



世界各地的酒文化英语作文Wine Culture around the World。

Wine is more than just an alcoholic beverage. It has been an integral part of human culture for thousands of years. From the vineyards of France to the valleys of Napa, wine has played an important role in shaping the traditions, customs, and social norms of different societies. In this essay, I will explore the wine culture of different regions around the world.France is undoubtedly one of the most prominent wine-producing countries in the world. French wines are highly regarded for their quality, complexity, and elegance. The French have a long history of wine production, and their wine culture is deeply rooted in their way of life. In France, wine is not just a drink, it is a way of life. Wine is enjoyed with meals, at social gatherings, and as asymbol of national pride. The French have a saying, "In water one sees one's own face, but in wine one sees theheart of another." This highlights the importance of wine in French culture, as it is seen as a way to connect with others on a deeper level.Italy is another country that has a rich wine culture. Italian wines are known for their bold flavors and deep colors. Wine is an essential part of Italian cuisine, and it is often enjoyed with meals. In Italy, wine is seen as a way to bring people together, to celebrate life, and to enjoy the simple pleasures of food and drink. Italian wine culture is deeply rooted in the country's history and traditions, and it is a source of national pride.Spain is also a country with a strong wine culture. Spanish wines are known for their rich flavors and aromas. Wine is an integral part of Spanish culture, and it is often enjoyed with tapas, small plates of food that are shared among friends. In Spain, wine is seen as a way to connect with others, to celebrate life, and to enjoy the simple pleasures of food and drink. Spanish wine culture is deeply rooted in the country's history and traditions, and it is a source of national pride.In the United States, wine culture is relatively new compared to Europe. However, the country has quickly become a major player in the global wine industry. The Napa Valley in California is one of the most famous wine regions in the world, and it produces some of the best wines in the United States. Wine culture in the United States is often associated with luxury and sophistication. Wine is often enjoyed at fine dining establishments and social gatherings, and it is seen as a way to show off one's taste and refinement.In conclusion, wine culture is an integral part of human culture around the world. From France to Italy, Spain to the United States, wine has played an important role in shaping the traditions, customs, and social norms ofdifferent societies. Wine is more than just a drink, it isa way to connect with others, to celebrate life, and to enjoy the simple pleasures of food and drink.。



葡萄酒等级(1) [葡萄酒等级]法国红酒文化知识法国的红酒文化是伴随着法国的历史与文明成长和发展起来的。



当时的法国国王拿破仑三世命令波尔多商会将波尔多产区的葡萄酒进行等级评定,这张波尔多葡萄酒等级表流传至今,波尔多五大顶级酒庄(Chateau Lafite-Rothshild、Chateau Margaux、Chateau Latour、Chateau Haut Brion、Chateau Monton-Rothshild)也由此闻名世界。






同样是波尔多AOC等级的红葡萄酒,在分级上还大有不同,通常是酒标上标称的产区越小,葡萄酒的质量越高,所以酒庄(Margaret Red)的酒最为名贵。







法国文化赏析管理学院工商管理周燕200900272362一 列举5个以上的法国旅游景点。

埃菲尔铁塔(la Tour Eiffel )凯旋门( Arc de triomphe )枫丹白露宫(Fontainebleau)塞纳河(Seine)协和广场(Concorde)普罗旺斯(Provence)先贤祠(le Pantheon )二 翻译 1. félicitations 祝贺你2. Joyeux anniversaire 生日快乐3. Bonne année 新年好4. Bonne fête 生日快乐5. Bon voyage 一路平安6. Joyeux Noël 圣诞节快乐三 你对法国有什么更深的认识通过本课程的学习。

法国,全称为法兰西共和国(La Republique Francaise )。







法国是一个拥有浓厚文巴黎圣母院 (Notre-dame de Paris) 卢浮宫(Palais du Louvre) 凡尔赛宫(Versailles) 香榭丽舍大街(Champs-Elysées)拉斐特酒庄(Château Lafayette) 乔治·蓬皮杜国家艺术文化中心(Centre National d'art et de Culture Georges Pompidou)化的气息的国家,浪漫与时尚是其最显著的标志。


