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T he S pirit and E ssence of S S M H ow S S M w as D eveloped The SSM Steps S ales A id s to B ring S S M A live IB M 's C om m itm ent to S S M
The spirit and essence of SSM can be characterized in a few key words
Recognize Need
Evaluate Options
Select Solution Option
Resolve Concerns & Decide
Implement Solution & Evaluate Success
If our custom ers could buy IBM products and services from anyone, w ould they choose us?
A m ericas
S ervices
Personal System s
S igna ture
S e lling
M ethod
S oftw are
S ervers A sia Pacific
I nd ustrie s F inancing
O ur ch allenges are no secret...
W ho w ill add value beyond just the products and services they sell?
U nderstand m y business and IT environm ent D evelop plans linked to m y b usiness initiatives W ork w ith m e to establish m y buying vision A rticulate capabilities clearly D evelop the solution w ith m e H elp to resolve m y concerns and decide M onitor the solution and ensure m y expectations are m et
SSM as a method is a proven approach supported by com m on language, tools and training
Common Language Sales Aids T r a in in g
S o let's get started w ith e S S M J ourney
Custom ers now expect m ore from us and faster than ever before.
W h a t w ill our signa ture U nit T e ch nology
B usiness Partners
C reate custom er value in every interaction B uild and leverage the synergy of T eam IB M Im prove our w in rate and shorten the length of the selling cycle
O ur C om petitors
O ur com petitors are reorienting th em selves to go after the e- b usiness m arket space.
O ur Custom ers
T he b uyer process is ch anging w ith line of b usiness ex ecutives playing an increasing role.
Part 1: Why SSM ?
Part 2: W hat is SSM Really?
Part 3: SSM and the Signature Sales Leadership
Part 4: W hat's available to help me learn and implement it?
W e d on't speak th e sam e language in t e r n a lly
W e put tim e, m oney and resources into unqualified opportunities
W e need to establish som e com m on goals
T h e w orld is ch anging around us...
O ur Industry
T h e e- b usiness ex plosion is ch anging th e sh ape of b usiness and inform ation t e c h n o lo g y .
The spirit and essence of SSM can be characterized in a few key words
C ustom er
Common Language
V a lu e
T h o u g h t- L e a d e r sh ip
R e s u lt s
W e don't alw ays focus on the b est solution for th e custom er
TeamIBM ? W hat TeamIBM ?
W e ex pect a lot from each oth er, b ut roles and responsib ilities are unclear
The spirit and essence of SSM can be characterized in a few key words
Common Language
D iscipline
C o a c h in g W inning
Customers tend to buy in predictable ways
Typical Customer Buying Process
Evaluate Business Environment
Develop Business Strategy & Initiatives
The spirit and essence of SSM can be characterized in a few key words
Recognize Need
Evaluate Options
Select Solution Option
Resolve Concerns & Decide
Implement Solution & Evaluate Success
If our custom ers could buy IBM products and services from anyone, w ould they choose us?
A m ericas
S ervices
Personal System s
S igna ture
S e lling
M ethod
S oftw are
S ervers A sia Pacific
I nd ustrie s F inancing
O ur ch allenges are no secret...
W ho w ill add value beyond just the products and services they sell?
U nderstand m y business and IT environm ent D evelop plans linked to m y b usiness initiatives W ork w ith m e to establish m y buying vision A rticulate capabilities clearly D evelop the solution w ith m e H elp to resolve m y concerns and decide M onitor the solution and ensure m y expectations are m et
SSM as a method is a proven approach supported by com m on language, tools and training
Common Language Sales Aids T r a in in g
S o let's get started w ith e S S M J ourney
Custom ers now expect m ore from us and faster than ever before.
W h a t w ill our signa ture U nit T e ch nology
B usiness Partners
C reate custom er value in every interaction B uild and leverage the synergy of T eam IB M Im prove our w in rate and shorten the length of the selling cycle
O ur C om petitors
O ur com petitors are reorienting th em selves to go after the e- b usiness m arket space.
O ur Custom ers
T he b uyer process is ch anging w ith line of b usiness ex ecutives playing an increasing role.
Part 1: Why SSM ?
Part 2: W hat is SSM Really?
Part 3: SSM and the Signature Sales Leadership
Part 4: W hat's available to help me learn and implement it?
W e d on't speak th e sam e language in t e r n a lly
W e put tim e, m oney and resources into unqualified opportunities
W e need to establish som e com m on goals
T h e w orld is ch anging around us...
O ur Industry
T h e e- b usiness ex plosion is ch anging th e sh ape of b usiness and inform ation t e c h n o lo g y .
The spirit and essence of SSM can be characterized in a few key words
C ustom er
Common Language
V a lu e
T h o u g h t- L e a d e r sh ip
R e s u lt s
W e don't alw ays focus on the b est solution for th e custom er
TeamIBM ? W hat TeamIBM ?
W e ex pect a lot from each oth er, b ut roles and responsib ilities are unclear
The spirit and essence of SSM can be characterized in a few key words
Common Language
D iscipline
C o a c h in g W inning
Customers tend to buy in predictable ways
Typical Customer Buying Process
Evaluate Business Environment
Develop Business Strategy & Initiatives