管理沟通英文课件 (5)
![管理沟通英文课件 (5)](
Rank Goodwill Expertise Image Shared Values
Begin by emphasizing your initial credibility and work to increase your acquired credibility with the audience.
Choosing an Appropriate Style
Content Control
High Low Audience Involvement High
Choosing an Appropriate Style
Content Control
High Low Audience Involvement High
Message Strategy
Consider emphasis and organization.
Using the direct approach.
“The committee recommends this policy for three reasons: it will be cheaper, faster, and longer lasting.”
Communication Strategy
As you formulate communication strategy, you should also consider:
Your communication objectives. What do you want from this interaction? Your communication style. How will you approach your subject and your audience? Your credibility. What does your audience think of you, and how will that affect their response?
管理沟通的基础知识(ppt 59页)(中英文).PPT
![管理沟通的基础知识(ppt 59页)(中英文).PPT](
Natures of MC
Media: language or letters; Content: Information, Thoughts, Emotion,
Aspects, Attitude etc; Philosophy greatly influences the
understanding of motive, behavior and goal; Special barriers: Information disorder, Philosophy elements (preference, background, experiences and value).
二、管理沟通的过程 Process of MC
图1.1 管理沟通的过程
三、管理沟通要素(Elements of MC)
信息源 Information Source (Who is initiating
听众 Audience (positive, neutral, or negative ; key or
单击此处59编页辑)(中母英版文标) 题样式
Introduction Communication Strategy Effective Listening Making Presentations Negotiating Interviewing Running Meetings Writing
松下幸之助:“伟大的事业需要一颗真诚的心与 人沟通。”
乔丹与皮蓬:“我们两个人在场上的沟通相当重 要,我们相互从对方眼神、手势、表情中获 取对方的意图,于是我们传、切、突破、得 分;但是,如果我们失去彼此间的沟通,那 么公牛的末日来临了。”
Management communication skills are critical for leaders to motivate and engage employees, convey direction and expectations, and create a positive work environment.
Different cultures have different communication styles, such as direct vs. indirect communication, and high-context vs. low-context communication.
Understanding and respecting cultural differences is essential for effective communication within an organization.
Strategic Communication
Strategic communication is the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating communication activities that align with organizational goals and objectives.
Communication processes such as brainstorming, consensus building, and conflict resolution are integral to the decision-making process.
Good Organization Important
For communicator and audience
Poorly organized messages
• waste readers’ • misinterpretation time
struggle to grasp your meaning
a. poor decision making
b. shattered business relationships. (shatter 粉碎 )
• Solution: Include all the necessary information , and before the communication, the communicators had better list out necessary and important information.
Made by Group 2
No.1 Taking Too Long To Get To The Point
• In daily life, most people like to write warming-up paragraphs before getting to the point.
• But if the beginning of a business message was too wordy and not involved the topic, it just waste the audience’s valuable time.
Made by Group 2
Most disorganized communication suffers from problems with clarity, relevance, grouping, and completeness. So we can distinguish four of the most common organization mistakes by communicators.
管理沟通Chapter 5
![管理沟通Chapter 5](
• III. Here are fifteen ways to become a better business writer: • A. Keep in mind that your reader does not have much time. • B. Know where you are going before you start writing. • C. Do not make any spelling or grammatical errors. • D. Be responsive to the needs of the reader.
• B. The seven-step outlining procedure helps the writer to improve their thinking and reduce confusion for the reader. • 1. Review the strategy to ensure the goal of the memo is established. • 2. Assemble all of the information that will go into the memo. • 3. Identify and separate the information the reader needs to know to understand the situation.
• C. The opening or overview paragraph of a memo should reveal a communication strategy for the entire document. • 1. Purpose: Why are you writing the memo? • 2. Main idea: What do you want to tell the reader? Or, what do you want the reader to do? • 3. Opinion: What is your point-of-view on the subject?
管理沟通以案例分析为视角英文版第5版教学课件Ch. 5 Writing
![管理沟通以案例分析为视角英文版第5版教学课件Ch. 5 Writing](
Know Your Audience
•What are their demographics: age, income, education, job experience?
•What concepts can you safely assume they will understand?
•How will they read the document for the first time? Will they read it straight through or skip around to sections that interest them most?
•Weak verbs keep frequent company with two grammatical undesirables: passive voice and nominalizations.
Active and Passive Voice
• Passive: “Our company was bought by Amazon.”
As You Address Your Audience
•Don’t bore your readers. •Don’t waste their time. •Don’t confuse them. •Don’t intimidate your readers. •Don’t threaten them. •Don’t disappoint your readers. •Assume they are intelligent but ignorant.