收藏红酒不仅可以享受品尝美酒的乐 趣,还可以作为一种投资方式。收藏 者需要了解红酒的品质、产区、年份 等因素,以便更好地选择和保存红酒。
06 红酒的文化意义
法国的红酒产区分布广泛,每个产区都有其独特的红酒风格和传统,反映了法国各 地的风土人情。
红酒在法国人的日常生活中占据着重要的地位,无论是家庭聚会、商务宴请还是节 日庆典,红酒都是不可或缺的元素。
红酒的美妙口感和深邃内涵吸引 了众多艺术家和文人墨客,许多 经典的艺术作品和文学作品都以
法国的音乐家和作曲家也经常以 红酒为灵感,创作出许多优美的
开瓶时应该先将酒瓶擦干 净,去掉瓶口的灰尘,然 后使用开瓶器将瓶塞缓缓 拔出。
倒酒时应该将酒瓶倾斜, 使酒液缓慢流入酒杯,避 免将瓶口对着客人。
敬酒时应该双手托住酒杯, 向对方表示尊敬,同时也 要注意不要将酒洒出。
红酒的酿造技术最早可以追溯到公元 前6000年左右,当时人们已经开始使 用葡萄汁发酵技术制作简单的葡萄酒。
红酒在法国的早期发展可以追溯 到罗马帝国时期,当时法国是罗
随着时间的推移,法国形成了许 多著名的葡萄酒产区,如波尔多、
通过红酒旅游,人们可以促进 文化交流,增进相互了解和友 谊,推动世界文化的多样性和 发展。


French wine is the world regarded as the best wine the world. It is so loved by the people, not only is it with perfume, fashion, like a symbol of French romance, more importantly, it has a unique history and culture. Mention the origin of French red wine, can be traced back to the 1st century AD. The first grapes planted in the Rhone valley of southern France, arrived at the Bordeaux region in the 2nd century. The long history of traditional viticulture and brewing process to create a noble French red wine; strive for perfection in winemaking methods to stimulate the most gorgeous vitality of French wine. French red wine because of its strict production process, as well as unique natural conditions, from birth to become the king of red wine. After thousands of years of evolution, the red wine from a religious height gradually integrated into the life and become a part of the French food culture. People and then the wine and art, good and beauty, brotherhood combination was considered to be fertile ground for nourishing the love and joy. The writer, Victor Hugo, Dumas, Balzac, and so handed down to posterity works in praise of wine brings intoxication and inspiration.


The difference between chቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnese and western drinking culture
• China : In China, the wine is often used as a communication tool. “所谓醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之间也; 青梅煮酒是为了论证谁是英雄;杯莫停的 将进酒,为的是与尔同消万古愁;竹林里 狂歌的七贤,为的是借酒避难。”
• China:drink off(一
饮而尽), a drinking game,urge others to drink(劝酒) • Western:wine-tasting (品酒),drinking alone(独饮)
• China:China's drinking etiquette express the respect of drinkers. 1. the seats arrangment 2. the order of toasting 3.xingjiuling and finger-guessing game (划拳)
• western:Western
ers drinking etiquette express the respect of the wine. 1.look,smell and taste 2.first drink white wine,then drink red wine 3.different drinking vessel(酒器)
• western:
In western,the perpose of dring is to appreciate and enjoy the wine 在西方,饮酒的目的往往很简单,为了欣 赏酒而饮酒,为了享受美酒而饮酒。当然, 在西方葡萄酒也有交际的功能,但人们更 多的是追求如何尽情的享受美酒的味道。



培训资料:经典法国红酒介绍(中英文)1、 CH. Lafite Rothschild拉斐豪杰,拉斐庄★★★★★八大顶级酒庄第一位Chateau Lafite --Chateau Lafite-Rothschild (Pauillac) 谈到波尔多红酒,相信最为大众所熟悉的就是拉斐庄。



除了招牌红酒Lafite外,酒庄还在智利创立了Los Vasco的副牌,大量生产价格低廉的红白酒,积极拓展大众市场。

葡萄种类:Cabernet Sauvignon , Merlot , Cabernet Franc , Petit Verdot最佳年份1953 , *1959 , 1961 , 1966 , 1970 , 1979 , *1982 , 1983 , 1985 , 1986 , 1988 , 1989 , *1990 , 1994 , 1995 , 1996 , 1997五大名庄之一,是目前世界上最出名的红酒。





1985年伦敦佳士得拍卖会上,一瓶1787年由Thomas Jefferson(汤马士杰弗逊是美国的第三任总统,也是18****最出名的酒评家,相当于今天的派克(Robert Parker)****的拉菲以十万五千英镑的高价由Forbes杂志老板Malcolm Forbes投得。




英文介绍法国葡萄酒的作文Wine in France is more than a drink; it's a cultural emblem, deeply rooted in the country's history and lifestyle. The French have a unique relationship with wine, which is evident in the meticulous care taken in its production.France is renowned for its diverse wine regions, each with its distinct terroir, climate, and grape varieties. From the lush vineyards of Bordeaux to the sun-kissed slopes of Burgundy, each region contributes to the rich tapestry of French wine.The art of winemaking in France is a blend of tradition and innovation. Centuries-old techniques are still employed, with modern advancements ensuring the quality and consistency of the final product. The French take pride in their wine, and it's this dedication that has earned them a global reputation for excellence.Wine tasting in France is an experience not to be missed. It's an opportunity to explore the nuances of flavor and aroma that each wine has to offer. The subtle notes of fruit, spice, and earth reveal the terroir's influence and the winemaker's skill.Pairing wine with food is an art form in itself. The French have mastered the art of matching the right wine with the right dish, enhancing the flavors and creating aharmonious dining experience. From a simple baguette to a gourmet meal, the right wine can elevate any culinary delight.The French wine industry is also committed to sustainability, with many vineyards adopting organic and biodynamic farming practices. This commitment to the environment ensures that future generations can continue to enjoy the rich flavors of French wine.In conclusion, French wine is a testament to thecountry's passion for quality and tradition. It's a drinkthat invites you to savor the moment, to appreciate the craftsmanship, and to join in the celebration of life'ssimple pleasures.。


