2019-2020学年高中语文人教版必修1配套课件:9 短新闻两篇 .pptx

9 短新闻两篇
新课助读 自主梳理
4.辨用法 (1)管治 管制 ①中央拥有对香港特别行政区的全面管治权,既包括中央直接行 使的权力,也包括授权香港特别行政区依法实行高度自治。 ②记者从首都机场获悉,据北京市公安局公安交通管理局相关管 理措施,今日12时开始在四环内会有交通管制。 提示两者都有“管理”的意思,但侧重点不同。管治:管辖治理,一 般用于对某一地域的管辖。管制:强制管理。一般用于具体的人或 事。
9 短新闻两篇
新课助读 自主梳理
蒙 蒙.骗
剥.花生 剥.夺
读音 rǎn zhǔ è zhì méng mēng měng bāo bō
修建的1 000多座集中营中最大的一座,到苏联军队解放此地时为
人员有7 000多人。奥斯维辛集中营就此为外人所知。1947年7月2
9 短新闻两篇
9 短新闻两篇
香港回归祖国是中华民族发展史上的一件盛事,也是举世瞩目的一 件大事,《别了,“不列颠尼亚”》带领我们回到当年香港政权交接仪 式现场,感受那激动人心的时刻。奥斯维辛,这个波兰境内名不见 经传的小镇,见证了纳粹德国惨绝人寰的暴行。反法西斯战争胜利 14年后,一位名叫罗森塔尔的美国新闻记者,踏上这片惨不忍睹的 土地,写下了控诉纳粹暴行的《奥斯维辛没有什么新闻》。
新闻的文体特点及翻译技巧PPT(共 48张)

2.6 词义转变,常见词赋予新意。 upper( a stimulant drug):一剂麻醉药 umbrella(a nuclear umbrella):核保护伞 throwaway (wasteful):浪费成风的
一、词汇新颖 1)新词层出不穷
1.2 Definition of News
NEWS代表North(北)East(东)West(西) South(南)四个方向。寓意NEWS能向国际 四方发展,并有「新信讯」的意味。
Definition of News report of recent events
1.3 Classification of News
cited as saying(援引…的话)。
2.2 使用“小词”。
小词(midget words)即简短词,一般为单 音节词。
小词的广泛使用一是由于报纸篇幅有限,用小词可以 免于移行,二是由于小词的词义范畴很宽,一般比较 生动灵活。
新闻英语称这类词为synonyms of all work (万能同义词),
Bush’s daughters reach legal age to drink
布什双娇初长成 酒巷从此任纵横
本则新闻说的是:布什一对孪生女儿经常因未 成年酗酒而被媒体曝光,现在她俩终于到达了 法定饮酒年龄,从此可以开怀痛饮了。
Singaporean star Gives Part of Liver to Save Dying Lover
这则消息是《经济学家》2000年1月22日版的 封面文章。作者巧妙地借用Charles Dickens 《双城记》的标题,翻译的时候,用“两个欠 债国的故事”,使文章显得幽默,更有内涵。
2nd-hand smoke plagues pregnant Chinese women
In this issue
NEWS ............................................... 2-4 COMMENT .......................................... 5 WORLD .............................................6,8 BUSINESS ......................................9,10 LIFE.................................................11-14 SPORTS ........................................ 15,16
actively push for progress on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s (DPRK) nuclear talks to realize longterm peace on the peninsula. Lee also briefed his Chinese guest on the results of the investigation on the sinking and his counter measures. He said he hopes China will play an important role in seeking a

的皇家游轮“不列颠尼亚”号和临近大厦上悬挂的巨幅紫荆花图案,恰好构成这个“日落仪式” 的背景。
第一部分(第1自然段):是新闻的导语部分。叙述了香港末 任港督乘“不列颠尼亚”号离开香港,这标志着长达150多年 的英国统治彻底结束。 第二部分(2-11自然段):是新闻的主体。作者按时间顺序, 具体叙述了英国殖民者的告别仪式和离开香港。其中第4段交 代有关港督府的一些背景材料,最后一段用极其概括的语言 叙述英国在香港岛统治的开始与结束。
接载zài 凝重níng 旗杆gān 掩映yǎn 停泊bó 瞩目 zhǔ 易帜zhi 婆娑pósuō 噩梦è 嬉笑xī 沼泽zhǎo 撰 写zhuàn 废墟xū 实验shì长廊láng 隐秘bì 窒息zhì 祷告dǎo
第四单元 新闻
第十课 短新闻两篇
【导学目标】 1.掌握新闻的结构,概括新闻的要点。
要学会 哟
1.给下列加点的字注音。 接载 凝重 旗杆 掩映 婆娑 噩梦 嬉笑 沼泽 长廊 隐秘 窒息 祷告

China's top 10 richest self-made young billionaires
No 9 Peng Guoyuan(彭国远) Wealth: 15 billion yuan Peng Guoyuan, chairmen of education group NWY(心里 程), speaks at a meeting in Shenzhen, Guangdong province on Aug 25, 2018.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
China's top 10 richest self-made young billionaires
No 2 Zhang Yiming(张一鸣) Wealth: 95 billion yuan Zhang Yiming, founder and CEO of Bytedance(字节跳 动), developer of China's popular news app Toutiao(今日 头条,内涵段子、火山小视频、抖音、悟空问答).
China's top 10 richest self-made young billionaires
No 5 Cheng Wei(程维) Wealth: 18 billion yuan Cheng Wei, founder and CEO of Didi Chuxing(滴滴出 行), speaks during a session at the World Economic Forum in Dalian, Liaoning province on Sept 10, 2015.
China's top 10 richest self-made young billionaires

para 1: general information para 2: details
para 3: results
the race actively. Among the most of the participants
A c多al的lig中ra学ph生y了co解m中p国eti书tio法n文, a化n 。acitvity intended to get more students to understand the culture of Chinese calligraphy, was held by our school in the lecture hall last Sunday.
Step 1 Leading in
形式 体裁
新高考Ⅰ 提纲 报道 2020 课标全国Ⅰ 提纲 记叙文
课标全国Ⅱ 提纲 记叙文
课标全国Ⅰ 提纲
课标全国Ⅱ 提纲 邮件
写作内容 报道五公里赛跑情况 介绍身边值得尊敬爱戴的人 介绍周末农场采摘活动的情况 写信申请当中国画展志愿
(3)小试牛刀:50 名对书法天赋极高的学生积极报名参加了这个比赛,这样他们就 可以通过自己的书法作品来宣传中国文化。
Para 3: ① The race turned out to be a great success. ② Not only did it strengthen our body, but it also tested our will and enriched our school life.
Beijing gourmets get to sample Paul Bocuse’s signature dishes. Page 13
In this issue
NEWS DIGEST ...............................................2 PEOPLE & PROFILES................................3-4 EXPAT .............................................................5 SPORTS ...................................................... 7-8 LIFE / THE NEW YORK TIMES............... 9-12 STYLE ...........................................................14 TRAVEL....................................................15-16 © 2010 China Daily All Rights Reserved Vol. S1 — No. 11 国内统一编号:CN11-0091
“Security of a country relies not only on self-defense capabilities, but also on mutual trust with others.”
