2、3次作业及答案 (2)

2、3次作业及答案 (2)
2、3次作业及答案 (2)




1. 30kg纯铜与20kg纯镍熔化后慢冷至125O℃,利用图Ni















Bi 相图,标出各线和各相区名称;


w= 40%合金的开始结晶和结晶终了温度,并求出它在400℃时的平衡相成分和相的质量分数。








H B≈H V≈10H R C,H B≈H V≈6H S









答:⑴根据已知条件计算该合金成分的含N i量为20k g/(20+30)k g=40%,然后在图中1250℃处绘一水平线交液相线和固相线两点,过此两点作铅垂线得知此温度下该合金组成相为L、α,测量得其成分分别为23%和49%;



%=1-L %=65.4%




2-5. ★ 示意画出图2.8中过共晶合Ⅳ(假定W s n =70%)平衡结晶过程的冷却曲线。画出室温平衡组织示意图,并在相图中标出组织组成物。计算室温组织中组成相的质量分数及各种组织组成物的质量分数


+αⅡ e)

(2)室温组织中组成相的质量分数: 由于室温由α及β相组成,其质量分数各为:

α% = fg


3 x 100%

β%= 1-α% = fg


3x 100%


由于室温组织组成物为 :初生相β、二次相αⅡ、共晶体(α+β), 各组织组成物的质量分数分别为: 刚冷却到共晶温度(没有发生共晶反应) L d %= de


2 x 100%

室温:(α+β)% = L d %= de


2 x 100%,





共晶反应刚结束时: β% = de


2 x 100%

室温:αⅡ% = fg

g e ' x de d

2x 100%

β% = 1-(α+β)%-αⅡ% = fg

f e 'x de d

2x 100%

2.6 ★题目见教材44页

2.6 铋 (Bi )熔点为271.5℃,锑 (Sb )熔点为630.7℃,两组元液态和固态均无限互溶。缓冷时=Bi w 50%的合金在520℃开始析出成分为=Sb w 87%的α固相,=Bi w 80%的合金在400℃时开始析出=Sb w 64%的α固相,由以上条件:

⑴ 示意绘出Sb Bi -相图,标出各线和各相区名称;

⑵ 由相图确定Sb w = 40%合金的开始结晶和结晶终了温度,并求出它在400℃时的平衡相成分和相的质量分数。

解答:1)根据已知条件“两组元液态和固态均无限互溶”可知B i —S b 合金系冷却时发生匀晶反


先建立横坐标为含S b%,纵坐标为温度的坐标系;

根据第一个已知条件“缓冷时W B i=50%的合金在520℃时开始

析出成分为W S b=87%的α固相”在坐标系中纵坐标为520℃处绘出一条水平线与成分分别为50%和87%的两条铅垂线相交于两点,第一点a1为液相线上的点,第二点b1为固相线上的点;同理根据第二个已知条件“W B i=80%的合金在400℃时开始析出W S b=64%的α固相”得到两点a2、b2;

在含S b为0%的坐标轴上绘出B i的熔点271.5℃为b点,在含S b为100%的纵坐标轴上绘出S b 的熔点630.7℃为a点,连接a—a1—a2—b得到液相线,连接a—b1—b2—b得到固相线,a—a1—a2—b以上为L相区,a—b1—b2—b以下为α相区,a—a1—a2—b和a—b1—b2—b之间为L+α两相区这样,B i—S b相图绘制完毕。

过40%成分点作铅垂线交液相线a—a1—a2—b于a3点和固相线a—b1—b2—b于b3点,过a3、b3作水平线交纵轴得到含S b40%合金的开始结晶温度约为490℃,结晶终了温度约为325℃。






B i

S b




利用杠杆定律可计算出质量分数为:L %= ((64%-40%)/(64%-20%))×100%=54.5%

α%=1-L %=45.5%

2.7 ★若Sn Pb -合金相图(图2.8)中f 、c 、d 、e 、g 点的合金成分分别是Sn w 等于2%、19%、61%、97%和99%。问在下列温度(t )时,=Sn w 30%的合金显微组织中有哪些相组成物和组织组成物?它


