The Opium War(鸦片战争)




鸦片战争博物馆的英文作文The Opium War Museum: A Reflection on China's Past and PresentThe Opium War Museum, located in the heart of Guangzhou, China, stands as a poignant reminder of the nation's tumultuous history. As I step through the grand entrance, I am immediately struck by the weight of the stories that these walls hold. The museum's exhibits meticulously chronicle the events of the Opium Wars, a pivotal moment in China's history that would forever shape the course of the country.The first room I encounter sets the stage for the conflict to come. Detailed accounts and artifacts from the early 19th century paint a vivid picture of the thriving trade between China and the West. The Qing Dynasty, then in power, had long maintained a strict isolationist policy, limiting foreign interaction and influence. However, the growing demand for Chinese goods, particularly tea and silk, led to a significant trade imbalance, with the British Empire amassing vast quantities of silver to pay for these coveted commodities.Seeking to address this imbalance, the British turned to the lucrative opium trade, smuggling the addictive substance into China despitethe Qing government's attempts to curb its spread. The museum's exhibits meticulously document the escalating tensions, as the Qing officials increasingly cracked down on the opium trade, culminating in the seizure of vast quantities of the drug by the Imperial Commissioner Lin Zexu.The second section of the museum delves into the outbreak of the First Opium War. Visitors are confronted with the stark realities of the conflict, from the overwhelming technological superiority of the British Navy to the devastating impact on the Chinese population. Graphic depictions of the battles, accompanied by personal accounts from soldiers and civilians, paint a harrowing picture of the human toll of the war.As I move through the museum, I am struck by the sheer scale of the devastation inflicted upon China. The unequal treaties that followed the Opium Wars, including the cession of Hong Kong to the British, are presented in stark detail, highlighting the profound humiliation and loss of sovereignty experienced by the Qing Dynasty.The museum's final section examines the long-term consequences of the Opium Wars, tracing the path of China's subsequent modernization and the rise of nationalist sentiments. Artifacts and multimedia displays showcase the country's gradual transformation, from the establishment of the Republic of China to the eventualtriumph of the Communist revolution.Throughout my visit, I am confronted with a range of emotions –anger at the injustices perpetrated against China, sorrow for the countless lives lost, and a deep sense of admiration for the resilience and determination of the Chinese people. The Opium War Museum is not merely a repository of historical facts, but a powerful testament to the enduring spirit of a nation that has overcome immense adversity.As I exit the museum, I find myself reflecting on the lessons of the past and their relevance to the present. The Opium Wars serve as a stark reminder of the dangers of unequal power dynamics, the consequences of economic exploitation, and the importance of national sovereignty. In an era of increasing global interconnectedness, these lessons remain as vital as ever, guiding us towards a more just and equitable world.The Opium War Museum stands as a powerful symbol of China's journey, a testament to the country's resilience and its unwavering commitment to reclaiming its rightful place on the world stage. Through its meticulous curation and thought-provoking exhibits, the museum invites visitors to engage with a complex and pivotal moment in history, ultimately inspiring a deeper understanding of China's past, present, and future.。



The Opium War: A Turning Point in ChineseHistoryThe Opium War, a conflict that took place between China and the British Empire in the mid-19th century, marked a significant turning point in Chinese history. This war, fought primarily over the issue of illegal opiumtrafficking by the British into China, had profound consequences that not only altered the political landscape of the country but also had lasting effects on its social and cultural fabric.The roots of the Opium War lie in the growing demandfor opium in China, particularly among the wealthy elite. The British East India Company, seeing an opportunity for profit, began to flood the Chinese market with opium, often smuggled into the country illegally. This trade caused widespread addiction and social decay, sparking outrage among the Chinese populace and government.The Chinese government attempted to combat the opium trade by implementing strict laws and enforcing harsh penalties against those caught trafficking or consuming the drug. However, the British Empire, protecting itscommercial interests, refused to cooperate and instead pressed for the legalization of opium trade. This led to a series of diplomatic disputes and escalating tensions between the two powers.In 1840, the British Empire launched a military expedition against China, citing the Chinese government's failure to suppress the opium trade as justification. The Chinese army, despite its numerical advantage, was no match for the superior firepower and military technology of the British forces. The resulting series of battles ended in decisive victories for the British, who forced the Chinese government to sign the Treaty of Nanking.The Treaty of Nanking was a humiliating defeat for China. It stripped the country of its territorial integrity, ceding the strategic Hong Kong Island to the British, and imposed heavy indemnities on the Chinese government. Moreover, it opened several Chinese ports to foreign trade and established extraterritoriality for British subjects in China, effectively denying the Chinese governmentjurisdiction over British citizens within its borders.The Opium War had profound long-term consequences for China. It marked the beginning of a period of foreign influence and interference in Chinese affairs that lasted for decades. The treaty system established by the Opium War opened China's door to Western influence, leading to the influx of foreign goods, ideas, and culture. This, in turn, led to the gradual weakening of traditional Chinese institutions and values.Moreover, the Opium War exposed the technological and military backwardness of the Qing dynasty, sparking a movement for reform and modernization within China. This ultimately led to the establishment of modern industries, the development of a modern army and navy, and the emergence of a more educated and politically aware citizenry.In conclusion, the Opium War stands as a pivotal event in Chinese history. It marked the end of China's isolation from the outside world and the beginning of a period of foreign domination and influence. However, it also served as a catalyst for reform and modernization within China,leading to significant changes in its political, economic, and cultural landscapes.**鸦片战争:中国历史的转折点**鸦片战争是19世纪中叶中国与大英帝国之间爆发的一场冲突,标志着中国历史的重大转折点。



