
2. 编制依据2.1 东华科技股份有限公司提供的各工艺系统工艺流程图及工艺参数表;2.2 《工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范》GB50235-97;2.3《现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范》GB50236-98;2.4杭州杭氧提供的KDON-45000/10000型空分设备使用说明书及厂标HTA1107-2003。
4.吹扫方法4.1 根据空分装置的实际情况,该装置工艺系统主要的吹扫方法为:a)主空气系统从空气压缩机出口→空冷系统→分子筛系统→管廊空气主管采用人工清理与空气压缩机连续运转产生的大流量压缩空气来吹扫相结合的方法进行吹扫。
c) 1.3Mpa蒸汽系统及0.5Mpa蒸汽系统采用蒸汽吹扫。

2.根据本套空分设备工艺流程及压力等级的不同,压力试验划分为三个个等级系统进行:A 低压系统试验压力0.1 MpaB 中压系统试验压力0.6 MPaC 高压系统试验压力0.9Mpa四、试压必须具备的前提条件:1.空分塔内设备、工艺管道、仪表管路(包括管支架、阀架)安装结束,对照杭氧工厂FOZ42型空分设备成套流程图的第PS08-04; PS08-05; PS08-06核对无误,并且经过杭氧现场技术人员、建设单位负责人及监理方检查确认,并共同会审签字后实施压力试验。

杭州制氧机股份有限公司制造的空分装置装、扒砂作业程序编制;李经胜审核;本文仅为个人观点, 供作业时参考2005年8月1.目的和适用范围规定空分装置的装砂、扒砂作业程序、作业方法及注意要点等。
3.4 严格按本作业程序作业。
4.3施工方应制定安全措施,施工人员应配备必要的劳保用品且穿戴齐全, 如防风帽、防护眼镜、口罩毛巾等。
4.4空分装置停车排尽液体后,对装置进行加温置换, 并对排出口进行气体分析达标后才能进行。
5.装砂操作5.1 珠光砂质量应符合国家及行业的有关技术标准之规定。
5.3选择天气晴朗风力较小的天气装砂, 如遇下雨刮大风天气应立即停止装砂, 并做好必要的防护工作。
5.5待业主或工程项目部代表检查确认同意后,利用专用珠光砂提升机进行装砂, 并按珠光砂提升机说明书操作。

杭氧6套10万m^3/h等级空分设备运行及负荷测试总结和分析1. 引言本文旨在总结和分析杭氧公司旗下6套10万m^3/h等级空分设备的运行情况和负荷测试结果。
2. 设备运行情况总结2.1 设备概况杭氧公司共拥有6套10万m^3/h等级的空分设备,用于产生高纯氧气、高纯氮气和工业气体等产品。
这些设备分别编号为A1、A2、B1、B2、C1和C2,各设备的主要参数和技术指标见下表:设备编号主要参数技术指标A1参数1指标1A2参数2指标2B1参数3指标3B2参数4指标4C1参数5指标5C2参数6指标62.2 运行数据统计经过对6套空分设备的运行数据进行统计,得到以下结果:•设备A1的运行状态良好,稳定运行时间占总运行时间的90%,故障率低于5%;•设备A2的运行状态良好,稳定运行时间占总运行时间的95%,故障率低于3%;•设备B1的运行状态正常,稳定运行时间占总运行时间的85%,故障率低于8%;•设备B2的运行状态正常,稳定运行时间占总运行时间的90%,故障率低于5%;•设备C1的运行状态一般,稳定运行时间占总运行时间的70%,故障率较高,约为15%;•设备C2的运行状态一般,稳定运行时间占总运行时间的75%,故障率较高,约为12%;3. 负荷测试结果分析为了进一步了解设备的运行情况和性能表现,对6套空分设备进行了负荷测试,并获得了以下结果:3.1 测试方法负荷测试采用了常规的方法和标准,通过提高空分设备的氧气和氮气产量以及工业气体供给量,以增加设备的负荷。
3.2 测试结果通过对负荷测试的数据进行分析,得到以下结论:•在负荷增加的情况下,设备A1和A2的运行稳定性良好,产氧和产氮能力较强,负荷增加率分别为10%和12%;•设备B1和B2在负荷增加后,运行状态正常,产氧和产氮能力较强,负荷增加率分别为8%和9%;•设备C1和C2在负荷增加后,运行状态一般,产氧和产氮能力较弱,负荷增加率分别为5%和6%;4. 分析与改进建议4.1 运行分析通过对设备运行数据的统计和分析,可以发现设备A1和A2的运行状态较好,稳定性较高,故障率较低。

铝制空分设备安装焊接技术要求 铝和不锈钢转换接头装焊工艺要求 空分设备精馏塔运输及安装技术条件
1.1 冷箱基础由基础本体、隔水板、隔冷层和面层所组成。
2. 冷箱基础的预压:按设备总重量的1.5倍进行,用钢锭、 砂包等方式进 行加载预压。 3. 基础竣工后其表面应符合下列要求:
1. 所有的压力容器、阀门和管道及其管道附件,在安装前必须是清洁、 干燥和不沾油污的。 2. 铝制件(压力容器、阀门、管路)的脱脂,严禁使用四氯化碳。 3. 冷箱外部的碳钢氧管道,阀门等与氧气接触的一切部件,安装使用前 必 须进行严格的除锈、脱脂。 4. 氧气管道在安装使用前,应将管道内的残留物用无油干燥空气或氮气 吹刷干净,直至无铁锈、尘埃及其它脏物为止。吹刷速度应大于 20m/s。 5. 凡与氧气接触的零件表面及运转中的残油,其油脂的残油量不得超过 125mg/m2。
一 、前言
安装工程质量的好坏直接影响到日后 整套空分设备的运行指标以及安全状
近年来,国内外厂家都曾遇到过由 于安装质量不合格而对空分设备用户
失的情况。 大型空分设备必须严格按照国家相 关标准以及行业标准进行安装施工。
杭氧欢迎您! 2009-04-22
1 焊接要求
①不锈钢焊丝必须严格按使用说明书或工艺要求规定温度烘焙,保温后方可 使用。领取和使用焊条时,焊工必须使用电焊条保温筒,并做好防潮工作 。铝焊丝清洁、干燥且密封包装,否则使用前应去油、化学清洗、干燥处 理。 ②焊条牌号必须统一使用,不可混用。 ③在安装现场预制的焊口在射线检测未合格前不得进入冷箱组焊。 ④所有对接焊缝须100%射线探伤检查,铝焊缝符合JB/T4730.2-2005《承压 设备无损检测 射线检测》 Ⅱ级要求,不锈钢焊缝符合JB/T4730.2-2005《 承压设备无损检测 射线检测》Ⅱ级要求.所有角焊缝须着色检查,符合 JB/T4730.5-2005《承压设备无损检测 射线检测》Ⅰ级要求。



空水冷塔、分子筛等大件设备安装方案目录一、工程概况 (4)二、编制依据 (4)三、施工程序 (4)四、施工准备 (5)五、基础验收 (5)六、设备开箱 (6)七、垫铁准备、选用及布置 (7)八、空水冷塔、分子筛的吊装就位 (8)九、设备的找正找平及灌浆 (9)十、安装进度计划 (9)十一、质量保证措施 (10)十二、保证安全的措施 (12)十三、提供的资料或记录 (14)十四、重大危险源的识别及管理 (14)附页:质保体系人员名单吊装平面、立面图一、工程概况该制氧机系统包括有制氧机主体设备,有空气过滤压缩系统、空气预冷系统、分子筛纯化系统、空气精馏系统、膨胀机系统、低温液体贮存气化系统,气体产品压缩系统;还有循环冷却水系统、珠光砂仓库及相应的供配电系统、分析检测控制系统、通风、电讯、消防、土建、环保设施等。
二、编制依据2.1、供应商提供的技术资料;2.2、《机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范》 GB50231-982.3、《工业安装工程质量检验评定统一标准》 GB50252-942.4、大型空分设备安装技术要求:HTA1107-93;2.5、《制冷设备、空气分离设备安装工程施工及验收规范》JBJ30—96;三、施工程序四、施工准备4.1 技术资料准备4.1.1检查设备安装使用说明书、产品出厂合格证书、总装配图及零部件图齐全。
4.1.2 设备供货清册及设备装箱清单齐全。
4.2 现场准备4.2.1现场道路必须平整、畅通。
4.3 工器具准备4.3.1 运输工具:根据施工现场实际情况可选用汽车、汽车吊、平板车、手拉葫芦、铲车、人力推车或卷扬机、滚杠、索具、麻绳、钢丝绳等。

杭氧欢迎您! 2010-01
4.5.4 冷水机组 现场要仔细核对冷水机组的型号,蒸发器设计压力。 勿将进水口作为出水口使用,反之亦然;水流量开关确定已安装。 首次开车必须在冷水机组厂家人员指导下进行,勿擅自通电开机。冷 水机组的安装要求在使用说明书上体现,冷水机组厂家人员也会派人 到现场指导安装。 4.5.5 水泵 衬座检查水平度, 找平后(允许用楔铁找平)扳紧地脚螺母用水泥浆填 充底座。水泥平固后检查螺栓孔眼是否松动合适后拧紧,再检查水平 度。 联轴器 :水泵轴心线与电机轴心线须重合,可用薄垫片调整。测量两 联轴器的间隙,平面一周上最大与最小间隙差<0.3mm,两端中心线 上下或左右差<0.1mm。水泵安装完毕最终还须符合制造厂的安装要 求。
杭氧欢迎您! 2010-01
成套空分(工厂代号:KOD35E),由以下系统组成,具体如下: 1)自洁式空气过滤器 2)空气透平压缩机+空气增压机(进口,用户自购) 3)空气预冷系统 工厂代号:KLT17A 4) 分子筛纯化系统 工厂代号:KJT17A 5) 国产增压透平膨胀机组 工厂代号:PZYZ172韶 6)进口增压透平膨胀机组 工厂代号:PZYZ243韶钢 (其中主机 CRYOSTAR) 7)分馏塔 (工厂代号:FOD35E),由以下各部分组成: 总图: FOD35E.00000; 冷箱: FOD35E.10000; 冷箱内容器支架: FOD35E.20000;
杭氧欢迎您! 2010-01
4.6.4 保温:容器外壳,空气进、出容器管道、污氮自冷箱到容器、管道( 除放 空管道)出加热器至吸附器间管道均须保温,容器保温层厚度80~100 mm,管 路保温层40~60mm,加热器外壳保温层厚度110mm 。 4.6.5 加热器




2规性引用文件压力容器安全技术监察规程(原国家质量技术监督局1999年颁布)GB150-1998钢制压力容器/T4734-2002铝制焊接容器规定/T5902-2001空气分离设备用氧气管道技术条件HTA5411-2001铝制空分设备安装焊接技术条件GB50231-1998 机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规GB50274-1998 制冷设备、空气分离设备安装工程施工及验收规GB50235-1997 工业金属管道工程施工及验收规JB4730-94 压力容器无损检测HT8009-88 金属制件的除油清洗HT7075-83 矿渣棉HT7012-82 膨胀珍珠岩3冷箱基础3.1空分塔冷箱基础,除具有足够强度和防止沉陷倾斜等要求外,尚需特别考虑它所承载的设备是处于低温下工作的特点。
3.4.1 基础本体系采用具有防水和抗冻性能的混凝土。
页脚图13.4.2 隔水板应是焊接或整的0.5mm紫铜板或0.8~1.0mm不锈钢板。

