



开关电源测试报告模板篇一:电源测试报告模板电源技术认证报告关键词: AC/DC、电源模块、认证测试摘要:该报告对电源进行了详细的测试,并对其中测试的问题进行总结和记录,以供产品选型参考。

一、测试项目二、测试仪器列表三、测试结论四、原始数据记录1、负载动态响应(必须提供测试波形)(/us, 1ms)(1)常温工作(2)高温工作(3)低温工作2、纹波及噪声记录表(必须提供测试波形) (1)常温特性(2)高温特性(3)低温特性注1:纹波VPP电容,示波器20MHz频率。





篇二:开关电源适配器测试报告模板适配器12V/1A测试报告方案基本参数一览修订更新版本注:在原板上进行了以下修改:1、变压器参数更新(进行成本优化)2、输入电容修改为15uF/400V3、输出二极管修改为SR31004、可去除次级吸收回路(R21、C7)(纹波指标仍然优秀)一. 说明此文档是针对FD9020D 12V/1A适配器的测试报告,可用于90~264Vac全电压输入范围下工作。


二. 测试主要项目1)电气参数测试2)电性能参数测试3)转换效率及空载功耗测试 4)常温老化测试 5)关键元件温度测试三. 测试使用的仪器1.输入交流调压器:AC POWER SOURCE APS-95012.输出电子负载:FT6301A3.示波器:DSO-X-2022A (Agilent Technologies)4.交流输入功率计:WT210 DIGITAL POWER METER 5.数字万用表34970A6.红外热成像仪 Fluke Ti200四. 方案的实物图五. 主要项目测试记录:%(线末端测试):%(线末端测试)小结:FD9020D 12V/1A适配器能够满载工作在90V~264V范围的工作条件下,板上输出电压范围为~,具有良好的电压调整率及负载调整率。



VDss VGss Is (V)(V)(A)U4AP4511GH 2203520NA U6AP4511GH 2203520NALdRC Tc (hrs)(mA)(oC )Waste Warning元点位料号规格型号供应商电源供电(V)Waste Warning点位料号规格型号供应商电源供电(V)元4.测试方法:参照相关的作业指导书,即Derating Test SOP5.判定标准:具体参见各零件之工程规格2.测试条件:2.1环境温度:室温(25℃), 温度测试前, 必须烧机4小时;2.2供电电压:90V/60Hz and 264V/50Hz(测试power 点位90V/264V 均需测试,其它回路只需选择一种电压2.3测试负载:测试机器最大&最小功耗测试3.测试仪器:示波器、AC 变频器、温度计、电流计、信号发生器、导热胶、冷凝剂等通过此项测试,根据Derating 测试判定标准评估各零件之设计欲度,作为后续提出改善之依据。

台数:1#1.测试目的:客户:七星华创 Inverter Board 阶段:DVT专显型号:BSF1#1742-69A Derating北京京东方专用显示科技有限公司BeiJing BOE Special Display Technology Co.,Ltd类型:电解电容C1470uf/25V SAMXON 22030001210105Vstart-rms Vstart-surge Istart-rms Istart-surge (V)(V)(mA)(mA)Component Spec Ta=40℃Ta=25℃Result <70℃T12208555.6844.0965.5T22208556.145.166新送样Inverter Board(将C1点位电容由470uf/25V改为1000uf/2LdRC Tc (hrs)(mA)(o C)C11000uf/25V SAMXON 2203000821105Waste Warning2009-3-17元点位料号规格型号供应商电源供电(V)T(℃)T ℃Requiremen t 100(%)Location PartNumber&TypeSupplier Waste WarningPower supply(V)Measure data Location Part Number&TypeSupplier Power supply(V)BIT3715Compo 4220884Waste WarningU1PWM ICInductor0uf/25V)(%)e(%)。

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Pass / Fail: According to specification 4 hours storage at 0℃, and operating at 40℃. : Not Specified Test Equipment: TOPNOTCH OTC-2B-N Open Chamber. : Not Tested CHROMA Series AC Source / DC LoadA. INPUT CHARACTERIZATIONINPUT CURRENT/POWER/EFFICIENCY/POWER FACTORTest conditions:The unit is set at maximum load and the input voltage is varied from the minimum to themaximum value. Efficiency is computed and Power Factor is either computed or measured after10 minutes warm up at least.Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadChroma Model # 6630 Power AnalyzerPass/Fail criteria:The unit test shall meet the specification requirements.Test result: PASS@25CVin(Vac)Freq(Hz)Iin(A)Pin(W)Vout(V)Pout(W)Pd(W)PF Eff(%) Vin(Vac)Freq(Hz)Iin(A)Pin(W)Vout(V)Pout(W)Pd(W)PF Eff(%)@40CVin(Vac)Freq(Hz)Iin(A)Pin(W)Vout(V)Pout(W)Pd(W)PF Eff(%)ACTIVE MODE EFFICIENCY & NO LOAD INPUT POWERTest conditions:The unit is set at no load and the rated input voltage for at least 15 minutes.The ambient temperature is set between 15 Deg C to 35 Deg CTest equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 65909KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadChroma Model # 6630 Power AnalyzerPass/Fail criteria:The unit test shall meet the specification requirements.ACOUSTIC NOISETest conditions:Measurements to determine the AC adapter sound pressure are made