



教学反思常用模板英语作文英文回答:Lesson reflection is an important tool for teachers to improve their teaching practice. It allows them to identify what worked well in a lesson, what could be improved, and what students learned. There are many different lesson reflection templates that teachers can use, but they all typically include some common elements, such as:A description of the lesson。

An analysis of what worked well and what could be improved。

A reflection on what students learned。

A plan for how to improve the lesson in the future。

Lesson reflection templates can be helpful for teachersbecause they provide a structured way to reflect on their teaching practice. They can also help teachers to identify patterns in their teaching and to develop strategies for improving their instruction.中文回答:教学反思是教师改进其教学实践的重要工具。







二、高中英语作文写作技巧教学的困难与挑战高中生英语作文写作存在一定的困难与挑战,主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 词汇量不足:很多学生在写作时会遇到词汇量不足的问题,导致表达能力受限,难以写出丰富、生动的作文。

2. 句式结构单一:部分学生的句式结构较为单一,缺乏变化和灵活性,难以展现出写作的技巧和手法。

3. 逻辑表达混乱:有些学生在写作时逻辑表达混乱,文章结构不清晰,影响了整体的表达效果。

4. 缺乏观点和论据:一些学生缺乏独立的观点和论据支撑,导致作文内容空洞,缺乏说服力。


1. 师生互动,激发学生写作兴趣在英语作文写作技巧教学中,教师应该和学生进行积极的互动,激发学生对写作的兴趣。



2. 多读多写,培养学生写作习惯写作是一个需要长期积累和磨练的过程,所以学生需要经常进行写作练习。



3. 强化句式结构和词汇积累在英语作文写作技巧教学中,教师可以通过分析和讲解一些经典句式结构和表达技巧,帮助学生丰富自己的句式表达能力。






通过教学实践,我发现学生在读后续写题型中存在的问题主要集中在以下几个方面:1. 不理解文章的逻辑结构,缺乏对上下文关系的理解;2. 缺乏合理的思维逻辑和条理性,容易出现语言不连贯的问题;3. 词汇量不足,表达能力有限,缺乏语言的多样性;4. 没有充分发挥自身的观点和想法,注重短文细节的复述,缺乏个人的思考和创新。

针对这些问题,我在教学中采取了一系列的教学策略:1. 强调短文的整体理解,引导学生仔细揣摩短文的结构和逻辑,理清上下文关系;2. 注重条理性的训练,教授学生如何进行逻辑推理,展现条理清晰的思维;3. 提供大量的词汇练习和词汇扩充,帮助学生提高表达能力;4. 引导学生积极思考短文内容,培养独立思考和创新的能力。

二、教学启示通过这段时间的教学实践,我对高考英语作文读后续写的教学有了一些新的认识和启示:1. 培养学生的整体理解能力是重要的,学生需要能够把握文章的主旨和关键信息,理清文章结构和逻辑,才能进行正确的续写;2. 培养条理性的思维和写作能力是必要的,学生需要能够进行逻辑推理和各个段落之间的连接,以体现思维的连贯性;3. 扩充学生的词汇量是必要的,学生需要能够准确、多样地表达自己的思想和观点,只有掌握了丰富的词汇才能拓展语言的表达能力;4. 鼓励学生积极思考和独立创新是必要的,学生需要能够运用自己的想法和观点进行续写,提高文章的独特性和个性化。





课堂反馈小作文英文英文:Today's class was very informative and engaging. The teacher presented the material in a clear and concise manner, making it easy to understand. I particularly enjoyed the interactive activities, which helped me to apply what I had learned.One thing that I found challenging was the amount of new vocabulary introduced. It was difficult to remember all of the words and their meanings. However, the teacher provided us with some helpful tips for memorization, such as creating flashcards and using the words in context.Overall, I feel that I learned a lot in today's class and am excited to continue studying this subject. I appreciate the teacher's enthusiasm and dedication to our education.中文:今天的课堂非常有趣且充实。