越来越多的法国红酒生产商开始关注可持续发展,采用环保的生产 方式和包装,以减少对环境的影响。
02 03
尽管全球化趋势日益明显,但本土化特色仍然是法国红酒产业的重要卖 点。未来,法国红酒产业将在保持本土特色的基础上,更加注重与国际 市场的融合。
勃艮第产区位于法国中部,是法国最著名的红酒产区之一,以出产黑皮诺和霞多 丽等顶级葡萄酒而闻名。
勃艮第产区拥有众多子产区,如夜丘、伯恩丘和夏布利等,每个子产区的葡萄酒 都有其独特的风味和特点。该产区的葡萄酒以优雅、细腻和丰富的口感而著称, 同时价格也相对较高。
探讨法国红酒在文学作品中的象征意义和作 用,如《红与黑》中的红酒描写。
研究法国红酒与音乐之间的联系和相互影响 ,如葡萄酒与古典音乐的关系。
法国红酒在世界上享有极高的声 誉,被公认为顶级佳酿。其在国 际上的影响力和地位不容忽视。
阿尔萨斯产区位于法国东北部,是法国最著名的白葡萄酒产 区之一,以出产雷司令、琼瑶浆和灰皮诺等顶级白葡萄酒而 闻名。
阿尔萨斯产区拥有众多子产区,如科尔马、沃尔特和萨尔等 ,每个子产区的葡萄酒都有其独特的风味和特点。该产区的 白葡萄酒以浓郁的果香、细腻的口感和悠长的余味而著称, 同时价格也相对较高。
葡萄的种植方法包括使用有机肥料 、限制产量、控制病虫害等,以确 保葡萄的品质和口感。



葡萄酒起源于古代文明,据考古发现,最早的葡萄酒可以追溯到公元前7000年的伊朗地区。随着葡萄种植和酿酒技术的传播 ,葡萄酒逐渐流行到欧洲、美洲和世界各地。
英文描述:The origin of wine can be traced back to ancient civilizations. Archaeological discoveries suggest that the earliest wine dates back to 7000 BC in Iran. As grape cultivation and winemaking techniques spread, wine became increasingly popular in Europe, America, and throughout the world.
02 葡萄品种与种植
如Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir等,通常具有浓郁的 果香和单宁,适合酿造结构复杂 、口感丰富的葡萄酒。
Blanc, Riesling等,通常具有清



The Rich Tapestry of French TraditionalCultureFrance, a land synonymous with romance and elegance, is renowned for its vibrant and diverse traditional culture. Enriched by centuries of history, the country's culture is a mosaic of art, music, cuisine, fashion, and language that continues to captivate and inspire the world.At the heart of French culture lies its rich artistic heritage. France has been a hotbed of creativity, nurturing generations of artists, painters, and sculptors. The Impressionists, led by icons like Monet and Renoir, revolutionized painting with their bold strokes and vibrant colors, while the Baroque and Gothic architectural styles have left an indelible mark on the country's landscape. The Louvre Museum, housing some of the world's most prized artworks, is a testament to France's enduring legacy in the arts.Music, another integral aspect of French culture, has a longand illustrious history. From the opulent melodies of Baroque composers to the romantic harmonies of Chopin and Debussy, French music has evolved and flourished over the centuries. The Paris Opera House, a symbol of elegance and grandeur, continues to showcase the best of French operatic talent, while traditional folk music remains a vibrant expression of regional identity.Cuisine, undoubtedly, is one of the most defining features of French culture. French cuisine, renowned for its sophistication and diversity, is a culinary art in itself. From the intricate preparations of haute cuisine to the simpler yet delicious regional dishes, French food is a celebration of flavors and textures. The meticulous attention to detail, the use of fresh, seasonal ingredients, and the emphasis on presentation all contribute to the unique charm of French cuisine.Fashion, too, has been a cornerstone of French culture for centuries. Paris, the fashion capital of the world, has been a launchpad for countless designers and trends. French fashion is synonymous with elegance, style, and innovation, and itsinfluence can be seen in global fashion trends. From couture houses like Chanel and Dior to street style icons, French fashion remains a powerful cultural export.Language, the vehicle of culture, is perhaps the most fundamental aspect of French traditional culture. The French language, with its rich vocabulary and complex grammar, is a testament to the country's linguistic heritage. It is not only a means of communication but also a carrier of cultural values and traditions. The importance of the French language is reflected in its widespread use in literature, cinema, and even politics, making it a crucial part of the country's cultural identity.Moreover, France's cultural landscape is further enriched by its vibrant festivals and celebrations. Events like Bastille Day, Carnival, and the Paris Fashion Week are not just occasions for revelry but also opportunities to showcase the best of French culture to the world. These festivals bring people together, fostering a sense of community and belonging that is integral to French society.In conclusion, French traditional culture is a vibrant and diverse mosaic of art, music, cuisine, fashion, language, and festivals. It is a cultural tapestry that reflects the country's rich history and enduring legacy, while also serving as a powerful cultural export that continues to inspire and captivate the world.**法国传统文化的丰富织锦**法国,这个与浪漫和优雅同义的国家,因其充满活力与多样性的传统文化而闻名于世。



