奥西推出入门级单色VarioStream 7120打印机


惠普 LaserJet 3050 3052 3055 3390 3392 多功能一体机 说明书

惠普 LaserJet 3050 3052 3055 3390 3392 多功能一体机 说明书

HP LaserJet 3050/3052/3055/3390/3392 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3050/3052/3055/3390/ 3392 多功能一体机)用户指南版权与许可© 2006 版权所有 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP未经事先书面许可,严禁进行任何形式的复制、改编或翻译,除非版权法另有规定。


HP 产品和服务的所有保修事项已在产品和服务所附带的保修声明中列出,此处内容不代表任何额外保修。

HP 公司对此处任何技术性或编辑性的错误或遗漏概不负责。

产品号 Q6500-90939Edition 1, 4/2006商标声明Adobe Photoshop® 和 PostScript® 是Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。

Corel® 是 Corel Corporation 或 Corel Corporation Limited 的商标或注册商标。

Linux 是 Linus Torvalds 在美国的注册商标。

Microsoft®、Windows®、Windows NT® 和Windows® XP 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。

UNIX® 是 Open Group 的注册商标。

ENERGY STAR® 和 ENERGY STAR 徽标®是美国环保署在美国的注册标记。

目录1 多功能一体机基本信息多功能一体机配置 (2)HP LaserJet 3050 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3050 多功能一体机) (2)HP LaserJet 3052/3055 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3052/3055 多功能一体机) (3)HP LaserJet 3390/3392 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3390/3392 多功能一体机) (4)多功能一体机功能 (5)多功能一体机部件 (7)HP LaserJet 3050 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3050 多功能一体机) 部件 (7)正视图 (7)后视图 (7)接口 (8)控制面板 (8)HP LaserJet 3052/3055 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3052/3055 多功能一体机) 部件 (9)正视图 (9)后视图 (9)接口 (10)控制面板 (10)HP LaserJet 3390/3392 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3390/3392 多功能一体机) 部件 (11)正视图 (11)后视图 (11)接口 (12)控制面板 (12)2 软件软件安装 (14)典型安装 (14)最小安装 (14)打印机驱动程序 (15)支持的打印机驱动程序 (15)附加驱动程序 (15)选择正确的打印机驱动程序 (15)打印机驱动程序帮助 (Windows) (16)访问打印机驱动程序 (17)其它还有哪些软件可用? (17)Windows 软件 (18)用于 Windows 的软件组件 (18)HP ToolboxFX (18)嵌入式 Web 服务器 (EWS) (18)使用“添加或删除程序”卸载 (18)ZHCN iiiMacintosh 软件 (19)HP Director (HP 控制器) (19)Macintosh Configure Device (Macintosh 配置设备)(Mac OS X V10.3 与Mac OS X V10.4) (19)PDE(Mac OS X V10.3 与 Mac OS X V10.4) (20)安装 Macintosh 软件 (20)安装适用于直接连接 (USB) 的 Macintosh 打印系统软件 (20)安装用于网络的 Macintosh 打印系统软件 (20)从 Macintosh 操作系统中删除软件 (21)3 介质规格一般准则 (24)选择纸张和其它介质 (24)HP 介质 (24)避免使用的介质 (25)可能损坏多功能一体机的介质 (25)介质使用准则 (26)纸张 (26)标签 (26)标签结构 (27)投影胶片 (27)信封 (28)信封结构 (28)双面接缝信封 (28)带不干胶封条或封舌的信封 (29)信封存放 (29)卡片纸和重磅介质 (29)卡片纸结构 (29)卡片纸准则 (29)信头纸和预打印表单 (30)支持的介质重量和尺寸 (31)打印和存放环境 (34)4 使用多功能一体机将介质装入进纸盘 (36)装入要传真、复印或扫描的文档 (36)将纸张装入进纸盘,HP LaserJet 3050/3052/3055 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3050/3052/3055 多功能一体机) (37)优先进纸槽 (37)250 张进纸盘(纸盘 1) (38)将纸张装入进纸盘,HP LaserJet 3390/3392 all-in-one (HP LaserJet 3390/3392 多功能一体机) (39)单张优先进纸槽(纸盘 1) (39)250 张进纸盘(纸盘 2 或可选纸盘 3) (39)控制打印作业 (40)打印设置优先级 (40)选择来源 (40)选择类型或尺寸 (40)使用多功能一体机控制面板 (41)iv ZHCN更改多功能一体机控制面板显示语言 (41)更改默认介质尺寸和类型 (41)更改默认介质尺寸 (41)更改默认介质类型 (42)更改默认纸盘配置 (42)使用多功能一体机音量控制键 (42)更改警报音量 (43)更改传真音量 (43)更改传真响铃音量 (44)更改多功能一体机控制面板按键音量。



宽幅面“晶珠墨粉”打印机Océ奥西彩浪600驾驭彩色浪潮23为提高您的业务推波助澜——奥西全新推出“彩浪600”(Océ ColorWave™600) 宽幅面“晶珠墨粉”打印机。






并且,第一次,您能够从奥西专利的“葵式打印”Océ CrystalPoint™技术中获益:这项非常环保的技术,结合了碳粉技术和喷墨技术的优势,使用奥西专利的“晶珠墨粉”Océ T onerPearls™,带来完美结果。

宽幅面彩色打印的浪潮已经随着奥西彩浪600的到来而发生转变:加入我们吧!迎接更好的未来!Océ ColorWave™600宽幅面“晶珠墨粉”打印机4“葵式打印品质”“奥西彩浪600”独特的葵式打印品质带来锐利的线条打印,精准可靠的细节输出,平滑的色块填充,耐久的印品。










HP PageWide Pro MFP 577dw系列用户指南说明书

HP PageWide Pro MFP 577dw系列用户指南说明书

用户指南版权与许可©2016 版权所有HP Development Company, L.P.保留所有权利。

除非版权法允许,否则在未经HP 预先书面许可的情况下,严禁转载、改编或翻译本手册的内容。


HP 产品与服务的全部保修条款在此类产品和服务附带的保修声明中均已列明。


HP 对此处任何技术性或编辑性的错误或遗漏概不负责。

Edition 2016 年2 月1 日商标声明Adobe®、Acrobat®和PostScript®是 Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。

Intel® Core™ 是Intel Corporation 在美国和其它国家/地区的商标。

Java™ 是Sun Microsystems, Inc. 在美国的商标。

Microsoft®、Windows®、Windows® XP 和Windows Vista® 是Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。

