



为⼤家整理的英国留学格拉斯哥⼤学电⼦电⽓⼯程硕⼠课程设置分析,供⼤家学习参考! 何为电⽓⼯程 电⽓⼯程(Electrical Engineering简称EE)是现代科技领域中的核⼼学科之⼀,更是当今⾼新技术领域中不可或缺的关键学科。








格拉斯哥⼤学电⼦电⽓⼯程专业硕⼠课程特⾊: 1:⼴泛的课程模块、装备精良的教学设施、理论知识和实践经验相结合的教学和不同学⽣的⽂化背景,都是选择这个专业的理由 2:2008年的RAE研究质量调查中,格拉斯哥⼤学的⼯程学院88%的研究活动被列为国际标准,其中55%为世界或国际优秀⽔平 3:学⽣毕业后在苏格兰、整个英国和世界范围内都很受欢迎 适合⼈群: 1.想要继续深造的电⼦电⽓⼯程毕业⽣ 2.其它⼯程专业但是想把专业换成电⼦电⽓⼯程的毕业⽣ 3.想要⼀个更好的电⼦电⽓⼯程硕⼠学历,使⾃⼰职业前景更好的申请者 课程设置(基本模块): Computer communications 1 计算机通信I Digital signal processing1 数字信号处理I Micro- and nano-technology 微型和纳⽶技术 Optical communications 光通信 Analogue and mixed signal design 模拟和混合信号设计 Microwave and millimetre wave circuit design 微波和毫⽶波电路设计 VLSI design and CAD VLSI设计与CAD Intelligent systems and control 智能系统与控制 Computer communications2 计算机通信II Digital signal processing2 数字信号处理II 课程设置(特⾊模块): 学⽣从以上课程⾥⾯选择六个模块必修,所有的课程模块都是独⽴分开的,这让学⽣选择时,可以完全根据⾃⼰的需要和兴趣来灵活选择。





今天,我就来给大家介绍一下英国G5大学的一些强势专业以及它们的申请要求~ G5大学是什么我先来跟不太了解英国大学的小伙伴们做一个小科普,英国的G5院校指的是英国的G5超级精英大学,也就是英国最好的五所大学,包括剑桥大学、牛津大学、帝国理工学院、伦敦大学学院和伦敦政治经济学院。




工程学A Level成绩要求:A*A*A笔试要求:ENGAA面试要求:有剑桥大学要求同学们提供的A Level选课必须包含数学和物理,而且也强烈推荐申请这个专业的同学要学一门A Level高数或者是其他的科学学科,比如像化学、生物、计算机科学等。







英国的EE硕士,都学些什么?申请好学校有什么要求?就业前景怎么样呢?专业介绍Electrical & Electronic Engineering ,电气与电子工程。



EE有以下11个细分方向:1、通信与网络(Communications & Network)通讯与网络是目前很热门的学科方向之一,主要包括无线网络与光网络,移动网络,量子与光通讯,信息理论,网络安全,网络协议与体系结构,交互式通讯,INTERNET 运行性能建模与分析,分布式高速缓存系统,开放式可编程网络,路由算法,多点传送协议,网络电话学,带宽高效调制与编码系统,网络中的差错控制理论及应用,多维信息与通讯理论,快速传送连接,服务质量评价,网络仿真工具,网络分析,神经网络;信息的特征提取、传送、存储及各种介质下的信息网络化问题,包括大气、空间、光钎、电缆等介质等。


2、计算机科学与工程(Computer engineering)计算机科学与工程涉及领域较宽广,包括计算机图形学,计算机视觉技术,口语系统,医学机器人,医学视觉,移动机器人学,应用人工智能,有生物灵感的机器人及其模型。




英国电气工程专业详细介绍2023一、英国电气工程专业介绍Electrical - Electronic Engineering〔EE专业〕。




重要的电子电气厂商,如ARM,Silicon Radio,Wolfson,Filtronic,MicroEmissive Displays 〔MED〕,NEW Events Ltd.,REED集团等都在英国起或者开设研发机构。

二、英国电气工程专业院校推荐1、南安普顿大学EE方向上的专业非常全面,除了电子电气工程工程以外,还单独设有Electrical Engineering和Electronic Engineering的工程。