如Senior BookⅠ,Unit 3中的“Help! Help!”,可按发展顺序设计几幅救落水儿童的图,但只给学生展示第一、二两幅图,图画的内容大致与课文内容相同,但是后几幅的空白,使学生必须通过创造性的想象才能填补材料的空白。


有学生这样写到:Last week, we had a picnic in Forest Park. We found a shady place by the river. As soon as we had sat down, T om suddenly gotup and shouted,“Someone has fallen into the river!" It was true.A boy was struggling in the water, and the children in a boat looked hopeless. Tom and Jack took off their shoes while running to wards the water. They swam very quickly towards the boy who was sinking fast. Tom and Jack got hold of the boy by the arms and lifted his head above the water. Together they pulled the boy to the shore.之后,再给学生展示其中一幅图,或一句话的情景:……,a man/a woman/a child, etc. has fallen into the river/the lake, etc.……。



文章标题:Reflecting on the Merits and Challenges of Our English Teacher's Classroom ExperienceIn reflecting on our English teacher's classroom experience, several distinct advantages and a few areas for improvement emerge. The teacher excels at engaging students with lively discussions and interactive activities, fostering a dynamic learning environment. Her passion for the subject is evident, igniting a similar enthusiasm in her students. Additionally, her meticulous feedback on assignments helps students refine their skills. However, the pace of the class can sometimes be too fast for slower learners, and more opportunities for independent practice would be beneficial. Overall, her dedication and expertise make her a valuable educator, but room for growth remains.在反思我们英语老师的课堂教学体验时,一些明显的优点和一些需要改进的地方浮现出来。



对英语老师教学的建议和意见英语作文Some Thoughts for My English TeacherDear Mrs. Smith,I really enjoy your English class! You make learning the language fun and interesting. I can already understand and speak a lot more English than when I started in your class. However, I have some ideas that could make the lessons even better. I'm going to share my honest thoughts and suggestions with you.First, the thing I like most about your class is all the games, songs, and activities we do. The games especially make it much easier to learn and remember new vocabulary words. Playing charades or doing picture puzzles with new words is really helpful. The songs also make grammar concepts stick in my brain better than just reading from the book. I wish we could do even more of those kinds of interactive activities every class!One area I think could be improved is the homework. I don't mind doing homework, as I know it helps me practice what we learn. But the worksheets can get a bit boring and repetitive after a while. Maybe you could mix it up sometimes? For example, you could have us write short stories using the new vocab words, ordo little projects like making comic strips to practice the grammar concepts. Anything hands-on and creative would make the homework more fun.I also have a suggestion about the reading materials. The stories and passages we read are interesting enough, but they are not always that relatable to kids our age. It would be great if you could find more articles, stories, or books about topics that elementary school students are really into – things like sports, video games, animals, magic, jokes, etc. If the reading material was about our interests, I think we'd be more engaged and could better understand and discuss it.Another thought is about incorporating more technology. We are the generation that is growing up with smartphones, tablets, and computers everywhere. While I know we shouldn't overuse screens, a bit more tech in the lessons could make them more engaging for us. Maybe you could have us do some English learning activities or games on the classroom tablets once a week? Or put some of the readings and assignments online for us to access? Just a few simple tech integrations could make your class feel very modern and interactive.My last idea is to sometimes have us work in different groups or pairs, rather than all together as a whole class. Whenwe get to collaborate with classmates, it allows us to practice conversing more naturally in English. It's good to get reps with back-and-forth dialogue, not just repeating after you. And by mixing up the groups, we'd get experience talking with different partners instead of just our close friends.Those are my main thoughts, Mrs. Smith! Overall, I truly appreciate how hard you work to make English class educational yet fun. You are one of my favorite teachers. If you could find ways to add even more interactive games, creative projects, relatable materials, technology, and student pairings, I think it could take your already-awesome class to the next level. Let me know if you need any other ideas from me.Thank you for being such a great teacher!Sincerely,Your student。




以下是对一堂高中英语写作课的评价,包括优缺点以及建议:优点:1. 清晰的教学目标:教师明确了写作课程的目标,并始终围绕这些目标展开教学,使得整堂课内容紧凑,有助于学生集中注意力。

