英语国家 各种颜色独特的意义(文化)
1.介绍Brown 在英语中的特殊含义
2.Brown 在英语国家文化中的象征意义
3.分析Brown 作为姓氏、人名及地名的具体例子
4.总结Brown 在英语中的特殊含义及其影响
Brown 在英语中有着特殊的含义,它不仅仅是一个颜色,还在英语国家的文化中具有丰富的象征意义。
在这篇文章中,我们将详细探讨Brown 在英语中的特殊含义,并通过具体的例子进行分析。
首先,Brown 在英语中通常被用来形容一种中等深度的棕色。
在英语国家的文化中,Brown 有着许多象征意义。
例如,在文学作品中,Brown 往往与神秘、隐秘和未知联系在一起。
同时,Brown 也被用来形容泥土、大地等与自然相关的元素,因此它也象征着自然和稳定。
其次,Brown 作为姓氏、人名及地名在英语国家中非常常见。
作为姓氏,Brown 可以追溯到英国的中世纪时期,最初是用来描述一个人的头发或皮肤的颜色。
作为人名,Brown 在英语国家中非常普遍,如著名的英国歌手Amy Winehouse 的昵称就是"Amy Brown"。
作为地名,美国有很多地方以Brown 命名,如Brown University(布朗大学)和Brownsburg(布朗斯堡)等。
通过以上分析,我们可以得出结论:Brown 在英语中具有特殊的含义,它
In western, red is always stand for cruel, disaster, bloody. Example: “red hands ”(杀人的手) “be caught red—handed”(当场被捕) “red—headed ”(狂怒的) "red—light district"(红灯区)
“yellow” 是腐化堕落的代名词,如:
Yellow back
Golden-collar (金领)
He has a yellow streak in him. 他天性怯懦。 You are yellow! 你真是个懦夫! turn yellow 胆怯起来
黑色的西服;黑色领带; 黑色礼帽,黑色围巾; 黑色面纱;黑色眼镜借以表达对死者的悼念和尊敬。
Black hand (黑手党) 指在美国从事犯罪活动的一个意大利秘密组织。
Black Panther(黑豹党) (指美国的黑人政党)
E.g: red tape 指“官僚作风”
①paint the town red 尤指在公共场所“狂欢;痛饮作乐;花天酒地”以表示庆祝某事。
Put/ roll out the red carpet “铺开红色地毯热诚欢迎某人”
A red letter day 原用来表示圣徒的节日 现泛指一切值得高兴的日子
例如,White House 指白宫,美国政府;Whitehall 白厅,指英国政府;White-collar 指白领阶层,脑力工作者,表明在社会上有地位。
例如:white war指没有硝烟的战争,常指“经济竞争”。
White goods指大型家电用具,如冰箱,洗衣机之类,因其外壳常制成白色。
White money 银币;white coal (作动力来源的)水力;white sale 大减价;the white way灯光灿烂的商业区。
例如,snow white 白雪公主,童话中的白雪公主是纯洁和善良的象征。
White lie指的是善意的谎言;white man指洁白无暇,正直公正的人。
例如:show the white feather 表示胆怯,胆小,这源于西方的斗鸡比赛。
例如:in the green 指年富力强的时候;green old age 老当益壮;green memory 栩栩如生的记忆;green wound 新伤口。
《 田师范专科学校学报》( 和 汉文综合版)
J10 9第 2 u. 0 2 8卷第三期
总第 5 9期
在圣经里,黑色象征魔鬼、邪恶、痛苦与不幸。西方葬礼中通 常穿黑色丧服。因此英语中的黑色和汉语中的黑色含义相同,都含 贬义。如 b c ep l k he 害群之马,它源于英国古代的迷信,传说过去 a s 英国人认为黑色羊毛的羊羔是魔鬼的化身,因此牧羊人总觉得一只 黑羊挤在一群白羊中很不吉利。黑色的羊毛也值不了多少钱,被当 张婧 成无用 的东西 。这样 b c e l k he a s p就转义为 “ 无用之人 ,败家子 , 相当于汉语的 “ 害群之 马”; l k r a ba dy黑色星 期五.尤其是星 期 cF i ( 陕西教育学院外语系 陕西西安 70 1) 10 6 五又逢 1 3号那天,迷信者通常在这一天减少出门以免灾祸临头; b c t l k r不可思议的妖术, a a 在中古时期的欧洲, 被怀疑具有 b c t lkr a a L 捅 要J 词是语 颜色 言中的一 支, 映语言 个分 是反 文化的 镜子, 的人要被判处死刑:ab c tr a 一面 l klt y凶日 ( a c tr a 相对 a ee d 与 dlt y r ee d 不同语言的颜色词体现不同的文化含义。本文通过实例 ,探讨了英语颜色词的文 应 ) ak y 丢脸,坏名声,愤怒等 。 :a l e bc e 化含义及翻译时文化特色的处理方法,拓宽了这个领域的知识视野,提高了英语 古代中国黑色象征铁面无私,刚毅憨直 ,在戏剧脸谱中,往往 语言素养。 用黑色代表具有这种性格的人,如尉迟恭,包拯,李逵等。同样, [ 关键词] 色 ; 化 义 翻 颜 词文含:译 英语中黑色并非都含贬义,如 absns ntebak一个盈利 uiesi h lc 引言 的企业 ( absns nterd 与 uiesi h e 一个亏损的企业相对应 ) 。 大自然色彩斑斓,颜色词 (o rw r )的存在使得人类的语 cl od o s ( 四)黄色 (elw ylo) 言和文字更加生动。它可以在人类的大脑 中展现一个视觉触及不到 两方文化 中,黄色是背叛耶稣的犹太所穿衣服的颜色,所以常 但能真切感受到的五彩世界。社会的发展推动语言的发展,也赋予 有不好 的含义 ,象征胆怯,懦弱 ,卑鄙。如 H o eo ad eso l wt s it y l o t n 颜色词丰富的文化含义。汉语颜色词的文化含义我们很熟悉,红色 u d i t pa g 他太胆怯了不敢奋起抗争;H aa eo t kih n fh e s lwse m h y l ta n i 可以说是中国的国色,如中国红,红色象征吉祥如意,幸福美满, 他胆子小;Jc lw dg akia eo o 杰克是个卑鄙的家伙;Yl wl k s yl eo os l o 是最受中 国人欢迎的颜色; 白色代表不幸悲哀 ,是丧事中所用的颜 尖酸多疑的神情。除此之外,还有 ylw p s eo r s黄色报刊;yl w l e eo l 色 ;黑色象征邪恶,不光彩,不幸, 口 中常有 “ 语 黑心” 给某人 i m lm黄色办报作风;ylw ak 、“ o as u i e o bc 轰动一时的廉价小说。这些来 l 脸上抹黑”等语言,丧事中有些物品也是黑色 : 黄色代表权势威严, 源于美国纽约的 《 世界报》用黄色油墨印刷低级趣味的漫画以争取 是封建帝王专有的颜色,如 “ 黄袍” 黄马褂” 黄榜”等。这几 销路,人们便称这一类不健康 的刊物 为 “ 、“ 、“ 黄色刊物 ,‘ 纽约新闻》 个词是汉语中最典型,文化含义最强的颜色词。 以夸大渲染的手法报道色情、仇杀、犯罪等新闻,人们也称这一类 文化是不同国家特有的,文化含义也应是与众不同的。英语颜 的新闻为 “ 黄色新闻” 。现在流行的 “ 黄色”与性有关的观念,据说 色词的文化含义和汉语有何不同,本文通过对英语中常用颜色词文 就是中西文化交流融合的一种现象。 . 化含义的探究,探讨在其汉译中需要注意的问题。 ( 五)蓝色 (l ) b e u
各种颜色关于文化背景的象征和意义英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Colors play an important role in our lives. They can evoke different emotions, convey different meanings and even symbolize different cultural backgrounds. Let me tell you more about the symbolic meanings of various colors from different cultures around the world.First, let's talk about the color red. In many Asian countries, such as China, red is seen as a symbol of good luck, joy, and prosperity. It is often used in traditional celebrations and festivals to bring good fortune. In Western cultures, red is often associated with love, passion, and courage. It is also the color of Christmas and is used to symbolize warmth and comfort.Next, let's discuss the color blue. In many Western countries, blue is often associated with calmness, serenity, and trust. It is the color of the sky and the ocean, and is often used to represent stability and reliability. In some Middle Eastern cultures, however, blue can symbolize protection and ward off evil