Active Voice Really Is Better
•Before: “The proxies solicited hereby may be revoked, subject to the procedures described herein, at any time up to and including the date of the meeting.”
管理沟通以案例分析为视角英文版第5版教辅文件IM 5e Chapter 05
![管理沟通以案例分析为视角英文版第5版教辅文件IM 5e Chapter 05](
W RITINGC HAPTER 5The most important projects and decisions in the life of a business end up in writing.I. Writing is an important form of management communication because it:A. Provides a way to think about and organize a business;B. Provides analysis and justification for a manager’s best ideas;C. Provides documentation and discipline for an organization.II. An introduction to good business writing.A. Good business writing is simple, clear, and concise.B. It helps the reader focus on the idea the writer is trying to communicate, ratherthan on the words used to describe it.C. The evidence used to support a writer’s ideas is readily understandable.III. Here are fifteen ways to become a better business writer:A. Keep in mind that your reader does not have much time.B. Know where you are going before you start writing.C. Do not make any spelling or grammatical errors.D. Be responsive to the needs of the reader.E. Be clear and specific.F. Try to use the present tense.G. Make your writing vigorous and direct.H. Use short sentences and paragraphs.I. Use personal pronouns.J. Avoid cliches and jargon.K. Separate facts from opinion.L. Use numbers with restraint.M. Write the way you talk.N. Never be content with your first effort.O. Make it perfect!IV. The strategy of writing memos.A. Good memos get to the point, focus on just one issue, and support the writer’scentral ideas with coherent, relevant, convincing evidence.B. Memos are usually internal documents and therefore are used to pass information,ideas, and recommendations to other people in the same organization.C. The opening or overview paragraph of a memo should reveal a communicationstrategy for the entire document.1. Purpose: Why are you writing the memo?2. Main idea: What do you want to tell the reader? Or, what do you want thereader to do?3. Opinion: What is your point of view on the subject?V. When you know what you want to achieve – and what you want your reader to learn from your writing – you will need a communication strategy.A. Information strategies.1. To confirm agreement.2. To provide facts.3. To provide a point-of-view.B. Action strategies.1. To request assistance.2. To give direction.3. To seek agreement.VI. The overview is the first paragraph a reader will see and is one of the mostimportant elements of a memo.A. Keep the words simple and the sentences short so that anyone who receives thedocument will understand it.B. Keep the overview brief as it is to act as an “executive summary” of the memothat follows.C. Deal with “what” is being addressed, not “how” to fix it.D. Include and identify the writer’s opinion.E. Reflect the needs of the reader.F. Although brief, the overview should be thorough and complete.VII. Interoffice memos have two purposes: to inform or persuade. You will want to think about the following as you write:A.Make your reasons for writing clear to the readers.B.Write about just one subject.C.Begin with the big picture first, then move to the details.D.Provide just as much detail as you think your reader will need.E.Group similar information together.F.Provide a point-of-contact for your readers.G.Avoid gratuitous use of the first-person singularH.Stick to the facts.VIII. A persuasive memo must provide a complete, logical argument with which the reader cannot disagree.A. Consider your objective against the reader’s att itudes, perceptions, and knowledgeof the subject.B. Construct an outline on paper, focusing on the Situation Analysis and Rationalesections. This will help develop a logical argument and identify missinginformation.C. Include a plan of action to add credibility and practicality to the ideas presented inthe memo.D. Avoid controversial issues, opinions, and unsupported assertions in the SituationAnalysis. Stick to the facts to ensure the reader will agree with this section of thememo.E. Present your Recommendation and Rationale before you discuss other options thatyou have considered and rejected.F. Always lead from strength.1. Start the proposal with a strong, confident Overview.2. Bring important ideas to the beginning of each section.3. In the Rationale section, always present your arguments in order ofperformance.G. Use precedent to make the proposal appear less speculative.I.Gear the argument to the decision criteria of the reader.IX. The outlining of a proposal memo.A. The flow of the outline follows three basic steps.1. Situation Analysis: Where are we today and why are we here?2. Recommendation: What should we do about it?3. Rationale: Why is this a good thing to do?B. The seven-step outlining procedure helps the writer to improve their thinking andreduce confusion for the reader.1. Review the strategy to ensure the goal of the memo is established.2. Assemble all of the information that will go into the memo.3. Identify and separate the information the reader needs to know tounderstand the situation.4. Identify and separate the recommended course of action.5. Develop the rationale by eliminating invalid arguments andstrengthening