2. 丰富的教学内容:教师不仅讲解了写作技巧,还引入了实际写作任务,使得教学内容更加贴近实际,有助于提高学生的写作兴趣。

3. 有效的教学方法:教师采用了多种教学方法,如讲解、示范、小组讨论等,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们的参与度。

4. 积极的课堂氛围:教师态度亲切,能够调动学生的积极性,课堂氛围轻松愉快。

缺点:1. 部分学生参与度不高:在小组讨论环节,有些学生并没有充分参与,可能是由于任务难度较高或个人兴趣不高。

2. 时间管理可以进一步加强:在课程结束时,部分学生未能完成写作任务,如果教师能更好地管理时间,或许可以解决这一问题。

建议:1. 调整任务难度:针对部分学生参与度不高的问题,教师可以考虑调整小组讨论任务的难度,使其更符合学生的实际水平,提高他们的参与度。

2. 加强时间管理:教师可以提前规划好时间分配,确保每个学生都有足够的时间完成写作任务,避免课程结束时部分学生还未完成的情况。

3. 增加反馈和指导:对于学生的写作成果,教师可以给予更多的反馈和指导,帮助他们更好地提高写作水平。







改进教学建议英语作文英文回答:Improving Pedagogy: Enhancing Student Learning and Engagement.Educators have long recognized the importance of effective teaching practices in fostering student learning and engagement. However, with the advent of new technologies and the evolving needs of students, educators must continually re-evaluate and refine their pedagogical approaches to optimize learning outcomes. This essay will explore several research-based strategies that educators can implement to improve teaching and enhance student learning and engagement.1. Active Learning:Research has consistently demonstrated that active learning techniques, such as classroom discussions, groupprojects, and simulations, significantly improve student understanding and retention. By actively engaging studentsin the learning process, educators can create a more dynamic and engaging classroom environment that fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaborationskills.2. Technology Integration:Technology plays a vital role in modern education, providing educators with a wealth of resources and tools to enhance teaching and learning. From interactive simulations and online learning platforms to virtual reality andartificial intelligence, technology can be harnessed to support diverse learning styles, provide real-time feedback, and create personalized learning experiences.3. Differentiated Instruction:Every student is unique, with their own strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. Differentiated instruction recognizes this diversity and tailors teaching methods tomeet the individual needs of each student. By providing flexible learning materials, varying pace and rigor, and offering personalized feedback, educators can ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed.4. Assessment for Learning:Traditionally, assessment has been used primarily to measure student achievement at the end of a unit or course. However, research has shown that using assessment as a formative tool can dramatically improve learning. By providing frequent, low-stakes assessments throughout the learning process, educators can identify student misconceptions early on, adjust their teaching strategies accordingly, and provide targeted support to struggling students.5. Collaboration and Community:Effective teaching requires collaboration between educators, students, and the wider community. By fostering strong partnerships with parents or caregivers,administrators, and other teachers, educators can create a supportive learning environment that extends beyond the classroom walls. This collaboration can also provide educators with valuable insights into student needs andhelp them develop more tailored and effective teaching practices.中文回答:改进教学建议。



