against the attitudes and assumptions that have brought parts of our society to this shocking state.We know what‟s gone wrong: the question is, do we have the determination to put it right? Do we have the determination to confront the slow-motion moral collapse that has taken place in parts of our country these past few generations? Irresponsibility.Selfishness.Behaving as if your choices have no consequences.Children without fathers.Schools without discipline.Reward without effort.Crime without punishment.Rights without munities without control.Some of the worst aspects of human nature tolerated, indulged –sometimes even incentivised –by a state and its agencies that in parts have become literally de-moralised.So do we have the determination to confront all this and turn it around?I have the very strong sense that the responsible majority of people in this country not only have that determination;they are crying out for their government to act upon it.And I can assure you, I will not be found wanting.In my very first act as leader of this party I signalled my personal priority: to mend our broken society.That passion is stronger today than ever.Yes, we have had an economic crisis to deal with, clearing up the terrible mess we inherited, and we are not out of those woods yet – not by a long way.But I repeat today, as I have on many occasions these last few years, that the reason I am in politics is to build a bigger, stronger society.Stronger families.Stronger communities.A stronger society.This is what I came into politics to do – and theshocking events of last week have renewed in me that drive.So I can announce today that over the next few weeks, I and ministers from across the coalition government will review every aspect of our work to mend our broken society… …on schools, welfare, families, parenting, addiction, communities… …on the cultural, legal, bureaucratic problems in our society too: …from the twisting and misrepresenting of human rights that has undermined personal responsibility……to the obsession with health and safety th at has eroded people‟s willingness to act according to common sense.We will review our work and consider whether our plans and programmes are big enough and bold enough to deliver the change that I feel this country now wants to ernment cannot legislate to change behaviour, but it is wrong to think the State is a bystander.Because people‟s behaviour does not happen in a vacuum: it is affected by the rules government sets and how they are enforced……by the services government provides and how they are delivered……and perhaps above all by the signals government sends about the kinds of behaviour that are encouraged and rewarded.So yes, the broken society is back at the top of my agenda.And as we review our policies in the weeks ahead, today I want to set out the priority areas I will be looking at, and give you a sense of where I think we need to raise our ambitions.Security fightback First and foremost, we need a security fight-back.We need to reclaim our streets from the thugs who didn‟t just spring out of nowhere last week, but who‟ve been making lives a misery for years.Now I know there have been questions in people‟s minds about my approach to law andorder.Well, I don‟t want there to be any doubt.Nothing in this job is more important to me than keeping people safe.And it is obvious to me that to do that we‟ve got to be tough, we‟ve got to be robust, we‟ve got to score a clear line between right and wrong right through the heart of this country – in every street and in every community.That starts with a stronger police presence – pounding the beat, deterring crime, ready to re-group and crack down at the first sign of trouble.Let me be clear: under this government we will always have enough police officers to be able to scale up our deployments in the way we saw last week.T o those who say this means we need to abandon our plans to make savings in police budgets, I say you are missing the point.The point is that what really matters in this fight-back is the amount of time the police actually spend on the streets.For years we‟ve had a police force suffocated by bureaucracy, officers spending the majority of their time filling in forms and stuck behind desks.This won‟t be fixed by pumping money in and keeping things basically as they‟ve been.As the Home Secretary will explain tomorrow, it will be fixed by completely changing the way the police work.Scrapping the paperwork that holds them back, getting them out on the streets where people can see them and criminals can fear them.Our reforms mean that the police are going to answer directly to the people.You want more tough, no-nonsense policing? You want to make sure the police spend more time confronting the