UNIX®是The Open Group 的注册商标。


目录1产品基本信息 (1)产品功能 (2)环境功能 (2)辅助功能 (3)产品视图 (4)左前视图 (4)右前视图 (5)后视图 (5)墨盒门视图 (6)开机/关机 (7)打开产品电源 (7)管理电源 (7)关闭产品电源 (8)使用控制面板 (9)控制面板按钮 (9)控制面板主屏幕 (10)控制面板仪表板 (10)控制面板的应用程序文件夹 (11)控制面板快捷方式 (11)帮助功能 (12)打印机信息 (12)帮助动画 (13)安静模式 (14)从控制面板打开或关闭安静模式 (14)从EWS 打开或关闭安静模式 (14)2连接产品 (15)将产品接入计算机或网络 (16)使用USB 电缆连接产品 (16)将产品连接到网络 (16)支持的网络协议 (16)ZHCN iii使用有线网络连接产品 (17)使用无线网络(仅限无线型号)连接产品 (17)使用WiFi 设置向导将产品连接到无线网络 (18)使用WPS 将产品连接至无线网络 (18)手动将产品连接至无线网络 (19)使用Wi-Fi Direct 将计算机或设备连接至产品 (20)打开Wi-Fi Direct (20)从具有无线功能的移动设备打印 (20)从具有无线功能的计算机进行打印(Windows) (20)从具有无线功能的计算机进行打印(OS X) (20)为已接入网络的无线产品安装HP 打印机软件 (23)打开打印机软件(Windows) (24)管理网络设置 (25)查看或更改网络设置 (25)设置或更改产品密码 (25)在控制面板中手动配置TCP/IP 参数 (25)链路速度和双工设置 (26)3打印机管理和服务 (27)HP 嵌入式Web 服务器(EWS) (28)关于EWS (28)关于cookie (28)启动EWS (29)功能 (29)主页选项卡 (29)“扫描”选项卡 (30)“传真”选项卡 (31)“Web 服务”选项卡 (31)“网络”选项卡 (31)“工具”选项卡 (31)“设置”选项卡 (32)Web 服务 (33)何为Web 服务? (33)HP ePrint (33)打印应用程序 (33)设置Web 服务 (33)使用Web 服务 (34)HP ePrint (34)打印应用程序 (35)删除Web 服务 (35)iv ZHCNHP Web Jetadmin 软件 (37)产品安全功能 (38)安全声明 (38)防火墙 (38)安全性设置 (39)固件更新 (39)打印机软件(Windows) 中的HP Printer Assistant (40)打开HP Printer Assistant (40)功能 (40)Connected 选项卡。

惠普LaserJet Pro MFP M329, M428-M429 保修和法务指南说明书

惠普LaserJet Pro MFP M329, M428-M429 保修和法务指南说明书

1 服务与支持 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 HP 有限保修声明 .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 英国、爱尔兰和马耳他 ................................................................................................................................... 3 奥地利、比利时、德国和卢森堡 ................................................................................................................. 4 比利时、法国和卢森堡 ................................................................................................................................... 4 意大利 ..

HP LaserJet Pro CP1020 彩色打印机系列用户指南说明书

HP LaserJet Pro CP1020 彩色打印机系列用户指南说明书
ac 變更紙張尺寸與類型 ........................................................................................................... 19 在 Mac 調整文件大小或列印自訂紙張尺寸 ................................................................................... 19 在 Mac 建立和使用列印預先設定 ................................................................................................... 19 在 Mac 列印封面頁 ........................................................................................................................... 20 在 Mac 進行單張多頁列印 ............................................................................................................... 20 使用 Mac 進行紙張的兩面列印(雙面列印) ............................................................................... 21 在 Mac 設定色彩選項 ....................................................................................................................... 21

brother DCP-7070 DCP-7025 说明书

brother DCP-7070 DCP-7025 说明书
本产品必须安装在容易触及的电源插座附近。遇到紧急情况时,必须将电源线从电源插 座上拔下以完全切断电源。
1 简介
使用本说明书 .......................................................................................................1-1 选择安装位置 .......................................................................................................1-2 控制面板概述 .......................................................................................................1-3 装入原稿 ..............................................................................................................1-4
3 复印
将本设备用作复印机 ............................................................................................3-1 单张复印 ........................................................................................................3-1 多份复印 ........................................................................................................3-1 停止复印 ........................................................................................................3-1

佳能奥西数字印刷机Oce VarioPrint 6160

佳能奥西数字印刷机Oce VarioPrint 6160
Océ VarioPrint 6160/6200/6250革命性的图形化使用界面将 任何复杂打印作业的处理都变的非常简单。专业的作业计划 编排功能使您一整天的作业一目了然地展现在屏幕上。每 个作业通过不同的颜色和指示,清晰地提示您作业的工作状 况。操作员只需确保每一个作业在屏幕上呈现绿色,这将 意味着设备将不间断的运行,直到全部作业的完成。这就 是“绿色保持”系统。他将大幅度提升您的时间效率,使您 获得充分的时间去处理新的工作以获取更大的利益。
Océ VarioPrint 6160:
■ 先进的Active Registration动态定位技术 ■ 采用先进技术的介质处理能力(最多可
置12纸盒) ■ Paper Logic卓越的打印的精确感应 ■ 清楚及简易的用户界面,确保每时每刻
■ 160印A4/Letter双面图像/分钟 ■ 85印A3/Ledger双面图像/分钟 ■ 打印速度不受介质类型影响 Océ VarioPrint 6200: ■ 200印A4/Letter双面图像/分钟
Paper Logic——完美感受来自完美打印
利用奥西革命性的Paper Logic 系统,我们可以预测到纸张的 输出方向。如果您需要打印预印的纸张,例如:带有公司标 志,地址的纸张,您只要根据您所需要输出副本的方向放入 纸盒即可。预打孔的纸张和TAB(标签)也采用相同的处理 方式。
纸张尺寸和方向通过系统自动检测。每一个作业会变的非常 简单。需要您做的只是装纸,节省更多的时间去处理更有价 值的事情。
■ 世界上最快的单张纸双面打印机
Océ VarioPrint 6200: 500,000-5,000,000印A4图像 ■ 纸盒管理 Océ VarioPrint 6250: 750,000-8,000,000印A4图像 ■ 状态浏览

brother MFC-8880DN使用说明书

brother MFC-8880DN使用说明书
状态指示灯显示............................................................................................................. 9
2 装入纸张和原稿
装入纸张和打印介质 .......................................................................................................... 11 将纸张装入标准纸盒 ................................................................................................... 11 将纸张装入多功能纸盒 (MP 纸盒 ) .............................................................................................................. 12 非打印区域.................................................................................................................. 14
获取 Brother 技术支持 ( 适用于 Windows®)......................................................................... 5 操作面板概述 ....................................................................................................................... 6

sharpdesk mobile v2.1 操作手册(iphone)说明书

sharpdesk mobile v2.1 操作手册(iphone)说明书

Sharpdesk Mobile V2.1 操作手册适用于iPhone设备夏普株式会社目录1概述 (4)2使用注意点 (5)3安装和启动 (6)4打印机/扫描仪设置 (7)4.1在本程序记录打印机/扫描仪 (7)4.1.1查找打印机/扫描仪 (7)4.1.2手动添加打印机/扫描仪 (9)4.2查看和编辑打印机/扫描仪信息 (11)4.3移动或删除列表中的打印机/扫描仪 (13)4.3.1重排打印机/扫描仪列表 (13)4.3.2删除打印机/扫描仪 (14)5用户设置 (15)6应用程序设置 (17)7邮件设置 (19)8扫描 (21)8.1从移动设备扫描 (23)8.2从扫描仪操作面板扫描 (29)9打印 (30)9.1打印保存的文档 (30)9.1.1打印加密的PDF文件 (35)9.2打印照片图像 (37)9.3打印WEB页面 (39)9.4打印邮件 (41)9.4.1添加打印文件 (44)10附加到邮件 (45)11发送到应用程序 (47)12文件管理 (49)12.1整理文件/文件夹 (50)12.2搜索文件/文件夹 (51)12.3预览文件 (53)12.4重命名文件/文件夹 (54)12.5移动文件/文件夹 (57)12.6删除文件/文件夹 (59)12.7创建文件夹 (61)13从外部应用程序打印 (62)1概述本产品是具有以下功能的一款应用程序:•从扫描仪接收、预览和存储扫描文档至您的移动设备。














