



欧姆龙D4V小型限位开关具有“小型化设计”、“端子部全开放构造,便于布线”、“RoHS对应”、“保护构造 IP65”等诸多特点,目前在工邦邦等平台均可以购买到。





• 3根螺丝应用均等扭矩固定(正确的扭矩为0.49~0.59N)。









小型重载限位开关D4A-□N 291商品选择 ……………………200共通注意事项 ..................214技术指南 ........................709用语说明 (759)相关信息小型重载限位开关D4A-□N密封性、抗冲击性、强度进一步提高后的小型重载限位开关• 进一步强化旋转轴部位的双重密封结构, 通过密封垫完全包裹方式等来确保密封性 (取得UL 、NEMA3、4、4X 、6P 、12、13)。

• 温度规格范围大(-40~+100℃ :标准型)。

• 还另外备有在抗药性上发挥威力的氟橡胶密封型。

• 采用了将维护时的时间损失减少到最小的组件安装方式。

• 提供可实现各种复合动作的4回路双断型。

• 取得 UL 、CSA 、CCC 规格。

(关于认定型号、请来电咨询)请参见304~305页的「请正确使用」和 214页的「限位开关共通注意事项」。

型号构成■型号标准D4A-□□□□N(安装形式)① ② ③*1.头部请使用D4A-0017N 专用头部。

*2.头部请使用D4A-0018N 专用头部。


①插座盒1 :1/2-14NPT 导管口(2回路双断型)2 :1/2-14NPT 导管口(4回路双断型)3 :G 1/2导管口(2回路双断型)4 : G 1/2导管口(4回路双断型)②开关盒1 :2回路双断型、无显示灯3 :2回路双断型、氖灯E :2回路双断型、LED (DC24V 漏电流1.3mA )5 : 4回路双断型、同时动作,无显示灯7 :4回路双断型、时序动作,无显示灯*19 :4回路双断型、中心、中线动作,无显示灯*2L :4回路双断型、同时动作,氖灯P : 4回路双断型、同时动作,LED③头部01:旋转摆杆型、标准型02:旋转摆杆型、高灵敏度型03:旋转摆杆型、轻动作型04:旋转摆杆型、高灵敏度轻动作型05:旋转摆杆型、保持型17: 旋转摆杆型、时序动作型18:旋转摆杆型、中心・中线动作型06:侧面・柱塞型、标准型 07-V :侧面・柱塞型、垂直滚珠型07-H :侧面・柱塞型、水平滚珠型08:侧面・柱塞型、调整型09:顶部・柱塞型、标准型10:顶部・柱塞型、滚珠型11:顶部・柱塞型、调整型12:触须型、弹簧・钢丝型14:触须型、塑料・棒型15:触须型、自由型16:触须型、盘簧型小型重载限位开关 D4A-□N292种类●2回路双断型注1.除了上述机型,还有导管口1/2-14NPT 的系列。



·快速动作型 开关切换为瞬动型
长期的市场成绩及市场评价证明了我们产品 的高性能及其使用的方便
[对应不同用途的驱动杆]、[长寿命高可靠性]、[高精度检测]、[对应不同负载]、 [安装维护便利]……接点接触可靠性、长寿命、经济性。
·能用于各种功能和用途 ·*ON/OFF控制、“通过”检测、位置检测、动作位置限度 检测及向控制系统的信号传送
欧洲规格EN 60529(1991年10月发布)和IEC529(1989年11月第2版)中定义了一套代 码系统(IP代码),用于指示电气设备外壳可提供的防护等级,其中包括对防止直接接触 带电部件的保护和防止外界物质或水保护。这些标准不适用于爆炸、潮湿、腐蚀性气体、多

600V —



3-6D4 SeriesMiniatureFeaturess 8 current ratings s Choice of actuators s Various terminal types s 3 contact arrangements s Choice of standard or light operating force s Long life coil spring mechanism s Agency approved extended life versions s VDE approved versions available upon request s Stackable case and cover available upon request®ORGO TO TABLE OF CONTENTS3-73PCB Footprint4th Digit of Part NumberHi-T emperature VersionsMountingRecommended mounting screw size:#4-40 round headRecommended torque on screw:3 inch lbs. max.International Approved Versions Designations:Standard Force: Series D413, D423, D433, D443, D453 Light Force: Series D419, D429, D439, D449, D459, D489 These switches have 6.35 mm or 4.75 mm x 0.81 mm thick “offset” terminals and metric mounting holes. They are also available with straight terminals.Two Basic DesignsSeries UL & CSA ContactPrefix Ratings MaterialD40 1.0 amp, 125 VAC Gold Crosspoint D41*0.1 amp, 125/250 VAC (UL+CUL)Contacts0.25 amp, 30 VDCD42 3 amp, 125/250 VAC Silver AlloyD43 5 amp, 1/4 HP Silver Alloy125/250VACD4410 amp, 1/2 HP Silver Alloy125/250VACD4515 amp, 1/2 HP Silver Alloy125/250 VACD4821 amp, 250 VAC Silver Alloy1 HP, 125 VAC2 HP, 250 VACD4910 amp, 1/2 HP Silver Alloy125/250 VAC6 amp, 30 VDCT emperature Rating-40° to +85°C, +125°C, and +150°Coptional (See selection guide 3-7) Flammability Rating UL94V-O*D41 UL and CUL ratedContacts and RatingsElectrical Specifications/LifeSee electrical life chart on page 11-4.MaterialsCase/Cover Thermoplastic PolyesterButton Thermoplastic Acetal (T85)Thermoplastic Polyester(T125 & T150)Auxiliary Actuator Alumimum, Stainless Steel, orCold-rolled Steel (Nickel Plated) Spring Stainless SteelT erminals D41-D44: BrassD45, D48: Copper (NO/NC),Brass (COM)Moving Blade D41-D43: BrassD44-D48: Beryllium Copper Note: Standard material on auxillary straight actuators used on D40, D41, and D42 is aluminum.ActuatorsMany special forms and lengths of actuators are available. Non-standard type integral hinged lever and roller actuators are available with tooling charges applying. Standard type integral hinged lever and roller actuators are available in choice of two pivot positions. Lengths are dimensioned fromcenterline of switch upper mounting hole as shown here. Auxiliary ActuatorU.S. VersionsDesignations:Standard Force:Series D40C, D41C, D42C, D43C, D44C,D45C and D49CLight Force:Series D40L, D41L, D42L, D43L, D44L,D45L, D48L and D49LThese D4 terminals are “straight” and measure 0.187" x 0.020" thick, 0.187" x 0.032" thick or 0.250" x 0.032" thick.3-83-93TerminalsChoice of two QC terminations: 0.250" (6.35 mm) x 0.032"(0.81 mm) thick “offset ” terminals or 0.187" (4.75 mm) x 0.020" (0.50 mm) thick with international as well asUL/CSA approvals.Note: Tolerance on terminals ±0.003* Connector part # 623-0518 (mates with Y5 only)Ordering InformationQ C *Only available with .250" terminals VDE available on request (D42-D48)VDE standard for D41Remarks:* These suffix numbers indicate SPDT contact arrangement. SPST-NO and SPST-NC also available. See ordering information on page 3-9.** Measured above reference line. Refer to dimensional drawing on page 3-7.D48: Operating force 120 Grams max., Pretravel 0.070 max., Operating Point .557 ±.020, Overtravel 0.040 min., Movement Differential 0.010 max. 3-103Remarks:* These suffix numbers indicate SPDT contact arrangement. SPST-NO and SPST-NC also available. See ordering information on page 3-9.** Measured above reference line. Refer to dimensional drawing on page 3-7.3-11。