2、帝国理工EE工程非常强调应用的,主张通过project work进展学习,学生在第一年就会以group project的形式建立对工程设计流程的理解。

ucl eee专业 igcse英语要求

ucl eee专业 igcse英语要求

ucl eee专业igcse英语要求篇1The University College London (UCL) Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) program is a highly competitive and prestigious program for students who are passionate about the field of engineering. For international students applying to the EEE program at UCL, the IGCSE English requirements are an important aspect of the application process.The IGCSE English requirements for the UCL EEE program are designed to ensure that students have the necessary language skills to succeed in a rigorous academic environment. In order to be considered for admission to the program, international students must meet certain English language proficiency standards.One of the primary IGCSE English requirements for the UCL EEE program is a minimum score on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. The IELTS exam is a standardized test that measures English language proficiency in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. For admission to the EEE program at UCL, students must achieve aminimum overall band score of 6.5 on the IELTS exam, with no individual section scoring below 6.0.In addition to the IELTS exam, international students applying to the UCL EEE program may also need to provide evidence of English language proficiency through other standardized tests such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the Pearson Test of English (PTE). These tests are also accepted by UCL as proof of English language proficiency and may be used to meet the IGCSE English requirements for admission to the EEE program.In addition to standardized test scores, international students may also be required to provide evidence of English language proficiency through their academic record. Students who have completed their secondary education in a school where the primary language of instruction is not English may be required to provide additional documentation to demonstrate their language skills. This could include submitting transcripts, letters of recommendation, or a personal statement in English.Overall, the IGCSE English requirements for the UCL EEE program are designed to ensure that students have the language skills necessary to succeed in a rigorous academic environment. By meeting these requirements, international students candemonstrate their readiness for the challenges of studying engineering at one of the top universities in the world.篇2UCL EEE专业IGCSE英语要求The University College London (UCL) is a prestigious institution known for its excellence in engineering, electronic and electrical engineering (EEE) being one of its most sought-after programs. For students looking to pursue a degree in EEE at UCL, meeting the English language proficiency requirements is essential.For students who have completed the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), there are specific English language requirements that must be met in order to be considered for admission to the EEE program at UCL.Firstly, students must have a minimum grade of C or above in IGCSE English Language. This is to ensure that students have a strong foundation in English language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Additionally, students may be required to take an English language proficiency test, such as the IELTS or TOEFL, to demonstrate their proficiency in English.In addition to meeting the minimum grade requirement in IGCSE English Language, students are also encouraged to take additional English language courses or exams to further improve their English language skills. This could include taking the Cambridge Advanced English (CAE) exam or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam.Overall, the English language requirements for the EEE program at UCL are designed to ensure that students have the language skills necessary to succeed in their studies and future careers. By meeting these requirements, students can demonstrate their proficiency in English and enhance their chances of being accepted into the EEE program at UCL.In conclusion, students who are interested in pursuing a degree in EEE at UCL should carefully review the English language requirements and take the necessary steps to meet them. By doing so, students can position themselves for success in their academic and professional careers.篇3The University College London (UCL) offers a wide range of undergraduate programs, including the Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) program. This program is aimed at studentswho are interested in a career in technology, innovation, and problem-solving in the field of electrical and electronic engineering. In order to be eligible for this program, students must meet the academic requirements set by UCL, including the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) English language requirements.The IGCSE English language requirements for the UCL EEE program are aimed at ensuring that students have a strong foundation in English language skills, which are essential for success in the program and in the engineering field. The specific requirements vary depending on the student's country of education, but generally, students must have achieved a minimum grade of C in IGCSE English (both first and second language) in order to be considered for admission to the program.Having a good command of English is crucial for students studying EEE at UCL, as the program involves a significant amount of reading, writing, and verbal communication in English. Students are expected to be able to understand and analyze technical documents, write reports, and participate in group discussions and presentations. Therefore, meeting the IGCSE English language requirements is essential for students to beable to fully engage with the curriculum and succeed in their studies.In addition to the IGCSE English language requirements, UCL also offers English language support for international students who may need extra help in developing their language skills. The UCL Centre for Languages & International Education (CLIE) provides a range of English language courses and support services to help students improve their English proficiency and succeed in their academic studies.Overall, the IGCSE English language requirements for the UCL EEE program are designed to ensure that students have the necessary language skills to excel in their studies and pursue a successful career in electrical and electronic engineering. By meeting these requirements and taking advantage of the support services available, students can enhance their English language abilities and make the most of their educational experience at UCL.。







一、英国电子电气专业介绍电子工程(英语:Electronics Engineering,EE),是利用电子活动和效应的科学知识来设计、开发以及测试设备、系统和装备的一门工程学科。















英国埃塞克斯大学优势专业英国埃塞克斯大学是一所非常知名的大学院校,那么英国埃塞克斯大学优势专业有哪些呢?下面就和一起来了解一下吧!一、计算机金融该专业由金融、经济及计算机科学方面经验丰富的资深学者、专家进行教学,教学数据由汇丰银行、万达母公司、Old Matual等公司提供,让学生直接在校园中接触金融领域的核心数据并进行研究。














那么伦敦国王学院作为众多留学生向往就读的名校之一,到底怎样才能就读这所世界名校呢?下面申友小编结合录取案例为童鞋们详细解读!一、学生背景学生姓名:吕同学本科学校:电子科技大学本科专业:电磁场与无线技术专业GPA:3.5+/4.0申请方向:电子工程录取学校:伦敦国王学院(2019QS世界大学排名第31名)二、伦敦国王学院1、简介伦敦国王学院(King's College London) ,简称King's或KCL,伦敦大学的创校学院,世界顶尖的综合研究型大学,享有极高美誉。





2、院系介绍(1)自然科学与数学学院(Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences)(2)工程科学学院(Faculty EngineeringSciences)(3)生命科学与医学学院(Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine)(5)佛罗伦萨南丁格尔护理与助产学院(Florence Nightingale Faculty of (2)Nursing and Midwifery)(6)心理学与神经科学学院(Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience)(7)牙医学院(Dental Institute)(8)法学院(The Dickson Poon School of Law)(9)社会科学学院(Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy)(10)国王商学院(King's Business School)(11)人文与艺术学院(Faculty of Arts and Humanities)3、申请要求不同专业要求不同,一般为国内211大学本科毕业,平均成绩85%=GPA3.5,相当于(英国二等一级学位)以上;尤其商科竞争相当激烈。