鸦片战争-第一次鸦片战争编辑词条第一次鸦片战争(英语:First Opium War;1840年6月28日-1842年8月,清朝道光二十年至二十二年)是满清和英国就英国向满清走私鸦片引发的一场战争,战争的导火线是英国商人在中国广东海域走私鸦片二十多年不止日盛,林则徐于1839年在广东强行销烟,中英矛盾逐次升级,而战争以中国失败并赔款割地告终。


基本信息名称鸦片战争伤亡情况英国伤亡523人(阵亡69人)、中国伤亡22790人地点中国东南沿海主要指挥官帕默斯顿,查理·埃利奥特时间1840年6月~1842年8月参战方英国,中国清朝结果英军获胜,签订《南京条约》参战方兵力英国军队19000人、清朝军队91680-200000人影片名称鸦片战争类型战争外文名称The Opium War主演鲍国安,林连昆,片长150分钟出品时间1997制片地区大陆对白语言普通话导演谢晋色彩彩色编剧朱苏进;倪震;宗福先;麦天枢制片人许鞍华监制张炜;成志谷目录基本简介事件背景1.清廷闭关政策1.两国贸易逆差1.外交挫败1.鸦片输入中国1.虎门销烟战争过程1.战前情况1.英军首次北犯1.民众抗击英国1.虎门广州之战1.英军再次北犯1.清军溃退历史影响1.政治及外交1.经济民生1.日本幕末战争评价南京条约展开编辑本段基本简介第一次鸦片战争(英语:First Opium War;1839年11月-1842年8月,清朝道光二十年至二十二年)是满清和英国就英国向满清走私鸦片引发的一场战争,战争的导火线是英国商人在中国广东海域走私鸦片二十多年不止日盛,林则徐于1839年在广东强行销烟,中英矛盾逐次升级,而战争以中国失败并赔款割地告终。




End of the War
British took Canton and sailed up the Yangtze River Took Tax Barges, cut revenue of imperial court of Beijing 1842 Qing sued for peace Ended with Treaty of Nanjing
First Opium War
Lin demanded British merchants to sign a bond promising not to deal opium under penalty of death Lin disposed of the opium – dissolving it in the ocean Did not realize the impact of this action!
Napier Affair
Lord Napier tried to circumvent the Canton Trade laws to reinstitute East India’s monopoly Governor of Macao closed trade with Britain September 2, 1834 British resumed trade under old restrictions
English East India Company
Held monopoly on production and export of opium in India Peasant cultivators often coerced and paid in advance for cultivation of poppies Sold in Calcutta for a profit of 400%



0709 中口汉译英坚定不移地走和平发展道路:unswervingly takes the road of peaceful development 必然选择: an inevitable choice鸦片战争: the Opium War受尽了列强的欺辱: suffer untold /utter/ deep humiliation from the big powers消除战争: eliminate war实现和平: safeguard / maintain peace独立富强: independence and prosperity民生幸福: where the people (can) lead a happy life孜孜以求的奋斗目标: the assiduously sought goal人口多,底子薄: with a large population, a weak economic foundation发展不平衡: unbalanced development作出积极贡献: make energetic contributions0803中口汉译英月球探测工程:lunar probe program千年奔月梦想:centuries-old dream--fly to the moon中华民族:the Chinese nation开启了......的时代:usher in an era of...走向深空,探索宇宙奥秘:explore the mysteries of deep space标志:indicate/mark有深空探测能力:with the capability to explore outer space进入......的行列:join推进:promote自主创新:homegrown innovation创新型国家:innovative country标志性成果:landmark achievement攀登世界科技高峰:scale the world heights of science and technology历史性跨越:a historical breakthrough和平开发利用外层空间:peaceful exploration and utilization of the outer space 重大贡献:great contribution中华儿女:Chinese people辉煌成就:glorious achievements0809中口汉译英:消息灵通人士:well-informed source透露:disclose春节:Spring Festival家乐福:Carrefour新大新:Xindaxin第一次亲密接触:first intimate contact广州市政府:Guangzhou municipal government红娘:matchmaker情投意合:develop into affinity总经理:general manager笼统:general百货行业:retailing industry持有新组建的公司35%的股份:hold 35% of the new joint venture's shares 按照:in compliance with国家有关部门政策:the policies decreed by state authorities concerned 0903 中口汉译英钟表上的秒针一下一下地移动:A watch or clock clicks away the seconds缩短:shorten撕下:tear off日历:calendar时间即生命: Time is life.珍视: cherish充实: enrich/ fulfill积极不懈地善为利用时间: strive to make the best use of time 0709中口英译汉∙ 1. envy:嫉妒、羡慕(形容词envious)∙ 2. go in for:参加、追求、从事真题例句:Americans do not go in for envy.例句翻译:美国人并非善妒之辈。