OMRON 限位开关 说明书

OMRON 限位开关 说明书

开关盒 密封橡胶
聚苯硫醚 铝(铸件) 锌(铸件)
硅胶 氟化胶 氯丁二烯橡胶
材料记号 Au AuAg PGS AgPd
AgNi AgInSn C5210 C1700 C1720 C1700-□M C1720-□M SUS301-CSP SUS304-CSP PF PBTP PETP
接触形式 根据各种用途构成接点的电气输入输出电 路的方式。 树脂固定 (塑封端子) 用导线对端子部分完好配线, 通过充填树 脂使该部分固定, 消除暴露在外的带电部 分, 提高密封性的一种方法。
᥹⚍ ᣛৃࡼ⠛ড䕀ᯊ᥹㾺 ࠄⱘ䞥ሲ䚼ߚˈ䗮䖛 䖭辵᥹㾺ᴹᅲ⦄⬉⇨ 䗮ǃᮁⱘϔ辵䳊ӊDŽ
᥹⚍䯈䱨 ᣛ೎ᅮ᥹⚍੠ৃࡼ᥹⚍ ⱘ䯈䱨ǃ᥹⚍鼠ࡼⱘ䎱 行DŽ
ᓔ݇ ⎆ԡ䆒໛
⎆ԡ䆒໛ ᖂࡼᓔ݇ 䰤ԡᓔ݇ ᣝ䪂ᓔ݇ ᢼⷕᢼࡼᓔ݇ 䕏㾺ᓣᓔ݇ 㠍ൟᓔ݇ ᭄ᄫᰒ冫
EN60947-5-1 「电气机械控制电路设备」的EN规格。 和IEC60947-5-1的内容相同。 使用范围 开关按用途来分类。 请参考下面的例子。
(1)活塞型 根据密封方法不同,有表中的A型和B型2个种类。 A型是用O型环 或薄膜密封的,由于密封橡胶没有外露,在抵制工作机械的切割碎 屑方面功能较强大,但其反面影响是,有可能会将砂子、切割粉末 等压入活塞的滑动面。B型虽然不会把砂子、切割粉末等压入,且 密封性能优于A型,但由于炽热的切割碎屑飞溅过来,有可能会损 坏橡胶帽。因此,要根据使用场所的不同选用A型或B型。而柱塞 型仍然通过柱塞的往复运动压缩或吸进空气。 为此,如果长时间将柱塞压入,限位开关内的压缩空气逸失,内部 压力将与大气压相同,即使急于让柱塞复位,柱塞却有迟缓复位的 倾向。为了避免发生这种故障,设计时请参见199页。



引线出口位置 (请参见左图)
(1) 右手 (2) 左手 (3) 下侧
D4MC-□□□1 D4MC-□□□2 D4MC-□□□3
注: 如需组成模压型端子的型号,把上表中1至3添加到 “种类”型号的末端, 种类表位于第1页。
规格 公称横截面积 mm2
滚珠短摆杆型 D4MC-2020
t=1 *1
26.5 22.5 7
22ҹϟ 18.3
ッᄤֱᡸⲪ *1. ϡ䫜䩶ᨚᴚൟ *2. ล᭭⒮⦴
53.4 34.7
14 A
φ12.7 × 7.5 *2
FP OP 19.5 (10)
25.4±0.15 55
15 2ˈφ4.3±0.1ᅝ㺙ᄨ
(21 × 21) 21.7
AC125V cosφ=1 AC125V cosφ=0.4 AC250V cosφ=1 AC250V cosφ=0.4
100 70 50 30Hale Waihona Puke 10 024
Փ⫼⏽ᑺ˖ +20±2°C Փ⫼⑓ᑺ˖65±5%RH ᆍ䆌᪡԰乥⥛˖20⃵/min
ᓔ݇⬉⌕ (A)
机械寿命 (D4MC-5000)
• 带内置标准型开关的封闭式开关,使用寿命长, 1千万次以上的高耐久性内藏微动开关确保重复精度。
• 面板安装版与Z-标准型开关的操作位置相同。 • 比微动开关更适用于要求更高机械强度、防尘和防滴性能





















OMRON 安全门开关D4BS 说明书

OMRON 安全门开关D4BS 说明书

安全门开关相关信息D4BS打开工作设备等的防护门时,专用操作钥匙直接断开 接点, 切断控制电路D4NS D4GS-N产品线 ................................ F-24 共通注意事项 ..................... 2/后-2 技术指南 .............................. 465关于安全标准认证型号,请另行垂询D4BSD4GLD4JL• 取得符合CE标记的EN(TÜV )标准。

• 取得UL、 CSA、 BIA、 SUVA的认证 • 通过强制断开机构 (仅NC接点侧) 在防护盖打开时开关 的接点分离。

• EN规格的强制断开认证在开关上用 符号表示。

• 用专用操作钥匙防止误操作和假操作。

• -40~+80℃的大范围温度规格。

• 开关盒部位的保护结构为IP67认证 (EN60947-5-1) 。

• 镀金型已系列化, 还能对应微小负荷领域。

请参见第2页 「安全门开关共通注意事项」 。

D4NL型号结构D4BL■型号说明●本体 ●操作钥匙D4NHD4BS-□□□S① ② ③ ①导管 1:Pg13.5 (1导管型) 2:G1/2 (1导管型) 3: 1/2-14NPT (1导管型) 5:Pg13.5 (3导管型) 6:G1/2 (3导管型) 7:1/2-14NPT (3导管型) ②内置式开关 5:1NC/1NO接点 (慢动型) 6:1NC/1NO接点 (慢动型) 镀金型 A: 2NC接点 (慢动型) B:2NC接点 (慢动型) 镀金型 ③头部安装方向 F : 可以有四个安装方向 (交货时在前侧安装)D4BS-K□① ①操作钥匙类型 1: 水平安装 2: 垂直安装 3: 可调安装 (水平)D40BD4NS-SK D4JL-SK注. 不接受单独订购开关头或开关元件的订单。

(操作钥匙单独购买) 。

种类●本体型号 (操作钥匙单独购买) 强制断开的认定型号: 部种类 安装方向 导管口 Pg13.5 1导管型 正面 3导管型 G1/2 1/2-14NPT Pg13.5 G1/2 1/2-14NPT 1NC/1NO接点 (慢动作) D4BS-15FS D4BS-25FS D4BS-35FS D4BS-55FS D4BS-65FS D4BS-75FS 2NC接点 (慢动作) D4BS-1AFS D4BS-2AFS D4BS-3AFS D4BS-5AFS D4BS-6AFS D4BS-7AFS●操作钥匙型号种类 型号 种类 型号水平安装D4BS-K1 可调安装 (水平/垂直) D4BS-K3垂直安装D4BS-K220安全门开关D4BS额定/性能■标准/EC指令●符合EC指令、 标准・机械指令 ・低电压指令 ・EN50041 ・EN1088●认证规格认证机构 TÜV Rhein land BIA (德国) SUVA (瑞士) UL CSA CQC (CCC) 标准 EN6094-5-1 (强制断开认证) GS-ET-15 SUVA UL508 CSA C22.2 No.14 GB14048.5 文件No. R9351022 9303323 E6187.d E76675 LR45746 2003010305073833D4NS■安全标准认证额定值●TÜV (EN60947-5-1) CCC (GB14048.5) 、使用范围 额定动作电流 (Ie) 额定动作电压 (Ue) AC-15 2A 400VD4GS-ND4BS・短路保护装置请使用符合IEC269的gI或gG10A型保险丝。



