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7.让步状语(Adverbial of concession) (Though) working as hard as he could, he could not pass the exam.
The –ing Participle as Attributive
I.–ing Participle 作定语的形式: doing
4. 原因状语(Adverbial of cause ) Having failed twice, he didn’t want to try again.
5. 条件状语 ( Adverbial of condition) Turning to the right, you will find a path.
Revision of –ing participle as Adverbial
I.-ing participle作状语时的形式:
having done
完成进行式 having been doing
being done having been done
II. -ing 分词作状语(Adverbial)的要点:
3. 如果分词要表示动作是主动的,又在谓语动作之前发生,则要用定语从句表 (完示成。式having done/having been done不可做限制定语) *The man coming yesterday comes again. (×) *The man having come yesterday comes again. (×)
a. 如果定语既要表示尚未发生的/将来的动作又要表示被动意义, 则用 不定式的被动式: to be done
You are welcome to the party to be given in our class.
1. –ing 分词所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生。
*正在发生的动作: The man running over there is our chairman. =The man who is running over there is our chairman. *经常性、习惯性的动作:
2.时间状语(Adverbial of time)
Having finished the homework/After finishing the homework,he turned on the TV. When/While climbing the mountain, he broke his glasses. 3.方式状语(Adverbial of way ) He came running into the classroom.
*Where is the old woman selling eggs? =Where is the old woman who sells eggs? 2. 如果一个分词既要表达进行意义,又要表达被动意义,则用-ing的被动式: being done The question being discussed is important. =The question that is being discussed is important.
1.前置(单个分词做定语时,一般放在被修饰的名词前): *The swimming boy is my brother.
注意:有些分词已经形容词化。 试区别:
moving 感人的 inspiring 鼓舞人心的 disappointing 令人失望的
moved 受感动的 inspired 受鼓舞的
的连词有:when, while, if, (al)though, whether, or, unless, as if/though等。
1.伴随状语(Adverbial of attending circumstances) They came in, singing and laughing.
*The man who came yesterday comes again. (√)
4. 要表示定语的动作在谓语动作之后发生, 则要用不定式或定语从句表示 将要发生的动作。
*The students to attend the meeting (who will attend the meeting) (参加会议的)will arrive here tomorrow.
disappointed 感到失望的
a frightening voice a frightened voice
令人害怕的语调 从语调中听出说话人感到害怕
记一记: English-speaking countries, a paper-making machine, spoken English,…
2.后置(分词短语做定语时,放在被修饰的名词后): doing, being done
*The children playing outside are in Class Two. *Tea, being a universal drink in many countries, is still carefully prepared. *The television being repaired now was bought ten years ago. *Most of the people working in the factory are young people.
6. 结果状语(Adverbial of result) He did his homework carelessly, making a lot of mistakes.(自然的或必然的结果) 区别:He hurried to the station only to find the train had gone.(意想不到的结果)