描述鸦片战争英文介绍作文英文,The Opium War, also known as the First Opium War, was a conflict between China and Great Britain from 1839 to 1842. As a result of the war, China ceded the island of Hong Kong to the British and opened up five ports toforeign trade. The war was primarily caused by the British trade of opium to China, which was illegal but highly profitable. 。

The British had been trading opium in China for many years, despite the Chinese government's attempts to ban the drug. The trade imbalance caused by the opium trade led to a shortage of silver in China, as the Chinese were using silver to pay for the opium. This imbalance angered the Chinese government and led to the destruction of British opium stocks in 1839, sparking the conflict.The war itself was fought primarily at sea, with the British navy easily overpowering the Chinese forces. The Treaty of Nanking, signed in 1842, marked the end of thewar and imposed a series of unequal treaties on China. These treaties not only forced China to cede Hong Kong to the British, but also opened up several other ports to British trade and granted extraterritorial rights toBritish citizens in China.The Opium War had a profound impact on China, leading to a period of humiliation and weakness known as the "Century of Humiliation." It also marked the beginning of a series of unequal treaties and foreign interventions in China, which would continue for over a century.中文,鸦片战争,也称第一次鸦片战争,是中国和英国在1839年至1842年之间的一场冲突。

The Opium Wars鸦片战争

The Opium Wars鸦片战争

The Opium WarsThe first opium war broke out on 28th June, 1840.the English invaders fought with Qing dynasty in order to force Qing dynasty to open china’s market for industrial products, such as the cloth.As we know, at that time the economy of china is natural economy, people can feed themselves with their own plants. They even never bought anything. Therefore English businessmen can only sell quite few products. In order to get huge amount of revenue, the selfish English invaders sold opium to Chinese in Guangdong china. In 20 years, more and more Chinese was addicted to opium, their bodies was becoming worse and worse. What’s worse, the number of opium’s import was increased form 4ooo boxes to over 40000 boxes. The Qing dynasty became aware of the great harm of opium .in 1839, the official, linzexu burned more than 20000 boxes of opium in humen, and meanwhile the government took policy to ban opium. What the Qing dynasty did made the English invaders very angry. That’s the reason why the war broke out..During the war, Only 523 English soldiers were badly hurt or dead, by contrast, the number of china was 22790, abo ut 44 times of English. obviously, and the war was ended with Qing’s failure and the treaty of Nanjing, which is the fir st unequal treaty of china.The treaty of Nanjing included that Qing dynasty gave t he island of Hong Kong to England and open the five ports of Guangzhou, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo, shanghai for commer ce to England. There were many another unequal issues in t he treaty of Nanjing,.Form then on, china became a Semi-colonial and semi-f eudal society. In short, the opium war was the begin of chi na’s modern history.。