Chinese Defense Minister LIANG GUANGLIE at a regional security meeting this week in Hanoi

2017年1-11月《中国日报》热词1.王储crown prince2.兄终弟及agnatic seniority3.碳排放收益carbon emission bonus4.爱国主义、集体主义、顽强拼搏patriotism, collectivism and the spirit of indomitable struggle5.企业资信enterprise credit standing6.慢就业delayed employment7.债券通Bond Connect8.全网络售票online-only ticket sales9.“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛the Belt and Road Initiative Forum for International Cooperation10.“一照一码”营业执照a unified business license with a unified social credit code11.“多证合一”integrate multiple certifications and licenses into one consolidated license 12.国家赔偿state compensation13.住宅用地供应housing and land supply14.千年大计strategy crucial for a millennium to come15.“生前契约”pre-plan funeral arrangement contracts16.药品加成drug upmarket17.投资争端解决机制investor-state dispute settlement mechanism18.国企和劳动标准等社会政策social policies including SOEs and labor standards19.耕地轮作休耕制度crop rotation and follow system20.驾驶证互认recognize the validity of driving licenses issued by each other country 21.境外账户信息offshore accounts information22.失信被执行人名单defaulter list23.抄袭plagiarism24.因私护照passport for private affairs25.中央财政引导资本fund allocated from the central budgets26.应势而为,勇于担当responsive and responsible leadership27.购汇purchase foreign currency28.彩礼betrothal gifts29.徇私舞弊play favoritism and commit irregularities30.人群贫血率prevalence of anemia31.多层次养老保障体系multi-level aging security system32.撤军withdraw troops33.撼山易,撼解放军难it is easier to shake mountains than the PLA34.管办分开separate supervision from day-to-day operation 35.无现金社会cashless society36.空中列车sky train37.课外培训extracurricular training38.海外保障基地overseas logistic base39.军事基地military base40.军队部署deployment of troops41.生态补偿ecological compensation42.传销pyramid sales43.军装照picture in PLA uniforms44.传谣spread rumors45.地震深度seismic depth46.共有产权住房homes with joint property right47.汽车分时租赁short-time vehicle rental48.家政服务员domestic worker49.金色十年golden decade50.共享运动仓shared gym51.电子温度计electronic thermometer52.告别赛farewell match53.互联网法院Court of the Internet54.混改方案mixed-ownership reform plan55.释放内需潜力unleash the potential of domestic demand 56.保镖服务bodyguard service57.日全食partial solar eclipse58.肉鸡broiler chicken59.集体建设用地collective owned land parcel60.居民租赁市场residential leasing market61.网络评论实名认证name registration for online commenting 62.创业城市start-up friendly city63.创业热度enthusiasm for entrepreneurship64.智力支持intellectual support65.撤军disarmament/ withdrawal66.武装对峙military stand-off67.金砖国家工商论坛BRICS business forum68.中华人民共和国国歌法China’s National Anthem Law69.巡视利剑Sharp Sword of Inspection70.廉洁执政clean governance71.质量认证quality certification72.综合补给舰comprehensive supply ship73.虚拟货币virtual currency74.无痛分娩pain-free delivery75.无证移民undocumented immigrants76.公司合作制项目public-private partnership project77.(版权)转授权sublicensing78.归属感a sense of belonging79.无边框显示屏edge-to-edge screen80.全面屏设计all-screen design81.党章Party constitution82.资源环境承载能力监测预警机制an alert mechanism to monitor regional environmental and resource capacity conditions 83.临界超载near overloading84.双一流高校建设方案a construction plan for “Double-First-class” university85.一流大校First-class university86.一流学科first-rate preponderant disciplines87.停工令order to stop construction work88.缩表reduce balance sheet89.融资成本financing cost90.婚骗marriage fraud91.静止轨道气象卫星geostationary orbiting weather satellite92.气象防灾减灾meteorologic disaster prevention and reduction 93.非首都功能non-capital function94.电子身份标识electronic identification95.隐私条款privacy policy96.超国民待遇supernational treatment97.价格优惠政策preferential price policy98.洗澡蟹式留学生bathing crab returnees99.中国造马桶盖made-in-China toilet seats100.深空门空间站Gateway station101.基层代表grassroots delegates102.动态价格调整medical treatment partnership103.脉冲星pulsars104.达摩院DAMO Academy105.自行车高速路bicycle expressway106.火流星fireball meteor107.行为经济学behavior economics108.数据造假falsified data109.差额选举competitive election110.等额选举single candidate election111.中央委员会候补委员alternate members of the CPC Central Committee112.纪念邮票commemorative stamps113.小型张邮票stamp sheetlet114.线上统一清算平台unified clearing platform for online payment115.超级杂交水稻super-hybrid rice116.双中子星并合引力波gravitational wave created by the collision of two neutron stars 117.现代化经济体系modernized economy118.中国特色强军之路a strong army as socialism with Chinese characteristics 119.商品房销售价格行为commercial properly sales120.虚构房屋销售信息fabricating information on housing sales121.隐私面单privacy waybill122.金拱门Golden Arches123.离婚冷静期cooling off period for divorcing couples124.智能轨道快运系统Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit125.国事访问+待遇state visit plus experience126.双11促销Double 11 promotion127.减免money-off128.价保price protection129.政治投机主义political opportunism130.留任stay in power131.性别差距gender gap132.元首外交head-of-state diplomacy133.一箭双星the Beidou-3 navigation satellites on single carrier rocket 134.差评negative online review135.虚假好评fake positive online review136.刷单brushing137.快运服务express delivery service138.虐童案child abuse case139.互联互通connectivity140.火球sizzling fireball141.天堂文件Paradise Papers142.离岸金融服务商offshore service provider143.东亚经济共同体East Asian Economic Community144.国家账本state balance sheet145.混合所有制改革SOE mixed ownership reform146.绿色包装eco-friendly packaging147.消费革命consumer revolution148.公共健身场所public exercise venue149.吉利钱lucky money150.淘汰赛失利playoff defeat151.非法律效力公投nonbinding referendum152.勤王清君侧take control of the country to “target criminals” around the president 153.154.数字人才库digital talent pool155.自主经营权和合法财产所有权保护protection of operational and property rights 156.居民产权保护resident's property protection157.158.国有股权划转state-owned equity transferring159.行为准则behavioral standards专项督查special inspection161.学前教育preschool education162.幸福产业happiness industries163.164.166.灵活就业flexible employment167.庭前会议资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除pretrial conference173.174.176.177.大饱眼福a feast for eyes179.180.182.内衣市场lingerie marketword可编辑。