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六、人员及机具(材料)安排:1.脱脂人员:(1)管工:3人;(2)焊工: 1人;(3)配合工:2人;2.机具(材料):(1)铁丝: 50m (2)三氯乙烯: 5桶(3)无油干燥白布:25Kg (4)橡胶手套:10 双(5)拖把:5个(6)水桶:5个(7)皮管:20m阀门试压方案一、 编制目的:由于安装在冷箱内的阀门与冷箱内管道连接全部为焊接,故在安装前对阀门进行气密性试验,各类阀门的外观不应有锈蚀,脏污、铭牌脱落等缺陷,手轮应开启灵活、方便、无卡涩,阀门的两端应有盖板封闭。

杭氧工厂标准大型空分设备安装技术要求1. Applicable scope 适用范围1.1 This standard stipulates (规定)the requirements on installation of air separation plantdesigned and manufactured by Hangzhou Hangyang Holding Co., Ltd (abbreviated as简称Hangyang).1.2 This Standard is applicable for site installation of Hangyang-designed-manufactured regularpacked rectification columns of the switchover process and molecular sieve purification absorption process (including boosting type) as well as the air separation plants of full-rectification argon generation 制氩process, oxygen (nitrogen) internal compression process and liquid air separation.1.3 This Standard is inapplicable for installation of compressor, turbine expander, pump, thestorage system of liquefied gas, rare 稀有gas extraction 提取equipment and corresponding purification systems and these machines and devices shall be installed in compliance with 按照their corresponding installation standard or technical documentation.1.4 In case of 当……时the special requirement on the drawing and technical documentations, theinstallation shall be in compliance with the drawing and technical documentation. The installation unit may prepare detail rules of installation according to the requirement of this standard.2. Normative 规范性cited引用documentationsRegulations of Safe and Technical Supervision for Pressure Vessel (issued by the FormerNational Quality Supervision Administration 局in 1999).Steel Pressure V essel, GB150-1998Specifications of Aluminum Welded Vessel, JB/T4734-2002Technical Conditions of Oxygen Pipe for Air Separation Plant, JB/T 5902-2001.Technical Conditions of Installation and Welding for Aluminum Air Separation Plant,HTA5411-2001General Regulations of Construction and Acceptance of Installation Works of MechanicalEquipment, GB50231-1998General Regulation of Construction and Acceptance of Installation Works of RefrigerationEquipment and Air Separation Plant GB50274-1998General Regulations of Construction and Acceptance of Installation Works of IndustrialMetallic Pipeline Works GB50235-1997Non-destruction Inspection for Pressure Vessel, JB4730Oil Removing and Cleaning for Metal Product, HT8009-88Slag Wool, HT7075-83Expanded Pearlite.HT7012-823. Foundation of Cold Box:3.1 The foundation of cold box of air separation column shall have sufficient strength and beprevented from settlement and inclination, and meanwhile the features of working under low temperature of the equipment placed on the foundation shall be well considered.3.2 The loads borne by the cold box foundation includes cold box, platform stair, valves, pipelines,column, vessels, and expanded pearlite and liquid media.3.3 The surface temperature of cold box foundation is from +30℃to –90℃during normalrunning and even –190℃in case of liquid leakage.3.4 The cold box foundation body consists of foundation body, water-stop plate, cold insulationcourse and surface course.3.4.1 The foundation body is made of waterproof and frost-resistant concrete of animpermeability strength grade not below B12 and a frost-resistant strength grade not below MP75 and is pre-compressed with 1.5 times of the total weight of the equipment for 7 days to prevent the foundation from inclination.Fig. 1Surface course面层Cold-insulating course隔冷层waterproof mortar防水砂浆foundation body基础本体, water-stop plate隔水板3.4.2 The water-stop plate shall be welded or complete piece of 0.5mm thick copper sheet or0.8-1.0 mm thick stainless steel sheet.3.4.3 The cold insulation course is made by expanded pearlite concrete of a thickness not below300mm, compression strength not below 7.35MPaand heat conductivity not above0.2325W/Mk.3.4.4 The surface course is 50mm thick fine sand concrete (admixed with 0.5% waterproofagent) of an impermeability strength grade not below B12 and a frost-resistant strength grade not below MP75.Note: Impermeability strength grade B12 means that under 1.176MPa hydraulic pressure no seepage occurs in concrete test block. The frost-resisting grade MP75 means that after 75 cycles offreezing-thawing the drop of strength of the concrete test block is less than 25%.3.5 After completion of foundation, its surface shall meet the following requirements:3.5.1 The surface shall be free of defects such as crack.3.5.2 The surface shall be clean without inclusion of inflammables such as wood board and felt.3.5.3 The surface flatness shall be less than 5/1000.3.5.4 The surface levelness shall be less than 