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1.表示抽象概括意义时,不可数名词和复数名词使用零冠词,例:Books are my bes t friends.书是我的好朋友。Water boils at 100℃.水在摄氏100度沸腾。比较:T he water in this river is undrinkable.这条河的水不可饮用。

2.专有名词通常使用零冠词,例:Lu Xun is a great Chinese writer.鲁迅是一位伟大的中国作家。London is the capital of England.伦敦是英国的首都。China is a d eveloping socialist country.中国是一个发展中的社会主义国家。

3.按照习惯下列各类名词使用零冠词1)季节、月份、星期以及节假日等名词,例:S ummer begins in June in this part of the country.这个地区夏天从六月份开始。We h ave no classes on Sunday.星期日我们不上课。There are a lot of people shopping a t Christmas.在圣诞节有很多人购买东西。

2)三餐饭菜的名词,例:have supper 吃晚饭come to dinner 去吃饭

3)语言、运动、游戏、学科等名词,例:She speaks Chinese.她说汉语。He plays football.他踢足球。Let’s have a game of chess.咱俩下盘棋吧。

4.在表示职位、头衔、身份等名词前,如king,captain,president,chairman 等。例:Professor Wang 王教授Doctor Tompson 汤普生医生President Lincoln 林肯总统Dean of theEnglish Department 英语系主任

5.by+交通工具。by bus 乘公交车by bike骑自行车

6. 没有特指的物质名词This cart is made of wood.这辆手推车是用木头作的。

比较:The wood outside was all wet. 外面的那些木头都湿了。(表示特指)

7. 没有特指的不可数抽象名词。Time is precious.时间是宝贵的。

8. 没有特指的可数名词复数形式后。I like tomatoes.我喜欢西红柿。

9. 山峰。Mount Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰

10. 泛指人类。Man is mortal.人必有一死。

11. 固定词组go to school 去上学go to bed 上床睡觉go by train 乘火车去go by boat 乘船去at table 在用餐in hospital 住院at school 求学in school 求学at noon 在中午at night 在晚上at midnight 在半夜in town 在城里

定冠词the 的用法之有无冠词的区别


定冠词the 的用法之有无冠词的区别:

1、go to school:去上学go to the school:到学校(不一定是上学)

2、go to/be at church:去做礼拜/在做礼拜go to/be at the church:去/在教堂(不一定是做礼拜)

3、go to bed:就寝go to the bed:向床走去,走到床前(不一定是去睡觉)

4、go to sea:出海(是海员) go to the sea:去海边(不一定是海员)

5、be in hospital:在出院be in the hospital:在医院里(不一定是病人)

6、be in prison:在坐牢be in the prison:在监狱(不一定是犯人)

7、in front of:在……(外部)的前面in the front of:在……(内部)的前面

8、sit at table:坐在桌旁吃饭sit at the table:坐在桌旁(不一定是吃饭)

9、by day:在白天by the day :按天计算

10、take place:发生take the place of:代替

11、in possession of sth :拥有某物in the possession of sb:为某人所拥有

12、in sight of :能看见in the sight of:据……的见解

13、in place of :代替in the place of:在……的地方

14、in future:今后in the future:将来

15、take advice:征求意见take the advice:听从劝告

16、He is still in office.:他仍在执政。He is still in the office.:他仍在办公室。

17、She is in class.:她在上课。She is in the class.:她在那个班。

18、It is out of question:那是毫无疑问的。It is out of the question:那是根本不可能的。

19、There is still some food in store.:食物尚有储备

There is still some food in the store.:仓库里还有些食物

20、He is in charge of the factory.:他负责整个工厂。

The factory is in the charge of him.:这个工厂由他负责。

定冠词the 的用法之有无冠词的区别,主要就体现在上面这20对上,同学们一定要认真看这些内容,并注意从含义上区分它们。



1.There is _______ picture of _______ elephant on _______ wall.

2.This is _______ useful book.I've read it for _______ hour.

3._______ elephant is much heavier than _______ horse.

4._______ doctor told him to take _______ medicine three times _______ day.

5.Let's go out for _______ walk.

6.It's too hot.Open _______ door,please.

7.There is _______ woman over there._______ woman is Meimei's mother.
