叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译的基本技巧 1.1 解包袱法)


《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》翻译实践及详解(The Dover Beach)【圣才出品】

《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》翻译实践及详解(The Dover Beach)【圣才出品】

18. The Dover BeachThe sea is calm tonight.The tide is full, the moon lies fairUpon the straits; on the French coast the lightGleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand,Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay.Come to the window, sweet is the night-air!Only, from the long line of sprayWhere the sea meets the moon-blanch’d land,Listen! You hear the grating roarOf pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling,At their return, up the high strand,Begin, and cease, and then again beginWith tremulous cadence slow, and bringThe eternal note of sadness in.By Matthew Arnold【参考译文】苍海静入夜。





才至也,又消歇,慢调如泣轻吟处,愁音万古声声切!(辜正坤译) 【翻译赏析】①这两节诗选自马修·阿诺德的《多佛海岸》,写诗人在英吉利海峡一端,凭窗而立,遥望法兰西岸灯火明灭,英伦峭壁森森,更有月洗的平沙,潮卷的砾石,怒掷高滩的海浪。


叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译的基本技巧 1.5 分合移位法

叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译的基本技巧 1.5 分合移位法

1.5分合移位法⊙切分(Division)1.The reform,while laid a solid foundation,need to continue to evolve to meet the ever increasing demand of citizens and businesses for better integrated,more effective services.【译文】但是公共部门管理改革是一场没有终点线的比赛。


2.The Last Shadow did not fare well in the United States,but it did develop a huge following in Europe where viewers who usually did not go for this movie genre embraced it wholeheartedly.【译文】《最后的影子》在美国表现欠佳,但在欧洲却大受欢迎,//欧洲的观众通常不太喜欢这一类型的电影,但这次却全心接受了。

3.We tried in vain to persuade him to give up his wrong belief.【译文】我们尽力劝说他放弃错误的信念,//但没有成功。

4.It was a dangerously foolish area to which they pinned down a major portion of U. itary power.【译文】他们把美国一大部分军事力量困在那个地区,//这(样做)是愚蠢而危险的。

5.Hitler’s black empire would suddenly collapse in rubble,blood,and flame. (Winds of War)【译文】希特勒的黑暗帝国顷刻之间就会在血泊与烈火中崩溃,//夷为废墟。

叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译的基本技巧 1.6 定语从句)

叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译的基本技巧 1.6 定语从句)

1.6定语从句Ⅰ.译为定语1.There will come a day when people the world over will live a happy life under the sun of socialism.【译文】全世界人民在社会主义阳光下过幸福生活的一天是会到来的。

2.Those who did not die from smallpox usually carried scars on their faces for life.【译文】那些没有死于天花的人通常脸上会终生留下疤痕。

3.This is the very hotel where they spent their honeymoon.【译文】这正是他们曾经度蜜月的那家旅馆。

4.The technique of organ transplant,as a significant surgical breakthrough to heal the wounded and rescue the dying,has saved a good many patients who are on the point of death.【译文】器官移植手术是外科方面的重大技术突破,目的是救死扶伤,已经挽救了许多濒临死亡的病人的生命。

5.Mr.Murdoch who owns the New York Post indicated that U.S.newspaper’s editorial strategies were to blame for their financial problems.【译文】拥有《纽约邮报》的默多克先生指出,美国报纸的编辑战略应承担报纸财务问题的责任。



6.The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him.【译文】在他手下工作的人对他怕得要死。



叶子南高级英汉翻译理论与实践第3版笔记和考研真题详解展开全文第一部分翻译技巧篇复习笔记第1章翻译的基本概念和问题一、翻译基本问题的提出1. 翻译的定义(1)语际翻译与语内翻译广义地说翻译包括的范围很广,甚至可包括语言和非语言符号之间的转换。




(2) 探索翻译的新概念随着现代语言学的发展,各类应用语言学分支学科应运而生,探索翻译的工具越来越得心应手,出现了许多关于翻译的新的概念,如“忠实”、功能对等、等值、信达雅等等。