电子工程专业英文的翻译Electronic Engineering,先说说国内这个专业的牛校:清华,西安电子科技大学,华中科技大学,北京理工,等等。















良好的就业前景以及颇具吸引力的行业薪资,电子电气工程(Electronic and Electrical Engineering,简称EEE)一直都很热门,申请人数也在逐年上升。


英国大学EEE专业一般都是分两部分,一边是侧重于Electronic Engineering电气工程,研究半导体集成电路、嵌入式系统等。

另外一边侧重于Electrical Engineering电气工程,研究电力、电气自动化等。

电子电气工程专业排名前十大学下面是QS 2022年电子电气工程专业排名前十的英国大学:1.剑桥大学剑桥大学的本科工程专业(Engineering),是四年制的,在本科后两年提供多种方向可选,包括电子电气工程、信息计算机工程等。

专业:MEng Engineering(4年)A-level:AAA;IB:40-42分,High Level分数要7/7/6;2.牛津大学像牛津、剑桥这样的世界顶尖名校,其实已经无需多叙述,声誉、实力已经摆在那儿,申请牛剑的本科不仅成绩要很好,还有面试考核。

专业:MEng Engineering Science(4年)A-level:AAA,数学/高等数学/物理要A*;IB:40分,High Level需要达到7/7/6、数学/物理要7分;要求数学、物理学习背景;3.帝国理工学院作为世界工科名校,帝国理工EEE专业也有多种选择,除了3年制和4年制,还有与管理学结合的课程。






重要的电子电气厂商,如ARM、Silicon Radio、Wolfson、Filtronic、Micro Emissive Displays(MED)、NEW Events Ltd.、REED集团等都起源于英国或者在当地设立研发机构。

























英国电子电气工程专业详解及院校推荐 -

英国电子电气工程专业详解及院校推荐 -


1、电子电气工程是什么?电子工程(Electronics Engineering,缩写EE)表示的是一个广泛的工程领域,覆盖了很多子领域,包括仪器工程、通信工程、半导体电路设计,甚至计算机工程等等,它是利用电子活动和效应的科学知识来设计、开发以及测试设备、系统或装备的一门工程学科。







有的同学会问,电子电气工程与计算机有什么关联和区别?我们可以从下面几点进行一下区分:1. 计算机偏软件,除了特别几个领域(e.g. 机器人)会与硬件打交道以外,多数都只与软件(数学+编程)打交道了。


2. 计算机科学基本不怎么用到物理知识,但物理对于电子/电气的大部分分支还是很重要的。

3. 在数学知识上,计算机与电子电气又有不同侧重。

一般来说,计算机用到的是离散数学(discrete math),而电子电气用到的是连续数学(continuous math)。




学校名称:英国提赛德大学 University of Teesside
所在位置:英国,Centre for International Development University of Teesside Middlesbrough Tees Valley TS1 3BA, UK 学费:10750 英镑