版本IMA22X-CZ01 第一版2013年03月前言 34 前言确认包装内容打开包装箱后在您使用之前请确认以下事项。


仪表 安装支架 说明书 简明手册光盘 合格证 U 盘 485接线端子 232通讯线附件序号 名称 数量 备注 1 仪表 12 安装支架 2 用于盘式安装固定3 说明书 14 简明手册 15 光盘 16 合格证 17 U 盘1 选购 8 485接线端子 1 485接口选配9232通讯线1选配订购(长度1.4m )使用注意事项本仪表中塑料零部件较多,清扫时请使用干燥的柔软布擦拭。





目录第1章产品简介 (6)1.1 仪表结构 (7)1.2 仪表安装 (7)1.3 仪表接线 (9)1.4 仪表按键 (10)1.5 仪表画面和操作 (11)1.5.1 数显、棒图和实时曲线画面 (12)1.5.2 功能查询画面 (12)1.5.3 组态登录和操作 (13)1.5.4 显示组态 (14)第2章系统组态 (15)2.1 出厂设置 (15)2.2 清除数据 (16)第3章模拟信号输入 (17)3.1 信号类型及规格 (17)3.2 模拟输入组态 (20)第4章历史数据功能 (21)4.1 历史曲线画面 (21)第5章变送输出 (22)5.1 变送输出组态 (22)第6章报警功能 (23)6.1 报警组态 (23)6.2 报警列表画面 (23)第7章打印功能 (24)7.1 打印组态 (24)7.2 数据打印画面 (24)第8章累积报表功能 (25)8.1 累积报表组态 (25)8.2 累积报表画面 (26)第9章通讯功能 (27)9.1 寄存器地址 (27)9.2 通讯组态 (27)第10章组态备份功能 (28)第11章系统日志 (29)11.1 系统日志画面 (29)第12章规格 (30)目录 5第1章产品简介无纸记录仪是将工业现场的各种需要监视记录的输入信号,比如热电阻和热电偶的温度信号、流量计的流量信号、压力变送器的压力信号等。