Pale Cream
PX (Pedro Ximénez)
Reserve Ruby
Late Bottled Vintage(LBV) 晚装瓶年份(波特)
Trockenbeerenauslese (TBA)
Cape Blend
阿苏(葡萄)ຫໍສະໝຸດ ChampagneJoven
Gran Reserva
Premier Cru
Grand Cru
Bordeaux Supérieur



Overview of Western Wine Culture
The Origin and History of Wine
The earliest known evidence of wine dates back to 8000 BC, when graph seeds were first cultivated in the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys
• When sipping red wine, you should put your mouth around the edge of the glass, take the taste and aroma of the wine, and then allow it slowly
• When tasting red wine, you should pay attention to the balance, complexity, harmony, and other characteristics of the wine
The Status of Wine in Culture
Wine has always held a special place in Western culture, being a symbol of civilization, refinement, and quality
Through the ages, wine has been used in celebrations, rituals, and fears, becoming an integral part of many cultural and social events



Syrah-Common Descriptors 西拉-常见描述词
Appearance 外观 Deep purple/ruby 深紫色/深宝石红色 Nose 气味 Blackberry, eucalyptus, wild herbs, violets, black pepper, bacon fat, leather, spiced meat 黑莓,桉树,野菜,紫罗兰,黑胡椒, 腌肉油,皮革,香料腌制过的肉
Grenache-In the Vineyard 歌海娜-在葡萄园
Features of the grape 果实特点 Large loose bunches 果串松散 Thin skins 皮薄 Buds early 萌芽早 Ripens late 成熟晚 Drought resistant 抗干旱
Syrah-In the Winery 西拉-在酒厂
Oak aging 橡木桶熟成
Traditionally aged in large wood casks 传统上在大木桶中熟成 Small barrels common in the New World 新世界小桶熟成比较常见
Syrah-In the Winery
Australia 澳洲
Shiraz 西拉子 Full-bodied wines 酒体饱满 Often h significant oak character 通常具有明显的橡木桶熟成的特点 Barossa Valley, McLaren Vale, Hunter Valley 巴罗萨谷 ,麦克拉伦谷,猎人谷
Important sub-regions of the Rhône Valley 罗纳河谷重要二级产区
Hermitage 艾米塔吉 Côte-Rôtie 罗帝丘 Châteauneuf-du-Pape 教皇新堡



