





Prenatal Development

Normally, it takes about 40 weeks for a single cell to grow up into

a fully formed newborn baby. The long period takes on dramatic changes and is typically divided into three phases: the zygote phase, the embryo phase and the fetus phase.

The zygote refers to the single-celled form of the new baby produced by fertilization. It travels along the mother?s fallopian tube and

finally embeds itself into

the uterus. At the same time, the zygote divides rapidly and turns

into the multi-celled form, called blastula.

After the first three weeks of zygote phase follows the embryo phase. Dramatic changes and organ and system developments take place during

this phase. The placenta comes into being and establishes the life-support system between the embryo and the mother. It is responsible for gas and blood supply and waste excretion of the new baby. Meanwhile,

part of the blastula differentiates into the amniotic sac, which

contains amniotic fluid and the baby.

The main part of embryo differentiates into three layers. The

outside layer, called ectoderm, eventually becomes the spinal column,

the nervous system and the skin. The middle layer, named mesoderm, later develops into muscle and bone. The inner layer, named endoderm, differentiates into the internal organs.

During the fourth and fifth weeks after conception, heartbeat can be detected and limbs, hands or even fingers apparent. Vital organs, including brain, lungs, stomach and kidneys are formed and start functioning in the following weeks. By the end of the ninth week, testes or ovaries are visible to tell the sex of the baby.

thThe last phase of fetus begins from the 12 week after conception. The baby

with fully developed organs and systems comes into the rapid growth period. Various

thkinds of movements are detected by the 14 week, including swallow, digestion,

urination and limb movements. In the later phase of fetus development, body size and weight are dramatically increased till birth.

ththSensory perceptions are developed between the 13 and 29 weeks. The fetus is

alert to the outside noise, sensitive to different tastes and able

to initiate neurological reactions to stress hormones. Therefore, pregnant women often complain of the vigorous kicking by the fetus especially when the mothers themselves fall into distress.

New Words

prenatal [pri:neitl] adj. 出生以前的 zygote [zaiɡ?ut] n. 合子,受精


embryo [embri?u] n.胚胎amniotic fluid [æmni,tik flu:id]n.羊水 fetus [fi:t?s] n.胎儿 ectoderm [ekt?ud?:m]n.外胚层 fertilization

[f?:tilaizei,?n] n. 受精,受spinal column [spainl k,l?m] n.脊柱孕mesoderm [mes?d?:m] n.中胚层 fallopian tube [f?l?upi?n tju:b] n.输卵管endoderm [end?ud?:m] n.内胚层 embed [imbed] v.把……嵌入,埋入

conception [k?nsep,?n] n.怀孕 uterus [ju:t?r?s] n.子宫 testis [testis] n. 睾丸

blastula [blæstjul?] n.囊胚 ovary [?uv?ri] n.卵巢

placenta [pl?sent?]n.胎盘 digestion [did,est,?n] n.消化 excretion [ekskri: ,?n]n. 排泄 urination [ju?rinei,?n] n.排尿 differentiate

[dif?ren,ieit]v.分化 sensory perception [sens?ri p?sep,?n] n.amniotic

sac [æmni,tik sæk] n.羊膜囊感知觉


1. Normally, it takes about 40 weeks for a single cell to grow up

into a fully formed

newborn baby. 正常情况下,一个单细胞生长成发育完善的新生儿需要经历40


本句句型可以归纳成: It takes + 时间 + 不定式。其中,it为形式主语,指


2. The long period takes on dramatic changes and is typically divided into three

phases: the zygote phase, the embryo phase and the fetus phase.


先注意本句主语,The long period 再对照其中文表达方式,你可以发现英文思维方式的点点滴滴。说句实话,学英文的中国学生要写出这样的句子有一定难度。但是学习中多多注意这样的思维方式的观摩与学习,可以避免写出中国式英语,那种对于英国人来说充满异国情的英文。

3. The fetus is alert to the outside noise, sensitive to different tastes and able to initiate

neurological reactions to stress hormones. 他们对外界声响产生了警觉,对各种味道有了感应,并对各种应激激素开始产生神经反应。

