
1.未付款订单的催款模板(请根据您产品自身特点对描述内容进行修改)Dear ***We have got your order of ***.But it seemsthat the order is still unpaid.If there’s anything I can help with the price,size,etc.,please feel free to contact me.After the payment is confirm me.After the payment is confirmed,I will process the order and ship it out as soon as possible.thanks!2.查看到买家付款完成的订单后,给买家发送订单确认邮件并且告知预计发货时间Hi,***Thank you for your payment for orders ***.We will be dispatching these items within the next 3 days.If you have any questions or problems,contact us directly for help.3.填写了发货通知后告知买家当前状况,(订单号、发货单号、运输方式和发货日期)Hello,***We are happy to tell you we have dispatched your order!You can tracking number:***You can also track the delivery of your order yourself here:www.***.comIt usually takes about 30 days for your order arrive,but as this is the shopping season,the logistics companies are very busy and some orders may take slightly longer to arrive.If you have any questions or problems,contact us directly for help.4.超过5 天还未更新物流信息,让买家再等待Dear ***,As we all know,it’s the busiest part of the shopping season and the logistics companies are running at maximum capacity. Your delivery information has not been updated yet,but don’t worry-we will let you know as soon as an update is available. Thank you for your patience!5.货物退回,换物流方式重新给买家发货,并延长收货时间Hello,***Due to the overwhelming demand for logistics this shopping season,the original dispatch has failed.Don ’ t worry! We have already dispatched your order with a different logistics company. You can track the new delivery of your order here:We have also extended the time period for you to confirm delivery.If you have any questions or problems, contact us directly for help.6.长时间在途,确认是否收到货物,减少买家未收到的担忧Hello, xxx,If you haven’t received your order yet, please don’t worry. We just checked the tracking information and it’s on its way! Don’t worry about your money or your purchase either – if you do not receive your package, we will resend your order, oryou can apply for a full refund.If you have any questions or problems, contact us directly for help.7.距离确认收货超时还有 1 周,依然未妥投,告知买家物流的大致情况,并且告知买家会给他延长收货时间,请买家不要提交纠纷。

【外贸英语口语】询问安排运输情况第一篇:【外贸英语口语】询问安排运输情况【外贸英语口语】询问安排运输情况 13 June 200#Mr.Li MingyangExport ManagerUnitech M & T Co.Ltd963 Tianmu Road, 14th FloorShanghai 200070ChinaDear Mr.Li:Our order No.3979: 50 Electric DrillsAs it is now more than two months since we opened a letter of credit in your favor, We should like to know exactly when you could arrange shipment of the goods.Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.Sincerely.Marco FillmoreManaging Director第二篇:外贸常用英语口语外贸常用英语口语第一单元希望与要求Part One(1)We’d like to e**press out desire to establish business relations with you on the basis of equally, mutual benefit and the e**change of needed goods.我方希望能在平等、互利、互通有无的基础上与贵司建立业务关系(2)In order to e**tend our e**port business to your country, we wish to enter into direct business relations with you.为了能在贵国拓宽我方的出口业务,我们希望能与你们直接建立业务关系(3)Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us 我们希望双方能建立互惠的贸易关系(4)We look forward to a further e**tension of pleasant business relations 希望我们之间友好的业务关系得到进一步的发展(5)It’s our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you 我方希望能够继续同贵方保持大量的业务往来(6)We look forward to receiving your quotation very soon我方期待尽快收到贵方的报价(7)I hope you’ll see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost 希望贵方能从这一降价中看出我方真的在尽最大的努力(8)We hope to discuss business with you at your earliest convenience.我们希望尽早与你方洽谈业务(9)We wish to e**press our desire to trade with you in leather shoes.我方希望能与贵方达成皮鞋贸易(10)We look forward to your early and trust that through our mutual cooperation we shall be able to conclude this transaction with you in the near future.我们盼望早日得到你方的答复,并相信通过相互合作,我们不久即可达成这笔交易(11)I hope we can do business together, and look forward to hearing from you soon 希望我们有合作机会,并静候您的佳音(12)I hope that we can cooperate happily希望我们合作愉快(13)I hope that we can continue our cooperation希望我们能继续合作(14)We sincerely hope that this transaction will turn out to the satisfaction of both parties.我们真心地希望这次交易能使我们双方都能满意(15)We hope that this market trend will continue我方希望这种市场趋势能继续发展下去 Part Two(16)It is hoped that you would seriously take this matter into consideration and let us h**e your reply soon希望你方能认真考虑这件事,并尽快答复我们(17)We hope that you will deal with our request earnestly希望能得到贵方的迅速答复(18)We hope to receive your immediate answer希望得到贵方的迅速答复(19)We are looking forward to h**ing your early reply to this matter 希望贵方对这件事能尽早答复(20)We hope that this dispute can be settled through friendly negotiation without its being submitted for arbitration 我方希望可以通过友好谈判加以解决,而不要仲裁(21)We look forward to your settlement at an early date.我方期待着贵方早日解决这一问题(22)Your early settlement of this case will be appreciated.如能早日解决这一问题,我方将不胜感激(23)We hope that you can settle the claim as quickly as possible 希望贵方能尽快解决索赔事宜(24)We hope that there will be no repetition of this kind of trouble in the future.希望类似的麻烦将来不再发生(25)We e**pect that you will offer us a lower price as soon as possible.期待贵方能尽快报一个更低的价格(26)We hope that the matter can be brought to a satisfactory conclusion.希望此事有一个圆满的解决(27)I do hope this undesirable incident will not stand in the way of our future business 我希望这件不愉快的事情不会影响我们今后的贸易(28)We hope this matter will not affect our good relations in our future dealings.我希望此事不会影响我们将来业务中的良好关系(29)I wish that this business will bring benefit to both of us.希望这笔生意对我们双方都会带来好处(30)We hope this incident will not bring any harm to our pleasant relations 我们希望此事不会给我们的良好关系带来任何损害Is the production line fully automatic? 生产线是全自动的吗?What kind of quality control do you have? 你们用什么办法来控制质量呢?All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.所有产品出厂前必须要经过严格检查。

