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The design of the boiler water level control system based on fuzzy

control and simulation


Boiler is the most widely used in industrial production and life in China, the largest number of thermal equipment. Boiler water level control in boiler control system is one of the most important link, to maintain boiler water level within the prescribed scope, is the necessary condition to ensure the safety of boiler operation, is also one of the main index in the normal production of the boiler operation. In this paper, the boiler water level water level to achieve rapid real-time tracking Settings, and maintain the boiler water level is not beyond the scope of tolerance allowed problems, using fuzzy control to achieve optimal control of boiler water level. In the construction of boiler feed water system and establish the boiler water level control, on the basis of mathematical model, simulation of the whole system. Of which this paper focuses on using the Matlab software under the control of boiler water level fuzzy logic toolbox to simulation, set up the simulation model diagram, using a series of fuzzy control rules, through the quantization factor and scaling factor adjustment, get ideal control effect. And in the end by comparing fuzzy control with conventional PI control.

KEY WORDS: Boiler water level control,fuzzy controller,matlab simulate


前言 (1)

第1章锅炉水位控制系统介绍 (4)

1.1锅炉的工艺过程 (4)

1.2锅炉水位控制所采用的方法 (5)

第2章锅炉水位模糊控制器的介绍 (8)

2.1模糊控制基本原理 (8)

2.1.1模糊控制的基本思想 (8)

2.1.2模糊控制系统的组成与工作原理 (9)

2.2模糊控制器的设计 (9)

2.2.1模糊控制器的基本结构与组成 (10)

2.3 模糊控制器参数的选择 (11)

2.3.1 论域及基本论域 (11)

2.3.2量化因子及比例因子 (12)

2.3.3隶属度函数 (13)

2.3.4 If...Then规则 . (14)

2.4 锅炉水位模糊控制的控制原理 (14)

2.5模糊集、模糊论域及隶属函数的确立 (15)

2.6建立模糊控制器的模糊控制规则 (16)

第3章MATLAB模糊逻辑工具箱 (17)

3.1 MATLAB概述 (17)

3.2 Simulink概述 (17)

3.3 MATLAB模糊逻辑工具箱简介 (18)

3.3.1模糊逻辑工具箱的特点 (18)

3.3.2在模糊逻辑工具箱中构成模糊推理的步骤 (19)

3.4利用模糊逻辑工具箱建立模糊推理系统 (19)

3.5 MATLAB模糊逻辑工具箱的图形用户界面 (20)

3.5.1模糊推理系统编辑器(FUZZY) (21)

3.5.2隶属函数编辑器(Mfedit) (21)
