沪教牛津深圳版初中英语more practice课件




Language points
庆祝 /ˈselɪbreɪt/
simple adj.简单的 simply adv. 简单地
help sb. do sth = help sb. with sth 帮助某人做....
Language points
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Why not do ...? = why don’t you do...为什么不做...? = how about doing... = what about doing...
Something simple is fine for this, such as bread or a cake with fruit.
A 2. (2) _____________
If you’re all at home in one place, go to the cinema and enjoy a movie that night. If you’re in different
➢1. When is Mother’s Day in most countries? It is on the second Sunday in May every year.
➢2. What do people like to do on this day?
What does your mum do for you?
• Makes the bed and cleans the floor for you • Cooks delicious dishes and snacks for you • Plays interesting games with you • Teaches you to speak and write • Encourages you when you are sad

Unit5More practice【课件】七年级英语下册(牛津深圳版)

Unit5More practice【课件】七年级英语下册(牛津深圳版)
b.目录通常出现在书的开头,基本上所有的书都有目录;而索引通常 出现在书的末尾,且不是所有的书都有索引。
Culture corner Venice
Venice is famous throughout the world. People also call it the “Floating City” and the “City of Water” because the whole city is on the water— there are over 117 small islands and over 400 bridges in this city. One of the best ways to see the city is on a gondola—a traditional boat.
Find a book with both a contents page and an index. Compare the differences between them.
a.目录中各主题的排列顺序与书中出现的顺序是一致的,而且目录中 还列出章节号;而索引中的各主题是以字母表顺序排列的,提供了 更多的细节内容。
Chinese name: 威尼斯
City type:
The capital (首都) of Italy
Language: Italian
Mediterranean climate (地中海气候)
414.6 km2
What do you know about the city of Venice?
We can use water to do many things. Without water, we can’t live.



4.When the sun ______, we start the day to work.
A. comes up
B. comes to
C. takes down
5. —— I have a good_______ that everything will go
—— So do I.
A. voice
it __u_p___? 2. 我的父母从早到晚工作。
My parents work _f_r_o_m__ _d_a_w__n_ ___to___ _d__u_sk__.
3. 请关上你的电话。 __T_u_r_n_ __o_ff___ your phone, please. 4. 换句话说,这里很漂亮。 ___In___ _o_t_h_e_r_ _w_o_r_d_s_ , here is so beautiful. 5. 他们根本不需要我的帮忙。 They___d_o__ __n__o_t _ need my help ___a_t__ ___a_ll__.
(太阳)升起 (某人)在路上 打扫 从黎明到黄昏 扫街道
使…干净 沿着…驾驶 整晚 夜幕降临。
保持…安全 在地上
Choose the answers.
1.Our English teacher wants us ______ English
stories out of class.
Can you match the words with their abbreviations? Write the correct letter in each box.
a CD b kg c PC d PRC e UN f WWW

沪教牛津深圳版初中英语U4 More practice课件

沪教牛津深圳版初中英语U4 More practice课件
Unit 4 More Practice Cartoon and
Comic strips
What’s it?
Wa鼠 年 份: 1950
类 别: 亲子 益智 产 地: 美国 内容简介: 猫和老鼠讲的是机灵老鼠与笨猫的故事,堪与米老 鼠和唐老鸭的故事相媲美。没有动物世界中恃强凌弱的残酷, 只有两个邻居之间的日常琐事和纷争,诸如小老鼠杰瑞偷吃了 汤姆的奶。猫和老鼠讲的是机灵老鼠与笨猫的故事,堪与米老 鼠和唐老鸭的故事相媲美。没有动物世界中恃强凌弱的残酷, 只有两个邻居之间的日常琐事和纷争,诸如小老鼠杰瑞偷吃了 汤姆的奶酪,汤姆把捕鼠器放到了杰瑞的洞门口等等,中间穿 插的无数恶作剧和幽默片断,让人感受到久违 的天真快意。它们之间的关系常在一瞬间 发生变化,化敌为友或势不两立: 为敌时绞尽脑汁,互不相让;为友时, 亲如兄弟,谁也不记仇。
1)中国历史悠久。 China has a long history. 2)整栋楼充满了浓烟。 The whole building is full of smoke.
The whole building is filled with smoke.
3)我的房间充满了阳光。 My room is full of sunshine. My room is filled with sunshine.
China is the largest one of all the Asian countries.
Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse are two of the most popular cartoon characters in the world.
2) Tom非常淘气,他经常使他自己陷入麻烦。 Tom is very naughty and he often gets himself into trouble.

