国外建筑学作品集 专题 Biomemic Architecture

建筑管理中控系统(BMS Control)在法 兰克福商业银行总部大厦中得到了应用, 但这次福斯特并非追求将高新技术设备充 分暴露,而是利用它们来创造更节能,更 舒适的建筑空间。大厦的室内感光感温系 统全部采用自动化,具体到每个办公室均 由一个中心调控系统控制,室内的光照, 温度,通风等均通过自动感应器得到相应 的调整,以确保办公空间适当的光照和空 气质量
诺曼· 福斯特奖项
1991年以来,诺曼•福斯特获得密斯•凡•德罗奖的欧洲建 筑大奖、法国建筑协会金奖;美国艺术与文学学会阿诺 德•W•布伦纳纪念奖、美国建筑师协会1994年建筑金奖、 UniversidadInternacional "Menendez Pelayo"金奖, Santander, Spain1995;法国文化部的艺术与文字顾问 团高级顾问;the Order of North RhineWestphalia;MIPIM 年度人物奖; “Building”1996 年度建筑 师名人奖;因为巴塞罗那城市建设所作贡献获得 the"Premi a la millor tasca depromoció international deBarcelona"荣誉;1997年特许设计师协会银奖;1999 年入选德国联邦杰出人物名册;Walpole 杰出成就奖; 并于1999年荣获第21届普利策建筑大奖。1995年事务所 被授予皇家出口奖。
经典建筑规划作品集 出国留学作品集10

portfolio - EMILIA MACHEDON - urban design - regional planning
Emilia Machedon
female, 25 years old Romanian nationality Address Roland Holstlaan 697. 2624 HT. Delft, The Netherlands. Contact details Telephone: 06 49 85 97 11 E-mail: emilia.machedon@
Nov - Dec 2007 Architectural Intern at S. D’Herbez de la Tour Architecture Studio. Paris, France.
Design: AutoCad***, SketchUp***, AutoDesk VIZ*, Illustrator***, Photoshop**, InDesign***, CorelDraw*** Other: MS Office***, Ecotect*
activate side street
City hall
City hall
St. Lawrence church
Lijnbaan Lijnbaan
St. Lawrence church
Lijnbaan non-shopping tracks
Lijnbaan shopping tracks
Paris, France.
Travel photography: https:///emilia.machedon
Table of Contents

1988年 任哥伦比亚大学访问教授、吉田五十八赏〈城 户崎邸〉 1989年 获法国建筑学院颁发的建筑金奖 1990年 任哈沸大学访问教授、大阪艺术赏 1991年 成为美国建筑家学会荣誉会员、美国科学院和文 学艺术研究所颁发 Arnold W. Brunner纪念奖,丹麦 Carlsberg建筑奖 1992年 获丹麦卡尔斯堡建筑奖 1993年 获日本艺术学院颁发的奖励,成为英国皇家建筑 学学会的荣誉会员
他成功地完成了强加给自己的使命,即恢复房屋与自然的 统一,通过最基本的几何形式,他用不断变幻的光图成功 地营造了个人的微观世界。除了获得一些抽象的设计概念, 他的建筑更多是充分反映一种“安逸之居”的意念。 安藤的建筑是空间和形式在艺术上的惊奇组合,透过他的 建筑没有人可预测这个时刻将会到来,他不愿意受传统的 来缚。创新是他的手段,个人世界观是他灵感的源泉。将 普雷兹克建筑奖授书安藤忠雄,不仅因为他完成了某项作 品,更是为了他将来的项目能够进一步丰富建筑艺术。安 藤所有的项目几乎都是用水泥作为主要建筑材料的,其实 他当过一段时间的木工学徒,掌握了日本传统木结构手艺。
庭 院
安藤忠雄的现代建筑有着独特的韵味,简洁抽象的几何 形体组合中竟蕴含了如此丰富的感官效果。这也许是由他 的世界观、哲学观决定的。安藤的建筑是被作为小宇宙设 计的,建筑中的庭院则是人工小宇宙的自然部分,也是城 市生活的自然部分,所以安藤建筑中的庭是一种复合空间。
安藤的建筑中庭院与传统的庭有着密切的联系,其建筑中 庭院的两种构成手法:天井式与自然式显然与日本传统的 枯山水和回游式庭院有着明显的传承关系。由于安藤有反 都市的建筑理念,因此他的建筑在城市中对外以一种自闭 的姿态出现,对内则另是一番天地:丰富开敞,庭( 或天 井、中庭)成了建筑的核心,不仅从功能上是整个建筑的 采光口,而且在空间组织上也是建筑精华所在。在庭院的 构成要素上,安藤继承了日本传统枯山水庭院构成要素的 纯粹性,只用灰色的混凝土墙面制造出均质的表面,在这 种表面所围合的空间中,光影成为组织空间的重要因素, 变幻莫测的光影从庭院投入室内、地下,产生出幽静的美。

室内设计作品集英文Indoor design is an art form that combines creativity, functionality, and aesthetics to create visually appealing and functional spaces within a building. A well-designed interior can have a significant impact on the overall ambiance and atmosphere of a room, making it a crucial element in any architectural project. In this article, I will present a collection of outstanding indoor design works that showcase the talent and expertise of designers from around the world.First and foremost, let's explore the concept of interior design. It goes beyond simply arranging furniture and selecting colors; it involves understanding the needs and preferences of the occupants and transforming a space into a reflection of their personality and style. The best interior designs are those that seamlessly integrate form and function, creating spaces that are not only visually appealing but also practical and comfortable to live or work in.One aspect of indoor design that often stands out is the use of color. Colors have the power to evoke emotions and set the mood of a room. Skillful designers know how to play with different hues, tones, and shades to create harmonious and visually striking interiors. From vibrant and energetic color schemes to soothing and relaxing palettes, the choice of colors can greatly influence the overall feel of a space.Another crucial element in indoor design is the use of materials and textures. Designers carefully select materials that not only complement the color scheme but also add depth and character to a room. From natural materials like wood and stone to synthetic options like glass and metal, the right combination of textures can create a sense of balance and visual interest. Furthermore, the use of textures can also enhance the tactile experience of a space, making it more inviting and engaging.Furniture and accessories play a significant role in indoor design as well. The selection of furniture piecesshould not only be aesthetically pleasing but also functional and comfortable. Each piece should be carefully chosen to fit the overall style and theme of the room while also considering the needs and lifestyle of the occupants. Accessories, such as lighting fixtures, artwork, and decorative items, add the finishing touches to a space, elevating its overall design and creating a cohesive and visually appealing environment.Lighting is another crucial aspect of indoor designthat often goes unnoticed. Proper lighting can enhance the mood and atmosphere of a room, making it appear more spacious, cozy, or vibrant. Designers use a combination of natural and artificial lighting sources to create a balance between functionality and aesthetics. The strategic placement of lighting fixtures, along with the use of different intensities and color temperatures, can transform a space and highlight its architectural features.Lastly, indoor design should always consider sustainability and environmental impact. With the growing awareness of climate change and the need for eco-friendlypractices, designers are incorporating sustainable materials and energy-efficient solutions into their projects. From utilizing recycled materials to incorporating energy-saving lighting systems, sustainable indoor design not only benefits the environment but also creates healthier and more efficient spaces for occupants.In conclusion, indoor design is a multifaceted discipline that combines art, functionality, and sustainability. Through the skillful use of color, materials, furniture, lighting, and accessories, designers can transform ordinary spaces into extraordinary environments. The showcased indoor design works in this collection exemplify the creativity, expertise, and attention to detail of designers from around the world. Whether it's a residential, commercial, or public space, a well-designed interior has the power to enhance our daily lives and create memorable experiences.。

