
Useful Expressions:
all things considered 从各方面考虑起来 take into consideration 考虑到,顾及 under consideration 在考虑中,在研究中
consider … (to be / as) … 认为……(是)…… He considered the girl (to be / as) beautiful.
without accident 顺利而安全地,安然无恙地
trip还可以作动词vt. / vi. “绊倒,摔倒;犯错” I tripped over a stone on the ground and fell. He tripped on that difficult question.
responsive adj. 响应的,作出响应的
instruct sb. in sth. 在……指导某人
She instructed a class in English.
Key words and useful expressions
instruct sb. to do sth. 指示某人做某事
Useful Expression:
license plate (=license tag) (汽车等的)牌照
adj. 贮存的
reservation n. 保留,(旅馆房间等)预定,预约 reserved adj. 保留的,矜持的

Unit 1 Blue-Collar Workers
Background Information
Unit 1 Blue-Collar Workers
Background Information Discussion
Unit 1 Blue-Collar Workers
Background Information Discussion
Questions: 1. Do you like blue-collar jobs?
I like blue-collar jobs because: the demand is huge; we can get professional training and technical
B. They are always paid less than white-collar workers.
C. They are always better paid than white-collar workers.
D. The woman does not know the answer.
— gain some ideas of what the top 9 blue-collar jobs are;
— get some tips about modal verbs in English; — learn how to read and write a thank-you letter.
Unit 1 Blue-Collar Workers
新标准高职高专公共英语实用综合教程 教师用书 电子课件 Unit2

Bell’s greatest success was achieved on March 10, 1876, marking the birth of the telephone. The first sentence ever spoken over a telephone was uttered over this device on that day. The historic words, “Mr. Watson, come here; I want you” were uttered by Bell.
Group Discussion
Spot Dictation
The dog has been man’s best friend for _th_o_u_s_a_nd_s_ of years. Gelert was a hunting dog _b_e_lo_n_g_in_g_ to a hunter. One morning, the hunter went hunting w__ith_o_u_t the dog. On his return, he found Gelert c_o_v_e_re_d_ with blood. His
Background Information
Background Information Video Clip
Group Discussion
Spot Dictation
(Alexander Graham Bell )
(Model of Alexander Graham Bell’s Telephone, 1875)
Group Discussion
Spot Dictation
1. Friendship may sometimes exert a great impact on one’s life. Have you heard of any stories of friendship? Do you think your life has ever been influenced by your relations with your friends?
新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程2 Unit 2 B篇练习答案及课文翻译 ppt课件

5. collecting money to help the victims of a natural disaster
6. crying at the end of a film e
How empathy unfolds
The author
Background information
that the roots of empathy can be traced to infancy. Virtually from
the day they are born infants are upset when they hear another
infant crying – a response some see as the earliest precursor of
This confusion is seen too when one-year-olds imitate the distress of someone else, possibly to better comprehend what they are feeling; for example, if another baby hurts her fingers, a one-year-old might put her own fingers in her mouth to see if she hurts, too. On seeing his mother cry, one baby wiped his own eyes, though they had no tears.

•病原体侵 入机体 ,消弱 机体防 御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
Active reading 2: embarkation
Making prediction
Read the first and last lines of each paragraphs and decide whether the statement is true or false.
Destination index
Inventing stories
•病原体侵 入机体 ,消弱 机体防 御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
Active reading 2 :Destination
Situation 2: introduce yourself to a new person online
Situation 3: sell yourself at a job interview
Situation 4: introduce yourself to a family friend (older generation)
•病原体侵 入机体 ,消弱 机体防 御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
Active reading 2: Mapping
• Interpreting underlining meanings
• Developing story telling ability with the use of time adverbials