Engineering and Physical Sciences Postgraduate brochurethe facts contents•Ranked 2nd in the UK for research quality in thissubject area in the latest Research Assessment Exercise•Pioneering teaching informed by the latest research•One of the largest schools of this discipline in the UK•Prestigious industrial partners, such as Rolls-Royceand National Grid, keep courses and researchcutting-edge• 4 million books in one of the UK’s best resourceduniversity libraries•University Careers Service voted the best in the UK•An exciting and diverse environment in one of thebest student cities in the world‘The University has superb industrial links, whichserve me well... I have no doubt that this will standme in good stead when I graduate.’Tom Feehally, PhD Electrical and Electronic Engineering The University2 Electrical and6Our tradition of success stretches back over 180 years.The birth of the computer, the splitting of the atom,the founding principles of modern economics – these and many more world-altering innovations have their roots at our University.Today, our research is internationally renowned across diverse disciplines and we actively assist our staff and students in turning many research and entrepreneurial ideas into commercial business ventures.The Russell Group represents the 20 leading UK universities that are committed to maintaining the very best research, an outstanding teaching and learning experience, and unrivalled links with business and the public sector.Our mission at Manchester – backed by an ongoing investment of more than £650 million in facilities,staff and buildings – is to become one of the world’s top 25 universities and the preferred destination for the best tutors, researchers and students.Research, discovery and innovationThe 2008 Research Assessment Exercise placed us third in the UK in terms of “research power” and assessed virtually all of our research as reachinginternational or national standards of excellence. We research in a wider range of areas than any other UK university, and are continuing to increase our number of first-rate professorships, improve our strong links to industry and public services, and invest in world-class facilities.Whether studying for a taught or researchpostgraduate degree, you’ll be directly involved with groundbreaking research, encouraged to adopt innovative approaches under the tutelage ofdistinguished international scholars, and to discover interdisciplinary ways of working that open up exciting new areas of discovery.Turning knowledge into enterpriseYour postgraduate work could contribute towards business and economic development outsideacademia. Manchester has an impressive track record of turning ideas into commercial reality, attracting world-class academics by providing a dynamic,first-class support system for them to participate and succeed in commercialisation projects. More than 100 ‘spin-out’ companies have been created in recent years based on our research.the universityPart of the distinguished Russell Group of universities, with a proud history of academic achievement and an ambitious agenda for the future, The University of Manchester offers you a learning experience rooted in a rich educational heritage and boosted by cutting-edge research and innovation – all at the heart of one of the world’s most vibrant cities.Career opportunitiesAs a Manchester graduate, you will be in goodcompany. No less than 23 Nobel Prize winners haveworked or studied here, and our alumni have animpressive track record of becoming leaders in theirfields: from philosopher Wittgenstein, to women'srights campaigner Christabel Pankhurst, and from SirTerry Leahy, Chief Executive of Tesco, to GeorgeRichards, President of Trinidad and Tobago.More than 4,000 recruiters each year from countriesaround the globe target our graduates. Consistentlyvoted the best in the UK by employers, our CareersService offers diverse practical, innovative services –many exclusively for postgraduates – to make youmore employable.Cosmopolitan campusOne of the UK’s largest and best-resourced academiclibraries, premier IT services and extensive studentsupport services are all on our campus, along withimpressive sports facilities, restaurants, bars, cafés anda shopping centre. Campus-based cultural attractionsinclude The Manchester Museum, Whitworth Art Galleryand Contact Theatre, while the University’s Jodrell BankObservatory lies further afield in Macclesfield.Europe’s largest Students’ Union provides excellentsupport services, hundreds of active student societiesand four live venues, including the famous Academy,attracting the best big name and upcoming bands.Join The University of Manchester…… and you will become part of one of Britain’s mostforward-thinking universities, which builds on itssuccess year on year – and invites you to do the same.electrical andelectronic engineering at manchesterThe School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at TheUniversity of Manchester is one of the largest and most successful schools of this discipline in the UK.Our student population exceeds 450 undergraduates and 350 postgraduates. Currently, we have58 members of academic staff working in specialist research clusters focusing on: control systems,electrical energy and power systems, microelectronics and nanostructures, microwave and communications engineering, power conversion and sensing, imaging and signal processing.Well-resourced, cutting-edge researchEach research area has excellent, well-equippedlaboratories, several of which have been established or refurbished by grants and donations, including some from industry. Our industrial partners include National Grid, Rolls-Royce, Syngenta, Agilent Technologies and Oxford Instruments, amongst many others.Our overriding research aim is to provide anenvironment where world-leading fundamental and applications-oriented research is conducted in the broad and fast-moving field of electrical and electronic engineering. Wherever appropriate,research is carried out by working in partnership with industry, national facilities and national and international university groups, or by pursuing commercial exploitation.We continue to recognise the changing priorities within our discipline, which are influenced by, and influence in turn, society, government (UK and EU)and commerce – and we remain responsive to them.Outstanding Research Assessment Exercise resultsThe RAE 2008 measured the quality of researchconducted in universities and other higher education institutions in the UK against international standards of excellence. Our School confirmed its position at the forefront of research in this subject area by being ranked second in the UK in terms of research quality,with over 70% of our research output assessed as internationally excellent or world leading, confirming our world class research reputation.The University of Manchester as a whole alsoperformed exceptionally well, rated third in the UK in terms of research power.Research highlightsWe have an extremely broad range of research activities with the School, and can therefore summarise here only a few of the recent majorresearch breakthroughs achieved by members of our academic and research staff:• State-of-the-art molecular beam epitaxial growth facilities are generating atom-scale precision III-V structures for ultra-high-speed devices • Provision of leading semiconductor device technology for the multinational Square Kilometre Arraytelescope project for 