by the fabric that forms the concrete or plaster building elements, where the form work also works as an analogue computer. In all cases the students learn the conventions of the processes they are using and then develop ways to take possession of the technology. While this document holds work that can be shown pictorially, the department has a lively range of courses in History and Theory, Law, Ethics, Professional Practice and Structures that are not covered here.
After the section on studios there is a selection of work from some of the school’s technology courses, where students experiment directly with materials and processes. Some of this work relies heavily on abstract computing, for At the start of each section of this document instance in Patrick Harrop and Peter Hasdell’s there is a brief description of the studio’s content courses, where advanced fabrication technologies or program, followed by examples of the work are manipulated to find new manufacturing done in that studio. There are not enough pages to do justice to each student’s work. possibilities for making architecture. In Mark West’s course the calculations are partly made

‘Cellulove’ Logo Design Exterior Presence Retail Elements Product Branding
Funding Cost Analysis Target Audience Impact on Society -Environmental -Social -Educational -Economic
There is also still great popularity in the art forms themselves. Whether in digital or analogue format, cinema, art and photography have survived the recessions well as a middle-ground form of entertainment. Though expensive cars, holidays and even the weekly shop are all areas to be cut back on, the Nation still wants to enjoy themselves, and will do so at the cost of a cinema ticket and bucket of popcorn, or a couple of pounds in the suggested entrance fee box at a gallery. That said, there has too been a real change in the way we watch films and perceive photography and art. With the development of the internet, and thus communication and accessibility, has come a different social experience, different attitudes and a different approach. The cinema to some is a black box, to others a laptop screen, and others the household TV with the best surround sound money can buy. It is rarely the evenings entertainment at an exclusive ‘place to be seen’ that it once was, at least not to the extent that it warranted a new outfit. And the gallery, today, can be online; an artists work exhibited across google images or posted on youtube. Any reflection of any art form tends to take place at home, online, masked by cyber anonymity. Again, therefore, some have dismissed the mainstream and gone underground. Pop-up cinema is rife; a rejection of the multiplex with ever-changing and inventive venues showing cult classics and impressing once again the magic of cinema on it’s audience. It gives people the opportunity to socialise and interact, brought together by a common interest and shared enthusiasm.

其中,芝加哥的云门(Cloud Gate)是一个标志性的建筑作品,代表了这座城市的建筑艺术魅力。
云门是由英国艺术家安尼什·卡普尔(Anish Kapoor)设计并于2004年完工的。
它位于芝加哥市中心的米伦尼特公园(Millennium Park),是该市最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。

1.多重构图——埃斯特别墅园林的空间设计 [J], 金云峰;范炜
2.意大利“百泉宫”埃斯特别墅水景设计解读 [J], 陈一颖
3.精湛的园林艺术:意大利文艺复兴时期园林赏析 [J], 姚雪艳
4.从埃斯特庄园看意大利台地园理水技巧 [J], 黄思懿; 郭林繁
5.BMW 8系双门轿跑概念车即将亮相意大利埃斯特庄园古董车展 [J],
国外BIM大赛-01 -华盛顿市中心医院扩建 Central Washington Hospital Expansion

Category A: BIM Excellence Awards
Leveraging BIM from Design Concept to Facility Management
When the news hit the streets that a brand new medical tower was to be built in the Central Washington town of Wenatchee, set in the foothills of the surrounding Cascade mountain range, it was the answer to the community’s healthcare needs. It was also just the beginning of the Owner’s design and construction journey to leverage new technology and bring a much needed state-of-theart facility to the area. Our design and construction team collaborated with the Owner to demolish 30,000 square feet of the existing two-story hospital to integrate a new, forward-thinking, $81 million, six-story patient tower. The tower houses 151 patient rooms, nursery, labor and delivery departments, critical care and post-coronary care unit, as well as a new adjacent Central Utility Plant. Aside from the traditional MEP coordination challenges that are faced in any construction project, the existing building had been constructed over many phases and several years, resulting in inconsistent foundation elevations and roof heights. With all of the complex issues to coordinate, it was necessary to leverage Building Information Modeling (BIM) to resolve these complex tasks. The use of BIM allowed the team to create the most efficient solution for MEP routing, as well as temporary shoring necessary to support areas of the building during demolition and construction. The team developed applications of BIM through implementation of new standards and tools on the jobsite such as wireless access points, mobile computer stations that allowed tablet computers in the field to enhance the quality inspection process, and a touchscreen computer in the jobsite office that provided easy access to the model. When the project was complete, the team provided a touchscreen computer to the hospital’s facilities management team that contained a complete as-built model linked to electronic documents, in-wall photos and electronic O&M manuals and shop drawings with the goal of revolutionizing the facility’s management experience. From design visioning, coordination and mock-ups, the use of BIM helped drive the owner decisionmaking process and became an invaluable tool for the construction team, allowing it to prefabricate certain areas of the building and greatly increase quality of construction through access to the model in the field. Through BIM and the new tools adopted throughout the project, we achieved a schedule savings of 10 weeks and passed on savings of $7 million to the owner. Those additional savings will be used for projects and future improvements to their medical facility. Today, BIM is a tool that is used daily by the Owner’s facilities management team.