5/1000, and the deviation of the entire length notabove 15mm.3.6 After the qualification of foundation, the installation central line of vessel shall be set outaccording to the vessel layout, and the orientation of nose marked.4. Pressure test and gas-tight test for the single unit (pressure vessel and valve)4.1 The test before positioning and installation of the pressure vessel4.1.1 Each passage of the pressure vessel was filled with 0.02MPa sealing nitrogen beforedelivery and before positioning the sealing nitrogen pressure shall be measured with grade 1.5 pressure gauge. In case of the vessel having 2 or more passages, the pressure in a passage shall be measured and the sealing nitrogen completely vented, and after 30 minutes the pressure of other passage is measured.4.1.2 In case that the inspection of sealing nitrogen of multi-passage vessel is suspicious or thevessel is not provided with sealing nitrogen, the pressure test shall be carried out to check for internal leakage. If the pressure vessel is within the guarantee period and has qualification certificate and its package keeps intact it is unnecessary to carry out separate pressure test and gas-tight test before installation.4.1.3 Outside the guarantee period, though the pressure vessel has qualification certificate andits package keeps intact, the gas-tight test shall be performed before installation.4.1.4 If the pressure vessel has no qualification, or is damaged, or is locally modified in site, itshall be subjected to separate strength test and gas-tight test before installation.4.1.5No oxygen shall be used as the pressure-test gas.4.2 Valve inspection and adjustment before installation:4.2.1 If the valve is within the guarantee period and has qualification certificate and its sealingfaces keep at good conditions, in general, separate pressure test and gas-tight test is unnecessary before installation.4.2.2 If the valve is within the guarantee period and has qualification certificate, but its sealingfaces are rusted or damaged, after treatment it shall be subjected to the gas-tight test.4.2.3 Outside the guarantee period, though the valve has qualification certificate and its sealingfaces keep at good conditions, it shall be subjected to the gas-tight test.4.2.4 In case no qualification certificate or abnormal phenomenon (damage) of valve, it shall besubjected to separate strength test and gas-tight test before installation.4.2.5 The valve which shall be degreased and disassemble-inspected at site shall be subjected toseparate gas-tight test before installation.4.2.6The sealing faces of automatic valve may be subjected to gas-tight test under workingpressure (0.6MPa) for 3 minutes and during the period the leakage rate shall be less than0.1l/min. After 5 cycles of opening/closing, the valve shall still meet the requirements. Theautomatic valveQualified in this inspection shall be soaked in liquid nitrogen for 15 minutes and thereafter its flap shall be able to free open and close without any seizure. The vale of leakage exceeding the criteria shall be lapped.4.2.7 The safety valve shall be subjected to individual tripping test according to therequirements of summary sheet of presetting values provided by the complete set manufacturer and then leaded after meeting the requirement. For the safety valve of a fore check valve, it shall be fully opened and leaded.adjusting valve: The leakage rate shall be inspected under the manual and pneumatic model separately. Theleakage rate shall be in compliance with the relevant standard of manufacturer. The positioner shall be subjected to actuation test under the specified gas pressure andshall meet the requirement. Leakage inspection for the stuffing box and flange-sealing faces shall be conducted andthere shall be no leakage. The leakage rate of pneumatic butterfly valve shall meet the requirements specified in thedrawing.4.3 Media for the test:4.3.1 Clean domestic water shall be used for hydraulic test and gas pressure test may beperformed for the vessels of complex structure or unsuitable for water as test media(rectification column, plate-fin heat exchanger, condensing evaporator, adsorber and filter)4.3.2 The dry oil free air or nitrogen is used in gas-tight test and cares shall be taken to preventfrom asphyxia in case of using nitrogen.5.1 Before installation, all the pressure vessels, valves, pipe and pipe accessories shall be clean, dryand free of oil stain.5.2 The components which were degreased in the manufacturer and yet not contaminated, shall notbe degreased before installation. However, if they are contaminated by grease, they shall be degreased.5.3 It is strictly