阿甘正传 美国梦 America dream

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Forrest Gump and American Dream
Forrest Gump won the 67th Annual Academy in1995. It is not just a movie. It has bec ome a cultural phenomenon. The movie is the prevailing social perspective of low IQ and involves a number of historical figures and historical events. It evokes reflection o n history and the hearts of collection of the American Dream. From the “stupid” be havior of Forrest Gump, people can see the virtues of kindness, trustworthiness, serio usness; honesty, courage, loyalty, and many other virtues and behaviors that American s are advocating now. The spirit of Forrest Gump’s independent personality, his free spirit, strength of character and a realistic attitude t owards life, etc. is a perfect interpretation of the core of American cultural values of i ndividualism. In this paper, through the analysis of the main characters of Forrest Gu mp, the paper wants to resolve a concrete manifestation of the American dream. The American Dream is a concentrated expression of American values. It is rooted in the e arly development of Puritanism after the founding of the Westward Movement, disillu sionment in the period of great development of monopoly capitalism. American Drea m by different historical events, at different times, has different content and performan ce. This paper analyzes the origin, development of the Americans who are pursuing th e American dream. Also it analyzes the expression of the American Dream and its pos itive significance.
The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility achieved through hard work. In the definition of the American Dream by James Truslow Adams in 1931, "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth. The idea of the American Dream is rooted in the United States Declaration of Independence which proclaims that "all men are created equal" and that they are "endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights" including "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Gump represented the male main people of public toward and pray for all of the main stream culture. Forrest Gump went through the history of the United States after the V ietnam War alone, experienced almost all important to the United States after World War II moment in history: racial discrimination, the Vietnam War, anti-war rallies, the civil rights movement, women the liberation of the president's assassination, Watergat e, ping-pong diplomacy, anti-traditional culture. Forrest Gump on behalf of the white men in the United States in the 1950s many outstanding qualities: honesty and keep le tter, earnest, brave.
Forrest Gump simple-minded, kind-hearted nature to do anything is persistent and inp uts, the success indispensable spirit, this is a good God reward hope. This is Forrest G ump made one of the important factors for success. Forrest Gump's life is legendary. He did not complain that their mentally retarded, but the gift of God his talent on its h ead. In fact, Forrest Gump wants to tell us only cherish the loved ones around, lovers, and friends and care for each need a warm spirit soul. The fate drifts, but everyone ca n draw life curve. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what to eat next tas
te road. Things change, but that everything is the fate of the arrangements.
Forrest Gump's mother was a lift southern women ended gentle, firm character. She is great and full of wisdom her, mentally helped son did not feel fear and depression, an d encouraged Forrest, educated and guided him, and would not let him feel inferior, n ot normal. She thought that her son should be like a normal child growth grew up. To l et the Forrest enjoy the same powers and others, she principals, according to reason to strive, insisted that he accept the normal formal education, at the same time she also c ontinued to tell Forrest Gump: always remember themselves and others, and any disti nction, always remember to do other people say that they are weaker than they.
In her mind, Forrest is God for her gift; she worked ceaselessly to dependents Forrest Gump. In Forrest Gump's minds, the mother is the source of all wisdom and spiritual l ight. She always tell him with his understandable way to, believe in yourself, believe i n the future; her ability things right "easy to understand", there is always a way to find the most popular understandable language to let Forrest Gump understand some truth in the life.
The name Jenny means the gift of God. Ironically Significance: Jenny movie hypocritical, rebellious and infected with all sorts of bad habits, such as alcoholism, dr ug abuse, sexual promiscuity, and finally died of AIDS. They can not find the value of life and Health the significance of the deposit. She worked hard, struggling, but later she began to give up their own selves, into for prostitutes. When Jenny finally found t he true meaning of life suffered a lot has do not have the opportunity to enjoy all this, she was going to leave this world. Jenny is the era of the United States victim. Jenny must accept the early years, losing her mother and father; she was sexually assa ulted. Forrest Gump and Jenny were both grew up in single-parent families, but Forre st Gump has a good mother. The shadow of her childhood and dreams shattered future confusion vividly manifested in her body out. Painful indulgence, indulgence, is ofte n in agony even more painful.