盖里的作品常常成为城市的地标,为 城市带来活力和吸引力,提升城市形 象。
盖里的作品注重环保和可持续发展, 为城市规划提供了一种新的思路和方 向。
盖里的设计理念有助于推动城市更新 和改造,改善城市环境和生活质量。
详细描述:盖里运用创新的工程技术,将建筑的结构与 外观完美结合,如用反向弯曲的钢架来支撑整个建筑, 展现出独特的视觉效果。
详细描述:博物馆的设计融入了当地的地域特色,与周 围的环境相得益彰,体现了盖里对建筑与环境和谐共生 的追求。
总结词:标志性建筑 总结词:环保理念 总结词:多功能空间
安藤忠雄是日本著名建筑师,以简约主义和自然融合的设计 理念著称。与安藤忠雄相比,盖里的作品更加注重创新和实 验,而安藤忠雄则更强调建筑与自然的和谐共生。
总结词:颠覆传统 总结词:创新结构 总结词:地域特色
详细描述:盖里的设计大胆颠覆了传统博物馆的建筑形 式,采用流线型的曲线外观,如同自然形成的山丘,给 人留下深刻的印象。
西班牙毕加索博物馆 丹麦哥本哈根的赫尔辛格的赫斯霍尔门
盖里认为每个建筑都应 有独特的形态和语言, 反对千篇一律的建筑风
盖里注重建筑与周围环 境的和谐共生,认为建 筑应与自然环境相互融

architecture design portfolioDAMON WAKEdvwake@(602) 647-1664ADDRESS4701 East Arcadia LanePhoenix, AZ 85018(602) 840-8157EDUCATIONCollege of Architecture, Art, and PlanningBachelors of Architecture February 2010Cumulative GPA: 3.748 - Dean’s List 4 yearsCornell in RomeSemester, extension of Cornell AAP based in Rome with local Roman and Ithaca faculty.Program focused on the study of Contemporary and Historical Italian Art and Architecturein conjunction with analytical research and design in Rome and during immersion tripsthroughout Italy.Cornell Latin AmericaEight-week, 15 credit architecture design, visual representation, and theory program inMexico and Brazil. Traveling study of Historical and Modern Latin American culture, art, andArchitecture, focused on lectures, readings, sketch books, and design charettes.AWARDSSeipp Memorial Prize Competition, Co-WinnerCornell second year architecture competition for an ADA accessible renovation of SibleyHallDwell Magazine Re-Burbia Competition, FinalistOpen competition hosted by Dwell Magazine for visually and theoretically compellingimages/ideas for the re-construction of suburban developmentCOMPUTER SKILLSAutodesk AutoCAD, Rhinoceros 4 (Including Grasshopper), Adobe Photoshop, AdobeIllustrator, Google Sketch-Up, Microsoft O ce, Pepakura, basic Adobe Premiere,basic Autodesk Maya 8FABRICATION SKILLSWoodworking, Metal Working including welding and casting, Laser Cutting, Scale ModelMaking (including plaster and cement casting, soldiering, bass wood, foam, chipboard,plexi construction, etc.)Fall 2007Summer 2006Fall 2006August 2009WORK EXPERIENCEDesign InternshipMS Square Construction, Glendale AZ Administrative Assistant architect. Wrotebiding documents and organized bids from multiple Sub-Contractors to produce project cost estimates. Contacted local businesses to securenon-competitive contracts.Vincent Mulcahy, Ithaca NYConstruction g, painting, andhardware installation to demolition and landscaping. Worked closely with home owner, and professor Vince Mulcahy who oversaw all work.Rand Hall Wood & Metal Shop Technician’s Assistant Assist in the management and safety of Architecture and Art shop facilities. Train undergrad and graduate Architecture and Fine Arts majorsFirst-Aid assistancein the case of injury.2003 - 2007Summer 2005Summer 20082006 - 2009References Brian E. Beeners - Shop and Fabrication Facilities Supervisor beb4@, 607 255 1527 Dana Cupkova - Professordanacupkova@, 607 255 2701 Yanni Loukissas - Thesis Advisoryal1@, 607 255 2785Charles Schi ner - Architect 602 954 7442Freelance Design2010Studio CWake, Phoenix AZ Worked consistently for four years at the small, design oriented rm specializing in Taliesin and Native American architecture. Co-managed a home renovation, preparing shematic and design development drawings while acting as project manager. Worked extensivly on the Wind River Casino in Wyoming, prepared drawings for bidding, designed panelings layouts, color schemes, schedules, worked with an FF&E specialits, and presented work to the CEO, subcontractor, and engineers. Drew and edited cad drawings of all development levels and provided 3D renderings for clients.Independent design work on single family homes and co ee shops. Commercial work includes printed graphics, interior re-design, and back of house extensions. Currently working on single family new home construction in Seattle and a new duplex in Phoenix.Damon Wake-c 2010C O N T E N TSIBLEY PROJECTED - SEIPP MEMORIAL PRIZEcollaboration: michael hughes – advisor: henry richardson - fall 2006 Design competition for an ADA accessible r enovation of Sibley Hall, First Place FORM WORKS - CHELSEA HIGHLINE DEVELOPMENTadvisor: vincent mulcahy - spring 2007 with commercial and public use spacesCONNECTED CITY - ROCHESTER BROWNFIELD RE-USEcollaboration: lisa corkum - advisor: henry Richardson - fall 2006 Transit oriented development project for a Mid-rise multi-use building in a former industrial complex undergoing re-use and re-developmentPLAZA DE MUSICA - VALENCIA MUSIC CENTERadvisors: antón garcía-abril, débora mesa-molina - spring 2008 City music center and public plaza space adjoining Studio Ensemble’s new Berkley School of Music center on the outskirts of Valencia Spain ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY CENTER - LEADING EDGE DESIGN COMPETITIONcollaboration: chad christie, lisa corkum, peter rodway, larysa konowka - advisor: martha bohm - spring 2008 Sustainable design competition for a multi-use history, teaching, and research center in Santa BarbraCalifornia near rejuvenated wetlands LOVENESS RESIDENCE - VASHON ISLAND NEW HOME DESIGNcollaboration: lisa corkum – client: elizabeth loveness - 2010 Schematic development proposals for a new residence overlooking the Puget Sound onVashon Island near Seattle Washington 02_03_04_05_06_01_STRUCTURAL MODEL - MADRID BARAJAS AIRPORTcollaboration: asdren matoshi – advisors: mark cruvellier, mark cruvellier - spring 2007 Scale model structural analysis of Richard Roger’s airport project07_RADIAL ERECT-URBIA - DWELL REBURBIA COMPETITION collaboration: michael hughes - summer 2009 COLLAGE - LATIN AMERICAadvisors: andrea simitch, ta: marrisa tirone - summer 2006 Select pages from the collage sketchbook compiled of found materials on the Cornell Latin America summertrip through Mexico and BrazilBRONZE CASTINGadvisor: roberto bertoia - fall 2009Caste bronze sculpture completed for advanced sculpture classCARVED LUMINAIRadvisor: roberto bertoia - fall 2009 Hand and machine carved wood block with indirect lighting feature, completed for advanced sculpture class BEDSIDE LUMINAIRadvisor: martha bohm - spring 2007 Bedside night table with multiple lighting features, completed for lighting and acousticsSKETCHBOOK - MEXICO-BRAZIL/ROME-ITALYadvisors: james williamson, val warke, andrea simitch - summer 2006advisors: vincent mulcahy, alberto iacovoni - fall 2007 Freehand, on-site architectural sketches08_09_11_10_13_14_ Image based online design competition hosted by Dwell and to propose creative PROFESSIONAL DESIGN - CHARLES SCHIFFNER & ASSOCIATESprincipal: charles schi ner - 2005 - 2006 Schematic design and visual presentation work for clients of home renovation projects12_south north east eastscheme 1 Freelance Architecture & Design – Studio CWakecollaboration: lisa corkumProject:2k sqft new home construction sitson a slope overlooking the Puget Sound andthe Olympic Peninsula on Vashon Island'swestern coast. The home is a retirement spotdesigned to live one but expand forentertainment when the client's two sons, andfuture grandchildren, come to visit. Two mainscheme were developed with almost identicalprograms. The first focuses on a large picturewindow and loft space looking out to the seawhile the second focuses on a cantileveredsecond floor living space providing cover for anoutdoor fireplace and porch below. Bothscheme were developed visually for the client.First FloorSecond FloorB e d r o o m B e d r o o mP a y R o o m R e a d n g R o o mB a t h B e d r o o m NM a s t e r B e d r o o mD n n g D e n P a o F o y e rM u dK t c h e nPantryB a t hnorth easteastscheme 2SIBLEY PROJECTEDSEIPP MEMORIAL PRIZE COMPETITIONconcept sketchesexploded axonometric –accessible circulation through three part struc-ture with projected gallery and peeled back façadecollaboration: michael hughesadvisor: henry richardsonfall 2006co-winner first placecompetition parameters – to design an ADA Accesible renovation for the first floor of Sibley Hall connecting the dome with the east and west wings.scheme – gutting the first floor and basement under the dome, the new and expanded Hartell Gallery projects out of the back façade over a sunken plaza that bridges over the new lowered parking lot. pulling back the interior from the front façade, a new loggia space overlooks the arts quad and acts as a grand entrance to the interior atrium. steel stairs and causeways wrap the out edge of the double high space over the new extended Green Dragon café space. The pushed back glass box aligns with the axial hallways on either side of Sibley while creating an outdoor covered plaza.first floor planbasement plancross section through Sibley Domepresentation boards with sectional model and paper studiesmanhattandesignthinktank The project addresses multiple scales of context and diversities of programmatic occupation. Large high-rises contrast with Chelsea’s general low-rise neighborhood that has, until now, remained one of the last areas of lower Manhattan to become heavily gentrified. The defunct elevated railway known as the Highline, a vestige of the area’s meatpacking heritage, is set to become an elevated public park with some sporadic program. Several developers have started to build high-rise condos. Chelsea’s quiet artsy feel seems to be in jeopardy of becoming another Soho.Located on the edge of Manhattan in a vacant Chelsea parking lot between West 17th and 18th streets, this infill development project is a proposal designed to maintain the pregentrified character of the area while accommodating its inevitable commercial growth.concept site modellongitudinal sectionconcept project proposal modelwest elevationThe fourteen story tower facing the Hudson houses artists in residence while providing mechanical access to studio and work spaces in the forward slab. The back slab addresses the Highline’s turn by wrapping around on the far side while placing three stories of small shops on its edge for easy access by Highline joggers and walkers. A long glazed plinth on 18th street provides plenty of gallery and exhibition space for artists-inresidence. Lifted from a sunken ground plane, the building opens 10th Avenue to the Hudson and Chelsea Piers. Access to the ground level lawn, sculpture garden, and amphitheater creates a cloistered and continuously occupied public armature connecting with the Highline, Riverbank and adjacent parks.plexi massing modelsouth elevationcross sectionrendered model in siteCONNECTED CITY-ROCHESTER BROWNFIELD RE-USEcollaboration: lisa corkum advisor: henry richardson fall 2006on the edge of the geneses river in a century old industrial area recently redeveloped as a commercial center near Rocherster’s downtown, this multi-use project strategically links disparate parts of the vacant downtown with new development to help generate