目录CX-Programmer –用户手册 ..................................................................................................... 页码第一章技术规范 (1)OMRON CX-Programmer (1)关于本手册 (1)CX-Programmer 特性 (2)系统要求 (5)安装 (5)帮助和如何获得帮助 (6)技术支持 (9)第二章快速启动指南 (10)启动CX-Programmer (10)“部分功能”和“完全功能”——许可证 (11)介绍CX-Programmer 工程 (11)CX-Programmer 环境 (11)使用CX-Programmer (20)总结 (31)第三章工程引用 (32)工程工作区 (32)程序节 (33)交叉引用报表 (35)地址引用工具 (36)输出窗口 (38)监视窗口 (38)选项和参数 (39)查找和替换 (45)属性 (49)在CX-Programmer 中使用Microsoft Windows 特性 (51)第四章参考 (62)PLC和工程 (62)符号 (63)程序编辑 (68)助记符程序编辑 (78)在线工作 (79)数据跟踪/时间图监视 (89)iCX-Net 网络配置工具 (89)IO 表 (89)第五章高级主题 (90)编写具有更好的维护性的程序 (90)在工程中复制信息 (90)和其它应用程序一起使用CX-Programmer (91)把程序转换为其它类型PLC 格式 (94)给PLC程序添加口令 (95)附录A 工具栏和键盘快捷键 (97)标准工具栏 (97)图表工具栏 (98)符号表工具栏 (98)插入工具栏 (99)PLC工具栏 (99)程序工具栏 (100)视图工具栏 (100)键盘快捷键 (101)词汇表 (104)iiOMRONCX-Programmer-用户手册OMRONCX-Programmer-用户手册第一章技术规范本章概括的叙述了CX-Programmer软件,说明了能使CX-Programmer 软件正常工作所要求的操作环境和最小配置的细节。


݊Ҫ 形状
໪ೈ䆒໛ M12
ҟ㒡 䴲ሣ㬑 M18
检测距离 4mm
附件 (另售)
安装工具 详情请参阅→952页
直流3线式 NPN 交流2线式 直流3线式 NPN 交流2线式 直流3线式 NPN 交流2线式
相关信息 技术指南 (技术篇) ...........· 1332
NO E2K-X4ME1 E2K-X4MY1 E2K-X8ME1 E2K-X8MY1 E2K-X15ME1 E2K-X15MY1
动作时、保存时:各35~95%RH (不结露)
E型:±20%额定电源电压的范围内、额定电源电压时检测距离的±2%以下 Y型: ±10%额定电源电压的范围内、额定电源电压时检测距离的±2%以下
50MΩ以上 (DC500V兆欧表)充电部与外壳间
䋳䕑 240Fra bibliotek⬉य़
V嗻L 200
䋳䕑⅟⬭⬉य़ 0 3 5 10
20 30 50 100 200 ೚᷅ൟ
检测金属以外的物体。 通用螺纹安装型