Title: The Opium War and the Destruction ofOpium at HumenIn the history of China, the Opium War stands as a dark chapter, marking a significant turning point in thenation's relationship with foreign powers. The conflict, which began in 1839, was triggered by the illegaltrafficking of opium into China by British merchants. This trade, which was highly profitable for the British, caused widespread addiction and social decay in China. In response, the Qing dynasty emperor appointed Lin Zexu as the governor of Guangdong province, tasking him with eradicating the opium trade.Lin Zexu, a determined and resolute official, wasted no time in taking action. He arrived in Guangdong in early1839 and immediately began to investigate the opium trade. His investigation revealed the extensive reach of the trade, with opium being smuggled into the province from various ports along the coast. With the support of the emperor, Lin Zexu issued an ultimatum to the British merchants: theymust surrender all their opium within a specified period or face severe consequences.The British merchants, however, refused to comply. This refusal only strengthened Lin Zexu's resolve, and on June 3, 1839, he ordered the destruction of the opium stockpiles. Over the course of 23 days, large quantities of opium were publicly destroyed, either by being burned or dumped into the sea. This destruction of opium at Humen marked a significant victory for China in its fight against theopium trade.The destruction of opium at Humen, however, was not the end of the conflict. The British government, angered by the action, sent a fleet to China, leading to the outbreak of the First Opium War in 1840. This war, which lasted for two years, ended in a humiliating defeat for China, resultingin the signing of the Treaty of Nanjing. The treaty forced China to cede Hong Kong to the British and opened upseveral ports for trade, effectively ending China's闭关锁国 policy.In hindsight, the destruction of opium at Humen was not just an act of defiance against foreign opium traffickers but also a symbol of China's struggle against foreign aggression and the desire to maintain its sovereignty anddignity. Lin Zexu's actions, although controversial and ultimately unsuccessful in preventing the war, are remembered today as a testament to his patriotism and courage.The Opium War and the destruction of opium at Humen are significant historical events that have shaped China's modern history. They serve as a reminder of the nation's past challenges and struggles, and they continue to inspire the Chinese people in their pursuit of nationalrejuvenation and prosperity.**虎门销烟:历史的抉择与英勇的抗争**在中国历史长河中,鸦片战争无疑是一个黑暗的篇章,它标志着中国与外国列强关系的一个重要转折点。



关于鸦片战争的英语作文The Opium War: A Pivotal Moment in Chinese HistoryThe Opium War, a conflict that erupted in the 19th century, marked a significant turning point in the history of China. This war, which pitted the Qing dynasty against the British Empire, had far-reaching consequences that continue to shape the geopolitical landscape of the modern world.The roots of the Opium War can be traced back to the growing demand for Chinese goods, particularly tea, in the West. As the British East India Company sought to balance its trade deficit with China, it turned to the lucrative opium trade. Opium, a highly addictive drug, was smuggled into China, leading to a surge in addiction and social unrest.The Qing dynasty, alarmed by the detrimental effects of the opium trade, attempted to curb the influx of the drug by confiscating and destroying large quantities of it. This action, however, provoked the British, who saw it as an infringement on their commercial interests. Tensions escalated, and in 1839, the Opium War broke out.The conflict was marked by a significant imbalance of military power. The British, with their superior naval technology and firepower, quickly gained the upper hand. They were able to blockade Chinese ports, bombard coastal cities, and eventually force the Qing dynasty to sue for peace.The Treaty of Nanking, signed in 1842, was a humiliating defeat for China. The treaty ceded the island of Hong Kong to the British, opened up five treaty ports for foreign trade, and granted the British extraterritorial rights, effectively undermining China's sovereignty. This marked the beginning of a series of unequal treaties that further weakened the Qing dynasty and paved the way for the eventual collapse of the imperial system.The Opium War had a profound impact on the trajectory of Chinese history. It exposed the weaknesses of the Qing dynasty and highlighted the need for modernization and reform. The defeat also fueled a growing sense of nationalism and a desire to resist foreign encroachment, which would eventually lead to the rise of revolutionary movements and the establishment of the Republic of China.Moreover, the Opium War set the stage for the subsequent "Century of Humiliation," a period marked by foreign intervention, territorial concessions, and the erosion of Chinese sovereignty. This legacycontinues to shape China's foreign policy and its stance on issues of national sovereignty and territorial integrity.The Opium War also had a significant impact on the global balance of power. The British Empire's victory cemented its position as a dominant world power, while the Qing dynasty's defeat highlighted the growing disparity between the East and the West. This imbalance would have far-reaching consequences, contributing to the rise of imperialism and the scramble for colonies in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.In conclusion, the Opium War stands as a pivotal moment in Chinese history, one that has left an indelible mark on the country's national psyche and its relationship with the rest of the world. The lessons learned from this conflict continue to shape the geopolitical landscape and inform the ongoing debates surrounding China's role in the global order.。








她是西方汉学界著名的文学翻译家,与美国翻译家葛浩文(Howard Goldblatt)一起,可谓英美中国当代文学翻译的“双子星座”。


除了翻译中国现当代文学作品之外,蓝诗玲主要从事现代中国文学与文化史、西方对中国的认识史等方面的研究,曾出版《文化资本的政治:中国对诺贝尔文学奖的追求》 和《长城:中国与世界关系3000年》等专著。





——蓝诗玲蓝诗玲:英国人眼中的鸦片战争文/青柏C ulture 文化·专栏本栏目冠名:英皇星艺(北京)文化发展有限公司. All Rights Reserved.时,她学的都是欧洲语言,在读大学之前,对于中国完全没有印象。


第1课 鸦片战争 课件(34张)