21st century cosmology research • Novel photonic technologies for THz and light emission and detection • Room temperature nanoelectronics based on broken symmetry geometry • Development of a new framework for assessing the security of a power system, ie its ability to avoid blackouts • Acoustek, a patented technique for the detection of leakage and blockage in long lengths of gas-filled pipelines, is now being commercialised by Pipeline Engineering Ltd()• Process control and condition monitoring work developed over the last ten years is currently being commercialised by the spin-out company Perceptive Engineering ()• Development of a novel form of rotary aircraft for military organisations and companies involved in nuclear decommissioning – which, when finished,will be able to roll along the ground and up walls,land and take off from uneven ground, and perch and observe from suitable urban structures • Establishment of the Syngenta University Innovation Centre to explore the use of sensors, information and communication technology in addressing the emerging challenges in food and water processes • Wireless sensor networks for applications in grain storage and nuclear decommissioning • First on-line measurements of moisture in fluidised beds by electrical capacitance tomography • Development of Signal Wizard, a uniquehardware and software system developed in the School, for designing, downloading and executing in real time almost any kind of digital filter or audio processing algorithm • Currently researching the impact that lightning protection systems for the new generation of super large wind turbines will make on radarperformance and how to mitigate its effectsKey research themesAs one of the largest schools of this discipline in the UK, we are home to a full range of activities within the spectrum of electrical and electronic engineering.The great breadth and depth of the research interests of our academic staff provide excellent opportunities for challenging and stimulating projects.We have recently added new major research themes in the subjects of Energy and E-Agri; areas that are critically important in the world today.It is predicted that the global demand for food and energy will increase by 50% by 2030 as thepopulation grows to 8.3 billion. Such overpopulation,together with the effects of climate change, will put further pressure on fragile infrastructures that provide energy, food and water for the mass population. In recognition of these global problems, the School has research themes centred on the provision ofsustainable technologies to support energy delivery and agricultural processes.Energy – Efficient energy delivery has been a major research theme of this School for over 50 years, but never has it been as important as it is today. Forexample, major cities in western countries suffer from blackouts due to decaying power supply infrastructure at a time when targets to reduce global warming create additional pressures on the implementation of renewables, clean technology and energy storage systems. This is a major themed area as the School is leading internationally in power systems and power conversion techniques.E-Agri – A new and exciting research theme for the School, E-Agri describes the application of electronic sensors and Information Communications Technology (ICT) to agricultural and food processes. Apart from climate change and overpopulation, thewesternisation of world diets is producing evengreater pressure on agriculture – approximately seven kilograms of grain is required to produce one kilogram of meat. Many of the benefits offertilisation, irrigation and seed selection have already been realised and a new impetus is required to deliver the necessary yield improvements. We believe that this impetus will come from sensor and ICT based control processes applied to agricultural processes.In addition to the above two key research themes, our School is also very actively engaged and internationally recognised for the work on the development of electronic systems for communications, sensing,medical and security applications.Collaboration with industryOur School offers excellent teaching and research facilities and has strong and growing links with industry. Thess have recently been amply demonstrated by the formation of:• The National Grid Power Systems Research Centre • The Oxford Instruments VG Semicon Molecular Beam Epitaxy Facility • The Centre for Electromagnetics, which includes the Millimetre Wave Laboratory that is sponsored by Agilent Technologies • The Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Electrical Systems for Extreme Environments • The Syngenta Sensors University Innovation CentreCareer opportunitiesOur graduates are highly sought after by employers,as indicated by independent surveys on employability,which consistently show our graduates to be the first choice of employers.Versatility, logical thinking, a wide experience in engineering as well as the development of analytical skills, provide openings into many careers.After graduation, many of our PhD students take up research positions in industry or move intomanagement positions in top engineering companies.Others take up postdoctoral research positions. Many of our higher degree graduates are now in senior industrial and academic positions throughout the world.Entry requirementsThis is normally an Upper Second class UK Honours degree, or international equivalent, in a relevant engineering or science discipline. Students will need an appropriate English language qualification, (typically IELTS 6.5 or equivalent); see our website for details. For more information, visit:/eee/postgraduate/taught Semester 1We currently offer six MSc courses:• Communication Engineering (CE)• Digital Image and Signal Processing (DISP)• Nanoelectronics (NANO)• Electrical Power System Engineering (EPSE)• Electrical Energy Conversion System (EECS)• Advanced Control and System Engineering (ACSE)Course structureAll six courses consist of 180 credits and share a common structure. Four taught course units are delivered in the first semester and three taught units in the second semester. Each taught unit is assessed by coursework or laboratory report, with written examinations at the end of semester one and two. During the second semester, students also produce a feasibility study, which then forms the basis of their dissertation project. The feasibility study unit will be assessed by means of a report.Students who pass the taught elements and feasibility study will progress to the project stage. A final dissertation is submitted in September.Each course lasts 12 months on a full-time basis, commencing in September. Some courses are offered on a part-time basis and can last up to five years.Semester 2SummerMSc in Communication Engineering (CE)The subjectThe explosive industrial and social evolution of today is largely owed to the rise and continued success of telecommunications, which have eliminated the barriers of delivering information in real time. Our Communication Engineering MSc course is one of the most successful and long-standingpostgraduate courses in the country. It has strong links with industries such as Agilent Technologies,Vodafone Group, the BBC and Her Majesty’s Government Communication Centre (HMGCC),amongst many others, through student awards and new and ongoing project collaborations.What you studyEvolving continually in line with the latestdevelopments and industrial practices, and