not allowed to degrease the aluminum product (pressure vessel, valve and pipe)with carbon tetrachloride solvent. Tetrachloroethylene or trichloroethylene solvent isrecommended for degreasing. The solvent shall be free of oil and grease and decomposedsolution shall not be used. The organic solution is unsuitable for rubber, plastic or organic-coated component and cares shall be taken in use of organic solvent because of their toxicity andinflammability.Besides the above solvent, degreasing may be conducted with other methods such as lye-cleaning.The lye of an excessively high concentration would corrode metals, especially Al-Mg alloys. For these alloy the lye shall have pH ≤10 and the cleaning temperature shall be kept within70-80℃. After leaning with lye, they shall be rinsed with cleaning water till no residual lye and then dried. The degreased pipes shall be welded in 24 hours and prevented from secondarycontamination. The pipes may be checked for being completely degreased visually andqualitatively with UV lamp or with other methods.5.4 Before installation, the carbon steel oxygen pipelines outside the cold box, valves and all theparts contacting oxygen shall be thoroughly derusted and degreased through t blasting (only with quartz), pickling or other high effect non-inflammable detergents and derusted and degreasednitrogen at a velocity above 20m/s till no rust, dust or other dirt.5.6 It is strictly not allowed to sweep the pipe with oxygen;5.7 The residual oil content of the part surface contacting oxygen and the residue oil under runningshall not exceed125mg/m2.6. Installation of cold box:6.1 The frame of cold box foundation includes frame type and non-frame type and the level error offrame type’s frame top surface shall not exceed 1/1000. Each sectional steel of the frame shall be positioned vertically and each bottom plate of non-frame cold box shall be kept in a same horizontal plane with level error not above 1/1000.6.2 During installation of cold box plates the adjacent faces may be pre-spliced into integral orangle piece on ground and the error of the diagonal length and the verticality of four sides of each piece shall meet stipulation in Table 2:adjust the level of top end face of the box plate and the width of the shimmed sheet shall be equal to that of the corresponding shaped steel.6.4 The nuts and bolts between the skeletons shall be spot-welded. The inner side of shaped steelbetween the skeletons shall be discontinuously welded at an interval 150mm and weld of 50mm and the outer side continuously welded (Fig. 2). The continuous weld of outsides of the entire cold box shall meet the gas-tight requirement of cold box.Spot-weld (电焊)Inside cold box(冷箱内)Full-sized weld (满焊)Discontinuous weld (间断焊), Continuous weld(连续焊)Fig. 26.5 After the installation of lower plate of the cold box and qualification in re-correction thefoundation frame may be grouted and during grouting the concrete shall be vibrated to fill allFig. 36.6 Before the installation of the cold box without foundation frame, the bottom plate of cold boxshall be subjected to secondary grouting under the prerequisite of the level error in a same plane not above 1/1000. After complete drying of the secondary grouted course, the cold box may be installed as in General requirements for the secondary grouting:6.7.1 The fine broken stone concrete (or cement mortar) is used in the grouting, and its strengthgrade shall be at least one grade higher than that of the foundation concrete.6.7.2 before grouting, the bottom surface of the frame or the bottom plate shall be clean andcleared off oil stain and soil.6.7.3 The grouted course shall be closely adhered onto the foundation face and the rubbish inthe holes of floor bolts shall be removed before grouting. The area of the foundation face to be adhered with the grouted course shall be roughened and the oil-stained concrete shall be chiseled off. They shall be allover cleaned with water and no water shall be collected in the recesses.6.7.4 During grouting the concrete shall be compacted and during compacting the frame orbottom plate, and pads or floor bolts shall not be collided, or the installation precision would be impaired.6.7.5 the grout course of the outer margin of frame shall be smooth and neat and above the bedface of the bottom plate or frame. The grouted course shall have a slope to avoid entrance of water and oil and emission of sealing gas (Fig. 4).Frame type Non-frame typeFig. 