An Integrated Skills Course 2Unit 1 Blue-Collar workersObjectives:1. Enlarge students’ vocabulary relating to Blue-Collar workers;2. Let students have some idea of personal qualities;3. Make students know how to write a note of thanks;4. Learn different usages of Modal Verbs.Focuses:1.V ocabulary: (omitted)2.Speaking: the personal qualities and the jobs of the Blue-Collar workers3.Grammar: Modal verb in English4.Practical writing: How to write a note of thanksOutline:Period 1: Warm-up Discussion; study of words and expressions in Text APeriod 2: Discussion of Text APeriod 3: Comprehensive ExercisesPeriod 4: Grammar Tips; Modal VerbsPeriod 5: Discussion of Text B and the follow-up ComprehensionPeriod 6: Practical WritingPeriod 7: Starting Out & In-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course)Period 8: Cultural Notes & After-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course)Methods:(1)Practice speaking and listening(2)Discussion(3)Presentation and role play(4) ExercisesTeaching ProceduresPeriod 1:Step 1. Warm-up Discussion (5 minutes)Ask the students to talk about the jobs and the personal qualities of the Blue-Collar workers. Question 1:Do you like Blue-collar jobs?Hint: I like blue-collar jobs because (1) the demand is huge; (2)we can get professional training and technical knowledge;and (3)the salary is good.Question 2: What will be your favourite blue-collar job and why?Hint: My favourite blue-collar job is that of a gardener, because(1) I can work outdoors and enjoythe fresh air;and(2) I can keep fit and get good pay.Step 2. Background Information (10 minutes)A blue-collar worker is a member of the working class who performs manual labor. Blue-collar work may involve skilled or unskilled, manufacturing, mining, construction, mechanical, maintenance, technical installation and many other types of physical work. Blue-collar work is often paid hourly wage-labor, although some professionals may be paid by the project or salaried. There is a wide range of payscales for such work depending upon field of specialty and experience.White-collar workers typically perform work in an office environment and may involve sitting at a computer or desk. Service workers, or pink-collar workers, make up a third type of worker. Their labor is related to customer interaction, entertainment sales or other service-oriented work.Step 3. Vocabulary in Text A (20 minutes)Ask Ss to read new words and expressions by themselves and then read the new words together. Explain the important points.1. Heartland n.the area or region where a particular set of activities or beliefs is most significant 中心地区,心脏地带Jack had a six-day bus tour around the industrial heartland of America.杰克在美国工业中心区域乘大巴旅游了六天。

4 The first question is “what is bad?” 5 Some things are only marginally bad, for example the train arriving five minutes late. Some are extremely bad, such as failing an exam or being sacked. So badness is much better represented as being on a spectrum rather than something which is there or not there. 6 A particular event may only be a misfortune because of the circumstances around it. The train arriving five minutes late is a neutral event if you are in no hurry and reading an interesting newspaper article while you wait. It is bad if you are late for an important meeting.
Active Reading 1
Warming Up
Watch the clip of the movie Meet the Parents and answer the questions.
1. Do you think the men unlucky? 2. How many unlucky things can you find in the film? 3. Do you believe one bad leads to another? 4.Have you ever run into any unlucky things?
新职业综合英语第二册Unit 2

英语 2 Unit 2 Business Meeting
5 我知道会议还有其他作用。有时,在会上大家可 以讨论预定方案,确保其没有致命错误并给那些有 异议的人一个表达心声的机会。有些会议则有人文 功能,创造机会让与会者叙叙旧、交交新朋友,并 增强归属感。这些倒是能为那些冗长而明显无效的 会议找到些许召集的理由。
英语 2 Unit 2 Business Meeting
ReadTAe-4xitng A
4 I used to be the disengaged participant—one who had good ideas about how to solve a problem, but didn’t contribute. I now take a more active role, aiming to make meetings more effective. Here are three simple principles I use. First, whoever calls a meeting should be explicit about its objectives. This means specifying tangible goals and assigning responsibilities. Second, everyone should think carefully about the costs of a meeting: How many participants are really needed? How long should the meeting last? Finally, after meetings, assign credit or blame to the person in charge. If people have records of leading ineffective meetings, they are not allowed to lead future sessions.