further reuse and redevelopment of the city centersite plan with proposed rail links and pedestrian movers in greencity zoningzoning blocks extruded by population denistygreen roof context on the edge of the geneses river in a century old industrial area recently redeveloped as a commercial center near Rocherster’s downtown, this multi-use project strategically links disparate parts of the vacant downtown with new development to help generate further reuse and redevelopment of the city centercity hot spots derived from programatic density and populationmapping strategic analytical mapping of Rochester’s downtown shows a lack of programmatic continuity with major population centers. by locating hot spots, or areas of programmatic density (high in attractor programs such as restaurants, bars, liquor stores, clubs, theaters, cinemas, etc.) we drew a map expressive of city’s dynamic use. the project’s proposed light rail link and cross river with suburban population centers. the project site serves as a primary transit hub, structure for attractor programs, and year round public space.rooftop planscheme the interior atrium space is derived by the lofting lower tube houses the main elevated light rail station. the hollowed core opens up to the view of the river gorge and waterfall while avoiding direct sun exposure. the key pedestrian path is a small loop that connects a commercial hot spot across the gorge with the stadium through the project proposal.attractor programs within city centerview from opposite bank internal atrium formal deformation processverticle circulationopen atrium access spacecommercial programbent frame and secondary beam and column systemlateral bracingMoment Connections Shear Connectionstypical framing planstructure a bent frame system provides the primaryBentsColumnsGirderssecondary pin connected columns and beams transfer the loads from the concrete slabs down while maintaining an un obstructed atrium and curved glass ceiling. lateral bracing is provided by a continuous diagrid structure. this system gives the exterior diamond shaped appearance as large out on the north east main entrance.Beamsrail system and structureprimary bent frame structureexterior glazing and diagrid vertical circulation systemsMain Air Handling Room at Floor 8Typical Branch Supply and ReturnDuctsSupply & ReturnShaftsBentLateral Bracing w/ InsulationMullionDouble Pane Insulated GlassSmoke Panel10” Concrete Slab w/ Shear JointsDucktsDiffuserFire Sprinkler Light FixturePerforated Metal Drop CeilingCeiling Hangers28” Girder 12” Beam w/ Fire ProofingSteel DeckingFinish Floor*Detail Section Adapted From Prada Tokyo, Herzog & de Mueron 2004, El Croquis Issue 129-130variable glass tintingenvelope detail section*environmental systemstinted glass panels vary across the façade to allow in a variable amounts of sunlight dependant on programmatic and environ-mental needs. primary mechanical cores near the elevator shafts provide the main supplies of hot and cold air in individual atrium space relies primarily on direct gain through the glazing for heating. secondary days while ceiling exhaust fans prevent over heating in summer.Main Air Handling EquipmentFor Offices and RetailChilled Water PlantBoilerSupply & Exhaust Branch Supply & ReturnsMain Supply & ReturnsMain Air Handling EquipmentFor AtriumBoilerExhaust F ansChilled WaterPlantDirect GainMain Supply & ReturnsBranch Supply & ReturnsFloor VentsStack Ventilation passive and active heating and cooling systemszamfonia (hurdy gurdy)music machineinstead of using a rosined wheel to vibrate the keys and a keybox to produce notes; a piston automatically moves the strings when turned. the music box is replaced by individual structural units holding up the camshaft and pistons.Initial concept research derived from a study of the zamfonia, or the Spanish version of the medieval instrument known in English as the zamfonia. a piston based machine served as the guiding conceptual structure and organization of the music center and plaza.project proposals required designing a public music center adjacent to the not yet constructed Berkley School of Music center on the southern developing edge of Valenciageneral scheme L shaped structure wraps around the open plaza and plinth rooftop to activate multiple urban spaces changing in scale and size up through the towertheaters/halls student housing nearest public spacea lack of major public spaces, nearby student housing, and appropriate program segregates the site from denser parts of the cityrooftop planthe elevated connecting arm provides spectator and program-mable spaces to look down on the plinth rooftop plaza whilethe main plaza stage can be viewed from either the groundlevel plaza or rooftopsecondary steel structuresteel floor plates steel scrims lifted ground and shell structureS TA G E SU P P O R T S TA G E S U P P O R T S TA G E S U P P O R T S TA G E E LE V A T E D S EA T I N G E LE VA T E DS E A T IN G E L E V AT E DS E A T I N G B AR /N I GH T C LU B B A R /N I G H T C L UBP U B L I C L O C K E R SB A T H -RO O M S B A T H -RO O M S P LA Z A - S P OR T SF E I LD -S T A G E S M A LL -SC AL ER ET AI L& C A F ES M A LL -SC AL ER ET AI L & CA FEprogramatic distributionbelow ground facilities mainly cater to athletic needs since the plaza and rooftop can be used for small local sports events in daytime. the main ground level includes a plaza between Berkley school