2. 原文意思在译文中的表达在翻译过程中,有些句子如照字面直接译过来意思就会不够清楚。

(1) 句子中的有些意思会紧紧地结合在语言本身的形式上使得译者将语言的形式照搬。

例:It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.【译文】这是一条举世公认的真理:凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太。


从翻译技巧上看,可先译that从句,后译It is a truth universally acknowledged,但是鉴于原文的语言形式有一种讽刺的口吻,译者有必要依照原文的句法结构进行翻译。

(2) 意思和语言结构完全绑在一起,而英汉两种语言结构上的不同造成了不可译性(untranslatability)。



第11章尤金·奈达和他的翻译理论一、奈达翻译理论概述尤金·奈达(Eugene A. Nida)终生从事圣经翻译和翻译理论的研究,著作等身,是公认的当代翻译理论的主要奠基人。

1. “功能对等”(functional equivalence)(1) 定义:前身是“灵活对等”(dynamic equivalence)。




①表现功能(expressive)②认识功能(cognitive)③人际功能(interpersonal)④信息功能(informative)⑤祈使功能(imperative)⑥行为功能(performative)⑦情感功能(emotive)⑧审美功能(aesthetic)⑨自我解释功能(metalingual)(2) 理论来源①语言学领域对语言外的因素产生了兴趣,各种语言学分支渐次诞生,如心理语言学、社会语言学、语用学、符号学等。


②乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)的转换生成语法。


2. 奈达的研究重心的变化(1) 早期的奈达从语言内营造他功能对等的理论,用了诸如转换生成语法、语义成分分析等具体方法来描写他的理论。

发表于1964年的Toward a Science of Translating,主要在语言学的框架下讨论翻译(也涉及了语言外的因素)。

他在该书中将语义细分成语法意义(linguistic meaning)、所指意义(referential meaning)和情感意义(emotive meaning)。

(2) 越往后,奈达就越重视社会文化因素。





•试看部分内容翻译的基本技巧1.1 解包袱法1. the first black presiden t【译文】第一位与黑人关系密切的总统2. the first woman president【译文】第一位关心妇女问题的总统3. presidenti al histori an【译文】专门研究总统生平的历史学家4. opinion leader【译文1】能影响或左右舆论的人【译文2】意见领袖(台湾译法)5. milkboy【译文】送牛奶的男孩6. fireman【译文】消防员7. postman【译文】送邮件的人8. sick room【译文】病房9. criminally insane【译文】刑事法庭鉴定为患有精神病10. a morning person【译文】习惯早起的人11. a body shop【译文】车身修理厂(洗车店)12. manage forests sustainably【译文】管理森林,以便使其可以持续发展13. digital gap【译文】数字鸿沟/数位落差(台湾译法)【解析】对于已经形成相对固定的说法的包袱,可不解。

14. peak load【译文】峰值负荷15. sate l l i te co m m u n i cati o n s g ro u n d sta ti o n e qu i p m e n t repairer【译文】卫星通讯地面站设备维修人员16. Th e di vo rce i s l e ss cul tu rally acce p tab l e i n a so ci e t y that is family-oriented.【译文】在以家庭为中心的社会文化背景下,离婚是难以接受的。

叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译的基本技巧 1.2 词性转换法

叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译的基本技巧 1.2 词性转换法

1.2词性转换法⊙名词转换1.a good sailor【译文】不晕船2.a slow walker【译文】走得慢3.a heavy smoker【译文】烟抽得很多/烟鬼4.a big eater【译文】吃得很多/能吃/饭量大5.a great believer in...【译文】笃信……6.the greatest sufferer【译文】受苦(害)最深7.the best singer【译文】唱得最好/最好的歌唱家8.a good swimmer【译文】很会游泳9.a good loser【译文】输得起10.the worst dancer【译文】最不会跳舞11.an early riser【译文】早起(床)的人12.a hard worker【译文】勤奋工作13.a fast runner【译文】跑得很快14.a slick talker【译文】能说会道/耍嘴皮子/耍花腔15.a willing worker【译文】乐意干活16.a duelist【译文】好决斗17.a good observer【译文】善于观察18.a great joker【译文】很会开玩笑19.a light sleeper【译文】睡眠时易醒/睡不熟/易警醒20.a good thief【译文】很会偷/善偷21.a bad liar【译文】不会说谎/很不善于撒谎22.a rapid writer【译文】笔头快/下笔快/写得快23.a good whistler【译文】口哨吹得好24.a bit of a fancier【译文】有点喜欢胡思乱想25.a good looker【译文】很好看/很漂亮/美人26.a master complicator【译文】真会捣乱27.a loner【译文】喜欢孤独的人/独立自主的人/不合群28.a clock-watcher【译文】老是看钟等下班(或下课等)的工人(或学生等)29.the best hater【译文】最会记仇30.a worrier【译文】放心不下/担心/发愁31.an idler or a loafer【译文】游手好闲/懒汉/闲荡32.a good worker【译文】干得好33.The speakers called for the downfall of imperialism,abolition of exploitation of man by man,liberation of the oppressed of China and the world.(G.Hatem:A Tribute)【译文】讲演者号召人们打倒帝国主义,消灭人剥削人的制度,解放中国和世界受压迫者。

叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译的基本技巧 1.8 被动语态)

叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译的基本技巧 1.8 被动语态)


1.His pride must be pinched.【译文】他这股傲气应该打下去。

2.The happy man cannot be handed.【译文】吉人自有天相。

3.This oil is used as perfume.【译文】这种油可以用作香水。

4.On their domestic stations events in the Middle East were dismissed briefly.【译文】在他们国内电台的广播中,中东事件只轻描淡写地报道了一下。

5.A new student is kept on probation for one semester.【译文】新学生规定要见习一个学期。

6.The whole country was armed in a few days.【译文】几天之内全国武装起来了。

7.This sort of advertisement is seen everywhere.【译文】这类广告四处可见。

8.X-ray examination of the chest and heart should be routinely performed.【译文】胸部和心脏X线检查应列为常规。

9.The article had been translated into English,but with little elegance to speak of.【译文】这篇文章译成英语后失去了不少文采。

10.Specifically,clear standards are being setting up for accountability,transparence and participatory governance.【译文】具体而言,明确的标准正在制定之中,为问责制、透明度和参与施政订立明确的标准。

叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译的基本技巧 1.7 状语从句)

叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译的基本技巧 1.7 状语从句)

1.7状语从句Ⅰ.译成与汉语完全对应的状语1.We shall discuss the problem fully before we make the decision.【译文】我们在作出决定之前要充分讨论这个问题2.If winter comes,can spring be far behind?【译文】冬天来了,春天还会远吗?3.When they approached Trenton,lights were still burning in many of the houses and Christmas parties were still going on.【译文】当他们逼近屈兰敦时,许多房子里仍然灯火通明,圣诞晚会还未结束。


【译文】When we met each other for the second time,I found that she looked older than she was.5.直到黄昏降临,他的小孩才回家。

【译文】His child did not come back home until dusk set in.6.They are informal,most likely because they are always in a great hurry.【译文】他们之所以不拘小节,很可能是因为他们总是处于匆忙之中。

7.Because his parents had paved a good way for him,he didn’t worry about it at all.【译文】他之所以一点不急,是因为父母已为他铺好了道路。

8.If the epidemic cannot be controlled effectively,the whole country will come into chaos.【译文】如果这种流行传染病得不到有效控制,整个国家将会陷入一片混乱之中。

《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》翻译实践及详解(The Internet Superhighway)【圣才

《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》翻译实践及详解(The Internet Superhighway)【圣才