⑴t =300℃;⑵刚冷到183℃共晶转变尚没开始;⑶在183℃共晶转变正在进行中;⑷共晶转变刚完,温度仍在 183℃时;⑸冷却到室温时(20℃)。 由下图所示
























⑴t =300℃时:=Sn w 30%的合金相当于合金Ⅲ,因其与t =300℃的水平线的交点处于液相区,因此该合金只有100%的液相。

⑵刚冷到183℃共晶转变尚没开始时:合金由α+L 两相组成,




%8.73%1%=-=L α

⑶在183℃共晶转变正在进行中:相组成物:βα++L 三相共存;组织组成物:L +)(βαα++;不能用杠杆定律计算其相对质量百分数。 ⑷共晶转变刚完,温度仍在 183℃时:





19%97%30%97%=-==?--=αβα 组织组成物:)(β+α+α,其相对质量百分数用杠杆定律计算如下:



19%30%)%(=?--==+L βα

%8.73%1%=-=L α






2%99%30%99%=-==?--=αβα 组织组成物:)(βαβα+++II ,其相对质量百分数用杠杆定律计算如下: 共晶温度(未发生共晶反应前):%2.26%100%




%8.73%1%=-=L α




=+L βα








∏β 2







汉译英: Unint 1 1. 她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。(much less) She wouldn’t take a drink, much less would she stay for dinner. 2.他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。(whereas) He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling him the truth. 3. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释? (account for) How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4.他们利润增长部分的原因是由于采用了新的市场策略。(due to) The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. 5. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。(result in) Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 6. 我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。(pour into) We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on.

Unint 2 1.尽管她是家里的独生女,她父母也从不溺爱她。(despite) Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents. 2.迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释。(nor) Mike didn’t come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation. 3.坐在他旁边的哪个人确实发表过一些小说,但决不是什么大作家。(next to; by no means) The man sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer. 4.他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。(be indifferent to) He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses. 5.经理需要一个可以信赖的助手,在他外出时,由助手负责处理问题。(count on) The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence. 6.这是他第一次当着那么多观众演讲。(in the presence of sb.)


题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 Not until the 1980's, when the company was taken over by Eisner, ________ an advantage in the hot competition. A、had it gained B、did it gain C、it gained D、gained it 学员答案:a 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 ________extremely fashionable clothes and ________ by reporters, the famous actress picked up the microphone. A、Wear,surrounded B、Wearing,surrounded C、Wearing, surrounding D、Wear, surrounding 学员答案:b 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to _______ the investment plan in a week. A、work out B、put out C、point out D、set out 学员答案:a 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ________ on benches, chairs or boxes. A、having seated B、seating


一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题) 1. –What time is it? –____________________. (A) My watch keeps good time (B) My watch is five minutes fast (C) My watch says three o’clock (D) I say three o’clock 正确答案:C 解答参考:[第三单元] 本题问句是“现在几点钟”,C项“我的表是三点钟”。A项“我的表走时准确”,B项“我的表快五分钟”,D项“我说是三点钟”都不符合习惯表达法。 2. –Could you tell me the time, please? –____________________. (A) Yes, I can (B) No, I can’t (C) It’s four thirty (D) It’s Friday 正确答案:C 解答参考:[第三单元]C 本题仍是问时间,回答应该直接告诉对方时间,故C项正确。 3. –What day is tomorrow? –Today is Tuesday. So it’s________. (A) Monday (B) Wednesday (C) Thursday (D) Saturday 正确答案:B 解答参考:[第三单元]B 本题问“明天是星期几”,回答“今天是星期二,所以明天是星期三”。 4. –When is your birthday? –____________________. (A) It’s April 18th (B) It’s Sunday (C) It’s August


1. I don’t think that he would commit robbery, much less would he commit violent robbery. 1.我认为他不会抢劫,更不用说暴力抢劫了. 2. Men earn ten dollars an hour on average, whereas women only seven dollars. 2.男工平均工资每小时10美元,而女工才每小时7美元. 3. Once the balance in nature is disturbed, it will result in a number of possible unforeseeable effects. 3.自然界的平衡一旦遭到破坏,就会带来很多不可预知的影响. 4. The final examination is close at hand; you’d better spend more time reading. 4.期终考试迫在眉睫,你最好多花点时间看书. 5. What is interesting is that consumers find it increasingly difficult to identify the nationality of certain brands. This is due partly to globalization and partly to changes in the location of production 5.有趣的是,消费者发现越来越难以辨别某些品牌的原产国.其部分原因来自于全球化带来的影响,部分原因是由于产地的变化. 6. A recent survey showed that women account for 40 percent of the total workforce. 6.最近一次调查表明,妇女占总劳动力的40%. 1. They persisted in carrying out the project despite the fact that it had proved unworkable at the very beginning 1.尽管那项计划一开始就证明是不切实际的,但是他们还是坚持要实施. 2.I could not persuade him to accept the plan, nor could I make him see its importance. 2.我无法说服他接受这项计划,也无法使他认识到这项计划的重要性. 3. How did you manage to pack so amny things into such a small suitcase? 3.你是怎么把那么多东西塞进这个小行李箱的?


