它由两部分组成:一是从本国口由贸易区或海关保税仓库再出口;二是 经过海关结关手续后的本国化商品再出口。
复进口(Reimport)输往国外的商品未经加工乂输入本国,则叫做复进口 或再进口。产生复进口的原因,或者是商品质量不合格,或者是商品销 佔:不对路,或者是国内木身就供不应求。从经济效益考虑,一国应该尽 量避免出现复进口的情况。国际贸易的基本类型
有形贸易(Tangible Goods Trade)是指买卖那些看得见、摸得着的具 有物质形态的商品(如粮食、机器等)的交换活动。
无形贸易(Intangible Goods Trade)是指买卖一切不具备物质形态的商品的交换活动,例如运输.保险.金融.文化娱乐、国际旅游.技术 转让、咨询等方而的提供和接受。无形贸易可以分为服务贸易和技术贸 易。
或者说某种商品从甲国经市乙国输往肉国销售,对乙国來说,这 项买卖就是过境贸易。
直接过境贸易是指A国的商品进入本国境内后不存放海关仓库而直 接运往B国;
间接过境贸易是指A国的商品进入C国境内后存放仓库,然厉再运 往B国。
在过境贸易中,由于木国未通过买卖取得货物的所有权,因此,过 境商品一般不列入本国的进出口统计中。在总贸易体系中,间接过境贸 易计入该国的对外贸易总额屮。复出口复进口
出口贸易(ExportTrade)是抬将木国牛•产和加工的商品或劳务运往国 外市场进行销售,又称输出贸易。
《国际贸易》复习题名词解释 (如果是英文先翻译成中文, 再解释)/ 基本概念(根据要求用英文或者中文)机会成本,国际分工,贸易结构Composition of trade,贸易所得Trade gain,外贸依存度Degree of dependence upon foreign trade,重商主义mercantilism,绝对优势Absolute advantage,,比较优势Comparative Advantage,绝对优势理论Law of Absolute advantage,比较优势理论Law of Comparative Advantage要素禀赋Factor endowment ,要素密集度 Factor intensity,要素丰裕度factor abundance,贸易条件terms of trade, H-O 定理H-O theorem,要素价格均等化定理factor-price equalization theorem,里昂惕夫之谜 Leontief Paradox,Stolper-Samuelson theorem斯托尔珀-萨缪尔逊定理,产业内贸易,产业间贸易,产业内贸易指数,内部规模经济internal economies,外部规模经济external economies,相互需求的理论R eciprocal demandsOverlapping demand theory重叠需求理论,技术差距理论,产品生命周期理论,需求的收入弹性和恩格尔定律,罗伯津斯基定理Rybczynshi theorem,荷兰病,贫困化增长(福利恶化型增长)immiserizing growth,关税,财政关税,保护关税,从价税ad valorem tariff,从量税specific tariff ,普通进口税,差价税进口附加税,反补贴税,反倾销税,普遍优惠制Generalized System of Preferences (GSP),普遍优惠制的三原则;普惠制的例外规定(受惠国家、商品、减税幅度、原产地等)最佳关税optimum tariff,有效保护率effective tariff rate,非关税壁垒non-tariff barriers,进口配额制,自动出口配额制(自愿出口限制)“Voluntary” Export Restraint (VER),外汇管制,歧视性政府采购政策,专断的海关估价,技术性贸易壁垒Technical barriers of trade (TBT),export credit 出口信贷,卖方信贷,买方信贷 buyer’s credit,国际贸易政策,自由贸易政策,保护贸易政策,保护幼稚工业论infant industry,新贸易保护主义观点(改善贸易条件、国防观点、增加政府收入、报复手段等);战略性贸易政策 Strategic Trade Policy区域经济一体化regional economic integration,自由贸易区free-trade area,关税同盟customs union,共同市场common market,经济同盟economic union,完全的经济一体化Full economic union,,贸易创造Trade creation, 贸易转移Trade diversion注意:1. 有些概念中包含相应的几何图形;2. 有些概念包含计算公式;3. 有些是简答题。
外贸实务英语期末备考总结Firstly, I have learned about the process of exporting and importing goods. Exporting is the act of selling goods or services produced in one country to another country. Importing, on the other hand, is the act of buying goods or services from another country. The process of exporting and importing involves various steps, including market research, product selection, international contract negotiation, customs clearance, and transportation logistics. Throughout the semester, we have studied each of these steps in detail, which has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of how goods are traded internationally.Next, I have gained knowledge about international trade policies and regulations. International trade is governed by a complex set of laws and regulations at both the national and international levels. These regulations aim to promote fair trade practices, protect domestic industries, and ensure the safety and quality of traded goods. Some of the key regulations that we have studied include import and export licensing, customs duties, trade barriers, and trade agreements. Understanding these regulations is crucial for businesses to comply with the law and minimize trade risks.Moreover, I have learned about the various strategies used by businesses to expand their overseas markets. One such strategy is market entry modes, which refers to the ways in which companies enter foreign markets. There are several market entry modes, including exporting, licensing, franchising, joint ventures, and foreign direct investment. Each mode has its advantages and disadvantages, and businesses need to carefully evaluate their options based on factors such as market characteristics, financial resources, and risk tolerance. Additionally, we have also learned about marketing strategies for international markets, including market segmentation, positioning, branding, and distribution. These strategies help businesses adapt to the unique characteristics of foreign markets and achieve competitive advantage.Throughout the semester, I have also gained practical skills in foreign trade practice. We have participated in various simulation exercises and case studies, where we have had the