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THIS is an awkward question, but here goes: Whyare Asian-Americans so successful in America?


It‟s no secret that Asian-Americans are disproportiona tely 不成比例的stars in American schools, and even

in American society as a whole. Census data 统计数据show that Americans of Asian heritage earn more than other groups, including whites. Asian-Americans also have higher educational attainment

than any other group.


I wrote a series of columns 专栏last year,

“When Whites Just Don‟t Get It,” about racial inequity, and one of the most common responses from angry w hites was along these lines: This stuff

about white privilege is nonsense, and if blacks lag, th e reason lies in the black community 社区

itself. Just look at Asian-Americans. Those Koreans an d Chinese make it in America because

they work hard. All people can succeed here if they ju st stop whining 抱怨(whine)and start working.


Let‟s confront the argument head-on直接

的. Does the success of Asian-Americans suggest that the age of discrimination 歧视is behind us?


A new scholarly book,

“The Asian American Achievement Paradox悖

论,” by Jennifer Lee and MinZhou, notes that Asian-A merican immigrants in recent decades have started wi th one

advantage: They are highly educated, more so even t han the average American. These

immigrants are disproportionately doctors, research sc ientists and other highly educated professionals.


(The Asian American Achievement Paradox)中,作者珍妮弗·李(Jennifer Lee)和周敏注意到,美国亚裔移民近几十年来开始获得一项优势:他们的教育水平很高,甚至比美国人的平均学历还高。这些移民成为医生、科研人员,或从事其他高学历专业岗位的比例格外地高。

It‟s not surprising that the children of Asian-American doctors would flourish 繁荣,表现出色的in the United States. But Lee and Zhou note that kids of working-cl ass Asian-Americans often also thrive,showing remark able upward mobility.


And let‟s just get one notion观

点out of the way: The difference does not seem to be driven by differences in intelligence.


Richard Nisbett, a professor of psychology 心理学专家who has written an excellent book about intelligence, cites 引用

a study that followed a pool of Chinese-American child ren and a pool of white

children into adulthood. The two groups started out wi th the same scores on I.Q. tests, but in

the end 55 percent of the Asian-Americans entered hi gh-status occupations, compared with

one-third of the whites. To succeed as a manager, whi tes needed an I.Q. of 100, while Chinese-Americans n eeded an I.Q. of only 93.