china daily 国际新闻中英对照版

>University courses go online名校兴在线课程开放潮MIT's announcement in 2001 that it was going to put its entire course catalog online gave a jump-start to what has now become a global open educational resources movement, with the ultimate goal of sharing the world's knowledge, the New York Times reported. Harvard, Yale and Stanford all now offer substantial portions of their courses online. Anyone with an Internet connection can follow a $50,000-a-year course for free, and get the lecture notes and course assignments.据《纽约时报》报道,2001年,美国麻省理工学院开始在网络上公布全部课程目录,由此,以"世界知识共享"为宗旨的全球开放式教育资源运动开始蔓延。
Did You Know?你知道吗?--A Chinese web portal has launched an open course channel and has the first batch of 1200 video clips of lectures up already, with more than 200 of them subtitled in Chinese. Most of the translation was done by volunteers.中国某门户网站已经推出"世界名校视频公开课"频道,首批1200集课程上线,其中有200多集配有中文字幕。
优质课件人教版高中(必修一) 语文 第4单元 第10课-短新闻两篇 (共58张PPT)

1、从写法看,现实的场景是文章的重要内容,是 文章的纲,每一则背景材料的引入都对应于一个现 实的场景,依靠一些关联词衔接在一起,历史与现 实自然过渡,浑然一体,前后鲜明对比,洋溢着中华 民族雪洗百年耻辱后的自豪情怀. 2、从主旨看,背景中有历史事件回顾,港督府的 修建,英国统治香港的天数,英国米字旗和港督 旗的升降等,都有准确的记载,虽然只写了一天 中发生的事件,但有很大的历史跨度,容量非常 大,使历史事件有了历史的纵深感,也使人在丰 富的知识中感受到深厚的历史内涵。
1 象征意义:用英国皇家游轮“不列颠尼亚” 代表英国在香港的统治。 2 讽刺意义:词语“别了”表明英国在香港的 统治结束。 3 强调作用:标题是倒装句式,将“别了”提 前。有突出和强调作用,引人注意。
这篇特写在报道新闻事实时,还适当的运用一 些背景材料。请找出来(在哪些段落里),体会它 们在文章中的作用。
• 快速浏览课文、整体感知课文,完成下列问 题,五分钟后指名同学回答. • 本文正文由哪几个部分组成? • 本文主体部分就是选取97香港回归,英国 撤退时的几个重要场景。找出这几个场景 和对应时间,并用最简洁的语言加以概括。
■本文正文由哪 几个部分组成:
2、主体 (2—10段)
• 1.掌握本文主体部分按时间顺序报道的特点. 2.掌握本文运用现场景物寓意抒情的写法, 学习本文选材上的特色,体会富有表ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้力的 语言.
• 学生轮流朗读课文,注意感情色彩,语速适中,掌握 字词. • Chè jīng zhǔ zài • 撤离 紫荆花 瞩目 接载 • zǎi • 载 :记载 载入史册 年 三年五载 • zài • 载:1 装载 2 盛放 3 负荷,承受 (水则载舟,水则覆舟 ) 4 乘坐,乘车 5 满,充满 (怨声载道) 6助词(汎汎杨 舟,载沈载浮.(诗经)载歌载舞 载欣载奔)

Top 10 richest individuals in China in 2019
No 1: Jack Ma and family
Wealth: 275 billion yuan
Hale Waihona Puke Company: Alibaba
Top 10 richest individuals in China in 2019
Top 10 richest individuals in China in 2019
No 8: Ding Lei(丁磊) Wealth: 125 billion yuan Company: Netease(网易)
Top 10 richest individuals in China in 2019
Wealth: 175 billion yuan
Company: Country Garden (碧桂园)
Top 10 richest individuals in China in 2019
No7: Huang Zheng(黄峥) Wealth: 135 billion yuan Company: Pinduoduo(拼多多)
No 2: Pony Ma
Wealth: 260 billion yuan
Company: Tencent
Top 10 richest individuals in China in 2019
No 3: Xu Jiayin Wealth: 210 billion yuan Company: Evergrande
Top 10 richest individuals in China in 2019
The Hurun Research Institute unveiled on Thursday, 2019, a ranking of the richest individuals in China. The wealth calculations are a snapshot of Aug 15.
高中语文人教版必修1课件: 第四单元第10课短新闻两篇 课件(系列二)

第 3 步用词语——送你一双慧眼 1.掩映· 掩盖 两者都有“遮掩”的意思。 “掩映”指彼此遮掩而又互相衬托。含有相互映照衬 托使景物更美之意,一般形容具体的景物。“掩盖”指隐藏,隐瞒,遮盖。 既可指具体事物,也可指抽象事物。
请将正确的词语填在横线上。 (1)在大革命时期,大开湾村是湘南暴动的中心地带之一;现如今,大开湾 村是________(掩映/掩盖)在五盖山下的一颗明珠。 (2)备受关注的“南京宝马撞碎马自达案”因嫌疑人被司法鉴定为作案时患 有“急性短暂性精神障碍” ,再度成为舆论焦点。检察官称,精神病鉴定易被假 象________(掩映/掩盖)。
【答案】 (1)lù
lǜ (2)chá nɡ chǎnɡ (3)qiǎ kǎ (4)yì nɡ yīnɡ
2.语境辨析法 (5)教务处 ( . (6)塞 ( .
)正在处 ( .
)理这个问题。 )。
)外并不闭塞 ( .
(5)chù chǔ (6)sà i sè
第 2 步写字形——奥妙无穷方块字 废xū( ) (1) )寒问暖 xū( ( ) 序mù 招mù ( ) ( ) 羡mù (3) ( ) 日mù 坟mù ( ) ( )然回首 mò fé n( (2) n( 贪lá piāo( piāo( o( pià (4) piāo( piǎo( biāo( )烧 ) )扬 )缈 )勇 )窃 )了一眼 )肥体壮
第10课 短新闻两篇
本课话题 朗读——课文中的名段 在英国军舰“漆咸”号及悬挂中国国旗和香港特别行政区区旗的香港水警 汽艇护卫下,将于 1997 年年底退役的“不列颠尼亚”号很快消失在南海的夜幕 中。 今天,在奥斯维辛,并没有可供报道的新闻。记者只有一种非写不可的使 命感,这种使命感来源于一种不安的心情:在访问这里之后,如果不说些什么 或写些什么就离开,那就对不起在这里遇难的人们。 ——忘记与铭记

Year-ender: Major company events in China
China Shipbuilding Corp was officially unveiled on Nov 26 in Beijing as the world's largest shipbuilder. [
Year-ender: Major company events in China
A staff worker checks pipeline equipment used in the transport of natural gas from Central Asia to Fuzhou, Fujian province, on Dec 12, 2016.
Year-ender: Major compahoto shows an exterior view of the Shanghai Costco store.
Year-ender: Major company events in China
Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei's consumer business group, unveils Huawei's own, widely anticipated operating system Harmony OS on Aug 9 at a Huawei research facility in Dongguan, Guangdong province.
A China Telecom worker shows the difference in download speeds of cellphones using 4G and 5G services (left) and the difference in upload speeds (right) at an outlet in Beijing.