第1课 鸦片战争 课件(34张)
为什么用“销” 不用“烧”?
1939年6月3日至25日,林则徐亲临虎门, 督率官兵工役,先由挖池灌水,撒盐成卤, 然后把所有箱内烟土,投入卤中,泡浸半 日;再将烧透石灰抛下,水池顷刻沸腾。 多名工作人员用铁锄、木耙来回翻搅池水, 直至尽化。等到退潮时开启涵洞送进大海。
。……其初不过纨狰子弟,习为浮靡,尚知敛 戢……嗣后
“迨流毒于天下,则为害甚巨,法当从严。若犹泄泄视之,是使数十年后, 中原几无可以御敌之兵,且无可以充饷之银。”
第一单元 中国开始沦为半殖民地半封建社会
第1课 近代中国的开端:鸦片战争 (The Opium War)
2021年全国两会热议,全国人大代表、广东国鼎律师事务所主任朱列玉将提 交建议,将“一次吸毒,终身禁演”写进法律法规中,整治明星涉毒乱象。 公安部作出回应:国家禁毒办会同文化、新闻出版、广播电视等部门多次对 涉毒社会公众人物、演艺人员及其作品使用进行严格管理规范,出台相关处 罚措施。
出超:又称“贸易顺差”,指在一定时间 内一国的商品出口额高于进口额。 入超:又称“贸易逆差”,进口额高于出 口额。
1.图表反映中英贸易什么特点? 2.为什么会出现这种情况?



第一次鸦片战争的经过是怎样的第一次鸦片战争(First Opium War)英国经常称第一次英中战争(First Anglo-Chinese War)或“通商战争”,是中国近代史的开端。


















在农耕文明高度发达的古代中国,中华民族以自强不 息、开拓创新、睦邻友好的形象矗立在世界舞台。但 从16世纪中期开始,随着西方殖民势力东来,古老的 东方大国开始受到前所未有的挑战。进入19世纪中期, 伴随着工业革命的机器声和坚船利炮的轰鸣声,西方 列强先后对中国发动了两次鸦片战争,以打开和扩大 市场、掠夺原料为主要目的。战争中,中国人民和爱 国官兵进行抵抗,但最终失败了。这种结局反映出腐 朽的封建制度无法对抗先进的资本主义制度,落后的 农耕文明败倒在先进的工业文明脚下。
英法 等国
扩大权益 提出“修约”要求
暑假期间,你去鸦片战争纪念馆当义务讲 解员,请以讲解员的身份,给游客介绍两 次鸦片战争的概况。
字 地方 母 名称
A 广州 B 厦门 G
文化遗产: 以圆明园为代表的文化遗产大肆掠
使中国开始沦为半殖民半封建社会,是中国近代 史的开端。
所谓半殖民地,是相对于殖民地而言的。是指 丧失了部分的而非全部的独立自主权。它是指一个 国家形式上有自己政府,但是实际上在政治、经济 等各方面都在一定程度上受到外国殖民主义的控制 协定关 和奴役的社会形态。即主权不能完全自主。是历史 税,五 的沉沦 口通商 所谓半封建,也是相对于完全封建而言的。它 是指形式上仍是封建统治和自然经济占主导地位, 实际上社会状态已逐渐近代化,资本主义经济、政 治、思想文化等因素在不断发展壮大。即既保存了 封建主义,又发展了资本主义。