新大学英语(2)第三次网络作业 (三次网络作业的平均成绩占期末考试总评成绩30%,作业一经批改评分,将不能修改;此次作业完成后应交到“在线作业”一栏本次作业界面中;作业必须按最后一页答卷表格格式作答,并且不要以附件形式缴交) 一.阅读: I arrived in the United States on February 6,1966, but I remember my first day here very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane landed at Kennedy Airport at three o’clock in the afternoon. The weather was very cold and it was snowing, but I was too excited to mind. From the airport, my friend and I took a taxi to my hotel. On the way, I saw the skyline(轮廓)of Manhattan (曼哈顿)for the first time and I stared in astonishment at the famous skyscrapers and their man-made beauty. My friend helped me unpack at the hotel and then left me because he had to go back to work. He promised to return the next day. Shortly after my friend had left, I went to a restaurant near the hotel to get something to eat. Because I couldn’t speak a word of English, I couldn’t tell the waiter what I wanted. I was very upset and started to make some gestures(手势), but the waiter didn’t understand me. Finally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was eating. After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway until I came to Times Square with its movie theatres, neon lights(霓虹灯), and huge crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I continued to talk around the city. I wanted to see everything on my first day. I knew it was impossible, but I wanted to try. When I returned to the hotel, I was exhausted(筋疲力尽), but I couldn’t sleep because I kept hearing the fire and police sirens(警笛声)during the night. I lay awake and thought about New York. It was a very big and interesting city with many tall buildings and big cars, and full of noise and busy people. I also decided right then that I had to learn to speak English. 1. On the way to his hotel, the writer______. a. was silent all the time


1.置换固溶体中,被置换的溶剂原子哪里去了? 答:溶质把溶剂原子置换后,溶剂原子重新加入晶体排列中,处于晶格的格点位置。 2.间隙固溶体和间隙化合物在晶体结构与性能上的区别何在?举例说明之。 答:间隙固溶体是溶质原子进入溶剂晶格的间隙中而形成的固溶体,间隙固溶体的晶体结构与溶剂组元的结构相同,形成间隙固溶体可以提高金属的强度和硬度,起到固溶强化的作用。如:铁素体F是碳在α-Fe中的间隙固溶体,晶体结构与α-Fe相同,为体心立方,碳的溶入使铁素体F强度高于纯铁。 间隙化合物的晶体结构与组元的结构不同,间隙化合物是由H、B、C、N等原子半径较小的非金属元素(以X表示)与过渡族金属元素(以M表示)结合, 且半径比r X /r M >0.59时形成的晶体结构很复杂的化合物,如Fe3C间隙化合物 硬而脆,塑性差。 3.现有A、B两元素组成如图所示的二元匀晶相图,试分析以下几种说法是否正 确?为什么? (1)形成二元匀晶相图的A与B两个相元的晶格类型可以不同,但是原子大小一定相等。 (2)K合金结晶过程中,由于固相成分随固相线变化,故已结晶出来的固溶体中含B量总是高于原液相中含B量. (3)固溶体合金按匀晶相图进行结晶时,由于不同温度下结晶出来的固溶体成分和剩余液相成分不相同,故在平衡态下固溶体的成分是不均匀的。 答:(1)错:Cu-Ni合金形成匀晶相图,但两者的原子大小相差不大。 (2)对:在同一温度下做温度线,分别与固相和液相线相交,过交点,做垂直线与成分线AB相交,可以看出与固相线交点处B含量高于另一点。