and lifted seating for sports spectators. The first above ground level consists of stage support spaces. centered between support areas and framed by the main shell structure, the stage faces towards the tower. the south block is a three story bar/night club with access to the stage level when there are no performances.The elevated wing consists of two stories of small retail and bar/restaurant spaces set back from the edge to allow for circulation and views of the rooftop and stage area.floor plansperspectivesvariable shadernw & se elevations process sketchesvariable shading is provided by large retractable sail like cloth shades. this activates the south facing plaza and stage area for daytime use which would otherwise be too hot for 24 hour occupation. permanent steel scrims provide constant shading for fixed programs.University of California, Santa Barbara ENVIRONMENTAL + HISTORY CENTERcollaboration: chad christie, lisa corkum, peter rodway, larysa konowkaadvisor: martha bohm - spring 2008NAccess Drive +Disabled Parking Isla Vista School Playground Camino Corto Open Space Building GroundLevel EntryBioremediationAreasPe des t ri a nPa th sFire Lane BioremediationArea BioremediationAreaBarn PlazaProposed Vernal Pool Chain-link Fence Over-Flow Drain 1Over-Flow Drain 2Rooftop Sedum Plantings Bioremediation Plantings Water Collection Pond Drain 1 Collection Area Drain 2 Collection Area Flow Towards Slough WATER FLOW + DRAINAGEOver-Flow Drain 1Over-Flow Drain 2Rooftop Sedum PlantingsBioremediation Plantings Water Colletion Pond Drain 1 Collection Area Drain 2 Collection AreaFlow Twords SloughOn-Site Water Flows PROJECT NARRATIVEProject utilizes natural ventilation from ocean breezes which is aided by the lifted of the southern corner.Extensive water catchment systems collect rain water and runoff from the nearby hard-scapes to be filteredthrough a bio remediation zone before entering the wetland areas.Extensive sun calculations dictated the placement of recycled wood shading louvers. In winter the building’snatural b the building is entirely heated by direct gain, thus not requiring any mechanical heating system.The Leading Edge sustain-able design competitioncalled for a multi-use history,teaching, and researchcenter in Santa BarbraCalifornia near rejuvenated wetlands. The site includesan old barn and is adjacent to an elementary school.TRANSVERSE BUILDING SECTIONLandscape extended below grade connecting courtyard to barnEAST ELEVATION Lecture Hall with vertical louvers and less fenestration articulatinga more controlled program Offices fully fenestrated with operable glazing and vertical louvers Classrooms and Library fully fenestrated with operable glazing and vertical louvers Entrance to Library from roof above lobbyClassroom LibraryClassroomOffices Courtyard/ BioremediationAreaLobbyLecture HallBathroomsFire stairsCLASSROOM WALL SECTION3” Fly-Ash Concrete Steel Decking Open Web Steel Joists 1” Rigid Insulation(Expanded Perlite Organic Bonded)Vapor Barrier1” Fly-Ash Concrete Cladding(Sub-Sand/Gravel/Stone Concrete)1/2” DrywallWater Resistant Barrier AirspaceUncoated Low-E Double Pane GlassSteel StudWooden PlanksDrainage Layer 3” Cellulose Insulation (Recycled Newsprint)Metal Grated Drop Ceiling ROOF ASSEMBLYWALL ASSEMBLYFLOOR ASSEMBLYMarmoleum3” Fly-Ash ConcreteSteel DeckingOpen Web Steel Joists1” Rigid Insulation(Expanded Perlite Organic Bonded)Vapor BarrierAirspace1” Fly-Ash Concrete Cladding(Sub-Sand/Gravel/Stone Concrete)Vapor Barrier3” Cellulose Insulation(Recycled Newsprint)Water Resistant BarrierAirspaceAirspaceDETAILED CLASSROOM SECTIONA I R P O R T 2d modelstructural collaboration:asdren matoshiadvisors:mark cruvellierMatt Lindsayspring 2007This structural model represents a detail section of the Madrid Barajas Airport designed by Richard Rogers. The two primary structural systems are a composite concrete slab floor system holding up curved “gull wing” shaped roof frames. Each roof section consists of steel girders supported by hinged V and Y columns on H shaped concrete base columns. Circular skylights puncture the top curves. A steel and glass curtain wall hangs from the end of each wing and is tied to the upper slab.We cast the upper floor level in 1/4in. Rockite cement with soldered piano wire reinforcing. The wire reinforcing connects to brass hinge connections on the secondary Y shaped columns and fixed connections on the V shaped columns. More brass hinges fix the columns to the roof constructed of curved bass wood girders. The curtain wall is constructed of soldered brass rods and H shapes.Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do CongonhasFaculty of Architecture & Planning University São PauloBrazilian Museum of Sculpture in São PauloForma Furniture Showroom - São Paulo Ministry of Education and CultureRio de Janeiro Summer 2006advisors: james williamson,val warke, andrea simitchOratorio de San Felipe Neri - San Miguel de Allende Our Lady of Pilar - Ouro PretoMonastery AlcomanUniveristy of GuanajuatoSketches completed during the Cornell SummerLatin America program were completed on sitewhile traveling through Mexico and Brazil.Villa Carprarola Villa Madama - RomeBasilica of St Anthony - PaduaBaptistry - PisaCamposanto Monumentale - PisaFall 2007advisor: vincent mulcahyDuomo - Siena Piazza del Campo - Siena Castel del Monte - ApuliaPiazza Navona - RomeSketches completed during the Cornell Romeprogram were completed