Joystick SwitchesQuality, reliability, precision Quality, reliability and precision are the hallmarks of our corporate philosophy.They represent concepts and values to which we feel totally committed. At EUCHNER, quality means that all our employees take personal respon-sibility for the company as a whole and, in particular, for their own field of work. This individual commitment to perfection results in products which are ideally tailored to the customers’needs and the requirements of the market. After all: our customers and their needs are the focus of all our efforts. Through efficient and effective use of resources, the promotion of personal initiative and courage in find-ing unusual solutions to the benefit of our customers, we ensure a high level of customer satisfaction. We familiar-ize ourselves with their needs, require-ments and products and we learn from the experiences of our cus-tomers’ own customers.EUCHNER – More than safety.Quality –made by EUCHNERMore than safety.Around the world –the Swabian specialists in motion sequence control for mechanical and sys-tems engineering.EUCHNER’s history began in 1940 with the establishment of an engineering office by Emil Euchner. Since that time, EUCHNER has been involved in the design and development of switch-gear for controlling a wide variety of motion sequences in mechanical and systems engineering. In 1953, Emil Euchner founded EUCHNER +Co., a milestone in the company’s history. In 1952, he developed the first multiple limit switch –to this day a symbol of the enterprising spirit of this family-owned company.Automation –Safety –ManMachine Today, our products range from electromechanical and electronic components to complex system solu-tions. With this wide range of products we can provide the necessary tech-nologies to offer the right solution for special requirements – regardless of whether these relate to reliable and precise positioning or to components and systems for safety engineering in the automation sector.EUCHNER products are sold through a world-wide sales network of compe-tent partners. With our closeness to the customer and the guarantee of reliable solutions throughout the globe, we enjoy the confidence of cus-tomers all over the world.Emil Euchner, the company’s founder and inventor of the multiple limit switch, circa 1928.ManMachineTable of contents Joystick switchesDesign and function4Advantages/features4Series5Series WK...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D306Series WE...Control panel installation at rear or with front plate8Series KB...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D3010Series KF...Control panel installation at rear12Series KE...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D2214Series KC...Control panel installation at rear or with front plate16Series KP...Analog JoystickControl panel installation at rear or with front plate19Universal Power Supply Unit P1/P2 for series KP joysticks22Housing HBL23Housing HBE24Front plates for housing HBL and HBE25 Technical status 09-03/06ApplicationJoystick switches or joysticks are manually actuated control devices for installation in control and front panels as well as in portable control equipment. They are used wherever motion sequences analogous to the actuation direction are controlled by hand. They are ideal for raising, lowering and triggering movements to the right and left, just to name same few possibilities.EUCHNER joysticks are used in the steel and construction industry, in machine tools, for transport and conveyor systems, in thecertification, the devices are approved for use in the ship-building industry.EUCHNER joysticks are also used for radio and cable controls, building machinery and cranes.Joysticks as control equipment in remote control devicesDesign and functionMicroswitches with a step function response are used as switching elements. Due to the intermittent control, a clear switching function is given for precise control systems. Depending on the respective application, switching elements with a power rating of between 4mA and 16A can be used. These are fixed on the mounting plate for each different series, either individually or in groups. The switching elements are actuated by the joystick being moved out of the intermediate position. The robust levers made of stainless steel are bedded with a hinged ball bearing that is fixed in a front plate.Advantages/featuresDirection of movement: Simplification of the command control station Easy mounting due to the slots in the panel Small space requirement Long service lifeRobust and lasting constructionHigh potection class: IP 65 and beyondRemote cable control for concrete pumpsModelsEUCHNER joystick switches are available in a number of different models:Series WK...(page 6)Series WE...(page 8)Series KB...(page 10)Series KF ...(page 12)Series KE...(page 14)Series KC...(page 16)Series KP...(page 19)Housing kits (from page 22)suitable for series WK, KB, KE and KFActuatingdirectionsPanel cutoutPushbutton D(with protective cap)Interlock VBellows WClamping screws forpanel thickness (1 - 8 mm)Centre position switch Z (actuated in centre position)Connection D(the connection is located on the under-side for types with 8 directions)Series WK...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D301 to 8 actuating directions with spring return operation or combinedOne changeover contact with tab connector 2.8 x 0.5 IEC 760 for each actuating direction Centre position switch Pushbutton in handleDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)Options Pushbutton D Bellows W InterlockV Centre position switch Z All-round actuationRW KOrdering examples:Joystick switch series WK, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,WK S13 T24 DZV actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch T, Pushbutton D, centre position switch Z,Interlock V in centre positionJoystick switch series WK, 8 switching elements as spring return switches, all-round actuation R WK T1-8 R DesignJoystick switch series WK, 4 switching elements, 2 actuating directions on request (2 switching elements per actuating direction)* Diagonal actuation of 4 adjacent switching elements is on request.Control panel installation and actuating directionsFront platePushbutton D(with protective cap)Interlock VBellows WConnection Series WE...Control panel installation at rear or with front plate1 to 8 actuating directions with stayput or spring return operation or combined One changeover contact with screw terminal for each actuating direction Centre position switch Pushbutton in handleDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)Options Pushbutton D Bellows W InterlockV Centre position switch Z All-round actuation R Front plate FW EFront plate FOrdering examples:Joystick switch series WE, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,WE S13 T24 DZV actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch T, Pushbutton D, centre position switch Z,Interlock V in centre positionJoystick switch series WE, 8 switching elements as spring return switches, all-round actuation R WE T1-8 R DesignJoystick switch series WE, 4 switching elements, 2 actuating directions on request (2 switching elements per actuating direction)Actuating directionsPanel cutoutInterlock V BellowsSeries KB...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D301 to 8 actuating directions, 4 switching elements. With stayput or spring return operation or combined One changeover contact with tab connector 6.3 x 0.8 IEC 760 for each actuating directionDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)Options InterlockV All-round actuationR 1)1) Simultaneous actuation of 2 adjacent switching elements in diagonal actuating directions.KBOrdering examples:Joystick switch series KB, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,KB S13 T24 actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch TJoystick switch series KB, actuating directions 1+3 spring return switch T,KB T13 V Interlock V in centre positionSeries KF ...Control panel installation at rear1 to 8 actuating directions, 4 switching elements. With stayput or spring return operation or combined One changeover contact with screw terminal for each actuating direction Centre position switchDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)OptionsCentre position switch Z All-round actuation R 1)1) Simultaneous actuation of 2 adjacent switching elements in diagonal actuating directions.KFActuating directionsPanel cutoutOrdering examples:Joystick switch series KF, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,KF S13 T24 Z actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch T, centre position switch ZJoystick switch series KF, actuating directions 1-4 spring return switch T,KF T1234 R all-round actuation RActuating directionsPanel cutoutInterlock VBellowsCentre position switch Z (actuated in centre position)Series KE...Control panel installation to IEC 947-5-1 D221 to 8 actuating directions, 4 switching elements. With stayput or spring return operation or combined One changeover contact with tab connector 2.8 x 0.5 IEC 760 for each actuating direction Centre position switchDimension drawingGermanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering codeSeriesActuating direction and switching behavior Stayput switch S (switching lever latches in selected position)Spring return switch T (switching lever returns to centre position)Options InterlockV Centre position switch Z All-round actuation R 1)1) Simultaneous actuation of 2 adjacent switching elements in diagonal actuating directions.KEOrdering examples:Joystick switch series KE, actuating directions 1+3 stayput switch S,KE S13 T24 Z actuating directions 2+4 spring return switch T, centre position switch ZJoystick switch series KE, actuating directions 1+3 spring return switch T,KE T13 V Interlock V in centre positionJoystick switch series KE, actuating directions 1-4 Spring return switch T,KE T1234 R all-round actuation RActuating directions Top view of actuating leverCentre position switch Z (actuated in centre position)Series KC...control panel installation at rear or with front plate1 to 8 actuating directions with 1 or2 switching positions for each actuating direction Switching positions as stayput or spring return operation in various combinationsCentre position switch Pushbutton in handleDimensiondrawingMain actuating directions1, 2, 3 and 4Diagonal actuating directions5, 6, 7 and 8Switching position ISwitching position IID V1)Panel cutout for assembly with bellows WX Germanischer LloydCertificate no. 17 041 - 00 HHOrdering examples: (see type code on page 18)Joystick switch series KC with tab connector, main actuating direction KCA3A5C005C0000V1 1 with 3 switching elements. As spring return switch in switching position I.As stayput switch in switching position II.Main actuating directions 2 and 4 with 2 switching elements each. As stayput switch in switchingpositions I and II. Main actuating direction 3 not used. Option V1 (mech. inter-lock from switching position I to switching position II)Joystick switch series KC with screw terminal, main actuating directions 1-4KCB4E4E4E4E5678DW as stayput switch. S with one switching element each, diagonal actuating directions 5-8,Pushbutton D, bellows W for panel mounting.Ordering codeSeriesConnection typeTab connector 2.8 x 0.5 IEC 760A Screw terminalBMain actuating direction 1Switching behavior 1)Switching function 2)Main actuating direction 2Switching behavior 1)Switching function 2)Main actuating direction 3Switching behavior 1)Switching function 2)Main actuating direction 4Switching behavior 1)Switching function 2)Diagonal actuating direction 5 3)Diagonal actuating direction 6 3)Diagonal actuating direction 7 3)Diagonal actuating direction 8 3)OptionsPushbutton in handleD Bellows for panel mounting W Bellows for surface mounting X Interlock switching position 0V0Interlock switching position I to II V1Centre position switch Z All-round actuationR1) See …Switching behavior “ table. Actuating directions which are not required must be marked with …0“.2) See …Switching functions “ table.3) Simultaneous actuation of 2 adjacent switching elements in diagonal actuating directions.K CSeries KC...Switching behavior 1)G Stayput switch (switching lever latches in selected position)࿜Spring return switch (switching lever returns to initial position)Switching functions 2)1࿜-2࿜࿜3࿜G 4G -5G G 6G ࿜I II0I II11A2F23311B 2G2311C 2H2331D 2K2331E2331Contact state in switching positionControl versionsCentre position switch Z (actuated in centre position)Series KP ...Analog Joystickcontrol panel installation at rear or with front plate Analog, proportional output signalsControl variants with 1 and 2 axes or 2 axes simultaneously Centre position switch Pushbutton in handleDimension drawing3D V1)Panel cutout for assembly with bellows WX Versions 1 = 1 axis Versions 2 = 2 axesVersions 3 = 2 axes simultaneously (only spring return version)Ordering codeSeriesControl variants 1 axis 12 axes22 axes simultaneously 3End position Stayput switchS Spring return switch TOptions PushbuttonD Bellows for panel mounting W Bellows for surface mounting X InterlockV Centre position switchZK PSeries KP ...Analog JoystickPin assignment-X (-Y)+X (+Y)+10V-10VConnection Centre position switchConnection PushbuttonInputOutput Y ± 10 V, 10 mA 0 V 0 V (GND)X± 10 V, 10 mA- V -18 V 0 V 0 V (GND)+ V+18 VOrdering example:Analog Joystick series KP for 2-axis control, limit position spring return switch T ,KP 2 TVWZmechanical interlock, V in zero position, bellows W for panel mounting,centre position switch Z in switching position zeroUniversal Power Suply Unit P1/P2 Order No. 096 645∅DTechnical dataOrdering tablePG 11073 098for heavy gauge cable gland PG 11, 6 screws for front plate attachment, cover frame PG 13.5Housing HBL, with magnetic clamp, hanging clip, fixing nut072 630for heavy gauge cable gland PG 13.5, 6 screws for front plate attachment, cover frameNote2 versions for different cable glandsPG 1119PG 13.520.8Hanging clipView AAMagnetic clampScrew depth max. 6.0 mm (valid for all fixing holes)Dimension drawing∅DTechnical dataOrdering tablePG 11048 429 for heavy gauge cable gland PG 11, 4 screws for front plate attachmentPG 13.5Housing HBE, with magnetic clamp, hanging clip, fixing nut072 626 for heavy gauge cable gland PG 13.5, 4 screws for front plate attachmentDimension drawingNotes2 versions for different cable glands View A AHanging clipMagneticclampPG 1119PG 13.520.8Technical dataOrdering tableFront plate for HBL housing, with seal 055 967Front plate for HBE housing, with seal052 954Front plates for housing HBL and HBE Front plates HBLFront plateFlat sealDimension drawingFront plates HBEFront plateFlat seal。



