


( )1. A. name B. same C. game D. come

( )2. A. table B. paper C. race D. any

( )3. A. have B. than C. plan D. many

( )4. A. animal B. camera C. glad D. fast

( )5. A. plane B. make C. take D. away

( )6. A. ask B. glass C. afternoon D. anything ( )7. A. bookcase B. baseball C. danger D. basketball ( )8. A. past B. father C. after D. happy

( )9. A. better B. lesson C. he D. best

( )10.A. envelope B. desk C. she D. bed

( )11.A. French B. second C. fever D. then

( )12.A. he B. she C. tell D. fever

( )13.A. yesterday B. present C. be D. penfriend ( )14.A. seven B. relative C. me D. dress

( )15.A. before B. behind C. festival D. because ( )16.A. like B. history C. Friday D. time

( )17.A. find B. film C. five D. climb

( )18.A. mine B. live C. white D. Mike

( )19.A. milk B. kite C. finish D. give

( )20.A. this B. sign C. with D. little

( )22.A. sorry B. note C. home D. cold

( )23.A. hobby B. piano C. over D. comb

( )24.A. open B. lovely C. mother D. Monday ( )25.A. smoke B. from C. crossing D. box

( )26.A. brother B. also C. so D. old

( )27.A. jump B. but C. up D. music

( )28.A. must B. museum C. public D. run

( )29.A. fun B. subject C. July D. hungry ( )30.A. juice B. beautiful C. carefully D. Tuesday ( )31.A. head B. eat C. seat D. please ( )32.A. breakfast B. really C. weather D. heavy ( )33.A. ear B. hear C. pear D. year

( )34.A. near B. dear C. hear D. bear

( )35.A. know B. how C. now D. brown

( )36.A. window B. down C. slow D. low


( )37.A. blow B. know C. cow D. window

( )38.A. house B. mouth C. about D. cousin

( )39.A. blouse B. young C. country D. touch

( )40.A. mouse B. countryside C. outing D. shout

( )41.A. look B. book C. school D. good

( )42.A. cook B. look C. foot D. cartoon

( )43.A. classroom B. afternoon C. food D. moon

( )44.A. order B. world C. morning D. more

( )45.A. work B. worker C. doctor D. word

( )46.A. father B. teacher C. farmer D. her

( )47.A. thin B. this C. there D. mother

( )48.A. three B. they C. thank D. maths

( )49.A. what B. where C. who D. which

( )50.A. there B. where C. pear D. here

( )51、A. cold B. old C. home D. sorry

( )52、A. play B. game C. taxi D. name

( )53、A. town B. toy C. our D. cow

( )54、A. this B. ride C. white D. bike

( )55、A. small B. apple C. walk D. horse

( )56、A. here B. girl C. skirt D. shirt

( )57、A. read B. bee C. please D. sweater

( )58、A. red B. see C. she D. we

( )59、A. has B. banaba C. taxi D. bag ( )60、A. near B. pear C. stair D、hair



一、判断下列单词划线部分的发音,相同用T表示,不同用F表示:A ( )1. office post ( )2. library right ( )3. these smell ( )4. plate dance ( ) 5. read head ( ) 6. horse daughter ( ) 7. coke cake ( ) 8. Tony hop B ( )1. give sit ( )2. red left ( )3. read bread ( )4. busy fly ( ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d11516016.html, seven ( ) 6. what water ( ) 7. room book ( ) 8. busy cut C ( )1. climb big ( )2. school food ( ) 3. hat have ( )4. cry city D ( ) 5.write white ( )6. color top ( ) 7. shirt sure ( ) 8. pet bread ( )1. know snowy ( ) 2.school cool ( ) 3. noisy boil ( ) 4. easy cheap ( ) 5.hot cold ( ) 6. hair hear ( ) 7. small fall ( ) 8. ugly try 答案: A:1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T/F (如果Tony是英式发音为F美式发音为T)B:1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F C:1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T D:1. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6.F 7. T 8. F