opportunity to apply our knowledge to real-world trade scenarios. These practical exercises have improved my problem-solving abilities, analytical skills, and decision-making capabilities. Additionally, I have also learned valuable communication skills, as foreign trade practice often involves negotiating with international partners, resolving conflicts, and building strong business relationships.In conclusion, the study of foreign trade practice has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the processes, regulations, and strategies involved in international trade. I have gained knowledge about the process of exporting and importing goods, international trade policies and regulations, and the strategies used by businesses to expand their overseas markets. I have also developed practical skills in problem-solving, analytical thinking, and communication. Overall, I believe that the knowledge and skills I have gained in this subject will be valuable in my future career in international trade.。
国贸复习范围1复习范围:第二章:第二节品名货物品质以及表示方法品质机动幅度品质公差品质条款注意事项第三节熟悉常用的计量单位法定重量公量数量条款注意事项(溢短装条款、信用证结算项下的约数)第三节包装的种类 TEU 运输标志(唛头制作)定牌、无牌、中性包装包装条款注意事项书后习题:三、解答问题的11、12;四、作业的6;五、案例分析的4第三章第二节重点掌握贸易术语FOB CFR CIF、掌握FCA CPT CIP .含义(特定的责任、费用和风险归属)(《2000年通则》《2021年通则》)了解《2000年通则》后7各术语。
第三节价格的表示方法出口货物价格的构成FOB CFR CIF的价格构成以及三者之间的换算;佣金、含佣价、净价,退税金额、实际成本的计算第四章第二节第四节班轮运输含义和特点班轮运输运费构成和基本运费的计收标准运费的计算租船运输的特点和方式海运提单(含义、性质和作用、种类等)航空运单第六节集装箱运输机构(堆场、货运站)集装箱装箱方式(了解交接方式 ) 国际多式联运第七节装运期装运港和目的港分批装运、转船装运通知滞期和速遣书后习题:四、作业的1、2;五、案例分析的2第五章第二节海上风险及其种类海上损失、海上费用的分类、含义 CIC的险别(三个基本险、附加险)、责任起讫除外责任 ICC险别第五节索赔注意事项第六节保险条款需注意的问题书后习题:三.解答问题的2、3、4 四、作业的2、3、五、案例分析的1、2、4第六章(结算工具、结算方式)第二节汇票、本票、支票的含义,汇票的分类与使用第三节汇款方式第四节托收的含义托收的方式及其含义托收注意的问题第五节信用证的含义信用证的作用和性质、特点信用证的种类及作用了解信用证的当事人和内容、结算程序第六节银行保函和备用信用证的含义第七节国际保理的含义第八节贸易融资(对出口商、对进口商的融资方式种类)五、案例分析的全部感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
国际贸易实务复习重点中英⽂全套08级国贸资料整理Chapter 1 General introductionLearning objectives:Define international tradeExplain the reasons for international tradeIdentify the benefits of international tradeExplain the major categories of international tradeTell the differences between domestic trade and international tradeDefinition of international tradeInternational trade refers to the exchange of goods and service between nations. Reasons for international trade1) Resource reasons:a. Uneven distribution of natural resources;b. Development of human and technologicalresources2) Economic reasons:i.e. economic benefits3) Other reasons:A. Political objectivesB. Diversification of the productC. Consumers’requirementsBenefits of international tradeEconomic growthCheaper goods or servicesGreater varietyDifferences between international trade and domestic tradeDifferent language and cultureDifferent currencyDifferent legal system and policiesDifferent risk levelsDifferent difficulties and managementClassification of international tradeExport tradeImport tradeTransit tradeDirect tradeIndirect tradeEntrepot tradeVisible tradeInvisible tradeBarter tradeFree-liquidation tradeChapter 2 International Trade TermsThink about it:●按FOB条件达成的合同,凡需租船运输的⼤宗货物,应在合同中具体证明()A. 装船费⽤由谁负担B. 卸货费⽤由谁负担C. 保险费⽤由谁负担●当我在进⼝合同中使⽤FOBST条件或在出⼝合同中使⽤CIF ex ship’s hold条件时,在使⽤班轮运输船的情况下,我是否有权向对⽅收回装货费或卸货费?为什么?●我某出⼝公司按CIF条件向德国某进⼝商出⼝⼀批草帽,向中国⼈民保险公司投保了⼀切险,并规定⽤信⽤证⽅式⽀付。
1、合法而稳定的权力在使用得当时很 少遇到 抵抗。 ——塞 ·约翰 逊 2、权力会使人渐渐失去温厚善良的美 德。— —伯克
3、最大限度地行使权力总是令人反感 ;权力 不易确 定之处 始终存 在着危 险。— —塞·约翰逊 4、权力会奴化一切。——塔西佗
5、虽然权力是一头固执的熊,可是金 子可以 拉着它 的鼻子 走。— —莎士 比
21、要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。——培根 22、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——韩愈
23、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——马克思 24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。——莎士比亚
FOB的变形:FOB术语后加列附加条件1)FOB Liner Terms(班轮条件)2)FOB Under Tackle(吊钩下交货)3)FOB并理舱(FOB stowed, FOBS)4)FOB并平舱(FOB trimmed, FOBT)5)FOB理舱并平舱(FOB stowed&trimmed, FOBSTCFR——成本加运费(……指定目的港),是指卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内在装运港将货物交至运往指定目的港的船上,负担货物越过船舷为止的一切货物灭失或损坏的风险及由于各种事件造成的任何额外费用,并负责租船订舱,支付至目的港的正常运费。