on site within Rome andits environs as well as on trips throughoutNorthern and Southern Italy.Radial Erect-UrbiaThese 3000 ft mobile tower-cranes toddle towards suburban communities where they proceed to drill deep footings at the center of their cores into the earth and outstretch their tripod legs over a 2000 ft radius of suburb. The crane tears out homes from their plots and shelves them in 60 floors of open floor plates. Breaking it up into five sub neighborhoods, commercial/public floors are packed full of the big box stores and strip malls that sustain residential communities. Each sub-neighborhood is an atrium space of houses connecting to a core with wide causeways planted as walking parks./2009/08/05/radial-erect-urbia-2/A drill digs the core underground to extract geothermal energy and regulate the extraction and return of ground-water for. The crane’s legs unfold and pivot around the core to cultivate cleared land. Tilling, planting, watering, and harvesting are performed by the three revolving utility appendages. A wind turbine rotates to collect energy while the crane erects connecting thoroughfares to adjacent towers. The elevated links support public transit networks and allow the flow of people and goods. Each tower sustains 1200 single-family homes and 2.5 million sq ft of commercial/public space for some 5000 inhabitants. By radically retrofitting suburbs, the old methodology of horizontal sprawl is supplanted with a scheme of vertical-core sprawl freeing the suburbanite from the demands of automotive travel while maintaining the spatial desire for individual homes and returning the land to mother nature.Bronze Casting Pouring against gravity, a liquid stream breaks through a platonic sphere. Boiling forces inside the cracked shell seem to both create and destroy. The curved stem precariously floats the weighty ball, appearing to almost fall at anysecond. The piece explores simple dichotomies: smooth & rough, heavy & light, platonic & irregular, light & dark, flow &static, shadow & reflection.Design。

1 格拉斯哥艺术学院麦金塔希教区花园埃德文·路特恩斯拉金大厦弗兰克·里奥德·赖特维也纳邮政储蓄银行奥托·瓦格纳5 联合教堂弗兰克·里奥德·赖特斯多克勒宫殿约瑟夫·霍夫曼罗宾别墅弗兰克·里奥德·赖特涡轮机工厂彼得·贝伦斯米拉公寓安东尼·高迪10 玻璃馆布鲁诺·陶特斯德哥尔摩公共图书馆艾瑞克·冈纳·阿斯普伦德爱因斯坦天文台艾瑞克·门德尔松辛德勒住宅鲁道夫·辛德勒施罗德住宅格里特·里特维尔德15 包豪斯瓦尔特·格罗皮乌斯露天学校约翰尼斯·德克劳维尔住宅理查德·诺依特拉耶稣圣心大教堂巴塞罗那厅密斯·凡·德·罗20 杜根哈特别墅密斯·凡·德·罗萨伏伊别墅勒·柯布西耶玻璃之家皮耶·夏洛伯纳德·毕吉伯结核病疗养院阿尔瓦·阿尔托谬勒住宅阿道夫·鲁斯25 瑞士学生宿舍勒·柯布西耶Schrrlinke住宅汉斯·夏隆法西斯大楼杰赛庇·特拉尼哥德堡法院艾瑞克·冈纳·阿斯普伦德流水别墅弗兰克·里奥德·赖特30 雅各布住宅弗兰克·里奥德·赖特约翰逊蜡烛公司大楼弗兰克·里奥德·赖特贝克住宅阿尔瓦·阿尔托玛利亚别墅阿尔瓦·阿尔托古根海姆博物馆弗兰克·里奥德·赖特35 埃姆斯住宅查里斯·埃姆斯瑞·范斯沃斯住宅密斯·凡·德·罗考夫曼沙漠别墅理查德·诺伊特拉巴拉千住宅与工作室路易斯·巴拉干马赛公寓勒·柯布西耶40 塞纳索罗市政厅阿尔瓦·阿尔托利华大厦戈登·邦沙夫特SOM朗香教堂勒·柯布西耶克朗楼密斯·凡·德·罗Jaoul公寓勒·柯布西耶45 国会大厦勒·柯布西耶尼迈耶住宅奥斯卡·尼迈耶La Tourrette修道院勒·柯布西耶莱斯特大厦詹姆斯·斯特林詹姆斯西格拉姆大厦密斯·凡·德·罗50 阿姆斯特丹市政孤儿院阿尔多·凡·艾克哈伦集合住宅Atelier 5柏林爱乐音乐厅汉斯·夏隆悉尼歌剧院约翰·伍重理查德医学研究大厦路易斯·康55 体育馆皮埃尔·奈尔维杜勒斯国际机场埃罗·沙里宁Milam住宅保罗·鲁道夫斯坦普利亚基金会卡洛·斯卡帕萨克研究院路易斯·康60 经济大厦埃里森·史密森彼得·史密森弗雷登斯堡乡村住宅约翰·伍重圣彼得教堂席加德·列维伦茨塞纳约克图书馆阿尔瓦·阿尔托65 福特基金会大楼凯文·罗奇约翰·丁克路罗马天主教堂阿尔多·凡·艾克海滩农场共管区MLTW金贝尔艺术博物馆路易斯·康70 鲍斯韦市教堂约翰·伍重加拉拉特塞住宅区阿尔多·罗西比希尔中心办公大楼赫尔曼·赫兹伯格Willis,Faber&DLlmas行政总部诺曼·福斯特蓬皮杜艺术中心伦佐·皮亚诺75 理查德·罗杰斯圣伏特河别墅马里奥·博塔门兴格拉德巴赫市立博物馆汉斯·霍莱因Can Lis 勺翰·伍重现代艺术博物馆矾崎新80 四号住宅彼得·埃森曼Atheneum 理查德·迈耶斯图加特国家美术馆詹姆斯·斯特林迈克尔·威尔福德盖里住宅弗兰克·盖里85 Koshino别墅安藤忠雄香港汇丰银行诺曼·福斯特Wilier"nspark学校赫尔曼·赫茨伯格BalI-Eastaway住宅和工作室格兰·穆卡特罗马艺术国家博物馆拉非尔·莫尼奥90 曼尼收藏馆伦佐·皮亚诺螺旋大厦桢文彦威克斯纳视觉艺术中心彼得·埃森曼格雷夫斯住宅迈克尔·格雷夫斯沃尔斯温泉彼得·卒姆托95 戈兹美术馆雅克·赫尔佐格皮埃尔·德梅隆康索现代艺术中心雷姆·库哈斯加里西安当代艺术中心阿尔瓦罗·西扎市政中心恩瑞克·米拉勒斯100 卡莫·皮诺斯梅那拉·梅西加尼亚大楼杨经文卢塞恩文化和会议中心让·努维尔犹太人博物馆丹尼尔·利伯斯金巴恩斯住宅帕特考建筑设计有限公司105 古根海姆博物馆弗兰克·盖里吉巴欧文化中心伦佐·皮亚诺圣伊格那修教堂史蒂文·霍尔LFl园艺展览馆扎哈·哈迪德仙台媒体中心伊东丰雄110 波尔多住宅雷姆·库哈斯。

全球12⼤著名仿⽣建筑 全球12⼤著名仿⽣建筑 仿⽣建筑是21世纪建筑学领域的⼀项新运动,仿⽣建筑学理论结合了⽣物学、美学和⾃然界中的科学规律。
1,巴黎“防烟雾”⼤厦(Anti-Smog Building, Paris) 这所建筑是⼀个新科技中⼼,建筑所⽤的原料都是可回收可降解材料。
2,美国⾟⾟那提的“罗布林⼤桥坡度”⼤厦(The Ascent at Roebling Bridge, Cincinnati) 这座⼤厦位于⾟⾟那提市最著名的罗布林⼤桥(Roebling Bridge)旁,被称为罗布林⼤桥坡度”的⼤厦是由纽约世界贸易中⼼重建总体规划建筑师丹尼尔·李博斯⾦设计的。
3,哥斯达黎加“世界⽅⾈”(Ark of the World, Costa Rica) 由格雷特·莱恩设计的这个“世界⽅⾈”是基于⼀种“流体建筑”概念为原理,使⽤可变形的⾦属材料和使⽤先进的“blob-like”流媒体图像技术。

1. 勒·柯布西耶简介勒·柯布西耶(Le Corbusier),原名夏尔-埃德华-杰纳雷-居贝德- 西耶(Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris),was born on October 6, 1887, in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. He was a prominent Swiss-French architect, designer, and urban planner who is renowned for his contributions to modern architecture. Throughout his career, Le Corbusier revolutionized architectural design with his innovative concepts and functionalist approach.2. 勒·柯布西耶的作品风格As a pioneer of modernist architecture, Le Corbusier's works are characterized by their clean lines, geometric forms, and the use of materials such as concrete and glass. He believed in the marriage of architecture and technology, which he advocated through his famous dictum "A house is a machine for living in." His designs often integrated principles of functionality and efficiency, 本人ming to create spaces that were in harmony with the surrounding environment.3. 