小学英语单词辨音 5个元音字母的发音规则: Aa 开音节[ ei ] 闭音节[ ? ] 在[w]音后发[ ] Ee 开音节[ i: ] 闭音节[ e ] Ii 开音节[ai ] 闭音节[ i ] Oo 开音节[?u] 闭音节[ ] [u:] Uu 开音节[ju:] 闭音节[Λ]若是在j、l、r、s后读[u:] 练习 给出例词,请找出与划线部分相同的例词,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 Aa ()1、cake A:take B:cat ()2、name A:bag B:plane ()3、China A:about B:want ()4、after A:class B:wash ()5、What A:watch B:father ()6、cat A:flag B:baby ()7、late A:game B:any ()8、have A:happy B:past ()9、animal A:apple B:past ()10、make A:plane B:away Ee ()1、me A:these B:bed

()2、he A:Chinese B:egg ()3、she A:best B:we ()4、let A:evening B:red ()5、lesson A:desk B:open ()6、mess A:me B:letter ()7、hen A:letter B:Chinese ()8、vegetable A:hen B:apple ()9、eng A:pen B:me ()10、pen A:he B:egg Ii ()1、ring A:shine B:miss ()2、mistake A:big B:find ()3、milk A:pick B:child ()4、nine A:line B:dish ()5、drive A:live B:bright ()6、pig A:finished B:pilot ()7、bike A:time B:city ()8、swim A:kite B:sit ()9、drink A:fish B:time ()10、find A:high B:chicken Oo ()1、nose A:dog B:boat ()2、those A:go B:not ()3、lose A:stop B:old


小升初英语单词辨音题系统训练(一)一、Same or different.划线部分读音相近的填T,不同填F。 ( )1.ground turn ( )2.good too ( )3.clean leader ( )4.sign nice ( )5.park card ( )6.make have ( )7.candy stamp ( )8.meat bread ( )9.volleyball key ( )10.play paper 二、Find the different word in pronunciation.找出划线部分读音不同的单词。( )1.A.ask B. basket C. table D. grass ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d11516016.html, B. grade C. that D. late ( )3.A.like B. kite C. my D. city ( )4.A.second B. mess C. cinema D. February ( )5.A.season B. beach C. read D. great ( )6.A.month B. sixth C. with D. birthday ( )7.A.he B. egg C. dress D. bed ( )8.A.duck B. much C. music D. lunch ( )9.A.go B. hot C. not D. coffee ( )10.A.room B. school C. look D. goose ( )11.A.flower B. how C. brown D. yellow ( )12.A.house B. young C. out D. ground ( )13.A.any B. animal C. many D. friend ( )14.A.water B .want C. what D. watch ( )15.A.walked B. jumped C. kicked D. wanted


小升初英语词汇专项测试 (按话题分类) Name Class 1.数字 基数词one two three four ★five six seven eight nine ten 序数词 fourth sixth 基数词eleven ★twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 序数词 基数词sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen ★twenty 序数词 基数词twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five 序数词 基数词thirty thirty-one forty fifty sixty 序数词 ◇基数词与序数词的区别:基数词是“第…”的意思,前面都有单词the 2.colour(颜色) red yellow green blue purple white black orange pink brown 3.time(时间) ①year(年) 一年两年三岁大四岁 ②seasons(季节) There are seasons in a year. They’re and . ③months(月)按season划分为 Winter is , and .Spring is , and . Summer is , and .Fall is , and . ◇January is the month of a year.

④week(星期) There are days in a week. They are , , , , , and . ⑤时间短语: 周末下周上周明天昨天 今晚或今天早上今天下午 ♀in spring/summer/January/February/March on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday ⑥时刻(at) at seven o’clock at nine o’clock at six thirty 4.Food and drinks(食品与饮料) ①western food(西方食品) cake (面包) hot dog hamburger (鸡腿) French fries coke (果汁) water tea coffee ice-cream ②eastern food(东方食品) 米饭 fish 猪肉 mutton 面条牛肉 汤 egg ③Vegetable(蔬菜) 卷心菜茄子 , green beans, tofu , 土豆 番茄黄瓜 , onion , 胡萝卜 ④Fruit(水果) 桃子 ,梨 ,orange ,西瓜 , apple , banana , 草莓 , 葡萄 , ♂关于味觉的单词 可口的或 ,健康的 ,甜的 ,酸的 , 新鲜的 ,咸的 ,饿了 ♂餐具 盘子 ,叉子 , knife , 勺子 , 筷子