注意搭配be alert to,我们在学习英文的过程中,要十分重视词组的积累。有一个说法很有道理:背单词不如背词组,这是因为,词组在构句过程中,能量更大。不要寄希望于临机一动,那是不可靠的。因此,不妨做个有心人,边学习,边收集,日积月累,必有成效。



1. The single-celled form of the new baby is called

[A] Blastula

[B] Zygote

[C] Embryo


[D] Placenta

2. Which part is responsible for oxygen supply for the fetus?

[A] Blastula

[B] Zygote

[C] Embryo

[D] Placenta

3. How long does it take the fertilized zygote to develop into a mature newborn?

[A] 7 months

[B] 8 months

[C] 9 months

[D] 10 months

4. The endoderm is the original form of the

[A] Skin

[B] Muscle

[C] Organs

[D] Spinal column

5. The lungs come into function at the

rd[A] 2 week

th[B] 4 week

th[C] 6 week

th[D] 12 week

6. How would fetus response to his mother?s depression? [A] He decreases its movements. [B] He increases its movements. [C] He reduces its growth.

[D] He quickens its growth.











定位答案过程中,这一方法可以起到关键作用。定位词(词组)指的是题干中与原文中某一词或词组相同、相似的词或词组。一般我们选择1-2个定位词,犹如XY坐标,这样做有利于准确定位原文中的答案依据。例如,阅读理解第4题,我们可以选用endoderm和original作为定位词。因而,很快就可找到并确定原文中的答题依据为:The inner layer, named endoderm, differentiates into the internal organs. 因此答案为C。当然,我们所选的定位词最好具有某种排他性的意





















He is a good runner.


He runs well.





Therefore, pregnant women often complain of the vigorous kicking by the fetus

especially when the mothers themselves fall into distress.







By the end of this term I ____ my diploma.

A) shall have obtained

B) shall obtain

C) may have obtained

D) ought to have obtained

题干中By the end of this term表明,只有现在或过去将来时态可以匹配。因


答案。一般来说,时态的选择与时间状语有关,也就是说,时间状语构成所谓的解题信息。若By the end of this term改为This term,则应选择B),因为this term表将来时间。此时,考生是否理解整句意思似乎并非解题关键,不明白diploma一词的意思也并不妨碍正确答题。


1(We _____ with you for the time being. A. will stay

B. will be staying


C. would stay

D. have stayed

2(What _____ you _____ tomorrow morning?

A. are/going to do

B. are/doing

C. are/done

D. have/done

3(It _____ Jane who helped me the other day.

A. is

B. was

C. are

D. were

4. Mother promised she _____ me an English-Chinese dictionary.

A. is buying

B. will buy

C. would buy

D. has bought

5. It is getting late. It?s time we _____.

A. go

B. went

C. are going

D. must go

6. He _____ English for ten years by the time he takes the examination.

A. will have been studying

B. would have been studying

C. will study

D. studied

The Key












Yesterday Tom had his hand burnt, and he could not find his lecture notes








Unfortunately all day yesterday, Xiao Li not only had his hand burnt, but also lost his lecture notes.

说明:采用not on ly…but also,两个思想的关系就变得清楚了。同时增加




2) Writing Practice

Write a paragraph on …Nursing Home? based on the following key words (130 words):

Long-term care facility, rehabilitation, the elderly, ADL, meet the needs of, nurse, dominent role, basic nursing care, malnutrition, dehydration, chronic diseases, health maintianence, disease prevention, symptom management, self-care


A nursing home is one kind of long-term care facilities in our society. It is a special place for the elderly and mainly focuses on rehabilitation care. In the nursing home, health care workers help the residents with activities of daily living and meet their physicial, emotional and social needs.

Nursing homes operates a little different from other kinds of health care facilities. In a nursing home, it is the nurses who take thedominent role as most residnets there require basic nursing care

rather than medical treatments. The major tasks for nurses may be

dealing with malnutrition and dehydration rather than medication administration.

Most elderly residents have more thanone chronic diseases. Therefore nurses in nursing homes play an important role in health maintainence

and disease prevention. They are responsible for sumptom management and self-care assistance.





Consciousness & Personality: Freud’s theory

In Freud?s theory, human beings bear both conscious and unconscious mind. Conscious mind refers to one?s awareness of particular matters at particular moments. One person?s present perceptions, memories, thoughts, fantasies and feelings, all of these make up of the conscious mind.

