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The integrated switching control strategy for grid ̄connected and islanded operation of micro ̄grid inverter based on virtual synchronous generator
SHI Kaiꎬ JIAO Longꎬ XU Pei ̄fengꎬ YE Hai ̄han
文章编号:1009 - 2552(2018)10 - 0052 - 06 DOI:10������ 13274 / j������ cnki������ hdzj������ 2018������ 10������ 011
微电网逆变器并 / 离网切换控制策略
施 凯ꎬ 焦 龙ꎬ 徐培凤ꎬ 叶海涵
( School of Electrical and Information EngineeringꎬJiangsu Universityꎬ Zhenjiang 212013ꎬJiangsu ProvinceꎬChina)
Abstract: In allusion to the micro ̄grid inverter based on voltage synchronous generator model ( VSG) in micro ̄gridꎬ an integrated control method combining quasi ̄synchronous parallel algorithm and island detection algorithm is proposed to improve the reliability and quality of power supply. The integrated control strategy can simultaneously satisfy the requirements of grid ̄connected operation and island operation as well as smoothly switching between two operation modes. For realizing the flexible grid ̄ connectionꎬ the quasi ̄synchronous parallel algorithm of micro ̄grid inverter is designed to simulate the quasi synchronizing device of synchronous generatorꎬ which can restrain instantaneous current shock occurs. For quickly detecting the phenomenon of unplanned islandingꎬ an island detection algorithm combining with the characteristics of VSG algorithm for is put forward for smoothly switching to the active islanding operation. For realizing the stable operation of micro ̄gridꎬ a smooth switching control method of grid ̄connected / island operation mode is provided. Finallyꎬ the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed models and control strategies are verified by the simulation results based on MATLAB / simulink. Key words: micro ̄grid inverterꎻ virtual synchronous generator ( VSG) ꎻ quasi ̄synchronizationꎻ islanded detectionꎻ smooth ̄switch control
0 引言
微网是种新的供电方式ꎬ它既可并网运行ꎬ同时 当电网出现故障时可转至孤岛运行ꎮ 微网两种模式 间的合理切换控制能减少电压及频率跌落并改善电 能质量ꎬ是保证微网运行模式间平滑切换的关键技
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术[1 - 2] ꎮ
收稿日期: 2018 - 03 - 28 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51407085) ꎻ中国博士后科
( 江苏大学电气信息工程学院ꎬ 江苏 镇江 212013)
摘 要: 为提高微网的供电可靠性ꎬ 改善电能质量ꎬ 文中针对基于虚拟同步发电机( Virtual Syn ̄ chronous GeneratorꎬVSG) 的电压源型微网逆变器ꎬ 将准同期并列算法和孤岛检测算法相结合ꎬ 提 出一种可同时满足并网和孤岛运行及模式间切换为实现柔性并网ꎬ 通过模拟同步发电机的准同 期并列装置ꎬ 设计了微网逆变器的准同期并列算法以抑制并网瞬间的电流冲击ꎮ 为能快速检测 到非计划孤岛现象ꎬ 使微网顺利转入主动孤岛运行ꎬ 结合 VSG 算法自身特点ꎬ 设计了一种适用 于 VSG 的孤岛检测算法ꎮ 为实现微网的稳定运行ꎬ 给出了并网 / 孤岛运行模式的平滑切换控制实 现方法ꎮ 最后ꎬ 通过基于 MATLAB / simulink 的仿真结果验证了综合控制策略的正确性与有效性ꎮ 关键词: 微网逆变器ꎻ 虚拟同步发电机ꎻ 准同期并列ꎻ 孤岛检测ꎻ 平滑切换控制 中图分类号: TP391 文献标识码: A
学基金面上项目(2015M57168பைடு நூலகம்) ꎻ江苏省高校优势学科 建设工程资助项目 作者简介: 施凯(1980 - ) ꎬ男ꎬ博士ꎬ副教授ꎬ研究方向为新能源发 电、并网及控制技术ꎮ 通讯作者:焦龙ꎮ