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1.光有梦想是不够的,因为要实现梦想需要很大的决心和努力。(Unit 1,导语,12页)
Dreams alone are not enough, for it takes a lot of determination and hard workto make them come true.
2.那位著名的打碟师每周辅导我两次,时间长达两年。(Unit 1, Para. 3)The well-known DJ tutored me twice a week for two years.
3.如今我表演时,各种动作已变得流畅自如。(Unit 1, Para. 3)
Now when I’m performing, muscle memory takes over.
4.他们给我这个工作是因为我的技术不错,而不是动了恻隐之心,这就让我感到放心了。(Unit 1, Para. 4)
It was reassurance that they were giving me jobs because I was good, not outof sympathy.
5.我知道你已设定了目标。那为什么不制定一个计划呢?(Unit 1,课后题)I know you’ve set your goal. Why not make a plan?
6学校目前没有提供社区服务的学生社团。跟你的同学们一起来办一个,怎么样?(Unit 1,课后题)
The school doesn’t have a student society that provides community services.How about starting one with your classmates?
7.父母亲们,你们的儿女已经不再是孩子了。相反,他们渴望成长为大人。(Unit2, Para. 10)
Mom and Dad, your children are no longer children. Rather, they are eagerlytrying to be adults.
8.我学着靠自己来适应大学生活的酸甜苦辣。(Unit 2, Para. 12)
I learned to find my way through the perils and pleasures of university life.
9.这次,儿子正在恳求他的妈妈站着不要动,由他自己去办事台处理问题。(Unit2, Para. 15)
This time a son was pleading with his mother to stay put while he went to thecounter and dealt with the problem himself.
(Unit 2, Para. 16)
Toomanybaby-boomerparentsareoverlyconcernedwiththeirchildren’ssuccess. They just don’t want to let go.
11.当中国西南部发生地震时,我们对受灾的家庭满怀同情。(Unit 2,课后题)WhenanearthquakehappenedinsouthwesternChina,ourhearts/thoughtswent out to the families who were affected.
12.在追梦的过程中,你需要在乎的不是别人要你做什么,确切地说,是你自己真正想要做什么。(Unit 2,课后题)
What you need to care about in chasing your dream is not what others tell youto do, but rather what you truly want to do yourself.
13.这张照片最初刊登在一本纳粹杂志上,紧接着就出现在明信片和商店门面显著的位置上。(Unit 3,Para. 2)
The photo first appeared in a Nazi magazine and then was splashed acrosspostcards and storefronts.
(Unit3,Para. 7)
Butsoonafter,awomanwhohelpedcleantheapartmentarrivedtodeliversome surprising news.
15.家族故事常常有夸大其词之虞。(Unit 3,Para. 17)
Family stories are always prone to exaggeration.
16.最终这个犹太家庭逃出了欧洲,在古巴避难数年。(Unit 3,Para.
19)Eventually, the Jewish family fled Europe and found refuge in Cuba for years.
17.只要相信你自己,你就会赢得演讲比赛。(Unit 3,课后题)
Believeinyourself,andyou’llwinthespeechcontest./Ifyoubelieveinyourself, you’ll win the speech contest.
18.尽管他天资聪颖,终其一生却几乎没有什么成就。(Unit 3,课后题)As smart as/Smart as he was, he achieved little throughout his life.
19.李总理有许多紧迫的国内和国际问题要处理。(Unit 4, Para. 1)
Premier Li has many pressing issues of national and international concern toattend to.
20.中国认为科学对其未来福祉至关重要。(Unit 4, Para. 1)
China is seeing science as critical to its future well-being.
21.我们需要向环境污染、不洁水源和肮脏空气宣战。(Unit 4, Para. 3)We need to declare war on environmental pollution, on unclean water and dirtyair.
22.中国顶尖大学里贫困生的比例逐年下降。(Unit 4, Para. 4)
The proportion of poor students at the elite Chinese universities was declining.
As to how to go to Shanghai Museum by bus, I’m not sure about it b ecause Ihave just moved to Shanghai.
24.造成飞机失事的原因尚不清楚。(Unit 4,课后题)
What caused the plane crash remains unknown.