国际贸易实务(英语版)期末考试总结1.询盘Enquiry (inquiry) refers to the buyer in order to buy or the seller in order to sell goods to ask to each other about trading conditions.2.接受Acceptance. In business law, an acceptance is the assent to the terms ofan offer. It must be absolute and unconditional.3.商品的品质;Sale by seller' s sample made on the basis of the sample providedby the seller Sale by buyer' s sample made on the basis of the sample provided by the buyerSale by counter sample Counter sample: a replica made by the seller of the sample provided, normally by the buyer counter sample used as the basis for quality to remove the risk of the seller, a good substitute to sale by buyer' s sample4.重量gross weight (毛重)二net weight (净重)+ Tare (皮重)Conditioned weight:(公量)equals to the dry weight of a commodity plus the standard moisture content. Conditioned weight 二Dried net weight x (1 + Standard regain rate)Theoretical weight (理论重量)二Unit weight x QuantityLegal weight (法定重量)=Net weight + Tare (immediate packing)5.商品包装bulk commodities (散装)nude packed commodities (裸装)Packed commodities (包装)Neutral packing (中性包装)means that there is neither a name of the origin, nor a name of the factory, nor a trade mark, a brand, or even any words on the packing of the commodity and the commodity itself. It includes two kinds: packing with trade mark designated by the buyer but without the mark of the manufacturers origins packing without trade mark and origins as well as the mark of the manufacturers .6.贸易术语Warsaw-Oxford Rules is made by International Law Association, which only defines CIF contracts.海洋和河内运输:FAS FOB CFR CIF任何:EXW FCA CPT CIP DAT DAP DDP装运港交货:FOB CFR CIF向承运人交货:FTA CIP CPT目的地交货:DAT DAP DDP FOB:Free on board The seller is responsible for shipping the contracted goods on board theship dominated by the buyer at the port of shipment within specific period and bearing all costs and risks before the goods are on board the vessel.CFR --- Cost and freight: The seller is responsible for booking space anddelivering the goods on board the vessel sailing for the destination in due time according to the contract and covering the risks and expenses during carriage (the risks are transferred when goods are delivered on board). CIF --------------------- --Cost Insurance and Freight: CIF means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel. The risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes when the goods are on board the vessel. The seller must contract for and pay the cost and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination. The seller also contracts for insurance cover against the buyer' s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage. The buyer should note that under CIF the seller is required to obtain insurance only on minimum cover.7.国际运输:Liner Transport班轮运输A liner is vessel with regular sailings and arrivals and sails on a fixed (regular) sailing route and calls at fixed (regular) base ports.特点:a. Fixity, namely fixed routes, fixed ports of call, fixed dates and fixed rates. 四固定 b. Responsibility 一负责 c. Liabilities, obligations and exemptions of liners and the shipper are all on the basis of the bill of lading issued by liners.权利、义务、责任豁免Shipping by Charter 租船运输:It means a freight-carrying vessel which has no regular route orschedule of sailings or port or freight. The shipper charters ship from the ship-owner and uses it to carry the goods.International Multi-modal Transport 国际多式联运:It involves the transportationof freight in an international container or vehicle, using multiple modes of transportation (rail, ship and truck), without any handling of the freight itself when changing modes.8.海运提单Bill of lading (B/L): a document issued by an ocean carrier to a shipper with whom the carrier has entered into a contract for the carriage of goods. 作用:a receipt of cargo, an evidence of contract of carriage , a document title to the goods9.保险:Perils of the Sea (海上风险):Natural Calamities (自然灾害) Fortuitous Accidents (意外事故)Extraneous Risks (附加其他风险)General Extraneous Risks Special Extraneous Risks (特殊附加风险战争等)Actual Total Loss:实际全损It means that the insured subject matter is totally and irretrievably (un-savable) lost.Constructive Total Loss:推定全损It is estimated that the actual total loss ofcargo is inevitable or the cost of salvage or recovery could have exceed the value of the cargo.Partial loss 部分损失:General Average: 共同海损It refers to a certain special sacrifice and extra expense intentionally incurred for the general interests of the ship-owner, the insurer, and the owners of the various cargoes abroad the ship. When a ship is in danger, the captain must make a decision and one of shippers will suffer. In order to compensate the special sacrifice, all the others will club together to re-compensate him for loss.Particular average: 单独海损It means that a particular cargo is damaged by any cause and the degree of the damage does not reach a total loss, i.e., only a partial loss, which shall be borne by the owner of this individual consignment.Free from particular average (F. P. A.)