spirits.Then, there is the color green. In many cultures, green is associated with nature, growth, and harmony. It is often used to represent renewal and new beginnings. In Islamic culture, green is considered a holy color and is often used in religious ceremonies. In some Western cultures, green is also associated with luck and wealth.Moving on to the color yellow. In many Asian cultures, yellow is a symbol of happiness, positivity, and prosperity. It is often used in traditional ceremonies and celebrations. In Western cultures, yellow can symbolize energy, optimism, and creativity. It is also associated with sunshine and warmth.Lastly, let's talk about the color black. In many cultures, black is associated with death, mourning, and evil. It is often worn during funerals and is used to symbolize grief and loss. In some cultures, however, black can also represent strength, power, and mystery.In conclusion, colors have different meanings and symbolism in various cultures around the world. It is important to understand and respect these cultural differences when interpreting the meaning of colors. Colors can truly be a universal language that connects us all.篇2Red is a color that is often associated with luck and happiness in Chinese culture. It is the color of traditional Chinese wedding attire, as it is believed to bring good fortune to the bride and groom. Red envelopes are also given out during Lunar New Year filled with money to symbolize prosperity and blessings for the coming year.In Indian culture, red is also a significant color as it represents passion, love, and power. It is often worn by brides on their wedding day to symbolize their devotion and commitment to their new life. Red is also considered a color of protection and is used in many religious ceremonies and rituals.Blue is a color that is commonly associated with calmness and spirituality in many cultures. In Hinduism, blue is the color of Lord Krishna, representing love, compassion, and protection. In Christianity, blue is often used in religious art to symbolize the divine and heavenly realms.Green is a color that symbolizes growth, renewal, and harmony in many cultures. In Islam, green is considered a sacred color as it is said to represent paradise and eternal life. In Japan, green is associated with nature and serenity, and is often used intraditional tea ceremonies to promote relaxation and mindfulness.Yellow is a color that represents happiness, positivity, and wisdom in many cultures. In Chinese culture, yellow is the imperial color and is associated with the Emperor and royalty. In Egypt, yellow is the color of the sun god Ra, symbolizing power and energy. In many Western cultures, yellow is associated with warmth and optimism.In conclusion, colors play a significant role in expressing cultural beliefs and traditions. Each color carries its own unique symbolism and meaning, reflecting the diversity and richness of our world's cultural heritage. By understanding the significance of colors in different cultures, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and complexity of our shared human experience.篇3Red is my favorite color! It's not just because it's bright and bold, but because it means so much more in different cultures around the world. In Chinese culture, red represents good luck and happiness. That's why you see lots of red decorations during Chinese New Year and weddings. It's a color that brings joy and prosperity.On the other hand, in South Africa, red is associated with mourning and grief. It's a color worn during funerals and symbolizes sadness and loss. It's interesting to see how the same color can have such different meanings depending on where you are in the world.Blue, on the other hand, is often seen as a calming and peaceful color. In many Western cultures, it symbolizes loyalty and trust. That's why you often see blue used in corporate logos and uniforms. In Hindu culture, blue is associated with the god Krishna, who represents love, joy, and compassion.In Japan, white is a color of purity and cleanliness. It's often worn during important ceremonies like weddings and funerals. In some Native American cultures, white is associated with peace and spirituality. It's a color that represents harmony and connection to the earth.Yellow is a color that symbolizes