The unconscious mind also takes a large part of our thinking, which, according


to Freud, is the source of our motivations. Instincts and drives are not easily available and come into our awareness, but they do affect our decision and action. Other kinds of unconscious mind such as panic memories and emotions long time ago also hit back on us from time to time without any reason.

Based on the theory above, Freud conceptualized the process of personality development into a series of conflicts at a person?s early age. On one hand, children

develop various primitive desires, most of which are based on hedonism; on the other hand, the society and surroundings impose many restrictions and obstructions on children.

Inside each person there are three types of personality dealing with the conflict. Each type, although operating separately from the other two, is essential for every human being. The first type is id, an unconscious collection of selfish instincts, consisting of all the basic desires, motivations and vitality. Id is the source of psychological power and follows the hedonistic rules rather than obeying the social morality or code of conduct. The mission of id is to pursue individual physical comfort, the needs of survival and reproduction, which attributes to the unconscious mind.

The second personality type, ego, although belonging to the unconscious level, refers to the thoughts, feelings, judgments or memories within the self-awareness realm. The motivation of ego is to fulfill the needs of id under the realistic rules without any punishment and injuries to the individual.

The third type, superego, represents for the ideal part of a person?s personality.

The superego receives impacts from the social ethics, culture and values throughout the individual growth and development. It is under the mission of pursuing personal perfection through self-supervision, self-criticism and restriction. As a result, the superego demands the ego to serve the needs of id in a socially acceptable pattern.

New Words

perception [p?s'ep,?n] n. 观点,看法 psychological [saik?'l,d,ik?l] adj.

fantasy ['fænt?si] n. 想象,幻想心理的,精神的

motivation [m?uti'vei,?n] n. 动机 hedonistic [hi:d?'nistik] adj. 快


instinct ['insti?kt]n. 本能,天性,直觉的

panic ['pænik] adj. 恐慌的,惊慌的morality [m?'ræliti] n. 道德,德

conceptualize [k?n'septju?laiz] v. 使概reproduction [ri:pr?'d,k,?n] n. 繁殖,


primitive ['primitiv] adj. 原始的,简单ego ['i:ɡ?u] n. 自我

的 realm [relm] n. 领域,范畴

hedonism ['hi:d?niz?m] n.享乐主义 superego [sju:p?r'eɡ?u] n. 超我id [aidi:] n. 本我ethics ['eθiks] n. 伦理,道德规范

vitality [vai'tæliti] n.生命力,活力 criticism ['kritisiz?m] n. 批评,批判


1. The unconscious mind also takes a large part of our thinking, which, according to


Freud, is the source of our motivations. 无意意识也是我们思想中的一大重要


分析本句结构,The unconscious mind also takes a large part of our thinking为

主句,which, according to Freud, is the source of our motivations.为非限制性从句。

值得注意的是according to Freud, 插入从句,本身构成割裂式结构。这种结构与



2. The first type is id, an unconscious collection of selfish instincts, consisting of all

the basic desires, motivations and vitality. 第一种人格是本我,它是一种无意识


本句中的an unconscious collection of selfish instincts与id同位,本质上它是

名词结构,这种结构也值得我们关注。我们可以这样理解,an unconscious collection of selfish instincts=which is an unconscious collection of selfish instincts。




3. The mission of id is to pursue individual physical comfort, the needs of survival

and reproduction, which attributes to the unconscious mind. 本我的职责是追求


本句同样可以从课文注释3的角度去理解,the needs of survival and reproduction,也是同位语,作为名词结构与individual physical comfort同位。3级


的英文才能更多地体现英文的内在特点。分析一下本句的结构:The mission of id为主语,is to pursue individual physical comfort为系表结构,其中不定式to pursue individual physical comfort作表语,the needs of survival and reproduction作为名词

结构与表语部分同位,非限制性定语从句which attributes to the unconscious mind





1. All of the following, which are related to …conscious mind?, are true except [A] A person?s awareness of special things [B] Memories in specific period of time [C] Quickness to recall