making extensive use of the knowledge and expertise of our established Microwave and Communication Systems Group, this course explores up-to-date topics on telecommunications and microwave engineering. It covers comprehensive contents and in-depthmaterials, ranging from communication systems and network design levels, through to implementation using microwave circuits and systems. Starting with a wide range of basic fundamental materials, you progress through to advanced knowledge in existing cutting-edge technologies and recent research developments.Each student will also be allocated a uniquedissertation project in a specialised topic of research with industrial relevance.Progression and assessmentEach taught unit is assessed by coursework or lab report, with written examinations at the end of each semester. The feasibility study unit will be assessed by means of a written report.Students who pass the taught elements and feasibility study will progress to the project stage. A final dissertation will be submitted in September.Career opportunitiesThe course aims at developing critical skills andtraining high quality graduates in communication and microwave engineering, in preparation for fast-moving and highly demanding industries and world-class institutions globally.You will therefore be well equipped for a wide variety of communication and microwave engineering career opportunities in industry, research institutes, andconsultancies. A significant percentage of our graduates have also progressed to PhD research in our University,as well as in other prestigious universities worldwide.Course structureYou will complete seven taught course units, aproject feasibility study and a dissertation. The taught units and feasibility study unit are spread over the first two semesters.Each of the taught units is accompanied by arelated practical laboratory exercise. The course units may comprise of more than one component, and typically include:• Digital Communications • Information and Coding Theory • Antennas and Propagation • RF Analysis and Measurement• Probability Models for Communications • Adhoc Wireless Communication Networks• Wireless Communications • Mobile Networks • Microwave Circuits Design • Microwave Systems Design • Digital Signal ProcessingThe individual dissertation project will be allocated to you in your second semester, and will be supervised by an academic staff on a one-to-one basis. During semester two, you will undertake the project feasibility study, which mainly includes literature reviews, project assessment and planning. After the second semester examinations, you will fully embark on conducting your project from June to September.DurationFull-time 12 monthsFor further information, visit: /eee/ceMSc in Digital Image and Signal Processing (DISP)The subjectOver the last 15 years, there has been a paradigm shift respecting the transduction, representation and manipulation of information and signals in almost every conceivable arena.Analogue techniques have been supplanted by digital modalities. Although the introduction of digital systems may at first appear as an incremental advancement, the digital revolution is in fact fundamentally and qualitatively different from alltechnological revolutions that have gone before. With image and digital signal processing, it is possible to effectively re-write reality – because, just as the currency of the human brain is thought, so the currency of the digital domain is number.This has profound philosophical consequences, not only for science and technology, but also for wider society, the manner in which human beings conduct their everyday affairs and the relationships between individuals, organisations and communities.Young people considering the option of embarking on postgraduate study are deeply familiar with, and intuitively connected to, the digital world. Theyunderstand how to use it and to take advantage of its many manifestations. However, they rarely understand at a detailed level how it operates, what its limitations are, or indeed how digital systems can be employed in new circumstances, environments and applications.Course structureThe course has been structured in harmony with the wider research and teaching objectives of the School and, not least, with the desires of potential students.It is delivered via lectures, tutorials and laboratory classes. Every course unit represents 15 credits of effort, and includes a written paper. You will undertake compulsory core taught units and a substantial individual research project.The University’s e-learning system (Blackboard) is used for all course units as a repository for information,timetables, course material, discussion forums, and to upload coursework. The DISP MSc employs Blackboard for every unit, not just as a passive source ofinformation, but also to host self-teaching exercises. The course includes the following seven taught units:• Signals and Data Capture Engineering • Digital Image Processing• Digital Communication Engineering • Sensing and Transduction: Principles and Applications • Advanced Digital Signal Processing • Digital Image Engineering• Tomography Engineering and Applications Four taught units are delivered in the first semester,and three taught units in the second semester.What you studyThis course gives you a thorough, methodical and wide-ranging education in digital signal and image processing.It provides a rigorous mathematical and engineering framework for the discipline, and additionallyconsiders how the technologies are deployed, and the areas – both present and anticipated – that most benefit from its exploitation. The course is congruent with current global research themes in information acquisition, the digital representation of such information, its manipulation, processing andinterpretation. You’ll find such subjects to be modern,visionary, dynamic and entertaining.The entire course is delivered by staff solely from our School, which we find promotes a sense of ownership and commitment on the part of staff and students alike.Progression and assessmentEach taught unit is assessed by coursework orlaboratory report, with written examinations at the end of each semester. During the second semester, you also produce a feasibility study, which then forms the basis of your dissertation project. The feasibility study unit will be assessed by means of a report.Students who pass the taught elements and feasibility study will progress to the project stage. A final dissertation is submitted in September.Career opportunitiesDigital technology is rightly regarded as a key driver in relation to the technological and economicadvancement of a nation. Critically, education in digital imaging and signal processing will generate graduates who are eminently employable.You will therefore be well equipped for a wide variety of careers in digital systems design, imaging, signal processing and software design. A significant percentage of our graduates also progress to PhD research in our University, as well as to other prestigious universities worldwide.DurationFull-time 12 monthsTo find out more, visit:/eee/disp1918MSc in Nanoelectronics (NANO)The subjectFor more than 40 years, electronics has experienced growth at an unprecedented rate. Silicon-integrated circuit technology has been developed to the point where complex VLSI systems containing billions of transistors can be constructed on a sliver of silicon with an area of a few square centimetres. These