Philips Series S7000 电动剃须刀用户手册说明书

Philips Series S7000 电动剃须刀用户手册说明书

Series S7000 S7780, S7720, S7530English 6简体中文 39IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips! To fully benefit from the support that Philips offers, register your product at/welcome .General description1Protection cap for cleansing brush attachment 2Click-on cleansing brush attachment3Comb for beard styler attachment (specific types only)4Click-on beard styler attachment (specific types only)5Click-on trimmer attachment6Click-on shaving unit7Handle8Socket for small plug9Battery charge indicator with 3 lights 10Unplug for use symbol11Travel lock symbol12Replacement reminder13Cleaning reminder14Cleaning cartridge for SmartClean system 15SmartClean system (specific types only)16Cap of SmartClean system17On/off button18Replacement symbol19Rinsing symbol20Ready symbol21Battery symbol22Supply unit23Small plug 24PouchThe accessories supplied may vary for different products. The box shows the accessories that have been supplied with your product.6EnglishImportant safety information Read this important information carefully before you use the appliance and its accessories and save it for future reference. The accessories supplied may vary for different products.Danger-Keep the supply unit dry.-This symbol means: Forbidden to clean under a running tap.Warning -To charge the battery, only use the detachable supply unit (HQ8505) provided with the appliance.-The supply unit contains a transformer. Do not cut off the supply unit to replace it with another plug, as this causes a hazardous situation.-This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons withreduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.-Always unplug the shaver before you clean it under the tap.-Always check the appliance before you use it.Do not use the appliance if it is damaged, as this may cause injury. Always replace adamaged part with one of the original type.7English-Do not open the appliance to replace the rechargeable battery.Caution -Never immerse the cleaning system or the charging stand in water and do not rinse it under the tap.-Never use water hotter than 60°C to rinse the shaver.-Only use this appliance for its intended purpose as shown in the user manual.-For hygienic reasons, the appliance should only be used by one person.-Never use compressed air, scouring pads,abrasive cleaning agents or aggressive liquids such as petrol or acetone to clean theappliance.-If your shaver comes with a cleaning system,always use the original Philips cleaning fluid (cartridge or bottle, depending on the type of cleaning system).-Always place the cleaning system on a stable,level and horizontal surface to prevent leakage.-If your cleaning system uses a cleaning cartridge, always make sure the cartridge compartment is closed before you use the cleaning system to clean or charge the shaver.-When the cleaning system is ready for use, do not move it to prevent leakage of cleaning fluid.-Water may drip from the socket at the bottom of the shaver when you rinse it. This is normal and not dangerous because all electronics are enclosed in a sealed power unit inside the shaver.-Do not use the supply unit in or near wallsockets that contain an electric air freshener to prevent irreparable damage to the supply unit.8EnglishElectromagnetic fields (EMF)This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards and regulations regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields.General-This symbol means: Suitable to be used in the shower. It is allowed to use this appliance close to a bathtub, shower or other containers filled with water.-This shaver is waterproof. It is suitable for use in the bath or shower and for cleaning under the tap. For safety reasons, the shaver cantherefore only be used without cord.-The supply unit is suitable for mains voltages ranging from 100 to 240 volts.-The supply unit transforms 100-240 volts to a safe low voltage of less than 24 volts.The display ChargingNote: If you press the on/off button during charging, the 'unplug for use' symbol flashes white to remind you that you have to disconnect the appliance from the wall socket.Quick charge: When the battery is empty and you connect the appliance to the wall socket, the lights of the battery charge indicator light up one after the other repeatedly. When the appliance contains enough energy for one shave, the bottom light of the battery charge indicator starts flashing slowly.9EnglishWhile the appliance continues to charge, first the bottom light of the battery charge indicator flashes and then lights up continuously. Then the second light flashes and then lights up continuously, and so on until the appliance is fully charged.Battery fully chargedNote: When the battery is full, the display switches off automatically after 30 minutes.Note: This appliance can only be used withoutcord.When the battery is fully charged, all lights of the the battery charge indicator light up white continuously.Note: When the battery is full, the display switches off automatically after 30 minutes.When the battery is almost empty, the bottom light of the battery charge indicator flashes orange.The remaining battery charge is shown by the lights of the battery charge indicator that light up continuously.The appliance is equipped with an ‘unplug for use’reminder. The ‘unplug for use’ symbol flashes to remind you that you have to disconnect the appliance from the supply unit before you can switch it on.Clean the shaver after every shave for optimal performance. When you switch off the appliance, the cleaning reminder flashes to remind you to clean the appliance.You can lock the appliance when you are going to travel. The travel lock prevents the appliance from being switched on by accident.Activating the travel lock1Press the on/off button for 3 seconds to enter the travel lock mode.While you activate the travel lock, the travel lock symbol lights up continuously. When the travel lock is activated, the travel lock symbol flashes. Deactivating the travel lock1Press the on/off button for 3 seconds.The travel lock symbol flashes and then lightsup continuously. The appliance is now ready foruse again.For maximum shaving performance, we advise youto replace the shaving heads every two years. Theappliance is equipped with a replacementreminder which reminds you to replace theshaving heads. The shaving unit symbol lights upand the arrows flash to indicate that you have toreplace the shaving heads.Note: After replacing the shaving heads, you needto reset the replacement reminder by pressing theon/off button for 7 seconds.ChargingCharge the shaver before you use it for the firsttime and when the display indicates that thebattery is almost empty.Charging takes approx. 1 hour. A fully chargedshaver has a shaving time of up to 50 minutes.Note: You cannot use the appliance while it ischarging.Charging with the supply unit1Make sure the appliance is switched off.2Put the small plug in the appliance and put the supply unit in the wall socket.3After charging, remove the supply unit from the wall socket and pull the small plug out of theappliance.Charging in the SmartClean system (specific types only)1Put the small plug in the back of the Array SmartClean system.2Put the supply unit in the wall socket.3Press the top cap to be able to place the shaverin the holder ('click').4Hold the shaver upside down above the holder.Make sure the front of the shaver pointstowards the SmartClean system holder.5Place the shaver in the holder, tilt the shaverbackwards and press down the top cap toconnect the shaver (‘click’).The battery symbol starts to flash to indicatethat the appliance is charging. When the batteryis fully charged, the battery symbol lights upcontinuously.Note: This appliance can only be used withoutcord.1To switch on the appliance, press the on/off button once.2To switch off the appliance, press the on/off button once.Battery charge indicator with 3 lights: The display lights up for a few seconds to show the remaining battery status.Skin adaptation periodYour first shaves may not bring you the result you expect and your skin may even become slightly irritated. This is normal. Your skin and beard need time to adapt to any new shaving system. To allow your skin to adapt to this new appliance, we advise you to shave regularly (at least 3 times a week) and exclusively with this appliance for a period of 3 weeks.Dry shaving1Switch on the appliance.2Move the shaving heads over your skin in circular movements to catch all hairs growing in different directions. Make sure each shavinghead is fully in contact with the skin. Exertgentle pressure for a close, comfortable shave.Note: Do not press too hard, this can cause skin irritation.3Clean the appliance after use.Wet shavingFor a more comfortable shave, you can also use this appliance on a wet face with shaving foam or shaving gel.To shave with shaving foam or shaving gel, follow the steps below:1Apply some water to your skin.2Apply shaving foam or shaving gel to your skin. 3Rinse the shaving unit under the tap to ensure that the shaving unit glides smoothly over your skin.4Switch on the appliance.5Move the shaving heads over your skin in circular movements to catch all hairs growing in different directions. Make sure each shavinghead is fully in contact with the skin. Exertgentle pressure for a close, comfortable shave.Note: Do not press too hard, this can cause skin irritation.Note: Rinse the shaving unit regularly to ensure that it continues to glide smoothly over yourskin.6Dry your face.7Clean the appliance after use.Note: Make sure you rinse all foam or shaving gel off the appliance.Using the click-on attachmentsNote: The accessories supplied may vary fordifferent products. The box shows the accessoriesthat have been supplied with your product.Removing or attaching the click-onattachmentsYou can use the beard styler with the combattached to style your beard at one fixed setting,but also at different length settings. You can also use it to pre-trim any long hairs before shaving for a more comfortable shave.The length settings on the beard styler attachment correspond to the remaining hair length after cutting and range from 1 to 5mm (3/64 - 3/16in).Attach the attachment to the appliance ('click').Slide the comb straight into the guiding grooves on both sides of the beard styler (‘click’).Press the length selector and then push it tothe left or right to select the desired hair length setting.Switch on the appliance.Move the appliance upwards while you exertgentle pressure. Make sure the front of thecomb is in full contact with the skin.Clean the attachment after use (see 'Cleaningand maintenance').the comb to contour your beard, moustache, sideburns or neckline to a length of 0.5mm (1/32 in).cleansing cream. The cleansing brush removes oil and dirt, contributing to a healthy and oil-free skin.Cleaning and maintenanceNote: The accessories supplied may vary fordifferent products. The box shows the accessoriesthat have been supplied with your product. Cleaning the shaver under the tapClean the shaver after every shave for optimal5Rinse the shaving head holder under a warm tap.6Carefully shake off excess water and let the shaving head holder air-dry completely.7Attach the shaving head holder to the bottom