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BEIJING COLORSGRAFFITI ARTISTS CONVEY THEIR ‘POSITIVE ENERGY’,P6ONLINE JOB HUNTINGMORE PEOPLE USE MICRO BLOGS TO FIND EMPLOYMENT, P7Bird watchingBEIJINGMIYUNCHINA DAILYWith its natural beauty, Miyun county is one of the best destina-tions for bird watchers in Beijing.DAILY RMB ¥1.5FRIDAY, April 5, 2013FENG YONGBIN / CHINA DAILYBird watchers are positioned to observe during a trip to Miyun, Beijing.UNFEATHERED FRIENDS FLOCK TOGETHERAs an icy nightfall wind whipped across Miyun reservoir, a White-naped Crane raised its wings with a lazy fl ap, almost like a yawn, before rising into the air. Five hundred meters away, 20 bird watchersshivered in the bushes as they attempted to capture the bird’s exotic dance through cameras and binoculars. More than 500 of the birds had alighted by the reser-voir, 90 kilometers northeast of Beijing’s urban area, pecking, preening and shaking their tail feathers.Th e cranes, on their annual odyssey that ends as far north as the tundra in southern Siberia, had already fl own 2,000 km from southeastern China. At Miyun, they found an oasis on the edge of the industrialized capital where they can gorge themselves on the abundant remains of a cornfi eld to gain weight, in anticipation of the thousands of kilometers still ahead of them.“Look! Th ey’re about to take off ,” shouted one birder, prompting his fellow enthusiasts to raise their binoculars as one.About 5,000 of these birds remain in the wild. Fu Jianping, director of the Beijing Birding W atching Society, or BBWS, founded in 2004, said she is happy that the suburban wetland has become a temporary habitat for the graceful cranes. Last year, she counted around 700 around the reservoir.To collate data about wetland birds in Beijing, Fu writes down the names, behavior and number of birds she spots on her weekly bird watching trips. On March 23, Fu and her group saw more than 50 types, including White Spoonbills, Hoopoes, and Chinese Grey Shrike. Th e information collected on these trips is fed into a database founded by the society which helps monitor changes in the environment.SEE “BIRDERS” PAGE 3A group of people fi nd the essence of life in watching but not disturbing the birds, Peng Yining reports in sportsReal Madrid secures its place in the Champions League semifi nals.Page 12ContactsNews: (86-10) 6491-8366Subscription: (86) 400 699 0203Advertisement: (86-10) 6491-8631E-mail: editor@iPhone app: /iphoneIn this issueNATION ..................................................2INTERNATIONAL..................................4PEOPLE............................................... 5TREND................................................. 8TRAVEL.............................................. 10SPORTS........................................ 11-12国内统一编号:CN11-0091 国际标准编号:ISSN0253-9543 邮发代号:1-3A member of the Asia News Network © 2013 China Daily All Rights Reserved V ol. 33 — No. 10269A TIME TO REMEMBERPHOTO BY ZOU HONG / CHINA DAILYA woman pays tribute to deceased relatives at Babaoshan Cemetery in Beijing on Th ursday, Tomb Sweeping Day. Also known as the Qingming (Pure Brightness) Festival, it is a time for Chinese people to commemorate the dead by tending the graves of their loved ones, leaving food and liquor at their burial sites and burning fake money as an off ering. See story on page 2DPRK ‘ready for nuclear strikes’Transparency promised in fi ght against virus14 cases confi rmed, fi ve die from new strain of bird fl uBy WANG QIANwangqian@China’s health authorities have promised transparency and pledged to mobilize resources nationwide to combat a new strain of deadly bird fl u that has killed fi ve people.By Thursday night, the country’s total number of confirmed bird flucases increased to 14 — four in Jiang-su, six in Shanghai, one in Anhui and three in Zhejiang. One of the latest victims was a 48-year-old man from Jiangsu province, who transported poultry for a living. He died of H7N9 bird fl u in Shanghai on Th ursday. On Wednesday afternoon, the National Health and Family Planning Commission briefed officials from the W orld Health Organization’s Chi-na offi ce on the latest developments in H7N9 infections, according to a statement posted on the commission’s website on Th ursday.“China will maintain open and transparent exchanges with the WHO and other countries and regions, step up monitoring and adopt proper measures,” it said.It also pledged to “deploy the entire nation’s health system to combat the virus”.Th e WHO said it was “following the event closely” and was in contact with Chinese authorities, according to Xinhua News Agency.Gregory Hartl, media offi cer for the WHO, said in Geneva on W ednesday (local time) that given the current evi-dence, the risk of an epidemic is low.The Chinese Center for DiseaseControl and Prevention said on Wednesday that no human-to-human transmission of H7N9 has been discovered and no epidemiolog-ical connection between these cases has been found. Th e health authorities have asked local branches to establish a daily reporting system in places where confi rmed cases are reported, while releasing a treatment and prevention guide on W ednesday, clarifying pos-sible clinical symptoms and the latent phase of the disease.SEE “VIRUS” PAGE 2US reinforces missile shield as defense chief says danger is realBy AGENCIES in SeoulTh e Democratic People’s Repub-lic of Korea said on Th ursday it had approved plans for nuclear strikes on targets in the United States.Washington, in response, has scrambled to reinforce its Pacific missile defenses, preparing to send ground-based interceptors to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagelsaid the DPRK’s increasingly bellicose threats combined with its military capabilities represented a “real and clear danger” to the US and to its allies the Republic of Korea and Japan. “W e take those threats seriously, we have to take those threats seriously.”Th e Pentagon said it would send ground-based THAAD missile-interceptor batteries to protect bases on Guam, home to 6,000 US military personnel, submarines and bomb-ers.Th ey would complement two Aegis anti-missile destroyers already dis-patched to the region.The DPRK military said it had received final approval for mili-tary action against the US, possibly involving nuclear weapons.