(3)错:虽然结晶出来成分不同,由于原子的扩散,平衡状态下固溶体的成分是均匀的。 4.共析部分的Mg-Cu相图如图所示: (1)填入各区域的组织组成物和相组成物。在各区域中是否会有纯Mg相存在? 为什么? 答: Mg-Mg2Cu系的相组成物如下图:(α为Cu在Mg中的固溶体) Mg-Mg2Cu系的组织组成物如下图:(α为Cu在Mg中的固溶体,) 在各区域中不会有纯Mg相存在,此时Mg以固溶体形式存在。 (2)求出20%Cu合金冷却到500℃、400℃时各相的成分和重量百分比。 答: 20%Cu合金冷却到500℃时,如右图所示: α相的成分为a wt%, 液相里含Cu 为b wt%,根据杠杆原理可知: Wα=O 1b/ab*100%, W L = O 1 a/ab*100% 同理: 冷却到400℃时,α相的成分为m wt%, Mg2Cu相里含Cu 为n wt%, Wα=O 2n/mn*100%, W mg2Cu = O 2 m/mn*100% (3)画出20%Cu合金自液相冷却到室温的曲线,并注明各阶段的相与相变过程。 答:各相变过程如下(如右图所示): xp: 液相冷却,至p点开始析出Mg的固熔体α相 py: Mg的固熔体α相从p点开始到y点结束 yy,: 剩余的液相y开始发生共晶反应,L?α+Mg 2 Cu y,q:随着T的降低, Cu在Mg的固熔体α相的固溶度降低. 5.试分析比较纯金属、固溶体、共晶体三者在结晶过程和显微组织上的异同之处。 答:相同的是,三者都是由原子无序的液态转变成原子有序排列的固态晶体。 不同的是, 纯金属和共晶体是恒温结晶,固溶体是变温结晶,纯金属和固溶体的结晶是由


《英语2》第3次作业 A型题: 1. The skin loses its ______ appearance as we grow older [1分] B.youthful 2. I ______ the rush hour traffic so much so that I often avoid it by coming to work late. C.dread 3. Many politicians find such laws difficult to _______. [1分]A.live with 4. How she managed to find that gold watch was really ______ me [1分]B.beyond 5. Industry cannot develop until more trained engineers are _______. [1分] D.available 6. Though he didn't feel very well, he_____ that he be present at the opening ceremony. [1分] A.insisted 7. Whenever I have to make a speech, I get butterflies in my _______. [1分] D. stomach 8. Why have you singled me out ______ criticism? [1分] B.for 9. I want to know more about the hotel, but where can I get the _____ [1分] https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b16363231.html,rmation 10. He's stopped taking drugs now, but he may ______ them again [1分] B.revert to taking 11. Be careful to handle any difficulty you ______ in your practical work. [1分] D.encounter 12. You must accustom yourself to be more ______ when you are with people [1分] A.at your ease 13. Hypocrisy can't _____ his evil-doing. [1分]B.mask 14. It was a large diamond, but it had a ______ [1分]B.flaw 15. When the mistake was ______ to him he hastened to correct it [1分]A.pointed out 16. Those _____ close-fitting white caps are nurses. [1分] D.dressed in 17. His expenses do not _____ his income [1分]A.correspond to 18. _______ is constantly complaining. [1分] B.That wife of Mr. Brown's 19. It's no use _______ the past. [1分]C.dwelling on 20. The ease _______ which he started the engine was remarkable [1分]A.with 21. ______ he realized what she meant, he would be angry. [1分] B. Once 22. Nick had _____ the fuel gauge _____ and spread through his inexperience [1分] D.taken…apart 23. John's back home ______; he won't go away again. [1分]A.once and for all 24. The man was so ill, he was lucky to _____ his operator. [1分] https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b16363231.html,e through 25. It is necessary that he _____ sent there at once [1分] D.should be 26. The great bulk of wealth has passed into the hands of ______ few [1分] B.relatively 27. The idea sounds good, but will it work ______? [1分] B.in practice 28. Taxi drivers are usually ______ with shortcuts [1分]B.familiar 29. The woman began to _______ because her son was late coming home [1分] C.worry 30. How long does it ______ to travel from Beijing to Shanghai? [1分]C.take 31. Most of the things he has suggested so far have ______ [1分] D.worked out