thugs in your neighbourhood and less time meeting targets by stopping motorists? You want the police out patrolling your streets instead of sitting behind their desks? Elected police and crime commissioners are part of the answer: they will provide that direct accountability so you can finally get what you want when it comes to policing.The point of our policereforms is not to save money, not to change things for the sake of it – but to fight crime.And in the light of last week it‟s clear that we now have to go even further, even faster in beefing up the powers and presence of the police.Already we‟ve given backing to measures like dispersal orders, we‟re toughening curfew powers, we‟re giving police officers the power to remove face coverings from rioters, we‟re looking at giving them more powers to confiscate offenders‟ property – and over the coming months you‟re going to see even more.It‟s time for something else too.A concerted, all-out war on gangs and gang culture.This isn‟t some side issue.It is a major criminal disease that has infected streets and estates across our country.Stamping out these gangs is a new national st week I set up a cross-government programme to look at every aspect of this problem.We will fight back against gangs, crime and the thugs who make people‟s lives hell and we will fight back hard.The last front in that fight is proper punishment.On the radio last week they interviewed one of the young men who‟d been looting in Manchester.He said he was going to carry on until he got caught.This will be my first arrest, he said.The prisons were already overflowing so he‟d just get an ASBO, and he could live with that.Well, we‟ve got to show him and everyone like him that the party‟s over.I know that when politicians talk about punishment and tough sentencing people roll their eyes.Yes, last week we saw the criminal justice system deal with an unprecedented challenge: the courts sat through the night and dispensed swift, firm justice.We saw that the system was on the side of the law-abiding majority.But confidence in the system is still too low.And believe me – I understand the anger with the level of crime in our country today and I am determined we sortit out and restore people‟s faith that if someone hurts our society, if they break the rules in our society, then society will punish them for it.And we will tackle the hard core of people who persistently reoffend and blight the lives of their communities.So no-one should doubt this government‟s determination to be tough on crime and to mount an effective security fight-back.But we need much more than that.We need a social fight-back too, with big changes right through our society.Families and parenting Let me start with families.The question people asked over and over again last week was …where are the parents? Why aren‟t they keeping the rioting kids indoors?‟Tragically that‟s been followed in some cases by judges rightly lamenting: “why don‟t the parents even turn up when their children are in court?”Well, join the dots and you have a clear idea about why some of these young people were behaving so terribly.Either there was no one at home, they didn‟t much care or they‟d lost control.Families matter.I don‟t doubt that many of the rioters out last week have no father at home.Perhaps they come from one of the neighbourhoods where it‟s standard for children to have a mum and not a dad……where it‟s normal for young men to grow up without a male role model, looking to the streets for their father figures, filled up with rage and anger.So if we want to have any hope of mending our broken society, family and parenting is where we‟ve got to start.I‟ve been saying this for years, since before I was Prime Minister, since before I was leader of the Conservative Party.So: from here on I want a family test applied to all domestic policy.If it hurts families, if it undermines commitment, if it tramples over the values that keeps people together, or stopsfamilies from being together, then we shouldn‟t do it.More than that, we‟ve got to get out there and make a positive difference to the way families work, the way people bring up their children……and we‟ve got to be less sensitive to the charge that this is about interfering or nannying.We are working on ways to help improve parenting –well now I want that work accelerated, expanded and implemented as quickly as possible.This has got to be right at the top of our priority list.And we need more urgent action, too, on the families that some people call …problem‟, others call …troubled‟.The ones that everyone in their neighbourhood knows and often st December I asked Emma Harrison to develop a plan to help get these families on track.It became clear to me earlier this year that – as