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I. 1.UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization 联合国教育、科学与文化组织(简称教科文组织)

2. NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国)国家航空和航天局

3. Diet of Japan: 日本国会,国家最高权力机关,国家唯一的立法机关。国会由众议院和参议院构成,国会议员可兼任内阁阁员,首相亦由该国会推选。

4. FDI: foreign direct investment 对外直接投资

5. CCTV:closed-circuit television 闭路电视; 中国中央电视台(China Central Television)

6. FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation (美国)联邦调查局,世界著名的美国最重要的情报机构之一,隶属于美国司法部,“FBI”还代表着该局坚持贯彻的信条——忠诚Fidelity,勇敢Bravery和正直Integrity。

7. GM crop:General Motors Corporation通用汽车公司成立于1908年9月16日,先后联合或兼并了别克、凯迪拉克、雪佛兰、奥兹莫比尔、庞蒂克、克尔维特、悍马等公司,从1927年以来一直是全世界最大的汽车公司之一。

8. IAEA:国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency)是一个同联合国建立关系,并由世界各国政府在原子能领域进行科学技术合作的机构。

9. opportunity cost 机会成本,一种资源(如资金或劳力等)用于本项目而放弃用于其他机会时,所可能损失的利益。

10. Keynesians凯恩斯主义拥护者,根据凯恩斯的著作《就业、利息和货币通论》的思想基础上的经济理论,主张国家采用扩张性的经济政策,通过增加需求促进经济增长。即扩大政府开支,实行财政赤字。刺激经济。维持繁荣。

11. the Tories英国政党。产生于17世纪末。19世纪中叶演变为英国保守党。工业革命后,托利党逐渐向资产阶级保守主义转变,以适应政治经济发展的需要。该党在教会和国家关系、保护关税政策和反对天主教问题上仍然保持旧偏见。到19世纪中叶,托利党发展成为保守党。

12. the State Department in Washington:美国国务院,相当于外交部,其行政负责人为国务卿。美国国务院为美国最庞大的政府机构之一,位于美国首都华盛顿特区。现任的国务卿是希拉里(Hillary Clinton)。在政府各部中居首席地位。

13. the Treasury Department of the US美国财政部。财政部长在总统内阁官员中居第二位,也是国际货币基金组织、国际复兴开发银行、美洲国家开发银行、亚洲国家开发银行的美方首脑。美国现任财政部长是蒂


14. protectionism:【经济学】保护贸易制度;保护贸易主义the policy of imposing duties or quotas on imports in order to protect home industries from overseas competition

15. Balance of Payments国际收支(表),(一国的)收支差额,收支平衡a system of recording all of a country's economic transactions with the rest of the world over a period of one year

II. 1.中国特色的社会主义: socialism with Chinese characteristics

2. 科学发展观: Scientific Outlook on Development

3. 全面建设小康社会: build well-off society in an all-around way

4. 以人为本: people first; people oriented

5. 宏观经济调控: macroeconomic regulation

6. 自主创新能力: independent innovation capability

7. 完善人民币汇率形成机制: improve the mechanism for setting RMB exchange rates;improve the RMB exchange rate regime [rei'ʒi:m]管理体制

8. 突发事件应急管理机制: contingency response system(政府工作报告); mechanism of emergency management(十七大报告)

9. 中西医并重: attach equal importance to traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine(十七大报告)

10.港人治港:Hong Kong people administer Hong Kong

11.构建两岸关系和平发展框架: construct a framework for peaceful development of cross-Straits relations

12.知足常乐:A man who is contented will be happy.; A contented mind is a perpetual feast.; Content is happiness.; Happiness consists in contentment.; He who is contented is always happy.

13.水火无情:Fire and water have no mercy.; Water and fire are merciless.; Water and fire show no sympathy to men.

14.祸从口出:Out of the mouth comes evil.; All one's troubles were caused by his tongue.; Disaster emanates ['eməneit] from careless talk.; Improper language brings someone ruin.; Misfortunes come from the mouth.

15.一蹶不振:unable to get up after a fall; collapse after one setback; fall, never to rise again; never to be able to recover after a setback; never to recover from a setback

III. Acting recently as an expert witness in a murder trial, I became aware of a small legal problem caused by the increasingly multicultural nature of our society. According to English law, a man is guilty of murder if he kills someone with the intention either to kill or to injure seriously. But he is guilty of the lesser crime of manslaughter