[D] The major part of thinking

2. The unconscious mind consists of a set of things except for

[A] Instincts

[B] Drives

[C] Scare experiences

[D] Fresh memories

3. The differences of conscious mind and unconscious mind do not include


[A] Aware vs. unaware

[B] Action influential vs. uninfluential [C] Specific vs. ambiguous

[D] Present vs. past

4. Which kind of action is excluded as for pursuing personal perfection under


[A] Self-awareness

[B] Self-criticism

[C] Self-supervision

[D] Self-restriction

5. A person?s id works under the guidance of [A] Social rules

[B] Realistic rules

[C] Self-gratification rules [D] The needs of ego

6. Which statement is true in regard to the relationship of three personality types?

[A] Id serves for ego

[B] Id serves for superego

[C] Ego serves for id

[D] Ego serves for superego







6. C.


寻读技巧 (scan)






读技巧(scan) 。所谓“寻读”技巧(scan),就是说,要求考生在阅读的时候,不必过分强调对于文章内容的整体理解。我们只需按照文章顺序,跳跃式地寻找有关的具体内容,往往是考题所涉及的细节、事实,来加以阅读理解即可。换句话说,考试时,就是只阅读你认为重要的可能要考的细节部分,其他可以略过不读。



METS-3模拟试题 Section I Listening Comprehension (30%) (25 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English in nursing contexts. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are THREE parts in this section, Part A, Part B, and Par C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 4 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET. (Pause 00’05’’) (Tone) Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and FOUR possible answers. Choose the correct answer – [A], [B], [C], o r[D], and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 10 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. 1. What does the woman say about Doctor Langus? [A] He is the only one available. [B] He is too young for the operation. [C] He has done many operations. [D] He is an excellent doctor.* 2. What do you learn about the discharge? [A] It is yellowish. [B] It has a bad smell.* [C] It is like mucus. [D] It is clear. 3. When do headaches affect the patient? [A] When he takes aspirin. [B] When he lies down. [C] When he gets nervous.* [D] When he travels 4. What does the doctor want to know? [A] The patient?s daily activity. [B] The patie nt?s life-style. [C] The patient?s exercise pattern. [D] The patient?s physical condition.* 5. What seems to trouble the patient? [A] His urine does not come out easily.* [B] His problem has lasted about a week. [C] He urinates frequently. [D] He experiences pain after urinating.


全国医护英语等级考试三级 全国医护英语等级考试(National Medical English Test,下称NMET)旨在测 试医护工作者的英语综合能力。NMET共分为三个等级,分别为一级、二级和三级。其中,三级是入门级别,考察医护英语基础知识和语言运用能力。本文将对NMET 三级考试难度、考试题型及备考方法进行介绍。 一、NMET三级考试难度 NMET三级考试的难度相对较低,针对的是初学者。考试内容主要包括听、说、读、写四个方面,考生需要掌握基本的英语语法、词汇、语音和表达能力。因此,对于英语基础一般的医护工作者来说,通过NMET三级考试并不难。 需要注意的是,NMET三级考试针对的是应用型英语,即考查英语在实际工作 中的应用能力。因此,医护工作者需要通过大量的练习,掌握常用的医学术语、表达方式和沟通技巧,才能够顺利通过考试。 二、NMET三级考试题型 NMET三级考试共分为两个部分,分别是听力和阅读写作。听力部分分为两个 小节,每个小节有多个选择题和填空题,总共有50道题;阅读写作部分分为两个 小节,第一个小节为阅读理解,第二个小节为写作,总共有40道题。考试时间为120分钟。 以下是NMET三级考试具体题型和分值的介绍: 部分项目项目数分值 听力听对话填空10 10 听短文填空10 10 听取信息选择10 10 阅读写作阅读理解20 20 书面表达20 20 总计- 70 70 三、NMET三级考试备考方法 1.扩大词汇量