中国历史文化常用词汇英译Confucianism 儒教/儒家思想Taoism 道教Buddhism佛教temple寺庙Confucius孔子Mencius孟子Lao Tzu 老子ethics伦理学morality 道德benevolence 仁spiritual 精神的harmony 和谐The Analects of Confucius《论语》The Art of War《孙子兵法》Historical Records《史记》Historical Records《史记》zodiac十二生肖feudal封建的dynasty 朝代emperor;monarch皇帝,君主rein 统治royal 皇家的Tang Princess Wencheng 文成公主Empress Dowager Ci Xi慈禧太后prime minister丞相,宰相ethnic minority少数民族offer sacrifices 祭祀the Western Regions西域cradle of civilization文明的摇篮the Reform Movement of 1898 戌戌变法the Opium War 鸦片战争the War of Resistance Against Japan抗日战争Lunar calendar阴历Fengshui;geomantic omen风水calligraphy书法copybook 字帖Chinese character 汉字pictographic characters象形文字Mandarin (中国)普通话dialect 方言Chinese traditional painting 国画ink-wash painting 水墨画landscape painting 山水画mount裱scroll卷轴figure人物pavilion 阁,亭writing brush 毛笔ink 墨Xuan paper宣纸ink stone 砚台 A Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival清明上河图mural painting 壁画clay figure泥人folk art 民间艺术craftsman 工匠Beijing Opera 京剧facial make-up 脸谱costume 服装acrobatics杂技cross-talk 相声clapper talk快板storytelling评书Xiaopin小品Puppet show木偶剧shadow play 皮影戏zither古筝Tai Chi太极the four great inventions of ancient China 中国古代四大发明the Silk Road丝绸之路compass 指南针papermaking 造纸术gunpowder火药printing 印刷术movable type printing活字印刷fleet 舰队voyage航海traditional Chinese medicine 中药acupuncture 针灸medical massage推拿herbal medicine草药abacus 算盘bronze ware 青铜器porcelain 瓷器seismograph 地动仪Go 围棋martial arts (Wushu)武术fireworks 烟花firecracker鞭炮statutory holiday 法定假日Spring Festival 春节The Spring Festival Gala on CCTV春节联欢晚会gift of money wrapped in red paper 红包New Year gift-money压岁钱family reunion 团圆Lantern Festival元宵节Dragon Boat Festival 端午节sticky rice dumplings粽子Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节moon cake 月饼the Double Seventh Festival 七夕Spring Festival couplets 对联temple fair庙会festival lantern花灯lantern riddle灯谜God of Wealth 财神dumpling 饺子dragon boat race 龙舟赛dragon and lion dance 狮子龙灯舞stilt walking踩高跷dragon boat race赛龙舟kite flying 放风筝Yangge dance 秧歌舞Chinese cuisine中国菜color色aroma香taste , flavor 味chopsticks 筷子Sichuan cuisine川菜soybean milk 豆浆deep-fried dough sticks油条steamed buns 馒头steamed twisted rolls花卷steamed stuffed buns包子Beijing roast duck北京烤鸭hand-stretched noodles拉面hot pot火锅tofu 豆腐instant noodles 方便面wood-cut block print 木刻版画papercutting, paper-cuts 剪纸Chinese Spring Festival Paintings年画cloisonne 景泰蓝embroidery刺绣Suzhou embroidery苏绣batik 蜡染pattern 图案decorate v. 装饰decoration n. 装饰Chinese tunic suit 中山装cheongsam (qipao ) 旗袍Tang-style costume 唐装feature 特色unique to China 中国特有的characteristic 特点the Imperial Palace故宫the Forbidden City 紫禁城Beijing quadrangles北京四合院hutong胡同the Temple of Heaven 天坛The Summer Palace颐和园the Great Wall 长城drum tower鼓楼the Terra-cotta Army of the First Emperor of Qin兵马俑the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi 黄帝陵scenery, landscape 风景place of interests名胜tourist attraction/resort 观光胜地sightsee v. 观光,游览Mount Huangshan 黄山the Jiuzhaigou Valley 九寨沟the Mogao Caves 莫高窟giant panda 大熊猫rare 珍稀的bamboo竹子。



中国历史文化常用词汇英译Confucianism 儒教/儒家思想Taoism 道教Buddhism佛教temple寺庙Confucius孔子Mencius孟子Lao Tzu 老子ethics伦理学morality 道德benevolence 仁spiritual 精神的harmony 和谐The Analects of Confucius《论语》The Art of War《孙子兵法》Historical Records《史记》Historical Records《史记》zodiac十二生肖feudal封建的dynasty 朝代emperor;monarch皇帝,君主rein 统治royal 皇家的Tang Princess Wencheng 文成公主Empress Dowager Ci Xi慈禧太后prime minister丞相,宰相ethnic minority少数民族offer sacrifices 祭祀the Western Regions西域cradle of civilization文明的摇篮the Reform Movement of 1898 戌戌变法the Opium War 鸦片战争the War of Resistance Against Japan抗日战争Lunar calendar阴历Fengshui;geomantic omen风水calligraphy书法copybook 字帖Chinese character 汉字pictographic characters象形文字Mandarin (中国)普通话dialect 方言Chinese traditional painting 国画ink-wash painting 水墨画landscape painting 山水画mount裱scroll卷轴figure人物pavilion 阁,亭writing brush 毛笔ink 墨Xuan paper宣纸ink stone 砚台 A Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival清明上河图mural painting 壁画clay figure泥人folk art 民间艺术craftsman 工匠Beijing Opera 京剧facial make-up 脸谱costume 服装acrobatics杂技cross-talk 相声clapper talk快板storytelling评书Xiaopin小品Puppet show木偶剧shadow play 皮影戏zither古筝Tai Chi太极the four great inventions of ancient China 中国古代四大发明the Silk Road丝绸之路compass 指南针papermaking 造纸术gunpowder火药printing 印刷术movable type printing活字印刷fleet 舰队voyage航海traditional Chinese medicine 中药acupuncture 针灸medical massage推拿herbal medicine草药abacus 算盘bronze ware 青铜器porcelain 瓷器seismograph 地动仪Go 围棋martial arts (Wushu)武术fireworks 烟花firecracker鞭炮statutory holiday 法定假日Spring Festival 春节The Spring Festival Gala on CCTV春节联欢晚会gift of money wrapped in red paper 红包New Year gift-money压岁钱family reunion 团圆Lantern Festival元宵节Dragon Boat Festival 端午节sticky rice dumplings粽子Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节moon cake 月饼the Double Seventh Festival 七夕Spring Festival couplets 对联temple fair庙会festival lantern花灯lantern riddle灯谜God of Wealth 财神dumpling 饺子dragon boat race 龙舟赛dragon and lion dance 狮子龙灯舞stilt walking踩高跷dragon boat race赛龙舟kite flying 放风筝Yangge dance 秧歌舞Chinese cuisine中国菜color色aroma香taste , flavor 味chopsticks 筷子Sichuan cuisine川菜soybean milk 豆浆deep-fried dough sticks油条steamed buns 馒头steamed twisted rolls花卷steamed stuffed buns包子Beijing roast duck北京烤鸭hand-stretched noodles拉面hot pot火锅tofu 豆腐instant noodles 方便面wood-cut block print 木刻版画papercutting, paper-cuts 剪纸Chinese Spring Festival Paintings年画cloisonne 景泰蓝embroidery刺绣Suzhou embroidery苏绣batik 蜡染pattern 图案decorate v. 装饰decoration n. 装饰Chinese tunic suit 中山装cheongsam (qipao ) 旗袍Tang-style costume 唐装feature 特色unique to China 中国特有的characteristic 特点the Imperial Palace故宫the Forbidden City 紫禁城Beijing quadrangles北京四合院hutong胡同the Temple of Heaven 天坛The Summer Palace颐和园the Great Wall 长城drum tower鼓楼the Terra-cotta Army of the First Emperor of Qin兵马俑the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi黄帝陵scenery, landscape 风景place of interests名胜tourist attraction/resort 观光胜地sightsee v. 观光,游览Mount Huangshan 黄山the Jiuzhaigou Valley 九寨沟the Mogao Caves 莫高窟giant panda 大熊猫rare 珍稀的bamboo竹子。