D4V-8107Z *2
D4V-8108Z D4V-8111Z D4V-8112Z D4V-8122Z D4V-8166Z
*1. 有不锈钢滚轮型号D4V-8104SZ。 *2. 有不锈钢滚轮型号D4V-8108SZ。
216 小型限位开关 D4V
相关信息 商品选择 …………………… 200
600V 塑料绝缘 塑料外皮电缆 (VVF)
φ 1/φ 1.2/ φ 1.6
注. 含有硅成分的话可能产生接触不良,请不要使用。
适用端子 可使用以下压接端子。 (非指定端子,以及U型端子可能会发生端子脱落,接地不良等问 题,请勿使用)。
φ 3.0̚ φ 3.7
柱塞型 D4V-8111Z
4 ˄10.5˅ ˄3.45˅ 21±0.2
ˆ ϡ䫜䩶
4-φ4.2 ᅝ㺙ᄨ
R30̚75 ৃ䇗㡖 12.5 56±0.2
φ18×6.2 ˆ
46.5±0.8 41.6±0.8
M4˄䭓10˅ ݁㾦ᄨ
M6˄䭓6˅ ݁㾦ᄨ
4-M5*P0.8 ⏅ᑺ᳔ᇣ7.5
20° 75° 10° 95°
20° 75° 10° 95°
9.8N 2.94N 1.5mm 4mm 1.2mm 5.5mm
9.8N 2.94N 1.5mm 4mm 1.2mm 5.5mm
26±0.8mm 37±0.8mm
注. D4V-8107的动作特性是摆杆长度为30mm时的值, D4V-8108的动作特性是摆杆长度为R30时的值。



1MC-510目录快速测量方法 (2)安全注意事项 (3)商品构成 (6)体温的基本常识 (8)测量方法 (9)电池更换方法 (17)有疑问时 (18)显示出错时 ................20保养与保管 ................22规格 ..........................23咨询 .. (24)产品保证书 (25)保修卡 .......................26非常感谢您购买欧姆龙速测体温宝,为了正确使 ⏹用本产品,请务必在使用之前阅读本产品说明书。

为了安全正确地使用本产品,请阅读并充分理解 ⏹本说明书中的“安全注意事项”。


⏹本说明书兼作产品质量保证书,故请妥善保管勿 ⏹丢失。

快速测量方法3说明书中所表示的警告记号和警告图例,其目的 ⏹是为了使您能够安全、正确地使用本产品,并防止对您及他人造成伤害。

警告记号、图例及其含义如下:⏹※ 所谓物品损坏是指有关房屋、家产及家畜、宠物的损害。

安全注意事项45建议• 当您把所测体温告诉医生时,请说明您是用耳式体温计进行测量的。

• 请不要用于人体耳部以外的体温测量。

• 请不要强行碰撞、摔落、踩踏和摇动本体。


• 请勿拆卸、修理和改造本体。

• 本产品不防水。


6☆ 探测器保护罩是消耗品,使用完结后请购买新的探测器保护罩。

☆ 探测器保护罩脏污破损时,请更换探测器保护罩,因为表面的脏污和破损会影响测量精度。





omron D4GL小型电磁锁定安全门开关 技术指南

omron D4GL小型电磁锁定安全门开关 技术指南
额定动作电流(Ie) 额定动作电压(Ue)
0.75A 240V
0.27A 250V
注. 使用符合IEC60269的10A保险丝gI或gG型作为短路保护装置。此保险丝未 内置于开关中。
●UL(UL508/CSA C22.2 No.14) C300
DC24V 4mA阻性负载(N水准参考值)
脉冲耐压 (EN60947-5-1)
异极端子间 螺线管和不带电金属部间
4kV 0.8kV
其它各端子与不带电金属部及地线之间 4kV
28 小型电磁锁定安全门开关 D4GL
相关信息 产品线 ................................. F-24
共通注意事项 ...................... 2/后-2 技术指南 .............................. 465
入。否则可能导致早期磨损、破损、故障等。 *2. 寿命条件为环境温度5~35℃、环境湿度40~70%RH时的数值。其他具体条