happiness and energy in many cultures. In Egypt, yellow represents the sun god Ra, who was believed to give life and warmth to the world. In Mexico, yellow is associated with the marigold flower, which is used to honor the dead during the Day of the Dead celebrations.Green is a color that represents growth and renewal. In Irish culture, green is associated with luck and prosperity. That's whyyou often see people wearing green on St. Patrick's Day. In Islamic culture, green is considered the color of paradise and is often used in mosque decorations.Colors have so much meaning and symbolism in different cultures around the world. It's fascinating to learn about the different ways colors are interpreted and used to express emotions and beliefs. Next time you see a color, think about what it means to you and how it might be interpreted in another culture.Colors are not just colors, they are a reflection of our beliefs, traditions, and values.篇4In our daily life, colors play an important role in expressing culture and conveying different meanings. Each color has its own significance and symbolism in different cultures around the world. Let's explore some common colors and their cultural backgrounds.Red is a vibrant and energetic color that is often associated with love, passion, and power. In many Western cultures, red is the color of romance and desire. For example, in Western weddings, the bride often wears a red dress to symbolize love and happiness. In Chinese culture, red is considered a lucky colorand is often used in traditional celebrations such as weddings and New Year festivities.Blue is often associated with calmness, serenity, and wisdom. In Western cultures, blue is often used to represent tranquility and peace. In many Eastern cultures, blue is associated with immortality and spirituality. For example, in Hinduism, the god Krishna is often depicted with blue skin, symbolizing his divine nature.Green is the color of nature, fertility, and growth. In many cultures, green is associated with renewal and rebirth. In Islamic culture, green is considered a sacred color and is often used to decorate mosques and other religious buildings. In Western cultures, green is often associated with luck and prosperity, as seen in the tradition of wearing green on St. Patrick's Day.Yellow is a color that is often associated with sunshine, happiness, and positivity. In many cultures, yellow is considered a symbol of energy and optimism. In many Asian cultures, yellow is a sacred color and is often used in religious ceremonies and rituals. In Egypt, yellow was the color of mourning, as it was associated with the sun god Ra.Black is a color that is often associated with mystery, power, and elegance. In many cultures, black is used to symbolizeauthority and sophistication. In Western cultures, black is often associated with mourning and sadness. In many African cultures, black is the color of the ancestors and is used in rituals to honor the deceased.White is the color of purity, innocence, and peace. In many cultures, white is associated with cleanliness and simplicity. In many Western cultures, white is the color of weddings, symbolizing purity and new beginnings. In many Eastern cultures, white is the color of mourning and is worn at funerals to honor the deceased.In conclusion, colors play a significant role in expressing cultural values and beliefs. Each color has its own unique symbolism and meaning, which varies across different cultures. By understanding the cultural significance of colors, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity and richness of world cultures.篇5Once upon a time, in a world full of colors, there were different cultures with their own unique symbols and meanings. Colors are not just different shades, they also carry the essence of a culture's history, beliefs, and traditions.Let's start with the color red. In many cultures, red symbolizes passion, energy, and love. In Chinese culture, red is a symbol of good luck and is often used in celebrations like weddings and the Lunar New Year. In Indian culture, red is associated with vitality and prosperity, and is often worn by brides on their wedding day. In Western culture, red is often associated with love and Valentine's Day.Next, let's talk about the color green. Green is often associated