前言 PREFACEabroad. The age-old Chinese wine culture, extensive and profound, exerts far-reaching influence on every aspect of Chinese social life. Wine and its culture hold a prominent position in myths, legends上天造酒说literature is full of poetic lines concerning this legend, for example, “If the heav enly gods love not the wine, the gods of wine live not in heaven.” “I admire Li Bai, who is the avatar of the god of wine.” “I pour from a dragon-shaped wine vessel, to invite the god of wine.” The god of wine is the god in heaven in charge of making wine, whose existence is also recorded in some ancient books. From the than a Chinese myth.仪狄造酒说inventing wine or the one who was the first to make wine, that is to say, the creator of wine. It’s saidand was therefore honored as the official of wine-making.杜康造酒说Compared with Yi Di, Du Kang’s story ab out inventing wine is more pervasive among the Chinese.the wine of Du Kang.”, which gives this story of Du Kang a deep impression among people.酒是天然的产物Most people today tend to think that wine is a product of nature. Scientists find that alcohol is natural. Plenty of materials can be transformed into it through various means. In other words, instead of inventing wine, people actually discovered it. In the ancient times, people found wine naturally created果酒和乳酒是最早的酒In ancient times, people lived by hunting and gathering. Fruits and meat, eggs and milk of animals were the principal foods. Wild fruits were rich in sugar and through the interaction of microbes, could easily be fermented into delicious fruit wine. In addition, the milk of animals, with the ingredients lactose and protein, is also predisposed to be made into wine. In the book The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internalcan be categorized into brewage, distilled spirits and liqueur. In accordance with the sugar content, wine can be divided into: sweet wine (more than 10%), semi-sweet wine ( 5% -10%), semi-liquor (0.5% -5%) and dry wine (0.5%). Based on alcohol content, wine can be divided into high alcohol (51% -67%), moderate alcohol (38% -50%) and low alcohol wine (38% or less). According to the type黄酒Chinese yellow wine, also known as rice wine, is a classic Chinese brew and one of the three most important brews of the world (which include yellow wine, grape wine and beer). The 300-year-old liquid looks yellow, which gives it its name. It is made from glutinous rice, rice or millet as the main raw material, through the process of cooking, saccharification, fermentation, and pressing. Yellow wine appears golden or brown, tastes mellow, smells fragrant and has some nutritional value. The alcohol content of the wine is generally 15% - 18%, which makes it a low alcohol wine. Rice wine production is mainly centered in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River area, with the most famous place being白酒White liquor, traditional Chinese distilled liquor, also known literally as “stewed wine” or “white dry”, is one of the world’s six most famous distilled wines (white liquor, brandy, whiskey, vodka and rum). White wine is made from corn, potatoes and other crops rich in starch through fermentation and distillation. The alcohol content of white liquor is generally above 40%, making it strongly irritant. White liquor is clear with a pure texture and rich aroma and tastes soft and mild. White liquor is品评原料different raw materials, white liquor can be divided into white liquor made from grain, dry potatoes and other raw materials. Among them, white liquor made from grain has the best quality, and most of the well-known brands of white liquor are of this type, such as the famous Chinese brand of Wuliangye果酒Fruit wine was made from fruits and berries through direct fermentation, with an alcohol content of about 15%. Its flavor varies, hinging on the different fruits used as raw materials, and it retains the药酒Medicinal liquor was made by adding to wine different kinds of Chinese herbal medicines such as ginseng, wolfberry and the hairy antlers of a young stag. After the herbs are absorbed, the wine is endowed with different functions. Because alcohol can be used for the extraction of effective ingrediented wine, and it can only啤酒Using barley as the raw material and hops as the flavor, beer is brewed to be a low alcohol wine, with the content of alcohol generally between 2% -5%. Beer has a unique bitterness and aroma, tasting pureAutumn Day. It’s an important part of Chinese traditional food culture to gather together and have dinner with families and春节Now, the custom of drinking wine hasn’t changed much except that the kinds of wine peop le drink are not limited. On the Chinese New Year, all the families reunite and have their New Year dinners together. This dinner is the most sumptuous of the whole year, in which wine can’t be excluded. In some places, people drink wine through the vigil. Beginning on the second day of the holiday, people visit their relatives and friends to say happy New Year to each other. On this occasion, the hosts will元宵节There’s a Chinese saying that the Spring Festival doesn’t end until the end of the Lantern Festival, which falls on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. It’s said the Lantern Festival is the birthday of the heavenly emperor, when in the past people would hold a sacrificial ceremony, laying down food and wine, to pray for the blessings of heaven. After the ceremony, family members gathered together and drank to their hearts’ content to mark the end of the Spring Festival. At night, people would look at lanterns, eat Yuanxiao (a kind of sweet dumplings) and watch the fireworks.清明节“A drizzling rain falls endlessly on Tomb-sweeping Day. The mourner’s heart is heartbroken on his way. Asking where I can find a tavern to drown my sorrow, I was answered by a cowherd who pointed to a village named Apricot.” Chinese people have observed the custom of drinking wine on Tomb-sweeping Day since ancient times. Tomb-sweeping Day is the most significant mourning, on which day people mourn for their late ancestors and sweep their tombs. According to the custom, people should bring money used in the afterlife, wine, fruit and food. People drink wine not only to mourn their端午节The fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar is Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional festival中秋节Mid-Autumn Day, the second most important festival next to the Spring Festival, is on the fifteenth day of the eighth month. It’s also called Reunion Day, when all family membe rs gather together. The festival originates in the ancient ritual of worshipping the moon. On this day, wine was endowed as the symbol of reunion. All the family appreciate the beautiful moon, eat moon cakes and drink wine喜酒Marriage is a major event in one’s life. In China, the term “wedding wine” is, more often than not, synonymous with “wedding ceremony”, as “to go and drink the wedding wine” has a figurative meaning of “attending the ceremony.” Although the ceremony has