11. The Internet SuperhighwayThe Internet①has come a long way from its origins as a research network. Today, users routinely listen to radio broadcast across the net, download short videos from the World Wide Web②and access information from thousands of government and private databases③. But the fortuitous success and growth of the Internet has severely strained the functional limits of the Internet protocol④as well as the underlying router networks. Of even greater concern are the new applications in the offing which require far more facilities than the network now provides. Internet commerce, gigabyte file transfer, live video transmission, secured ⑤email/data and voice/video conferencing are just a few of the applications that Internet service providers are coming out with. The smorgasbord promises to choke an already overloaded network. Simply adding bandwidth to the Internet backbones is not an answer. It will only raise the cost of admission for everyone.Fortunately, there is a way to clear up the Internet current bandwidth bottleneck while providing a rich platform for tomorrow’s servi ces. The solution is ATM⑥. To see how ATM can facilitate the evolution of the Internet, we will look at the challenges the Internet currently faces and consider how ATM can play a role in overcoming them.Before users start conducting business on the Internet and sending mission critical data⑦across it, the network’s reliability will have to match that oftelephone circuits. The current "best efforts" approach yields an environment which is too unstable for mission critical data. Random congestion on router backbones can cause IP packet discards whenever the volume of traffic exceeds the bandwidth capacity—a phenomenon experts facetiously refer to as “pump and pray networking⑧”.The ability of ATM networks to separate mission critical traffic from Internet noise via virtual circuits is the first step in identifying non-discardable traffic as it transits the network. The second step is using ATM’s Available Bit Rate⑨service class a system in which network switches continuously update end stations on the available network bandwidth. ABR thereby allows end devices to maximize the usage of network resources without the risk of congestion. Business users of the Internet are assured safe passage of their data. Because these virtual circuits are able to match the reliability of leased lines, service providers are able to charge a premium for such facilities, while keeping regular access inexpensive.From The Strategic Power of ATM by ClareWhitecross, Stratacom Inc. 【参考译文】因特网①从原先的研究网发展到今天,已经有了长足的进步。



第二部分翻译实践篇详解一、非文学类文本(社会人文)1. Van GoghAlthough art historians have spent decades demystifying Van Gogh’s legend ①, they have done little to diminish his vast popularity. Auction prices still soar, visitors still overpopulate Van Gogh exhibitions, and The Starry Night remains ubiquitous on dormitory and kitchen walls②. So complete is Van Gogh’s global apotheosis that③Japanese tourists now make pilgrimages to Auvers to sprinkle their relatives’ ashes on his grave. What accounts for the endless appeal of the Van Gogh myth? It has at least two deep and powerful sources④. At the most primitive level, it provides a satisfying and nearly universal revenge fantasy disguised as the story of heroic sacrifice to art⑤. Anyone who has ever felt isolated and unappreciated can identify with Van Gogh and hope not only for a spectacular redemption⑥but also to put critics and doubting relatives to shame. At the same time, the myth offers an alluringly simplistic conception of great art as the product, not of particular historical circumstances and the artist’s painstaking calculations, but of the naive and spontaneous outpourings of a mad, holy fool⑦. The gaping discrepancy between Van Gogh’s long-suffering life and his remarkable posthumous fame remains a great and undeniable historical irony. But the notion that he was an artistic idiot savant⑧is quickly dispelled by even the most glancing examination of the artist’s letters. It also must be dropped after acquaintingoneself with the rudimentary facts of Van Gogh’s family background, upbringing, and early adulthood.The image of Van Gogh as a disturbed and forsaken artist is so strong that one easily reads it back into⑨his childhood and adolescence. But if Van Gogh had died at age twenty, no one would have connected him with failure or mental illness. Instead he would have been remembered⑩by those close to him as a competent and dutiful son with a promising career in the family art-dealing business. He was, in fact, poised to surpass his father and to come closer to living up to the much-esteemed Van Gogh name⑪.The Van Goghs were an old and distinguished Dutch family who could trace their lineage in Holland back to the sixteenth century. Among Vincent’s five uncles, one reached the highest rank of vice-admiral in the Navy and three others prospered as successful art dealers. Van Gogh’s grandfather, also named Vincent, had attained an equally illustrious status as an intellectually accomplished Protestant minister. The comparatively modest achievements of the artist’s father, Theodorus, proved the exception, not the rule⑫. Although Theodorus was the only one of grandfather Vincent’s six sons to follow him into the ministry, he faltered as a preacher⑬ and could obtain only modest positions in provincial churches. It was for this reason that Theodorus and his new wife, Anna, found themselves in Groot Zundert, a small town near the Belgian border. Vincent was born a few years after their arrival.Van Gogh enjoyed a relatively uneventful childhood save for the birth of fivesiblings (three by the time he was six and two more by his fourteenth year)⑭ and his attendance at two different boarding schools. In rural Zundert he took long walks in the Brabant countryside and developed a naturalist’s love of animals and plants. At his two boarding schools, he excelled at his studies and laid down the foundation for his lifelong facility in French and English. The family’s decision to apprentice him at sixteen to Uncle Vincent’s art gallery in The Hague was far from a nepotistic last resort. Uncle Vincent, called “Cent,” had transforme d an art supply store into a prestigious art gallery and had become a senior partner in Goupil et Cie., one of the largest art-dealing firms in Europe. Vincent had not better opportunity for advancement than working at The Hague branch of Goupil’s. And it was a testament to Vincent’s abilities that the childless “Uncle Cent” took a paternal interest in him and arranged for his position as Goupil’s youngest employee⑮.Vincent’s duties progressed from record keeping and correspondence chores in the back office to dealing, if only in a subordinate way⑯, with clients. This confronts us with the nearly unthinkable image of the “socially competent” Vincent⑰. But such was the case at this stage in his life. The same man whose eccentricity would one day make young girls scream in fright dressed appropriately and charmed customers with his enthusiasm for art⑱. Vincent also ingratiated himself with the local artists of The Hague School and earned his colleagues’respect. Although his status as Uncle Cent’s nephew and protege must have smoothed his way, Vincent appears to have been genuinely dedicated and effectiveat Goupil’s. His boss, Tersteeg, sent home glowing reports⑲ and after four years at The Hague he was promoted to the London branch.From Van Gogh and Gauguin, by Bradley Collins 【参考译文】梵高尽管艺术史家们数十年来一直在淡化梵高传奇的神秘色彩①,但梵高受欢迎的程度几乎丝毫未减。