with nature, growth, and harmony. In Islamic culture, green is considered the color of paradise and is often used in mosques and religious decorations. In Irish culture, green is a symbol of luck and is often associated with St. Patrick's Day.Moving on to the color blue. Blue is often associated with tranquility, peace, and wisdom. In Greek culture, blue is associated with the sky and the sea, and is often seen as a symbol of freedom and creativity. In Hindu culture, blue is associated with the god Krishna, who is often depicted with blue skin.Finally, let's talk about the color yellow. Yellow is often associated with happiness, optimism, and enlightenment. In Chinese culture, yellow is considered the most beautiful and prestigious color, and was reserved for emperors. In Africanculture, yellow is often associated with the sun and is seen as a symbol of life and energy.In conclusion, colors are not just colors – they are symbols of culture, history, and beliefs. By understanding the meanings behind different colors in different cultures, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity and beauty of the world around us. So, let's embrace the colors of the world and celebrate the richness of human culture.篇6Red is a color that symbolizes passion, energy, and good luck in many cultures around the world. In Chinese culture, red is often associated with happiness and prosperity. For example, during the Chinese New Year, the color red is everywhere - on lanterns, decorations, and clothing. People believe that wearing red during this time can bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.In Indian culture, the color red is associated with purity, fertility, and love. It is often used in weddings and other special occasions to symbolize new beginnings and a fresh start. In Hinduism, red is also the color of the root chakra, which represents stability and grounding.On the other hand, blue is a color that is often associated with calmness, serenity, and spirituality. In many Western cultures, blue is often seen as a symbol of trust and reliability. This is why many businesses use blue in their logos and branding to build trust with their customers.In Japanese culture, blue is associated with tranquility and peace. The color blue can often be seen in traditional Japanese art and clothing, symbolizing the vastness of the sea and the sky. Blue is also the color of the matoi, a flag that was used by firefighters in Edo-period Japan to symbolize their bravery and dedication.Yellow is another color that has different meanings in different cultures. In many Western cultures, yellow is associated with happiness, optimism, and energy. It is often used in advertising to grab people's attention and create a feeling of cheerfulness.In many Asian cultures, however, yellow is often associated with power and royalty. In ancient China, only the emperor was allowed to wear yellow clothing, as it was seen as a symbol of his divine status. Yellow is also the color of the saffron robes worn by Buddhist monks, symbolizing their renunciation of material possessions.Overall, colors play a significant role in our daily lives and have different meanings and symbolisms in various cultures around the world. Understanding these cultural associations can help us appreciate the diversity and beauty of different traditions and societies.。
英语文化中颜色词的象征意义摘要: 在英语语言中表示各种不同颜色或色彩的词语很丰富.我们不仅要注意观察它们本身的基本意义,更要留心它们含义深广的象征意义.由于文化不同,颜色表达的意义也不同.在西方社会,颜色有其独特的象征意义.这是一种永久的文化现象.西方英语文化中颜色词的象征意义1. 红色西方英语文化中的红色(red)则是一个贬意相当强的词,是“火”、“血”的联想,它象征着残暴、流血,如a red battle血战;它又象征激进、暴力革命,如a red revolution 赤色革命;它也象征危险、紧张,如red alert空袭报警。
至于红色的褒义,如red-letter day喜庆的日子,the red carpet隆重的接待等。
2. 白色西方英语文化中的白色(white)象征意义主要着眼于其本身色彩,如新下的雪、新鲜牛奶及百合花的颜色。
它象征纯真无邪,如a white soul纯洁的心灵;它又象征正直、诚实,如white men高尚、有教养的人;它也象征幸运、吉利,如 white magic有天使相助的法术;它还有合法、无恶意的意思,如white market合法市场。
3. 黑色黑色(black)是西方英语文化中的基本禁忌色,体现了西方人精神上的摈弃和厌恶。
它象征死亡、凶兆、灾难,如black words不吉利的话;它象征邪恶、犯罪,如Black Man邪恶的恶魔;它也象征耻辱、不光彩,如a black mark污点;它还象征沮丧、愤怒,如black dog沮丧情绪。
4. 绿色西方文化中的绿色(green)象征意义跟青绿的草木颜色有很大的联系,是植物的生命色。
它不仅象征着青春、活力,如a green old age老当益壮;而且表示新鲜,如green recollection记忆犹新;但是它也表示幼稚、没有经验,如a green hand生手;它也象征妒忌,如a green eye 妒嫉的眼睛。
在英语国家的文化 中, 尽管 rd也有 “ 力充 沛, e 精 热烈 ,
喜庆” 的意思 , rdrs 如 e oe象征 热烈 的爱 情 ,e e e dy rd—ltr a t ( 喜庆 的日子) rlt dcre fr b 隆重地欢迎某人 ) , l l r apto .( o l e e s