phenomenal increases in capacity and performance have been reflected in Moore’s Law, which predicts that the number of transistors integrated onto a silicon chip doubles every 18 months.However, the shrinking of transistor dimensions cannot continue indefinitely – already the minimum feature size of devices is well below 45 nanometres (nm). This has led semiconductor manufacturers to refer to the technology entering the nanometre era, where device dimensions are measured in tens of nanometres. Based on current predictions, the scaling of traditional MOS transistors will reach a fundamental limit at around 22nm, beyond which it will be necessary to find new technologies that will form the basis for the electronic systems of the future. Research is already under way into a range of technologies that are potentialcandidates as successors to the silicon era, although none has yet emerged as a clear winner in the race.Course structureThe course consists of seven taught course units, a project feasibility study and a dissertation. The taught units and feasibility study unit are spread over the first two semesters. Each of the taught units isaccompanied by a related practical laboratory exercise. The course units comprise:• Fundamentals of Semiconductors • Inorganic Semiconductors • Semiconductor Device Physics • Organic Electronics• Organic Semiconductors • Processing and Devices• Nano-characterization and Materials Synthesis• Crystal Growth and Assessment • Nano-probes• Nano-processing technology• Inorganic Semiconductor Processing • Nano-Fabrication • Nano-Photonics• Optical processes in Inorganic Semiconductors • Nano-photonic devices • Nanoelectronic Devices• Nano-structures and nano-devices • Ultra High Speed Nanoelectronics Devices • Towards THz Nanotechnology • THz Electronics • THz PhotonicsThe individual dissertation project will be allocated to each student in the first semester. You will be supervised by an academic member of staff on a one-to-one basis. During semester two, you will undertake the project feasibility study, which mainly includes literature reviews, project assessment and planning. After the second semester examination, you will fully embark on conducting your project.In photonics, the field of the generation and control of light, III-V semiconductor devices currentlydominate. In recent years, scientists have learned how to engineer the interactions between nanoelectronic devices and light based on these semiconductors,opening the way for a variety of new applications,such as high efficiency white light sources and lasers operating at Terahertz (THz) frequencies.The recent progress in self-organised fabrication techniques for three-dimensional nanostructures on semiconductor surfaces has led to devices that have dimensions comparable to the De Broglie wavelength for electrons, and hence exhibit quantum behaviour. The exploitation of such “quantum dots” makes possible applications ranging from chirp-free, temperature-independent lasers, to devices for Quantum Computing,through to emitters of Quantum Entangled Photons.What you studyCollectively, all the above approaches come under the heading of Nanoelectronics, which forms the subject of this new MSc course.All of the taught course units are current areas of research for our Microelectronics and Nanostructures Group, a research group with a solid and long standing international reputation in the synthesis, characterisation and analysis, of advanced semiconductor materials.Progression and assessmentEach taught unit is assessed by coursework orlaboratory report, with written examinations at the end of semesters one and two. The feasibility study unit will be assessed by means of a report.Students who pass the taught elements and feasibility study will progress to the project stage. A final dissertation will be submitted in September.Career opportunitiesOur graduates are well equipped for a wide variety of semiconductor, electronic and nanotechnology engineering career opportunities in industry, research institutes, and consultancies, amongst others. We also expect a significant percentage of ourgraduates to progress to PhD research in our University,as well as at other prestigious universities worldwide.DurationFull-time 12 monthsFor further information, visit:/eee/nano2120MSc in Electrical Power Systems Engineering (EPSE)The subjectPower system engineering is about keeping things in balance. This extends not only to the balancebetween generation and load, or between production and consumption of reactive power, but also to the balance between the cost of energy and itsenvironmental impact, or the balance between the reliability of the supply and the investments needed to develop the system.What you studyThis course will teach you how to quantify both sides of these equations and then how to improve the balances through technological advances and the implementation of sophisticated computing techniques.In semester one, you learn how power systems are designed and operated. This involves studying not only the characteristics of the various components (generators, lines, cables, transformers, powerelectronics devices) but also how these components interact. Through lectures and computer-based exercises you become familiar with power flow and faultcalculations and you learn how the techniques used to study the behaviour of large systems. Experiments in our high voltage laboratory give you an appreciation for the challenges designing power system plant. During the summer, your MSc dissertation project gives you a chance to develop your research skills and to explore in depth one of the topics discussed during the course.Progression and assessmentEach taught unit is assessed by coursework orlaboratory report, with written examinations at the end of semesters one and two. The feasibility study unit will be assessed by means of a report and presentation. Students who pass the taught elements and feasibility study will progress to the project stage. Your final dissertation will be submitted in September.Career opportunitiesOver the last 30 years, hundreds of students from around the world have come to the University to obtain an MSc in Electrical Power Engineering or similar. After graduation, they went on to work for electric utilities, equipment manufacturers, specialised software houses, universities and consultancy companies throughout the world.Course structureThe course consists of seven taught course units, a project feasibility study and a dissertation. The taught units and feasibility study unit are spread over the first two semesters. Each of the taught units isaccompanied by a related practical laboratory exercise. The course units include:• Power System Modelling • Power System Analysis• Power System Plant, Asset Management, Condition Monitoring • Power System Operation and Economics• Smart Grids and Sustainable Electricity Systems • Power System Protection• Power System Dynamics and Quality of Supply The individual dissertation project will be allocated to each student in the second semester. You will be supervised by a member of academic staff on a one-to-one basis. You will also undertake a project feasibility study, which mainly includes literature reviews, project assessment and planning. After the second semester examination, you fully embark on conducting your project from June to September.DurationFull-time 12 months Part-timeup to five yearsFor further information, visit:/eee/epse。