areas that appear unclear.6. Rank the arguments from most powerful to least important.7. Test the argument against the reader’s decision criteria.X. Standard formats for memos.A. Help the writer to organize information and concepts quickly.B. Help the reader to know immediately where to find pieces of information and howthey fit together.C. A suggested format for business memos is The Business Strategy Memo, found inAppendix D at the end of the student textbook.1. This format is appropriate regardless of how long and complex thememo is.2. Note the format suggested here separates the contents of a memointo four or five sections, each no more than a paragraph or two, and eachclearly marked with a boldface heading.D. If you work for an organization that has a detailed correspondence manual, you needonly to follow the directions it provides.XI. Meeting and conference reports are used to record decisions made at a meeting.A. Avoid long descriptions of meeting events.B. Use a standard format that includes the name of a groups, persons attending, andsubjects covered.C. Briefly report on what was discussed or presented as well as what was decidedand why.D. Focus your report on these issues:1. What action is required.2. Who is responsible.3. What the timing will be.XII. Project lists keep track of current and proposed activities.A. Simple descriptions of what the organization is doing to achieve goals or serve itscustomers.B. Separate each project by category, then list projects in order of priority orimportance.C. Each project should include: a title and brief description, status, next steps,responsible parties, and dates due.D. Completed or terminated projects should be shown as such the following month,with a brief notation about why the project will not appear on future project lists. XIII. Make memos inviting and attractive.A. Grab attention up front by presenting a strong overview section.B. Vary sentence and paragraph length - but keep them short.C. Use headings to improve organization.D. Use bullets and numbers to identify groupings.E. Use parallel structure for lists.F. Underline or use boldface type to focus on topic sentences, key words, andphrases.G. Leave adequate margins to make the document more inviting.H. Don’t settle for a sloppy or illegible duplication.XIV. Editing your memo is necessary to produce quality writing.A. This process helps to trim, clarify, and simplify the document.B. To edit your memo, put yourself in the reader’s place and go through thedocument several times, each time asking yourself one of the following sevenbasic questions.1. Is it clear?2. Is it complete?3. Is it persuasive?4. Is it accurate?5. Is it concise?6. Is it inviting to read?7. Is it perfect?XV. Writing good business letters.A. Unlike memos, business letters are primarily external documents.B. Like memos, good letters are crisp, concise, spoken in tone, and organized so thatreaders can follow and understand with a minimum effort.C. Employ the following thoughts when writing a business letter:1. Answer the mail within three business days or drop the reader anote explaining the situation.2. Show by your words and actions that you are genuinely interestedin them and the issue they have written about.3. Do not be too short, brief, or curt.4. Soften the blow of bad news by saying you are sorry it happened,you regret the outcome, or some similar selection of words.5. Share in the reader’s good fortune if it is good news.6. Give the reader the benefit of the doubt if the issue is not clear.7. Never send off an angry letter.8. If an odd character crosses your path, be polite, do your job, andthey will usually go away.9. Show that you have a sense of humor if someone makes (orattempts) a joke.10. Make sure your letter answers all of the questions your audience islikely to have; respond to their fears, doubts, and concerns. Be carefulwith form letters because their one-size-fits-all approach often does notaddress all the issues.XVI. Guidelines to follow when you are required to explain something.A. Nothing is self-explanatory. Explain in simple, ordinary English what you wantyour reader to know.B. Explain any scientific or technical language used in the document.C. Be sequential in your explanations, moving step-by-step through processes thatare complex.D. Make certain you provide enough to answer questions, allay fears, and quelldoubts.E. Don’t overdo it. Provide enough detail to satisfy their curiosity, but not so muchthat you put them off.F. Illustrate. If you cannot explain it, perhaps you can show it.G. Answer expected questions.H. Caution the reader about items that can be easily misunderstood or misread. XVII. Guidelines to follow when you are required to apologize.A. Take the complaint seriously.B. For the most part, people will calm down and adopt a more understanding attitudeif you simply explain what happened and tell them why.C. Don’t shift the blame. Just accept responsibility for what has happened and offera solution.D. Don’t just write. Do something to fix the problem.XVIII. The style of your writing is important to your career development.A. Business writing is best received if it is compact, informal, and organized.B. This brand of writing leads to organizational efficiency, personal productivity,and