因此有黄道吉 日, 黄花晚节的说法 。但现在中国人习惯用黄 色来代表 “ 低级趣 味 、 淫秽 、 色情 、 猥亵 ” 黄色小说 、 , 黄色 电
但西方文化中的黄( eo ) 常含贬 义 , yl w 却 l 背叛耶稣 的犹 大穿的衣服就是黄色 , r eo tn yl w是 “ u 突然胆怯起来” ylw ,e o l r udt l 是指“ aon e is hg 因病或害怕而脸 色发 白” ylw dg ,e o o 是 指“ 胆小鬼” 等等 。
在 中国古代文化 中, 黄色被认为是帝 王之色 , 赋予 了至
高无上的涵义 , 通常同尊贵与荣耀 联系在一起 , 具有崇高 、 尊 严和权力 的意义 , “ 如 黄袍 ” 是天子的龙袍 , 黄钺 ” “ 是天子的 仪仗 ,黄榜 ” “ 是天 子的诏书。黄 的还有 “ ” “ 的含义 , 好 、 利”
英汉颜 色词汇 的文化 内涵
( ) 色 一 红
dy ak i h es n ( asm re wt a i t e 幸福的 日子 ) d h wt o 等等。
( ) 三 黄色
中国自古就 以红为贵 , 体现了中国人在精神和物质上的 追求。红色象征着幸福、 喜庆 、 欢乐、 吉祥和兴旺发达。喜庆
的 日子要贴红对联、 红福字 , 挂红灯笼 , 把促成 他人美好婚姻 的人叫“ 红娘” 结婚时贴 红双 “ 、 ; 喜” 新娘子 要穿大 红嫁 衣 ; 生意兴 隆是 “ 红火 ” 事业 兴旺是 “ , 走红 运” 。红色 也象征着 革命 和进步 , 中共最初的政权 叫“ 红色政权 ” 最早 的武装 叫 , “ 红军” 。红色还 表示 胜 利、 成功 , 如人 的境 遇好 就 被称 为 “ 走红” 得到上司信任 的人叫 “ , 红人” 分 到利 润叫“ , 分红 ” , 还有“ 开门红” “ 、 满堂 红” 等等。红色还象 征漂亮 、 美丽 , 对 女子有“ 红颜” “ 、 红妆” “ 、红袖” 的称呼。 等
外国语学院08级英语(1)班马颖 200805010025比较中西文化中颜色词语的象征意义摘要:汉英语言中表示各种不同颜色或色彩的词语都很丰富。
不同颜色在中国文化中的意义英语作文 Colors have always played a pivotal role in Chinese culture, often carrying deep symbolic meanings and emotional resonances. Each hue is associated with specific values, traditions, and beliefs, reflecting the rich tapestry of Chinese history, philosophy, and aesthetics. Red, the color of fire and blood, is considered the most auspicious hue in Chinese culture. It represents joy, prosperity, and good fortune, often seen during weddings, festivals, and other celebrations. The red envelope, given during special occasions, symbolizes luck and generosity. Red is also the color of the dragon, a symbol of power and royalty in Chinese mythology.White, on the other hand, is seen as a color of purity and peace. It is often associated with death and mourning, as well as with the heavens and spirituality. White jade has been prized for centuries as a symbol of purity and elegance. In traditional Chinese medicine, white is believed to promote calmness and tranquility.Black, typically seen as a color of darkness and mystery in Western culture, holds a different significance in China. It is associated with the earth, stability, and authority. Black is often used in official uniforms and decorative arts, symbolizing dignity and formality.Green, a color of nature and growth, represents harmony and balance in Chinese culture. It is associated with agriculture and the spring season, symbolizing renewal and fertility. Green tea, a staple of Chinese culture, is associated with health and longevity.Yellow, the color of the emperor's robes in ancient China, is a symbol of imperial power and dignity. It is also associated with the earth and the center of the universe, representing stability and centrality. In modern times, yellow is often used to symbolize happiness and optimism.Blue, though less prominent in Chinese culture than other colors, still holds significant meanings. It is associated with the sky and water, symbolizing vastness, tranquility, and infinity. Blue and white porcelain, arenowned Chinese art form, embodies the harmony of heaven and earth.Purple, a regal color in many cultures, is also significant in Chinese culture. It is associated with luxury, wealth, and nobility. Purple is often seen in royal and imperial decorations, symbolizing grandeur and opulence. Orange, a blend of red and yellow, is seen as acheerful and warm color in Chinese culture. It represents joy, enthusiasm, and vitality. Orange is often used in festive decorations and clothing, adding a vibrant touch to celebrations.These colors, each with its unique meanings and resonances, form an integral part of Chinese culture. They are not just visual elements but also carriers of deep historical, philosophical, and emotional values. Understanding the significance of colors in Chinese culture is essential to apprehending the rich and complex tapestryof this ancient and vibrant civilization.**颜色在中国文化中的意义**颜色在中国文化中始终扮演着关键的角色,往往承载着深厚的象征意义和情感共鸣。