1. 许渊冲教授描写的翻译技巧(1) 加词2+1=2(加词不加意)(2) 减词2-1=2(减词不减意)(3) 换词2+2=3+1(变换符号不变换意思)(4) 移词1+2=2+1(前后移位)(5) 分译4=2+2(一分为二)(6) 合译2+2=4(合二为一)(7) 深化1:2=2:4(具体化)(8) 浅化2:4=1:2(抽象化)(9) 等化2+2=2×2(寻求灵活对等)(10) 一分为四4=1+1+1+1(莎士比亚戏剧中的woe译成离合悲欢。

)(11) 合四为一1+1+1+1=4(鲁迅的“管它冬夏与春秋”译成I don’t care what season it is.)2. 常用的技巧种类繁多,但主要包括词性转换法、加减重复法、反面着笔法、分合移位法以及专门针对句型结构的方法,如定语从句的译法、状语从句的译法、被动句的译法等。

3. 从理清短语中词之间的关系这一角度创造出来的“解包袱法”(unpacking)。

解包袱法1. 对解包袱法的理解解包袱法是指在各类词之间关系复杂时,译者在使用各种翻译技巧前,有必要先将这些缠在一起的关系像解包袱一样解开,然后理顺。

例:美国总统克林顿被称为the first black president。



案例讨论(1) 名词+名词结构①We want to buy quality steel.【译文】我们要买高质量的钢材。

【解析】quality具有形容词词性,意为“having a high degree of excellence”,因此,翻译为“高质量的”。

叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译的基本技巧 1.4 反面着笔法

叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译的基本技巧 1.4 反面着笔法

1.4反面着笔法⊙正说反译1.a fly in the ointment【译文】美中不足2.call a spade a spade【译文】直言不讳3.be on tenterhooks【译文】坐立不安/六神无主/手足无措4.Bite off more than one can chew.【译文】贪多嚼不烂。

5.Good winner,good loser.【译文】胜不骄,败不馁。

6.predictably【译文】不出所料7.failure【译文】不及格/不履行/没做到/没发生8.supreme authority【译文】无上权威/最高权威9.with dignity【译文】不失体面/不失尊严10.be fatally ill【译文】得不治之症11.soon enough【译文】不久12.keep...within bounds【译文】不失当/不为过/没有扩大化/没有超出范围/没有越过雷池一步13.Danger,Building Site.【译文】工地危险,禁止入内。