using a 1/2” low noise free-field microphone in a inner size with 45(W)×45(D)×65(H) cm^3 Anechoic chamber. Test equipment:Anechoic Chamber: Free-Field Acoustics Corp. Lower than 10dB(A) background noise.B & K Portable Pulse – Type 3560C, Microphone: 4190, Preamplifier: 2669LPass/Fail criteria:The AC Adapter shall produce no human perceivable audible noise (less then 25dB).The above diagram depicts the microphone of the frontal plane of the microphone to theAdapter and the height of the centerline of the microphone to the Adapter.Acoustic Noise Test Set-UpINRUSH CURRENTTest condition:For cold start test at room ambient, the adapter should be off for at least one hour at the test temperature to ensure it is at a uniform temperature before the test is started. Turn on theUUTat 90 degrees at positive cycle or 270 degrees at negative cycle. Between each test, the UUTshall be cooled down for at least 3 minutes and the Bulk Cap’s Energy is discharged.For hot start test at max. Operating ambient, the adapter should be on and running for at least one hour at the test temperature to ensure it is at a uniform temperature before the test isRepetitive ON/OFF (1Sec. ON/1Sec. OFF for 10 times) cycling of the UUT and turn on at 90degrees at positive cycle or 270 degrees at negative cycle. Between each test, the Bulk Cap’sEnergy shall be discharged.Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadTektronix AM503 Current Probe AmplifierTektronix A6303 Current ProbeTektronix TDS-5054 OscilloscopePass/Fail criteria:The inrush current shall meet the specification requirements.AC line inrush current shall not damage any components, nor cause the AC line fuse to blow,under any DC load conditions, any ambient temperature, and with any ac line input voltageand frequency.Test result: PASSExtended Name = Cold start 25 deg. ambient; after Extended Name = Cold start 25 deg. ambient; after1 hour in off stage Vin=90Vac Inrush Current=57.6A.1).Vin 4).Iin 1 hour in off stage Vin=264Vac Inrush Current=138.0A. 1).Vin 4).IinExtended Name = Hot start 25 deg. ambient; Repetitive on/off cycle 10 times. Vin=90Vac Inrush Current=56.4A. 1).Vin 4).Iin Extended Name = Hot start 25 deg. ambient; Repetitive on/off cycle 10 times. Vin=264Vac Inrush Current=138.0A. 1).Vin 4).IinLINE CYCLE DROPOUTTest conditions:The unit is subjected to a dropout of the AC line voltage from 100Vac/50Hz to zero volt for duration which equal to 7mS repeated 10 times with a period of 1 second. The unit is fully loaded. Dropout shall occur at any input phase angle.Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadTektronix TDS-5054 OscilloscopeTektronix P5100 ProbePass/Fail criteria:The unit test need not maintain within regulation but shall not latch off.Test result: PASSExtended Name = Dropout; 100Vac/50Hz (0deg) Dropout 10 ms at Max. Load1) Vin 2) VoExtended Name = Dropout; 100Vac/50Hz(90 deg) Dropout 10 ms at Max. Load1) Vin 2) VoExtended Name = Dropout; 100Vac/50Hz(270 deg) Dropout 10 ms at Max. Load1) Vin 2) VoBROWNOUT & BROWNOUT RECOVERYTest conditions:1. The input voltage decreases from 90Vac/50Hz down to zero in 30 minutes.2. The input voltage increases from 0Vac up to 90Vac/50Hz in 30 minutes.Test equipment:CHROMA 6530 AC SOURCECHROMA 630XX DC LOADPass/Fail criteria:1. The input voltage below the minimum specifies shall not cause damage to the power supplyunit (due to over-heating or otherwise).2. The PSU shall recover after an AC power reset.Test result: PASS@25CTOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTIONTest conditions:The power line is distorted (flat-topped) with a total harmonic distortion of up to10% (100Vac @ 50 Hz with 10 % THD = 90 Vrms).Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 65909KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadTektronix TDS-5054 OscilloscopeTektronix P5100 ProbePass/Fail criteria:The unit test shall meet the specification requirements.Test result:PASSExtended Name = Start up operation.100Vac/50Hz @ Full Load(1) Vin (2) VoutExtended Name = Continuous operation.100Vac/50Hz @ Full Load(1) Vin (2) VoutLINE VOLTAGE SURGETest conditions:While the unit is operating with maximum continuous load, the line voltage is switched to the surge voltage as indicated below:• 220Vac to 286Vac for 1sec, and back to 220Vac at 50Hz, repeated 10 times with 10seconds interval.Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadTektronix TDS-5054 OscilloscopeTektronix P5100 ProbePass/Fail criteria:The unit test shall meet the specification requirements.Test result: PASSExtended Name = Line Surge 220Vac to 286Vac forsec. Full Load.1) Vin 2) VoLINE VOLTAGE SAGTest conditions:While the unit is operating with maximum continuous load, the line voltage is switched tothe sag voltage as indicated below:• 100Vac to 80Vac for sec., and back to 100Vac at 50Hz, repeated 10 times with 10 seconds interval.Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadTektronix TDS-5054 OscilloscopeTektronix P5100 ProbePass/Fail criteria:The unit test shall meet the specification requirements.Test result: PASSExtended Name = Line Sag 100Vac to 80Vac for500mS.1) Vin 2) VoVOLTAGE DIP IMMUNITYTest conditions:While the unit is operating with maximum continuous load, the 100Vac/50Hz and 240Vac/50Hz line voltage is switched to the dip voltage as indicated below:• 30%, 60%, 100% dip voltage for:, 1cycle, 5cycle, 10cycle, 25cycle, 50cycle, 250cycle durationsTest equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadTektronix TDS-5054 OscilloscopePass/Fail criteria:The unit test shall meet the specification requirements.Note: *1 Output within spec & no damage; *2 Self shutdown & no damageHARMONIC CURRENTS & EN61000-3-2 PRE-COMPLIANCETest condition:The harmonic components are compared with the limits set for Class D equipment. The input voltage is set at indicated values and the harmonic current values are recorded and compared to the EN61000-3-2 requirements.Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadTektronix TDS-5054 OscilloscopePass/Fail criteria:The harmonic current values shall meet the EN61000-3-2 requirements.B. OUTPUT CHARACTERIZATIONLOAD, LINE/CROSS REGULATIONTest condition:Test is repeated from different input voltages. The output is at minimum load then at maximum. Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadPass/Fail criteria:The unit test shall meet the specification requirements.Test result: PASS@25CVin(V)Fre.(Hz)Power(W)Load(A)Vout(V)------------------@0CVin(V)Fre.