been greatly simplified, most满月酒(百日酒)Wine Celebrating the One Month or One Hundred Days’When a baby is one month old or one hundred days’ old, its family will usually prepare food and wine and invite their relatives and friends to celebrate with them. The guests always take gifts with them, while others present red envelopes with money in them. Wine celebrating the one-month or one-hundred-days age of a baby is a common custom in China, with the purpose of declaring a new family寿酒Celebration of an old man’s birthday when he reaches multiples of ten is a long-practiced custom. There are big birthday celebrations when the aged reach the ages of 50, 60, 70, 80 or more. This custom pr evails all over China. Usually, when the old man’s age reaches such a year, his children will make preparations and invite friends to gather together for the celebration of his birthday. The words丧葬酒Chinese attach the same level of importance to birth and death. After one’s death, his family will hold a sublime memorial ceremony. In many rural areas in China, when people die of natural causes at an old age, it’s called a happy m emorial ceremony because people think being able to die of natural causes is something of a blessing. After death, his relatives and friends will come and mourn the departed. In conformity with its custom, the people of the Han ethnic group will have a vegetarian dinner, which takes place during the ceremony. Although they practice abstinence from meat, wine is still a necessity.上梁酒In China’s rural areas, building a house is an important event. During the construction, framing the接风酒There is a Chinese idiom that goes “welcome and wash off the dust”, in which to welcome means to welcome the guests from far away and to wash off the dust means to wash off the dust and dirt gathered through the journey, having the implication of relieving fatigue. Welcoming wine is an old custom, which can be dated back to the Zhou Dynasty, and its entry can be found in the books, An Encyclopedia of the Chinese Language and Chinese Etymology Dictionary. In China, nowadays, it’s壮行酒In China, if one is going to take a long journey, his relatives and friends will throw a banquet for him to say goodbye to him. This custom is said to originate from the ancient battlefield, where when soldiers谢师酒Chinese are respectful to teachers and their teaching, so when a student or an apprentice finishes hisIn the countryside, when the house has been built, the owner usually invites his relatives and friends to celebrate together. At the banquet, he will acknowledge the help of his fellowmen and celebrate the establishment of the new house.Today, increasingly more people buy their houses in cities. It matters much for the Chinese to buy a house, which may, more often than not, cost all their savings, or even that of several generations. What’s more, a house means a home and owning a house means the end of wandering life. For this开业酒李白与酒相伴Li Bai was a great romantic poet in the Tang Dynasty, known as “the avatar of the god of wine”, “the saint of wine” and “the wine immortal”. Du Fu once described him as such, “Li Bai wrote a hundred poems to the gulp of a large jar of wine, and slept at the tave贺知章金龟换酒He Zhizhang was a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, who was fond of drinking wine, writing陶渊明始创菊花酒Tao Yuanming was a prominent pastoral poet in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, famous for his secluded life欧阳修以荷为令Ouyang Xiu was one of the eight greatest prose writers in the Tang and Song Dynasties. It’s said when he was the mayor of Yangzhou, he grew many lotus flowers at his home. He often invited people to his阮籍以酒避祸贵妃醉酒“The Drunken Concubine” is a well-known play in Beijing Opera. The story is that Yang Yuhuan, a醉打金枝"Taming of the princess" is a traditional play, which has many versions in different genres of Chinese opera, such as Beijing Opera, Yue Opera and Yu Opera. It tells a story that Guo Ai, the son of theWine-drinking games are played at a feast to enhance people’s enjoyment. It is a special form of entertainment during drinking. The game has a long history. It first appeared in the Western Zhou Dynasty and became prevalent in the Sui and Tang Dynasty. The game has different forms, which vary among different groups of people and in different places. Ancient scholars often competed through曲水流觞It’s a very old wine-drinking game. People gather along both sides of a winding brook and arrange a feast beside it. People float a cup on the brook and let it go downstream. Where the cup stops or swirls,投壶It’s an age-old drinking game. People use a customized pot in a feast, and everyone throws four arrows击鼓传花A flower or other small object is used in this game. Starting with one person, people pass on a flower in掷骰Therefore, it’s necessary to know som座次礼仪In general, in a Chinese dinner, the seat at the left side or in the east is the most honorable place, and the seat facing the door is the most respected. Since a round table is often used in a Chinese dinner, the敬酒流程Generally, the host should propose a toast to prime guests at first. Then the others propose a toast to prime guests, followed by the prime guests’ answering toast. At last, the other people should propose aIt is a traditional custom of the Mongols to treat guests with Kumiss. Dressed in national costumes, Mongolian girls will pour wine into a silver bowl, put it on the white hada, carry them to guests and sing drinking songs with beautiful voices. Guests should not deny the proposal, and should take the wine, dip the ring finger of their right hand in it, then point to the sky and then to the earth, as a show of respect to the heaven and earth. Then dip in the wine, and apply it to their forehead, which is to show藏族青稞酒Treating guests with highland barley wine is traditional Tibetan etiquette. There is an unwritten rule about the way of drinking, called the “three sips and one cup”. Having received the wine given by the host with both hands, guests should use the thumb and ring finger to dip into the wine and fling their finger in the air three times, meaning respect to the heaven, the earth and the Buddha. Then they should sip the wine three times. Every time they sip, the host will fill the cup. After the third time, guests苗族牛角酒Miao people in Guizhou, China extend their welcome with horn wine. Dressed in beautiful costumes,彝族转转酒This is a unique drinking custom of the Yi people. When drinking, everyone sits in a circle, and a glass of wine is passed from one person to another who in turn drinks the wine in his hand until the glass was土族三杯酒Tu people in Qinghai Province of China entertain guests from far away with “three glasses of wine”. When guests enter their houses, they are given three glasses of wine to show their hospitality. Guests羌族饮咂酒It’s said to be a unique ancient way of wine-drinking. The Qiang people in southwest China still preserve this way of drinking. When drinking, everyone sits around the jar, each one holding a bamboo。