第三册 1. 每当有人帮了你,无论事情大小,无论他地位高低,你都应该对他说声“谢谢”。 2.蒸汽机的发明使船舶发生了变化,正如其已经改变了陆地运输一样。 3.尽管经理努力帮忙,他还是不能找到问题的根源所在。 4.这个女孩的生活天天围着哥哥转,完全明白该做什么来使哥哥高兴。 5.如果你不知道自己想要什么,你最终得到的可能都是自己不想要对。 6.吉米有他妹妹帮助他度过那些没有父亲的艰难日子。 1. 作为补救缺铁的一种方法,专家推荐食用肉、鸡和鱼,它们是最好的铁质来源,也是唯一最容易被身体吸收的铁质来源。 2.铁质储量为零时,你会觉得虚弱,疲乏无力,喘不过气,这是缺铁第三阶段的典型症状。 3. 耐力运动员,尤其是女性,经常会缺铁,如果增食肉类食物或服用铁质补剂,能够恢复到健康状态。 4.这位运动医学专家认为,感到劳累、工作效率差的人,最好食用牛肉、羊肉,它们含有最易被吸收的铁质。 5.铁质储量低的人应该去咨询医生,看看是否应通过调整饮食或服用铁质补剂来校正不足。6.一般说来,如果你忽视自己摄入的铁质含量,不在铁质储备失去之前注意警告信号,你会有危险。 1. 跟在法国一样,美国在20世纪60年代也发生过文化革命。 2.他一旦下定决心去干一件事,就根本拦不住他。 3.学校强调的观点是:家长和孩子一起参加学校的活动是值得的。 4.快下课时,老师让学生用最后的五分钟来展开激烈的讨论,依照1—10的评分标准相互评价他们当天的课堂表现。 5.为了避免引发针对他们的品格培养方案的争论,该校校长解释说,品格第一并不是要强迫学生接受某一套道德原则或宗教观念。 6.并非所有的家长都相信海德中学的办学原则,即如果你向学生传授诸如求真、勇敢、正直领导能力、好奇心和关心他人等美德的话,学生的学习成绩就自然会提高。 XII 1. 这副画上一个神色严肃的男子,身旁站着一位女子,身后是所农舍。他们的原型分别是画家的牙医和姐姐。 2.公司的申请书,不管是代表自己还是代表他人,都应该有官员的签名。 3.做了脱口秀之后,约翰和妻子在广播和电视节目上出了名,这些节目给普通民众以启迪,而不只是向他们提供信息。 4.尽管有些人不赞同,可市领导还是决定实施这个计划,在湖边建造两个五星级宾馆,以吸引更多的游客。 5.那位著名画家去世了,曾经给他当模特的妻子立即担任了他装潢公司的总经理职务。6.宴会上,他们的衣着都很华丽,但吸引我注意力的却是他们的交谈方式,使得我很想和他们交谈。 1. 直到60年代早期,人们似乎才普遍认同英国不再是以前心目中那样的大国了。 2.在决定了租房之后,我们便着手与市内所有的房屋代理商联系。


课程名称:英语Ⅱ(1) 作业标题:第三次记分作业 答题说明: 一、单选题 1、We have our house ________ every week by a cleaner. clean 2、— Nice weather, isn’t it --- _____. ’m not sure know it well , it is , it isn’t 3、It is very convenient ________ here. live 4、-- Hello, could I speak to Don please -- _____. are you ’s the problem you Jane ’s speaking 5、— What’s the problem, Harry --- _____. problem trouble at all

you for asking me about it can’t remember where I left my glasses 6、I don’t want you to make any trouble, _________, I urge you to solve the problem. the contrary as 7、— Which language do you speak at home -- _____. speak English very well can speak English and French is my mother tongue , most of the time 8、The bedroom needs __________. decorate 9、— Do you think the exam will be put off -- _____. good news exam is difficult likely was put off yesterday 10、— Let’s take a walk. -- _____. , let’s , thanks , please , thank you 11、He, as well as I, __________ a student.


第四章 钢的热处理
一、名词解释 1.热处理 热处理是采用适当的方式对金属材料或工件进行加热、保温和冷却以获得预 期的组织结构与性能的工艺。 2.等温转变 等温转变是指工件奥氏体化后,冷却到临界点以下的某一温度区间内等温保 持时,过冷奥氏体发生的相变。 3.连续冷却转变 连续冷却转变是指工件奥氏体化后以不同冷速连续冷却时过冷奥氏体发生 的相变。 4.马氏体 马氏体是碳或合金元素在α-Fe 中的过饱和固溶体。 5.退火 钢的退火是将工件加热到适当温度,保持一定时间,然后缓慢冷却的热处理 工艺。 6.正火 正火是指工件加热奥氏体化后在空气中冷却的热处理工艺。 7.淬火 钢的淬火是指工件加热奥氏体化后以适当方式冷却获得马氏体或(和)贝氏 体组织的热处理工艺。 8.回火 回火是指工件淬硬后,加热到 Ac1 以下的某一温度,保温一定时间,然后冷 却到室温的热处理工艺。 9.表面热处理 表面热处理是为改变工件表面的组织和性能,仅对其表面进行热处理的工 艺。 10.渗碳 为提高工件表层碳的质量分数并在其中形成一定的碳含量梯度,将工件在渗 碳介质中加热、保温,使碳原子渗入的化学热处理工艺称为渗碳。 11.渗氮