(Hz)Power(W)Load(A)Vout(V)------------------@40CPEAK LOAD.Test conditions:The output regulation shall be kept for a period of 5Sec at 6.32A peak load from90W. Test equipment:Tektronix TCP-202 Current ProbeTektronix TDS-5054 OscilloscopePass/Fail criteria:The unit test shall meet the specification requirements.Test result: PASS@25CVin (Vac)Fin (Hz)InitialLoad(A)SurgeLoad(A)DurationTime(mS)Vout MaxSpec.(V)Vout MinSpec.(V)VoutMax.(V)VoutMin.(V)ResultPASSPASSExtended Name = 90Vac @Full loadthen peak to 6.32A2). Vout 3). IoutExtended Name = 264Vac @Full loadthen peak to 6.32A2). Vout 3). Iout@0CVin (Vac)Fin (Hz)InitialLoad(A)SurgeLoad(A)DurationTime(mS)Vout MaxSpec.(V)Vout MinSpec.(V)VoutMax.(V)VoutMin.(V)ResultPASSPASSExtended Name = 90Vac @Full loadthen peak to 6.32A2). Vout 3). IoutExtended Name = 264Vac @Full loadthen peak to 6.32A2). Vout 3). IoutVin (Vac)Fin (Hz)InitialLoad(A)SurgeLoad(A)DurationTime(mS)Vout MaxSpec.(V)Vout MinSpec.(V)VoutMax.(V)VoutMin.(V)ResultPASSPASSExtended Name = 90Vac @Full loadthen peak to 6.32A2). Vout 3). IoutExtended Name = 264Vac @Full loadthen peak to 6.32A2). Vout 3). IoutRIPPLE AND NOISE conditions:Ripple voltage and noise are measured at the pins of the mating connector of which each output is decoupled by a high frequency and tantalum capacitor. Bandwidth is set at 20MHz.Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadTektronix TCP202 Current ProbeTektronix P5100 ProbeTektronix TDS-5054 OscilloscopePass/Fail criteria:The unit test shall meet the specification requirements.Test result: PASS@25CInput(Vac)Frequency Total Power (W)Load (A)PARD (mV) 904726463904726463Extended Name = 90V/ 47Hz 0A 1) Vpk-pk Extended Name = 264V/ 63Hz 0A 1) Vpk-pkExtended Name = 90V/47Hz Full Load 1) Vpk-pk Extended Name = 264V/ 63Hz Full Load 1) Vpk-pkInput(Vac)Frequency Total Power (W)Load (A)PARD (mV) 904726463904726463Extended Name = 90V/ 47Hz 0A 1) Vpk-pk Extended Name = 264V/ 63Hz 0A 1) Vpk-pkExtended Name = 90V/47Hz Full Load 1) Vpk-pk Extended Name = 264V/ 63Hz Full Load 1) Vpk-pkInput(Vac)Frequency Total Power (W)Load (A)PARD (mV) 904726463904726463Extended Name = 90V/ 47Hz 0A 1) Vpk-pk Extended Name = 264V/ 63Hz 0A 1) Vpk-pkExtended Name = 90V/47Hz Full Load 1) Vpk-pk Extended Name = 264V/ 63Hz Full Load 1) Vpk-pkDYNAMIC LOAD RESPONSETest conditions:The dynamic load response changes at a rate and load step and frequency change are basis specification defined.Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadChroma Model # 6630 Power AnalyzerTektronix TDS-5054 OscilloscopeTektronix P5100 ProbeTektronix TCP202 Current ProbePass/Fail criteria:The unit test shall meet the specification requirements.Test result: PASS@25CDynamic load condition Vspec-max Vspec-min Vreading-max Vreading-min Test result90Vac/ 47Hz; 0%load ~50%load;100Hz; 1.0A/uS. PASS264Vac/ 63Hz; 0%load ~50%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. PASS90Vac/ 47Hz; 50%load ~100%load;100Hz; 1.0A/uS. PASS264Vac/ 63Hz; 50%load~100%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS.PASSExtended Name = 90Vac/ 47Hz; 0%load ~50%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. (1) Vo (3) Io Extended Name = 90Vac/ 47Hz; 0%load ~50%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. (1) Vo (3) IoExtended Name = 90Vac/ 47Hz; 50%load ~100%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. (1) Vo (3) Io