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下面是 ___的100句,希望对大家有帮助。

1.Wele to Hainan! 欢迎您来海南!

2. Haikou is the capital city of Hainan Provin ___. 海口是海南省的省会城市。

3. Sanya lies in the south of Hainan. 三亚位于海南的南面。

4. Holiday Beach is about twenty kilometres away from the city proper.

假日海滩离市区大约 ___公里。

5.Wenchang is well known as “the home of coconuts”. 文昌以椰子之乡闻名于世。

6. Wenchang Chicken is deliious. 文昌鸡很美味。

7. If you visit Qionghai, please don’t forget to taste Jiaji Duck. 如果你来琼海,请别忘记尝一尝嘉积鸭。

8. On weekends, you can fly a kite in the Ever Green Park. 周末你可以去万绿园放 ___。

9. Is it the first time you came to Sanya? 你是第一次来三亚吗?

10. I have been in Hainan for about two weeks. 我在海南已有两个星期了。

11. Great changes have taken pla ___ in Sanya sin ___ 1987.


12. How long does it take to go to Sanya from Haikou by bus?


13. It usually takes about three hours. 通常要三个小时左右的时间。

14. Wenchang High School is one of the best middle schools in Hainan.


15. Excuse me. Could you ___ me how to get to Hainan University?


16. The NO. 17 bus can take you right there. 十七路公车直达。

17. Want to go shopping? You can go to the Pearl Plaza or the Oriental Plaza.

想吗?去明珠 ___或东方 ___好了。

18. I want to practise oral English. Could you remend a training school in Haikou? 我想练习口语,你能推荐一所培训学校给我吗?

19. Hainan New Active English Training School is the best choi ___.


20. People in Haikou often go to the Volcano Park to eat lamb hotpot.


21.Boao is situated in Qionghai. It is the seat of the Boao Aisa Forum.

博鳌位于琼海,博鳌亚洲 ___设立在此。

22.Sanya is the souther ___ost city in China. 三亚是中国最南端的城市。

23.Sanya is the habitat of several nationalities, including Han, Miao, Li, Hui.

三亚是一个多民族的居住地,其中有汉族、苗族、黎族和 ___。

24. How do western people say “Tianyahaijiao” in Engish?


25.The Edge of the Sea, the Rim of the Sky. 海的边,天的边。

26. The name of the Turn-round Deer Park es from an ancient fairy story of the Li nationality. 鹿回头公园的名字源于黎族的一个神话。

30. There are two big airports in Hainan. The Phoenix International Airport is in Sanya and Meilan International Airport is in Haikou.

海南有两个大的飞机场, ___机场在三亚,美兰国际机场在海口。

31. Haikou is bigger than Sanya, but there are more visitors in Sanya.


32. Haina has no winter. The weather is warm in the winter time.


33. The trees and grass are green all the year round on Hainan Island.


34. Different from other provin ___s, Hainan is the second largest o ___an island and the s ___llest land provin ___ in China.