can so often happen – those plans were being held back by bureaucracy.So even before the riots happened, I asked for an explanation.Now that the riots have happened I will make sure that we clear away the red tape and the bureaucratic wrangling, and put rocket boosters under this programme……with a clear ambition that within the lifetime of this Parliament we will turn around the lives of the 120,000 most troubled families in the country.Schools The next part of the social fight-back is what happens in schools.We need an education system which reinforces the message that if you do the wrong thing you‟ll be disciplined……but if you work hard and play by the rules you will succeed.This isn‟t a distant dream.It‟s already happening in schools like Woodside High in Tottenham and Mossbourne in Hackney.They expect high standards from every child and make no excuses for failure to work hard.They foster pride through strict uniform and behaviour policies.And they provide analternative to street culture by showing how anyone can get up and get on if they apply themselves.Kids from Hammersmith and Hackney are now going to top universities thanks to these schools.We need many more like them which is why we are creating more academies… …why the people behind these success stories are now opening free schools… …and why we have pledged to turn round the 200 weakest secondaries and the 200 weakest primaries in the next year.But with the failures in our education system so deep, we can‟t just say …these are our plans and we believe in them, let‟s sit back while they take effect‟.I now want us to push further, faster.Are we really doing enough to ensure that great new schools are set up in the poorest areas, to help the children who need them most? And why are we putting up with the complete scandal of schools being allowed to fail, year after year? If young people have left school without being able to read or write, why shouldn‟t that school be held more directly accountable? Yes, these questions are already being asked across government but what happened last week gives them a new urgency –and we need to act on it.Respect for community Just as we want schools to be proud of we want everyone to feel proud of their communities.We need a sense of social responsibility at the heart of every community.Yet the truth is that for too long the big bossy bureaucratic state has drained it away.It‟s usurped local leadership with its endless Whitehall diktats.It‟s frustrated local organisers with its rules and regulations And it‟s denied local people any real kind of say over what goes on where they live.Is it any wonder that many people don‟t feel they have a stake in their community? This has got to change.And we‟re already taking steps to change it.That‟s why we want executive Mayors in our twelve biggest cities……because strong civic leadership can make a real difference in creating that sense of belonging.We‟re training an army of community organisers to work in our most deprived neighbourhoods……because we‟re serious about encouraging social action and giving people a real chance to improve the community in which they live.We‟re changing the planning rules and giving people the right to take over local assets.But the question I want to ask now is this.Are these changes big enough to foster the sense of belonging we want to see? Are these changes bold enough to spread the social responsibility we need right across our communities, especially in our cities? That‟s what we‟re going to be looking at urgently over the coming weeks.Because we won‟t get things right in our country if we don‟t get them right in our communities.Responsibility and welfare But one of the biggest parts of this social fight-back is fixing the welfare system.For years we‟ve had a system that encourages the worst in people –that incites laziness, that excuses bad behaviour, that erodes self-discipline, that discourages hard work……above all that drains responsibility away from people.We talk about moral hazard in our financial system – where banks think they can act recklessly because the state will always bail them out……well this is moral hazard in our welfare system –people thinking they can be as irresponsible as they like because the state will always bail them out.We‟re already addressing this through the Welfare Reform Bill going through parliament.But I‟m not satisfied that we‟re doing all we can.I want us to look at toughening up the conditions for those who are out of work and receiving benefits……and speeding up our efforts to get all those who can workback to work Work is at the heart of a responsible society.So getting more of our young people into jobs, or up and running in their own businesses is a critical part of how we strengthen