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70年代三大件 自行车 手表 收音机
80年代三大件 90年代三大件 目前 洗衣机 冰箱 电视机
房屋装修 电脑 空调
汽车 住房 出国旅游
1.1.5 Categorizing
三卷本专著《社会科学与人文科学研究 中的主要趋势》将统计学作为一门独立 的社会科学看待。长期以来,我国一直 将统计学(即传统的社会经济统计学)划为 经济学的二级学科。
adequate or additional information is required. Gathering additional information, if it is needed. Summarize the information in a useful and informative manner. Analyze the available information. Draw conclusions and make inferences while assessing the risk of an incorrect conclusion.
Biblioteka Baidu
1.1.7 Abuses of Statistics
A reported average can be misleading Charts and graphs can be used to visually
mislead. Misleading with sampling methods: 2 out of 3 dentists surveyed indicated they would recommend Brand X toothpaste to their patients. Sometimes numbers themselves can be deceptive.

我国国家技术监督局于1992年11月1日公布的 《中华人民共和国国家标准学科分类与代码》文件 中,将统计学列为与经济学、哲学、法学并列的一 级学科,将其划入社会科学门类,并在其下设立十 四个二级学科:描述统计学、统计管理学、数理统 计学、统计心理学、经济统计学、科技统计学、社 会统计学、人口统计学、环境与生态统计学、国际 统计学、统计学其它学科等等。还将以上十四个二 级学科进一步划分为六十个三级学科,数理统计同 时又作为数学的一个二级学科。以上就是“大统计” 的基本构想。
1.1 What is statistics
1.1.1 The meaning of the term statistics Most people associate the term statistics with masses of numbers or, perhaps, with the tab1es and graphs that display them and with the averages and similar measures that summarize them.
The typical American earns $1235720
and pays $178364 in taxes in his or her lifetime
Graduates of the University of NDM of Business
Statistical data
School had a mean starting salary of $54000 and 94 percent were employed within three months of graduation. The USA drinks more coffee than any other country, an average of 1.75 cups per person per day. The GEC reported revenues of $111,630,000 in 1999, up from $100,469,000 in 1998. The 1999 year end closing price for a share of common stock was $154.75, up from $102.00 at the end of 1998.
3、 statistics is the art and science of collecting and understanding data.
Statistical data
The four largest companies, ranked by
General Motors Wal-Mart Stores Ford General Electric

2、Characteristics 第一、数量性。统计学以社会经济现象总体的数量 方面作为自己的研究对象,从而使得统计学有别 于其它以定性分析为主的社会科学,如经济学、 社会学、政治学、法学等等。 第二、具体性,又称客观性。指统计学研究的是具 体的社会经济现象的数量方面,而不是研究抽象 的数字。这点使统计学有别于数学。 第三、总体性,又称大量性。是指统计学只有通过 对大量事物进行研究,或对一个事物的变化作多 次观察研究才能得出关于现象总体的结论。 第四、社会性。是指统计的研究对象必然受到社会 制度、社会规范、社会心理等因素的制约。
An understanding of statistical methods
will help you make these decisions more effectively
Understanding of Data and Decision
Determine whether the existing information is
Data in Management
1. Financial statement 2. Security prices and volumes and
interest rates 3. Sales reports 4. Market survey results 5. Money supply figures 6.Production quality measures
o 制作人
Reference Book
Text book
1. 魏建国主编:《统计学》武汉理工大学出版社 2002.1
2. 张文彤主编:《SPASS11.0统计分析教程》(基础篇) 北京希望电子出版社 2002. 6
Examples of population
1.all of last years graduates of the
economic school 2.all currently employed workers in the United States 3.all of the consumers who bought a cellular phone last year 4.all currently registered voters in Ohio 5.all of the fires reported last month to Tulsa Oklahoma Fire Department.
inferential statistics
The methods used to determine
something about a population, based on a sample. Only 77 percent of high school seniors correctly totaled the cost of soup, a burger, fries, and a cola on a restaurant menu.
1.2 Basic Concepts in Statistics
1.2.1 Population and Elementary Units
A population is a set of existing
units (usually people, objects or events). The persons or objects possessing the characteristics that interest the statistician are referred to as elementary units.
1、 objects 统计学的研究对象是社会经济现象总体的 数量方面,包括数量多少、现象之间的数量 关系和质量互变的数量界限。统计学为人们 的统计实践活动提供科学的认识方法,因此 统计学是一门方法论性质的社会科学。
1.1.4 The objects and characteristics of Statistics
1.1.6 The relationship between statistics and other subjects
1. Statistics and Mathematics 2. Statistics and modern computing
SPSS—Statistical Product and Service Solution SAS—Statistical Analysis System
Three meanings of statistics
1、statistical work the work of collecting,
analyzing and forecasting social and economical data.
2、statistical data a collection of numerical information.
1.1.3 Types of Statistics
1、Descriptive statistics
a branch of the discipline that is concerned with developing and utilizing techniques for the effective presentation of numerical information.
2、Analytical statistics
a branch of the discipline that is concerned with developing and utilizing techniques for properly analyzing numerical information. Because analyzing data means drawing inferences from them. this branch of statistics is also referred to as inferential statistics.
Reference book
1. 钱伯海 黄良文主编《统计学》四川人民出版社1999. 8
2. 袁卫 庞皓 曾五一主编《统计学》高等教育出版社2002.9 3. Heinz Kohler:《Essentials of Statistics》 1998 Scott,Foresman and company 4. Edwin Mansfield:《Statistics for Business and Economics》 1991 by W.W.Norton & Company,Inc
1.1.2 Why Study Statistics?
There are at least three reasons for
studying statistics
1. Data is everywhere 2. Statistical techniques are used to make many decisions that affect our lives 3. No matter what your future line of work, you will make decisions that involves data.