1.亚马逊卖家发货到达时间邮件模板Dear ___,Thank you so much for your great support on us.Usually it takes about 7-12 days for the item to reach you.Any question, feel free to contact us and we will reach you at the soonest.Best regards2. 回复买家询问物流情况的邮件模板Dear ___,Thanks for your message. Hope you are great.Sorry for disturbing you, we tracked your shipping. The package is now on the way to your place(it is now reaching your local post office).International shipping information may not update so prompt, usually it takes around 7-15 days for shipping. Could you please keep your patience and wait for a few more days? We will keep tracking for you, any news we will inform you asap.Your understanding will be highly appreciated.Best regards3.先填单,漏发货后,向客人解释的邮件模板Dear ___,Thank you so much for your great support and sorry for keeping you waiting.We checked the tracking information found there is no update information as you said.We will contact the post office to find out the problem.We wonder would you still want the item, if yes, inform us the size and we will resend you asap. If not, we will make you the full refund.Waiting for your reply.Any inconvenience hope your kind understanding.Best regards4. 产品发货后,客户提出要换货的回信邮件模板Dear ___,Thanks for contact with us.Sorry to tell you that the item have been dispatched, and we can't change it for you now .We knew you receive it and it is not suitable for you.To express our apologize, we provide few suggestion following by:1.We will arrange a suitable replacement for you for free2.We can refund full price for you.Which one do you prefer?Sorry for all inconvenience it led to.Looking forward to your reply.Sincerely,5. 亚马逊卖家邀feedback的邮件模板Dear----Thank you for your purchase! Order id_______________.I am writing to concern whether you have receive your item.Are you satisfied with our product and service.If you have any question with your order,please contact with us.We would try our best to solve it.If you are satisfied with our services, would you please give us a honor to share your feeling on the following link:Thanks in advance. We will really appreciate with it.Have a nice day!Best regards6. 买家要求退货,卖家回信邮件模板(自发货)Dear----Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.We found your return request. Could I know the reason why you want to refund?Are there any issues of our product?If yes, could you sent the photo of the issues thus we can help you better and submit to QC.Will it be possible to give new one as a compensation?Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?Looking forward to your reply soon.Best regards7. 亚马逊客户退货的询问原因邮件模板Dear ---Thank you so much for your great support on us.So sorry for the inconvenience it caused.Could I know the reason why you return the item?Are there any issues of our product?If yes, could you sent the photo of the issues thus we can help you better and submit to QC.Waiting for your reply.Best regards8. 客户询问货物的tracking number的回信邮件模板Dear————,Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.Orders are shipped within two days after they are placed. Usually, we are able to ship orders the next day. Weekend orders are shipped on the following Monday. Please allow 3-7 business days after shipment for delivery. You will receive a shipping confirmation email from Amazon when the shipping information has been uploaded.Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated. If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.Best regards9.索取Review模板Dear————,My name is X and I am the owner of [Your Amazon Store Name]. I want to personally thank you for being one of our customers!I noticed that your order was delivered recently. Product Ordered: XYour order: https:///gp/your ... ID%3D[insert customer's order # inside these brackets and delete brackets]I hope that you've had a chance to try the product. I want to make sure that you are 100% happy. If you have any issues, please reply to this email so I can make it right! (In fact, I love to hear from people who are enjoying my products, so I'd like to hear from you even if everything has gone smoothly!)If you are not satisfied with the product, please give us a chance to make it right! Respond to this email, and I will do whatever it takes to make you happy.We'd be honored to get your honest experience and suggestion of the product!https:///review/ ... es%23Thank you again for ordering from [Your Amazon Store Name]. We truly appreciate your business. We LOVE our customers and we will always be here if you need us.Wishing you the best,10.亚马逊的商品被跟卖,发警告信的邮件模板Dear “ B ”,It has come to our attention that “ B ”is using the " A " trademark without license or prior written authorization from " A "." A " holds federal trademark registrations in the United States. So “ B ”listings violate " A " trademark and intellectual property rights. You are also in breach of Amazon’s Participation Agreement.Therefore, we demand that you immediately remove all listings on in which “ B ”utilizes our trademarks and images protected by copyright.“ B ”currently has at least one listing on for products that utilize“A’s”trademarks and/or copyrights without authorization. See the following ASIN: B001234567 (写自己的ASIN)" A " is the only entity authorized to provide authorization to sell its products on . Your listing constitutes a violation of " A's " trademark rights, copyrights, and Amazon’s Participation Agreement.“ B ”'s infringing listings must be removed immediately to prevent damage to " A " brand and lost sales.While " A " has many options available under this state. But we would prefer to resolve this matter amicably. Please confirm to us in writing within 24 hours, that you have:(1) Removed all of " A’s " trademarks and copyright material from your listings and any other website or public display you operate;(2) Removed all of " A’s " listings of products it claims to be associated with " A’s ", including but not limited to the ASINs listed aboveFailure to take action within 24 hours will force us to report this serious violation to the Amazon seller performance team. This is licensed products to as well, Amazon seller performance team will take such violations very seriously, possibly resulting in removal of your selling privileges on .Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact us if you have any questions.Legal on behalf of " A "11.邀请顾客成为老客户群邮件Dear_______,Thanks for your kindly support for 店铺名.To express our g rateful, we want to invite you join in our “VIP team(自己取名)”Our VIP team member(自己取名)can experience our new product in advance and enjoy discount .Just contact us with order ID by contacting our email on attachment.(把邮箱放在附件上)We are waiting for your email.Have a good time.Best regards,12.买家不知道如何使用产品的回信邮件模板Dear————,Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.We are really grateful with your question Thus we can realize our shortage of product listing.We will update our listing to perfect our product information.There is the latest instruction of our product .Please check the attachment for your reference.If you still have any question, please be free to contact with us.We will do our best to help you ASAP.Best regards,13.给买家补发自发货售后件的通知模板Dear————,Hope you are fine and doing well.We have already arrange the replacement to you for your reference.(产品具体参数)The tracking number is _______________, please click the attachment to get more detail .It will take 7-10 day to arrive your city because of the long distance.Thanks for your kindly understanding and support.If you still have any question, please be free to contact with us.We will do our best to help you ASAP.Best regards,14.差评跟进邮件(进度一)Dear————,How are you recently? Hope you and your family are good.We found your review for (产品).We are really sorry for the inconvenience it causedTo express our apologize, we provide few suggestion following by:1.We will arrange a suitable replacement for you for free2.We will provide a claim code for you.3.Or refund allWhich one do you prefer?Looking forward to your reply soon.Best regards,15.差评跟进邮件(进度二)Dear————Hope you have a great time.I am writing to concern whether you have receive the replacement.If you still have any question with your order, please contact with us.We would try our best to solve it.If you are satisfied with our services, could you do me a big favor to upgrade the r eivew? The following link:————————————————————————————It is really important for me.We will really appreciate for it.Sincerely,16.客户订购多个产品,卖家发邮件确认产品订单Dear ——,Thank you so much for your great support on us.We have received your order of “XXXXXX”.We will work on your order asap, we just want to confirm the amount of the compass, did you order 10(数量)pcs?产品参数——————————————————If nothing is wrong, we will ship them asap.Seller’s name17.卖家发错地址Dear____,Thank you so much for your great support on us.What a big mistake we made!Sorry, but will you still want the items? If yes, we will resend you immediately and make you a partial refund , if not, we will make you the full refund.Waiting for your reply and hope your kind understanding.Best RegardsSeller’s name18.客户因订购的商品大小不合适导致退货Dear——,Thanks so much for your great support on 店铺名.So sorry for the inconvenience that the swimming suit(产品名)did not fit you.Will it be possible to give others as a gift? Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?Just suggestion, if you insist on returning it back, we will go to the further step.Waiting for your reply.。