responsibility in our society.Our Work Programme is the first step, with local authorities, charities, social enterprises and businesses all working together to provide the best possible help to get a job.It leaves no one behind – including those who have been on welfare for years.But there is more we need to do, to boost self-employment and enterprise…because it‟s only by getting our young people into work that we can build an ownership society in which everyone feels they have a stake.Human rights and health and safety As we consider these questions of attitude and behaviour, the signals that government sends, and the incentives it creates……we inevitably come to the question of the Human Rights Act and the culture associated with it.Let me be clear: in this country we are proud to stand up for human rights, at home and abroad.It is part of the British tradition.But what is alien to our tradition –and now exerting such a corrosive influence on behaviour and morality……is the twist ing and misrepresenting of human rights in a way that has undermined personal responsibility.We are attacking this problem from both sides.We‟re working to develop a way through the morass by looking at creating our own British Bill of Rights.And we will be using our current chairmanship of the Council of Europe to seek agreement to important operational changes to the European Convention on Human Rights.But this is all frustratingly slow.The truth is, the interpretation of human rights legislation has exerted a chilling effect on public sector organisations, leading them to act in waysthat fly in the face of common sense, offend our sense of right and wrong, and undermine responsibility.It is exactly the same with health and safety –where regulations have often been twisted out of all recognition into a culture where the words …health and safety‟are lazily trotted out to justify all sorts of actions and regulations that damage our social fabric.So I want to make something very clear: I get it.This stuff matters.And as we urgently review the work we‟re doing on the broken society, judging whether it‟s ambitious enough – I want to make it clear that there will be no holds barred……and that most definitely includes the human rights and health and safety culture.National Citizen Service Many people have long thought that the answer to these questions of social behaviour is to bring back national service.In many ways I agree……and that‟s why we are actually introducing something similar – National Citizen Service.It‟s a non-military programme that captures the spirit of national service.It takes sixteen year-olds from different backgrounds and gets them to work together.They work in their communities, whether that‟s coaching children to play football, visiting old people at the hospital or offering a bike repair service to the community.It shows young people that doing good can feel good.The real thrill is from building things up, not tearing them down.Team-work, discipline, duty, decency: these might sound old-fashioned words but they are part of the solution to this very modern problem of alienated, angry young people.Restoring those values is what National Citizen Service is all about.I passionately believe in this idea.It‟s something we‟ve been developing for years.Thousands of teenagers are taking part this summer.The plan is for thirty thousand to take part next year.But in response to the riots I willsay this.This should become a great national effort.Let‟s make National Citizen Service available to all sixteen year olds as a rite of passage.We can do that if we work together: businesses, charities, schools and social enterprises……and in the months ahead I will put renewed effort into making it happen.Conclusion T oday I‟ve talked a lot about what the government is going to do.But let me be clear: This social fight-back is not a job for government on its ernment doesn‟t run the businesses that create jobs and turn lives ernment doesn‟t make the video games or print the magazines or produce the music that tells young people what‟s important in ernment can‟t be on every street and in every estate, instilling the values that matter.This is a problem that has deep roots in our society, and it‟s a job for all of our society to help fix it.In the highest offices, the plushest boardrooms, the most influential jobs, we need to think about the example we are setting.Moral decline and bad behaviour is not limited to a few of the poorest parts of our society.In the banking crisis, with MPs‟ expenses, in the phone hacking scandal, we have seen some of the worst cases of greed, irresponsibility and entitlement.The restoration of responsibility has to cut right across our society.Because whatever the arguments, we all belong to the same society, and we all have a stake in making it better.There is no …them‟ and …us‟– there is us.We are all in this together, and we will mend our broken society – together.第二篇:英国首相卡梅伦演讲稿英国新首相戴维卡梅伦就职演说,全文如下:HER MAJESTY the queen has asked me to form a new government and I have accepted。