鸦片战争前夕的中国和世界 二、鸦片战争
1、英国挑起战争 标志:1840年英国封锁珠江口 原因:
和海外市场,迫切要求打开中国的大门; 主要:清政府的衰落 (战前的清朝在政治、经济、军事、外交方面 均比英国等欧美国家落后); 直接:中国的禁烟运动(林则徐虎门销烟——导火线) 又从根本上断绝了非法的鸦片贸易这条罪恶的“商路”。 性质:侵略战争
镇 海
第三阶段:1842 年
1、英国挑起战争 标志:1840年英国封锁珠江口 原因:根本,主要,直接 性质:侵略战争 2、过程(1840 —1842年) 1840年 封锁珠江口,进犯广东、福建、台湾,进抵白河口 1841年 扩大侵略:攻占广州(陈连生、关天培), 三元里抗英, 侵占香港岛, 攻占定海(定海三总兵),进占镇海(欲谦) 1842年 进犯吴淞(陈化成),攻占镇江(海龄) 8月 进抵南京下关江面,清政府投the total number of opium smokers in China in the 1830’s was as high as 12 million
2、英国向中国走私鸦片和中国禁烟运动 1> 正常中英贸易 中国顺差(出超) 原因 根源:自然经济抵制 英国逆差(入超) 影响: 不符合英国利益 2> 鸦片走私 直接: 扭转贸易逆差(掠夺) 原因 根本: 敲开中国大门 危害: 白银外流、百业萧条、身心健康、政治更腐败



The Opium War: A Turning Point in ChineseHistoryThe Opium War, also known as the First Anglo-Chinese War, was a conflict that took place between the British Empire and the Qing dynasty of China from 1840 to 1842. This war marked a significant turning point in Chinese history, as it led to the country's decline and the beginning of foreign domination.The conflict originated with the British trade deficit in China, which was caused by China's refusal to trade equally with Britain. The British East India Company, seeking to balance its trade deficit, began smuggling opium into China, which led to widespread addiction and social problems. The Qing government, realizing the seriousness of the situation, banned opium imports, sparking outrage among British merchants and leading to the outbreak of the war. The war was a resounding victory for the British, who easily defeated the outdated Qing army. The Treaty of Nanjing, which ended the war, was a devastating blow to China. Among other provisions, the treaty forced China to cede Hong Kong to the British, pay a large indemnity, andgrant additional extraterritorial rights to the British. These terms effectively stripped China of its sovereignty and laid the groundwork for future foreign invasions and occupations.The Opium War had profound impacts on Chinese society and politics. It marked the beginning of China's decline as a global power and the start of a period of foreign domination and exploitation. The treaty provisions, particularly the cession of Hong Kong, became symbols of national humiliation and sparked a wave of reform movements and nationalistic sentiment that would shape China'shistory for decades.The war also exposed the deep-seated problems within the Qing dynasty. The dynasty's outdated military and administrative systems, combined with corruption and incompetence among its leaders, made it unable to respond effectively to the challenges posed by foreign powers. The Opium War thus became a catalyst for social and political change in China, leading to the eventual collapse of the Qing dynasty and the emergence of new political forces that would shape the country's future.In conclusion, the Opium War was a tragic chapter in Chinese history that marked the beginning of a long periodof foreign domination and national humiliation. It was a wake-up call for the Chinese people, who realized that they needed to modernize their country in order to compete with the powerful foreign powers. The lessons learned from this war have had a profound impact on Chinese society and politics, shaping the country's development andinternational standing in the modern era.**鸦片战争:中国历史的转折点**鸦片战争,也被称为第一次英中战争,是1840年至1842年间英国帝国与清朝中国之间发生的一场冲突。