Here is a link for you to ref your package status in transportation:这里复制17track查询完的结果链接就可以了。
As per current tracking result, your shipment has been shipped and dispatched by the shipping carrier of (HK Post) Registered Airmail on date 2021-09-21It is still during normal shipping period and it hasn't arrived in your destination country as (country name) yet. I would be very thankful if you could be more patience with this overseas shipment. From our experience, for this kind of mail type, the shipping time is highly depend on the postal carrier and local customs/taxes, etc. It usually takes a few weeks from our origin country to overseas destination countries after dispatching. Therefore, please hold on for a few more days and I would be very grateful if you can wait for your order patiently.Thanks for your business again!Have a nice day!Best regards, store 888Pick up:Dear valued customer:Here is a link for you to ref your package status in transportation:这里复制17track查询完的结果链接就可以了。

外贸英语邮件双语对照Dear Valued Customer,We are thrilled to introduce our latest product line to you. Our team has worked tirelessly to ensure that each item meets the highest quality standards, and we believe they will greatly enhance your business offerings.尊敬的客户,我们很高兴向您介绍我们的最新产品线。
In response to your inquiry, we have prepared a detailed catalog and price list. Please find the attached documentsfor your review. Should you have any questions or needfurther clarification, our customer service team is always ready to assist you.针对您的询问,我们已准备好详细的目录和价格表。
We understand the importance of timely delivery and are committed to ensuring that your orders reach you on schedule. Our logistics team is well-equipped to handle any shipping requirements you may have.我们理解及时交货的重要性,并致力于确保您的订单按时到达。

14种亚马逊英文邮件回信1、亚马逊客户购买多种产品发邮件确认产品订单邮件模板Dear ---Thank you so much for your great support on us.We have received your order of "把订单复制进去".We will work on your order asap, we just want to confirm the amount of the compass, did you order 10 pcs?If nothing is wrong, we will ship them asap.Best regards2、亚马逊客户因购买的商品大小不合适导致退货的邮件模板Dear ---Thank you so much for your great support on us.So sorry for the inconvenience that the swimming suit did not fit you.Will it be possible to give others as a gift? Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?Just suggestion, if you insist on returning it back, we will go to the further step. Waiting for your reply.Best regards3、亚马逊卖家发错地址邮件模板Dear ---Thank you so much for your great support on us.What a big mistake we made!Sorry, but will you still want the items? If yes, we will resend you immediately, if not, we will make you the full refund.Waiting for your reply and hope your kind understanding.Best regards4、亚马逊卖家发货到达时间邮件模板Dear----Thank you so much for your great support on us.Usually it takes about 7-12 days for the item to reach you.Any question, feel free to contact us and we will reach you at the soonest.Best regards5、亚马逊卖家发货发货后要求买家写反馈的邮件模板Dear----Thank you very much for your order!We have shipped the goods and it will arrive at your side soon. Hope you like it! And we are looking forward to your feedback.Have a nice day!Best regards6、亚马逊漏发货没有发货缺点击发货后客人需要运单的邮件模板Thank you so much for your great support and sorry for keeping you waiting.We checked the tracking information found there is no update information as you said.We will contact the post office to find out the problem.We wonder would you still want the item, if yes, inform us the size and we will resend you asap, if not, we will make you the refund.Waiting for your reply.Any inconvenience hope your kind understanding.Best regards7、亚马逊的商品被跟卖,发警告信的邮件模板。

买家沟通邮件模板1. 当收到买家的付款以后Dear valued customer,Your payment has been received for the following item. We will ship it within ___ business days as promised. After doing so, we will send you a notification letter, with tracking number information if applicable.(中文:我们已经收到了您订购商品的款项。
)Two points for clarification:(中文:两点声明)1. Shipping charge: some buyers might think our shipping charge is high. But the fact is NOT, we charge you based on the actual shipping cost.(中文:关于运费:有的买家可能会认为我们的运费偏高,其实不然,运费是根据实际运输成本来计算的)2. Shipping time: because you bought the item from the other side of the world, it will need to be shipped and the shipping period the seller has no control over the amount of time it will take the shipping company to deliver the item to you. What we can ensure is that the item is shipped within certain biz days as promised.(中文:运送时间:因为您是跨国网购,所以商品的运输和派送时间较长且属于卖家的不可控因素。

跨境电商客服话术英语Cross-border e-commerce customer service dialogue scriptCustomer: 你好,请问有什么需要帮助的吗?Translation: Hello, is there anything I can help you with?Agent: 您好!感谢您的咨询。
请问您对我们的产品有什么疑问吗?Translation: Hello! Thank you for reaching out. Do you have any questions about our products?Customer: 我想知道您们的运费是多少?Translation: I would like to know how much is your shipping fee?Agent: 很抱歉,我们的运费会根据目的地和包裹重量而定。
Translation: I'm sorry, our shipping fee varies depending on the destination and package weight. Could you please provide me your address and order details so that I can look up the specific shipping fee for you?Customer: 我的订单已经超过了预计的交货时间,这是怎么回事?Translation: My order has exceeded the estimated delivery time, what'sgoing on?Agent: 很抱歉给您带来不便。