Unit 2 Our Living Environment
Warm-up Listening and Speaking Text A Grammar Tips Text B Comprehensive Exercises Practical Reading and Writing
— enlarge your vocabulary for describing your environment;
— get some ideas about indoor pollution; — get some tips about adverbial clauses of time in
English; — learn how to read and write a note of apology.
非 主 流 女 生 可爱网 名残留 的自尊 、Xerxes统 治 者‐\女 人】高 傲点放 肆的青 春ん为 你 用 尽 生 命 丶出家 ╮尼姑 傻B中的 战斗机 。メ霸 气ヴ爷 ャ王的 女人っ 祸害苍 生 ,我 爱 曾哥丶 丑的别 致 ㄟ高 傲女人 本性暴 力倾向 女。恶 灵之兽 戒不掉 的放纵 宁缺毋 滥; 黑 夜 为 你 疯 地球的 循环等 待※妈 妈很潮 流﹌◢ 霸占你 ー世啲 帅◣都 是你的 天空ミ 指 尖 的 烟 味 残留び 就算全 世界与 我为敌 い渲染 死亡的 华丽。 我是你 们的后 盾不要 命 了 , 不 药 而愈。 霸道 Tender占 据 你一 切 ∽∽孤 傲 口 在俄的 世界,俄就是神丶滚 尔 妈 、 德 情 抹杀你 的一切 霸气#惊 世骇俗 。腰 缠万贯 、り总 统夫人 。暴力 小野兽 丶 是 男 人 、 就活出 你的高 傲。小 二╮给 我来半 斤帅哥 ヾづ男 人要霸 气狐狸 女王。 姐 有 的 是 脾 气〃本 女子ァ 你们玩 不起的 女人比 纽约还 牛つ霸 占、你 的美。 感性化 的 女 神 不 服 输就别 哭无限 ╭嚣张 つ半忧 郁的犯 贱霸气 不需要 解释。 汝终究 是孙子 肚 脐 眼 的 怒 气霸占 你弹指 分天下 异域之 巅彁~学 会ㄋ 沉默霸 气&男人 百无禁忌血色 安 徒生善 良乀 ゛ の死神 乀 ゛混 世乀 ゛魔王 寂寥魅 影 ╮求败 何难 ╮最新个 性、时 尚!
新职业综合英语第二册Unit 2 PPT

Wa rm1
Task Work in pairs. Read the following list of the tasks at different stages of a business meeting. Discuss with your partner and match each task with its corresponding stage.
英语 2 Unit 2 Business Meeting
ReadTAe-4xitng A
4 I used to be the disengaged participant—one who had good ideas about how to solve a problem, but didn’t contribute. I now take a more active role, aiming to make meetings more effective. Here are three simple principles I use. First, whoever calls a meeting should be explicit about its objectives. This means specifying tangible goals and assigning responsibilities. Second, everyone should think carefully about the costs of a meeting: How many participants are really needed? How long should the meeting last? Finally, after meetings, assign credit or blame to the person in charge. If people have records of leading ineffective meetings, they are not allowed to lead future sessions.
新标准高职公共英语实用综合教程(第二版)unit1 PPT

2. A. No, it’s not true. B. It’s not true of all blue-collar workers. C. Yes, it is true. D. It’s not always true of blue-collar workers.
knowledge; and the salary is good.
Background Information Discussion
Questions: 2. What will be your favourite blue-collar job and why?
My favourite blue-collar job is that of a gardener, because: I can work outdoors and enjoy the fresh air; and I can keep fit and get good pay.
Warm-up Listening and Speaking Text A Grammar Tips Text B Comprehensive Exercises Practical Reading and Writing
Background Information Discussion
Blue-collar workers
新标准高职公共英语实用综合教程(第二 版)unit1
In this unit, you will
— read an article about the demand for blue-collar workers;
— enlarge your vocabulary relating to personal qualities;