医学是一个专业性很强的学科,涉及到许多专业术语,因此扩大词汇量是备考NMET三级考试的重点。可以通过背诵常用的医学词汇表、阅读医学文献、听医学课程讲座等方式进行词汇扩充。 2.增强语言应用能力 NMET三级考试注重英语的应用能力,在备考过程中需要注重语言的实际应用,增强表达能力、听说能力和阅读写作能力。可以通过模拟考试、口语练习、阅读理解训练等方式来提高语言应用能力。 3.借助教材和辅导资料 备考NMET三级考试需要具备一定的英语基础和医学知识。可以借助各类教材和辅导资料进行系统学习和复习。同时,也可以参加线上或线下的培训课程,提高备考效率和成绩。 4.多参加模拟考试 参加模拟考试是备考NMET三级考试不可或缺的一环。模拟考试可以检验自己备考的效果,发现自己的差距并及时调整备考计划。 四、结语 NMET三级考试是医护英语学习的起点,良好的成绩证明了自己的英语基础。 备考NMET三级考试需要付出一定的时间和精力,但是只要坚持不懈,加强对医 学术语、语言表达的学习和实际应用,相信就能够顺利通过考试。


医护英语考试METS三级单词 METS三级单词:participate, temperature, constipation, medication, diarrhea, prescription, prescription, contagious, contagious, treatment 第一篇:参与和温度 参与是人们在日常生活中经常会遇到的一种行为。无论是在工作 中还是在社交活动中,参与都是非常重要的。通过参与,人们可以交 流和共享信息,同时也可以建立起联系和关系。参与的方式多种多样,可以是主动参与,也可以是被动参与。无论是哪种方式,参与都是人 与人之间交流的桥梁。 在许多工作场所,参与是获取信息和共享意见的关键。当一个团 队面临重要决策时,每个成员的参与都是至关重要的。通过参与,每 个成员都可以表达自己的观点和建议,这样才能最终找到最佳解决方案。此外,在社交活动中,参与也是保持友谊和建立信任的基础。无 论是参加一场派对还是参加一个俱乐部活动,积极参与可以让人们更 好地融入群体。 除了参与,温度是我们日常生活中又一个重要的因素。温度可以 影响我们的身体健康和舒适感。当温度过高或过低时,我们可能会感 到不适或疲惫。温度的变化还会影响我们的免疫系统和呼吸系统。在 寒冷的天气里,人们容易感冒和流感。而在高温环境下,人们容易中 暑或脱水。因此,我们需要根据温度的变化来采取相应的措施,以保 持身体的健康和舒适。 总的来说,参与和温度是我们生活中不可或缺的因素。通过积极 参与,人们可以建立起联系和关系,并提升工作和生活的质量。而对 温度的合理管理可以保护我们的身体健康和舒适感。因此,我们应该 重视参与和温度,并采取相应的措施来确保它们对我们的生活产生积 极的影响。 第二篇:便秘与腹泻的治疗


医护英语考试(三级)辅导 医护英语水平考试(三级)辅导 METS LEVEL III UNIT ONE TEXT Prenatal Development Normally, it takes about 40 weeks for a single cell to grow up into a fully formed newborn baby. The long period takes on dramatic changes and is typically divided into three phases: the zygote phase, the embryo phase and the fetus phase. The zygote refers to the single-celled form of the new baby produced by fertilization. It travels along the mother?s fallopian tube and finally embeds itself into the uterus. At the same time, the zygote divides rapidly and turns into the multi-celled form, called blastula. After the first three weeks of zygote phase follows the embryo phase. Dramatic changes and organ and system developments take place during this phase. The placenta comes into being and establishes the life-support system between the embryo and the mother. It is responsible for gas and blood supply and waste excretion of the new baby. Meanwhile, part of the blastula differentiates into the amniotic sac, which contains amniotic fluid and the baby.