外贸常用的邮件沟通英语句子Opening Salutations:Dear [Recipient Name],。
Good day, [Recipient Name],。
Dear Mr./Ms. [Recipient Name],。
Introductions:I am writing to inquire about [product/service].I hope this email finds you well. I am [your name] from [company name].We are interested in purchasing [quantity] of [product].Requests for Information:Could you please send me more information about [product/service]?Can you provide me with a quote for [product/service]?What are the payment terms and delivery options?Product/Service Specifications:I am looking for [specific features/specifications].Can you confirm the dimensions and weight of the product?Do you offer any customization options?Pricing and Payment:What is the unit price?Are there any discounts for bulk orders?Can we pay by [payment method]?Shipping and Delivery:What is the estimated delivery time?Can you ship to [destination]?What are the shipping costs?Confirmation and Follow-Up:Thank you for providing this information. I will review it and get back to you soon.Please confirm if you have received my order request.We look forward to hearing from you about the status of our order.Additional Phrases:For your reference, I have attached[document/specification].Please feel free to ask any questions.We value your business and appreciate your prompt response.We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.Thank you for your time and consideration.Common Phrases for Specific Situations:Request for Catalog or Brochure:Could you please send us a copy of your[catalog/brochure]?Order Placement:I would like to place an order for [quantity] of [product].Please confirm the order details and send an invoice.Shipment Tracking:Could you provide me with the shipment tracking number?When can I expect to receive my order?Payment Confirmation:I have made the payment for order number [order number].Please confirm receipt of payment.Complaint or Inquiry:There has been an issue with the order I received.Could you please investigate?I have a question regarding the warranty of the product.Sample Email:Dear Mr. Smith,。

跨境电商一线客服邮件模板(中英文对照)1. 客人下订单时没有留电话号码: 发货必须要有电话号码Dear Sir/Madam,Thank you for your order. Could you please tell us your telephone number which is veryimportant for us to ship your items out, please kindly advise us this, many thanks.We await your early reply.Best RegardsCustomer Service2. 断货:客人下了订单,可是他下的那双鞋子正好没有货,我们会写信看他是不是愿意换一双,客服人员必须及时联系客人。
c) 一般情况下客人换款,价格没有超过很多的话我们都可以接受。
有的客人换的款比原来的便宜一点点,要求退款给他,可以问一下客人是不是可以发一双nike的袜子给他抵了差价,如果客人坚决不同意的话也可以退款a) Dear Sir/Madam,Thank you for your order. Here we are writing to inform you the trainers you ordered are not available and will be out of stock in the near future, so could you please choose another one to replace? If you agree to change please kindly advise us the link in our website and then we will prepare these for you, thank you in advance.Your earliest reply will be highly appreciated.Kind RegardsCustomer Serviceb)Dear Sir/ Madam,In reply to your email, we regret to inform you that item you required ******is out of stock and will not in stock in the near future as we are not sure of the specific date for this item to be in stock. Since in this case, we would like to know whether you can choose other kinds of iteminstead or only dispatch the in stock item which you ordered first. Please kindly advise, thanks.If you agree to change another item, please send us the link where the item in our site. Besides, we will refund the payment if there is not other style of shoes you like to change.We are looking forward to your early reply, thank you!Best RegardsCustomer Servicec)3. 发货通知:发货之后,需要写信给客人,告知运单号和查询包裹信息的网站。