14.Hands off.【译文】请勿触摸15.Smoking Free Store.【译文】无烟商场16.Keep Head inside Vehicle【译文】请勿将头伸出窗外。

17.In the absence of the definite information we had to wait a while before makinga move.【译文】由于没有确切消息,我们不得不等一等再做决定。

18.In the long run,there is no doubt that many small companies will be replaced by corporations.【译文】从长远观点来看,十分清楚,很多小公司将被集团公司所取代。

19.His childhood is free from anxiety.【译文】他的童年无忧无虑20.She saw him coming but she ignored him.【译文】她看见他走过来,但不理睬他。

《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》翻译实践及详解(The Stock Market and Investme

《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》翻译实践及详解(The Stock Market and Investme

13. The Stock Market and InvestmentHow does the stock market affect business investment? There are three direct effects. One is that the market has traditionally served as a general barometer of the expectations of the business-minded community as a whole①. We say "Business- minded" rather than "business" because the demand for, and supply of, securities②mainly comes from securities dealers, stockbrokers, and the investing public, rather than from nonfinancial business enterprises themselves. When the market is buoyant, it has been a signal to business that the "business climate" is favorable, and the effect on what Keynes called the "animal spirits"③of executives has been to encourage them to go ahead with expansion plans. When the market is falling, on the other hand, spirits tend to be dampened, and executives may think twice before embarking on an expansion program④in the face of general pessimism.This traditional relationship is, however, greatly lessened by the growing power of government to influence the trend of economic events. Business once looked to the market as the key signal for the future. Today it looks to Washington⑤Hence, during the past decade when the stock market has shown wide swings, business investment⑥in plant and equipment has remained basically steady. This reflects the feelings of corporate managers that government policy will keep the economy growing, whatever "the market" may think of events.A second direct effect of the stock market on investment has to do with the ease of issuing new securities. One of the ways in which investment is financed is through the issuance of new stocks or bonds whose proceeds will purchase plant and equipment. When the market is rising, it is much easier to float a new issue⑦than when prices are falling. This is particularly true for certain businesses—public utilities, for example—that depend heavily on stock issues for new capital rather than on retained earnings.Finally, when the market is very low, companies with large retained earnings may be tempted to buy up other companies, rather than use their funds for capital expenditure⑧. Financial investment, in other words, may take the place of real investment. This helps successful companies grow, but does not directly provide growth for the economy as a whole.From Economics Explained by Heilbroner 【参考译文】股票市场是怎么影响商业投资的呢?有三种直接的影响。



叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)-翻译练习(上)【圣才出品】第二部分翻译实践篇详解一、非文学类文本(社会人文)1. Van GoghAlthough art historians have spent decades demystifying Van Gogh’s legend ①, they have done little to diminish his vast popularity. Auction prices still soar, visitors still overpopulate Van Gogh exhibitions, and The Starry Night remains ubiquitous on dormitory and kitchen walls②. So complete is Van Gogh’s global apotheosis that③Japanese tourists now make pilgrimages to Auvers to sprinkle their relatives’ ashes on his grave. What accounts for the endless appeal of the Van Gogh myth? It has at least two deep and powerful sources④. At the most primitive level, it provides a satisfying and nearly universal revenge fantasy disguised as the story of heroic sacrifice to art⑤. Anyone who has ever felt isolated and unappreciated can identify with Van Gogh and hope not only for a spectacular redemption⑥but also to put critics and doubting relatives to shame. At the same time, the myth offers an alluringly simplistic conception of great art as the product, not of particular historical circumstances and the artist’s painstaking calculations, but of the naive and spontaneous outpourings of a mad, holy fool⑦. The gaping d iscrepancy between Van Gogh’s long-suffering life and his remarkable posthumous fame remains a great and undeniable historical irony. But the notion that he was an artistic idiot savant⑧is quickly dispelled by even the most glancingexamination of the arti st’s letters. It also must be dropped after acquaintingoneself with the rudimentary facts of Van Gogh’s family background, upbringing, and early adulthood.The image of Van Gogh as a disturbed and forsaken artist is so strong that one easily reads it ba ck into⑨his childhood and adolescence. But if Van Gogh had died at age twenty, no one would have connected him with failure or mental illness. Instead he would have been remembered⑩by those close to him as a competent and dutiful son with a promising career in the family art-dealing business. He was, in fact, poised to surpass his father and to come closer to living up to the much-esteemed Van Gogh name?.The Van Goghs were an old and distinguished Dutch family who could trace their lineage in Holland back to the sixteenth century. Among Vincent’s five uncles, one reached the highest rank of vice-admiral in the Navy and three others prospered as successful art dealers. Van Gogh’s grandfather, also named Vincent, had attained an equally illustrious status as an intellectually accomplished Protestant minister. The comparatively modest achievements of the artist’s father, Theodorus, proved the exception, not the rule?. Although Theodorus was the only one of grandfather Vincent’s six sons to follow him into the ministry, he faltered as a preacher? and could obtain only modest positions in provincial churches. It was for this reason that Theodorus and his new wife, Anna, found themselves in Groot Zundert, a small town near the Belgian border. Vincent was born a few years after their arrival.Van Gogh enjoyed a relatively uneventful childhood save for the birth of fivesiblings (three by the time he was six and two more by his fourteenth year)? and his attendance at two different boarding schools. In rural Zundert he took long walks in the Brabant countryside and developed a naturalist’s love of animals and plants. At his two boarding schools, he excelled at his studies and laid down the foundation for his lifelong facility in French and English. The family’s decisi on to apprentice him at sixteen to Uncle Vincent’s art gallery in The Hague was far from a nepotistic last resort. Uncle Vincent, called “Cent,” had transforme d an art supply store into a prestigious art gallery and had become a senior partner in Goupil et Cie., one of the largest art-dealing firms in Europe. Vincent had not better opportunity for advancement than working at The Hague branch of Goupil’s. And it was a testament to Vincent’s abilities that the childless “Uncle Cent” took a paternal interest in him and arranged for his position as Goupil’s youngest employee?.Vincent’s duties progressed from record keeping and correspondence chores in the back office to dealing, if only in a subordinate way?, with clients. This confronts us with the nearly unt hinkable image of the “socially competent” Vincent?. But such was the case at this stage in his life. The same man whose eccentricity would one day make young girls scream in fright dressed appropriately and charmed customers with his enthusiasm for art?. Vincent also ingratiated himself with the local artists of The Hague School and earned his colleagues’respect. Although his status as Uncle Cent’snephew and protege must have smoothed his way, Vincent appears to have been genuinely dedicated and effectiveat Goupil’s. His boss, Tersteeg, sent home glowing reports? and after four years at The Hague he was promoted to the London branch.From Van Gogh and Gauguin, by Bradley Collins 【参考译文】梵高尽管艺术史家们数十年来一直在淡化梵高传奇的神秘色彩①,但梵高受欢迎的程度几乎丝毫未减。



第4章翻译的过程一、描述翻译过程的不同模式1. 传统的两阶段模式(1) 两阶段模式的内容翻译的过程常常被翻译实践者简练地概括成理解与表达。



(2) 优点与缺点①优点:这种描述方法相当简单。


2. 尤金·奈达的三阶段模式(1) 三阶段模式的内容从图中可以看出整个过程分成三个阶段,即分析、转换、重建。


(2) 对三阶段模式的理解①分析就是要分析出原文的语义,特别是要在分析中挖掘出各个层次的语义。




1. 对“意思”(meaning)的讨论(1) 句中基本语言单位所指十分清楚,句子没有言外之意。

(2) 句子有言外之意,需分析字面意思之外的隐含意义。

如“That’s not funny.”一句暗含不满、阻止的意思。

(3) 句子或句中的词受社会、文化等因素影响承载语言之外的象征意义。


2. 不同语义的三种划分(1) 具体内容所指意义(referential meaning,以语言所指的客观世界为基础的意义)关联意义(associated meaning,包括所有人、社会文化因素引发的意义)结构意义(structural meaning,包括语言本身结构产生的意义)(2) 理解与讨论①所指意义a. 定义:所指意义指词或短语所指称的事物的语义特征,是词最基本的意义。

b. 特点:所指意义比较稳定,不太容易变化,因此比较容易表达。


叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译实践篇 2.2 非文学类文本(

叶子南《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》(第3版)配套题库(含考研真题)(翻译实践篇 2.2 非文学类文本(