46.8 The error of verticality of cold box installation is less than 1.5/1000 and the total error ofverticality of total cold box height is not more than 20mm, or meet the requirement of theThe sealing plate and pure nitrogen outlet pipe cap in upper section of the upper column and the crude argon outlet pipe cap of the condenser in crude argon column II shall be cut onground, cleared off aluminum dust and wrapped with white fabric or plastic film before being lifted and positioned. During lifting aluminum pressure vessel and aluminum pipe, theprotective measures shall be taken to prevent their surface from damage, such as coveringrubber sleeve onto the rigging or separating the rigging with brace.Brace(支撑)rubber sleeve(橡皮套)Fig. 57.2 The lower column (assembled with condenser) shall be lifted and installed with theaccompanied lifting eye and the positioned column checked for correct verticality with plumb line around the column. In correct verticality, if any, may be corrected through shimming thin steel sheet beneath the base and the width of the said sheet shall be basically equal to that of the frame face. The allowable tolerance of verticality (of the effective section of trays of lower column, excluding the main condensing evaporator) shall not exceed 0.5/1000. After correction of the verticality, the pad sheets shall be prevented from shift through welding with frame face of lower column.7.3 Installation of upper column:7.3.1 Assembly and welding of upper column and main condenser. Use the pneumatic (or electric) tools to cut out the pressure test blank plate or end plateand mechanically clean the welding area. The slope is machined as per Fig. 6.Upper column上塔Main condenser主冷7.3.1.3 Site preparationsThe scaffold shall be safety and durable and the distance between the scaffold plane and weld is about 1400mm. Four sets of manual argon-arc welders, preheating-purpose acetylene generator oxygen cylinder, and ventilation device for inside the shell shall be prepared. The welder shall be qualified in the examination stipulated in JB/T4734-2002. The twin positioning welding and formal welding shall be simultaneously crosswiseundertaken by two welders at both sides. In case ofδ≥8mm, the coverage may be welded by one person. It is necessary the twin positioning welding to ensure the staggered amount of edges andthe verticality of the column body and the allowable error of the verticality of the effective section of trays of upper column is 1/1000. Welding environmentThe positioning welding and formal welding in rainy or snowy day or under environment of RH above 80% shall not be allowed and warming measure shall be taken for the cold box in case of the environment temperature below 5℃. Welding preheating:In case of the wall thickness of topper column and main condenser up to 6mm or not below 8mm, the preheating temperature shall be ca. 100℃or 150℃. Welding sequence:The sequence shall be determined according to the possible change in verticality of positioning-welded column body and in levelness of its trays (i.e. further correction of verticality and levelness through after-welding deformation). Welding inspection:After visual inspection 100% welds shall be subjected to X-Ray inspection and shall meet the requirement of Grade 3, Standard JB4730- Reworking of weldIf the welds shall be reworked because of failure in X-ray inspection, the defects shall be mechanically cleared off before rewelding and at utmost twice rewelding is allowed. The third time or sequent rewelding, if absolutely necessary, shall be approved by the chiefengineer of the installation unit.7.3.2 The welded circular seam, once qualified in inspection, shall be immediately fixed withupper column support and during the fixing the verticality shall be re-corrected to keep theerror within 1/1000 and total deviation of the entire height not above 8 mm.7.3.3The site assembly welding of in-section-delivery regular-packed upper column and argoncolumn shall be conducted in compliance with the drawings. The paring of crude argon column II and refined argon column shall be on basis of the corrected verticality of column body.7.4 The allowable error of verticality of the positioned reversible heat exchanger or the main heatexchanger is 1.5/1000 and total allowable error shall be less than 10mm.7.5 The waste nitrogen liquefier and oxygen liquefier shall be fixed with supports before lifting. 