Omron D4GS-NSafety-door Switch 产品说明书

Omron D4GS-NSafety-door Switch 产品说明书

FeaturesSlim Safety-door Switches with 3-terminal Contact ConstructionThin and 1/2 the size as OMRON’s previous models.Reversible DesignFront and rear mounting are both possible.Built-in SwitchesTwo- and three-terminal contact models are available.Note:The safety contacts are direct opening contacts approved by EN andKey Mounting HoleThe key mounting hole is designed with rubber to absorb vibration and shock.IP67 Degree of Protection(Applicable to main body only; Operation Key insertion face meets IP00.)The D4GS-N uses rust-resistant materials and incorporates a drain opening as effective countermeasures against problems caused by water.Note:IP67 is based on the test method specified in EN60947-5-1. Be sure toconfirm in advance the sealing performance under the actual operating environment and conditions.Safety StandardsMeeting EN (TÜV) Standards and CE marking requirements along with a variety of international standard requirements, such as UL and CSA requirements. All NC contacts satisfy requirements for the direct opening mechanism.30 mm17 mm85 mmZbAuxiliary contactFor safety category circuitFor Programmable Controller input or indicatorSafety contact Safety contactModel Number StructureModel Number LegendOrdering InformationList of ModelsSwitchesOperation Keys (Order Separately)AppearanceDirectionof Operation Key insertionCable length 1NC/1NO (Slow-action)2NC (Slow-action)2NC/1NO (Slow-action)3NC (Slow-action)Horizontal1 mD4GS-N1R D4GS-N2R D4GS-N3R D4GS-N4R 3 m D4GS-N1R-3D4GS-N2R-3D4GS-N3R-3D4GS-N4R-35 m D4GS-N1R-5D4GS-N2R-5D4GS-N3R-5D4GS-N4R-5Vertical1 mD4GS-N1T D4GS-N2T D4GS-N3T D4GS-N4T 3 m D4GS-N1T-3D4GS-N2T-3D4GS-N3T-3D4GS-N4T-35 mD4GS-N1T-5D4GS-N2T-5D4GS-N3T-5D4GS-N4T-5TypeModel D4GS-NK1D4GS-NK2D4GS-NK4Horizontal mountingVertical mountingAdjustable mounting (Vertical)SpecificationsApproved StandardsNote:Approval for CSA C22.2 No. 14 is authorized by the UL mark.Standards and EC DirectivesConforms to the following EC Directives:Machinery Directive Low Voltage Directive EN1088EN60204-1Approved Standard RatingsTÜV (EN60947-5-1)Note:Use a 10-A fuse type gI or gG that conforms to IEC60269 as a short-circuit protection device.UL/CSA (UL508, CSA C22.2 No. 14)C300Q300ItemAC-15DC-13Rated operating current (I e )0.75 A 0.27 A Rated operating voltage (U e )240 V250 VRated voltage Carry currentCurrent (A)Voltage (VA)Make Break Make Break 120 VAC 2.5 A15 1.51,800180240 VAC7.50.75Rated voltage Carry currentCurrent (A)Voltage (VA)Make Break Make Break 125 VDC 2.5 A0.550.556969250 VDC0.270.27CharacteristicsNote:1.The degree of protection shown above is based on the test method specified in EN60947-5-1. Be sure to confirm in advance the sealingperformance under the actual operating environment and conditions.Although the switch box is protected from dust, oil, or water penetration, do not use the D4GS-N in places where dust, oil, water, or chem-icals may penetrate through the key hole on the head, otherwise Switch damage or malfunctioning may occur.2.The durability is for an ambient temperature of 5°C to 35°C and an ambient humidity of 40% to 70%.3.When the ambient temperature is 35°C or higher, do not apply 1 A at 125 VAC to more than one circuit.4.These figures are minimum requirements for safe operation.5.The value given for minimum applicable load is a reference value for micro-loads. The value will vary depending on factors such as the switching frequency, the ambient environment, and the reliability level. Be sure to confirm correct operation with the actual load before application.Degree of protection (see note 1)Body: IP67 (EN60947-5-1) (Operation Key insertion face: IP00)Durability (see note 2)Mechanical:1,000,000 times min.Electrical:100,000 times min. (1-A resistive load at 125 VAC) (see note 3)Operating speed 0.1 to 0.5 m/s Contact gap2 x 2 mm min.Operating frequency30 operations/minute Direct opening force (see note 4)60 N min.Direct opening travel (see note 4)10 mm min.Insulation resistance100 M Ω min. (at 500 VDC) between terminals of the same polarities, between terminals of different polarities, and between each terminal and non-current carrying metal parts Minimum applicable load (see note 5) 4 mA at 24 VDCContact resistance 300 m Ω max. (Initial value with 1-m cable)Dielectric strengthBetween terminals of same polarities: Uimp 2.5 kV (EN60947-5-1)Between terminals of different polarities: Uimp 4 kV (EN60947-5-1)Between each terminal and non-current carrying metal parts: Uimp 6 kV (EN60947-5-1)Conditional short-circuit current100 A (EN60947-5-1)Pollution degree (operating environment) 3 (EN60947-5-1)Conventional free air thermal current (I th ) 2.5 A (EN60947-5-1)Protection against electric shock Class II (double insulation) (IEC60536)Vibration resistance Malfunction:10 to 55 Hz, 0.35-mm single amplitude Shock resistance Malfunction:300 m/s 2 min.Ambient temperature Operating:-30°C to 70°C (with no icing)Ambient humidity Operating:95% max.Cable UL2464 No. 22 AWG, finishing O.D.: 7.2 mm WeightApprox. 120 g (D4GS-N1R, with 1-m cable)Contact Form (Diagrams Show State with Key Inserted)StrokeOperation Key insertion comple-Extraction completionStrokeOperation Key insertion comple-Extraction completionStrokeONOperation Key insertion comple-Extraction completionStrokeOperation Key insertion comple-Extraction completionDimensionsNote:1.All units are in millimeters unless otherwise indicated.2.Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.4 mm applies to all dimensions. SwitchesRedBlackD4GS-N#T-#RedBlack8.4 (Operation Key center position)0.05Rmounting (Operation Keycenter position)UL Style 2464AWG22Finishing O.D.: 7.2 mm0.05RmountingUL Style 2464AWG22Finishing O.D.: 7.2 mmOperation KeysWith Operation Key InsertedNote:1.All units are in millimeters unless otherwise indicated.2.Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.4 mm applies to all dimensions.D4GS-NK2Two, 4.3 dia.Two, 9 dia.Two, 9 dia.Two, 4.3 dia.Red1.4 (Operation Key center position)RedD4GS-NK4BlackTwo, 8 dia.T wo, 4.2 dia.Mounting rubberAdjusting screw(Set screw with M4 hexagonal hole)Mountingrubber12.6(Operation Key center position)Four, 8RD4GS-N #R-# + D4GS-NK1D4GS-N #R-# + D4GS-NK2RedBlackRedBlack(27±1) (See note.)Key insertion faceKey insertion face(41±1) (See note.)(41±1) (See note.)(27±1) (See note.)13.5 to 16 Key insertion positionKey insertion radius (R ≥ 170)13.5 to 16 Key insertion positionKeyinsertion face13.5 to 16 Key insertion positionKey insertion radius (R ≥ 160)Note: Mount with dimen-sion of 26.4 for 160 £ R £ 240.Key insertion radius (R ≥ 160)Keyinsertion faceNote: Mount with dimen-sion of 27.7 for 160 £ R £ 240. 5.4 to 7.9 Key insertion positionKey insertion radius (R ≥ 170)5.4 to 7.9 Keyinsertion positionKey insertion radius (R ≥ 160)Note: Mount with dimen-sion of 40.3 for 160 £ R £ 240. 5.4 to 7.9 Key insertion positionKey insertion radius (R ≥ 160)Note: Mount with dimen-sion of 41.6 for 160 £ R £ 240.Note:1.All units are in millimeters unless otherwise indicated.2.Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.4 mm applies to all dimensions.Key insertion radius(R ≥ 170)D4GS-N#T-# + D4GS-NK1D4GS-N#T-# + D4GS-NK2Red BlackRedBlackKey insertion face Key insertion faceKey insertion faceD4GS-N#R-# + D4GS-NK4 RedBlack D4GS-N#T-# + D4GS-NK4RedBlack Adjusting screw(12.3±1)(See note.) Key insertion radius(R ≥ 160)13.5 to 16Key insertionpositionKey insertionradius(R ≥ 170)(12.3±1)(See note.)13.5 to 16Key insertionpositionNote: Mount with dimen-sion of 11.6 for160 £ R £ 240.Key insertionradius(R ≥ 160)13.5 to 16Key insertionpositionNote: Mount with dimen-sion of 13 for160 £ R £ 240.Key insertionradius(R ≥ 50)Note 1: When determining the opera-tion key insertion radius, ad-just the adjusting screw sothat the tip of the operationkey is positioned to the cen-ter of the key insertion holeof the Switch.Note 2: The operation key cannot beinserted or adjusted in adirection different from theone shown above.5.4 to 7.9Key insertionpositionKey insertion radius(R ≥ 160)(21±1)(See note.)Keyinsertionface5.4 to 7.9Key insertionpositio(21±1)(Seenote.)Key insertionradius(R ≥ 160)Key insertionface5.4 to 7.9Key insertionpositionNote: Mount with dimen-sion of 20.3 for160 £ R £ 240.Note: Mount with dimen-sion of 21.7 for160 £ R £ 240.Key insertionradius(R ≥ 50)Note 1: When determining the opera-tion key insertion radius, ad-just the adjusting screw sothat the tip of the operationkey is positioned to the cen-ter of the key insertion holeof the Switch.Note 2: The operation key cannot beinserted or adjusted in adirection different from theone shown above.Adjusting screw21.5 to 24Key insertionposition21.5 to 24Key insertionpositionPrecautionsDo not insert the Operation Key to the switch with the door open. Machine may start operating and injury may be caused. NOTICEDo not use the D4GS-N# Switch or D4GS-NK# Operation Key (rub-ber color: red) in combination with the D4GS-# Switch or D4GS-K# Operation Key (rubber color: black).Mount the Operation Key at a location where it will not come in con-tact with users when the door is opened or closed.When operating the D4GS-N as a part of a safety category circuit to prevent injury, operate the NC contacts that have a direct opening mechanism in direct opening mode. For safety purposes, tighten the switch body and Operation Key with one-way screws or equivalents or install a switch protection cover and warning label for safety pur-poses to prevent easy removal of the D4GS-N.Connect the fuse to the D4GS-N in series to prevent it from short-cir-cuit damage. The value of the breaking current of the fuse must be calculated by multiplying rated current by 150% to 200%. When using the D4GS-N with EN ratings, use 10-A fuse Type gI or gG that complies with IEC60269.Do not supply electric power when wiring.Do not use the D4GS-N where explosive gas, flammable gas, or any other dangerous gas may be present.Keep the electrical load below the rated value.Never wire to a wrong terminal.Be sure to evaluate the D4GS-N under actual working conditions after installation.Do not drop the D4GS-N. Excessive shock or vibration can cause malfunction or damage to Switch characteristics. Do not disassem-ble the internal switch, there are no user-serviceable parts inside. Do not use the D4GS-N as a stopper. When mounting the D4GS-N, be sure to locate a stopper as shown in the following illustration to prevent the top of the Operation Key from hitting the switch head. Cables should not be bent repeatedly. A cable is fixed with sealing materials on the bottom of the D4GS-N. When excessive force may be imposed on the cable, fix the cable with a fixing unit at the dis-tance of 5 cm from the bottom of the D4GS-N as shown. When bending the cable, secure the cable with more than 45-mm bending radius so as not to cause damage to the insulator or sheath of the cable. Do not fasten or loosen the conduit at the bottom of the D4GS-N. When wiring, be sure not to allow a liquid such as water or oil into the tip of cable.Correct UseOperating EnvironmentDo not use the D4GS-N in the following locations:•Locations subject to severe temperature changes•Locations subject to high temperatures or condensation •Locations subject to severe vibration•Locations subject to metal chips, oils, and chemicals inside a pro-tective doorLife ExpectancyThe life of the D4GS-N will vary with the switching conditions. Before applying the D4GS-N, test the D4GS-N under actual operating con-ditions and be sure to use the D4GS-N in actual operation within switching times that will not lower the performance of the D4GS-N. MountingMounting hole dimensions for mounting the main body are as shown below.Tightening TorqueBe sure to tighten each screw of the D4GS-N properly, otherwise the D4GS-N may malfunction.Note:Mount securely, using screws of the specified size together with washers(e.g., plain or spring washers).Operation Key Mounting HolesStopper5 cm Fixing unit ConduitBending radiusmore than 45 mmType Torque SizeBody mountingscrew0.75 to 1.15 N·m M4 screwOperation Keymounting screw0.75 to 1.15 N·m M4 screwT wo, M420±0.1 or 22±0.114±0.1Two, M4T wo, M4D4GS-NK1/NK2D4GS-NK4Operation KeyBe sure to use a special Operation Key only.Do not operate the D4GS-N with anything other than the special Operation Key. Otherwise, the Switch may be damaged.As shown below, mount the Operation Key after matching the con-cave surface of the Operation Key with the convex surface of the insertion face.Be sure to adjust the position correctly when mounting the OperationKey and the Switch to ensure that the Operation Key does not miss the insertion face and exert an excessive force on the Switch head.Do not impose excessive force on the Operation Key inserted into the D4GS-N or drop the D4GS-N with the Operation Key inserted.Doing so may deform or damage the Operation Key.Depending on the conditions in which the Switch is used, the rubber of the Operation Key may deteriorate. If the rubber becomes deformed or cracked, replace it as soon as possible.Securing the DoorWhen the door is closed (with the Operation Key inserted), the door(or the Operation Key) may be pulled outside the set zone due to the door’s weight or the door cushion rubber. If a load is applied to the Operation Key, the door may fail to unlock. Secure the door with hooks so that it will remain within the set zone.WiringIdentifying WiresIdentify wires according to the color (with or without white lines) of the insulation on the wire.Wire ColorsNote:“Blue/white, brown/white, or orange/white” means that the cover is blue,brown, or orange with a white line.Terminal NumbersIdentify terminal numbers based on the color of the insulation on the wire.The safety and auxiliary contacts of D4GS-N models of three-termi-nal contact construction and those of two-terminal contact construc-tion are described below.The auxiliary contacts (orange) can be used as safety contacts.The safety contacts are direct opening contacts approved by EN andCut the black core insulator and all unused wires at the end of the external insulation sheath when wiring the cable.Force imposedDropOperation KeySet zone (0.5 to 3.0 mm)No.Color of insulation No.Color of insulation 1Blue/white 4Orange 2Brown/white 5Brown 3Orange/white6BlueCross sectionInsulationCore insulator (black)External insulation sheathZbZbZbZbAuxiliary contact (orange 31)32 Orange/whiteAuxiliary contact (orange 33)12 Blue/white 22 Brown/white 34 Orange/whiteAuxiliary contact (orange 31)12 Blue/white 32 Orange/whiteAuxiliary contact (orange 33)12 Blue/white 34 Orange/whiteIn the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice.ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN MILLIMETERS.To convert millimeters into inches, multiply by 0.03937. To convert grams into ounces, multiply by 0.03527.Cat. No. C120-E2-03B-X。