An Integrated Skills Course 2Unit 1 Blue-Collar workersObjectives:1. Enlarge students’ vocabulary relating to Blue-Collar workers;2. Let students have some idea of personal qualities;3. Make students know how to write a note of thanks;4. Learn different usages of Modal Verbs.Focuses:1.V ocabulary: (omitted)2.Speaking: the personal qualities and the jobs of the Blue-Collar workers3.Grammar: Modal verb in English4.Practical writing: How to write a note of thanksOutline:Period 1: Warm-up Discussion; study of words and expressions in Text APeriod 2: Discussion of Text APeriod 3: Comprehensive ExercisesPeriod 4: Grammar Tips; Modal VerbsPeriod 5: Discussion of Text B and the follow-up ComprehensionPeriod 6: Practical WritingPeriod 7: Starting Out & In-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course)Period 8: Cultural Notes & After-class Activities (Practical Listening and Speaking Course)Methods:(1)Practice speaking and listening(2)Discussion(3)Presentation and role play(4) ExercisesTeaching ProceduresPeriod 1:Step 1. Warm-up Discussion (5 minutes)Ask the students to talk about the jobs and the personal qualities of the Blue-Collar workers. Question 1:Do you like Blue-collar jobs?Hint: I like blue-collar jobs because (1) the demand is huge; (2)we can get professional training and technical knowledge;and (3)the salary is good.Question 2: What will be your favourite blue-collar job and why?Hint: My favourite blue-collar job is that of a gardener, because(1) I can work outdoors and enjoythe fresh air;and(2) I can keep fit and get good pay.Step 2. Background Information (10 minutes)A blue-collar worker is a member of the working class who performs manual labor. Blue-collar work may involve skilled or unskilled, manufacturing, mining, construction, mechanical, maintenance, technical installation and many other types of physical work. Blue-collar work is often paid hourly wage-labor, although some professionals may be paid by the project or salaried. There is a wide range of payscales for such work depending upon field of specialty and experience.White-collar workers typically perform work in an office environment and may involve sitting at a computer or desk. Service workers, or pink-collar workers, make up a third type of worker. Their labor is related to customer interaction, entertainment sales or other service-oriented work.Step 3. Vocabulary in Text A (20 minutes)Ask Ss to read new words and expressions by themselves and then read the new words together. Explain the important points.1. Heartland n.the area or region where a particular set of activities or beliefs is most significant 中心地区,心脏地带Jack had a six-day bus tour around the industrial heartland of America.杰克在美国工业中心区域乘大巴旅游了六天。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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English; — learn how to read and write a note of apology.
4. A. The pool. B. B. The flowers. C. C. The trees. D. D. The marble.
2. A. It’s hard to say. B. B. Hardly so. C. C. Yes, but not so much. D. D. Yes, very much so.
3. A. She is disappointed. B. B. She feels sad. C. C. She is surprised. D. D. She is annoyed.
Background Information Discussion
Background Information Discussion
White pollution
While enjoying the benefits of modern technology, mankind is also paying a high price. One example of this concerns the plastic bag, which has not only brought great convenience to people but has also done huge environmental damage. Made from polythene, plastic bags in landfill sites last between a conservative 200 years to an estimated 1 million years. Like other countries, China is suffering from “white pollution”, a term coined to describe the overuse of plastic bags. “White pollution” results from a combination of factors, including China’s fast industrialization, the rising living standards of
In this unit, you will
— read an article about how a driver always keeps his taxi clean and tidy;
— enlarge your vocabulary for describing your environment;
I. Listening
A. Choose the best answer according to what you hear.
1. A. In a restaurant. B. B. In a hospital. C. At an airport. D. In a bank.
Background Information Discussion
Chinese people, and dramatic changes in consumption patterns. Promoting people’s environmental consciousness should, as always, be given importance.
Environmental protection is an important issue for people all over the world. To protect the common home of mankind, we are committed to environmental protection so as to contribute to social development. Making our living environment beautiful and comfortable depends on our care and attention.
Warm-up Listening and Speaking Text A Grammar Tips Text B Comprehensive Exercises Practical Reading and Writing
Background Information
Living environment
Background Information Discussion
Question: What suggestions do you have for environmental protection?
The environment can be protected if (1) people understand the importance of environmental protection; (2) everyone makes his or her own surroundings clean; and (3) we create a beautiful environment for people to protect.