平安险With particular average (W. P. A.)水渍险It covers partial loss due to vile weather, lightning, tsunami, earthquake and/or flood as well as the risks covered under F. P. A. condition as mentioned above.All risks: 一切险Aside from the risks covered under the F. P. A. and W. A. conditions as above, this insurance also covers all risks of losses or damage to the insured goods whether partial or total, arising from general additional risks.保险金额计算insurance amount=CIF price X (1 + markup percentage 加成率)premium (溢价)二insurance amount X premium rateInsurance Policy:(保险单)It is the most widely used insurance document. Contents of the insurance policy usually include The detailed content .Insurance Certificate 保险凭证It is a kind of simplified insurance policy, andthe rights and obligations of two parties are omitted. But it has the same legal validity as the insurance policy.10.支付工具 A bill of exchange (汇票)is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinablefurther time, a sum certain in money to, or to the order of, a specified person, or to any bearer.Classification of the bill of exchange (汇票分类) :a. According to the drawer,it is divided into banker, s draft and commercial draft, b. According to whether accompanied with shipping documents, it can be classified into clean bill and documentary bill. c. According to the time of payment, it is divided into sight bill and time bill or usance bill.A promissory note (本票)is an unconditional promise in writing made by one person to another signed by the maker, engaging to pay, on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money to, or to a order of, a specified person or to a bearer.Promissory note is classified (分类)into bank note and commercial note. Bank note is issued by the bank; but commercial note is issued by the business or the person.11.The difference between the bill of exchange and promissory note (汇票本票区别)a. Promissory note: two parties involved; bill of exchange: three parties involved.b.The drawer of the promissory note is the payer, and time promissory note doesn' t need endorsement; time bill of exchange needs endorsement.c.In any cases, the drawer of the promissory note is the main debtor (债务人);For bank draft, the drawer of bill of exchange is the main debtor before acceptance, but after acceptance, the acceptor become the main debtor.12.支付方式:Mail transfer (M/T):(信汇)The buyer gives money to a local bank which sends a trust deed (契约)for payment to it' s correspondent bank at the seller' s end by mail and entrusts it with the task to pay money to the seller. Telegraphic transfer (T/T)(电汇)At the request of the buyer, a local bank sends a trust deed for payment by cable directly to it, s correspondent bank at the seller? s end and entrusts the work to it to pay money to the seller.Demand draft (D/D):(票汇)The buyer buys a draft from a local bank and sendsit by mail to the seller, the seller or his appointed person can collect money from the relative bank at his end against the draft sent by the buyer.Collection 托收Collection means that the exporter asks his bank to arrange forthe acceptance or payment of the bill overseas, and the bank will carry his task through it' s own branch office abroad or a correspondent bank.信用证In simple terms, a L/C is a conditional bank undertaking or guarantee of payment.Expressed more carefully, it is a written undertaking by a bank given to theseller at the request and in accordance with the instructionsof the buyer to effect payment up to a stated sum of money, within a prescribed time limit and against stipulated documents.信用证分类According to whether the draft is accompanied with the shipping document, L/C is divided into Documentary L/C:跟单信用证and Clean L/C:光票信用证.According to whether the draft is revocable , L/C is divided into revocable L/C and irrevocable L/C.