part of the shaving unit (‘click’).We advise you to clean the shaving heads thoroughly once a month or when the appliance does not shave as well as it used to.Note: The shaving heads are locked by a blue or an orange retaining ring. Follow the correctinstructions.1Switch off the appliance.2Pull the shaving head holder off the bottompart of the shaving unit.3Rinse the hair chamber and shaving head holder under the tap.4Turn the retaining ring anticlockwise and lift it off the shaving head.Repeat this process for the other retaining rings.Place them aside in a safe place.5Remove the shaving heads from the shaving head holder. Each shaving head consists of acutter and guard.6Clean the cutter and guard under the tap.7Shake off excess water.8Put the cutter back into the guard.9Place the shaving heads in the shaving headholder.11Attach the shaving head holder to the bottompart of the shaving unit (‘click’).Cleaning the shaver in the SmartClean systemPreparing the SmartClean system for useNote: Hold the SmartClean system while you prepare it for use.Note: If you clean the shaver in the SmartClean system once a week, the SmartClean cartridge lasts approximately three months.1Put the small plug in the back of theSmartClean system.2Put the supply unit in the wall socket.3While holding the SmartClean system with one hand, press the button on the side of theSmartClean system and lift the top part of the SmartClean system.4Pull the seal off the cleaning cartridge.5Place the cleaning cartridge in the SmartCleansystem.6While holding the SmartClean system with one hand, gently push the top part of theSmartClean system back down (‘click’).When the cleaning program is done, the ready symbol lights up continuously.30 minutes after the cleaning program andcharging are done, the SmartClean systemswitches off automatically.The battery symbol lights up continuously toindicate that the shaver is fully charged.Charging takes approx. 1 hour.5To let the shaver dry, you can leave it in the SmartClean system until your next shave. Youcan also remove the shaver from theSmartClean system, shake off excess fluid, open the shaving unit and let the shaver air dry. Note: If you press the on/off button of the SmartClean system during the cleaning program,the program stops. In this case, the cleaning or drying symbol goes out.Note: If you disconnect the SmartClean system from its power source, the cleaning program stops. Replacing the cartridge of the SmartClean systemReplace the cleaning cartridge when the replacement symbol flashes orange or when you are no longer satisfied with the cleaning result. If you clean the shaver in the SmartClean system once a week, the SmartClean cartridge lasts approximately three months.1While holding the SmartClean system with one hand, press the button on the side of theSmartClean system and lift the top part of the SmartClean system.6While holding the SmartClean system with onehand, gently push the top part of theSmartClean system back down (‘click’). Cleaning the click-on attachmentsNever dry trimmer or beard styler attachments witha towel or tissue, as this may damage the trimmingteeth.The accessories supplied may vary for differentproducts. The box shows the accessories that havebeen supplied with your product.Cleaning the trimmer attachmentClean the trimmer attachment after each use.1Switch on the appliance with the trimmerattachment attached.2Rinse the attachment under a warm tap.3After cleaning, switch off the appliance.4Carefully shake off excess water and let the attachment air-dry completely.Tip: For optimal performance, lubricate the teeth of the attachment with a drop of sewing machine oil every six months.4Remove the cutting unit from the beard stylerattachment. By pushing the cutting unit fromthe beard styler attachment you can removeany hairs that have accumulated inside thebeard styler. You can also rinse the back of the cutting unit.5Rinse cut hairs out of the beard stylerattachment.6Carefully shake off excess water and leave the comb, cutting unit and beard styler attachment to dry before next usage.7When the cutting unit is dry attach it to thebeard styler attachment.8When the comb is dry attach it to the beard styler attachment.9For optimal performance, lubricate the teeth of the attachment with a drop of sewing machine oil regularly.Clean the cleansing brush attachment after each use.1Switch off the appliance.2Detach the brush head from the attachment holder.3Clean the parts thoroughly with warm water and soap.4Dry the cleansing brush attachment with a towel.Storage Store the appliance in the pouch (if supplied).Note: We advise you to let the appliance dry before you store it in the pouch.Put the protection cap on the cleansing brushattachment to protect it from dirt accumulation. ReplacementReplacing the shaving headsFor maximum shaving performance, we advise youto replace the shaving heads every two years.Replace damaged shaving heads immediately.Always replace the shaving heads with original Philips shaving heads (see 'Ordering accessories'). Replacement reminderThe replacement reminder indicates that the shaving heads need to be replaced. The shaving unit symbol lights up continuously, the arrows flash white and you hear a beep when you switch off the shaver.1To replace the shaving heads, remove the shaving heads from the shaving head holderone by one. See chapter Thorough Cleaning for the instructions on how to remove the retaining rings and shaving heads.Note: The shaving heads are locked by a blue or an orange retaining ring. Follow the correctinstructions.2To reset the replacement reminder, press and hold the on/off button for approx. 7 seconds.Wait until you hear two beeps.The cleansing brush attachment should bereplaced every 3 months or earlier if the brushhairs are bent or damaged (see 'Orderingaccessories').Ordering accessoriesTo buy accessories or spare parts, visit/service or go to yourPhilips dealer. You can also contact the PhilipsConsumer Care Center in your country (see theinternational warranty leaflet for contact details).The following accessories and spare parts areavailable:-SH70 Philips shaving heads-HQ110 Philips shaving head cleaning spray-RQ111 Philips beard styler attachment-RQ585 Philips cleansing brush attachment-MS591 Philips cleansing brush head (sensitive)-RQ560/RQ563 Philips cleansing brush heads (normal)31English-JC302/JC305 cleaning cartridge-HQ8505 supply unitNote: The availability of the accessories may differ by country.Recycling-Do not throw away the product with the normal household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an official collection point for recycling.By doing this, you help to preserve theenvironment.-This product contains a built-in rechargeable battery which shall not be disposed of withnormal household waste. Please take yourproduct to an official collection point or aPhilips service center to have a professionalremove the rechargeable battery.-Follow your country’s rules for the separate collection of electrical and electronic productsand rechargeable batteries. Correct disposalhelps prevent negative consequences for theenvironment and human health.Removing the rechargeable appliance battery32EnglishRemove the screw in the back of the shaver.Remove the back panel.Take out the power unit.Warranty and supportIf you need information or support, please visit /support or read theinternational warranty leaflet.33EnglishWarranty restrictionsThe shaving heads (cutters and guards) are not covered by the terms of the international warranty because they are subject to wear.TroubleshootingThis chapter summarizes the most commonproblems you could encounter with the appliance.If you are unable to solve the problem with the information below, visit /support for a list of frequently asked questions or contact the Consumer Care Center in your country.ShaverProblem Possible cause Solution The appliance does not work when I press the on/off button.The appliance is stillattached to the wall socket. For safety reasons, the appliance can only be used without cord.Unplug the appliance andpress the on/off button to switch on the appliance.The rechargeable battery is empty.Recharge the battery.The travel lock is activated.Press the on/off button for 3 seconds to deactivate the travel lock.The shaving unit is soiled or damaged to such an extent that the motor cannot run. Clean the shaving heads thoroughly or replace them.Also see 'Hairs or dirtobstruct the shaving heads'for a detailed description of how to clean the shaving heads thoroughly.34EnglishProblem Possible cause SolutionThe appliance d oes not shave as well as it used to.The shaving headsare damaged orworn.Replace the shaving heads.Hairs or dirtobstruct the shavingheads.Clean the shaving heads inthe regular way or cleanthem thoroughly (see'Thorough cleaning').I replaced the shaving heads, but the replacement reminder is still showing.You have not resetthe replacementreminder.To reset the replacementreminder, press and holdthe on/off button forapprox. 7 seconds.A shaving head symbol has suddenly appeared on the display.This symbol is thereplacementreminder.Replace the shaving heads.Water is leaking from the bottom of the appliance.During cleaning,water may collectbetween the innerbody and the outershell of theappliance.This is normal and notdangerous because allelectronics are enclosed ina sealed power unit insidethe appliance.SmartClean systemProblem Possible cause SolutionThe SmartClean system does not work when I press the on/off button.The SmartCleansystem is notconnected to thewall socket.Put the small plug in theSmartClean system and putthe supply unit in the wallsocket.35EnglishProblem Possible cause SolutionThe cleaning cartridge is empty.The replacement symbol flashes to indicate that you have to replace the cleaning cartridge.Place a new cleaning cartridge in the SmartClean system.The shaver is not entirely clean after I clean it in the SmartClean system.You have not placed the shaver in the SmartClean system properly, so there is no electrical connection between the SmartClean system and the shaver.Press down the top cap (‘click’) to ensure a proper connection between the shaver and the SmartClean system.The battery of the shaver is not charged sufficiently.If the battery of the shaver is not charged sufficiently,the SmartClean system may not work properly. The shaver needs to be able to switch on briefly during the rinsing phase. Charge the shaver for a short time before you use the SmartClean system to clean your shaver.The cleaning cartridge needs to be replaced.Replace the cleaning cartridge.You have used another cleaning fluid than the original Philips cleaning cartridge.Only use the original Philips cleaning cartridge.The drain of the cleaning cartridge is blocked.Remove the cartridge from the SmartClean system and push the hairs down the drain with a toothpick.36EnglishProblem Possible cause Solution The shaver is not fully charged after I charge it in the SmartClean system.You have not placed the shaver inthe SmartClean system properly, so there is no electrical connection between the SmartClean system and the shaver.Press down the top cap (‘click’) to ensure a proper connection between the shaver and the SmartCleansystem.37English38English简介感谢您的惠顾,欢迎光临飞利浦! 为了让您能充分享受飞利浦提供的支持,请在 /welcome 上注册您的产品。