“The moment of explosion is approaching fast,” the Korean Peo-ple’s Army general staff said, respond-ing to what it called the provocative US use of nuclear-capable B-52 and B-2 stealth bombers in ongoing war games with the ROK.The US aggression would be “smashed by ... cutting-edge smaller, lighter and diversifi ed nuclear strike means”, it said in a statement.While few of the DPRK’s threats have been matched with action, reports on Th ursday said it appeared to have moved a medium-range mis-sile capable of hitting targets in theROK and Japan to its east coast.Yonhap news agency quoted an ROK official as saying that Seoul was “closely monitoring” whether the DPRK moved it with a view to actual launch or just as a show of force against the US.ROK Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin said he did not know the reasons behind the missile movement, and that it “could be for testing or drills”.He dismissed reports in Japanese media that the missile could be a KN-08, which is believed to be a long-range missile that if operable could hit the US.SEE “TENSIONS” PAGE 424 / 3124 / 3026 / 3126 / 30 24 / 3325 / 34 28 / 3527 / 35 24 / 3823 / 3621 / 3921 / 37 8 / 18 9 / 18 21 / 26 22 / 25 22 / 2522 / 2920 / 23 18 / 2326 / 32 26 / 3224 / 32 24 / 31 13 / 17 8 / 1319 / 23 14 / 19- 7 / 10- 5 / 1412 / 18 10 / 20FRIDAY SATURDAY 6 / 13 2 / 141 / 123 / 13TRAVELER’S FORECASTChengduUrumqiBeijing XiningNew DelhiKathmandu Thimphu YangonSingaporeJakartaKuala Lumpur Bangkok VientianeUlaanbaatarShanghai Bandar Seri BegawanMacaoHong KongGuangzhouManilaHanoiTaipei Seoul PyongyangTokyo LhasaCHINAAMERICASAPRIL 5-6FRI - SAT LOW/HIGH TEMPERATURES, IN DEGREES CELSIUS,AND EXPECTED CONDITIONSC CloudyD Drizzle Du Dust F Fog O Overcast R Rain Sh Shower S Sunny Sn Snow St StormT ThunderstormsweatherASIA-PACIFIC-MIDDLE EASTEUROPEBuenosAires 18 / 21 C 13 / 22 C Chicago 4 / 15 C 4 / 17 S Caracas 23 / 30 C 24 / 30 C Houston 21 / 30 C 17 / 29 C Las Vegas 10 / 23 S 15 / 22 S Los Angeles 11 / 18 C 12 / 17 C Mexico City 12 / 26 C 12 / 26 C New York 7 / 17 S 6 / 15 S Ottawa 0 / 8 C - 2 / 9 S Rio De Janeiro 23 / 28 C 22 / 30 C San Francisco 7 / 13 C 8 / 13 C Sao Paulo 19 / 28 C 20 / 29 C Vancouver 4 / 8 O 1 / 8 C Washington 8 / 20C 6 / 16 C Athens 10 / 20D 14 / 21 C Berlin 5 / 12 O 2 / 11 O Brussels 4 / 10 O 4 / 11 O Geneva 8 / 16 O 7 / 18 Sh Istanbul 8 / 17 C 12 / 18 Sh London 5 / 9 O 4 / 13 C Madrid 8 / 15 O 6 / 12 Sh Moscow - 3 / 3 Sn - 2 / 5 Sn Paris 4 / 16 C 5 / 15 C Rome 9 / 21 C 9 / 20 C Vienna9 / 18 C 10 / 14 CCHINAAFRICA2 / 143 / 8Cairo 14 / 31 C 15 / 33 C CapeTown 17 / 26 S 15 / 24 S Johannesburg 11 / 25 S 10 / 20 C Lagos 26 / 33 T 25 / 32 C Nairobi 16 / 25 C16 / 28 TAbu Dhabi 25 / 37 D21 / 37 R Bangkok 28 / 35 T 27 / 35 C Colombo 24 / 32 C 25 / 32 C Dubai 26 / 35 C 26 / 33 C Hanoi 21 / 26 O 21 / 26 Sh Islamabad 16 / 34 S 17 / 31 C Jakarta 24 / 31 Sh 24 / 30 Sh Karachi 22 / 37 S 22 / 37 S Kuala Lumpur 24 / 33 T 25 / 34 O Manila 26 / 32 T 26 / 32 C Mumbai 22 / 32 C 21 / 31 S New Delhi 21 / 39 C 21 / 37 S Pyongyang - 1 / 10 C 2 / 7 C Riyadh 21 / 34 C 22 / 33 C Seoul 2 / 14 C 3 / 8 S Singapore 26 / 31 C 26 / 30 C Sydney 19 / 23 C 20 / 25 C Teheran 12 / 22 O 14 / 23 C Tokyo 8 / 18 S 9 / 18 S Wellington 14 / 17 C 13 / 17 C Yangon 24 / 38C23 / 36 CBeijing 6 / 13 O 2 / 14 S Changchun - 2 / 2 Sn - 4 / 3 C Changsha 14 / 17 R 9 / 18 D Chongqing 13 / 18 Sh 12 / 21 O Dalian 3 / 9 R 1 / 6 D Fuzhou 14 / 21 R/St 12 / 19 R/St Guangzhou 19 / 23 R/St 14 / 19 Sh Guilin 18 / 23 R 11 / 17 C Guiyang 7 / 18 Sh 5 / 14 D Haikou 25 / 35 C 20 / 25 T Hangzhou 15 / 20 Sh 10 / 16 R Harbin - 2 / 3 R/Sn - 5 / 4 S Hefei 14 / 18 R 9 / 15 D Hohhot - 1 / 7 C - 4 / 8 S Hongkong 20 / 23 Sh 18 / 23 R Jinan 8 / 17 D 4 / 11 O Kunming 13 / 23 C 8 / 16 D Lanzhou 2 / 13 C 0 / 18 S Lhasa 1 / 13 R/Sn 0 / 14 R/Sn Lijiang 8 / 16 Sh 3 / 15 C Macao 21 / 24 Sh 16 / 21 R Nanchang 16 / 20 R 10 / 16 R Nanjing 13 / 18 T 8 / 15 R Nanning 23 / 32 T 16 / 25 T Qingdao 7 / 12 D 2 / 8 R Sanya 26 / 31 C 23 / 28 ShShanghai 13 / 17 R8 / 13 R Shenyang 2 / 4 Sn 0 / 4 Sn Shenzhen 18 / 22 R 15 / 23 R/St Shijiazhuang 8 / 15 C 4 / 14 C Suzhou 13 / 18 R 8 / 14 D Taipei 21 / 26 R 22 / 25 R/St Taiyuan 6 / 12 S - 2 / 14 S Tianjin 4 / 11 D 2 / 13 S Urumqi 1 / 12 S 3 / 13 S Wuhan 13 / 15 D 9 / 17 C Xiamen 16 / 22 R/St 15 / 22 R/St Xi’an 9 / 15 C 6 / 18 S Xining - 4 / 6 C - 7 / 12 C Yantai 5 / 13 D 1 / 5 R Yinchuan 2 / 10 S - 3 / 14 S Zhengzhou 9 / 16 D 7 / 14 C Zhuhai 19 / 21R/St 16 / 20 R2 holiday nationC H I N AD A I L Ybriefl yF R I D A Y, A P R I L 5, 2013203 students hospitalizedA total of 203 primary school students in Ziyang, Sichuan province, have been hospitalized with fever, vomiting and diar-rhea, local government offi cials said on Th ursday. Fift y of them are being treated at Yingjie township hospital, while 153 others have been transferred to three hospitals in Y anjiang district of Ziyang. Th ey were initially diagnosed with acute gastroenteritis, and all of them are in a stable condition, accord-ing to doctors.Australian PM to visit ChinaAustralian Prime Min-ister Julia Gillard said on Th ursday that the country can ’t take its trading rela-tionship with China for granted as she prepared to lead a senior government delegation to Australia’s biggest export market. Gillard said she would lead “the most senior Australian political delega-tion ever to visit China” on Friday only weeks aft er President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang took offi ce. “Th e timing of this visit is deliberate and refl ects the importance of our rapidly evolving relationship with China,” Gillard said in Sydney.March CPI to see milder riseAnalysts forecast that China’s consumer price index, a gauge of infl a-tion, will grow mildly in March, as food prices have continued to fall since February. China’s CPI rose 3.2 percent year-on-year in February, the highest level in 10 months. Due to rising vegetable sup-plies, overall food prices in March may decline sharply compared with February, and demand for non-food prod-ucts will also fall, said Tang Jianwei, a macro-economic analyst with the center for fi nancial research of the Bank of Communications. Tang forecast that March CPI will rise about 2.5 per-cent year-on-year.Offi cer arrested in rape caseA police offi cer has been arrested for allegedly raping a 13-year-old girl in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, according to local pros-ecutors. Th e offi cer sur-named Lyu was arrested along with two “go-betweens” for raping the student. Lyu had been the head of the police station in Dongshan township, Quanzhou county.XINHUA — AGENCIESBy WU YONGin Vladivostok, Russiawuyong@China will set up two more national reserves for Siberian tigers in Jilin and Heilongji-ang provinces to protect the endangered species, said an official from the Feline Research Center of the State Forestry Administration on Th ursday.Th e two reserves will be in W angqing in Jilin, and Laoy-eling in Heilongjiang, said Jiang Guangshun, deputy head of the center.Sib erian tigers mainly inhabit northeastern China, Russia’s Far East region, and the Korean Peninsula. Cur-rently, the number of wild Siberian tigers in the world is estimated at around 500.China established its first national reserve for Siberian tigers in 2001 in Hunchun, Jilin province, which borders Russia and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.Jiang Jinsong, an official from Jilin provincial forestry department, said the prov-ince’s eff orts to protect the big cats had paid off . Th e num-ber of Siberian tigers living in northeastern China has risen to around 20, from just fi ve in the 1990s.Both of the officials were attending an annual meeting on the protection of wild Sibe-rian tigers being held in the Russian city of Vladivostok.Yuri Darman, director of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Amur Branch, praised China for its contribution to the protection of Siberian tigers. “We hope to deepen our cooperation