(可撤销否)Back to back L/C:(背对背信用证)The exporter sends the L/C established by the importer in his favor to a bank as sole security, requiring the local bank to reopen an L/C in favor of the actual exporter. The L/C opened by the importer is called the original L/C, while the second L/C issued in favor of the actual exporter at the request of the exporter is called the subsidiary L/C.13.货物检验:Legal inspection (法定检验)is conducted to make mandatoryinspection of import and export commodities according to laws and regulations of the country. It is an important way to control the quantity of commodities.Place and time of inspection:货物检验分类It can be divided into 3 kinds:(1)To make inspection in the export country(2)To make inspection in the import country(3)To make inspection in the export countryand m ake re-inspection in the import country。
国际贸易实务(下划线为重点记忆和理解,无的为一般记忆和了解)Chapter one1.国际贸易概念:International trad e is also known as worl d trad e, foreign trad e,overseas trad e. It refers to the process of fair and d eliberate exchange of goods or services between two or more countries, involving the use of two or more currencies.Besid es, international trad e concerns trad e operations of both import and export and includ es the purchase and sale of both visibl e and invisibl e goods.2.1)Resource reasons (natural resource, human resource and technology)2)Economic reasons (economic benefits, comparative advantage and economies ofscale)3)Other reasons (political reasons, differences in tastes, preferences andconsumption patterns)3.国际贸易与国内贸易的不同:In particular, international trad e is more subject to:Language habits and cultural differences2)Foreign laws, customs and regulations or international rul es3)Exchange rate fluctuations and interest rate4)Higher l evel of political, financial and transportation risks5)More compl ex business procedures therefore managers need a broad er range ofmanagement skills4.1)从货物流向(direction of cargo fl ow)分: export trad e, import trad e and transit trad e(过境贸易)2)从参与的贸易方(the number of participants )分:direct trad e, indirect trad e and entrepot trad e(转口贸易)转口贸易:entrepot trad e refers to the transaction which involves importing goods fromre-exporting the goods abroad. 转口贸易又称中转贸易或再输出贸易,是指国际贸易中进出口货物的买卖,不是在生产国和消费国之间直接进行,而是通过第三国转手进行的贸易。
复习提纲Chapter 11. Two kinds of trade restrictions.Tariff and Non-Tariff barriers2. Three forms of import surtax.Countervailing duty/ Anti-dumping/ Variable duty3. The types of duties according to the time of collection.Import duty/ Export duty4. The types of duties according to the methods of collection.Specific duty/ Ad Valorem duty/ Mixed or Compounding duty/ Alternative duty 5. The types of non-trade barriers.Quota/ import license/voluntary export restraints/foreign exchange control/state monopoly of import and export/government procurement policy/advanced deposit/technical standard/heath and sanitary regulation//packaging and laboring regulation/minimum priceChapter 21. Under FOB, CFR, CIF, FCA, CPT, CIP terms,Which party shallapply for export license? sellerclear the goods for export? sellerbe responsible for inspection? sellerbear the freight necessary to bring the goods from the port of shipment to thenamed port of destination? Buyer: FOB/FCAbear the insurance premium during the carriage of goods from the port of shipment to the named port of destination? Seller: CIF/CIPbear the loading cost at the port of shipment? Buyer: FOB/FCAbear the unloading cost at the port of destination? Seller: CIF/CPTapply for import license? buyerclear the goods for import and pay the relevant import duty? buyerbe responsible for re-inspection? buyerWhat modes of transport they can be used for these terms?FOB/CFR/CIF: Sea or inland waterway transportFCA/CIP/CPT: any mode of transport including multimodal transport2. What are the places of delivery under EXW, FOB, CFR,CIF ,FCA,CPT,CIP, DDU, DDP terms?EXW the seller’ premiseFOB/CFR/CIF Ship’s railFCA/CIP/CPT CarrierDDU/DDP named place in the importing country3. The legal features of INCOTERMS.It is not a part of national or international law though they can be blinding the sellers and the buyers as their contractual obligations provided the sales contract specifies that