1、纠纷前①发货后通知买家发货,并提供运单号&查询网址等信息Dear Customer,Thank you for shopping with us.We have dispatched your order (order No: xxx) on January 20th by EMS. The tracking number is xxx. It should take 5-10 business days to reach your destination. Please check the tracking information here: w for updates. Thank you for your patience!If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.Best Regards,the seller ID②包裹显示在途,请买家耐心等待Dear Customer,Thank you for your patience.We confirmed that your order was mailed (order No: xxx) on January 20th. However, the tracking information shows it’s still on the way. We were informed that the package did not arrive yet due to a shipping delay from the delivery company.If you do not receive your package before January 20th, we can resend your order or apply a full refund to you as per your choice.If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us directly and we will be glad to assist you.Best Regards,the seller ID③包裹扣关希望买家联系清关Dear Customer,We have checked the tracking information and found your package has now arrived at your country’s customs agency.If your package is delayed, please consult your local customs office to resolve the problem.If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.Best Regards,the seller ID④官网查询买家已签收包裹,提醒买家确认收货并留好评Dear Customer,The delivery tracking information shows that your order (order No: xxx) has arrived to your shipping address. Please make sure your items have been received in good order and then confirm satisfactory delivery.If you are satisfied with your purchase and our service, we will greatly appreciate if you give us a positive rating and share positive feedback on your experience with us to help inform others.If you have any questions or problems, please contact us directly for assistance and we will be glad to assist you.Best Regards,the seller ID2、纠纷开启时①买家投诉货物与描述不符,请买家根据问题类型提供相应的证据Dear Customer,We sincerely regret that the items you’ve received in order XXXXX were not as described. Our goal is to resolve any dispute as quickly and conveniently as possible.Choice #1: You have claimed the items did not work/work properly. As such, we must ask that you please make a video recording to illustrate this issue and send them directly to my email: XXXXXXXX. This will allow us to verify the problem and help resolve it to your satisfaction.Choice #2: You have claimed the items did not work/work properly. As such, we must ask that you please take some photos to illustrate this issue and send them to my email: XXXXXXXX. This will allow us to verify the problem and help resolve it to your satisfaction.We apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to hearing from you.Best Regards,the seller ID②包裹扣关,请买家支付关税清关(确定是买家承担关税的情况)Dear Customer,We sincerely regret that your shipment has been detained by customs. Please contact your local customs office directly to make arrangements to pick up your parcel.As you may be aware, you will need to pay an import tax or customs fee according to your country’s customs policy, regardless of your order size.If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.Best Regards,the seller ID③货物在途Dear Customer,We sincerely regret that you’ve yet to receive your shipment. We have looked into this matter, and can share the following information about your order (No. XXXXX):Tracking No: XXXXXXXStatus: XXXXXXXShipped Date: XXXXXXXStandard shipping times are approximately 7-15 business days, however with increased holiday demand there may be a delay in international delivery times. We promise a full refund including original shipping charge if the item is not delivered in XXXX days after receipt of payment. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority; please contact us if you have any concerns.We apologize for the inconvenience. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.Best Regards,the seller ID④货物丢失,询问买家是否愿意重新发货Dear Customer,We sincerely regret that you haven’t received your parcel yet. We can confirm that we sent your order on January 10, 2014; however, we were informed by the shipping company that the package has been delayed due to problems on their end.We can arrange reshipment or a full refund to you. Please let us know what is your preferred option and we’ll resolve this matter as quickly as possible.We apologize for the inconvenience. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.Best Regards,the seller ID⑤货物丢失,买家同意重新发货Dear Customer,We would like to confirm that we sent your order on January 10, 2014; however, we were informed the package has not yet arrived due to shipping delays at the shipping company.According to our agreement, we have re-sent your order by EMS, with a new tracking number of: XXX. It typically takes 7-10 business days to arrive to your destination.We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.Best Regards,the seller ID⑥卖家做出了各种努力但是纠纷仍升级为平台纠纷,回复买家Dear Customer,We sincerely regret that we have been unable to come to terms thus far but we hope to bring this matter to a successful resolution. Regardless of the outcome, we will continue to honor you as a valued customer and appreciate your giving us the opportunity to serve you.If we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me.Best Regards,the seller ID3、升级为平台纠纷①看到买家提供的证据后,给到部分退款或者退货退款的建议Dear Customer,We sincerely regret that we have been unable to come to terms thus far but we hope to bring this matter to a successful resolution. As such, we would like to offer you the following options:1. Keep your ordered item(s) and accept a partial refund. It is possible to receive a partial refund of $XXX.XX (USD).2. Return and Refund. If you decide not to keep your ordered item(s), you can still return your order to XXXXXXXX and receive a full refund. However, you would be responsible for all return shipping fees.Whatever you decide, we will continue to honor you as a valued customer and appreciate your giving us the opportunity to serve you.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.Best Regards,the seller ID②买家将纠纷升级为平台纠纷,告诉买家已提供证据给敦煌网,等待纠纷专员裁决Dear Customer,We sincerely regret that we have been unable to come to terms regarding your order (no: XXXXX) but we hope to bring this matter to a successful resolution.We have provided photo and/or video evidence to DHgate, and so the present status of the dispute is awaiting DHgat e’s arbitration.Whatever the outcome, we will continue to honor you as a valued customer and appreciate your giving us the opportunity to serve you.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.Best Regards,the seller ID③平台裁决退货退款,再次告诉买家退货地址,并表达希望后续继续交易的期望Dear Customer,We are pleased to inform you that as a result of DHgate’s arbitration, we may bring the dispute to a successful resolution. Regarding your order (No. XXXX), you are eligible for a return or refund.We ha ve already provided our return address on DHgate but we’ll confirm it here as well:Contact name:Address:Zip Code:Tel: (very important for us receive the item)Please also be reminded:1. Returned goods must remain intact and in original condition2. Remember to mark "Order No." and “Returned Goods" on the parcel.Please let me know your shipment tracking number so we may be able to better ensure there are no shipping delays and we can apply your refund to you as quickly as possible.We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you.Best Regards,the seller ID④退货后,通知买家收到货,表达希望后续继续交易的期望Dear Customer,This is to confirm that we have received your returned items and we will inform DHgate to apply a full refund for you.We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.We do appreciate your business and hope that you’ll give us the opportunity to serve you again in the future.Best Regards, the seller ID。

跨境电商邮件常用英语范文英文回答:Subject: Confirmation of Order [Order ID]Dear [Customer Name],。
Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name] for your international order. We are excited to send you your order and have it delivered to your doorstep.Order Details:Order ID: [Order ID]Order Date: [Order Date]Shipping Address: [Shipping Address]Products Ordered: [List of Products]Total Amount: [Total Amount]Payment Method: [Payment Method]Shipping Information:Your order will be shipped via [Shipping Carrier] and is expected to arrive within [Shipping Timeframe]. The tracking number for your package will be provided once it has been processed and shipped.Customs and Import Charges:Please note that any customs duties, import taxes, or other charges that may be incurred are the responsibility of the recipient. These charges vary depending on the country where the order is shipped to.Return and Exchange Policy:Our return and exchange policy allows you to return orexchange any items you are not satisfied with within [Return Period]. Please refer to our website for more details on our return and exchange policy.Customer Support:If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our customer support team at [Customer Support Email] or [Customer Support Phone Number]. We are available 24/7 to assist you.Thank you again for your order. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again soon.Sincerely,。

几个常用的海淘英文沟通信件模板(催发货等)转运四方提供,仅做参考,欢迎英语达人批评哈一、订单确认出现故障的:Dear Sir/Madam,I have put an order yesterday, and have received order confirmation e-mail.Today I want to check my purchase information . But I can't sign in. It shows me "Please confirm your registration first. You have received an e-mail for this. Check your input values.";The problem is, I have never received any e-mail for comfirm my registration until now. Please help me. Thank you.二、催卖家发货的:Dear Sir/Madam,I have placed an order with No.(订单号)on (订单日期), and received order confirmation e-mail in the same day. But the status still shows 'in process' today. Since the website showed“Delivery period: ca. 10 work days ”when I placed the order, I kindly ask if you might accelerate the speed of processing. Thanks!"Best wishes!三、要求合箱、确认合箱的:Dear Sir/Madam,I write this letter just to make sure that I would have all the things I ordered shipped in one single package. Please do not separate them into several packages.Thank you.Have a nice day.。