沪教牛津深圳版初中英语U1P6 More Practice课件

沪教牛津深圳版初中英语U1P6 More Practice课件

Do you enjoy reading encyclopaedia articles? What can you find in encyclopaedias? Find some interesting things in encyclopaedias and tell your classmates.
Team racing
Ready? Read in groups and finish
the form. Which group will be the first.
When was the Big Banana made?
In 1964.
Where is it?
In Coffs Harbour.
1. Where is the Big Merino? 2. Why are merinos important to the
farmers in Australia? 3. What can you find inside the Big
Merino? 4. What can you do inside the Big
3. Learn to look up encyclopaedias.
Australia’s big attractions
An attraction means an interesting place or thing.
attraction n. 向往的地方;有吸引力的事 There are a lot of attractions in Beijing. harbour n. 港口 The ship will leave the harbour tomorrow morning. merino n. 美利奴羊 type n. 类型;种类 What is your blood type? view n. 景色,风景 I have a great view through the window of my room.

牛津深圳版英语九年级上册Module1 Unit 1 More practice (共17张PPT)

牛津深圳版英语九年级上册Module1 Unit 1 More practice (共17张PPT)
First, he asked some soldiers to lead the elephant onto the boa
Next, he drew a line on the side of the boat to mark how low it went. _________________________________________________________________ __T__h__e_n__,__t_h__e_ elephant was taken off the boat ad
根据要点提示,写一则文彦博灌水取球的故事。 要点:1. 一天,文彦博和几个小朋友一起踢球, 突然,球掉进一棵大树的树洞里去了。 2. 多么深的一个树洞啊!小朋友尝试从树洞取球 出来,可是怎麼也够不到底。 3.小朋友们都不知道如何把球取出来。 4. 文彦博叫小朋友提来几桶水,把水往树洞里灌 ,当树洞被灌满水时,球浮上来了! 5. 球被取出来了。文彦博非常聪明,难道不是吗?
Wise men in history
初 二 作 文 (读 后感及 心得)读 爱丽 丝梦游 仙境 读 爱 丽 丝 梦 游仙境
读 爱 丽 丝 梦 游仙境 _读后感 700字 爱 丽 丝 是 一 个有些 迷糊、 有些单 纯的小 女孩。 今天我 们结束 了对她 的了解 。但是
这 本 书 的 新 奇、幽 默给予 了我们 丰富的 感触是 无法忘 怀的。 在 《 仙 境 奇 遇记》 ,作者以 独特的 手法为 我们营 造了一 个“颠 倒”的 世界,但却富有 哲 理 。 在 无 聊的一 天,爱丽 丝做了 一个梦 。在梦 ,她见到 一只奇 怪的兔子跳进了一个 神 奇 的 洞 里 ,爱丽丝 十分好 奇,于是 也悄悄 地跟着 跳了下 去,她 在这个 洞里经 历了许 多 匪 夷 所 思 的事情 ……她 喝了“ 喝我” 瓶子里 的水,变 得十英 寸高了 ,连钥匙都够不 到 了 ,急 得 直 哭;吃 了“吃 我”蛋 糕后,她 又长到 三米高 ,成为一 个巨人 ;后来她又遇上 一 只 坏 脾 气 的老鼠 ;见到一 个喜欢 砍别人 脑袋的 王后;在 毫不 知情的 情况下 ,爱丽丝