a particular Incoterms will apply.Chapter 31. Four types of mark used in international tradeShipping marks/ information marks/indicative marks/warning marks2. Some phrases should not be used in the terms of packing in contracts as they are ambiguous, what they are?Sea-worthy packaging customary packaging3. The meaning of following combinations of letters and figures in the following shipping markABC Co. Stand for name of importerXYZ123is reference number, such as number of contract, invoice or shipping documentsShanghai is port of destinationChapter 41. Two types of merchant vessels.Liners/ tramps2. The meanings of W, M, Ad Val, W/M, W/M or Ad Val in a Liner’s Freight Tariff.W/ by weight M/ by measurement, volume Ad Val/ by valueW/M by weight or volume W/M or Ad Val first by weight or volume, second by value3. The functions of a B/L.A receipt from shipping co. for shipping’s goods,A title document to the goods shippedA evidence of the contract of carriage4. The differences between a shipped B/L and a received for shipment B/L.A Shipped B/L: Goods are loading on board. The name of the carrying vessel and the date of shipping are indicated on it.A received for shipment B/L: goods are unloading on board. No name of the carrying vessel and the date of shipping on it. On board notation is needed.5. The differences between a clean B/L and a dirty B/L.Clean B/L: no words about the defective conditions of the goods or packaging are printed on the B/L. goods are apparent good condition.Dirty B/L: packages are in damaged condition.6. The differences between a short form B/L and a long form B/L.Long form B/L: there are contract clauses printed on the back of B/L.Short form B/L: No contract clauses.7. The features of an on deck B/L舱面提单and a stale B/L.Deck B/L: goods are placed on the deck of shipping transportation. No acceptance to the issuing bank.A stale B/L: goods arrive before the arrival of shipping documents. The shipment date is latter than that in the L/C.8. When a bearer B/L or an order B/L is transferred, what type of endorsement is needed? Blank/restrictive/special endorsement9. What type of an order B/L becomes after a blank endorsement / after a special endorsement?Bearer B/L (blank endorsement)Order B/L (special endorsement)Chapter 51. The two ways to express the exchange rate between any two currencies. Direct quotation and indirect quotation2. Under the direct quotation, when a foreign currency becomes expensive/ less expensive, will the buying and selling rate be up or down?Expensive------up less expensive-------down2. Under the indirect quotation, when a foreign currency becomes expensive/ less expensive, will the buying and selling rate be up or down?Expensive------down less expensive-------up3. The currencies which exporters should choose / avoid as the contract currency.Choose the currency that will become stronger.Avoid the currency that will become weaker.4. The currencies which importers should choose / avoid as the contract currency.Choose the currency that will become weaker.Avoid the currency that will become stronger5. The methods of quotation for foreign currencies in China, the U.K. and theU.S.In China---------direct quotationThe U.K and the U.S. ----------indirect quotation6. The 3 conditions for a proposal to become an offer.(1) Be addressed to one or more specific person(2) Be sufficiently define(3) Indicate the intention of the offer to be bound in case of acceptance1. The three parties to a draft.Drawer----payee-----drawee/payer2. The definition of a bill of exchangeAn unconditional order in writing signed by on party requesting a second party to make payment in lawful money immediately or at a determinable future time to a third party.3. In international trade, who is usually the drawer, the drawee and the payee ofa draft?Seller--------drawer and payeeBuyer--------drawee4. The differences between a banker’s draft and a commercial draft.A banker’s draft is drawn by one bank on another bank. It is used in settling payment obligations between banks.A commercial bank is drawn by a firm or a exporter. The drawee can be a firm, an exporter or a bank.5. The differences between a sight draft and a time draft.Sight draft is payable on presentation. The drawee should immediately