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colleagues, and he hasn't been to prison yet.”
At this point, A might well inquire what B was implying, what he was suggesting, or even what he meant by saying that C had not yet been to prison.
The answer might be any one of such things as that C is the sort of person likely to yield to the temptation provided by his occupation that C's colleagues are really very unpleasant and treacherous people, and so forth.
Grice套用了康德的量、质、关系和方式四个哲学 范畴体系:任何事物都有自身一定的量的规定性, 质的规定性,与其他事物的关系,自身存在的方 式。这种哲学渊源使Grice的 合 作 原 则 具 有 了 高度的概括力和一定的解释力。
在“Logic and Conversation”中,Grice举了这样一
Cooperative Principle
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
1. CP提出的理据 2. 何为implicature? 3. Cooperative Principle 4. CP的违反 5. 会话含义的特点 6. Grice合作原则的不足 7. 结语
Herbert Paul Grice
(March 13, 1913 – August 28, 1988), usually publishing under the name H. P. Grice, H. Paul Grice, or Paul Grice, was a British-educated philosopher of language, who spent the final two decades of his career in the United States. Grice's work on the nature of meaning has influenced the philosophical study of semantics. His theory of implicature is among the most important and influential contributions to contemporary pragmatics.
It might, of course, be quite unnecessary for A to make such an inquiry of B, the answer to it being, in the context, clear in advance. It is clear that whatever B implied, suggested, meant in this example, is distinct from what B said, which was simply that C had not been to prison yet.
Levinson(1983:131)把Grice的含义归纳为以下几种: 非自然意义由直义和含义组成;含义由规约含义 (conventional implicature)和非规约含义组成;非规约 含义由会话含义和非会话含义组成;会话含义由一般会 话含义(generalized conversational implicature)和特殊会 话含义(particular conventional implicature)组成。(侯国 金,2019:79)
“Meaning” (1957)
&“Logic and Conversation” (1975)
Natural meaning
vs. Non-Natural Meaning
1. 合作原则提出的理据
“Logic and Conversation”(“逻辑与会话”),文中
提出了著名的“合作原则”。该论文的宗旨不在于提 出一个关于会话的理论,而是要解决如何分析自然语 言的语义问题。我们知道,罗素(Russell)要通过逻 辑分析消除语言的日常用法对哲学和逻辑带来的消极 影响,不合逻辑定义的则说明日常语言有缺陷。
Grice ( 1975 ) 生 造 implicature 一 词 是 为 了 避 免 implication的哲学(联想)意义、美学和修辞学的意义, (他用的动词是implicate),别名implicatum。
据姜望琪(2019:58)说,Grice当时用implicature表示 implying的动作,用implicatum(有时也用implicature) 表示所暗含的意义。现在大多数人用implicature表示所 表示的含义。(侯国金,2019:78)
个例子: Suppose that A and B are talking about a mutual friend,
C, who is now working in a bank. A asks B, “how is C getting on in his job?” And B replies, “Oh quite well I think; he likes his
与罗素不同,Grice想通过对日常语言的分析发现其自 身的特点然后再寻找它跟哲学的结合点。也就是说逻 辑分析只能解决日常语言中的一部分语义问题,多出 来的部分需要通过新的途径(如语用学)来解决。那 么如何解决多出来的意义呢?Grice提出了“言外之意” 的理论。凡用逻辑语义理论解决不了的意义,则需要 借助“言外之意”理论加以解决。言外之意有多种, 其中突出的就是“会话含义”。会话含义是人们根据 会话原则是否得到遵守而推导出来的一 种意义,这是 随语境变化而变化的语用意义。
At this point, A might well inquire what B was implying, what he was suggesting, or even what he meant by saying that C had not yet been to prison.
The answer might be any one of such things as that C is the sort of person likely to yield to the temptation provided by his occupation that C's colleagues are really very unpleasant and treacherous people, and so forth.
Grice套用了康德的量、质、关系和方式四个哲学 范畴体系:任何事物都有自身一定的量的规定性, 质的规定性,与其他事物的关系,自身存在的方 式。这种哲学渊源使Grice的 合 作 原 则 具 有 了 高度的概括力和一定的解释力。
在“Logic and Conversation”中,Grice举了这样一
Cooperative Principle
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
1. CP提出的理据 2. 何为implicature? 3. Cooperative Principle 4. CP的违反 5. 会话含义的特点 6. Grice合作原则的不足 7. 结语
Herbert Paul Grice
(March 13, 1913 – August 28, 1988), usually publishing under the name H. P. Grice, H. Paul Grice, or Paul Grice, was a British-educated philosopher of language, who spent the final two decades of his career in the United States. Grice's work on the nature of meaning has influenced the philosophical study of semantics. His theory of implicature is among the most important and influential contributions to contemporary pragmatics.
It might, of course, be quite unnecessary for A to make such an inquiry of B, the answer to it being, in the context, clear in advance. It is clear that whatever B implied, suggested, meant in this example, is distinct from what B said, which was simply that C had not been to prison yet.
Levinson(1983:131)把Grice的含义归纳为以下几种: 非自然意义由直义和含义组成;含义由规约含义 (conventional implicature)和非规约含义组成;非规约 含义由会话含义和非会话含义组成;会话含义由一般会 话含义(generalized conversational implicature)和特殊会 话含义(particular conventional implicature)组成。(侯国 金,2019:79)
“Meaning” (1957)
&“Logic and Conversation” (1975)
Natural meaning
vs. Non-Natural Meaning
1. 合作原则提出的理据
“Logic and Conversation”(“逻辑与会话”),文中
提出了著名的“合作原则”。该论文的宗旨不在于提 出一个关于会话的理论,而是要解决如何分析自然语 言的语义问题。我们知道,罗素(Russell)要通过逻 辑分析消除语言的日常用法对哲学和逻辑带来的消极 影响,不合逻辑定义的则说明日常语言有缺陷。
Grice ( 1975 ) 生 造 implicature 一 词 是 为 了 避 免 implication的哲学(联想)意义、美学和修辞学的意义, (他用的动词是implicate),别名implicatum。
据姜望琪(2019:58)说,Grice当时用implicature表示 implying的动作,用implicatum(有时也用implicature) 表示所暗含的意义。现在大多数人用implicature表示所 表示的含义。(侯国金,2019:78)
个例子: Suppose that A and B are talking about a mutual friend,
C, who is now working in a bank. A asks B, “how is C getting on in his job?” And B replies, “Oh quite well I think; he likes his
与罗素不同,Grice想通过对日常语言的分析发现其自 身的特点然后再寻找它跟哲学的结合点。也就是说逻 辑分析只能解决日常语言中的一部分语义问题,多出 来的部分需要通过新的途径(如语用学)来解决。那 么如何解决多出来的意义呢?Grice提出了“言外之意” 的理论。凡用逻辑语义理论解决不了的意义,则需要 借助“言外之意”理论加以解决。言外之意有多种, 其中突出的就是“会话含义”。会话含义是人们根据 会话原则是否得到遵守而推导出来的一 种意义,这是 随语境变化而变化的语用意义。