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Most critical issue affecting “where we are”in the marketplace? 哪一个因素对本品牌目前的状况要负最大责任? (what is the single most important factor for the current status of the brand in the marketplace)
Reflecting upon what you”ve written,develop an insighful and imaginative articulation of the unipue relationship which users one day will have with this brand.
Shanghai Ogilvy&Mather
Ogilvy&mather in china
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品牌检验 /品牌远景摘要 由品牌检验(旧品牌)及品牌远景(新品牌) 写出该品牌的品牌写真
Brand Audit /brand Vision summary
整体品牌摘要 overall brand summary
•Basic description of prdduct or service 他是什么?能做什么?如何发挥功能?为什么? 写下完整的事实叙述,从消费者的观点来思考
What is it?what dose it do?what is it used for?how does it work? Why does it work?give as full a desvription of the essential details of the product or service as possible. Think it thrrough from the consumer”spoint of view.
Who are the key target groups for the brand”s future 在计划的时间表内,与本品牌相关的所有目标消费者——直接与非直接
Who are all the target audiences relevant to the fortunes of the brand during the period we are planning? They may be directly or indirectly relevant_for example,as buyers,as buyers,users or influencers. (for each target a detailed target consumer desciption must be completed. )
5、现在暂且抛开使用者的角度…… 刚才你对这个品牌的描述,是不是理想的状况? 我们可以怎么做?如果对品牌的描述是模糊的或不存在, 我们希望它变成什么样子?
品牌远景摘要brand 品牌远景摘要brand vision summary
Key brand triggers 想想看,你会期望本品牌在消费者心里浮现什么? Think about how you would want the brand to spring to mind…… A、别人听见这个品牌名时,会有什么感觉? When the brand is heard,what world we have dart through people”s minds? B、还有呢? What else? 视觉?印象? Visuals or images? 包装或产品元素? Packaging or product elements 广告片段? Bits of advertising? 标示或记号? Signs or symbols 其他的期望? Othe brand wishers? C、上述的刺激,对本品牌有什么隐含的意义或启示? What coule these stimuli suggest or signal about the brand?

Brand personality guess? Please tick based on research? Or best
• •

如果是活生生的人,它是什么样子? 品牌个性的哪些部分可有助于了解消费者与我们之间的关系?
Who would this brand be if it came to life?what personality characteristics are helpful in understanding the consumer”s ” relationship with the brand
• 你的文字需反映对此关系最基本重要的部分 You statement should reflcet only what is essential to the relationship • 不只是描述,应能生动的激发情感
It should be written in a way that does not simply describe,but vividly evokes the feeling of this relationship

品牌:—————— 1、想一想在你脑海中勾起品牌识别的特定事物 A、当你听到品牌名,立即想到什么? B、还有呢? – 视觉或影像? – 包装或产品元素? – 广告片段? – 标志或符号? – 其他品牌事迹 C、这些刺激对品牌有何暗示或代表什么? 2、想一想品牌所勾起你的感受与情感 A、在使用本品牌时,你所经验的特定感受与情感 B、这个品牌让你觉得自己如何? C、当你看到别人用这个品牌时,你觉得如何? D、这个品牌的情绪如何? E、本品牌所引发你的感受与情感和主要竞争者所引发的有何不同?
•Brand positioning 就像本品牌的职务描述一样——定义这个品牌角色,对哪一群消费者而 言,它可满足哪一种需求?还有哪些替代品可满足同一需求
The definition of a brand”s role;specifically,which needs among which consumers versus which alternatives does it aim, to satisfy?
•品牌写真 •Brand print
品牌与消费者间的独特关系 The insightful and imaginative articulation of the unique relationship which users have with this brand
整体品牌摘要 overall brand summary

Why are we there?
What combination of factors contribute to the brand “s current status?social,economic and technological factors? Market factors?consumer factors? Competitive activity? Company factors?
What role will each discipline play in achieving this objective? 广告? advertising? 直效 Direct relations? 公关 Public relations? 促销 Sales promotion 其他(如包装) Other?(for example\packaging)
品牌检验 the brand audit
3、因为使用一个品牌也构成生活中的一部分,品牌附有个人的记忆或联 想…… A、这品牌带来何种个人的记忆或联想? B、请描述你生活中或你亲近的某个人生活中的一段插曲,以利说明
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
4、不只是实际的特定功用,品牌在我们生活中发挥更多的效果…… A、除了实际功效,这个品牌为你还作了什么别的品牌所无法达成的事? • 它有何独特的贡献 • 对使用本产品类别,它带给你何种特殊的眼界与看法? B、你自己行为的哪一层面或思考事情的方法,强化了这个品牌为你所作 的一切?
In a perfect world how would you people speak of the brand? What phrases would they use?
The brand print 根据前面的综述,请发展一段兼具洞察力与想象力的词语 来描述未来消费者与本品牌间独特的关系

What is the core idea behind the current advertising?are there any advertising properties?what are hey?
品牌策略摘要 brand strategy summary

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我们应往何处? Where should we be?
时间表和目标,不只是“我们期望如何”,换有“实际上能抵达何 处”及“时间表”
Where could our brand be in relation to the market.consumer and competitors within the period for which we are planning?not only where would it be desirable to be??but “where is it realistic to be ?”and “when ”
整体品牌摘要 Overall brand summary
•品牌定位 •品牌写真(Brand Print) •品牌个性 •我们现在何处 •将往何处 •传播写真 •不同传播技能的任务 •未来可能的目标消费者 •整合传播
品牌策略摘要 Brand Strategy Summary
目标消费者摘要 Target Consumer Summary
媒介简报摘要 Media Brief summary
•媒介目标对象 •媒介策略要素
广告简报摘要 Advertising Brief summary
品牌检验 the brand audit
• 品牌检验是一种芸集有形与无形资讯的方式,以便在产品及其与消 费者之间的关系上,引发出洞察力、直觉、与了解……而品牌既是 经由这样的关系所架构出来的 请从品牌使用者的角度,运用所有你的品牌知识回答这些问题
品牌策略摘要 brand strategy summary
Overall communication objective
What should be central focus of all communications for the brand for the period for which we are planning?how does this relate to most critical issue affecting where we are in the marketplace
品牌远景摘要brand 品牌远景摘要brand vision summary
Key feelings and emotions
Wish list Stepping out of the role of the brand”s user…… 描绘出你心目中理想的品牌图象 Paint the ideal picture you would like the brand to hold 在完美的状况下,你会期望人们怎么描述这个品牌?