check-up 检查 ; 核 对 biology n.生物学 waist n.腰 ,腰部 health insurance 健康保险 nutrient n. 营养品 ,滋养物 recovery n.重获 ;痊愈 ,恢复 consciousness . 意识 ,觉悟 ;知觉 by no means 决不 ; 一点也不 give up 停止 ; 戒除 remain 剩下 ,仍然 ,残余 ,余数 ,遗留 loneliness 孤 独 achievement n.完成 ;成就 ,成绩 donate v.捐赠 droplet 飞沫 ,微滴 vein n. 静脉 ,血管 ,矿脉 sterilize 灭菌 ,消毒 feces 粪便 strengthen 加强 ,使强化 ,变强 ,振作起 来 stretch 把? 拉长 ,紧张 ,伸长 ,伸展 fitness walking 健身步行 tenderly ad.温和地 ; 体贴地 bend 曲 ,曲部 ,弯 ,弯部 ,弯管 ,弯曲 ,弯头 ,转折 cure 固化 ,烘焙 ,硫化 ,治疗 ,治愈 vaccinate 接种 ,注射疫苗 respiratory 呼吸的 cough sneeze protect from germ contaminate prevent from seasonal flu chill in case symptom infectious disease vomit consult committee recommend decrease by accident anaesthetics physical fitness sufficient essential ineffective medical care personal habit out-patient tissue microorganism eliminate conclusion bowel bacteria disappointment excrement perform urine expense waist sprain classify corridor sore throat be through in no time genius practically improve identify hygiene intestine indicate effect genetic evaluate distribute cerebral chemical dental department contact deficiency disturb emergency extract gland fiber gargle progress rough poison sickness relieve procedure swell sprain remove


目录 医护英语水平考试(护理类)第一级模拟试题 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 医护英语水平考试(护理类)第二级模拟试题 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 医护英语水平考试(护理类)第三级模拟试题 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。医护英语水平考试(护理类)第一级模拟试题 2010 年6 月METS 模拟试题 医护英语水平考试(护理类) 第一级 Medical English Test System (METS) (For Nurses) Level 1 姓名准考证号时间:120 分钟考生注意事项1.严格遵守考场规则,考生得到监考人员指令后方可开始答题。2.答题前考生须将自己的姓名和准考证号写在试卷和答题卡上。3.答客观题时,一律用2B 铅笔,按照答题卡上的要求答题。如要 改动答案,必须用橡皮擦干净。 4.答翻译与写作题时,必须用黑色签字笔在答题卡上答题。5.注意字迹清楚,保持卷面整洁。6.考试结束时将试卷和答题卡放在桌上,不得带走。待监考人员收毕清点后,方可离场。 ※ 未经批准,本试卷任何单位或个人不得保留、复制和出版,违者必究。 医护英语水平考试办公室

第一部分听力理解(20% ) ( 20分钟) 第一节选择填空 在本节中,你将听到10 个句子,每个句子后有三个选项,根据你所听到的录音,从试卷中所给的[ A] 、[B] 、[C]三个选项中选出正确答案填入句子空白处,并在答题卡上将相应字母涂黑。每个句子读两遍。 例如,你将听到以下内容: I ' ve goatn awful pain in my belly. 请看选项: I ' ve goatn awful pain in my _______ . [A] joints [B] armpit [C] belly 根据你所听到的录音,答案应选[C] 项。[A] [B] [C] 下面请听这些句子 1. I ' ll take some blood from your ___________ . [A] eye [B] ear [C] hair 2. The patient got rapid ____________ . [A] pulse [B] pus [C] pass 3. I ' ll do a ______ test first to see if you are allergic to this. [A] scan [B] skin [C] scar 4. In ancient (古代)times, doctors used to _______ people when they were ill. [A] blood [B] bladder [C] bleed 5. Proper _______ e xercise is very help ful to the patient ' s. recovery [A] daily [B] dairy [C] deadly 6. ___ change was done once every day until the wound healing. [A] Rising [B] Dressing [C] Trying 7. The treatment _________ for this disease can be quite lengthy; generally several years are necessary.


全国医护英语等级考试三级 简介 全国医护英语等级考试(National English Test for Medical Professionals,简称NEMT)是国家教育部主管的,针对医务人员的英语语言能力考试,旨在提高医务人员的英语语言水平,促进医务人员国际交流与合作。NEMT分为初、中、高、专四级,其中专四级是最高级别,主要考察医学英语的深入理解与应用,其余三级则重在基础语法与常用词汇的掌握,且难度逐级提升。 本文将主要介绍NEMT三级考试的相关内容。 考试形式 NEMT三级考试共分为听、说、读、写四部分,时长约为120分钟,具体考试形式如下: 1.听力理解:考生需听取8段医学英语短文,每段短文听两遍,回答 与文章相关的问题。 2.口语表达:考生进行1-2分钟的自我介绍,随后面试官会就相关医学 话题进行对话,考生需恰当地作出回应。 3.阅读理解:考生需阅读3篇300字左右的医学英语文章,回答8-10 道相关问题。 4.写作表达:考生需根据所给出的提示,以300-400词的篇幅写一篇 医学英语文章。 考试内容 NEMT三级考试主要考察医务人员英语的基本知识、语法基础、交流能力以及医学专业词汇的掌握程度。其中,考试内容覆盖了临床医学、口腔医学、护理学、公共卫生、预防医学等多个领域。 考生可以通过NEMT考试官网了解所需要掌握的英语词汇量及语法知识点,并进行相应的复习练习。此外,NEMT三级考试也涵盖了许多常见的医学场景和应急情况,如急救、医嘱、患者病历等,考生还需在此方面进行深入的学习和了解。 考试要求 NEMT三级考试的合格标准为总分100分,其中听力、口语、阅读、写作分别占25分。考试总分60分及以上为及格,满分为100分。