在一定温度下于一定介质中,使氮原子渗入工件表层的化学热处理工艺称为 渗氮,又称氮化。
二、填空题 1.整体热处理分为 退火 、 正火 、 淬火 和 回火 等。 2.根据加热方法的不同,表面淬火方法主要有: 感应加热 表面淬火、 火焰加热 表面淬火、 电接触加热 表面淬火、 电解液加热 表面淬火 等。 3.化学热处理方法很多,通常以渗入元素命名,如 渗碳 、 渗氮 、 碳氮 共渗 和 渗硼 等。 4.热处理工艺过程由 加热 、 保温 和 冷却 三个阶段组成。 5.共析钢在等温转变过程中,其高温转变产物有: P 、 S 和 T。 6.贝氏体分 上贝氏体 和 下贝氏体 两种。 7.淬火方法有: 单介质 淬火、 双介质 淬火、 马氏体分级 淬火和 贝氏体等温 淬火等。 8.常用的退火方法有: 完全退火 、 球化退火 和 去应力退火 等。
9.常用的冷却介质有 水 、 油 、 空气 等。 10.常见的淬火缺陷有 过热 与 过烧 、 氧化 与 脱碳 、 硬度 不足 与 软点 、 变形 与 开裂 等。 11.感应加热表面淬火法,按电流频率的不同,可分为 高频感应加热表面 淬火 、 中频感应加热表面淬火 和 工频感应加热表面淬火 三种。而且感 应加热电流频率越高,淬硬层越 浅 。 12.按回火温度范围可将回火分 为 低温 回火、 中温 回火和 高温 回火三种。 13.化学热处理是由 分解 、 吸附 和 扩散 三个基本过程所组成。
14.根据渗碳时介质的物理状态不同,渗碳方法可分为 气体 渗碳、 液体 渗
碳和 固体 渗碳三种。
1.过冷奥氏体是 C 温度下存在,尚未转变的奥氏体。
A.Ms; B. Mf; C. A1。 2.过共析钢的淬火加热温度应选择在 A