upward movement in your career.XIX. Help to make your writing more efficient by eliminating common problems.A. Use plain English to replace big words.B. Don’t use words ending in “-wise.”C. Avoid doublings or words having the same meanings to describe what you wantyour reader to know.D. Avoid the use of noun modifiers.E. Avoid using the phrase “it is” unless it refers to something definite mentionedearlier.F. Avoid using legal-sounding language.G. Remember that two-word modifiers may need hyphens when two words act asone.H. Express ideas involving action with specific verbs.I. Try to avoid specialized terms with outsiders and use them no more than you mustwith insiders.J. More often than not, “that” and “which” do not help the meaning or flow of a sentence, so use them sparingly.K. Eliminate “the ___ion of...” construction whenever the conte xt permits.L. Simplify wordy expressions.XX. Try to make your writing more like your speaking.A. Write with personal pronouns.1. Use we, us, and our when speaking about the company.2. Use I, me, and my when speaking for yourself.B. Occasionally use contractions. Using negative contractions for instructions oftensoftens direct orders.C. Occasionally reach out to your reader by asking questions.D. Use short spoken transitions more often than long formal ones.E. Do not rework a sentence just to shift a preposition from the end.F. Keep sentences short, about twenty words on average.XXI. Use active verbs in place of passive verbs.A. Passive sentences are deadly in business memos for three reasons.1. They obscure responsibility by omitting a subject or human actorfrom the sentence.2. They are almost always longer sentences.3. They delay discussion of the subject.B. To write actively, remember this simple rule: put the doer before the verb.C. Passive sentences may be used in one of three circumstances:1. When the doer is obvious.2. When the doer is unknown.3. When the doer is unimportant.XXII. A few more organizational tips to improve your letters.A. Open with your main point, the one sentence you would keep if you could justkeep one.B. Give directions before reasons, requests before justifications, answers beforeexplanations, conclusions before details, and solutions before problems.C. Use headings and sub-headings to break-up information.D. Make reading easier by keeping paragraphs short.E. Do not clutter your first paragraph with unnecessary chatter.XXIII. Every manager has a responsibility to improve the communication skills of his or her subordinates.A. Show your people you want clear, concise writing by example.B. Know what you want before giving assignments and then proceed to give specificdirections.C. When projects are difficult or complex, break up the assignment into manageableparts.D. Read and review before discussing a memo.E. When you review a memo, start with big issues.1. Do not rewrite the memo.2. Remember to be positive in your suggestions.F. Be certain the writer understands and agrees with your comments.G. Give people flexibility and freedom to develop their own style.。
The grapevine is an important source of information in mosting reports and oral presentations
Chapter 10 planning business reports and proposals
Chapter 11 writing business reports and proposals
Part III writing letters; memos; email; and other brief messages
Chapter 7 writing routine messages Chapter 8 writing badnews messages Chapter 9 writing persuasive message
Outsiders may form an impression of your organization on the basis of the subtle; unconscious clues you transmit through your tone of voice; facial expression; and general appearance
Chapter 3 municating interculturally
Part II applying the threestep writing process
Chapter 4 planning business message Chapter 5 writing business messages Chapter 6 pleting business messages
Understanding I need to resign from this company
Content Coding
Depend on who you are
Depend on the circumstance
Receiving Depend on the context Decoding
2016/5/18 2
What‟s your opinion?
3Байду номын сангаас
But the night of my speech, a surprising thing happ ened. At the age of 41, I was hit on by a 27-yearold guy. I know, right? He was charming and I was flattered, and I declined. You know what his unsuc cessful pickup line was? He could make me feel 2 2 again. I realized later that night, I'm probably the only person over 40 who does not want to be 22 a gain.
Frankly, my job, you see, digging the ditch all the day is GOD DAMM boring and tiring
Managerial Roles
• Figurehead. • Leader. • Liaison. • Monitor. • Disseminator.
Managerial Roles
• Spokesperson. • Entrepreneur. • Disturbance / Crisis Handler. • Resource Allocator. • Negotiator.
The Central Skill in the Global Workplace
Copyright 2019: J. S. O’Rourke, IV. University of Notre Dame / USA
Managerial Work
• Remarkable similarity aቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱross jobs.
The Role of Writing
• The most important projects, decisions and ideas end up in writing.
• Writing provides analysis, justification,
documentation, and analytic discipline. • Writing can become a career sifter.
Dierdre Borden, The Business of Talk
Talking and Listening
• Meetings. • Telephone. • Electronic Mail. • One-on-one Conversations. • Interviews. • Tours and Informal Visits. • Social Events.