鸦片战争英语作文The Opium War, which took place between 1839 and 1842,was a pivotal event in the history of China, marking the beginning of the country's modern era and its confrontation with Western imperialism. The conflict arose primarily due to the trade imbalance between China and Britain, with thelatter seeking to rectify the deficit by selling opium to Chinese consumers.The British East India Company played a significant rolein this trade, cultivating opium in India and smuggling itinto China. The Chinese government, under the leadership of Emperor Daoguang, attempted to curb the opium trade and its detrimental effects on society. Lin Zexu, a Chinese official, was appointed to enforce the ban on opium, leading to the destruction of a large quantity of opium at Humen in 1839.In retaliation, Britain dispatched a naval force to China, leading to a series of military engagements. The British navy, equipped with superior weaponry and technology, quickly overpowered the Chinese forces. The war resulted in theTreaty of Nanking in 1842, which was a significant blow to China's sovereignty. The treaty forced China to open several ports to foreign trade, cede Hong Kong to Britain, and pay a substantial indemnity.The Opium War had profound implications for China. It exposed the weaknesses of the Qing Dynasty and led to aperiod of internal turmoil and external pressures known as the Century of Humiliation. The war also marked the beginning of China's engagement with the global community, albeit under unfavorable terms.In the aftermath, China faced numerous challenges, including additional unequal treaties with other Western powers. These events sparked a desire for reform and modernization within China, eventually leading to the fall of the Qing Dynasty and the establishment of the Republic of China.The Opium War serves as a reminder of the consequences of unequal power dynamics in international relations and the importance of national sovereignty and self-determination. It is a historical episode that continues to shape China's approach to foreign policy and its quest for a more just and equitable global order.。

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20,000 chests of Opium seized by Chinese
Battle at Chinkiang
British and American sailors kill a chinaman British capture Bogue forts
British expelled and travelled to Hong Kong British occupiedheights overlooking Canton British refuse to give up culprit Chinese defeated at Ningpo and Chinhai Chinese Emperor attempts to stamp out Opium
Convention of Cheunpi
Failure of Chinese counter-offensive
First Opium War
HMS Hyacinth and Volage repell 29 war junks Shanghai was occupied without a fight
The Treaty of Nanking
The Opium War
Early in the 19th cent, British merchants began smuggling opium into China in order to balance their purchases of tea for export to Britain.
The Opium War, also called the Anglo-Chinese War, was the most humiliating defeat China ever suffered. 1839–42 and 1856–60, two wars between China and Western countries.
The first was between Great Britain and China. In 1839, China enforced its prohibitions on the importation of opium by destroying at Guangzhou (Canton) a large quantity of opium confiscated from British merchants. Great Britain, which had been looking to end China's restrictions on foreign trade, responded by sending gunboats to attack several Chinese coastal cities. China, unable to withstand modern arms, was defeated and forced to sign the Treaty of Nanjing (1842) . These provided that the ports of Guangzhou, Jinmen, Fuzhou, Ningbo, and Shanghai should be open to British trade and residence; in addition Hong Kong was ceded to the British.
In 1856 a second war broke out following an allegedly illegal Chinese search of a British-registered ship, the Arrow,in Guangzhou. British and French troops took Guangzhou and Tianjin and compelled the Chinese to accept the treaties of Tianjin (1858), to which France, Russia, and the United States were also party.
Lin Tse-hs
Deeply concerned about the opium menace, Lin Tse-hs maneuverd himself into being appointed Imperial Commissioner at Canton to cut off the opium trade at its source by rooting out corrupt officials and cracking down on British trade in the drug. There was a sensational event commonded by him: Burning of Opium Stocks in Humen(beach).Of all the imperial officials, however, Lin was the first to realize the momentuous lesson of the Opium War. He was called the first person who opened eyes to see the world in Chinese history. On the website,there is a Memorial Hall of Lin Tse-hs.We can send flowers to him on the website. His famous saying is:苟利国家生死以,起因祸福必趋之。