HP LaserJet MFP M72625、M72630 系列打印机 用户指南说明书

HP LaserJet MFP M72625、M72630 系列打印机 用户指南说明书
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LaserJet MFP M72625、 M72630 系列打印机 用户指南

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Xerox ColorQube 8700 8900彩色多功能打印机用户指南说明书

Xerox ColorQube 8700   8900彩色多功能打印机用户指南说明书
一般准则 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10 电源线 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10 电话线路电缆 ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
文档版本 1.0:二月 2012
节 1 安全
电气安全 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
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Gestetner DSm719 操作说明书

Gestetner DSm719 操作说明书
版权和商标 ................................................................................................... 1 商标 ......................................................................................................................... 1
显示屏幕 ............................................................................................................... 12 阅读显示屏幕和使用按键 ............................................ 13 打开电源 .................................................................................................... 14 打开主电源 ........................................................................................................... 14 打开电源 ............................................................................................................... 14 关闭电源 ............................................................................................................... 15 关闭主电源 ........................................................................................................... 15 节能 ....................................................................................................................... 15

OCE 续纸打印机 7000 系列 说明书

OCE 续纸打印机 7000 系列 说明书

OcéVarioStream 7000 系列满足任何需求的综合型连续纸打印机2高效能、生产型数码印刷系统● 速度、质量以及灵活的介质选择● 打印质量增强技术● 创新工程设计的纸张传送和显影单元● Océ CustomerTone (奥西客户定制专色)带来色彩的强大驱动力●专为连续运转而定制的整体能力3完美地提供行业最佳打印解决方案。


Océ VarioStream 7000系列背后的设计理念就是:一个连续纸打印机家族,能够应对商业环境中每一种应用的挑战,无论这些多样的应用来自于工业企业的数据中心、商业和金融服务业,还是服务供应商的生产中心。

Océ VarioStream 7000:开创您的业务新世界。

Océ VarioStream 7000 系列满足任何需求的综合型连续纸打印机满足任何需求的综合型连续纸打印机4速度、质量以及灵活的介质选择双机单机三机最大的灵活性Océ VarioStream 7000系列为身处各地的企业提供现代化的、多样化的连续纸数码印刷产品系列,应对每一种应用的挑战并符合其要求。

这个系列产品背后的技术背景,是奥西25年来作为表单打印行业(T ransactional Printing)和按需印刷(Print on Demand)行业的创建者、技术创新的领导者所积累的知识和能力。