14套跟进客户英文模板强势来袭~拿走不谢!今天为大家精心准备了史上最全的订单跟进英文模板!模板还真不是万能的,请灵活运用~01未付款订单的催款模板(根据产品的自身特点对描述内容进行修改)Dear xxx,We have got your order of XXXXXX.But it seems that the order is still unpaid. If there’s anything I can help with the price,size, etc. please feel free to contact me.After the payment is confirmed, I will process the order and ship it out as soon as possible.Thanks!02查看到买家付款完成的订单后,给买家发送订单确认邮件,并且告知预计发货时间Hi, xxx,Thank you for your payment for orders xxxxxxx.We will be dispatching these items within the next 3 days.If you have any questions or problems,contact us directly for help.03填写了发货通知后告知买家当前状况(订单号、发货单号、运输方式和发货日期)Hello, xxx,We are happy to tell you we have dispatched your order! You can track its progress with the following tracking number:xxxxxx.You can also track the delivery of your order yourself here: . It usually takes about 30 days for your orderarrive, but as this is the shopping season, the logistics companies are very busy and some orders may takes lightly longer to arrive.If you have any questions or problems, contact us directly for help.04超过5天还未更新物流信息,让买家再等待Dear xxx,As we all know, it’s the busiest part of the shopping season and the logistics companies are running at maximum capacity.Your delivery information has not been updated yet, but don’t worry- we will let you know as soon as an update is available.Thank you for your patience!05货物退回,换物流方式重新给买家发货,并延长收货时间Hello, xxx,Due to the overwhelming demand for logistics this shopping season, the original dispatch has failed.Don’t worry! We have already dispatched your order with a different logistics company. You can track the new delivery of your order here:.We have also extended the time period for you to confirm delivery.If you have any questions or problems, contact us directly for help.06长时间在途,确认是否收到货物,减少买家未收到的担忧Hello, xxx,If you haven’t received your order yet, please don’t worry. We just checked the tracking information and it’s on its way!Don’t worry about your money or your purchase either if you do not receive your package, we will resend your order, or you can apply for a full refund.If you have any questions or problems, contact us directly for help.07距离确认收货超时还有1周,依然未妥投,告知买家物流的大致情况,并且告知买家会给他延长收货时间,请买家不要提交纠纷Hello, xxx,We have checked the tracking information and found your package is still intransit. This is due tothe over whelming demand for logistics this shopping season. We have also extended the time period for you to confirm delivery.If you have any questions or problems, please contact us directly for assistance, rather than submitting a refund request. We aim to solve all problems as quickly as possible!Thanks!08客户投诉产品质量有问题(表示歉意,并愿意配合解决问题,承诺下次购买能给予折扣),请根据订单实际情况进行更改Dear xxx,I am very sorry to hear about that. Since I did carefully check the order and the package to make sure everything was in good condition? Before shipping it out, I suppose that the damage might have happened during the transportation.But I’m still very sorry for the inconvenience this has brought you. I guarantee that I will give you more discounts to make this up next time you buy from us.Thanks for your understanding.09货物断货,推荐类似产品(建议大家及时把断货的商品下架)Dear xxx,We are very sorry that item you ordered is out of stock at the moment. I will contact the factory to see when it will be available again. I would like to recommend some other items of similar styles. Hope you like them too. You can click on the following link to check them out XXXXXX. If there’s anything I can help with, please feel free to contact us.Thanks!10折扣产品推荐Dear xxx,Thanks for your message. Well, if you buy both of the XXXX items, we can offer you a XXX %discount. Once we confirm your payment, we will ship out the items for you in time. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.Thanks & Best regards!11买家议价(填写希望买家购买的件数和您所能提供的折扣)Dear xxx,Thank you for taking interests in our item. I’m afraid we can’t offer you that low price you bargained as the price we offer has been carefully calculated and our profit margin is already very limited. However, we can offer you a XXX %discount if you purchase more than XXXX pieces in one order. If you have any further questions, please let me know.Thanks!12向买家推荐新品(圣诞节/新年等节日畅销产品推荐)Dear xxx,As Christmas/New year/…… is coming, we found XXXXXXXXXX has a large potential market. Many customers are buying them for resale on eBay or in their retail stores because of its high profit margin. We have a large stock of XXXXXXXX. Please click the following link to check them out XXXXXXXXXX. If you order more than 10 pieces in one order, you can enjoy a wholesale price of XXX.Thanks.13货物在海关Hello, xxx,We have checked the tracking information and found your package has now arrived at your country’s customs agency. Please let us know as soon as your order arrives at your delivery address. If your package experiences any delays at customs, please contact them tore solve any problems.Thanks!14货物已经处于签收状态,提醒买家确认收货Hello, xxx,The tracking information shows that you have received your order! Please make sure your items have arrived in good condition and then confirm satisfactory delivery. If you have any questions or problems, please contact us directly for assistance, rather than submitting a refund request. We aim to solve all problems as quickly as possible!Thanks!*本文内容来自外贸壹麦田,由邦阅编辑整理。

催促下单,库存不多Dear X,Thank you for your inquiry.Yes,we have this item in stock.How many do you want?Right now,we only have X lots of the X color left.Since they are very popular,the product has a high risk of selling out soon. Please place your order as soon as possible.Thank you!Best regards,(name)回应买家砍价Dear x,Thank you for your interests in my item.I am sorry but we can’t offer you that low price you asked for.We feel that the price listed is reasonable and has been carefully calculated and leaves me limited profit already. However,we’d like to offer you some discounts on bulk purchases.If your order is more than X pieces,we will give you a discount of xx%off.Please let me know for any further questions.Thanks.Sincerely,(name)断货(out of stock)Dear X,We are sorry to inform you that this item is out of stock at the moment.We will contact the factory to see when they will be available again.Also,we would like to recommend to you some other items which are of the same style.We hope you like them as well.You can click on the following link to check them out.[url]http://www.aliexpressPlease let me know for any further questions.Thanks.Best Regards,(Your name)因为周末导致回复不够及时,先表示歉意,因为错过了最佳时机回复时间所以可通过主动打折的方式赢取客户。