各种颜色关于文化背景的象征和意义英语作文Colors play a pivotal role in the cultural narratives and symbolic representations of various societies across the globe. They evoke emotions, convey messages, and hold profound meanings that often vary from one culture to another. Understanding the symbolism and significance of colors in different cultural backgrounds is crucial for effective communication and cross-cultural understanding. In Western cultures, the color red is often associated with passion, love, and anger. In the context ofValentine's Day, red roses symbolize romantic love, while in traffic signals, red indicates danger or stopping. In contrast, in Chinese culture, red is considered auspicious and is associated with happiness, prosperity, and good fortune. It is commonly used during weddings and other celebrations. Similarly, the color white in Westerncultures is often associated with purity, innocence, and peace. However, in some Asian cultures, white is considered a symbol of death and mourning.The color green, on the other hand, is associated with nature, health, and harmony in most cultures. In Islamic cultures, green is highly regarded and represents Paradise. In Western cultures, green is also associated with jealousy and envy, as seen in the phrase "green with envy." Blue, on the other hand, is often associated with tranquility, stability, and trust. In some cultures, it is also considered a symbol of wisdom and intelligence.Yellow, in Western cultures, is often associated with happiness and optimism. However, in some Asian cultures, yellow is considered a symbol of shame and dishonor. Interestingly, in ancient China, yellow was the exclusive color of the emperor, symbolizing divinity and supreme power.The color purple, on the other hand, is often associated with royalty, luxury, and magnificence. In ancient times, purple dyes were expensive and difficult to produce, making it a color associated with the wealthy and powerful. This association persists today, with purple often being seen as a symbol of authority and status.The symbolism and significance of colors are not static and can evolve over time. For instance, the color pink has traditionally been associated with femininity and romance. However, in recent years, it has also come to represent awareness and activism, particularly in the context of breast cancer awareness.Understanding the symbolism and significance of colorsin different cultural contexts is crucial for effective communication and cross-cultural understanding. By acknowledging the cultural variations in color associations, we can avoid misunderstandings and misinterpretations and foster a deeper understanding and respect for diverse cultural perspectives.**颜色在跨文化语境中的象征与意义**颜色在全球各地各种社会的文化叙述和象征性表征中起着至关重要的作用。
在英语词汇中,绿色(green)也与大自然紧密联系,象征着生机与活力,如green fingers(园艺才能),green house(暖房),live to a green old age(老当益壮),green power(强大的力量),green revolution (农业改革),keep a person’s memory green(使记忆不忘),in a green(血气方刚)。
如:a white lie善意的谎言white livered 怯懦的the white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡white elephant 昂贵而无用之物white man 善良的人,有教养的人white room 无菌室或绝尘室黑色black黑色(black)是一种保护色,在英语和汉语两种语言文化中的联想意义大致相同。
如:脸色铁青black in the face 怒目而视to look black at someone另外,黑色在英语和汉语中都有“阴险”“邪恶”的含义,但翻译时不一定出现“黑”或“black”的字眼。
如:Black sheep害群之马black day 凶日Black future暗谈的前途black tea红茶Black coffee不加糖或奶的咖啡black dog沮丧黄色yellow黄色(yellow)是暖色,是太阳的颜色,在英语和汉语中的引申含义差别比较大,在英语中,yellow可以表示“胆小、卑怯、卑鄙“等意思。
如:a yellow dog卑鄙的人a yellow liver胆小鬼He is too yellow to stand up and fight. 他太软弱,不敢起来斗争。
再如:Yellow Pages黄页(电话号码簿,用黄纸印刷)Yellow Book黄皮书(法国等国家的政府报告,用黄封面装帧)yellow boy(俗)金币蓝色blue蓝色(blue)象征着平静,在汉语中引申义较少,而在英语中blue是一个含义十分丰富的颜色词。
蓝色 Blue
蓝色(blue)在汉语中的引申意义较少,而在英语中blue是一个含义十分丰富的 颜色词。在翻译同这一颜色有关的表达时,我们应该注意其中的特别含义。 英语的blue常用来喻指人的“情绪低落”、“心情沮丧”、“忧愁苦闷”,如:` They felt rather blue after the failure in the football match. 球赛踢输了,他们感到有些沮丧。 ---- She looks blue today. What’s the matter with her? ---- She is in holiday blue. ---- 她今天显得闷闷不乐,出了什么事情? ---- 她得了假期忧郁症。 holiday blue 相当于winter holiday depression,指冬季假期时,人困在家里,感 到无聊寂寞时的心情或情绪。另一个同低落的情绪有关的词组是:a blue Monday(倒霉的星期一),指度过快乐的周末后,星期一又要上学或上班,所 以情绪不好。 blue在英语中有时用来指“黄色的”、“下流的”意思,如:blue talk 下流的言 论 blue video 黄色录象 有时blue又有社会地位高、出身名门的意义,如blue blood(贵族血统)。 此外,blue在英语中与其它词汇搭配,还有另外的含义,如:out of blue 意想不 到 once in a blue 千载难逢 drink till all’s blue 一醉方休
经济方面: red ink 赤字 in the black 盈利 white goods 白色货物,指冰箱、洗衣 机等外壳为白色的家电产品 brown goods 棕色货物,指电视、录音机、音响等 外壳为,我们无时 无刻不在与颜色打交道。英汉颜色词语的词义 有时对应,有时相佐。我们在翻译时应该仔细 推敲,谨慎处理。
如:如:He has a black future.他前途黯淡。
在英语中红色有时可以完全和汉语对应,如red flag(红旗)、red wine(红酒)、red.1etterdays(纪念日,喜庆的日子),在西方一般指圣诞节或其他节日,因为这些日子在日历上是用红色标明的,所以red.1etter的转义就是“可纪念的、喜庆的”O(普通的日子印的是黑色。
)又如to paint the town red表示“狂欢”、“痛饮”、“胡闹”,多指夜生活中的狂欢作乐,饮酒胡闹,不是“把全城染红”0 Wewill rolloutthe red carpet for the delegation.red carpet 在句中的意思是隆重的接待或欢迎。