沪教牛津深圳版初中英语U1 More practice课件

沪教牛津深圳版初中英语U1 More practice课件
Now I work as a teacher at a Spring Bud school here in Guangxi. I wish to help other girls the way the Spring Bud Project helped me.
Language points
1. ... aged from seven to fourteen, were unable to attend school.( L5)
She got the money and a rented room which close to the school.
3 How did the Spring Bud Project change Feng Guixiang’s life?
She learnt to read and write and do many other things. 4 What job does Feng Guixiang do now? What does she wish to do?
help sb with sth learn to do sth work as wish to do
Important roup Discussion
What can you do for the Spring Bud Project? Discuss this with your classmates.
Read a girl’s story about the Spring Bud Project and answer the questions below.
1 What is the purpose of the Spring Bud Project?

牛津深圳版八年级英语上册教学课件:Unit 3 More practice (共16张PPT)

牛津深圳版八年级英语上册教学课件:Unit 3 More practice (共16张PPT)
Some students play computer games for too long. This is a serious problem. In the past, students used to play outside more often, but now they spend more time in front of computers. This is bad for their health.
Teachers and parents can work together to stop students from spending too much time playing computer games.
A Read the script of a speech by a head teacher and answer the questions below.
Tomorrow we’ll have some experts here to talk to the students about the bad effects of playing computer games. They’ll also give some advice on how to use computers for studying.
B How can young people stop themselves from playing computer games for too long? Discuss this with your classmates.
Culture corner
The abacus The abacus was perhaps the first type of computer. People started using it over 4,000 years ago to do maths. It was used in ancient China, Rome, Egypt and Greece. Today some people still use the abacus.



Sea turtles lay their eggs(产卵) on the beaches here. And they need dark beaches for laying eggs, but sometimes they can't find good places because of those bright lights. They come out of the ocean at night, make a hole in the sand and lay their eggs. Then they put the eggs into the hole and return to the ocean. But some people take away these eggs and sell them. This is wrong.
with their family or friends. People think dogs will treat(对待) them 5.
f_a_it_h_f_u_ll_y___, because dogs protect people in time of
danger. And cats are cute and cheerful. They are both
3. They did not play with me or feed me _a_n_y_ _m_o_r_e__. 他们不再和我玩,不再喂我。
4. I know I will live here happily for _th__e _re_s_t o_f_ m__y_ _li_f_e_. 我知道我将在这里快乐地度过我的余生。
More practice (P93)

沪教牛津版9AU8-4 More Practice课件

沪教牛津版9AU8-4 More Practice课件
“Something has made that last leaf stay there. It’s wrong to want to die,” said Johnsy to Sue. “Please bring me a little soup now.”
A few days later, the doctor said to Sue, “she’s out of danger.”
The last leaf
At the top of a house Sue and Johnny had their studio. In November, Johnsy became very ill, and was lying on her bed and looking through the window at the wall of the next house. “Her only chance,” the doctor said , “is for her to want to live.” After the doctor had gone, Sue came into Johnsy’s room. Johnsy was looking out of the window and counting. “Six,” said Johnsy. “There goes another one. There are only five left now.” “Five what, dear?” “Leaves. On the ivy vine. I want to see the last one fall. Then I’ll die.” “Johnsy, dear,” said Sue, “try to sleep. I must go and ask Behrman to be my model.”


_h_a_v_in_g___ _lu_n__ch__ in our Forever Green House while
our fridge was ordering food. 前天上午11:30,我正在我们的常绿房吃午餐,同时 我们的冰箱正在点餐。
3. a lot of food _st_a_r_t_e_d__
( B )—Shall we drive to the countryside for fun _________ New Year's Eve?
—We'd better not. It's reported that it will be very
foggy that day. It's dangerous to drive _________
语篇类型:应用文 主题:人与社会(社会进步)
词数:约230 用时:6分钟数:
AI makes our lives easier and better. Let's see the
amazing AI.
AI Cool driverless bus
A bus door opens and you get on. Wait! Where is the driver? Here is a new kind of driverless bus called
( D )3. In which section of the newspaper would you probably read this passage? A. Travel. B. Music. C. Health. D. Science.
Apolong. It has 14 seats and doesn't need a driver. The bus