Forrest Gump look to go with the flow, is a dream. Who in Forrest Gump, we see the persistence of life. Forrest Gump does not have any expertise, in addition to running. Good run ability outset by Jenny points out, she once again encouraged him to go for ward, in her loving voice “Run, Forrest Gump, Run, Forrest, Run”, Forrest Gump r an the bike in the primary school chase, ran a car chase, ran out of the high school stu dents detractors humiliation. His only start this talent just to escape childhood peers b y bullying and had a gallop. He broke his own feet with corrective shaped device; he s eems destined to conquer the world. Good running skills made Forrest Gump running into a university with such a low IQ, and ran into the nation's the ranks of rugby star t eam and met with President Kennedy. Relying the persistent “run” belief in the war -torn battlefield finally escaped Forrest risked their lives ran back to rescue other com rades, ran out of the war field. In order to abide by the comrades Bubba alive of a com mitment, he engaged in career of bashing shrimp, scrimping career.
Suffered a windy time scrimping process the violence other scrimping boats devastate d alone Forrest boat slightest without loss. Forrest Gump scrimping industry took adv antage of his talents further monopoly eventually awarded the harvest, became the scr imping industry tycoon. Finally, running around the United States, he gave hundreds o
f thousands of people courage and hope. He used to run, regardless of which he is in t he running; he felt that runnin
g is a part of life. Moreover, the fate of the once frequen tly ran habits times led him to a brighter future, throughout the run in dignity, friends
h ip, love, honor and wealth.
Forrest Gump's life sketched out the life chances of ordinary people and their innermo st secret desire. His life experiences not only experienced contemporary tortuous ups and downs of American history, but also brought together a series of very typical cont emporary American life characteristics. However, not in terms of national history and development of various the same time period, regardless of when and where the poor or rich, he remains the same simplicity and kindness. Forrest Gump, who has the Ame rican character, we are advocating all virtues that are honesty, courage, loyalty. We ca n see loyalty, trustworthiness, dedication, most friendly humanity brilliance of quality from Forrest; we also can see the persistence of life, the hope of life, firm belief. Due t o the characteristics of the times and the belief in the American dream deformation, F orrest Gump represents the trend of mainstream culture and prays: sincere, enthusiasti c, confident, frank, sincere, warm, self-confidence positive. Gump's successful re-evo ke the hearts of the people of the American Dream.
Winston Groom is a great novelist whose works not only conquer the literature lovers but also open up a window for those who struggle for their life. Forrest Gump is much more than a story. It is an encouraging book, a book of hardships and survival.
The present thesis indicates the definition of American Dream, the reason why Forrest Gump succeeded and concrete manifestation of the American dream in Forrest Gump . American dream consists of several elements: the United States provides everyone th e chance of success; success depends on their talents and efforts rather than family an d background; everyone has equal rights; everyone has faith freedom. These elements are inextricably linked with the history, and historical background must combine the l ook. Moreover, his success, in addition to his efforts, and his innate quality have a gre at relationship. As his honesty won the friendship of Lieutenant Dan, he's trustworthy and persistent achievement of his shrimping career and the love. We must have the co urage to accept the courage to challenge the courage to face the reality. The taste of th e ups and downs, life is what you go all the way, no matter what is the front of the. He does not cynical toward their goals run it? And his life is running st but not leas t, all the audiences are impressed by Gump, because of his persistent like sun and rain and almost silly active efforts in the play. Other characters are full of confusion and pe rplexity, gone through hardships his trials and tribulations, and ultimately back to ordi nary life track, we can see from the traditional culture of the United States charm, a m ore profound understanding of the national character of the Americans, and favorable in our cross-cultural communication and learning.
American Dream is a belief, a desire and a dream. American dream is intangible; it ex ists in the hearts of every American. They may be not succeeding in the future if they have American Dream, but they won’t succeed if they don’t have. The American dream throughout the history of the United States reflects the m ass of Americans system of values and the ideals of the national spirit, even though m any people the American Dream, but it is the pursuit of the American dream has not di
ed down, which is to promote American the development of the society to make a posi tive and important contribution.