五下专项训练——单词辨音 一、读一读,从句子中找出含有例词画线部分读音的单词 1. Danny hurts his tail but he likes to go shopping. stop: 2. I feel hungry. I want to buy two hot dogs to eat. but: 3. My teacher is kind to us. kite: ___________ 4. —What day is today? —It's Thursday. hurt: ___________ 5. Can you make a cake? sad: ___________ 二、判断每组单词画线部分读音是(T) 否(F)相同。 () 1. A. jump B. umbrella C. run B. some C. woman () 2.A. come B. baby C. try () 3.A. cry B. picture C. little () 4.A. it B. postcard C. home () 5.A. shop B. fast C. father () 6.A. ask B. great C. eat () 7.A. tea B. talked C. wanted () 8.A. walked B. father C. mother () 9.A. brother

( ) 10.A. window B. slow C. how () 11. A. have B. cat C. ask () 12. A. see B. sleep C. sheep () 13. A. give B. gift C. live ()1 4. A. day B. may C. play ()1 5. A. computer B. come C. some () 16. A. shop B. hotel C. stop () 17. A. but B. busy C. hungry () 18. A. time B. kind C. kite () 19. A. hurt B. nurse C. Thursday () 20. A. can B. panda C. sad () 21. A. shop B. stop C. no () 22. A. can B. cake C. sad ()23. A. Thursday B. hurt C. nurse () 24. A. time B. bike C. kite () 25. A. bus B. us C. put 三、读一读,选出与例词画线部分发音相同的单词。 ()1. run A. hungry B. ruler C. music ()2.who A. what B. whose C. where ()3. tea A. read B. sweater C. breakfast ()4.candy A. face B. Danny C. name ()5.like A. is B. in C. behind


技巧指导: 1.理清题意,辨清类型, 是考察元音还是辅音, 是考一个字母还是字母组合的发音。 2.如果划线部分是元音字母, 区别这个元音字母是开音节还是闭音节。 [相对开音节:一个元音字母+一个辅音字母+不发音的e]如bike, cake, these, home, excuse [绝对开音节:辅音字母+一个元音字母结尾,且重读]如he, she, be, go, hi 3.如果划线部分是元音字母组合,区别这个组合是重读还是弱读; 如:A. first B. bird C. term D. father 很明显,前面三个都是重读,发长音/?:/,而最后一个是单词末尾的弱读,发短音/?/ A. farmer B. term C. father D. worker 4.思考四个单词中有没有发音异于常规发音的单词,这种方法叫特殊单词比较法。 强化识记: 1.ir, or, ur, er 在重读音节中发/?:/, 如:bird, girl, skirt, thirty, work, word, nurse, purple, her; 在弱读音节中发/?/如,over, father, mother, doctor, colour, 2.n在k, c 前发/?/,如think, thank, drink, uncle, pink; ng在单词中发/ng/如English, England, stronger, 3.oo在t,d,k前发短音/u/,如foot, look, good, book, cook; oo在l,m,n前发长音/u:/,如school, room, soon, zoo, 4.th发/θ/的情况/ ①动词,如think,thank, throw ②数词,如three, thirteen, thirty, third, fourth, fifth ③不定代词,如thing, , something, anything, everything, nothing th 发/e/的情况: ①亲属关系,如father, mother, brother ②指示代词,如this,that, these, those, the ③人称代词,如they, them,their, theirs; there ④介词,如with, without 5.ch读/t?/;ck 读/k/; ph读/f/; th 读/θ/或/e/; sh 读/?/; wh读/w/或/h/; ng 读/?/; 特殊单词辨音小结:常考!务必记好! gr ea t/ei/ w a ter/?:/ m a ny/e/ f oo d/u:/