健康快乐长伴你,幸福美满粘着你,还有我要告诉你,财神已经盯上你!!· 新年的钟声是我的问候,新年的爆竹是我的祝福,新年的瑞雪是我的贺卡,新年的春风是我的贺词,新年的美酒是我的心意,新年的大餐是我的杰作!· 想念的话,千言万语,说也说不完;关怀的心,千锤百炼,永远不改变;一串真挚的祝福,一个真诚的心意,借助马年的喜庆,祝愿朋友幸福安康!· 神州大地百花娇,长江黄河泛波涛。
· 上联:别让文明欠费,别让爱心停机,道德别出服务区。
横批:爱不移动,心才相通!· "新年到,齐欢笑。
It’s a New Y ear – and for Britain there can only be one New Y ear’s resolution—to stick to the long -term plan that is turning our country around.When we came to office, our economy was on its kn ees.Three and a half years later, we are turning a corner.We see it in the businesses that are openin g up, the people who are getting decent jobs, thefactories that are making British goods and selling them to the world again.The plan is working.That’s why this year,2014, we are not just going to st ick to the plan – we are going to redoubleour efforts to deliver every part of it, to benefit the whole country and secure a better future foreveryone.We’ll continue with the vital work on the deficit.W e’ve reduced it by a third already, and this year we will continue that difficult work, to safeguardo ur economy for the long-term, to keep mortgage rates low and to help families across Britain.We’r e going to keep on doing everything possible to help hardworking people feel financiallysecure, cu tting income taxes and freezing fuel duty.We’ll keep on working even harder to create more jobs, whether that’s through investment in ourroads and railways, lower jobs taxes, or more help for Bri tain’s amazing small businesses.Those who run our small businesses are heroes and heroines, they are the backbone of oureconomy and we are supporting them every step of the way.We are going t o keep on with our vital work on welfare and immigration too.We’ve already capped welfare and c ut immigration, and this year, we’ll carry on building aneconomy for people who work hard and pl ay by the rules.And last but not least –we’re going to keep on delivering the best schools and skill s for our childrenand young people, so that when they leave education they have a real chance to g et on in life.So this is a vital year for our economy.And 2014 is also an important date in the histor y of the United Kingdom.The referendum vote will be the biggest decision Scotland has ever been asked to make.The outcome matters to all of us, wherever we live in the UK.This is not a vote for the next few years, but a vote that could change our country forever.Our family of nations is at its best when we work together with shared interest and commonpurpose.So this year, let the message go out from England, Wales and Northern Ireland to everyone inScotland. We want you to stay –and together we can build an even stronger United Kingdom forour children and grandchildren.So that’s what our long-term plan is about, and we will stick to that plan this year.To all the members of our Party who are watching this, I want to thank you for everything you’vedone to help this pas t year—the doors you’ve knocked on, the leaflets you have delivered, thecampaigning you have d one to support our Party.I’d like to wish everyone a happy New Y ear – and best wishes for 2014.。
民调显示,对总统 的情 变,多数法 国 不扬 鞭自 奋 蹄” 。
Байду номын сангаас
女友身份享受着第一夫人的待遇, 令不
对于土耳其来说 , 2 0 1 4年意味着一系 福莫过于说, ‘ 在历史问题 上我将悬崖勒马, 列大选的开始。已担任土耳 其总理 1 t 年的 马上 认错, 马上就 改,再 也不去参 拜靖国 上台一年间,安倍如一匹脱缰的野马,
观的法国经济现状, 显然容不得奥 朗德 再 受伤。拆除一 处中心 公园引发的抗议 只是 1 2月 2 6 1 3 ,安倍 最终踏破 了与邻国关系的
“ 心 猿 意 马” 。
导火索,引燃民众 和反 对派心中怒火的是 最后一根红线一 参 拜靖国神社。 多年积怨。 接下来的 2 0 1 4 年, 安倍晋三是否能够 在抗议 之初,已执 政 U年的埃尔多安 悬崖勒马? 观察人士说 : 有点悬。
命年” ,也就 是 1 9 7 8 年开 始恋 情。二人 同 而是会永远 改变我们这个国家。 ” 居2 0多年,并生了 4个孩子。2 0 0 7 年,奥 能否在本命年顺利 “ 识途” , 还得打一个问号。
卡梅伦代表 英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔
今年是日 本 首相安倍 晋三人 生中第 5 个本 命年。在安倍 晋三的 “ 2 . 0 ”时代,他
0l VERSE AS l天下
,V I EW S M ARCH . 2 0 1 4
传 遍 世 界。
5 0 0名首都 警 察, 并在 一夜之问更换了一 但是, 腐败丑闻震惊全国。“ 埃尔多安” 进人 新的一年, 土耳其将接连迎来从
在模 棱两可数周后, 奥朗德公开宣布
虽然昔 日大英 帝 国的辉 煌 已经 远 去, 不再容忍”等言语不断见诸报端 就在外 强大的日 本” 。安倍还公开鼓吹, 日 本现有的
2014-01-28 英国首相卡梅伦马年新春贺词