check-up检查; 核对biology n.生物学waist n.腰,腰部health insurance健康保险 nutrient n. 营养品,滋养物recovery n.重获;痊愈,恢复consciousness n.意识,觉悟;知觉by no means决不; 一点也不 give up停止; 戒除remain剩下,仍然,残余,余数,遗留 loneliness孤独achievement n.完成;成就,成绩 donate v.捐赠droplet飞沫,微滴vein n. 静脉,血管,矿脉sterilize灭菌,消毒 feces粪便strengthen加强,使强化,变强,振作起来stretch把…拉长,紧张,伸长,伸展fitness walking健身步行 tenderly ad.温和地; 体贴地bend曲,曲部,弯,弯部,弯管,弯曲,弯头,转折cure 固化,烘焙,硫化,治疗,治愈vaccinate接种,注射疫苗respiratory呼吸的cough sneeze protect from germ contaminate prevent from seasonal flu chill in case symptom infectious disease vomit consult committee recommend decrease by accident anaesthetics physical fitness sufficient essential ineffective medical care personal habit out-patient tissue microorganism eliminate conclusion bowel bacteria disappointment excrement perform urine expense waist sprain classify corridor sore throat be through in no time genius practically improve identify hygiene intestine indicate effect genetic evaluate distribute cerebral chemical dental department contact deficiency disturb emergency extract gland fiber gargle progress rough poison sickness relieve procedure swell sprain remove

全国医护英语等级考试三级 -回复

全国医护英语等级考试三级 -回复 全国医护英语等级考试是一门以测试医护英语水平为主的考试,主要适用于医护相关人员,包括医生、护士、药师等,考试具有较高的职业价值和实用性。在医护英语等级考试三级中,考生需要具备一定的医学词汇、语法、听力和口语交流能力。 医学词汇是全国医护英语等级考试三级中最重要的考察内容之一。考生需要掌握各个科室的专业术语,如内科、外科、妇产科、儿科、眼科等。同时,考生还需要了解一些常见疾病的诊断和治疗方法,如心脏病、肺炎、糖尿病等,以及药品的名称、用途和副作用等。在准备考试时,考生应该通过阅读医学文献、整理术语列表、听取医学专家的讲解等方式来提高自己的医学词汇量和理解能力。 语法是全国医护英语等级考试三级中考察的另一个重要部分。考生需要掌握基本的英语语法规则,如冠词、时态、语态、主动语态和被动语态等。同时,考生还需要熟悉一些医学英语中常见的语法结构,如病历记录、医嘱、手术记录等。在准备考试时,考生应该注重练习英语语法,通过模拟考试和讲解进行复习,弥补自己的不足之处。 听力和口语交流能力是全国医护英语等级考试三级中另外两个重要的考核内容。考生需要具备良好的听力理解能力,包括听取医生或患者的陈述、听取病史记录、听取药品介绍等。此外,考生还需要通过口语表达能力来展示自己对医学英语的掌握程度,包括交流患者病情、写医嘱、讲解手术等。在准备考试时,考生应该多听多说,增强听力和口语交流的能力。