in this fi eld,” he said.However, experts said the work to protect the big cats remains difficult due to a shortage of capital, technol-ogy and professionals at the grassroots level.Jiang Guangshun said he hoped that the central gov-ernment would establish an offi ce at the national level to supervise protection work across the country.Moreover, he said that Hei-longjiang will sign an agree-ment with Russia’s Primorsky Krai on wild Amur leopard protection this year. “Our cooperation will expand from protection of Siberian tigers to Amur leopards,” he said.Th e Amur leopard, living in northeastern China and Rus-sia’s Far East region, is a sub-species of the Panthera genus. Th e WWF said there are only around 50 in the wild, making it one of the most endangered species in the world.Liu Ce in Shenyang contrib-uted to the storyCall for stronger Sino-US dialogueBy XINHUAState Councilor Y ang Jiechi said on Th ursday that China and the United States should enhance dialogue and mutual trust, and work together to explore a new type of inter-power relationship.To that end, it is very important for the two sides to maintain high-level visits and contacts, Y ang said during a phone call to US Secretary of State John Kerry.Yang also noted that the China-US relationship is in a new era.Kerry said his country highly values its relations with China and hopes to strength-en dialogue with China.Kerry said that he is expect-ing to visit China soon.The two also exchanged views on issues such as the situ-ation on the Korean Peninsula.In Washington, Cui Tiankai, China’s new ambas-sador to the US, said there is growing mutual trust between the two countries, and China is committed to seeking a new type of inter-power relationship.Cui, who met Kerry earlier on W ednesday, told reporters that he does not agree with the so-called defi cit of trustbetween China and the US.Instead, he believed mutual trust is growing.“We have worked togeth-er on so many issues, and on some of these issues we will certainly have diff erent interests and have diff erent policies,” he said, “but still we have managed these issues quite well and the overall relationship is still develop-ing.“Maybe the level of con-fi dence is not as high as we would like to see, but it is cer-tainly growing,” he added.“Of course there would be diffi culties and problems we have to face. But I think both sides have displayed a deter-mination to work together, to solve these problems and difficulties, and to respond to any possible challenges,” Cui said.When asked about the esca-lating tensions on the Korean Peninsula, Cui reiterated that a diplomatic solution is “the only feasible and viable option on the table.“Th ere is no other alterna-tive. And between China and the United States, between China and other partners of the Six-Party Talks, we have to work together for a peaceful solution to the issue,” he said.FROM PAGE 1The latent phase is about seven days and the symp-toms include body tempera-ture above 38 C and general phenomena in colds, such as coughs and headaches, accord-ing to the guide.“So far, the sources of infection have not been clear, but based on past experiences and recent epi-demiological studies, the sources could be poultry or secretionsand excrement from poultry,” according to the guide.Feng Zijian, director of thehealth emergency center of the Chinese Center for Dis-ease Control and Prevention, reminded the public to take precautions against the virus in crowded places and not to have direct contact with poultry.Health authorities and hos-pitals in many Chinese prov-inces have been on high alert for H7N9 cases.In Beijing, doctors received the first b atch of 300 test reagents for the H7N9 avian fl u on Wednesday, and Ditan Hospital and Y ou’an Hospital have been designated to admit patients suspected of contract-ing the H7N9 virus.Th e center and 55 other lab-oratories in its network will be capable of testing for the virus upon any suspected cases of infection, Xinhua reported.Shanghai authorities has prohibited the sale of live poul-try and wildfowl and enhanced monitoring of major poultry markets.Xinhua contributed to the storyTwo more reservesfor Siberian tigersVirus: Source of infection still unknownMOURNING FOR LANDSLIDE VICTIMSPHOTO BY LI LIN / CHINA NEWS SERVICETibetans lay hada, white silk scarves symbolizing respect and blessings, on Th ursday near the site of a landslide which killed 83 people in Maizhokunggar, Tibet autonomous region, on March 29. Th e identities of all victims were released by the rescue headquarters on W ednesday.Tribute paid to Yellow Emperor amid fanfareBy YANG JIEyangjie@More than 10,000 Chinese from home and abroad gath-ered to pay respects to the com-mon ancestor of all Chinese people on Th ursday morning in Shaanxi province.Huangdi, or the Yellow Emperor, is believed to have unifi ed tribes along the Y ellow River Valley and founded the Chinese nation and culture 5,000 years ago, according to Chinese legend.Th e memorial service took place at the tomb of the Y el-low Emperor in Huangling county, and started with 34 drum strikes, one for each of the mainland’s 31 provinces, municipalities and autono-mous regions, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.Fifty-six dragon flags unfurled in the wind, rep-resenting China’s 56 ethnic groups.“All Chinese around the world, be it from the main-land, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, or abroad, share the common ancestor and the common dream,” said Lou Qinjian, governor of Shaanxi, in his eulogy. “Th e rejuvena-tion of the Chinese nation is on the horizon.”Th e ceremony lasted about 40 minutes and ended with a performance in which a 56-meter-long yellow dragon was raised toward the sky.The Chinese Dream of national renewal was initiated by President Xi Jinping two weeks aft er his election as Par-ty chief when he visited “Th e Road T oward Renewal” exhibi-tion in Beijing on Nov 29.Shannxi provincial govern-ment has b een organizing annual public memorial ser-vices since 1994 to remember the Y ellow Emperor on the tra-ditional T omb Sweeping pared to the previous ones, this year’s ceremony was shorter and there was an absence of traffic controls in response to the call from the Party Central Committee to improve offi cials’ work style.“Although there is more traf-fic on the road, the lifting of the traffic controls does real good to long-haul truck drivers who no longer have to get stuck on the road and wait for one or two hours,” said Liu Xiao-bin, a local journalist who has been covering the memorial ceremony for 16 years.Offi cial statistics show that more than 100,000 Chinese from around the world have attended the ceremonies over the past two decades to wor-ship the common ancestor of all Chinese people.“Although I felt belittled by the grand history of the Chi-nese nation, I’m still confi-dent in realizing the Chinese Dream,” said Wang Ping-chung, a 27-year-old Taiwan student who came to the cer-emony on a youth delegation led by T aiwan New Party Chair-man Y ok Mu-ming.Wang, a graduate stu-dent majoring in diplomacy and international relations at National Chengchi University in Taipei, has been to the main-land on many occasions, but mostly to big cities like Beijing and Shanghai.