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single-screw plastic extruder CAD
This article aims to study the structure of plastic extruder frame form, and working principle. Extrusion molding in plastic products processing industry occupies an important position. According to statistics, in the molding of plastic products processing, extrusion products output ranked first.Therefore, plastic extrusion molding machinery either now or in the future, plastic processing industry is widely applied in the model. Through the design of plastic extruder understanding of the structure, thus familiar with its working principles, passes through deliberates carefully, a reasonable choice of the overall layout and Transmission System , Screw, barrel, bearing reducer selection and layout form, separation of screw-cycloid reducer and the main points of this article is optional, Also, the mechanical inertia and relevant parameter is calculated according to JB/T8061-96 《Single Screw Extruder》choice of screw and barrel, tolerance, the assembly of precision and cooling, and other aspects of the nuclear option and more, then the assembling drawing is completed, and the necessary checking is also finished, so the partial mode number and size parameter is ultimately found. The specification can deepen the comprehension of readers about the testing set. The device is characterized by compact structure, reliability, low cost, and independent intellectual property. This is rather appropriate for the Plastic molding factory processing of small scale and brake manufacturer to purchase the equipment
Keywords bearing arrangement; separation screw;-cycloid reducer
摘要....................................................................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................................................................ I I 第1章绪论 (1)
1.1课题研究的背景及意义 (1)
1.2课题研究内容 (4)
第2章塑料挤出机主机总体布局设计及其传动方式的确定 (6)
2.1 驱动电机的选择 (6)
2.2运动情况分析 (7)
2.3 总体布置 (7)
2.4挤出机传动系统的设计 (8)
2.4.1挤出机的工作特性 (8)
2.4.2挤出机驱动功率的确定 (9)
2.4.3挤出机的转速要求及其调速范围 (10)
2.4.4传动系统的组成、形式、调速方式 (10)
2.5 挤出机螺杆轴承部分的结构及其布置形势 (15)
2.5.1螺杆轴承布置形式的设计 (16)
2.5.2轴承的冷却和润滑 (17)
2.5.3螺杆与传动轴的装配结构 (17)
2.5.4止推轴承的选择 (18)
2.5.5 螺杆的装拆 (19)
第3章挤压系统的设计 (20)
3.1螺杆形式的选择 (20)
3.2分离型螺杆的工作性能 (20)
3.3分离型螺杆的设计 (20)
3.3.1长径比的确定 (20)
3.3.2压缩比及螺槽深度的确定 (20)
3.3.3螺杆各段长度的确定 (21)
3.3.4螺棱宽度e的确定 (21)
3.3.5螺纹升程的确定 (21)
3.3.6螺纹头数 (22)
3.3.7 间隙G的确定 (22)
3.3.8螺纹断面形状的选取 (22)
3.3.9螺杆材料的选择 (23)
3.4机筒的设计 (23)
3.4.1机筒的结构类型及其选择 (23)
3.4.2加料口 (24)
3.4.3机筒材料的选择 (25)
3.5 螺杆与机筒的强度较核 (25)
3.5.1物料在机筒内的压力分布 (25)
3.5.2螺杆轴向力的确定 (26)