跨境电商一线客服邮件模版(中英文对照)跨境电商一线客服邮件模板(中英文对照)1. 客人下订单时没有留电话号码: 发货必须要有电话号码Dear Sir/Madam,Thank you for your order. Could you please tell us your telephone number which is veryimportant for us to ship your items out, please kindly advise us this, many thanks.We await your early reply.Best RegardsCustomer Service2. 断货:客人下了订单,可是他下的那双鞋子正好没有货,我们会写信看他是不是愿意换一双,客服人员必须及时联系客人。
c) 一般情况下客人换款,价格没有超过很多的话我们都可以接受。
有的客人换的款比原来的便宜一点点,要求退款给他,可以问一下客人是不是可以发一双nike的袜子给他抵了差价,如果客人坚决不同意的话也可以退款a) Dear Sir/Madam,Thank you for your order. Here we are writing to inform you the trainers you ordered are not available and will be out of stock in the near future, so could you please choose another one to replace? If you agree to change please kindly advise us the link in our website and then we will prepare these for you, thank you in advance.Your earliest reply will be highly appreciated.Kind RegardsCustomer Serviceb)Dear Sir/ Madam,In reply to your email, we regret to inform you that item you required ******is out of stock and will not in stock in the near future as we are not sure of the specific date for this item to be in stock. Since in this case, we would like to know whether you can choose other kinds of iteminstead or only dispatch the in stock item which you ordered first. Please kindly advise, thanks.If you agree to change another item, please send us the link where the item in our site. Besides, we will refund the payment if there is not other style of shoes you like to change.We are looking forward to your early reply, thank you!Best RegardsCustomer Servicec)3. 发货通知:发货之后,需要写信给客人,告知运单号和查询包裹信息的网站。

跨境电商干货:与海外买家沟通物流状态的英语模板邮政包裹一般常见状态中,我们常常看到以下几种:包裹查无信息 "Not Found" (当包裹还未上网,官网未更新)包裹正在运输中“Transit” (当包裹还在运输中时)包裹到达待取“Pick Up” (当包裹显示已经到达目的地国家)包裹投递成功“Delivered” (当包裹显示投妥,而收件人声称未收到时)包裹运输过久“Expired” (大部分为时效延误/ 目的地国家不能查到投妥/官网不更新状态等)包裹可能异常“Alert” (大部分为退件/ 海关单号/损坏/丢失等问题)Not found:Dear valued customer:Hello! I appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your order with tracking number RC867773406HK(示例单号)and I am happy to assist today.As per tracking result powered by , I'm very sorry to inform you that your item is still lack of tracking information right now. If you got a tracking result as "Not found" it's telling you that your tracking information is unavailable, it doesn't mean that we haven't been mailed your item.(Note: There may be a delay between scanning events and the availability of tracking information related to those scanning events. The tracking information may not appear online immediately. Normally it takes a few days after the item(s) have been sent for tracking details to be available from the shipping carrier.)Therefore, please hold on for a few more days and try to check your order some time later?Thanks for your business again!Have a nice day!Best regards, store 888Transit:Dear valued customer:Hello! I appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your order with tracking number RC867773406HK(示例单号)and I am happy to assist today.Here is a link for you to ref your package status in transportation:这里复制17track查询完的结果链接就可以了。

国际电商交流术语英语作文International E-commerce Communication Terms。
With the rapid development of e-commerce, international trade has become more and more convenient. As a result, it is essential to master some basic communication terms in English for international e-commerce. Here are some commonly used terms in international e-commerce communication.1. Inquiry: A request for information about a product or service.2. Quotation: A statement of the price of a product or service.3. Order: A request to purchase a product or service.4. Proforma Invoice: An invoice that is sent to a customer before the actual invoice, which provides anestimate of the cost of goods or services.5. Payment Terms: The terms and conditions for payment, including the amount, due date, and payment method.6. Shipping Terms: The terms and conditions for shipping, including the shipping method, delivery time, and cost.7. Incoterms: International Commercial Terms, which are standardized terms used in international trade to clarify the responsibilities of buyers and sellers.8. Bill of Lading: A legal document that serves as proof of shipment and ownership of goods.9. Customs Clearance: The process of clearing goods through customs, including the payment of customs duties and taxes.10. Tracking Number: A unique number assigned to a shipment, which can be used to track the shipment'slocation and status.11. Delivery Confirmation: A confirmation that thegoods have been delivered to the customer.12. Return Policy: The terms and conditions forreturning goods, including the reason for the return, the time limit for returns, and the refund policy.13. Customer Service: The support provided to customers, including assistance with orders, returns, and inquiries.In conclusion, mastering these basic communicationterms in English for international e-commerce is crucialfor successful international trade. By using these terms correctly, we can communicate effectively with our customers and suppliers, avoid misunderstandings, andensure smooth transactions.。

国际物流英语情景对话大全1. 客户询问货运方案Customer: Can you tell me about your logistics services?Logistics provider: Certainly, we offer a range of logistics services, including air and sea freight, customs clearance, warehousing, and distribution.Customer: That sounds good. I need to transport some goods from China to Europe. What would be the best option for me? Logistics provider: Based on the weight and size of your goods, we recommend sea freight. It's more cost-effective than air freight and better suited for larger shipments.Customer: How long would it take for the goods to arrive?Logistics provider: The transit time varies depending on the location, but typically it takes around 25-30 days for sea freight from China to Europe.2. 收货方提醒运输方注意事项Receiver: Hello, I'd like to make sure that the shipment you're sending to us is packed correctly.Shipping company: Sure, we always make sure to pack and handle our shipments properly to avoid damage.Receiver: That's good to hear. But I just want to remind you that the goods are fragile and need to be handled with care.Shipping company: Understood. We'll make sure to mark the package as "fragile" and use appropriate packing materials to prevent any damage.Receiver: Great. Also, please make sure to deliver the goods within the agreed timeframe, as we have a tight schedule to follow.Shipping company: We'll do our best to deliver the goods on time and keep you informed of any delays or issues.3. 运输方与客户商量货运价格Shipping company: Hello, how can I help you today?Customer: I need to ship some goods from New York to Shanghai. Can you give me a quote?Shipping company: Sure, can you tell me the weight and dimensions of the goods?Customer: It's about 500 kg and the dimensions are 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 meters.Shipping company: Okay, based on that information, our quote for air freight would be around $4,000.Customer: That's a bit higher than I anticipated. Is there any way to lower the price?Shipping company: We may be able to offer a discount if you're able to use our services for multiple shipments or if you're willing to consider sea freight instead.Customer: Okay, that's good to know. I'll consider those options and get back to you.4. 运输方通知收货方运输进度Shipping company: Hello, this is your shipping company. I just wanted to update you on the status of your shipment. Receiver: Yes, please go ahead.Shipping company: The goods were picked up from your location yesterday and are currently in transit. They are expected to arrive at the destination port in two days' time.Receiver: That's great to hear. Can you keep me updated if there are any delays or issues?Shipping company: Of course, we'll keep you informed of any developments and make sure that the goods are delivered as smoothly as possible.Receiver: Thank you for the update. I appreciate your professionalism and communication.5. 客户申请退货并与运输方商量交付方式Customer: Hi, I need to return some goods that I received from your company.Shipping company: I'm sorry to hear that. Can you tell me the reason for the return?Customer: The goods don't meet my expectations and I've found another supplier.Shipping company: Okay, we'll process the return for you. Do you have a preferred method for the pickup and delivery of the goods?Customer: Yes, I'd like to arrange for a pickup from my location and for the goods to be delivered to your warehouse for inspection.Shipping company: That can be arranged. Once we receive the goods, we'll assess their condition and issue a refund if appropriate. Customer: Thank you for your help. I hope we can work together again in the future, under better circumstances.Shipping company: Likewise. We always aim to provide the best service possible and hope to exceed your expectations in the future.。