“I have a special feeling for the vast land in northern China and have always wanted to see it for myself.“I believe the Chinese Dream should include both the main-land and T aiwan,” said W ang. “I believe in a rejuvenated China in which people all live a well-off life, and there will be reuni-fi cation across the Straits.”Thousands gather to commemorate common ancestor of Chinese nationFROM PAGE 1“Birds are one of the prima-ry indicators of the health of the natural environment,” Fu said. “By watching and learn-ing about them, the watchers fi t into the larger conversation about environmental protec-tion and good stewardship.”As a recreational activity, bird watching really took off in Western countries during the mid-20th century. The activity was introduced to China two decades ago and, although more than 10,000 enthusiasts have participated, only around 1,000 describe themselves as serious enthu-siasts.By pollinating plants, dis-persing seeds, scavenging on carcasses and recycling nutri-ents, birds help to keep the eco-system balanced, according to Zhao Xinru, an ornithologist at Beijing Normal University.“When you see birds nest-ing in the woods or swimming in a pond, you know that the ecosystem is functioning well — if they’re around, they must have found food, but they’re also preyed upon,” Zhao said. “Bird watchers are the group most sensitive to the indica-tions given by the birds.”“This basic data is very important. Five or more years of recording can indicate the trend of environmental change over the long term,” Zhao explained. “However, profes-sional researchers rarely have the time or energy to collect every fact, so the survey is usu-ally conducted by well-trained amateur bird watchers.”To aid environmental pro-tection, birders need to equip themselves with scientif ic knowledge more than a pair of binoculars, Zhao said.“Sometimes a increase in the numbers of a certain bird doesn’t mean the envi-ronment is ‘getting better’. It could be quite the opposite; it could be that the environ-ment is getting worse and so the birds are losing their habi-tats and are gathering in the few places that are left,” she said. “Bird watchers can work alongside academics to read the numbers.”“You don’t have to be a biologist to be a bird watcher,” said Gary Deghi, a birding enthusiast and senior wildlife biologist at the environmental consultancy Huff man-Broad-way Group in the United States. When Deghi and his wife Shari joined one of theBBWS trips to Miyun reser-voir, they were thrilled to spot several birds they had never seen before.Ticking of f species, or observing a long-sought-aft er species certainly brings the watchers a huge amount of enjoyment, said Deghi, add-ing that birders can make a contribution to science by providing inf ormation to organizations such as eBird, an online project that enlists amateurs to gather data for scientifi c use.The eBird database was launched in 2002 by the Cor-nell Lab of Ornithology at Cornell University and the National Audubon Society, one of the oldest environmen-tal and avian conservancy organizations in the US. It provides real-time data about bird distribution and abun-dance.In addition to the database, US scientists also use com-mon species such as tree swallows to detect toxins. Th e birds eat insects that hatch in lakes or stream sediment; pol-lutants in those ecosystems then show up in the birds’ eggs and chicks. Meanwhile, similar research is conducted into air quality and levels of mercury in the oceans.Deghi said China is approaching the point the US reached 40 years ago where economic development and environmental protection must be pursued in tandem.Growth of the birdersIn 1996, Friends of Nature f ounded the f irst birding organization on the Chinese mainland. The organization has been researching avian diversity in Beijing for at least 16 years.Shenzhen Bird Watching Society, in Guangdong prov-ince, has published research into bird conservation annu-ally since it was founded in 2004.Chengdu Bird Watching Society, in Sichuan province, works with other environ-mental groups, including Th e World Wildlif e Fund, and Conservation International, to promote bird watching and environmental st year, China’s bird watchers helped promote stricter law enforcement and prevent the habitat of winter-ing birds from being turned into hunting grounds by illegal poaching and poisoning.During the National Bird-loving Week, started in 1992 and usually held in April, it has become traditional to include lectures and forums on envi-ronmental protection for bird lovers.Zhu Jiangling, 37, said when she began bird watching last year, she found a whole new dimension to the natu-ral world. “It was like, there’s this other thing in the world, which is completely unlike anything else, but so beauti-ful and amazing,” she said, referring to the experience of watching a willow warbler in a Beijing park.“I heard their trills and chir-ups and saw them perched on the tip of a branch,” she said. “Through my binoculars, I even saw their eyes and the details of their feathers. Such a piece of art.”For Zhu, birds are special creatures. They symbolize the ability to take off and go wherever they please without limits, breaking the bound-aries gravity imposes on earthbound creatures. Birds are the most liberated speciesbecause of their ability to fly, she said.“We watch the birds, but we don’t disturb them,” said Hou Xiaoru, deputy director of the BBWS. “Birding itself is an example of environmental protection.”Hou said those who appre-ciate the beauty of birds, or any wild animal, could never hurt them or the environ-ment in which they live:PHOTOS BY FENG YONGBIN / CHINA DAILY Bird watchers take every opportunity to get a glimpse of a rare bird on their bus.BIRDING: A POTTED HISTORYUnlike professional orni-thologists or biologists, who engage in the study of birds via formal scientifi c methods, most birdwatch-ers pursue the activity for recreational and social reasons.The term appeared for the fi rst time in 1901 as the title of the book Bird Watching by the British ornithologist Edmund Sel-ous.When cheap air-travel became feasible in the 1960s, the cost of fl ying to remote birding destina-tions became a possibil-ity for large numbers of people.The increased mobility of birdwatchers ensured that books such as Where to Watch Birds , published in 1967 by John Gooders, became best-sellers.In North America, the pastime was focused around the eastern sea-board during the early and mid-20th century.The organization and networking of enthusiasts was fostered through organizations such as the National Audubon Society, founded in the United States in 1905. It has contributed to the con-servation and restoration of ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife and their habitats, for the benefi t of humanity and biological diversity.T oday, bird watching is a popular hobby globally and focuses on connect-ing with nature whilerespecting birds and their natural habitat. The his-tory of the activity shows people