
















Circle of friends Wake up, the day is still not completely bright. I habitually from the bedside grabbed the phone and bleary eyed Longdi swept one eye, 6 17 points and a bunch of micro channel information of new circle of friends, much to did not show the number. Every minute, the circle of friends is a micro channel, from the last glimpse of the last night before, to just two minutes before the mobile phone. I lay down, start scraper. All kinds of hearsay, gossip, stories, Jack, personal experience, the details of life, emotional moment...... And various groups in the argument, the current situation discussion, gossip, dinner recipes, travel information, inform the dinner, voice mail... Three years, the micro channel, a lot of new friends. They like the birds in the jungle, standing in their respective branches, or take care of feathers, or busy catching insects, or nest,

never tired. And I, like a silent one spoonful of time, just

stand by watching others battle. Just contact micro circle of friends, it really let me in touch with a lot of neglect of friends to the intersection, but once again we are familiar with, just phone the man, but he is willing to play and display of a small part, his real situation

and mood, far away in our sight. Those people still love the show one's face in public: eat a bowl of mutton, to see a meteor shower, listening to a song...... And I will put the mood in the sun, so that everyone review. Everything has a freshness period, as the year of stealing food game, fresh Jin, then began to hide in the micro channel, no longer issued a declaration of emotion, and no place like the place, as if I have never used a micro channel. Human thinking, the answer is disappointed. Many young people expect to come out of the electromagnetic wave of the goddess Venus, have the time to take out a mobile phone shake". I think it is tantamount to Ernie, I am afraid that shake up the rear lid, also seldom see heart collision sparks, shake out a pain of Nie yuan case is heard. And only love strangers, also ask many colleagues at home, where is the shopping, leisure or read a book? I try to ask a female classmate, you like the rain?

She told me to give a pleasant smile of a woman. I am satisfied, just like a big bearded poet said: you smile at me but not the language, for this, I have been waiting for a long time.

Most people around the chicken soup for the soul, it is decompression, refreshing, attunement and other functions in one of Shiquan Dabu, occasional bowl, resembles the sobering, but drinking too much certainly indigestion. In Wenyou QQ group, a lot of good at writing sentiment folk master hidden, their works on the main journal, concocted a micro channel chicken soup. This is easy to do so. Behind any bowl of chicken soup, there is a friend who is not good at expressing himself, and he wants to express his concern and kindness to you. If the God gives him and you like the taste, as literary talent, the same deal ability, then he is also why it to make friends with you? Chicken stew, can also stir, so also can say like. You as the standard book, just a writer lunch. At the age of twenty children look down worth mentioning, in a society of Pan suffering for many years the sophisticates, to return to the pot of chicken soup can only be understood for him not in the sense of a brand. So, I often put chicken soup when the pieces,

to laugh it off. Circle of friends is the most common and show the slide. When

the photo in the warmth of family photos, into a full screen "Notice of missing person", a seek joy yingzi disguise to encounter people raised eyebrows of Hsiang Lin's wife, this is not forcing people to better meet you miss?? As for the game like pop micro business advertisement, do not understand - sister, tonight, I don't care about looks, just want to elope

with your souls. Can not say that the strange phenomenon in the circle of friends always reflects the current social psychology. In the social pressure and the high pressure cooker boiling the present, a person's inner loneliness is no place to say and sustenance, the more will be in the third party virtual framework to seek self satisfaction. That is to say, the more a person is lack of what will be more to show what the existence of. No matter what material needs or feelings. This is also naive, no assertive, but partial narcissism of the performance. Some people lack of interpersonal relations, hoping to get approval, meet the self, and actively build relationships. Circle of friends is such a class of people, they often spread negative emotions, disgruntled, and social phenomena of life often unhappy, the source in the inner anxiety, eager to gain an understanding of. That day, too much information, always

expect others praise, there may be inferior mischief, hope to establish a stable social circle, to enhance the sense of

self-worth. When more and more friends to join the micro channel, will become Tianya Zhichi, now I was stubborn hope in a leisure afternoon, dial a number, into the microphone, sent his

JIMAOXIN: Hey, how's it going?! Ganyu Province, Jiangsu Province, the first middle school three (11) of the class Author: Sun Yu Tutor: Cao Guangqiao