三级医护英语单词 三级医护英语单词 active adj.积极的,活动的 acute adj.急性的,剧烈的 adapt v.使适应 addict vn.使上瘾,有瘾的人 addiction n.沉溺,上瘾 additional adj.额外的 adduction n.内收 adequate adj.充足的 adhesive tape,胶带 adjust vt.调整,使适应 administer v.给予(药),执行 administration n.服用,施行;行政管理 admission n.入院,准许进入 admit v.容纳,承认(to) adopt vt.采纳;收养 adverse adj.不利的,逆向的 aerate v.通过呼吸供氧给(血液) aerobe n.需氧菌

aerosol n.气雾剂 affect v.(疾病)侵袭 afflict v.使某人痛苦 agent n.剂 aging n.老化 agitated adj.易激动的 agonizing adj.使人痛苦的 AIDS n.艾滋病 ailment n.疾病(尤指微恙) airway n.气道 alarm n.警报 alcohol n.酒精 allergic adj.过敏的 allergy n.变态反应 alveolus n.肺泡 ambulance n.救护车 ambulant adj.走动的;适宜下床活动的ambulation n.行走,移动 anatomy n.解剖学 anemia n.贫血 anesthesia n.感觉缺失;麻醉

ankle n.踝 antibacterial adj.抗菌的antibiotic n.抗生素antibody n.抗体 antigen n.抗原 anti-inflammation n.抗炎antimicrobial agent 抗菌剂antiviral adj.抗病毒的 anus n.肛门 anxiety n.焦虑 apparatus n.器械,装置appearance n.外表appendicitis n.阑尾炎appetite n.食欲 appliance n.器具appointment n.预约armpit n.腋窝 arrest n.骤停 artery n.动脉 arthritis n.关节炎 artificial adj.人工的


医护英语三级模拟题heartbeat (原创实用版) 目录 1.医护英语三级模拟题的重要性 2.heartbeat 的含义和在医护英语中的应用 3.如何正确理解和使用 heartbeat 4.heartbeat 在医护场景中的模拟题示例 正文 医护英语三级模拟题是医护专业学生和医护人员必须掌握的一项技能。作为医护专业的学生,我们需要通过医护英语三级模拟题来检验我们的英语水平,以确保我们能够在实际医护工作中流利地使用英语进行沟通。而 heartbeat,作为医护英语中的一个重要词汇,更是我们需要重点掌握的内容。 heartbeat,顾名思义,是指心脏跳动。在医护英语中,它通常用于 描述病人的心率。例如,我们可以说"The patient"s heartbeat is regular."这意味着病人的心率正常。然而,仅仅知道 heartbeat 的含义还不够,我们还需要知道如何正确地使用它。在描述病人的心率时,我们通常需要使用其他词汇来进一步说明,例如"pulse"(脉搏)和"rhythm"(节奏)。 为了更好地理解和使用 heartbeat,我们可以通过一些医护英语模拟题来进行练习。例如,我们可以被要求翻译以下句子:"The doctor checked the patient"s heartbeat and found it to be normal."(医生检查了 病人的心率,发现它正常。)在这个句子中,我们需要正确理解 heartbeat 的含义,并将其准确地翻译为中文。 此外,我们还可以通过一些实际的医护场景来加深对 heartbeat 的 理解。例如,假设我们正在护理一位心脏病患者,我们需要密切关注他的


M E T S医护英语重点词汇(1-3级)

METS一级重点词汇 check-up检查; 核对biology n.生物学 waist n.腰,腰部 health insurance健康保险 nutrient n. 营养品,滋养物recovery n.重获;痊愈,恢复consciousness n.意识,觉悟;知觉 by no means决不; 一点也不 give up停止; 戒除remain剩下,仍然,残余,余数,遗留 loneliness孤独 achievement n.完成;成就,成绩 donate v.捐赠droplet飞沫,微滴vein n. 静脉,血管,矿脉 sterilize灭菌,消毒 feces粪便strengthen加强,使强化,变强,振作起来stretch把…拉长,紧张,伸长,伸展fitness walking健身步行 tenderly ad.温和地; 体贴地bend曲,曲部,弯,弯部,弯管,弯曲,弯头,转折cure 固化,烘焙,硫化,治疗,治愈 vaccinate接种,注射疫苗 respiratory呼吸的cough sneeze protect from germ contaminate prevent from seasonal flu chill in case symptom infectious disease vomit consult committee recommend decrease by accident anaesthetics physical fitness sufficient essential ineffective medical care