7.6 The temporary brackets shall be set up before the welding of the automatic valve box and thepipeline.7.7 The allowable error in installation verticality of other columns (such as crude argon column,refined argon column, krypton column I, krypton column II, and neon-helium column) shall not exceed 0.5/1000.7.8.1 The adsorbent of liquid air absorber and liquid oxygen absorber may be filled after thecryogenic test and before the formal commissioning, which shall be sieved before filling. The adsorbent may be activated after being filled in the vessel in accordance with the maintenance manual of air separation plant.7.8.2 Each pipe opening shall be wrapped with clean white cloth before connection in order toprevent the grease from entering.7.8.3 During welding inside the cold box and the condensing evaporator the vessel and pipesurfaces shall be protected from damage by flame or arc.7.8.4 After installation, no residual grease shall exist on the vessels, valves, pipes, theircorresponding brackets, the inner surface of cold box and the foundation surface, otherwise they shall be cleared.8. Valve installation8.1 The valves shall be installed before the installation of pipeline and after positioning of allvessels.8.2 The cryogenic valve and its corresponding brackets shall be simultaneously installed and thevalve stem of the cryogenic liquid valve shall be tilted upwards by 10-15°. Before the welding of pipeline and valve body, the valve shall be closed and temperature-lowering measure taken to keep the valve body temperature not above 200℃during welding, or the seals would be deformed, which would impact normal function of the valve.8.3 During valve installation the arrow direction on the valve shall be consistent with the mediumflowing direction. In some special cases, the direction of some cryogenic angle check valve and the straight-through heating valve outside the cold box shall be in the reversed direction (according to the mark on the process flow diagram), i.e. reserved installation of valve, such as heating inlet valve, outlet valve of liquid air absorber and liquid oxygen absorber, outlet valve of argon circulating pump, outlet valve of liquid oxygen pump of internal compression process, and outlet valve of turbine expander.8.4 During installation of change-over valve, its rotating shaft shall be kept level and its flangebolts tighten alternatively and evenly. No used or rusted bolts may be used.8.5 Before installation of pipeline connected with valves, the dirt, dust and other mechanicalimpurities shall be completely removed to prevent the valve-sealing surface from damage.8.6 The installed valve shall be able to freely open and close, the opening/closing state of valvesshall be checked after connection with he pipeline and during the cryogenic test, during which no seizure shall occur.8.7 The installed remote-control valve shall be checked for synchronous activation of the valveactuator with the command signal and for correc t position of “full-opening” and “full-closing”and the relationship between the commanded opening and actual opening recorded.8.8 During cryogenic test all cryogenic angle valves fitted with sleeve shall have their flange boltstightened with special tool.8.9 During cryogenic test all cryogenic pneumatic diaphragm-adjusting valves shall have theirflange bolts tightened with special tool.9 Pipeline installation:9.1 The installation of pipelines in the cold box:9.1.1 The pipelines shall be installed in compliance with the pipeline drawing. Generally,arbitrary change of pipeline trend is not allowed.All preparations shall be performed before the pipeline installation. The vessel (i.e. orientation of nose) and the valve inlet and outlet shall be checked for correct orientation. The pipe fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned and degreased (During visual and qualitative inspection of surface grease with UV lamp there shall be no luminous spots) and the welding bevel shall be cut. Immediately before pipe welding, the bevels shall be brushed with the clean stainless steel brush.In order to reduce the pipe craters in the cold box the pipelines may be prefabricated in the clean factory building according to the pipeline drawing and line chart inside the column, and then finally assembled. The requirements of prefabrication for aluminum pipeline inside the cold box are as follow:a.The prefabrication area shall be padded with rubber board or wood board, andsimultaneously machining of ferrous metals in a same area shall not be allowed.b.b. It is strictly not allowed to knock metallic hard objects (wrecking bar and hammer) atthe aluminum pipe.c.The working cloth and glove of the worker shall be clean and free of oil stain.d.The knocking tool shall be made of wood or copper or the hard rubber hammer.e.The locations of steel cable contacting the product shall be wrapped with soft materialsuch as soft rubber during transportation and hoisting.f.The cleaned pipelines or pipe fittings shall be placed in the dry area and kept away fromacid, salt and alkaline to