have developed a greater interest in birds over time, but have also become more conscious of ensuring that they are not harmed, either by the hobby or research.SOURCE: NA TIONAL AUDUBONSOCIETY WEBSITEGROWTH IN CHINAChina is a great place for bird watching. The coun-try’s enormous geographi-cal diversity provides ideal habitats for large numbers of birds. And now an increasing number of birders are visiting the country as members of tour groups.The range of habitats is vast: T ropical rainforests in the southwestern province of Y unnan; the alpine-like valleys of the eastern Himalaya; endless grass-lands, deserts; and the val-leys of some of the world’s longest rivers.Although birding as a rec-reational activity developed in the W est in the 20th cen-tury, it wasn’t introduced to the Chinese mainland untilthe late 1990s.In 2002, China’s first bird-ing competition was heldat Dongting Lake in Hunan province.In 2004, Shenzhen Bird Watching Society became the fi rst birding organiza-tion to register on the Chi-nese mainland. Since then the number of organiza-tions has risen to around 40 nationwide.Zhao Xinru, an orni-thologist at Beijing Normal University, said bird watch-ing is developing rapidly in China, but as the country has only 10,000 seri-ous birders, the number of participants is small, compared with overseas. Zhao and several birders in Beijing have delivered weekly lectures on birding and environmental protec-tion at the university every Wednesday since 1996.— PENG YININGBirders: We watch ‘more than birds’White-naped Cranes are a rare species often sought after by an increasing number of bird watchers in China.PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILYShari Deghi (right), a birding enthusiast from the United States, prepares for her trip to Miyun.“Birds spread their wings and bridge the gap between our world and the natural world. Environmental pro-tection can sometimes appear abstract, but once you actu-ally start having an emotion-al connection with a part of nature, like birds, you know what needs to be done and what shouldn’t.”Contact the writer atpengyining@Fu Jianping, director of the Beijing Birding Watching Society, said the number of birds is a key indicator of environment.。

Top 10 countries for 'unicorn' startups
No 4: UK Number of unicorns: 13 The London skyline is seen from Victoria Tower at sunset.
Top 10 countries for 'unicorn' startups
No 8: Indonesia(印度尼西亚)Number of unicorns:4 A general view shows the business district in the capital of Jakarta(雅加达), Indonesia on May 2, 2019.
Top 10 countries for 'unicorn' startups
Hurun released the inaugural Hurun Global Unicorn List 2019 on Oct 21, ranking countries by how many "unicorn" companies they have. A unicorn refers to a start-up valued at more than $1 billion.
Top 10 countries for 'unicorn' startups
No 8: France Number of unicorns:4 The Eiffel Tower is pictured before fashion house Saint Laurent's show during Paris Fashion Week in Paris on Sept 25, 2018.

语言点二 短语荟萃
语言点三 句型解构
语法 讲座
课 时
识 记 . 掌 握
理 解 . 拓 展
应 用 . 落 实
识 记 . 掌 握
理 解 . 拓 展
应 用 . 落 实
知专 识题 必练 备习
检 测
What influence do the media have on us? What XXX the future of media be like? Please read the following passage to get the answer.
北师大版 英语 高一下册
Unit 11 The Media
Section I Warm-up & World News
Unit 11 The Media
Section I Warm-up & World News
新课导学 自主探究
Step Step Step
语言点一 单词集释
□9 delighted □10 celebrated
1. media n.
2. chat n.
3. quiz n.
4. affair n.
5. widespread adj. 6. poverty n.
Scan the text and then choose the best answers according to the text. 1.Which of the following statements about G8 is NOT true?

Top 10 Chinese firms in AI intellectual property
No 4 Xiaomi
Score: 90.8
Industry: Intelligent terminal platform technology
Customers check out Xiaomi's products at one of its outlet stores in Shanghai.
Top 10 Chinese firms in AI intellectual property
No 2 Tencent
Score: 99.7
Industry: Comprehen sive artificial intelligence
A visitor checks the smartwatch jointly developed by Qualcomm(美国高通公司) and Tencent's QQ at MWC(世 界移动通信大会) 2019, in Shanghai on June 26.
Top 10 Chinese firms in AI intellectual property
A visitor touches an automated hand at an exhibition during the second CIIE in Shanghai on Nov 6, 2019.
Top 10 Chinese firms in AI intellectual property
No 10 TAL (北京学而思 教育集团)
Score: 79.3
Industry: AI and education
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24 Solar Terms: 9 things about Winter Solstice
Offering nine-layer cakes to ancestors Taiwan residents keep the custom of offering nine-layer cakes to their ancestors. People with the same surname or family clan gather at their ancestral temples to worship their ancestors in order of their ages. After the sacrificial ceremony(祭奠), there is always a grand banquet.
24 Solar Terms: 9 things about Winter Solstice
Eating nuts When midwinter arrives, vital movement begins to decline and calm down. In this period, eating an appropriate amount of nuts, such as peanuts, walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts and almonds, is good for one's bodngs about Winter Solstice
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Winter Solstice (Chinese: 冬至), the 22nd solar term of the year, begins this year on Dec 22 and ends on Jan 5.
24 Solar Terms: 9 things about Winter Solstice
Eating rice cakes During the Winter Solstice, Hangzhou residents traditionally eat rice cakes. In the past, before the approach of the winter solstice, every household would make the cakes to worship their ancestors or use as gifts for relatives and friends.
24 Solar Terms: 9 things about Winter Solstice
The Winter Solstice Festival There was a saying in ancient China, "The Winter Solstice is as significant as the Spring Festival."
24 Solar Terms: 9 things about Winter Solstice
Eating mutton and vermicelli soup In Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, people call midwinter the "Ghost Festival". On that day, it is customary for people there to drink mutton and vermicelli soup and eat the dumplings in the soup.
24 Solar Terms: 9 things about Winter Solstice
Eating red-bean and glutinous rice In some regions south of the Yangtze River on the first day of Winter Solstice, the whole family gets together to have a meal made of red bean and glutinous rice to drive away ghosts and other evil things.
24 Solar Terms: 9 things about Winter Solstice
Eating wontons According to legend, during the midwinter feast 2,500 years ago, the King of Wu was disgusted with all kinds of costly foods and wanted to eat something different. Then, the beauty Xishi came into the kitchen to make "wontons" to honor the king's wish. He ate a lot and liked the food very much.
24 Solar Terms: 9 things about Winter Solstice
Eating tangyuan In places such as Shanghai, people eat tangyuan, a kind of stuffed small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice flour, to celebrate Winter Solstice.
24 Solar Terms: 9 things about Winter Solstice
Eating dumplings During Winter Solstice in North China, eating dumplings is essential to the festival. There is a saying that goes "Have dumplings on the first day of Winter Solstice and noodles on the first day of Summer Solstice."