如A redbattle happened in this village.red battle的意思是“血战”。
例如:The cruelty of this woman to the children makes herneighbors seered。
(气愤、发怒)When I mendoned it to her.she went red.(脸红,羞愧)The policeman caught the thief red—handed.(当场)We’ll soon be out ofthe red.(亏损)There is too much red—tape in obtaining an identity card.(繁琐、官僚习气)A red cap Can help you with your baggage in a hotel.(red cap在英国指宪兵,在美国指服务搬运工,这里指的是后者)He had the habit of drinking the red eye every day.(redeye指廉价烈性威士忌)Tom is ared hot.(red hot指感情强烈的人)The lawyer red—penciled the law suit.(red—pencil 指改正、修正)Many people prefer red meat to white meat.(red meat指牛羊肉)There are several red balls between Wuhan and Beijing.(red ball指特别快车)2.White白色白色在汉语中也有纯洁清白的意思,但如文章开头所说多和死亡、丧事相联系。
以下是英语和中国文化中一些常见颜色的特殊含义:红色 (Red):- 英语文化:红色通常象征着激情、爱情、勇气和力量。
- 中国文化:红色在中国象征着幸福、喜庆、热情和吉祥。
黄色 (Yellow):- 英语文化:黄色通常象征着快乐、活力和温暖。
- 中国文化:黄色在中国被视为最高贵的颜色之一,象征着皇室的尊贵和权力。
蓝色 (Blue):- 英语文化:蓝色通常象征着平静、信任和稳定。
- 中国文化:传统上,蓝色在中国不是一个重要的象征性颜色。
绿色 (Green):- 英语文化:绿色通常象征着自然、健康和幸运。
- 中国文化:绿色在中国象征着生命、和平和希望。
白色 (White):- 英语文化:白色通常象征着纯洁、清洁和简约。
- 中国文化:白色在中国有着复杂的象征意义。
黑色 (Black):- 英语文化:黑色通常象征着权威、神秘和正式。
- 中国文化:黑色在中国也与丧葬有关,但它还被视为吉祥和祥瑞的颜色。
英语中某些颜色词的含义及其象征意义作者:周雪梅来源:《教学与管理(理论版)》2006年第04期西方文化中颜色的象征意义往往比较直接,一般是用客观事物的具体颜色来象征某些抽象的文化含义,所以更易追溯其语义。以下是一些常用颜色词的用法说明。1.white(白色)。西方文化中的白色象征意义主要着眼于其本身色彩,如刚下的雪、新鲜牛奶及百合花的颜色。西方人认为白色高雅纯洁,是上帝、天使、幸福、欢乐和美德的象征,在西方文化中倍受崇尚。比如在圣经故事里,天使总是长着一对洁白的翅膀,头顶上悬浮着银白色的光环;新娘在婚礼上要穿白色的礼服,以表示纯洁。白色引申到人的情绪表达中,则是快乐、明亮、中性、寒冷之意,象征着人类性格与情绪中纯洁、诚实、单纯、懦弱的一面。如:Mary sometimes tells a white lie.玛利有时候撒善意的谎言。Mr. Smith is a white-handed farmer.史密斯先生是一位老实可靠的农民。词组如:a white witch(做善事的女巫),Days marked with a white stone(幸福的日子),show the white feather(显示懦弱),white-livered (懦弱无能的)等。2.green(绿色)。绿色位于光谱的中间,是平衡色。象征着和平、友善、希望与生机。这种象征意义无论在汉语中还是在英语中都是一致的。在西方文化中,绿色是植物的生命色。其象征意义跟青绿的草木颜色有很大联系。美国学者阿恩海姆说:“绿色唤起自然的爽快的想法。”其所表示的情绪是凉爽、愉快、从容不迫、控制,引申含义则指未成熟、幼稚的、易受骗的。看下列的例子:Do you see any green in my eye?你以为我幼稚可欺吗?He is very green at this job.他对这工作很生疏。a young man green from school.刚出学校的小伙子。在英语中,绿色还有另一意思,即脸色发青的、苍白的,也喻嫉妒、仇恨、安全、和平、有进取心等意义。如,green with envy(十分嫉妒),be scared green(吓得脸色发青),green-eyed(嫉妒的)等。3.black(黑色)。黑色是西方文化中的基本禁忌语,体现了西方人精神上的摈弃和厌恶。它象征死亡、凶兆、灾难,如Black Mass(安神弥撒),表示的情绪是悲哀、紧张、焦虑、恐惧、沮丧、忧郁、情绪低落、不高兴等。如:He gave me such a black look as I passed him.我经过他身边时,他狠狠地瞪了我一眼。They went into black for their father.他们深切地哀悼父亲。一些词组如:a black future(暗淡的前途),be in a black mood(情绪低落),be under the black dog(在沮丧中),black in the face(因发怒或用力而脸色发青)等,也是由black所表示的“情绪低落”的含义而形成的词义。black构成其他短语更有丰富的含义,如:black sheep(败家子),black tea(红茶),black coffee(不加奶或糖的浓咖啡),black book(记过本)。比如:George is the black sheep of the family.乔治是个败家子。If Mary doesn't study harder, she will get in her mother's black book.如果玛利不更努力点学习,就会失去妈妈的宠爱。black用在比喻上,则常常给人一种可怕的、甚至邪恶的感觉,如a black villain(恶棍),black flag(海盗旗,死刑旗)black mail(讹诈,勒索),black-heart (黑心肠,歹毒)等,这些词都表明black与坏的、邪恶的特征相联系。4.blue(蓝色的)。blue 在西方文化中的象征意义稍多一些。阿恩海姆在评析蓝色时说:“蓝色像水那样清凉”,是“阴性或消极的颜色”。它象征高贵、高远、深沉、严厉,如blue blood (名门望族)blue ribbon(最高荣誉的标志)blue nose(严守教规的卫道士);表示人的情绪时有脸色发灰的、沮丧的、忧郁的意思。如:Things are looking bluer than ever for them.对他们来说,情况越来越糟了。He was blue in the face with cold.他冻得脸色发紫。其他例子还有once in a blue moon (千载难逢),a blot out of the blue (晴天霹雳),Till all is blue.(直到酩酊大醉)等。Blue还有“下流的,淫猥”的意思,如blue film(色情电影),blue jokes(下流玩笑)等。不过要注意,blue book不是黄色书的意思,而是指蓝皮书,指英美等国政府就某一专题发表的封皮为蓝色的正式报告书或外交文书。5.yellow(黄色的)。黄色在中国传统文化中属五色之尊。是“帝王之色”,代表了“天德之美”,是为尊色。但在西方就未能享受如此礼遇了。西方文化中的黄色很容易使人联想到背叛耶稣的犹大所穿的衣服的颜色,所以黄色带来不好的象征意义,主要表示卑鄙、膽怯、令人讨厌、忧郁等含义。如yellow dog(卑鄙的人),yellow streak(胆怯),yellow-livered(胆小的),yellow-belly(胆小的、懦夫)。可能有人会说,黄色在汉语中也有用做贬义的,如“黄色书刊”、“扫黄”等,这当然没有问题,但这种用法是现代汉语受西方影响的结果。在中国传统文化中,今日所说的“黄色”的贬义用法一般称为“桃色”。在皇权统治的封建社会里,黄色作为皇帝的专用色,绝不可能与卑污、下流之类的意义相联系。在西方文化中,黄色也并不全是贬义的,它也是爱情的象征,有时也表示坚定、正义、光荣等。美国受人喜爱的著名的国家森林公园取名为Yellow-stone National park(黄石公园)。要注意,yellow book 不是黄色书的意思,而是“黄皮书”的意思,指法国等政府或议会发表的报告书。6.red(红色)。red是血与火的颜色,给人的感官刺激比较强烈。阿恩海姆在他的《色彩论》中说:“色彩能有力地表达情感……红色被认为是令人激动的,因为它能使我们想到火、血和革命的含义。”在西方文化中,红色多表示冲动的、深情的、愤怒的、挑战的、充满活力的、兴奋的等含义。如:When I see a man ill-treating a child,I see red.当我看到有人虐待孩子时,我就恼火。He is red with anger.他气得涨红了脸。词组如red rag(刺激牛发怒的红布,激怒人的事物),red-blooded(健壮的、有勇气的),redalert(红色警报、紧急报警),red ball(特快列车)等。red在英语中的用法亦褒亦贬。Red-hot(非常恼怒的),red-handed(正在犯罪的)等都是贬义用法。Red-hot miracle(意料之外的结果),red ribbon Bath(法国荣誉团勋章、勋章的红绶),red-cross(圣乔治十字架、红十字会)等都是褒义的用法。7.purple(紫色)。紫色用于人,表示人的情绪是压抑的、悲伤的,用于物,表示物的尊严与庄严雄伟,它所产生的象征意义是智慧、胜利、谦卑、财富、悲剧、华丽等。如:become purple with rage(气得脸色发紫),born to the purple(出生王室显贵)等。西方文化中的颜色象征得益于西方民族的开放性及科学、教育的普及程度,其象征意义少了些神秘,多了些理性,使其语义、词义理据更易追踪。但是,不同文化之间颜色词的象征意义,都是在一个民族的社会发展和历史沉淀中约定俗成的,它们能够使语言更生动、有趣、幽默、亲切,已经成了一种永久性的文化现象,因而要把握颜色词的象征意义,就要对这一民族的历史文化背景有所了解,或者结合这一背景去了解。(责任编辑李海燕)。