英国大学ee专业排名英国大学ee专业排名英国在Electronic and Electrical Engineering电子电气工程方面,国际地位还是相当不错的,毕竟很多重要电子电气厂商都在英国起源或者开设研究机构,比如ARM,Filtronic,Wolfson,Silicon Radio,MED,REED,NEW Events Ltd.等,去英国大学读EE,可以和行业领域大牛近距离接触,对学生未来有深远影响。



英国大学Electronic and Electrical Engineering电子电气工程硕士专业一般都是分设的,大致分为侧重于弱电的Electronic Engineering电子工程,研究半导体集成电路、嵌入式系统等;侧重于强电的Electrical Engineering电气工程,研究电力、电气自动化等;以及发展迅速的通信工程,研究通信相关的内容。

老师们可以根据学生背景进行推荐,小编这里搜集了几所EE比较棒的英国大学▼①University of Southampton南安普顿大学Southampton南安普顿大学EE相关专业开设的比较多,从电子工程到无线通信都有,重点推荐MSc Electronic Engineering和MSc Energy andSustainability with Electrical Power Engineering专业。

MSc Electronic Engineering这个专业允许学生任意选修Southampton 南安普顿大学其他EE专业的课程,专业包括:微电子系统设计、嵌入式系统、微电子机械系统、纳米电子和纳米技术、光子技术和无线通信,学生选择一个或多个方面进行深入学习。



众所周知帝国理工的EEE的MSC分三个专业,IC Design, Control, Communication目前看来Control的牛人们都不上太傻,Communication的F神曾经许诺要写这么一个帖子,但是我一直没能等到,所以趁今天有空来说一些大家可能会关心的话题毫不讳言的,我相信每一个申请帝国理工MSC的同学无论身处何地背景如何,都有一个共同点,那就是有一颗牛逼的心。



大家应该坚定的keep it,achieve it。




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停车场里面随处可见真实版的rolls royce 级别的车。

(近看rolls royce给我的感觉非常震撼,体积异常的大,用我自己的话来说,有两个qq一样大)能在Impeirla读书的学生,应该说家里条件都是很不错的,但是这并不能保证每一个人都能在Imperial有体面地生活。









Electrical & Electronic Engineering(EE专业)是一门培养从事电气工程、电子技术、电力系统、自动控制、计算机、信号变换与处理等工作的宽口径、复合型高级工程技术及管理人才的专业。





伯明翰大学,始建于1900年,是英国极具影响力的老牌名校,英国名校联盟“罗素大学集团”和国际大学组织Universitas 21的创始成员之一。




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l 电力系统 ( 南方电网,国家电网 )
l 电力设计研究院
l 电子 , 电力设备类高新技术企业 (ABB,施耐德,西门子 )
l 高等院校
l 科研院所
四、新型就业方向 ( 在 EEE延伸方向就业 ) :
l 通信类高新技术企业 ( 思科,华为,中兴… .)
EEE→大家都叫 TripleE ,是一个理工科非常热门的专业。全称
是 Electrical&ElectronicEngineering
此专业的官方定义是:培养从事电气工程、电子技术、电力系统、 自动控制、计算机、信号变换与处理等工作的宽口径、复合型高级 工程技术及管理人才。
l 地铁,高铁相关企业 ( 信号与系统方向,控制方向 )
l 能源,环保相关企业 ( 新能源发电 )
另外,可以考虑转做商业咨询行业。商业咨询行业需要工科背景 的学生来从事电力 / 能源相关领域的投资分析,但一般要求在本专业 有一定年限的工作经验。
l 学术背景
EEE对本科学术背景有要求,最好是 EEE背景,但同时也接受相 关工科专业背景。但为了提升竞争力 ( 因为申请 EEE的大神实在太多 了) ,若是跨专业申请,最好能提供本科期间相关的研究经验。若是 本科期间发过论文,如 IEEE 期刊 ( 大牛级别 ) 等,就更是锦上添花了。
l 毕业学校和成绩要求
以 ImperialCollege 为例,要求本科毕业于 985 或宁波诺丁汉, 西交利物浦之类的中英联合办学的学校 / 项目,还要求平均分至少 85 分以上。若想要申请剑桥,还必须本科期间有学术研究的经验, 或者发过论文。另外,其他学校像曼彻斯特,谢菲尔德等大学并没 有对中国学生的毕业学校或成绩做出明确要求,具体具体后台留言, 申请大牛给你介绍 !
l 雅思成绩
各个学校要求不同,专业排名前 10 的学校基本要求总分 业特点
EEE的最大特点是专业涉及范围广,与周边学科交互性强,这就 决定了每个学校有其不同的研究侧重方向。不同学校 EEE专业所属 的院系不同,开设的专业也不同,研究方向百花齐放,从信号处理, 光电半导体,微机电到生物元件,智能系统,机器人,从电力系统 控制,能源转换,到电力能源可持续发展,应有尽有。
EEE的不同专业的本科基础课相似度 70%,主要包括电路基础理 论、电磁场理论、模拟电子技术,数字电子技术、电力电子技术、 自动控制理论、电机学、电力传动与控制、信号与系统、微机原理 及应用、电力系统工程等。但到了研究生阶段,专业细分明确,方 向千差万别。
这就要求学生在申请 master 之前要对自己未来的研究方向有一 个大致的定位,按照研究方向选择相应的学校。