So what is the truth? (P109) Everything Jack said was true.
n. _真__相___ _to__te_l_l_t_h_e_t_r_u_th__ 老实说 _t_r_u_e__ adj. 真实的
说实话,我不知道这事是真是假。 _T_o__te_l_l _th_e__t_ru__th__, I don't know whether it's true or not.
( C )1. Why do scientists want to use FAST to make new discoveries? A. FAST can take photos of aliens. B. FAST can work for many years. C. FAST can catch more signals from space. D. FAST can carry many kinds of heavy machines.
4. However, since I _h_a_v_e_ _n_o_t_ _se_e_n__ this kind of metal before, I think this was a lie. 然而,由于我以前没有见过这种金属,我认为这是一 个谎言。
5. So _w_h_a_t_ _i_s_ _th_e__ _t_ru__th__? 那么真相是什么?
On my way home yesterday, I _s_a_w_ an old woman _ly_i_n_g__ on the road.
4. 杰克告诉我不要相信在网上读到的东西。 Jack tells me _n_o_t_ _to__ _b_e_li_e_v_e__ what I have read on the Internet.

沪教牛津深圳版初中英语U6 More Practice课件

沪教牛津深圳版初中英语U6 More Practice课件

A dog’s story
My name is Robbie. I was born on a farm with my brothers and sisters. One day, a man and two little boys came to the farm: “Which dog do you want?” the man asked. “We want that one!” the boys said. They chose me! They drove me to my new home in the city. The boys promised they would look after me very carefully, and they did. They fed me, played with me and walked me every day. Then one day, they got a computer. After that, the boys played computer games all the time. They did not play with me or feed me any more. Eventually the boys’ father took me to a pet centre. He told the staff that his boys loved their computer more than me. The centre gave me lots of food and took good care of me. One day, a nice girl called Emma came to visit. “Do you want to come home with me?” she asked. “Woof!” I said. She smiled and took me home. Emma feeds me and takes me for walks every day. I know I will live here happily for the rest of my life.



according to the passage?
a. She loved looking after baby cranes.
b. She tried to look for a missing bird.
c. She fell into a river and lost her life.
d. She was interested in red-crowned cranes.
_n_a_t_u_r_e_ _r_e_se_r_v_e__. 3. 虽然海伦只有九岁,但她可以很好地照顾她的弟弟。
Although Helen is just nine, she can _t_a_k_e_ _g_o_o_d_ _c_a_r_e
_o_f_ her brother.
4. 钱钟书于1910年出生于江苏省。 Qian Zhongshu _w_a_s_ _b_o_r_n_ _in__ Jiangsu Province in 1910.
since she went abroad.
①_h_e_a_r_o_f__ 听说
②hear ③hear
about 听说 from 收到某人的来信
多奇怪的地方啊!我以前从未听说过。 What a strange place! I have never _h_e_a_r_d_o_f_i_t_b_e_f_o_r_e__.
If a bird became sick, she took good care of it and stayed with it every day until it was strong enough to fly again. (P77)
You cannot play computer games until you finish your homework.



1.肩并肩 2.时不时;偶尔 3.毛衣穿反 4.对某人以诚相待 5.说实话 6.与某人共度时光 7. 好奇地看着某人 8. 作为回报
side by side from time to time wear the sweater backwards
be honest with sb tell the truth
Einstein and the little girl
One afternoon, Einstein was walking home from work. At the same time, a 12-year-old girl was walking home from school. They were soon walking side by side. The girl looked at him curiously from time to time. “Pardon me,” the girl said, “but you look just like Albert Einstein.” “That’s because I am Albert Einstein!” Einstein said. “I don’t believe you,” the girl said. “Everyone knows that Einstein is a genius. But you’re wearing your sweater backwards, so you can’t be very clever.” Einstein began to laugh. “You’re the first person to be so honest with me,” he said to the girl. “It’s a pleasure to hear someone tell me the truth about my look.”