pay the amount on the draft drawn by him.A time draft is payable in a specified number of days,After 1) its date of issuing 2) its date of acceptance 3) its date of L/C or at a fixed future date.6. The procedures for the operation of a sight draft and a time draft.A sight draft: insurance------presentation-------paymentA time draft: insurance---presentation---acceptance---representation----payment7. For a dishonored bill, what must the holder obtain to exercise his right of recourse?A “certificate of protest “from a notary public, a law court or other institutions that have been authorized by law to issue such a certificate to certify the dishonored of the draft.8. The meanings of M/T/, T/T and D/D in English and Chinese.M/T: mail transfer 信汇T/T: telegraphic transfer 电汇D/D: a banker’s demand draft 票汇9. The definition of a documentary credit.跟单信用证It is a conditional bank undertaking or guarantee of payment.10. The 4 basic parties to a letter of credit.Applicant/ beneficiary/ issuing bank/ advising bankThe features of an revocable/irrevocable credit, confirmed/unconfirmed credit.Revocable credit is the one that may be amended or cancelled by the issuing bank at any time without prior notice to the beneficiary before the documents have been paid, accepted and negotiated.Irrevocable credit is one that cannot be amended or cancelled without the permission of all parties.Confirmed credit has the commitment of the confirming bank besides that of the issuing bank. The confirming bank guarantees the payment and the seller has double assurance of payment and is better protected.Unconfirmed credit has commitment of the issuing bank only. There is on undertaking on the part of advising bank or any other bank.11. Is a draft usually required under a sight payment, negotiation, acceptance and deferred payment credit? If yes, what type of draft is needed?Sight payment--- (sometimes needed) sight draftNegotiation---- (must) sight draft or time draftAcceptance--- (must) time draftDeferred--- (no need)12. Is a sight payment / negotiation / acceptance / deferred payment L/C a sight credit or a time credit?Sight payment-----a sight creditNegotiation-----a time credit or sight draftAcceptance----a time draftDeferred -----a time draft13. In an L/C, which party of a contract is usually the applicant or the beneficiary? Applicant----buyer beneficiary---seller14. The meaning of negotiation in an L/C.Negotiation means the giving of value for drafts and/or documents by the bank authorized to negotiate.15. Can the negotiating bank reserves the right of recourse to the beneficiary after it has negotiated the documents? Yes16. When a transferable L/C is transferred to the actual supplier, what items are likely to be changed?Credit amount/ unit price/expiry date/ time of shipment/insured amount17. The relationship between the middleman and the actual supplier in atransferable L/C.Applicant and beneficiary18. Under what circumstance a back to back credit is used?When the transferred credit cannot be used.19. The relationship between the middleman and the actual supplier in a back toback credit.Applicant and beneficiary20. The features of a red-clause credit/revolving credit.Red-clause credit: is the one with a clause that authorized the advising bank make clean advanced payment to the beneficiary.Revolving credit: is one that is issued for a specific amount which renews itselffor the same amount over a given period.Chapter 7What do natural calamities refer to in ocean marine insurance? Heavyweather/lightening/tsunami/washingoverboard/floodandvolcanic explosion.What do fortuitous accidents refer to in ocean marine insurance?Carrying vessel being grounded, stranded, sunk or in collision with floating ice or other objects, fire and explosion.What do extraneous risks include in ocean marine insurance?Theft, pilferage, fresh and rain water, short-deliver and non-delivery, leakage, shortage in weight, clashing, breakage, hook damage, rusting, contamination, sweating and heating, taint of odor.What does partial loss include?General average and particular averageWhat does total loss include?Actual total loss and constructive total loss.What risks does FPA cover?1)Total or constructive total loss of the whole consignment caused by