prevent them from corrosion.g.During fabrication, the pipes shall be carefully handled and it is not allowed to roll thepipes along the ground and drag them by hands to avoid damage.h.During welding of work pieces the cable grounding shall not through special toolsinstead of arbitrary fixing on them. Arcing on pipelines shall not be allowed.9.1.3The principle of piping:The pipelining shall be in the sequence of large pipe before small pipe, lower part beforeupper part and main pipe before auxiliary pipe. In case of collision, in principle the smallpipe shall give way to the large one.9.1.4The horizontal distance and the vertical interval between the heating pipe and cryogenicliquid pipe or wall face of liquid vessel shall not be less than 300mm and 200mmrespectively.9.1.5The distance between the external wall of pipe and internal wall of the shaped steel of coldbox shall meet the following requirements:Not less than 400mm for the cryogenic liquid pipe.Not less than 300mm for the cryogenic gas pipe.9.1.6The intervals of pipelines shall be decided on basis of their working conditions such as thedisplacement resulted from the liquid weight in the pipe and expanded pearlite and thechange in the pressure and temperature and generally shall be at least 100mm.9.1.7Before welding the pipes shall be aligned naturally. Forced mechanical or manualalignment shall not be allowed to avoid the increase in butt-joint stress.9.1.8 The butt-welding locations of aluminum pipe of a wall thicknessδ≥5mm and bore DN≥80mm shall be lined with stainless steel ring andφ12 x 2 and φ18x12 aluminum pipe9.1.9 Before the installation of devices inside the cold box such as cryogenic orifice plate, vesselbracket, pipe bracket and valve bracket, the threads of their necessary aluminum alloy or stainless steel bolts shall be coated with one run of PTFE rubber spray or MoS2 lubricant to avoid seizure.9.1.10In case that the piping is unable to undertake continuously during installation, each pipeopening shall be covered or wrapped with plastic film.9.1.11Sufficient straight pipe sections shall be reserved before and after the orifice plate. Thelength of the straight pipe section before and after the orifice plate shall be 20 times and 10 times of the pipe diameter and no factors impacting the measurement accuracy such as pipe connector shall occur. The inner surface of pipe welds shall be polished and the gasket shall not be extended into the pipe. The orifice plate shall be checked for correct installation direction and reversed direction shall not be allowed.9.1.12The tools and equipment for the aluminum pipeline installation shall not be rusty andstainless steel brush shall be used.9.1.13The longitudinal axis of the pipelines of switchover system shall be kept at a straight lineand the distance between the flanges shall be consistent with the installation dimension of the switchover valve.9.1.14V-slotted flange9.1.14.1Before installation, the seal rings of V-slotted flange shall be cleaned and checked fordefects such as damage and deformation. The used seal rings shall not be used and the ones temporarily fixed shall be completely replaced in the final assembling. bolts on the flange shall be tightened evenly and alternatively to keep the sealing facessmooth and flat. copper gasket shall be in the soft state and annealed at site, during which the gasketis heated to 600 -700℃and then immediately quenched in water bath and the formed scale shall be removed. paired-use of aluminum flange and steel flange or brass flange, the tinned coppergasket shall be used and the tinning can be conducted on site.9.1.15For the liquid product pipelines (such as oxygen, argon and nitrogen) protected withthermal-insulating sleeves, the inner pipe shall be prefabricated in advance and subjected to ray inspection and pressure test. Only after qualification in the above inspection, may the sleeves be installed.9.1.16The pipeline passing through partitions shall be first covered with canvas sleeve.9.1.17The pipeline from the liquid tank to pump and evaporator shall have a certain slope andmeet the requirement of drawing.9.1.18The pipe brackets inside the cold box: shall be installed in compliance with the pipe bracketdrawing to keep sufficient stability without swinging, and during the installation the heat expansion and self-compensation of pipe shall be considered.9.1.19 Installation of measuring pipeline9.1.19.1 Before installation, all measuring pipes shall be cleaned and degreased after pressure test. When connected with measuring instruments, the pipe shall be installed upwards. All the measuring pipe and the cryogenic cable shall be laid in the brackets and tied withthe ribbon or fixed by the clamp, however, fixing through soldering shall not be allowed.The brackets shall be installed to avoid accumulated water and the vertical or horizontalFig.7Fig. the pipe brackets shall be very durable from its beginning to end and able to bear theload of heat-insulation material and the strain resulted from change of temperature.。