红酒培训资料红酒文化知识篇Red Wine红酒一般是红葡萄酒的简称。




























第二套A. 除梗:所谓除梗,是指为了避免葡萄酒中有多余的苦涩味道,而将梗从果实上除去。



红酒文化英语交流活动Red Wine Culture English Exchange Activity1. Introduction to Red Wine Culture (10 minutes)- Start the activity by briefly introducing the history and significance of red wine culture. Explain how it has evolved over time and become a symbol of sophistication and elegance.- Focus on the different types of red wine and their characteristics, such as Bordeaux, Pinot Noir, and Merlot.- Discuss the importance of wine regions like France, Italy, and Spain in red wine production.2. Tasting Session (30 minutes)- Divide the participants into smaller groups and provide them with a variety of red wines to taste and discuss.- Encourage them to describe the color, aroma, and taste of each wine. Discuss the presence of tannins and how they affect the overall experience.- Ask participants to share their personal preferences and explain their choices.3. Pairing Red Wine with Food (20 minutes)- Explain the concept of food and wine pairing and how certain flavors can complement or enhance each other.- Provide examples of classic red wine and food pairings, such as Cabernet Sauvignon with steak or Pinot Noir with salmon.- Encourage participants to share their favorite red wine and food pairing experiences.4. Red Wine Trivia Game (15 minutes)- Conduct a fun trivia game to test participants' knowledge about red wine culture.- Prepare a list of questions related to winemaking, regions, grapes, and famous wine-related events.- Offer small prizes for participants who answer correctly.5. Red Wine Vocabulary Building (10 minutes)- Teach participants key vocabulary related to red wine, such as grape varietals, wine-making techniques, and tasting terms.- Provide a list of words and phrases, and discuss their meanings and usage.- Engage participants in a short exercise where they have to use the learned vocabulary in context.6. Red Wine Discussion Forum (20 minutes)- Facilitate a discussion where participants can share their thoughts and experiences related to red wine culture.- Encourage them to talk about memorable wine tours, tastings, or special wine-related events they have attended.- Discuss any upcoming wine events in the local area and encourage participants to attend and explore further.7. Conclusion and Networking (5 minutes)- Wrap up the activity by summarizing the key points discussed during the session.- Provide participants with resources, including websites, books, and local wine shops, where they can further explore red wine culture.- Encourage participants to network and exchange contactinformation with fellow red wine enthusiasts for future discussions and events.。



英语酒文化:Comparison of Wine Culture between China and the Western World Different Origins of Wine Liquor occupies an important position in people’s life from its appearance. After a long period of history, liquor has become an indispensable part of culture. About the origin of wine, Chinese claims that wine is brewed by many kinds of technology by people, while the westerners think wine is originally created by god. Du Kang is considered the forefather of wine-making in China. In the West people is generally agreed that wine is created by Dionysus, the son of Zeus and Semele. Different Preferences of Wine In Chinese traditional views, people prefer to choose food as raw material to make white and yellow wine as drinks in formal occasions. The Western wine is made from grape. The difference is caused by different geographical conditions between China and the Western world. China has fertile plains, and agriculture is the main mode of production. In the Western world, especially in Europe, most regions are mountain. The climate and topography are very suitable for grape growing. In recent years, beer is more and more important in the Chinese market, and people always choose beer to adjust atmosphere in the parties.Differences of Drinking Vessels Whatever in China or the West, people takes drinking vessels seriously.The elegant and suitable extant of drinking vessels are related to people’s degree of attention. The drinking vessels’ culture as an important part of wine culture also has a long history. Ancient Chinese wine vessels are known as bronze(青铜器), lacquer(漆器)and porcelain(瓷器). But now most families use western wine vessels. Western wine vessels are mostly made of glass so it is easy for people to distinguish the grade level of wine. Westerners focus on using different wine vessel to drink different wine. Different Drinking Etiquette Urging others to drink as a special way to toast is a kind of Chinese custom that formed in the thousands of years. The custom is one kind of Chinese traditional culture which cannot see in the western countries and can not be understood in thewest. They drink and meal all by free and independent. In China, after toast, the host should also give the guests full of wine but cannot overflow, the full, the better. For westerners, they would not to show their humility. So when they see the Chinese behavior that doesn’t let their cup higher than others, they feel surprise and cannotunderstand. Different Drinking Purposes Since Chinese has a long history of drinking, we have many purposes for drinking. Like Worship(祭祀), Ceremony, Business. In the eyes of the Chinese people, wine is a tool for communication.Westerners pay more attention on the wine-tasting when they are drinking. Conclusion Chinese wine culture is influenced by the Confucianism. The culture shows not only the hospitality of Chinese people, but also the Chinese groupthink. Western culture emphasizes individualism andself-development.Westerners care more about themselves. In China, drinking is an ancillary behavior to express their feelings, and for westerners, wine is a substance made personal senses more cheerful. By comparing the differences between Chinese and western culture of wine, we find that although Chinese and western have their own distinguishing feature in the wine culture, people’s love to wine are the same. In addition, it helps people understand different cultures deeply so that we can have a better intercultural communication.世界各地的酒文化:正如我们找到了世界各地许多不同的传统和文化,我们发现酒文化也是随着传统和世界的区域而不同的。