Extended Name = 90Vac/ 47Hz; 50%load ~100%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. (1) Vo (3) Io@0CDynamic load condition Vspec-max Vspec-min Vreading-max Vreading-min Test result90Vac/ 47Hz; 0%load ~50%load;100Hz; 1.0A/uS. PASS264Vac/ 63Hz; 0%load ~50%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. PASS90Vac/ 47Hz; 50%load ~100%load;100Hz; 1.0A/uS. PASS264Vac/ 63Hz; 50%load~100%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS.PASSExtended Name = 90Vac/ 47Hz; 0%load ~50%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. (1) Vo (3) Io Extended Name = 90Vac/ 47Hz; 0%load ~50%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. (1) Vo (3) IoExtended Name = 90Vac/ 47Hz; 50%load ~100%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. (1) Vo (3) Io Extended Name = 90Vac/ 47Hz; 50%load ~100%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. (1) Vo (3) Io@40CDynamic load condition Vspec-max Vspec-min Vreading-max Vreading-min Test result90Vac/ 47Hz; 0%load ~50%load;100Hz; 1.0A/uS. PASS264Vac/ 63Hz; 0%load ~50%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. PASS90Vac/ 47Hz; 50%load ~100%load;100Hz; 1.0A/uS. PASS264Vac/ 63Hz; 50%load~100%load;100Hz; PASS1.0A/uS.Extended Name = 90Vac/ 47Hz; 0%load ~50%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. (1) Vo (3) Io Extended Name = 90Vac/ 47Hz; 0%load ~50%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. (1) Vo (3) IoExtended Name = 90Vac/ 47Hz; 50%load ~100%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. (1) Vo (3) Io Extended Name = 90Vac/ 47Hz; 50%load ~100%load;100Hz;1.0A/uS. (1) Vo (3) IoOUTPUT OVER/UNDER SHOOTTest conditions:The power adapter unit was tested either at Turn On/Off or from Full Load to No Load. Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadTektronix TDS-5054 OscilloscopePass/Fail criteria:The unit test shall meet the specification requirements.Test result: PASSConditionOutputOvershootMax.(%)OutputOvershootReading.(%)OutputVoltageMax.(V)OutputVoltageReading.(V)Test ResultTurn on overshoot;Vin=90Vac; No Load*PASS Turn on overshoot;Vin=90Vac; Full Load*PASS Turn on overshoot;Vin=264Vac; No Load*PASS Turn on overshoot;Vin=264Vac; Full Load*PASSExtended Name = Turn on overshoot;Vin=90Vac; No Load2) VoExtended Name = Turn on overshoot; Vin=90Vac;Full Load2) VoExtended Name = Turn on overshoot; Vin=264Vac; No Load2) Vo Extended Name = Turn on overshoot; Vin=264Vac; Full Load2) VoTIMING REQUIREMENTSTest conditions:The following timings are measured:• AC Turn-on delay: Output voltage shall reach its nominal setting from AC power on.• AC Hold-up time: The output voltage shall remain its normal setting from AC power off.• DC output rise time: The output voltage rise time measured from 10% to 90%.• DC output fall time: The output voltage fall time measured from 90% to 10%.Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadTektronix TDS-5054 OscilloscopeTektronix P5100 ProbePass/Fail criteria:All parameters shall be within specification.Test result: PASSTiming Condition Vin(Vac)Freq(Hz)SpecMax.(mS)SpecMin.(mS)Reading(mS)ResultTurn on 90Vac; Full Load **PASS Turn on 115Vac; Full Load *PASS Turn on 230Vac; Full Load *PASS Turn on 264Vac; Full Load **PASSExtended Name = Turn on 90Vac; Full Load 1) Vin 2) Vo Extended Name = Turn on 115Vac; Full Load 1) Vin 2) VoExtended Name = Turn on 230Vac; Full Load 1) Vin 2) Vo Extended Name = Turn on 264Vac; Full Load 1) Vin 2) VoTiming Condition Vin(Vac)Freq(Hz)SpecMax.