naturalcalamities.2)Total loss or partial loss caused by accidents.3)Partial loss due to natural calamities before or after an accident4)Partial or total loss due to the falling of entire package or packages into seaduring loading, transshipment and discharge.5)Reasonable cost in salvaging, avoiding or minimizing a loss which is lessthan the value of the goods saved.What risks does WPA cover?1)the risk under FPA2)partial loss of the goods caused by natural calamitiesWhat risks does All Risks cover?1)the risks under FPA and WPA2)all risks of loss of and damage to the insured goods, partial or total fromextraneous causes.Are Risk of Breakage and Leakage covered by FPA? NOAre Risk of Breakage and Leakage covered by WPA? NOAre Risk of Breakage and Leakage covered by All Risks? YES11。
1.Explain7Cs principles in writing business letter.-Clarity is the most important characteristic of good business writing.It means conveying your message to the recipient without being misunderstood.-Considerateness means sharing your reader’s point of view and keeping your reader’s needs in mind.Considerateness mainly lies in“you-attitude”.-Courtesy is more than politeness.A good business letter should be positive,friendly, sincere and tactful.Subjunctive mood is often used to give a polite request.-Completeness implies sending complete information to the recipient.-Conciseness is to make your point brief and clear.The message you convey is as short as possible while being complete.-Concreteness is to make the message specific,definite and vivid.It is important especially when we write contracts,agreements,notices,advertisements and business letters like inquiries and offers.-Correctness refers not only to correct usage of grammar,punctuation and spelling, but also to standard language,proper statement,accurate figures and the correct understanding of commercial jargons.2.What are the main channels for a new firm to establish business relation?1)Internet2)Attendance at trade fairs and exhibitions held at home and abroad(are traditional but the most constantly used channels for merchants to approach each other).3)Banks4)Commercial Counselor’s Office5)Chambers of Commerce both at home and abroad6)Trade Directory7)Advertisements8)Mutual visits by trade delegations and groups,etc.3.Give a brief description of negotiation procedure of foreign trade.As we all know,no customers,no business.Therefore,companies must try by allmeans to seek for new connections-First,establishing business relations is required,which may involve writing self-introduction letter that includes the firm’s basic information,advantages,business scope,etc.-Second,it comes to inquires that fall into two categories:business inquires and status inquires.-Third,it will be offers and counter-offers.An offer is a proposal by sellers to buyers in order to enter into a contract.A counter-offer is virtually a partial rejection of the original offer and also a counter proposal initiated by the buyer or the offeree.-Finally,two parties will sign the contract.4.Explain the main terms of payment in international trade and their application.·L/C,collection and remittance are three major modes of payment.1)L/C is a reliable and safe method of payment facilitating trade with unknown buyers and giving protection to both sellers and buyers.The disadvantage of L/C is the cost.L/C is usually used for large sum.2)托收是出口商(债权人)为向国外进口商(债务人)收取货款,开具汇票委托出口地银行通过其在进口地银行的联行或代理行向进口商收款的结算方式。
国贸 复习大纲
国贸复习大纲复习大纲:1.Neutral Packing中性包装(是指商品的内外包装上不标明生产国别、地名和厂商名称的包装)mission agent 委托人(是指委托银行办理托收业务的客户,通常指出口人)3.DAp 目的地交货(是指当货物从到达的指定目的地的运输工具上卸载下来并由买方处置)4.Distribution经销(进口商根据他与国外出口商达成的协议,在规定的期限和地域内购销指定商品的一种做法。
5.International multi-transport国际多式联运(指以至少两种不同的运输方式,由多式联运经营人负责把货物从一国境内接运货物的地点运至另一国境内指定交付货物的地点)6.collection 托收(是指由接到托收指示的银行根据所收到的指示处理金融单据及/或商业单据以便取得付款或承兑,或凭付款或承兑交出商业单据,或凭其他付款或条件交出单据)7.General Average 共同海损(指载货的船舶在海上遇到灾害或者意外事故。
威胁到船、货等各方的共同安全,为了解除这种威胁,维护船货安全,或者使航程得以继续完成,由船方有意识地、合理地采取措施,所做出的某些特殊牺牲或支出某些额外费用)8.Quality latitude 品质机动幅度(是允许卖方所交商品的品质指标可在一定幅度内灵活掌握,这种做法一般适合于初级产品的出口)9.CPT 运费付至(指卖房将货物在双方约定地点交给卖房指定的承运人或其他人)10.TIME charter 定期租船(指按航程租赁的方式)简答题:1.简述跟单托收程序在国际支付中,跟单托收是托收的一种,它是指银行受出口商委托,凭汇票、和发票、提单、保险单等商业单据向进口商收取货款的结算方式,卖方以买方为付款人开立汇票,委托银行代其向买方收取货款。
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