欧姆龙轻触式开关使用注意事项 说明书

欧姆龙轻触式开关使用注意事项 说明书




使用注意事项关于保存1. 保存环境· 保存产品时,为了防止端子部变色,请不要在下列条件下保存。

①高温、高湿环境下②有腐蚀性气体的环境中③阳光直射的场所2. 保存状态· 请在保留包装的状态下进行保存。


关于使用1. 操作方法不可施加强力反复操作。





只按柱塞的一侧,或斜向的操作口可能导致耐久性降低2. 尘埃对策因为是没有密封构造的开关,因此请勿在有粉尘的场所进行使用。


3. 使用环境的调查· 实际使用状态下进行设置时,请先确认其周围的设备是否会有产生腐蚀性气体的情况发生。




· 使用环境中存在有硅时,可能导致接触不良的情况发生。





D4A-□N小型重载限位开关密封性、抗冲击性、强度进一步提高后的小型重载限位开关• 进一步强化旋转轴部位的双重密封结构,通过密封垫完全包裹方式等来确保密封性(取得UL、NEMA3、4、4X、6P、12、13)。

• 温度规格范围大(-40~+100℃:标准型)。

• 还另外备有在抗药性上发挥威力的氟橡胶密封型。

• 采用了将维护时的时间损失减少到最小的组件安装方式。

• 提供可实现各种复合动作的4回路双断型。

• 取得UL、CSA、CCC规格。

通用直立型全球| 欧姆龙工业自动化D4A-□N | 全球:英语D4A-□N | 日本:日本語D4A-□N | 新加坡:英语额定值/性能/功能护结构(标准) IP67、NEMA规格1、2、3、4、4X、5、6P、12、13命*2 机械*1 5,000万次以上(2回路双断旋转摆杆型)3,000万次以上(4回路双断旋转摆杆型)电气100万次以上(2回路双断型:AC125V 10A阻性负载)75万次以上(4回路双断型:AC125V 5A阻性负载)许操作速度 1mm~2m/s(D4A-3101N旋转摆杆型)许操作频机械 300次/min电气 30次/min定频率 50/60Hz缘电阻同极端子间、带电金属部与地之间、各端子与不带电金属部100MΩ以上(DC500V 欧表)触电阻25mΩ以下(初期值)压同极端子间 AC1,000V 50/60Hz 1min带电金属部与地线间 AC2,200V 50/60Hz 1min *3 各端子与不带电金属部间AC2,200V 50/60Hz 1min *3染度(使用环境) 3电保护等级 Class I(带接地端子)动误动作 10~55Hz双振幅1.5mm击耐久 1,000m/s2以上误动作*4 600m/s2以上2回路双断旋转摆杆型300m/s2以上4回路双断旋转摆杆型用环境湿度 95%RH以下(不结冰、凝露)量约290g(D4A-3101N旋转摆杆型的场所)注. 上述为初期时的值。



D4A-□N小型重载限位开关密封性、抗冲击性、强度进一步提高后的小型重载限位开关? 进一步强化旋转轴部位的双重密封结构,通过密封垫完全包裹方式等来确保密封性(取得UL、NEMA3、4、4X、6P、12、13)。

? 温度规格范围大(-40~+100℃:标准型)。

? 还另外备有在抗药性上发挥威力的氟橡胶密封型。

? 采用了将维护时的时间损失减少到最小的组件安装方式。

? 提供可实现各种复合动作的4回路双断型。

? 取得UL、CSA、CCC规格。

通用直立型全球| 欧姆龙工业自动化D4A-□N | 全球:英语D4A-□N | 日本:日本语D4A-□N | 新加坡:英语额定值/性能/功能?保护结构(标准)?IP67、NEMA规格1、2、3、4、4X、5、6P、12、13?寿命*2 ?机械*1 ?5,000万次以上(2回路双断旋转摆杆型)3,000万次以上(4回路双断旋转摆杆型)?电气?100万次以上(2回路双断型:AC125V 10A阻性负载)75万次以上(4回路双断型:AC125V 5A阻性负载)?容许操作速度?1mm~2m/s(D4A-3101N旋转摆杆型)?容许操作频率?机械?300次/min ?电气?30次/min?额定频率?50/60Hz?绝缘电阻?同极端子间、带电金属部与地之间、各端子与不带电金属部100MΩ以上(DC500V兆欧表)?接触电阻?25mΩ以下(初期值)?耐压?同极端子间?AC1,000V 50/60Hz 1min?带电金属部与地线间 ?AC2,200V 50/60Hz 1min *3 ?各端子与不带电金属部间?AC2,200V 50/60Hz 1min *3?污染度(使用环境)?3?触电保护等级?Class I(带接地端子)?振动?误动作?10~55Hz双振幅1.5mm?冲击?耐久?1,000m/s2以上?误动作*4 ?600m/s2以上2回路双断旋转摆杆型300m/s2以上4回路双断旋转摆杆型?使用环境湿度?95%RH以下(不结冰、凝露)?重量?约290g(D4A-3101N旋转摆杆型的场所)注. 上述为初期时的值。