Improving the Classroom Experience:Suggestions for TeachersAs students, we spend a significant portion of our lives in the classroom, learning from teachers who shape our academic journey. Therefore, it is crucial to provide feedback and suggestions that can enhance the teaching-learning process. In this article, I aim to offer insights and recommendations to teachers that could potentially improve the classroom experience for both teachers and students.Firstly, I believe that teachers should encourage active student participation. A passive learning environment can be dull and unengaging, leading to decreased motivation and engagement. By inviting students to actively participate in class discussions, teachers can foster a more interactive and dynamic learning atmosphere. This could involve asking questions, conducting group activities, or assigning projects that require critical thinking and collaboration.Secondly, teachers should utilize technology to their advantage. The integration of digital tools and platformscan bring about a revolution in teaching methods. For instance, the use of interactive whiteboards, online resources, and educational apps can make learning more engaging and effective. Additionally, teachers can leverage online platforms to communicate with students outside of class, answering queries and providing additional support. Moreover, it is essential for teachers to recognize the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the classroom. Every student has unique strengths, talents, and learning needs. Teachers should strive to create an inclusive learning environment where all students feel valued and motivated. This could be achieved by employing differentiated teaching strategies, providing accessible learning materials, and promoting a culture of respect and understanding.Lastly, teachers should prioritize feedback and continuous improvement. Regularly seeking student feedback on their teaching methods, class organization, and content delivery can help teachers identify areas for improvement. By reflecting on this feedback and adjusting their practices accordingly, teachers can continuously enhancetheir teaching effectiveness and create a more positive learning environment for their students.In conclusion, by encouraging active student participation, leveraging technology, promoting inclusivity, and prioritizing feedback and improvement, teachers can significantly enhance the classroom experience for their students. These suggestions aim to foster a more engaging, effective, and inclusive learning environment that benefits both teachers and students alike.**提升课堂体验:给老师的建议**作为学生,我们在教室中度过了生命中大量的时间,从塑造我们学术之旅的老师那里学习。































英语作文教学建议与意见In the realm of English education, essay writing stands as a crucial skill that students must master. It not only tests their language proficiency but also their ability to organize ideas, express thoughts, and analyze topics. Given its importance, here are some suggestions and opinions on how to improve English essay writing.**1. Foundation Building:** The first step in essay writing is to ensure a solid grasp of the English language. Students should focus on vocabulary expansion, grammar mastery, and sentence structure. Reading regularly and practicing writing exercises can help in this regard.**2. Understanding the Essence of the Topic:** Before starting an essay, it is crucial to understand the topic thoroughly. Students should research the topic, gather relevant information, and identify the key points they want to discuss. A clear understanding of the topic helps in maintaining coherence and focus throughout the essay.**3. Structuring the Essay:** A well-structured essay is essential for effective communication. Students shouldbegin with an introduction that briefly summarizes thetopic and previews the main points. The body of the essay should present arguments, evidence, and examples to support the main ideas. The conclusion should sum up the essay, restate the main points, and leave a lasting impression on the reader.**4. Critical Thinking:** Essays are not just about presenting facts; they are also about analyzing and evaluating information. Students should cultivate their critical thinking skills by analyzing different perspectives, evaluating evidence, and forming opinions based on logical reasoning.**5. Practice Makes Perfect:** Like any other skill, essay writing requires constant practice. Students should write regularly, receive feedback, and make improvements. Practice helps in honing their writing style, improving their language use, and enhancing their essay writing abilities.**6. Incorporating Feedback:** Feedback is a crucial part of the writing process. Students should be open to receiving feedback from teachers, peers, or onlinecommunities. Constructive criticism can help them identify areas for improvement and refine their writing.**7. Writing for a Purpose:** Every essay should have a clear purpose or objective. Students should identify the purpose of their essay before starting and ensure thattheir writing aligns with that purpose. This helps in maintaining focus and ensuring that the essay serves its intended purpose.In conclusion, essay writing is a complex skill that requires a solid foundation in the English language, a thorough understanding of the topic, critical thinking skills, and regular practice. By following these suggestions and incorporating feedback, students can improve their essay writing abilities and become effective writers.**英语写作教学建议与意见**在英语教育领域中,作文写作是一项至关重要的技能,学生必须掌握。