Message from the Prime Minister to mark the Chinese New Year."I'd like to send my warmest wishes to everyone around the world celebrating Chinese New Year.As the celebrations get underway - and cities across the globe are lit up with fireworks and parades -- this is a good moment to reflect on Britain's relationship with China.It's a relationship based on deep and enduring ties between our two countries.One part of this is of course economic -- and last year I was delighted to lead Britain's largest ever trade delegation to China.The Chinese economy is once again set to become the world's largest later this century, a position it has held for 18 of the past 20 centuries.Britain meanwhile is growing faster than almost any other country in the West -- and is more open to Chinese investment than any other.And that's why in the years to come I want our two countries to continue working closely together for the mutual benefit of all our people.But our relationship goes much deeper than economics.It's great - for example - that so many Chinese students have the opportunity to come and study here at British universities.And these celebrations are a reminder too of the richness and vibrancy of Chinese culture here in the UK and on this New Year I want to pay tribute to the incredible contribution that the British Chinese community makes to this country.So let me once again wish you a Happy New Year -- and every possible success for the next twelve months.Xin nian kuai le."I'd like to send my warmest wishes to everyone around the world celebrating Chinese New Year. As the celebrations get on the way, cities across the globe are lit up with fireworks and parades.我向全世界庆祝春节的每个人致以最诚挚的祝福。
I'd li ke to send my w armes t wis hes t o eve ryone arou nd th e wor ld ce lebra tingChine seNe w Yea r. As theceleb ratio ns ge t onthe w ay, c ities acro ss th e glo be ar e litup w ith f irewo rks a nd pa rades.我向全世界庆祝春节的每个人致以最诚挚的祝福。
Th is is a go od mo mentto re flect on B ritai n's r elati onshi p wit h Chi na. I t's arela tions hip b asedon adeepand e nduri ng ti es be tween ourtwo c ountr ies.One p art o fthi s isof co urseecono mic.LastyearI was deli ghted to l ead B ritai n's l arges t eve r tra dede legat ion t o Chi na. T he Ch inese econ omy i s onc e aga in se t tobecom e theworl d's l arges t lat er th is ce ntury, a p ositi on it's he ld fo r 18of la st 20 cent uries.这是我们回顾英中两国关系的绝佳时刻。
英国首相卡梅伦【最新】新年英语演讲稿2It’s a New Year –and for Britain there can only be one New Year’s resolution—to stick tothelong-term plan that is turning our country around.When we came tooffice, our economy was on its knees.Three and a halfyears later, we are turning a corner.We see it in thebusinesses that are opening up, the people who are getting decent jobs,thefactories that are making British goods and selling them to the world again.The plan isworking.That’s why thisyear, , we are not just going to stick to the plan – we are goingtoredouble our efforts to deliver every part of it, to benefit the whole countryand secure abetter future for everyone.We’ll continuewith the vital work on the deficit.We’ve red uced itby a third already, and this year wewill continue that difficult work,tosafeguard our economy for the long-term, to keep mortgage rates low and to helpfamiliesacross Britain.We’re going tokeep on doing everything possible to help hardworking people feelfinanciallysecure, cutting income taxes and freezing fuel duty.We’ll keep onworking even harder to create more jobs, whether that’s through investmentinour roads and railways,lower jobs taxes, or more help for Britain’s amazingsmall businesses.Those who run oursmall businesses are heroes and heroines, they are the backbone of oureconomyand we are supporting them every step of the way.We are going tokeep on with our vital work on welfare and immigration too.We’ve alreadycapped welfare an d cut immigration, andthis year, we’ll carry on buildinganeconomy for people who work hard and play by the rules.And last but notleast –we’re going to keep on delivering the best schools and skills forourchildren and young people, so that when they leave education they have a realchance to geton in life.So this is a vitalyear for our economy.And is alsoan important date in the history of the United Kingdom.The referendumvote will be the biggest decision Scotland has ever been asked to make.The outcomematters to all of us, wherever we live in the UK.This is not a votefor the next few years, but a vote that could change our country forever.Our family ofnations is at its best when we work together with shared interest andcommonpurpose.So this year, letthe message go out from England, Wales and Northern Ireland to everyoneinScotland. We want you tostay – and together we can build an even strongerUnited Kingdomfor our children and grandchildren.So that’s what ourlong-term plan is about, and we will stick to that plan this year.To all the membersof our Party who are watching this, I want to thank you for everythingyou’vedone to help this past year—the doors you’ve knocked on, the leaflets you havedelivered,the campaigning you have done to support our Party.I’d like to wisheveryone a happy New Year – and best wishes for .。
愿 大 家 在 新 的 一 年 里 身 体 健 康 , 阖 人 民 致 以 节 日祝 福 。 深 厚 的 文 化 纽 家 幸 福 ,一 帆 风 顺 !祝 大 家 马 到 成 带 将 希 中 两 国 和 两 国 人 民 联 系 在 一
功 !”