OMRON 电子开关产品说明书

OMRON 电子开关产品说明书

IS15ABDP4BVersion (1)CircuitSPST normally open Electrical Capacity (Resistive Load)100mA @ 12V DCContact Resistance 200 milliohms maximum @ 20mV 10mA Insulation Resistance 100 megohms minimum @ 100V DC Dielectric Strength 125V AC for 1 minute minimum Mechanical Endurance 1,000,000 operations minimum Electrical Endurance 1,000,000 operations minimum Operating Force 2.2 ± 0.5 Newtons Total Travel1.8mm (.071”)Operating Temperature Range 0°C ~ +40°C (+32°F ~ +104°F); contact factory for wide temperature range options Storage Temperature Range–10°C ~ +60°C (+14°F ~ +140°F); contact factory for wide temperature range optionsDISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICSProgrammable LC DisplayWhite LED BacklightingEpoxy Sealed Straight PC TerminalsRubber DomeProgrammable to display graphics, alphanumeric characters, and animated sequences.Integrated liquid crystal display provides wide viewing angle with high contrast and clarity.Wide viewing area 15.0mm x 10.8mm (horizontal x vertical) at 36 x 24 pixels.Dome gives crisp tactile feedback to positively indicate circuit transfer.High reliability and long life of one milllion actuations minimum.Epoxy sealed terminals prevent entry of solder flux and other contaminants.Optional accessories available to enhance panel design and simplify production process.Enhanced LED Illumination with:• Broad and even light distribution • Consistent bright backlighting • Lower energy consumptionLCD SPECIFICATIONSCharacteristics of DisplayDisplay Operation Mode STN negative Display Condition Transflective with built-in LED backlight Viewing Angle AdjustableDriving Method 1/24 duty. 1/5 bias (built-in driving circuit)Viewing Area 15.0mm x 10.8mm (horizontal x vertical)Pixel Format 36 x 24 dots (horizonal x vertical)Pixel Size 0.36mm x 0.36mm (horizontal x vertical)Backlight LEDWhiteWhite LEDwith Blue LCD ModeSupply Voltage for Logics V DD –0.3V to +7.0V Supply Voltage for LCD V LC –0.3V to +12.0V Input Voltage V I –0.3V to V DD +0.3V Output VoltageV O–0.3V to V DD +0.3VSupply Voltage for Logics V DD 4.5V 5.0V 5.5V Supply Voltage Blue V LC –– 7.5V –– Input Voltage V I 0V –– V DD Driving Frequencyf FL M––64Hz––IH DD DD Low Level Input VoltageV IL 0 0.3 V DD V High Level Input Leakage Current I LIH V I = V DD 10 μA Low Level Input Leakage Current I LIL V I = 0V–10 μA High Level Output Voltage V OH I OH = –500μA V DD –0.5 V Low Level Output VoltageV OL I OL = 500μA 0.5 V High Level Output Leakage Current I LOH V O = V DD 10 μA Low Level Output Leakage Current I LOL V O = 0V –10 μA Supply Current I DD f SCP = 1.0MHz500 μA LCD Drive CurrentI LCf LP = 2.4kHz V LC = 7.3V ~ 7.5V5002,000μATiming Characteristics of LCD Drive ICSCP Latch Pulse Frequency f LP 50kHzClock High Level Pulse Width t C WH 70ns Clock Low Level Pulse Width t C WL 70ns Data Setup Time t DSD 45ns Data Hold Timet D H D 50ns Data Output Delay Time t PD O 25ns Latch Setup Time t DSL 50ns Latch Hold Time t D HL 50ns Latch High Level Width t LWH 200ns FLM Setup Time t DSF 50ns FLM Hold Time t D HF 50ns SCP, LP Rise/Fall Timet r /t f15ns Timing Diagram*1 Last data on first line*2 Beginning data on second line *3 Location of LP signal on first lineSCP Din Dout LP FLMBLOCK DIAGRAM & PIN CONFIGURATIONSPin No. Symbol Name Function SW Terminal of Switch Normally open SW Terminal of Switch Normally open BL-LED (–) Terminal of Backlight LED CathodeDout Data Output Display serial output. Can be used to connect to Din of the next SMARTSWITCH. As a result,many SMARTSWITCHES can be controlled with one clock and data signal.FLM First Line Marker The marking signal for the first line data of LCD display. The first line of LCD will be selected by the falling edge of LP signal during the high level (FLM).LP Latch Pulse Line data latch pulse will latch content of internal 40-bit shift register at falling edge for one line of display. LP will also increment the display line by one.SCP Serial Clock Pulse Clock used by 40-bit internal shift register of the switch, shifting the display data bit presented at Din at falling edge.Din Data Input Display serial data bit. Note: to map the display data, because of the difference between the number of internal shift register data (40) and the single line of LCD pixels (36), the first four bits of data shifted will be dummy bits. GND Ground V DD Power Power source for logic circuit V LC PowerPower source for LCD drive BL-LED (+) Terminal of Backlight LED Anode for common BL-LED (+)Terminal of Backlight LEDAnode12111098764532131SWDoutG N D 912SWBL-LED (–)SUPER BRIGHT LED SPECIFICATION STypical Electrical Characteristics (Temperature at 25°C)Backlight Color Symbols White Unit Forward Current I F20mA Forward Voltage V F 3.6VABSOLUTE MAXIMUM FOR LEDSForward Current I F30mA Reverse Voltage V R 5.0V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C∆I F(DC)–0.50mA/°C Power Dissipation*P D120 maximum mW *For uniform light emission, Power Dissipation should not exceed the Absolute Maximum Rating.TYPICAL SWITCH DIMENSIONSDetailPixel Detail Standoff Detail FootprintPRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING & STORAGEHandling1. The VLC voltage should not be applied before logic voltage. If VLC voltage is present before logic voltage, it may cause the driverlogic to freeze and damage the LCD, and the driver logic itself may become damaged.2. The IS Series devices are electrostatic sensitive.3. Limit operating force to keytop to 100.0N maximum, as excessive pressure may damage LCD device.4. Recommended soldering time and temperature limits are 5 seconds maximum @ 270°C maximum.5. Do not exceed 60°C at the LCD level.6. The IS series devices are not process sealed.7. If the LCD is accidentally broken, avoid contact with the liquid and wash off any liquid spills to the skin or clothing.8. Clean cap surface with dry cloth. If further cleaning is needed, wipe with dampened cloth using neutral cleanser and dry withclean cloth. Do not use organic solvent.Storage1. Store away from direct sunlight.2. Keep away from static electricity.3. Avoid extreme temperatures, high humidity, gaseous substances, and all forms of chemical contamination.(1.0) Dia.039~ATTENTIONELECTROSTATICSENSITIVE DEVICES。

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欧姆龙D4V小型限位开关具有“小型化设计”、“端子部全开放构造,便于布线”、“RoHS对应”、“保护构造 IP65”等诸多特点,目前在工邦邦等平台均可以购买到。

(D4V-8104Z、 D4V-8108Z、 D4V-8107Z)

(D4V-8104Z、 D4V-8107Z、 D4V-8108Z)