作文英语作文教学中存在的问题及解决策略Problems and Solutions in Teaching English WritingWriting is one of the most important skills we learn in school, but it can also be one of the most difficult. As a primary school student, I have noticed several problems with how English writing is taught that make it hard for me and my classmates to improve our skills. However, I also have some ideas for solutions that could help us become better writers.The first big problem is that we don't get enough practice actually writing in class. Instead, we spend a lot of time learning about grammar rules, vocabulary words, and sentence structures. While this is important, we rarely get chances to take what we've learned and use it to write full stories, essays, or other longer pieces. Writing feels disconnected from the other things we study.My solution would be for teachers to give us more frequent writing assignments of different styles - not just book reports and journal entries, but also persuasive essays, creative stories, poetry, plays, letters, and other types of writing. This would let us practice putting grammar, vocabulary, and structure into realwriting while also expressing our thoughts and creativity. Constant practice is key to improving any skill.Another problem is that peer editing and feedback are not used enough. When we do get writing assignments, the teacher collects them, grades them, and hands them back - we don't get chances to read and comment on each other's work first. Peer review could really help us as young writers because we may understand feedback from classmates better than feedback from the teacher written in red ink.I think teachers should schedule regular peer editing workshops, where we get into small groups and exchange papers to read each other's drafts and provide comments and suggestions before final revisions are due. This would also encourage us to think more critically about what makes writing effective or ineffective. The teacher could still provide another review after that.A third issue is that writing lessons tend to focus way too much on avoiding mistakes rather than developing a process and voice. We get so caught up in using correct punctuation, spelling, and avoiding run-on sentences that we don't spend enough time on pre-writing strategies like brainstorming ideas,outlining a clear structure, showing instead of telling, and finding an authentic writer's voice.My proposed solution is for more class time devoted to the whole writing process - from exploratory journaling and mapping out ideas to drafting and revising with feedback to editing and publishing. We could even do more writing workshops where visiting authors or high school students share their processes. This would emphasize that writing is a journey of creativity and expression, not just avoiding errors.The next problem is that we don't get to pick enough of our own writing topics based on our interests and experiences. We tend to get very limited, formulaic prompts to write about, which makes the writing feel stale and boring. How can we put passion into our words if the topic is something we don't feel any connection to?One solution would be for teachers to let us choose more of our own writing topics and genres from a diverse menu of options. For example, we could pick between writing a personal narrative about a meaningful life event, an opinion piece about a school policy we want changed, a short suspense/horror story, or a "slice of life" descriptive essay. With more choice and autonomy, we would stay more invested in our writing.Finally, the system of grading writing feels too harsh and subjective. We'll work really hard on a piece, put our hearts into it, and then receive what feels like an arbitrarily harsh number grade with no clear rubric for what was good or needed improvement. This makes writing feel like even more of a chore and punishment rather than a creative joy.My idea is for a feedback system more focused on specific commentary to revise pieces rather than a loaded number or letter grade. Perhaps our writing could be assessed using checklists or rubrics focused on clarity, development, organization, voice, and other key components. This feels more constructive than just getting a B- paper back covered in random red ink.In the end, writing is a skill that takes immense work and practice to develop. But if approaches to writing instruction can address issues like lack of practice, peer input, limiting prompts, and subjectivity in grading, writing can become a more rewarding experience for primary students. The solutions I've proposed could empower us as young writers to take ownership of our voices and feel more confident sharing our stories with the world.。

















英语作文教学的反思与收获英文回答:Reflection on English Composition Teaching: Gains and Insights.English composition teaching plays a pivotal role in developing students' communication skills, criticalthinking abilities, and overall academic success. Through my experiences as an English composition teacher, I have gained valuable insights and made significant refinements to my teaching practices, which have greatly benefited my students and me.Firstly, I have realized the importance of creating a supportive and engaging learning environment. By fostering a classroom culture that values open communication, respect for diverse perspectives, and a willingness to take risks, I have observed a marked improvement in my students' participation and engagement. They feel encouraged toparticipate actively in discussions, share their ideas, and provide constructive feedback to their peers.Secondly, I have emphasized the value of explicit instruction and scaffolded learning. I have found that providing students with clear and detailed explanations of grammatical concepts, rhetorical devices, and the writing process empowers them to develop a solid foundation. Supplementing direct instruction with practice exercises, peer reviews, and individual feedback has further enhanced their comprehension and writing skills.Thirdly, I have adopted a student-centered approach to teaching. By tailoring my lessons to the specific needs and interests of my students, I strive to make learning meaningful and relevant. I incorporate authentic materials, such as articles, videos, and speeches, to connect the lessons to real-world applications. Additionally, I encourage students to choose their own writing topics, which often sparks their creativity and motivation.Fourthly, I have emphasized the significance ofcritical thinking and analysis. I have designed assignments that require students to go beyond paraphrasing and regurgitating information. Instead, I challenge them to critically evaluate texts, identify logical fallacies, and synthesize information from multiple sources. This approach has fostered their ability to think critically, reason logically, and make well-informed judgments.Moreover, I have continuously sought feedback from my students to refine my teaching practices. By conducting regular surveys and holding informal discussions, I have gained valuable insights into their learning preferences and areas of struggle. This feedback has enabled me to adjust my lesson plans, provide additional support, and cater to their diverse learning styles.中文回答:英文作文教学反思与收获。




