勒·柯布西耶作品中的17处建筑Among Le Corbusier's extensive body of work, there are 17 architectural masterpieces that stand out for their significance and influence on the development of modern architecture.These iconic structures showcase his unique vision and lasting impact on the built environment.4. Villa Savoye, Poissy, FranceCompleted in 1931, Villa Savoye is considered one of the most important works of modern architecture. It is a prime example of Le Corbusier's "Five Points of Architecture," which include pilotis (supports), flat roof terrace, open floor plan, horizontal windows, and free facade. The villa's design emphasizes functionality and simplicity, with an emphasis on the integration of interior and exterior spaces.5. Notre Dame du Haut, Ronchamp, FranceDesigned and constructed between 1950 and 1955, Notre Dame du Haut is a modernist pilgrimage chapel that has be a major work of religious architecture. Its sculptural form and innovative use of light and space make it apelling example of Le Corbusier's experimentation with new architectural forms.6. Unité d'Habitation, Marseille, FranceCompleted in 1952, the Unité d'Habitation is a pioneering residential housing project that embodies Le Corbusier's vision of urban living. It features a modular design that allows forflexible floor plans andmunal amenities, showcasing hismitment to improving the quality of urban life.7. Chandigarh, IndiaLe Corbusier was instrumental in the planning and design of Chandigarh, a new city in India that serves as the capital of the states of Punjab and Haryana. His urban master plan for Chandigarh, executed in the 1950s, emphasized the segregation of traffic, the provision of open green spaces, and the rational organization of public buildings.8. Villa La Roche, Paris, FranceBuilt between 1923 and 1925, Villa La Roche is a prime example of Le Corbusier's early experimentation with modernist principles. It is an architectural manifesto that showcases his use of bold geometric forms and innovative spatial configurations, setting the stage for his later groundbreaking designs.9. Cité Radieuse, Marseille, FranceThe Cité Radieuse, also known as La M本人son du Fada, waspleted in 1952 as a revolutionary housingplex that reimagined the concept of urban living. It features modular apartments,munal facilities, and a rooftop garden, all integratedinto a bold, sculptural form that reflects Le Corbusier's vision of a "vertical garden city."10. Villa Stein, Garches, FranceDesigned and constructed between 1927 and 1928, Villa Stein is a modernist residence that exemplifies Le Corbusier's principles of "Purism" and "The Five Points of Architecture." Its sleek, white facade and open plan layout demonstrate hismitment to functional simplicity and spatial efficiency.11. Ronchamp City, FranceIn addition to the Notre Dame du Haut chapel, Le Corbusier's involvement in the planning of Ronchamp extended to the design of the surrounding city, including residential buildings, public facilities, and landscaping elements. His holistic approach 本人med to create an integratedmunity that embodied his ideals of modern urbanism.12. Villa Jeanneret-Perret, La Chaux-de-Fonds, SwitzerlandAs one of Le Corbusier's early works, the Villa Jeanneret-Perret holds special significance as a testament to his formative years as an architect. Completed in 1912, it features elements of Art Nouveau and showcases his evolving design sensibilities beforethe emergence of his modernist style.13. High Court of Chandigarh, IndiaLe Corbusier's design for the High Court of Chandigarh,pletedin 1956, is a striking example of his architectural vision for the new Indian city. The building's sculptural form, iconic brise soleil, and functional layout reflect hismitment to creating monumental structures that respond to their cultural and environmental context.14. Palace of Assembly, Chandigarh, IndiaAs part of hisprehensive plan for Chandigarh, Le Corbusier designed the Palace of Assembly, also known as the Legislative Assembly Building, to serve as the seat of government for the new city. Completed in 1961, the building's monumental scale, symbolic significance, and rational design principles reflect his enduring legacy in urban planning.15. Cabanon de vacances, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, FranceThe Cabanon de vacances, a small vacation cabin designed by Le Corbusier for himself, exemplifies his ability to create innovative architectural solutions within a modest footprint. Completed in 1952, the cabin's efficient use of space,minimalistic design, and integration with nature reflect his principles of practical, sust本人nable living.16. The Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USALe Corbusier's only building in North America, the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts at Harvard University, waspleted in 1963. Its bold, sculptural form and use of concrete as a primary material demonstrate his ongoingmitment to pushing the boundaries of architectural expression and spatial experience.17. Firminy-Vert, FranceFirminy-Vert stands as a testament to Le Corbusier's enduring influence on urban planning and architecture. The project, which includes a stadium, cultural center, and residential buildings, was executed based on his original design principles after his death, highlighting the lasting impact of his visionary ideas.18. 总结In conclusion, Le Corbusier's 17 selected architectural works represent a diverse and influential body of work that continuesto inspire architects and urban planners around the world. Hismitment to functionalism, modernity, and the integration of art and architecture has left an indelible mark on the built environment, shaping the way we think about space, form, and the relationship between people and their surroundings. Through his visionary designs, Le Corbusier has left a lasting legacy that transcends time and continues to resonate with contemporary audiences.。