高校M B A实战教程全集之管理沟通课程学习课件Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#有效沟通技巧(一)决定业绩的三方面:态度、知识、技巧【管理名言】提高员工和个人的技能将变成一个企业和个人发展中的一个重要的核心竞争力。
MBA管理沟通培训课件(ppt 53页)
![MBA管理沟通培训课件(ppt 53页)](
结论:沟通是幸福生活或成功事业的伟 大母亲之一。
●人是社会关系的总和: 父子、夫妻、同事、师生、商业伙伴
等等 ●人们之间关系的不平衡是绝对的 ●处理与调整关系的手段
武力、法律、权威、沟通 ●沟通是调整关系最首要的、最普遍的手段
● 沟通:(communication) 是信息发出者与信息接受者之间的信息交流。
张华容,管理学博士,中南财经大学工商管理学院教授,中国人民政 治协商会议湖北省第九届委员会委员。1986年至1987年在cational Services Exchange with China研修Cross Culture Negotiation; 1997年在 EDI.of the World Bank研修 Public Expenditure Management。公开出版主 编和参编著作10余种,发表研究论文近20篇,承担或参与完成国家和省部 级课题4项。1993年出版的《商务谈判理论与实务》一书为本人专著,是 我国较早的一部理论体系完整的谈判学著作,其中提出的“商务谈判是现 代市场交换关系最普遍的调节手段”以及“谈判中的逻辑主要表现为辩证 逻辑”等观点在谈判学研究界有较大的影响,被国内近20所大专院校选定 为教科书。
Middle Managers
Technical Skills
Relating Skills
Conceptual Skills
First-Line Managers
Talk Is The Work
——managers spend about 75% of their time in verbal interaction. Those daily interactions include:
What Do Managers Do All Day?
In the textbook : Managers spend their time engaged in planning, organizing,
staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and controlling.
Disturbance handler
Initiate improvement projects,identify new ideas, realize changes in the environment and
delegate idea responsibility to others.
Management communication
——A Case-Analysis Approach
Chapter 1:
Management Communicationis very Important to Managers
Management Communication is the central skill in the global workplace of the 21st century.
MBA必修课《管理沟通》英文版课件 chapter4
How does the three-step writing
process work?
• As a general rule, try using roughly half your time for planning-for deciding on your purpose, getting to know your audience, and immersing yourself in your subject matter.
MBA必修课《管理沟通》英文版课件 chapter4
Understanding the three-step writing process
• Your message must be livelier, easier to read, more concise, and more interesting than ever before.
2. Audience-centered: help audiences understand an issue, ask them to collaborate on accomplishing a goal, or persuade them to take some action.
3. Concise: every message you prepare should be as short as it can be without detracting from the subject.
4. Is your purpose acceptable to your organization?
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No.1 Taking Too Long To Get To The Point
• In daily life, most people like to write warming-up paragraphs before getting to the point.
• But if the beginning of a business message was too wordy and not involved the topic, it just waste the audience’s valuable time.
• In the United States and Canada, it generally means creating a linear message that proceeds point by point.
• If you’ve ever received a disorganized message, you’ve familiar with the frustration of trying to sort through a muddle of ideas.
• Solution: Include all the necessary information , and before the communication, the communicators had better list out necessary and important information.
a. poor decision making
b. shattered business relationships. (shatter 粉碎 )
• Solution: Include only information that is related to the subject and purpose.
Made by Group 2
No.3 Getting ideas mixed up
• Sometimes, you have to make several points in your message.
No.3 Getting ideas mixed up
Solution: Group the ideas and present them in a logical way. • Make a list of items you want to express • Start a new paragraph for each new topic
Made by Group 2
No.4 Leaving Out Necessary information
• If the communication including much information , it is very common for communicators to leave out some necessary information.
Made by Group 2
Achieving good organization can be a challenge.
However, solving these common problems can help you communicate clearly.
Made by Group 2
• However, the ideas are always mixed up and located in the wrong places.
• If your message is too long or complex, you might lose your audience.
Made by Group 2
Good Organization Important
For communicator and audience
Poorly organized messages
• waste readers’ • misinterpretation time
struggle to grasp your meaning
Made by Group 2
No.1 Taking Too Long To Get To The Point
Solution: Make the subject and purpose clear. • Shorten or delete warming-up paragraphs • Identify the purpose of the message in the beginning
Made by Group 2Most disorganized communication suffers from problems with clarity, relevance, grouping, and completeness. So we can distinguish four of the most common organization mistakes by communicators.
Chapter 5 Writing Business
Cite four of the most common organization mistakes by communicators
What Good Organization Means
• Various cultures define good organization differently.
Made by Group 2
No.2 Including Irrelevant Material
• A successful communication should be clear and concise, if including too much irrelevant material, the communication may be negatively affected.