1. 学生兴趣的激发:- 作文往往被视为一项枯燥的任务,因此激发学生的兴趣至关重要。


2. 写作技巧的培养:- 高中生在写作时往往缺乏清晰的结构和逻辑。


3. 词汇与语法的准确性:- 学生在作文中经常犯语法错误或使用不恰当的词汇。


4. 思维深度的引导:- 除了语言技能,我还鼓励学生深入思考,发展批判性思维。


5. 个性化反馈:- 每个学生都有不同的写作风格和需求。


6. 利用科技工具:- 现代科技为作文教学提供了新的可能性。


7. 文化意识的融入:- 在作文教学中融入跨文化元素,可以帮助学生更好地理解不同文化背景下的表达方式。

8. 持续的学习与改进:- 教学是一个不断学习和适应的过程。


9. 鼓励创新与实验:- 我鼓励学生在作文中尝试不同的写作风格和技巧,以此来发现他们自己的声音。

10. 评估与测试的平衡:- 虽然评估是检验学生学习成果的重要手段,但过多的测试可能会抑制学生的创造力。





英语老师作业反馈英文作文英文:As an English teacher, I have read through your essay and I must say that you have shown great improvement in your writing skills. Your essay is well-organized and you have used a wide range of vocabulary to express your ideas. However, there are still some areas that need improvement. For example, there are a few grammatical errors and awkward phrasings that could be revised for better clarity and coherence. Additionally, I would encourage you to pay more attention to the use of transitional phrases to improve the flow of your writing.I would like to point out a specific example from your essay to illustrate my feedback. In the second paragraph, you wrote, "I feel very happy when I spend time with my family." While the sentiment is clear, the sentence structure could be enhanced for a more natural flow. For instance, you could rephrase it as, "Spending time with myfamily brings me great joy." This revision not onlyimproves the sentence structure but also adds a touch of sophistication to your writing.Overall, I believe that with continued practice and attention to detail, you will be able to further elevatethe quality of your writing. Keep up the good work anddon't hesitate to ask for help if you need further guidance.中文:作为一名英语老师,我已经阅读了你的文章,我必须说你的写作能力有了很大的进步。



高中英语作文教学反思英文回答:Reflecting on my teaching of high school English composition, I have come to realize the importance of creating a supportive learning environment, fostering critical thinking skills, and providing timely and constructive feedback.Firstly, an encouraging atmosphere makes students feel comfortable taking risks and expressing their ideas without fear of judgment. By building rapport with my students and establishing a culture of respect, I have noticed a significant increase in their willingness to participate in class discussions and share their insights. Additionally, I often make use of humor and storytelling to engage students and make learning more enjoyable.Developing critical thinking skills is another crucial aspect of effective English composition instruction. Ichallenge my students to analyze texts, identify main ideas, and support their arguments with evidence. Throughactivities such as socratic seminars and essay writing, I encourage them to question assumptions, consider multiple perspectives, and form their own well-reasoned opinions.Timely and constructive feedback is essential for students to improve their writing skills. I prioritize providing students with feedback that is specific, actionable, and encouraging. I often use a combination of written comments, verbal feedback, and peer review to help students identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for self-editing and revision.Furthermore, incorporating authentic materials into my lessons has proven to be a valuable tool for enhancing student engagement and relevance. By exposing students to real-world texts such as news articles, speeches, and short stories, I have found that they are better able to connect their learning to their own lives and experiences.Moreover, leveraging technology in the classroom hasfacilitated differentiation and personalized learning. I utilize online platforms and interactive tools to provide students with additional resources, individualized feedback, and opportunities for self-paced learning. By catering to the diverse learning needs of my students, I have observed an improvement in their overall writing proficiency.In conclusion, my experiences teaching high school English composition have underscored the importance of fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment, cultivating critical thinking skills, and providing timely and targeted feedback. By continuously reflecting on my pedagogy and incorporating innovative strategies, I striveto create a dynamic and effective learning experience formy students.中文回答:通过对高中英语作文教学的反思,我意识到营造一个支持性的学习环境、培养批判性思维技能以及提供及时且建设性的反馈至关重要。

