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Or are you drawn somehow to this strange clown, perhaps because he acts out your wildest fantasies.


Irving Horowitz sees the rock music arena as a sort of debating forum, a place where ideas clash and crash.


It is just that Elvis managed to embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s.


Like all artists, these rock musicians mirror feelings and beliefs that help us see and from our own.

5. 在过去几年间,我听到过许多的年轻人,不论是否上大学,对成年人的世界感到同样的紧张。

During the last few years, I have listened to scores of young people, in college and out, who were just as nervous about the grown-up world.

6. 他们愿意自食其力,并为社会做贡献,但是他们就是不喜欢文明环境,也就是说,不喜欢城市,充满丑恶和紧张的城市。

They are willing to support themselves and to contribute something to the general community, but they simply don‟t like the environment of civilization; that is, the city, with all its ugliness and tension.


To them it offers a romantic appeal, usually symbolized by some dashing and charismatic figure.

8. 我们突然意识到,我们所居住的这艘小飞船上的乘客大约每过40年就翻一番。

It dawned on us rather suddenly that the number of passengers on the small spaceship we inhabit is doubling about every forty years.


If you fit the statistical averages, by the age of 20 you will have been exposed to at least 20,000 hours of television.

10. 我们当中最笨的、最没有天赋的人也能做出些事来,而这些事是那些从来不在任何事情上专心致志的人感到是奇迹一般。

The dullest, the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem miraculous to those who never concentrate on anything.

11.…..One study estimates that some 30 million adult Americans are “functionally illiterate” and cannot read or write well enough to answer the want ad or understand the istructions on a medicine bottle.

12.….And, while I would not be so simplistic as to suggest that television is the cause, I believe it contributes and is and influence.


To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level.


Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery.



The domesticated wife does not receive wages, has no means of bettering herself, is taken for granted by her husband ( who sees practically nothing of what she does ), and is valued by him not for her housework but for quite other qualities.


The work of a lawyer or a politician must contain in a more delectable form a great deal of the same pleasure that is to be derived from playing bridge.


The campaign for more physical beauty seems to be both a tremendous success and a lamentable failure. It depends on how you look at the results.

18. 争取更多美丽的运动就是争取更健康的运动,就这点而言,是值得赞赏的,并且在一定程度上是真正获得了成功。

In so far as the campaign for more beauty is also a campaign for more health, it is admirable and, up to a point, genuinely successful.

19. 更为常见的而且同样使人反感的是许多漂亮面孔的冷酷表情。Still commoner and no less repellent is the hardness which spoils so many pretty faces.

20. 这一崇拜所激起的这场运动虽然成功地延迟外貌的衰老或是获得了或模仿出象征健康的美来,但从根本上仍是失败。

Successful in prolonging the appearance of youth, or realizing or simulating the symptoms of health, the campaign inspired by this cult remains fundamentally a failure.


They are always on trial, always on the verge of failure, collectively and individually.