广东奥校初中入学考试英语试卷(5) 听力部分(略) 笔试部分 一、单词辨音:选出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的单词。(5分) 1. A. bike B. city C. time D. side 2. A. join B. noise C. choice D. billion 3. A. gas B. waste C. glad D. natural 4. A. result B. rubbish C. produce D. rubber 5. A. foot B. moon C. school D. choose 6. A. stop B. sure C. soft D. smoke 7. A. this B. thank C. those D. father 8. A. bring B. strong C. nothing D. hungry 9. A. follow B. borrow C. know D. brown 10. A. above B. hotel C. phone D. programme 二、单项选择。(20分) 1. _______ all the cities in China, shanghai is the largest. A. In B. At C. With D. Of 2. Yesterday the teacher told us the earth _________ round the sun in 365 days. A. goes B. went C. is going D. will go 3. In this country, it is very _________ in November, but it is much ________ in December. A. coldest; cold B. colder; colder C. cold; colder D. colder; coldest 4. --- _________you finish your composition in time? --- I am afraid _________. A. Can; not B. May; mustn’t C. Must; needn’t D. Can; can’t 5. There are________ stars in the sky, but some of them are too far to be seen. A. thousands B. thousands of C. thousand of D. several thousand 6. Wei Hua won ________. A. t he girls’ 200 metres B. the girl’s 200 metres C. the girls’ 200 metre D. the girls 200 metre 7. Can you see _________ in the picture? A. something unusual B. anything unusual C. unusual something D. unusual anything 8. Let’s _________ him __________ an interesting story. A. to hear; speak B. to hear; talk C . listen to; say D. listen to; tell 9. You’d better_________ him a letter a t once. A. to write B. write C. writing D. to writing 10. It’s too difficult. Why _________ the teacher for help? A. not to ask B. not asking C. don’t ask D. not ask 11. Mary is ill and she doesn’t feel like _________. A. to eat something B. to eat anything C. eating something D. eating anything 12. Little Tammy is a _________ girl. A. five year old B. five-year-old C. five-years-old D. five-years old 13. Rose is an _________ but she is in ________ right now. A. Japan girl; American B. English woman; Japanese C. English girl; Japan D. America; England 14. I like the _________ in the garden. A. yellow small flowers B. flowers small yellow C. small yellow flowers D. flowers yellow small 15. How dirty your coat is! _________ and __________. A. Take your coat off; give it me B. Take it off; give it to me C. Take off your coat; to give me it D. Take off it; it gives me 16. Mr. Hyde’s possible full name (全名) is _________. A. Emma Hyde B. Hyde K. John C. Hyde Bill D. Peter A. Hyde 17. –--Who is not here, Lily? ---_________. --- __________? ---- He is fine now. A. It’s Jeff; How are you, Jeff B. Jeff is at home; How about you C. Jeff is; How is he D. I’m on duty today; Is Jeff all right

英语试题库 词汇与结构

河南机电高等专科学校试题库 Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are 100 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should choose the best answer. 1. We will have to pay them a large _______of money for their service. A. size B. set C. amount D. series Key:C 固定短语搭配A large amount of money 2. I’d appreciate it if you could tell me how _______ the machine. A. operate B. to operate C. operating D. operated Key:B 语法,疑问词+动词不定式的搭配。 3. I’m sorry to tell you that the materials you wanted are ______. A. taken off B. put up C. sold out D. got off Key:C sell out 卖光 4. It is obvious that these small businesses are ______ need of technical support. A. in B. on C. with D. to Key:A in need of 需要 5. _______ I am concerned, it is important to get a job first. A. As long as B. As well as C. As soon as D. As far as Key:D. as far as sth./ sb. be concerned 就……而言。 6. Some companies might not let you rent a car _______ you have a credit


英语单词辨音题解题 强化识记: , or, ur, er 在重读音节中发/:/, 如:bird, girl, skirt, thirty, work, word, nurse, purple, her; 在弱读音节中发/ /如,over, father, mother, doctor, colour, 在k, c 前发/ /,如think, thank, drink, uncle, pink; ng在单词中发/ng/如English, England, stronger, 在t,d,k前发短音/u/,如foot, look, good, book, cook; oo在l,m,n前发长音/u:/,如school, room, soon, zoo, 发/θ/的情况/ ①动词,如think,thank, throw ②数词,如three, thirteen, thirty, third, fourth, fifth ③不定代词,如thing, , something, anything, everything, nothing th 发/ð/的情况: ①亲属关系,如father, mother, brother ②指示代词,如this,that, these, those, the ③人称代词,如they, them,their, theirs; there ④介词,如with, without 读/t /;ck 读/k/; ph读/f/; th 读/θ/或/ð/; sh 读//; wh读/w/; ng 读:// 特殊单词辨音小结: 上面这些常考的词,亲爱的孩子们你们都读对了吗?