Océ VarioStream 7000是秉承奥西产品的优良传统,并在全新的产品理念中结合了现有的技术标准和突破性的技术,提供市场上无可比拟的灵活性的一个产品。


Océ VarioStream 7000系列的入门级型号:单机配置时,每分钟生产180印A4图像;双机配置时,每分钟达到360印A4图像。



Zebra XI II 打印机的简单调整和参数设置说明. 正常的开机显示 1PRINTER READY1.0MB V18.8.7表明打印机已经准备好打印机内存为1M工作的程序版本为V18.8.72. 更改设1). 打印颜色深浅的调整;PRINTER READY " 时, 按 SETUP/EXIT 键, 出现如下显示;DARKNESS +10定在 "- 00000000000 +按右面黑色椭圆键增加打印颜色深度, 按左面黑色椭圆键减少打印颜色深度. 整;缺省值 :+10范围 : 0 到 +30按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数;2). 撕下标签的位置的调TEAR OFF +0- 00000000000 +按右面黑色椭圆键增加数值, 按左面黑色椭圆键减少数值.显示的数值是点数 , 如 "+24", 意思是 24 点, 假设打的分辩率是 300 DPI" 2 mm". )缺省值 : +0范围 : -64 到 +64 (印机的分辨率是 200 DPI / 8 dot per mm, 24 点即 "3mm ", 若打印机/ 12dot per mm, 24 点即按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数;3). 打印模式的选择;PRINT MODE按右面及左面黑色椭圆键改变数值.选, PEEL OFF (剥离), CUTTER (切刀) 和 REWIND (回卷).IA TYPE ( 标签类型 ) ".缺省值 : TEAR OFF择 : TEAR OFF (撕下)按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数; " MED4). 标签类型的选择;MEDIA TYPE按右面及左面黑色椭圆键改变数值.US ( 连续 )续 ) 和 NON-CONTINUOUS ( 非连续 ).道目前使用的是 CONTINUOUS ( 连续 ) 或缺省值 : CONTINUO选择 : CONTINUOUS ( 连注 : 标签类型有两种, 这个参数使打印机知思是整卷标签连续不断, 亦没有任定长度的标识,NON-CONTINUOUS ( 非连续 ) 标签. 连续的意何固定长度的标识供传感器检测; 非连续是说整卷标签连续不断, 但中间有固如间隙 (通常如不干胶标签 ), 缺口或黑条 ( 如铁路车票 ).按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数; " SENSOR TYPE ( 传感器类型 ) ".5). SENSOR TYPE ( 传感器类型 )的选择;SENSOR TYPE按右面及左面黑色椭圆键改变数值.传感器 )器 ) 和 MARK ( 反射式传感器 ).器是检测透光度反差大的标签缺省值 : WEB ( 穿透式选择 : WEB ( 穿透式传感注 : 标签传感器类型有两种, 穿透式传感反射式传感铁路车票 ).PRINT METHOD器是检测印有黑条标识而且不透光的标签( 如按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数; " PRINT METHOD (打印方法 ) "6). 打印方法的选择;THERMAL-TRANS.按右面及左面黑色椭圆键改变数值.ANSFER ( 热转印 )FER ( 热转印 )和 DIRECT THERMAL ( 热敏 ).印", "直热式" 只适用于热敏纸.DTH ( 打印宽度 ) ".缺省值 : THERMAL TR选择 : THERMAL TRANS注 :如打印普通纸或标签可选 "热转按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数; " PRINT WI7). 打印宽度的选择;PRINT WIDTH- 6.50 IN 165 MM +按右面黑色椭圆键增加数值, 按左面黑色椭圆键减少数值.打印机型号有不同的宽度.宽度.大长度 ) ".缺省值 : 根据不同的范围: 0.63" 至该型号的最大按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数; " MAXIMUM LENGTH ( 标签最8). 标签最大长度的选择;MAXIMUM LENGTH- 39.0 IN 988 MM +按右面黑色椭圆键增加数值, 按左面黑色椭圆键减少数值.88MM至 39.0 inches ( 988mm ).缺省值 : 39.0 IN 9范围: 2.0 inches ( 50mm )注 :此选择的作用为1) 在作标签长度校正CALIBRATE时, 减少标签及色带的走纸长度.值应设定为大于标签的实际长度,此值绝对不能小于标签的实际长度. 个参数; " LIST FONTS ( 列印内置字体 ) ".2) 此按 " NEXT " 显示下一9).LIST FONTS列印内置字体PRINT按右面黑色椭圆键即能列印出内置字体, 按左面黑色椭圆键没有作用. 下一个参数; " LIST BAR CODES ( 列印内置条形码种类 ) ".10).按 " NEXT " 显示列印内置条形码种类LIST BAR CODESPRINT按右面黑色椭圆键即能列印出内置条形码种类, 按左面黑色椭圆键没有作用.参数; " LIST IMAGES ( 列印内存图形) ". 按 " NEXT " 显示下一个11). 列印内存图形LIST IMAGESPRINT按右面黑色椭圆键即能列印出内存(包括DRAM, EPROM及Memory Card内的图形) 作用.; " LIST FORMATS ( 列印内存条码格式) ".按左面黑色椭圆键没有按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数12). 列印内存条码格式LIST FORMATSPRINT按右面黑色椭圆键即能列印出内存的条码格式.作用.; " LIST SETUP ( 列印当前打印机的设置) ".按左面黑色椭圆键没有按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数13). 列印当前打印机的设置LIST SETUPPRINT按右面黑色椭圆键即能列印出当前打印机的设置.有作用. 按左面黑色椭圆键没14).INITIALIZE CARD内存初始化的操作按 " NEXT " 键直到INITIALIZE CARDCAUSE CONTINUE按右面黑色椭圆键开始初始化将会删除内存里的资料15).SENSOR PROFILE传感器校正图的操作按 " NEXT " 键直到SENSOR PROFILECONTINUE按右面黑色椭圆键开始打印标签和色带传感器的校正图16). 标签和色带传感器灵敏度的调整/校正按 " NEXT " 键直到MEDIA AND RIBBONCALIBRATE按右面黑色椭圆键开始校正步骤, 显示器显示 " LOAD BACKING ";LOAD BACKINGCANCEL CONTINUEM长的空白的底纸, 打开打印头, 将标签装上, ( 请留意空白的底纸部应留更多的空白的底纸 );把标签剥离, 留下 20C分应在标签传感器上, 否则按右面黑色椭圆键继续校正, 面板上将显示 " REMOVE RIBBON ";REMOVE RIBBONCANCEL CONTINUE将色带取走合上打印头,面板上将显示 " CALIBRATING... PLEASE WAIT "; 按右面黑色椭圆键继续校正, CALIBRATINGPLEASE WAIT标签及色带传感器灵敏度的校正正在进行, 只需几秒钟; 跟着会显示; RELOAD ALLCONTINUE打开打印头, 把有标签的部分放到打印头下, 装好色带, 关闭打印头;操作; 打印机将打印 " 传感器曲线图形 ", 面板显示" MEDIA按右面黑色椭圆键继续校正AND RIBBON CALIBTATE";MEDIA AND RIBBONCALIBRATE/校正完成标签和色带灵敏度的调整注在校正过程中;按左面黑色椭圆键取消操作按, " NEXT " 键将显示 " HOST PORT ( 主接口 ) 或按右面黑色椭圆键继续校正操作按 " NEXT " 键直到机17). 主机接口的设置HOST PORTMAIN RS232按右面及左面黑色椭圆键改变数值2选缺省值 : MAIN RS23择 : MAIN RS232串口PARALLEL并口RS422/485SECOND RS232个参数; " Z-NET PORT ( Z-NET接口 ) ".ENTER PASSWORD按 " NEXT " 显示下一注:在改动设置时,会出现如下显示;- 0000 +值, 按左面黑色椭圆键移动位置. 按右面黑色椭圆键改变数保护密码缺省值 :1234输入正确的数值后按 " NEXT " 键再按黑色椭圆键即可以改变设置18). Z-NET 接口的设置Z-NET PORTNONE按右面及左面黑色椭圆键改变数值选缺省值 : NONE择 : NONESECOND RS232注当安装了Z-NET后此参数才有效它支持一台PC机连接多台打印机; " BAUD ( 波特率 ) ".BAUD按 " NEXT "显示下一个参数19). BAUD ( 波特率 )的设置- 9600 +按右面及左面黑色椭圆键改变数值选缺省值 : 9600择 : 1103006001200240048009600192002880057600注当与PC串口相联时打印机和PC的此参数设定必须一样个; " SET DATA BITS(SET DATA BITS按 " NEXT " 显示下一参数数据位) ".20). SET DATA BITS( 数据位 )的设置- 7-BITS +按右面及左面黑色椭圆键改变数值选缺省值 : 7-BITS择 : 7-BITS8-BITS注当使用CODE PAGE 850或使用IBM的TWINAXCOAX端口时SET DATA BITS( 数BITS 据位 )必须设置为8-注当与PC串口相联时打印机和PC的此参数定必须一样设按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数; " PARITY( 校验位 ) ".PARITY21). PARITY( 校验位 )的设置椭圆键改变数值. 按右面及左面黑色缺省值 : EVEN偶校验选择 : EVEN偶校验ODD奇校验NONE无校验注当与PC串口相联时打印机和PC的此参数设定必须一样显示下一个参数; " STOP BITS( 停STOP BITS按 " NEXT " 止位 )".22). STOP BITS( 停止位 )的设置- 1 STOP BIT +圆键改变数值. 