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How can Consumer policy empower consumers for changing lifestyles ?

material Source: Journal of Consumer Policy Author: John Thogersen

Consumer policy can empower consumers for changing lifestyles byreducing personal constraints and limitations, but it should also attempt to loosen some of the external constraints that make changes towards a more sustainable lifestyle dif?cult・In terms of reducing consumers, subjectively felt restrictions on their ability to change lifestyle, the two approaches are equivalent・Policies that increase a feeling of empowerment may also have a positive effect on consumers motivation to make an effort, thus amplifying its effects・In this paper both types of constraints on lifestyle changes in a sustainable direction are discussed as well as policies for reducing constraints・ Possible motivational effects of the proposed policies are also outlined・

At least judged by its outcome, it seems that consumers in the rich parts of the world make less of an effort at changing their lifestyle in a sustainable direction than is desired by society and than is in their own collective long-term interest・4"Sustainable1' here refers to a level and pattern of consumption

which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs World commission on Environment and Development, 1987・ It is generally agreed by the international community that current lifestyles by a?uent consumers in both rich and poor countries are not sustainable Sitarz, 1994; United Nations, 2002・ The issue was given top priority at the World Summit in Rio in 1992, but progress towards sustainable consumption has been disappointingly slow. For instance, in a report issued by United Nations Secretary-General Ko? Annan in preparation for the Johannesburg Summit, it was concluded that u Progress towards the goals established at Rio has been slower than anticipated and in some respects conditions are worse than they were 10 years ago. ' ' 1 This in spite of consumers having an obvious long term interest in sustainability, an interest often expressed by consumer organizations e.g ・,Consumers International, 2002 and in surveys measuring the general population^ s environmental concern e.g・,the European Opinion Research Group, 2003・ What can be done about the slow progress towards sustainability depends on the reasons why so little is happening・

Three main groups of actors in?uence the sustainability of private consumption: consumers, governments, and business・For each of them, the apparent lack of effective action for sustainability may be attributed to motivational as well as ability-:related factors・ In this paper, the focus is on understanding and in?uencing consumer actions・However, in order to