until 到……时;直到……时;常引导时间状语从句。
例:我们等雨停吧。 Let’s wait until the rain stops.
take off 脱下;起飞;突然成功;离开
例1:他脱下雨衣,拿出钥匙。 He took off his raincoat and took out the key.
lead…onto 带……到……之上 lead-led-led
例1:我们英语老师要求我们每天早上读英语。 Our English teacher asks us to read English every morning. 例2:导游把我们带到了船上。 The tour guide led us onto the boat.
In ancient times, a clever boy Cao Chong had a wonderful idea to weigh the elephant. Now let’s read the story to see how he made it.
Task 1
Read the story and answer the following questions.
1. Who are the main characters in the story?
Cao Cao, Cao Chong and some soldiers.
2. What did Cao Cao want to know about the elephant?
He wanted to know the weight of the elephant.
the rocks and that was the weight of the elephant. Cao Cao was
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They can see some animals.
3 How can visitors get a bird’s-eye view of the whole park? They can get a bird’s-eye’s view of the whole park by riding in a cable car. 4 What can visitors watch at the Ocean Theatre?
If you travel to Hong Kong, what can you do there?
If you travel to Hong Kong, what can you eat there?
Hong Kong —a wonderful place to visit
Comprehension quesng around Asia More practice
Brainstorming: Hong Kong
Is it one of the largest cities in the world?
Which famous/interesting places in Hong Kong do you know?
They can watch a dolphin show there.
Complete a short passage about Hong Kong with the words and phrases you have learnt.
HgeToc_ewvioffhan_toednnhet_rtrwgeorohy_erlylethKe_pehoaass_hiomurettpn_ieiene.nnago_vgmrWgs_eksiti_rsahsthm_nhbfo_yyaa_yiyaw_eonm_n“nx_u_g__ySoop__s_.huwti_e__nGaosn_cc_a_tnpaaos_e_ne_pdpnitbm_r_tv_ltiiae_il_nmpe_ienecs_n_gl_gteaac_si_s.lcHnPoa_as_eSorga_io_s_srno_n_pa_mi_ga__dla_nO_an_ien_sKb_cidcH_d_sete_ie_oh_(ros_aha_nid_nnlna_gwi_天s’gvgns_o’_Paes-s_K_H堂etaec_a_aysroonhr_h_)eknenj__o_owgvg_.pv_y”i_osae_KeaTa._,nrwb_rhoyY_edal_ene_n_oescrw.g_dperuh.o_OfaeeOucf_nyicattal_oiohtipnanhn_tue.elegr_ time?
1. Why is Hong Kong a great place for shopping? 2. What can visitors see in the Lowland
Gardens? 3. How can visitors get a bird’s-eye view
of the whole park? 4. What can visitors watch at the Ocean
What can I do in Hong Kong?
If …, you will/can …
e.g. If you go to Disneyland, you can take photos with Mickey Mouse.
1. 熟练朗读More practice板块的篇章。 2. 仿照Writing板块Travel guide的格式,结合
Check your answers:
1 Why is Hong Kong a great place for shopping?
2 What can visitors see in the Lowland Gardens?
3 How can visitors get a bird’s-eye view of the whole park?
4 What can visitors watch at the Ocean Theatre?
Team racing
Ready? Read in groups and answer
the questions. Which group will be the first.
1 Why is Hong Kong a great place for shopping?
More practice板块的信息写一则香港旅游 指南。
1 Why is Hong Kong a great place for shopping?
Because there are some expensive shops and also some cheap ones.
2 What can visitors see in the Lowland Gardens?
2 What can visitors see in the Lowland Gardens?
3 How can visitors get a bird’s-eye view of the whole park?
4 What can visitors watch at the Ocean Theatre?