Unit 1 1. If you move into any place other than your own private home, make sure you know what the rules are about pets if you have one. 出入除自己家以外的任何场所时,如果你带有宠物,一定要了解有关宠物的规定。 2. Some women coul d have made a good salary in job instead of staying at home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family. 一些女性完全可以不待在家里,而是去工作,挣一份不错的工资。但是为了家庭,她们放弃了工作。 3. How can you justify such rudeness? You will pay heavily for that because they have sued you for damaging their good name. 你怎么为这样粗鲁的行为辩护? 你将会为此付出沉重的代价,因为他们已经以诋毁名誉的罪名起诉你了。 4. Criticism can be of great use; we may not like it at the time, but it can spur us on to greater things. 批评有其重要作用;我们可能当时不喜欢它,但是它能激励我们去做更伟大的事情。 5. His uncompromising behavior, to which the public objected, l eft him bankrupt emotionally and financially. 他毫不让步的行为遭到公众的反对,这使得他陷入了精神上崩溃、经济上破产的境地。 6. Even if you fail, d on't let failure harm you, don't let failure take over. Remember failure is a necessary step in learning; it is not the end of your l earning, but the beginning. 即使你失败了,也不要被失败伤害,更不要被失败左右。记住:失败是学习过程中必要的一步;它不是学习的结束,而是学习的开始。 Unit2 1.如果没有查理?卓别林,世界电影史就会不一样了。 If there had been no Charlie Chaplin, the history of world cinema would have been different. 2.令人感到宽慰的是,他的努力最终给予了他长期渴望的结果—他成功地发现了这种疾病的原因。 It was a relief that his hard work eventually gave him the result that he had l ong d esired: He successfully discovered the cause of the disease. 3.查理?卓别林是最伟大、最广受热爱的电影明星之一。从《流浪汉》到《摩登时代》,他拍摄了许多他那个时代最有趣、最受欢迎的电影。他最出名的是他扮演的一个人物—年轻可爱的小流浪汉。 Charlie Chaplin was one of the greatest and most widely loved movie stars. From The Tramp to Modern Times, he mad e many of the funniest and most popular films of his time. He was best known for his character, the youthful and l ovabl e Little Tramp. 4.卓别林是一个才能非凡的人:自他1914年第一次在电影中出现,两年时间内他就成了这个国家最有名的人物之一。Chaplin was an immensely tal ented man. Within only two years of his first appearance in motion pictures in 1914, he became one of the best-known personalities in the nation. 5.查理?卓别林对20世纪初期每个人的生活都产生了影响。与有史以来的任何人相比,他让更多的人欢笑,改变了人们看待这个世界的方式。 Charlie Chaplin had an impact on everyone’s life in the early 20th century. He made more people laugh than any other man who ever lived and changed the way people l ooked at the worl d. 6. 1977年,查理?卓别林在圣诞节那天去世了,身后留下了悲伤的家人和朋友,以及全世界数以百万计的影迷。 On Christmas Day in 1977 Charlie Chaplin passed away. He l eft behind family and friends sad dened by his d eath, and millions of fans worldwide. Unit 3 1. The man is reported to have said in private that "we are being made fools of by many of our clients, so we are entitled to have them bow to us as compensation." 据报道这个男子曾在私下说:“许多救济对象在欺骗我们,因此,作为补偿,我们有权让他们对我们点头哈腰。” 2. After consid ering your background and experience, we regret to inform you that we don't have an appropriate job opportunity for you at current stage. 我们考虑了你的背景与经历,很遗憾地告诉你,我们目前没有适合你的工作机会。 3. I failed to take my cue from Oscar. Instead, I talked back to the woman, who turned out to be our new manager. 我没能按奥斯卡的暗示去做,相反,我反驳了那个妇女,结果她竟然是我们的新经理。 4. There needs to be someone who can act as a champion for the rights of the poor because the system so easily lends itself to abuse. 需要有人来充当穷人权利的捍卫者,因为这一体制太容易被滥用。 5. I called the police for help after my car broke d own on the freeway. Twenty minutes later, they came to my rescue.


您的本次作业分数为:100分 1.【Unit Three (2)】_________ was 1998 __________ I graduated from the university. A It; that B It; when C That; that D That; when 正确答案:A 2.【Unit Three (2)】Can you lend me the book _____________ the other day? A about which you talked B about that you talked C which you talked D that you talked 正确答案:A 3.【Unit Three (2)】I have two cats and I like ___________. A all of them B every one of them C them both D them each 正确答案:C 4.【Unit Three (2)】There are no tickets _________ for Friday's performance. A suitable B valuable C available

D comfortable 正确答案:C 5.【Unit Three (2)】He is always very careless about his ____________ appearance. A blind B confident C free D personal 正确答案:D 6.【Unit Three (2)】____________ is standing at the corner of the street. A A police B The police C Policemen D A policeman 正确答案:D 7.【Unit Three (2)】He ____________ his arm to protect his face from the blow. A put B rose C set D raised 正确答案:D 8.【Unit Three (2)】The news reporters hurried to the airport, only __________ the film stars had left. A told


第三次作业 一、交际英语 1.- How do you like this dress? - _________ A.I am fine, thank you. B.It's very pretty. C.I bought this dress at a sale. D.It's my sister's. 2.How can I get to the cinema? -- _________ A.It's very far. B.Yes, there is a cinema near here. C.It's well known. D.Go down this street and turn left. 3.What day is today? -- _________ A.It's March 6. B.It's a fine day today. C.It's March. D.It's Monday. 4.What do you think of this novel? -- _________ A.I've read it. B.It's well-written. C.It was written by my uncle. D.I bought it yesterday. 5.- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! - _______ This is not the end of the world. A.Good luck. B.Cheer up. C.Go ahead. D.No problem. 二、阅读理解 These days, more and more young people wish to be more beautiful, so they turn to plastic surgery(整形手术)for help. They spend thousands of Yuan on these painful surgeries to fix their nose, to change their eyelids(眼皮)or to take off weight from their stomachs.