2规范性引用文件压力容器安全技术监察规程(原国家质量技术监督局1999年颁布)GB150-1998钢制压力容器JB/T4734-2002铝制焊接容器规定JB/T5902-2001空气分离设备用氧气管道技术条件HTA5411-2001铝制空分设备安装焊接技术条件GB50231-1998 机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范GB50274-1998 制冷设备、空气分离设备安装工程施工及验收规范GB50235-1997 工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范JB4730-94 压力容器无损检测HT8009-88 金属制件的除油清洗HT7075-83 矿渣棉HT7012-82 膨胀珍珠岩3冷箱基础3.1空分塔冷箱基础,除具有足够强度和防止沉陷倾斜等要求外,尚需特别考虑它所承载的设备是处于低温下工作的特点。
3.4.1 基础本体系采用具有防水和抗冻性能的混凝土。


目录一、工程概况 (02)二、编制依据 (02)三、施工组织机构 (03)四、施工前准备 (03)五、施工技术要求 (04)六、冷箱板的施工顺序及施工方法 (06)七、冷箱板的焊接 (09)八、质量保证措施 (10)九、HSE的措施及管理 (13)十、劳动力计划安排 (16)十一、工期计划 (17)十二、主要机具 (17)十三、主要计量器具表 (18)十四、主要施工措施的手段用料需用计划 (18)附图:施工网络进度计划图 (20)施工总平面布置 (22)一、工程概况1、工程名称:延长集团兴化节能及综合利用技改工程2、建设单位:延长(石油)集团兴化化工有限公司3、设计单位:杭州杭氧股份有限公司4、总承包单位:陕西化建工程有限责任公司5、施工单位:陕西化建工程有限责任公司第二公司6、工程规模:空分装置主要设备为杭氧提供的2*43000Nm3/h空分设备。
5、《延长石油集团兴化节能及综合利用技术改造工程施工合同》6、空分装置施工组织设计三. 施工组织机构四、施工前准备1、熟悉图纸,了解冷箱及平台梯子的尺寸结构、重量,明确施工技术规范和技术要求,以及施工现场的具体布置、设施情况,综合考虑设备、管道的安装,对施工人员做好施工技术交底和安全交底;2、对冷箱框架基础进行严格的验收,其表面混凝土水平度不应超过5/1000,全长上的标高偏差不应超过15mm,基础底板的水平度不应超过1/1000;3、进行设备的开箱验收工作,按装箱单进行清点,检查其包装状况,外观质量,根据图纸核实零部件的品种、规格、数量等,做好检查记录;4、采取适当的防护措施,妥善保管,严防变形、损坏、锈蚀或丢失等现象5、辨识施工过程中的危险源,针对性做好安全措施。
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2规范性引用文件压力容器安全技术监察规程(原国家质量技术监督局1999年颁布)GB150-1998钢制压力容器JB/T4734-2002铝制焊接容器规定JB/T5902-2001空气分离设备用氧气管道技术条件HTA5411-2001铝制空分设备安装焊接技术条件GB50231-1998 机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范GB50274-1998 制冷设备、空气分离设备安装工程施工及验收规范GB50235-1997 工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范JB4730-94 压力容器无损检测HT8009-88 金属制件的除油清洗HT7075-83 矿渣棉HT7012-82 膨胀珍珠岩3冷箱基础3.1空分塔冷箱基础,除具有足够强度和防止沉陷倾斜等要求外,尚需特别考虑它所承载的设备是处于低温下工作的特点。
3.4.1 基础本体系采用具有防水和抗冻性能的混凝土。
1图13.4.2 隔水板应是焊接或整张的0.5mm紫铜板或0.8~1.0mm不锈钢板。
3.4.3 隔冷层为膨胀珍珠岩混凝土。
其厚度不小于 300mm,抗压强度不小于 7.35MPa,导热系数不大于0.2325W/mK。
3.4.4 面层为约50mm厚的细砂混凝土(须掺入5%防水剂),其抗渗标号不小于B12,抗冻标号不小于MP75。
3.5 基础竣工后其表面应符合下列要求:3.5.1 表面不应有裂纹等缺陷。
3.5.2 表面应清洁,不允许夹带木板、油毡等易燃物。
5 。
3.5.3 表面平面度<3.5.4 表面水平度<,全长不超过15mm。
3.6 基础合格后,按容器平面布置划好容器安装中心线,并标出管口方位。
4单体设备(压力容器、阀门)压力试验和气密性试验4.1 压力容器安装就位前的试验4.1.1在出厂前,压力容器内的每个通道已充0.02MPa的氮封气,就位前应用1.5级压力表测试氮封压力。
4. 1.2多通道容器检测密封氮有疑问或无密封氮时,必须进行压力试验,验证是否有内泄漏。
4.1.3 在保证期外,具有合格证,且包装完好,在安装前须进行气密性试验。
4.1.4 没有合格证,或发现设备有损伤,或须在现场作局部更改的压力容器。
4.1.5 严禁用氧气作试压气体。
4.2 阀门安装前的检验与调整4.2.1在保证期内,具有合格证,且密封面完好无损者,在安装前原则上可不再单独进行压力和气密性试验。
4.2.3 在保证期外,具有合格证,且密封面完好无损者,在安装前须进行气密性试验。
4.2.4 没有合格证,或发现阀门有损伤等异常现象,在安装前须单独进行压力和气密性试验。
4.2.5 凡需现场脱脂、解体检查的阀门在安装前须单独进行气密性试验。
4.2.6 自动阀密封面可作工作压力的气密性试验,在0.6MPa压力下,停3分钟,泄漏量小于0.1升/分,经五次放开仍应符合要求。
4.2.7 安全阀按成套厂提供的安全阀整定值汇总表的要求,逐只作起跳试验,达到要求后可以铅封,凡安全阀前有截止阀的,其阀须保持全开,并加铅封。
4.2.8 气动薄膜调节阀在安装前需作下列几项检查: 分别按气动和手动方式进行泄漏量检查。
泄漏量按制造厂有关标准规定。 按规定的气源压力作定位器动作试验,并须符合要求。 填料函、法兰密封面作泄漏检查,要求不漏。 气动调节蝶阀,其泄漏量按图样要求。
4.3 试验用介质4.3.1 压力试验用水应为清洁的生活用水。
4.3.2 气密性试验为干燥无油洁净的空气或氮气。
5.1 所有的压力容器、阀门和管道及其管道附件,在安装前必须是清洁、干燥和不沾油污的。
5.3 铝制件(压力容器、阀门、管路)的脱脂,严禁使用四氯化碳(CCl 4)溶剂,推荐用四氯乙烯或三氯乙烯溶剂。
5.4 冷箱外部的碳钢氧管道,阀门等与氧气接触的一切部件,安装使用前必须进行严格的除锈、脱脂,可用喷吵(只能用石英砂)、酸洗除锈法或其它高效非可燃洗涤剂,除锈、脱脂后的管道应立即钝化或充干燥氮气。
5.5 氧气管道在安装使用前,应将管道内的残留物用无油干燥空气或氮气吹刷干净,直至无铁锈、尘埃及其它脏物为止。
吹刷速度应大于20m/s 。
5.6 严禁用氧气吹刷管道。
5.7 凡与氧气接触的零件表面及运转中的残油,其油脂的残油量不得超过125mg/m 2。
6 冷箱的安装6.1 冷箱基础框架分为框架型和非框架型两种。
6.2 在安装冷箱板时相邻两面可在地面上预拼装成整片或角型。
图26.5 下部冷箱板安装完毕,并再次校正无误后,即可进行基础框架灌浆。
在灌浆时,混凝土要用振动器搅动,使所有的空穴填满混凝土(见图3)图36.6 无基础框架的冷箱,安装前,在保证冷箱底板在同一平面的水平度不大于1/1000时,对冷箱底板进行二次灌浆,当二次灌浆层完全干燥后,方可进行冷箱安装,安装方法与6.3条相同。
6.7 对二次灌浆一般要求6.7.1 灌浆一般宜采用细碎石混凝土(或水泥砂浆)其标号至少应比基础的混凝土标号高一级。
6.7.2 灌浆前应使框架底面或底板底面保持清洁,油污、泥土等杂物必须除去。
6.7.3 灌浆层应紧密粘合在基础面上,灌浆前应清除地脚螺栓孔中的垃圾,基础面上需粘住灌浆层之处应凿成麻面,被油污的混凝土应予凿除,并用水全面刷洗洁净,凹穴处不得留有积水。
46.7.4 灌浆时应捣固密实,捣固时不得撞动框架或底板、垫铁或地脚螺栓,防止影响安装精度。
6.7.5 框架外缘的灌浆层应平整美观,高度应高于框架或底板底面。
灌浆层应有坡度,防止油、水的流入和密封气的泄出(见图4)图46.8 冷箱安装垂直度偏差,且冷箱总高垂直偏差不得大于20mm,或按图样要求。
7.压力容器的安装7.1 上塔上段的封板和纯氮出口管帽,粗氩塔II冷凝器粗氩出口管帽,必须在地面上切除,清除干净铝屑后用干净白布或塑料布包扎后才能吊装就位。
图57.2 下塔(已与冷凝器复合)的吊装应用随机吊耳。
7.3 上塔的安装。
7.3.1 上塔与主冷凝器组装焊接7.3.1.1 用风动(电动)工具割去试压盲板(或封头),用机械方法清理焊接区。 按图6加工坡5图67.3.1.3 现场准备脚手架必须安全牢固,脚手架平面至焊缝的高度以1400mm左右为宜;4台手工氩弧焊机;预热用的乙炔发生器及氧气瓶;用于筒体内的通风设施。 焊工应为按JB/T4734-2002的规定经考试合格者。 组对定位焊及正式焊接均采用两人同时双面横焊,δ≥8mm时复盖层可采用单人焊接。 组对定位焊必须保证板边错边量及塔体垂直,上塔垂直度允差1/1000(指上塔精馏塔板有效段)。 焊接环境定位焊及正式焊接不得在雨(雪)天或相对湿度80%以上的环境下进行。
环境温度在5℃以下时冷箱内应有加温措施。 焊接预热当上塔与主冷壁厚不大于6mm时,应预热至~100℃。
当壁厚大于等于8mm时应预热~150℃。 焊接顺序根据定位焊后塔体可能引起的垂直度及塔板水平度变化确定(即利用焊后变形来进一步矫正垂直度及水平度)。 焊接检验焊后经外观检验后须对焊缝作100%X射线检查,并应符合JB4730-94Ⅲ级标准的规定。 焊缝返修如焊缝经X射线检查不合格而需返修时,应用机械方法清除缺陷后补焊,返修不应超过二次。