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跨境电商干货:与海外买家沟通物流状态的英语模板邮政包裹一般常见状态中,我们常常看到以下几种:包裹查无信息 "Not Found" (当包裹还未上网,官网未更新)包裹正在运输中“Transit” (当包裹还在运输中时)包裹到达待取“Pick Up” (当包裹显示已经到达目的地国家)包裹投递成功“Delivered” (当包裹显示投妥,而收件人声称未收到时)包裹运输过久“Expired” (大部分为时效延误/ 目的地国家不能查到投妥/官网不更新状态等)包裹可能异常“Alert” (大部分为退件/ 海关单号/损坏/丢失等问题)Not found:Dear valued customer:Hello! I appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your order with tracking number RC867773406HK(示例单号)and I am happy to assist today.As per tracking result powered by , I'm very sorry to inform you that your item is still lack of tracking information right now. If you got a tracking result as "Not found" it's telling you that your tracking information is unavailable, it doesn't mean that we haven't been mailed your item.(Note: There may be a delay between scanning events and the availability of tracking information related to those scanning events. The tracking information may not appear online immediately. Normally it takes a few days after the item(s) have been sent for tracking details to be available from the shipping carrier.)Therefore, please hold on for a few more days and try to check your order some time later?Thanks for your business again!Have a nice day!Best regards, store 888Transit:Dear valued customer:Hello! I appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your order with tracking number RC867773406HK(示例单号)and I am happy to assist today.Here is a link for you to ref your package status in transportation:这里复制17track查询完的结果链接就可以了。
As per current tracking result, your shipment has been shipped and dispatched by the shipping carrier of (HK Post) Registered Airmail on date 2014-09-21It is still during normal shipping period and it hasn't arrived in your destination country as (country name) yet. I would be very thankful if you could be more patience with this overseas shipment. From our experience, for this kind of mail type, the shipping time is highly depend on the postal carrier and local customs/taxes, etc. It usually takes a few weeks from our origin country to overseas destination countries after dispatching. Therefore, please hold on for a few more days and I would be very grateful if you can wait for your order patiently.Thanks for your business again!Have a nice day!Best regards, store 888Pick up:到达待取或者到达目的地国家都行! 到达待取可能是第一次投递失败或者是到达投递点!注意修改!Dear valued customer:Hello! I appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your order with tracking number RC867773406HK(示例单号)and I am happy to assist today.Here is a link for you to ref your package status in transportation:这里复制17track查询完的结果链接就可以了。
I'm glad to inform you, as per current tracking result, your package is ready to pick up/has been arrived in your country.Please contact the shipping carrier as [USPS] to get instruction of where to pick up your order/schedule a redelivery process. Please contact with them by the below information and I hope you will receive your package in shortly.Carrier name: USPS (示例邮政运营商)Helpline: 1-800-222-1811 (示例邮政运营商帮助热线)Generally, The carrier has collection deadline, So, I would like to advise you contact the carrier at once so your order won't be return back to us.I truly wish you will be satisfied with your purchase and I'm looking forward you will confirm your order as soon as your got the item. Of course, if you like the item, please leave us a positive feedback.Thanks for your business again!Have a nice day!Best regards, store 888Delivered:查询结果签收,而收件人声称未收到件的情况非常多哦,注意一下。
Dear valued customer:Hello! I appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your order with tracking number RJ014099257CN(示例单号)and I am happy to assist today.Here is the detailed tracking information for your order:Number: RJ014099257CNStatus: Delivered ( 30 Days )Destination: United States2014-09-29 16:01 PHOENIX, AZ 85031, Delivered, Your item was delivered at 4:01 pm on September 29, 2014 in PHOENIX, AZ 85031.2014-09-19 14:51 PHOENIX, AZ 85031, Notice Left (No Authorized Recipient Available)2014-09-19 07:42 PHOENIX, AZ 85031, Out for Delivery2014-09-19 07:32 PHOENIX, AZ 85031, Sorting Complete2014-09-19 04:23 PHOENIX, AZ 85043, Departed USPS Facility2014-09-19 04:21 PHOENIX, AZ 85031, Arrived at Unit2014-09-18 21:42 PHOENIX, AZ 85043, Arrived at USPS Facility2014-09-18 02:26 KEARNY, NJ 07032, Departed USPS Facility2014-09-17 17:24 KEARNY, NJ 07032, Arrived at USPS Facility2014-09-17 17:24 Origin Post is Preparing ShipmentPowered by As per current tracking result, I found the tracking result indicate that your package has been delivered successfully. If you haven't received your package, I'd advise you contact with the shipping carrier directly to verify more delivered information such as "Delivered address and signature name". Due to privacy policy, the carrier may not display the addressee's name and address online, though they would keep them at their interior system.And I'm 100% positive that I have shipped your order to your designated shipping address as the following:在此处可以确认一下收件人的地址及邮编等资料;Before you contact with the shipping carrier, May I advise you check with your families, roommates, and neighbors,etc. See if anyone has signed the item for you.Carrier name: USPS (示例邮政运营商)Helpline: 1-800-222-1811 (示例邮政运营商帮助热线)I will be here to assist you find your order, keep me posted.Thanks for your business again!Have a nice day!Best regards, store 888Alert:退件原因很多,到达目的国家后没有投妥成功的,引起的原因多为关税/或者投递不成功保留过期等;还有一部分原因,可能是由海关问题引起的,没有从中国成功封发出口或者没有办法进入目的地国家。