英语作文关于反馈上课的问题i fece

英语作文关于反馈上课的问题i fece

英语作文关于反馈上课的问题i fece English:Feedback on classroom issues is essential for improving the learning experience for both students and teachers. Constructive feedback allows teachers to understand what works well in their teaching methods and what areas need improvement, while also enabling students to voice their concerns and suggest ways to enhance their learning experience. Feedback should be given in a timely manner, preferably right after the class or assignment, and should be specific, focusing on particular aspects of the lesson or teaching style. It is important for both parties to approach feedback with an open mind and a willingness to make necessary changes for the benefit of all involved.Chinese:课堂问题的反馈对于改善学生和教师的学习体验至关重要。



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还有一种反馈(marginal notes)是比较快捷,方便的,即教师在阅读作文时,在文章空白处直接进行细节评论。










Ferris (2001) 曾建议:在写反馈时,用疑问句要比用祈使句的效果好。



细节评论, 通常是穿插在文章中对文章最后整体评价的细化。







如:‘So we should reduce our pressure by some means. For example, we can do some physical exercise and take part in sports games. Deep breathing can help us too.’据此,我写了如下整体评论:You have done a good job. However, you could make your essay more convincing if you listed two more ways to reduce one’s pressure. For example, we students can communicate with parents or teachers, telling them exactly what we feel, and get some valuable and practical advice from experienced adults. 有的学生文章写得很流畅,但是却没有重点,而且没有最后的总结段。

我给了他这样的评语:This essay reads fluently, which means you have a good command of English. However, don’t you think the ways to reduce stress are the most important part in the essay and you need to put more emphasis on them? Also, I don’t think it is a good idea to skip the conclusion paragraph. 有的学生同样语句很漂亮,但减压方法提得太少,使文章感觉头重脚轻。

我写了如下评语:The variety of sentence patterns is the highlight of your essay. The conclusion also adds beauty to it. However, if you had added more ways of reducing pressure, your article would be better.再如作文题目:诚实是一种美德。



整体评论如:1)Your composition is quite good, for you have illustrated your opinion with a pretty vivid story. Moreover, you have listed some dishonest and honest examples in current society, which adds weight to your argument. But it is obvious that you are weak in using complex sentences, otherwise, your composition would be better.2)This is a fluent article with sincere words, good phrases and true emotions. When I read it, I seemed to have seen your way to deal with life. I quite agree with you. However, I don’t think your article has enough examples, which may help explain why honesty is important. So if you list more examples, your article will be enhanced a lot.3) Your essay is well-written on the whole. It is both logical and reasonable. However, please pay attention to the use of inverted sentences. For example, the sentence: “Only do we have the honesty can our good traditional virtue be spreading” may be changed into “Only by being honest, can we keep this traditional virtue.”细节评论如:1)Good! In this paragraph , you have given some good examples of dishonesty in society, which I like most. 2) You should pay attention to the difference between ‘honest’ and‘honesty’. 3) This is really convincing evidence! 4) An example might help here.这些评论不仅涉及到语言方面的问题,更多的涉及到:文章的逻辑性、内容的充实性、结构的清晰等方面。