小升初英语模拟试题附答案解析 一、单词辨音(找出相同字母的不同读音) ) 1. A. dig B. fish C. right D. pick ) 2. A. book B. boot C. good D. foot ) 3. A. map B. wash C. bag D. fat ) 4. A. be B. bed C. left D. red ) 5. A. go B. so C. hot D. home 二、完形填空 I have a very useful dictionary. It has a lot of words. It gives many meanings for 1 word. But I always read the first meaning of a word in the dictionary. I never read the other meanings, because I wanted to read my book 2 .This morning, 3 I was reading a book, I met a strange sentence. It looked 4 first. The sentence had six words:Draw a picture of your house. I know five words in this sentence, but I didn‘t understand one word. I 5 draw. I opened my dictiona ry and 6 the first meaning of draw. It was pull. I said to myself Now I know all the words, and I think I can understand the sentence. So I wrote the meaning of the sentence. Pull a picture of your house. I read it, and What is the meaning of it?I don’t u nderstand it. My friend Dick read my new sentence. He laughed. He picked 7 my dictionary, and said to me.Look,Jack. The second meaning of‘ draw’ is‘ make a picture 8 a pen, a pencil 9 brush. So the sentence means:Make a picture of your house. I understood! I thought Dick was wonderful. And 10 I knew how to use my dictionary. ) 1. A. some B. another C. each D. the other ) 2. A. quickly B. quick C. slow D. slowly ) 3. A. how B. who C. what D. when ) 4. A. difficult B. hardly C. easy D. easily ) 5. A. don’t know B. didn‘t know C. knew D. know ) 6. A. looked for B. discovered C. found D. invented


(B卷) Vocabulary(15 points) Direction:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part .For each sentence there are four choices marked A) B) C) D) .Choose the one best completes the sentence. 1. The opening speeches sounded more like ________ of war than offering of peace. A) announce B) demand C) declaration D) demonstration 2. Their marriage was already ________ even before his wife went abroad. A) fade away B) fall apart C) get away D) go down 3. I’m pleased to hear of your job offer-----all that hard work at school has obviously ____. A) paid off B)taken its off C) made a difference D) shown up 4. A rich old lady _______ dead at home for two weeks---and nobody knew anything about it. A. lived B. stayed C. lay D. kept 5. Smart cars ________which can monitor one’s driving and the driving conditions nearby. A) have built B) have been built C) are building D) are going to build 6. Now that we’ve got a loan from the bank, our project is financially _____.


单词辨音练习题总结 () 1. A .ruler B .bus C. cut D. cup () 2.A .short B .worker C. for D. morning () 3.A .cow B .now C. show D. how () 4.A .take B .make C. bag D. plane () 5.A .duck B. but C. use D. mum ()6. A. name B. same C. game D. come ()7. A. table B. paper C. race D. any ()8. A. have B. than C. plan D. many ()9. A. animal B. camera C. glad D. fast ( )10. A. plane B. make C. take D. away 21. ()A. bag B. bad C. make 22. ()A. bed B. pen C. he 23. ()A. box B. close C. home 24. ()A. bike B. cinema C. time 25. ()A. this B. swim C. like 26. ()A. sail B. may C. park 27. ()A. girl B. turn C. tea 28. ()A. warm B. car C. star 29. ()A. but B. us C. use 30. ()A. match B. fish C. short 31. a. grass b. lamp c. have d. active 32. a. life b. give c. live d. think 33. a. may b. says c. way d. pay 34. a. break b. heat c. mean d. reason 35. a. corner b. decide d. circle d. cry ( )36. disappear A. compareB. wear C. beard D. share ( )37. nation A. magic B. male C. chance D. castle ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d11516016.html,pare https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d11516016.html,mon https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d11516016.html,pany C. computer D. come ( )39. drugA. minute B. supply C. ruler D. hungry ( )40.A. find B. film C. five D. climb ( )41.A. mine B. live C. white D. Mike ( )42.A. milk B. kite C. finish D. give ( )43.A. this B. sign C. with D. little ( )44.A. sorry B. note C. home D. cold ( )45.A. hobby B. piano C. over D. comb ( )46.A. open B.lovely C.mother D. Monday ( )47.A. smoke B. from C. crossing D. box ()48. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse () 49. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths


莘言教育小升初英语名校培优 2018小升初名校长培英语试卷 时间:40分钟分值:60分 姓名:___________ 联系方式:___________________________ 一:字母辨音,从下面每组单词中选出划线部分字母读音不同的那个单词,并将其代表字母填到前括号内 (5分) ( )1. A.can B. gate C. name D. radio ( ) 2. A. he B. she C. these D. beside ( ) 3. A. this B. their C. three D. that ( ) 4. A. pink B.white C. find D. bike ( ) 5. A. box B. those C. hot D. on 二.选择填空(15分) ( ) 6. 下面哪组大小写字母的顺序是对的。 A. eFjH B. ObqR C. mIno D.HiJk ( ) 7. There is _______old bike, _______ old bike is Mr. Zhao’s. A. a, an B. an, the C. an, an D. an, / ( ) 8. Most _______us are doing well _______ maths. A. /, at B. of, at C. of, in D. /, in ( ) 9. I have two good pen friends. One is in America, ________ is in England. A. the other B. another one C. another D. other ( ) 10. ________________________? I’ve got a headache. A. what are you doing? B. What is matther with you? C. What’s wrong with you? D. how are you? ( ) 11. ______ Tom visit his uncle yesterday afternoon? No, he_________. A. Do, don’t B. Did, didn’t C. Was, wasn’t D. Does, doesn’t ( ) 12. ___________? I’d like a shirt for my son. A. What do you want? B. Can I help you? C. How much is it? D. How do you you? ( ) 13. O u r teacher always ask us______late for school A. don’t to be B. not to be C. to not be D.to be

大学英语词汇学期末考试 重点复习资料整理 权威版 后附试题

2012词汇学复习资料 The development of the English Vocabulary 1.Indo-European Language Family The Indo-European Language Family is considered as one of the most important language families. It includes most languages of Europe, the Near East, and India. Those languages, which are believed to have originated from this language family and developed alone different lines, show various degrees of similarity to one another. They fall into eight principal groups, which can be grouped into an Eastern Set东部诸语族: Balto-Slavic波罗的-斯拉夫语, Indo-Iranian印度伊朗语族, Armenian 亚美尼亚语族and Albanian阿尔巴尼亚语族; a Western Set: 西部诸语族Celtic凯尔特语族, Italic 意大利语族, Hellenic希腊语族, Germanic日尔曼语族. All the languages in both sets shed some influence on English to a greater or lesser extent because each has lent words into the English vocabulary. Prussian普鲁士语 Lithuanian立陶宛语 Polish波兰语 Balto-Slavic波罗的-斯拉夫语Czech捷克斯洛伐克语 Bulgarian保加利亚语 Slovenian斯洛文尼亚语 Russian Albanian阿尔巴尼亚 Persian波斯语 Hindi北印度语 Indo-Iranian印度伊朗语系Bengali孟加拉语 Romany,吉卜赛语 Armenian亚美尼亚语 Portuguese Spanish Italic意大利语族Italian Roumanian罗马尼亚语 French Indo-European Language Family Irish Celtic凯尔特语Breton Scottish Norwegian挪威语 Icelandic,冰岛语 Danish丹麦语 Germanic Swedish瑞典语 日尔曼语言English Dutch Flemish German Hellenic,古希腊语- Greek


英语单词辨音题解题 强化识记:?1。ir, or, ur,er 在重读音节中发/:/,如: bird,girl, skirt,thirty,work, word,nurse,pur ple, her;?在弱读音节中发//如,over, father,mother, doctor, colour,?2。n在k, c 前发/?/,如think,thank,drin k,uncle,pink;?ng在单词中发/ng/如English,En gland, stronger, 3。oo在t,d,k前发短音/u/,如foot, look,good,book,cook; oo在l,m,n前发长音/u:/,如school,room, soon, zoo,4 ?. th发/θ/的情况/?①动词,如think,thank,throw?②数词,如thr ee, thirteen, thirty, third,fourth, fifth?③不定代词,如thing, , something,anything, everything, nothing?th 发/ð/的情况:?①亲属关系,如father, mother,broth er ②指示代词,如this,that,these,those,the ③人称代词,如they,them,their, theirs; there ④介词,如with,without?5。ch读/t?/;ck读/k/;ph读/f/; th读/θ/或/ð/;sh 读/?/;wh读/w/;ng 读:/?/

特殊单词辨音小结: 常考!务必记好! ?上面这些常考的词,亲爱的孩子们你们都读对了吗??单词辨音常见方法:?分类选择法、对照选择法、分类排列法等。由于英语单词的拼法和读音之间有差异,因此就要求我们不仅能辨认音标,而且要掌握每个音标的正确读音,从而正确拼读出每一个单词。