起 ,我们 珍 惜 两国历 史悠 久 的合 作 发 展 ,祝 愿 阿 中关系 未来 取得 更大
克 罗地亚 总统 约西 波维 奇 : 2 8 界 各 地 的 华 侨 华 人 马 年 吉 祥 ,南 中
日晚 在 中 国 驻 克 罗 地 亚 大 使 馆 举 办 的 “ 欢 乐 春 节 ” 中 国 民 族 音 乐 会 上 向 中 国 人 民拜 年 。他 说 : “ 克 罗 地 亚 关 系 在 新 的 一 年 里 更 上 新 台 阶 。祖 马 说 ,在 中 国 ,马 是 吉 祥 、力 量 和
着 我们 两 国 间的密 切合 作将 会取 得
更大发展 。 ”
( 摘 自新 华 网 2 0 1 4年 1 月 3 1日 )
葡萄牙 总理 科埃略 : “ 祝中国人
民 、 旅 居 澳 门 的 葡 萄 牙 人 以 及 葡 萄 愿 中 国 人 民 幸 福 安 康 。希 望 两 国 在 牙 的 华 侨 华 人 吉 祥 如 意 ,繁 荣 兴 旺 。 新 的 一 年 里 ,能 为 进 一 步 加 强 双 边
速度的象征 。“ 南 非 和 中 国 的 关 系 一
丹麦首相托宁 一施密 特 : “ 祝 丹 和 中 国 是 好 朋 友 ,衷 心 祝 福 中 国 朋
麦 的 华 侨 华 人 以 及 全 体 中 国 人 民 幸 福 安 康 ,新 春 快 乐 。 即 将 过 去 的 蛇
年 见 证 了 丹 中 两 国 的 紧 密 友 谊 。 马 友 们 新 年 快 乐 。 让 我 们 在 马 年 抖 擞
英国首相卡梅伦新年英语演讲稿2篇British Prime Minister David Cameron's new year Englis h speech编订:JinTai College英国首相卡梅伦新年英语演讲稿2篇小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。
本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】1、篇章1:英国首相卡梅伦新年英语演讲稿2、篇章2:英国首相卡梅伦2020年开斋节英语演讲稿篇章1:英国首相卡梅伦新年英语演讲稿It’s a New Year – and for Britain there can only be one New Year’s resolution…新的一年到来了,对英国人民来说我们只有一个新年目标………to stick to the long-term plan that is turning our country around.那就是坚持长期计划,让英国走出经济低谷。
When we came to office, our economy was on its knees.曾经在我上台的时候,我国的经济几乎处于瘫痪状态。
Three and a half years later, we are turning a corner.三年半之后的今天,我们正处在一个转折点。
We see it in the businesses that are opening up, the people who are getting decent jobs, the factories that are making British goods and selling them to the world again.企业拓展着新的业务,人们逐渐都找到体面的工作,生产英国产品的工厂恢复其世界市场的销售,这些都能够让我们看到经济转折的趋势。
卡梅伦2016新年贺词第一篇:卡梅伦2016新年贺词It's a New Year, and with our economy growing and a strong, majority government in power, Britain begins it with renewed strength.There are no New Year’s resolutions for us, just an ongoing resolve to deliver what we promised in our manifesto: Security at every stage of your life.新年之际,英国经济增长迅猛,联合政府执政能力强大,英国也掀开了新一页的篇章。
Over 31 million people will begin this year in work, more than any in our history.Six million children will start the new term at a good or outstanding school.More than half a million workers will be taken out of income tax in April, as everyone apart from the very best paid gets a tax cut.And for the lowest paid, there will be a new National Living Wage.今年,有超过3100万的英国人要开始工作,这一数字之大前所未有。
英国首相卡梅伦2014年新年 伦敦 贺词
It’s a New Year –and for Britain there can only be one New Year’s resolution…新的一年到来了,对英国人民来说我们只有一个新年目标………to stick to the long-term plan that is turning our country around.那就是坚持长期计划,让英国走出经济低谷。
When we came to office, our economy was on its knees.曾经在我上台的时候,我国的经济几乎处于瘫痪状态。
Three and a half years later, we are turning a corner.三年半之后的今天,我们正处在一个转折点。
We see it in the businesses that are opening up, the people who are getting decent jobs, the factories that are making British goods and selling them to the world again.企业拓展着新的业务,人们逐渐都找到体面的工作,生产英国产品的工厂恢复其世界市场的销售,这些都能够让我们看到经济转折的趋势。
The plan is working.我们的计划起作用了。
That’s why this year, 2014, we are not just going to stick to the plan – we are going to re-double our efforts to deliver every part of it, to benefit the whole countryand secure a better future for everyone.这就是为什么,在新的一年我们不仅仅要坚持这项计划,我们要付出双倍的努力来实现计划的每一个部分,为整个国家谋福利,为每一位国民创造一个更美好的未来。
我希望你们有一个很棒的新年庆典,在马年即将来临之际,祝福你们在新的一年里吉祥如意,马到成功,新年快乐!贺词原文:I would like to send my warmest wishes to everyone celebrating Chinese New Year. As the celebrations get underway – and cities around the world are lit up with fireworks and firecrackers–this is an important moment to reflect on Britain’s deep and long standing relationship with China.One element of this relationship is of course economic - and last December I was pleased to lead this country’s biggest ever trade delegation to China. The Chinese economy is set to become the biggest in the world later this century: a position it has held for 18 of the past 20 centuries.Britain meanwhile is growing faster than almost any other country in the West and is more open