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汉语中有赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫,英语中有red(红)white(白) black (黑) green(绿) yellow(黄)blue(蓝) purple(紫) gray(灰) brown (棕)。
White1、white在英语文化中,white 表示幸福和纯洁,如新娘在婚礼上穿白色礼服,代表爱情的纯洁和婚姻的贞洁。
例:a white lie 善意的谎言 the white coffee 牛奶咖啡white man 善良的人,有教养的人 white-livered 怯懦的white elephant 昂贵又无用之物 white day 吉日white room 无菌室,绝尘室 white hands 廉正诚实white hope 被寄予厚望的人或事物2、英语中的 white 有时表达的含义,与汉语中的“白色”没有什么关系,如:a white lie 善意的谎言, the white coffee 牛奶咖啡,treat sb white 公正地对待某人 white coal 水力white goods 指的是体积大、单价高的家用电器用具white money 银币 white sale 大减价the white way 白光大街(指城里灯光灿烂的商业区)He is a white-haired boy of the general manager. (误译)他是总经理的一个早生白发的儿子。
而西方则多为白色,这句话中,white-haired boy 和fair-haired boy 是口语。
3、汉语中有些与“白”字搭配的词组,实际上与英语 white 所表示的颜色也没有什么联系,而是表达另外的含义,如:白开水 plain boiled water,白菜 Chinese cabbage,白字 wrongly written or mispronounced character,白搭 no use,白费事 all in vain,白面 flour。
英语中的Black Friday 指耶稣在复活节前受难的星期五,是悲哀的日子。
2、此外black在英语中还象征着气愤和恼怒,如:She gives me a black look. 她对我怒目而视。
如:黑心 evil mind,黑手 evil backstage manipulator,黑幕 in-side story,黑线 a sinister line,害群之马 black sheep,凶日 black day,暗淡的前途black future。
4.black 在习语中的应用:give sb a black eye 狠狠地教训某人;black and blue 青一块紫一块5、另外,英语中,黑色还可表示盈利,如:black figure / in the black:盈利、赚钱、顺差black figure nation 国际收支顺差国interest in the black 应收利息MORE: black in the face 脸色铁青 black dog 沮丧black tea 红茶black coffee 不加糖或奶的咖啡 black market price 黑市价格in the black公司盈利blacklist黑名单 black Monday 开学的第一天black money 黑钱(指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱)black market 黑市交易或黑市(意为暗中进行政府禁止买卖的商品或外汇的交易,或指进行违法的投机市场yellow1、黄色(yellow)是暖色,是太阳的颜色,与汉语中的引申含义差别较大,在犹豫中,黄色可以表示“胆小,卑怯,卑鄙”等意思,如:例如:He is too yellow to stand up and fight. 他太胆怯,不敢奋起战斗。
I dislike Tom for he is a yellow dog. 我讨厌汤姆,他是个卑鄙小人。
还有a yellow liver 胆小鬼2.英语中的黄色还用来作为事物的特定颜色,美国有些城市的出租车上标有“yellow”(而不是“taxi”)的字样代表出租车,因为那里的出租车为黄颜色。
如:Yellow Pages 黄页(电话号码簿,用黄纸印刷);Yellow Book 黄皮书(法国等国家的政府报告,用黄封面装帧);yellow boy(俗)金币3.汉语中黄色一词有时有低级趣味、下流猥亵的意思,如黄色电影、黄色书刊、黄色光碟等等。
然而,英语中另一个颜色词 blue 却常用来表示汉语中这类意思,如 blue jokes(下流的玩笑),blue films(黄色电影)等。
Blue1、蓝色象征着平静,在汉语中引申义较少,而十分丰富的在英语中blue是一个单词,常用来指人的“情绪低落”、“心情沮丧”、“忧愁苦闷”,如:a blue Monday 倒霉的星期一(指度过快乐的周末后,又要开始上班或上课)她跑啊跑啊,累得脸色发青精疲力竭。
2.blue 在英语中有时用来指“黄色的”、“下流的”意思,如:blue talk 下流的言论,blue jokes 下流的玩笑,blue films 黄色电影,blue video 黄色录象。
3.有时 blue 又有社会地位高、出身名门的意义,如:He is proud of his blue blood. 他因出身名门贵族而骄傲blue ribbon 一等奖、最高荣誉、最高称号4.此外,blue 在英语中与其它词汇搭配,还有另外的含义,如:out of the blue 意想不到,once in a blue moon 千载难逢,a bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳,into the blue 非常非常远。
drink till all’s blue 一醉方休eg Things are looking extremely blue.情况极其不妙。
True blue will never stain.真金不怕火炼。
She ran and ran until she was blue in the face.她跑啊跑啊,累得脸色发青精疲力竭。
5、英语中有很多由blue构成的词组,但汉译时已全无“蓝色”之意,如:青出于蓝 the pupil surpass the mastera bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳 into the blue 无影无踪Red(红色)1、无论是在英语国家还是在中国,红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关。
因为日历中,这些日子常用红色字体,如:red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”2、红色还指“负债”或“亏损”,因为人们总是用红笔登记负数,如:red figure 赤字 red ink 赤字in the red 亏损 red-ink entry 赤字分录red balance 赤字差额red cent 一分钱 red gold纯金red tip on stock market指股票市场的最新情报3、汉语中常用的带“红”字的词语,翻译成英语,可不一定用“red”,如:红糖 brown sugar 红茶 black tea红榜 honour roll 红豆 love pea红运 good luck red wine 红酒red ruin 火灾 red battle 血战red sky 彩霞引申意义,如:大怒 see red,负债 be in the red繁文缛节 red tape,当场发现某人正做坏事 catch sb. red-handed。
green(绿色)1、英语中的green常用来表示表示“嫉妒”,如:如:green with envy, green as jealousy 十分嫉妒green-eyed monster, green-eyed 嫉妒/眼红2.由于美元纸币是绿颜色的,所以 green 在美国也指代“钱财、钞票、有经济实力”等意义,如:In American political elections the candidates that win are usually the ones who have green power backing them.在美国政治竞选中获胜的候选人通常都是些有财团支持的人物。
、More:green back 美钞(因为美元背面为绿色)(用于口语)green power“金钱的力量”或“财团”green stamp 指美国救济补助票,因印成绿色而得名green sheet 政府预算明细比较表3、green还表示“新鲜”或没有经验、缺乏训练,如:a green hand 新手 a green apple 生苹果、未成熟的苹果green winter 暖冬 keep the memory green 记忆犹新Greygray,灰色有消极、保守、暗淡之意,如:gray prospects 暗淡的未来ray collar workers 这一新词,专指从事“第三产业”——服务行业的人员,与white collar workers 和blue collar workers 相映成趣。