按右面及左面黑色椭缺省值 : 1 STOP BIT1位选择 : 1 STOP BIT1位2 STOP BITS2位注当与PC串口相联时打机印和PC的此参数设定必须一样NE.HOST HANDSHAKE按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数; " HOST HADSHAK "23). HOST HANDSHAKE的设置改变数值. 按右面及左面黑色椭圆键缺省值 : XON/XOFF选择 : XON/XOFFDSR/DTR注当与PC串口相联时打印机和PC的此参数设定必须一样下; " PROTOCOL 按 " NEXT " 显示一个参数纠错协议 ".24). PROTOCOL纠错协议的设置PROTOCOL圆键改变数值. 按右面及左面黑色椭缺省值 : NONE选择 : NONEZEBRAACK/NACK注若选择ZEBRA时打印机的HOST HANDSHAKE必须设为DSR/DTR显NETWORK ID网络ID号 ". 按 " NEXT " 示下一个参数; "25). NETWORK ID网络ID号的设置NETWORK ID=> 000 +按右面黑色椭圆键改变数值, 按左面黑色椭圆键移动位置.示下一个参数; " COMMUNICATIONS缺省值 : 000选择 : 000至999按 " NEXT " 显通讯模式 ".26). COMMUNICATIONS通讯模式的设置COMMUNICATIONS键改变数值.式)NOSTICS(测试模式)按右面及左面黑色椭圆缺省值 :NORMAL MODE(正常模选择 : NORMAL MODE(正常模式),DIAG若选择DIAGNOSTICS时当打印机收到数据后将打印ASCII HEX按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数; " CONTROL PREFIXZPL/ZPLII控制前缀 ".27). CONTROL PREFIXZPL/ZPLII控制前缀的设置CONTROL PREFIX=> 7EH +按右面黑色椭圆键改变数值, 按左面黑色椭圆键移动位置.缺注省值 : 7E选择 : 00至FF此参数是控制打印机的编程语言ZPL/ZPLII的设定请不要改动下一个参数; " FORMAT PREFIX 按 " NEXT " 显示ZPL/ZLPII格式前缀 ".28). FORMAT PREFIXZPL/ZLPII格式前缀的设置FORMAT PREFIX=> 5EH +按右面黑色椭圆键改变数值, 按左面黑色椭圆键移动位置.选择 : 00至FF缺省值 : 5E注此参数是控制打印机的编程语言ZPL/ZPLII的设定请不要改动按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数; " DELIMITER CHAR(ZPL/ZLPII分隔符 ".29). DELIMITER CHAR(ZPL/ZLPII分隔符的设置DELIMITER CHAR=> 2CH +按, 按左面黑色椭圆键移动位置.选择 : 00至FF右面黑色椭圆键改变数值缺省值 : 2C注此参数是控制打印机的编程语言ZPL/ZPLII的设定请不要改动按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数; " ZPL MODE编程语言的选择 ".30). ZPL MODE编程语言的选择的设置ZPL MODE按右面黑色椭圆键或左面黑色椭圆改变数值.缺省值 : ZPLII选择 : ZPLIIZPL注此参数是控制打印机的编程语言ZPL/ZPLII的设定请不要改动; " MEDIA POWER UP 按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数开机标签状态的选择 ".31). MEDIA POWER UP开机标签状态的选择的设置MEDIA POWER UP.按右面黑色椭圆键或左面黑色椭圆改变数值缺省值 : FEED走纸选择 : FEED走纸CALIBRATION测纸LENGTH纸长NO MOTION不动示个数 " HEAD CLOSE 按 " NEXT " 显下一参打印头翻开合上后标签状态的选择 .32). HEAD CLOSE打印头翻开合上后标签状态的选择的设置HEAD CLOSE按右面黑色椭圆键或左面黑色椭圆改变数值.缺省值 : FEED走纸选择 : FEED走纸CALIBRATION测纸LENGTH纸长NO MOTION不动示个数 " BACKFEED 按 " NEXT " 显下一参标签回撤 .33). BACKFEED标签回撤的设置注此参数只有在打印机设定为切刀CUTTER和剥离PEEL-OFF方式时才有效BACKFEED按右面黑色椭圆键或左面黑色椭圆改变数值.缺省值 : DEFAULT当标签被切或剥离后90%标签回撤选择 : DEFAULT当标签被切或剥离后90%标签回撤0%-100%BACKFEED按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数 " LABEL TOP打印的上下位置 .34). LABEL TOP打印的上下位置的调整;LABEL TOP +0- +数值, 按左面黑色椭圆键减少数值.范围 : -64 到 +64 ( 显示的数值是点数 , 如 "+24", 意思是 24 点, 假设打分辨率是 200 DPI / 8 dot per mm, 24 点即 "3mm ", 若打印机的分辩率是 300 DPI / 12dot per mm, 24 点即 " 2 mm". )按右面黑色椭圆键增加缺省值 : +0印机的按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数;LEFT POSITION打印的左右位置35). LEFT POSITION打印的左右位置的调整;LEFT POSITION=> +0000 +按右面黑色椭圆键改变数值, 按左面黑色椭圆键移动位置.范围 : -9999到 +9999( 显示的数值是点数 , 如 "+24", 意思是 24 点, 假设打印机的分辨率是 200 DPI / 8 dot per mm, 24 点即 "3mm ", 若打印按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数;HEAD TEST COUNT缺省值 : 0000机的分辩率是 300 DPI / 12dot per mm, 24 点即 " 2 mm". )打印头电气测试计数36). HEAD TEST COUNT打印头电气测试计数的调整;HEAD TEST COUNT=> 0000 +按右面黑色椭圆键改变数值, 按左面黑色椭圆键移动位置.缺省值 : 0000不测试按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数;HEAD RESISTANCE范围 : 0000到 9999打印头电阻值37). HEAD RESISTANCE打印头电阻值的调整;HEAD RESISTANCE=> #### +值, 按左面黑色椭圆键移动位置.数值设定比打印头的电阻值高,否则会损害打印头.和将打印机复位后,均必须设定HEAD RESISTANCE,按右面黑色椭圆键改变数初始值 : 复位后为500范围 : 0500到 1175注:绝对不可以将此参数的当更换了新的打印头其设定数值为打印头的实际电阻值.按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数;AUXILIARY PORT辅助端口38). AUXILIARY PORT辅助端口的设定;AUXILIARY PORT- OFF +按右面黑色椭圆键或左面黑色椭圆键改变数值.缺省值 : OFF选择 : OFF,1 VER-RPRNT,2 VER-THRUPUT注此参数是针对指定选件的配置按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数39). APPLICATOR PORT辅助端口的设定; APPLICATOR PORT- OFF +按右面黑色椭圆键或左面黑色椭圆键改变数值.缺省值 : OFF选择 : OFF,MODE 1MODE 2MODE 3MODE 4注此参数是针对指定选件的配置一按 " NEXT " 显示下个参数传感器参数表40). 传感器参数表WEB S.- XX +或左面黑色椭圆键改变数值.MEDIA S.RIBBON S.MARK S.MARK MED S.MEDIA LEDRIBBON LEDMARK LED按右面黑色椭圆键注这些参数是测纸后自动生成非特殊需求请勿动按 " NEXT " 显示下一个参数41). LCD ADJUST液晶显示亮度的设定;LCD ADJUST- 10 +按右面黑色椭圆键或左面黑色椭圆键改变数值.示下一个参数). LANGUAGE缺省值 : 10选择 : 00-19按 " NEXT " 显液晶显示文字的设定; 42LANGUAGE- ENGLISH +按右面黑色椭圆键或左面黑色椭圆键改变数值.缺省值 : ENGLISH英文选择 : ENGLISH英文SPANISH西班牙文FRENCH法文GERMAN德文意大利文 ITALIAN按 " NXT " 示下一个数,设置完毕E显参.在设置过程中,会遇到保护密码的输入ENTER PASSWORD在出现如下显示;- 0000 +按左面黑色椭圆键移动位置. 按右面黑色椭圆键改变数值,保护密码缺省值 :1234输入正确的数值后按 " NEXT " 键再按黑色椭圆键即可以改变设置注意 : 设置更改或调整后, 必需存储, 否则关机后会丢失!存储步骤 :改或调整后, 按 " SETUP/EXIT " 键, 出现如下显示; 1. 在更SAVE SETTING1). PERMANENT做的更改;做的更改, 关机后会失去;的更改;永久存储所2). TEMPORARY暂时存储所3). CANCEL取消刚做4). LOAD DEFAULT恢复出厂值;注此法一定一定慎用置;2. 右面或左面黑色椭圆键选择存储方法; 5). LOAD LAST SAVE取用上次储存的设按3. 按 " NEXT " 键存储并回到开机显示板面.。

联想 M7020 7030 7120 7130N M3020 3120 3220激光打印机 维修手册

联想 M7020 7030 7120 7130N M3020 3120 3220激光打印机 维修手册


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当因打印装置发生故障而导致用户不能打印接收数据时, 维修人员须指导用户按本章中所描述的传送步骤将接收到的数据传送到另一个机器以防数据的丢失。

第五章 拆卸/重新安装和润滑详细展示了机器拆卸和重新安装的步骤以及相关的注意点。





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