to Chinese investment than any other. So in the years to come I want our two nations to continue working closely together for the mutual benefit of all our people - whether it’s great British firms like Jaguar Land Rover prospering in cities like Beijing and Shanghai, or Chinese companies creating more jobs here in Britain.But this relationship is about more than just business –it’s also about deep and enduring ties between our two countries. It is great, for example, that so many Chinese students have the opportunity to make the most of our world class universities.And these celebrations remind us too of the richness and vibrancy of Chinese culture here in the UK - from the family businesses providing amazing food to millions every week to the parents busy setting up bilingual academies for our children. I want to pay tribute to the enormous contribution that Britain’s Chinese community make to our national life.I hope you have a great celebration and – as we enter this year of the horse – wish you all a peaceful and successful twelve months. Xin nian kuai le.David CameronPrime Minister。
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It’s a New Year –and for Britain there can only be one New Year’s resolution…
…to stick to the long-term plan that is turning our country around.
When we came to office, our economy was on its knees.
Three and a half years later, we are turning a corner.
We see it in the businesses that are opening up, the people who are getting decent jobs, the factories that are making British goods and selling them to the world again.
The plan is working.
That’s why this year, 2014, we are not just going to stick to the plan – we are going to re-double our efforts to deliver every part of it, to benefit the whole country and secure a better future for everyone.
We’ll continue with the vital work on the deficit.
We’ve reduced it by a third already…
…and this year we will continue that difficult work, to safeguard our economy for the long-term, to keep mortgage rates low and to help families across Britain.
We’re going to keep on doing everything possible to help hardworking people feel financially secure…
…cutting income taxes and freezing fuel duty.
We’ll keep on working even harder to create more jobs, whether that’s through investment in our roads and railways, lower jobs taxes, or more help for Britain’s amazing small businesses.
Those who run our small businesses are heroes and heroines, they are the backbone of our economy and we are supporting them every step of the way.
We are going to keep on with our vital work on welfare and immigration too.
We’ve already capped welfare and cut immigration…
…and this year, we’ll carry on building an economy for people who work hard and play by the rules.
And last but not least –we’re going to keep on delivering the best schools and skills for our children and young people…
…so that when they leave education they have a real chance to get on in life.
So this is a vital year for our economy.
And 2014 is also an important date in the history of the United Kingdom.
The referendum vote will be the biggest decision Scotland has ever been asked to make.
The outcome matters to all of us, wherever we live in the UK.
This is not a vote for the next few years, but a vote that could change our country forever.
Our family of nations is at its best when we work together with shared interest and common purpose.
So this year, let the message go out from England, Wales and Northern Ireland to everyone in Scotland…
今年,希望这个消息可以从英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰传递到苏格兰的每个人耳中………we want you to stay –and together we can build an even stronger United Kingdom for our children and grandchildren.
So that is what our long-term plan is about…
…and we will stick to that plan this year.
I’d like to wish everyone a happy New Year – and best wishes for 2014.