2.2非文学类文本(科技法律)Practice1Companies are increasingly adding vitamins and minerals to juices,sports drinks and bottled water,responding to a growing consumer demand for these products.Even though the amounts of added nutrients in these drinks are typically small,some nutrition scientists are concerned that through their overall diets,many people may be ingesting levels of vitamins and other nutrients that are not only unnecessary,but potentially harmful.“You have vitamins and minerals that occur naturally in foods,and then you have people taking supplements,and then you have all these fortified foods,”said Mridul Datta,an assistant professor in the department of nutrition science at Purdue University.“It adds up to quite an excess.There’s the potential for people to get a lot more of these vitamins than they need.”Today more than ever,studies show,the average person is exposed to unusually high levels of vitamins and minerals.Already,more than half of all adults in the United States take a multivitamin or dietary supplement.Bread,milk and other foods are often fortified with folic acid,niacin and vitamins A and D.A study published in July found that many people are exceeding the safe limits of nutrient intakes established by the Institute of Medicine.And research shows that people who take dietary supplements are often the ones who need them the least.[山东大学2018研]【参考译文】饮料公司在果汁、运动饮料和瓶装水中添加了愈来愈多的维生素和矿物质,以满足顾客对这些东西日益增长的要求。

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1.the first black president
2.the first woman president
3.presidential historian
4.opinion leader
8.sick room
9.criminally insane
10.a morning person
11.a body shop
12.manage forests sustainably
13.digital gap

14.peak load
15.satellite communications ground station equipment repairer
16.The divorce is less culturally acceptable in a society that is family-oriented.【译文】在以家庭为中心的社会文化背景下,离婚是难以接受的。

17.I am pleased to be here to offer a U.S.business perspective on one of today’s great quality challenges:building a high skills/high wage workforce.

【解析】如果将本句中的quality challenges理解为形容词和名词的关系,译为“质量的挑战”,读者会不明其意。



18.It has been rightly stated that this situation is a threat to international security.【译文】一直有报道说,眼下的形式对国际安全构成威胁,这一说法不无道理。

19.His story is unchallengedly true.

20.And a bed of crocus open their purple heads to the heavens in joyful thankness.【译文】苗圃里一朵朵藏红花欢喜地绽开了紫色的花冠,向上天表示谢意。

21.This report has all the financial information a potential investor needs to know about the history and prospects of the venture.

【解析】若直接将“a potential investor”处理为“一个潜在的投资者”,会带有明显的英语表达思维痕迹。

22.The unbelievably beautiful scenery of that place attracts a lot of tourists every day.

23.She was expensively spoiled from the moment of birth.

24.Children(who were)neglected by their parents turned in some instances to drugs and crimes.

25.Pressing down the button of the alarm clock,he curled up for last warm
moment under the bed clothes.

26.With the tree now tall,we get more shade.

27.This ability to speak was of great value because it allowed men to share ideas, and plan together,so that tasks impossible for a single person could be successfully undertaken by intelligent team-work.

28.He is a dapper sixty-three.



29.The boy is sitting on a garden chair.

【译文】原句中的“a garden chair”指的不是“花园式的椅子”,而是“a chair in the garden”,花园中的椅子。


30.I worked in a finance job that I hated and I lived in a concrete jungle city with little greenery.

【译文】此处的concrete jungle city指的是“混凝土建筑像丛生的荆棘一样”。



31.They discovered that she had highly advanced cancer in her bones and that there was nothing that they could do.

32.I am reliably informed.

33.That field was theoretical physics,where people do their best work at a famously young age.