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2 Use smell the fragrant sense of smell is very important in the tasting, the capture of its aroma than flavor Sleep also. After the wine poured into a glass still and can be carried out the initial smell the incense, and then Shakers smells again (with visual). Good taste in carrying out the sight and smell of the wine.
Has already begun; after paternity wine tasting should be hand-held cup feet to a 45 degree angle, the right distance From under observation; and then shake the glass observation of the flow of liquor in the cup wall (wine column) like
Wine Culture
The wine can be used with any vegetables, but the French people, wine is used in conjunction with life!
3, its taste in order to confirm the sight and smell, but also in order to get the full feeling, we need to To use the tongue and mouth to savor the wine. Into the amount of wine tasting when you drink, it is best covered the whole mouth with his tongue on
10 large producing areas of the French wine
• • • • • • • • • • Bordeaux(波尔多) Rhone Valley(罗纳河谷) Burgundy(勃艮第 ) Champagne(香槟区 ) Beaujolais(薄若莱 ) Loire Valley( 卢瓦河谷 ) Alsace( 阿尔萨斯 ) South-West(西南产区 ) Provence(普罗旺斯 ) Languedoc-Roussillon (朗格多克-鲁西荣 )
Tasting wines need to use three senses: sight, smell and taste.
And watch the color evaluation is the first step in a wine is simple watching it, pouring
Wine and stir to fully appreciate the structure and aroma of the wine; the middle through the nose inhale the characteristics of the wine can be more obvious. The last will spit out the wine or drink, and then savor the length of the after taste. From the wine into the mouth to drink this process takes about 10-12 seconds. Mouth movements wine to drink entrance, tongue stir in the slow movement, full wine liquid in contact with the tongue, jaw, inside of the cheek and tongue root position. Wine after tongue chewing, swallowing one or two small mouth, and inhale some air into the mouth, so that the aroma of the wine more intense. (As you inhale, the shape of the mouth of the similar issue letters of the alphabet "F", gentle suction, can not be excessive, so as not to choke to the throat.) Play a role when the wine in the oral cavity taste sensing area should focus on to understand and The record structure of the wine (alcohol, acid, tannin, etc.), as well as the real taste. The retention time of wine in the mouth to drink the quantity and quality of the wine in the entrance. The experts recommended wine indwelling the mouth for about 15-20 seconds. Wine containing too long in the mouth of the time, then the wine will gradually be saliva dilution.
The White
Red wine's fine varieties French Lan French Lan alias Mary neuroglobin, Country of Origin Austria. Brewing with treasure Stone, red, pure taste fragrant. The adaptability of varieties, cultivation performance ,Yield Yi tube, is one of China's brewing red wine seed. Carignan) Carignan alias French red, origin Spain. Brewing for deep,Ruby red color, pure flavor, full bodied. The adaptability of the varieties,Salinity, high yield, is one of the varieties of brewed red wine Muscat Hamburg Hamburg musk alias Rose, musk, is a Eurasian species of origin United Kingdom. The brewing reddish brown, soft and tasty, thick musk gas. The adaptability of the species, all over the cultivation
——Ander·L· Simon(法国美酒作家)
French wine history
French wine is the world regarded as the best wine the world. It is so loved by the people, not only is it with perfume, fashion, like a symbol of French romance, more importantly, it has a unique history and culture. Mention the origin of French red wine, can be traced back to the 1st century AD. The first grapes planted in the Rhone valley of southern France, arrived at the Bordeaux region in the 2nd century. The long history of traditional viticulture and brewing process to create a noble French red wine; strive for perfection in winemaking methods to stimulate the most gorgeous vitality of French wine. French red wine because of its strict production process, as well as unique natural conditions, from birth to become the king of red wine. After thousands of years of evolution, the red wine from a religious height gradually integrated into the life and become a part of the French food culture. People and then the wine and art, good and beauty, brotherhood combination was considered to be fertile ground for nourishing the love and joy. The writer, Victor Hugo, Dumas, Balzac, and so handed down to posterity works in praise of wine brings intoxication and inspiration.