(mS)SpecMin.(mS)Reading(mS)ResultHold up 90Vac; Full Load **PASS Hold up 115Vac; Full Load *PASS Hold up 230Vac; Full Load*PASS Hold up 264Vac; Full Load**PASSExtended Name = Hold up 90Vac; Full Load (1) Vin (2). Vout Extended Name = Hold up 115Vac; Full Load (1) Vin (2). VoutExtended Name = Hold up 230Vac; Full Load(1) Vin (2). VoutExtended Name = Hold up 264Vac; Full Load(1) Vin (2). VoutTiming Condition Vin(Vac)Freq(Hz)Loading(A/Ohm)SpecMax.(mS)SpecMin.(mS)Reading(mS)Result Rise Time; Vin=115V;No Load (10% ~ 90%)*PASS Rise Time; Vin=230V;No Load (10% ~ 90%) *PASS Rise Time; Vin=115V;Full Load (10% ~ 90%) *PASS Rise Time; Vin=230V;Full Load (10% ~ 90%) *PASSExtended Name = Rise Time; Vin=115V; No Load(10% ~ 90%)(2). VoutExtended Name = Rise Time; Vin=230V; No Load(10% ~ 90%)(2). VoutExtended Name = Rise Time; Vin=115V; Full Load(10% ~ 90%)(2). VoutExtended Name = Rise Time; Vin=230V; Full Load(10% ~ 90%)(2). VoutTiming Condition Vin(Vac)Freq(Hz)Loading(A)SpecMax.(mS)SpecMin.(mS)Reading (mS)Result Fall Time; Vin=115V; FullLoad (90% ~ 10%) **PASS Fall Time; Vin=230V; FullLoad (90% ~ 10%) **PASSExtended Name = Fall Time; Vin=115V; Full Load(90% ~ 10%)(2).VoutExtended Name = Fall Time; Vin=230V; Full Load(90% ~ 10%)(2).VoutLOOP GAINTest conditions:The loop gain test set at maximum / minimum load and the input voltage set to high / low line.Measurements feedback loop stability.Test equipment:Analog Network Analyzer AP200Pass/Fail criteria:Check compare Phase Margin shall be greater then 45 degTest result: PASSTest Item:Input: 90V/47HzOutput: 19V@1.32ATest Result:Gain = 0 dB,Phase Margin = deg.Phase = 0 deg,Gain Margin = dB.Test Item:Input: 265V/63HzOutput: 19V@1.32ATest Result:Gain = 0 dB,Phase Margin = .Phase = 0 deg,Gain Margin = .C. PROTECTIONSHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTIONTest conditions:A short circuit is defined as less than resistance between the output terminals.Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test System Chroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC Source Chroma Model # 630X0 DC Load Tektronix TDS-5054 Oscilloscope Tektronix TCP202 Current Prob ePass/Fail criteria:The unit test shall meet the specification requirements.Test result: PASSAC TURN ON THEN OUTPUT SHORTCriteriaVin (Vac) Freq (Hz) Loading (A) Iin_rms (A) Pin (W) Vrecovery max.(V) Vrecovery min.(V) Vrecovery(V) Test Result No Damage90 47 PASS 90 47PASS 264 63 PASS 264 63PASSExtended Name = 90Vac; No Load (2)Vo (3)IoExtended Name = 90Vac; Full Load (2)Vo (3)IoExtended Name = 264Vac; No Load (2)Vo (3)Io Extended Name = 264Vac; Full Load (2)Vo (3)Io@0CAC TURN ON THEN OUTPUT SHORTCriteriaVin (Vac) Freq (Hz) Loading (A) Iin_rms (A) Pin (W) Vrecovery max.(V) Vrecovery min.(V) Vrecovery(V) Test Result No Damage90 47 PASS 90 47PASS 264 63 PASS 264 63PASSExtended Name = 90Vac; No Load (2)Vo (3)IoExtended Name = 90Vac; Full Load (2)Vo (3)IoExtended Name = 264Vac; No Load (2)Vo (3)Io Extended Name = 264Vac; Full Load (2)Vo (3)Io@40CAC TURN ON THEN OUTPUT SHORTCriteriaVin (Vac) Freq (Hz) Loading (A) Iin_rms (A) Pin (W) Vrecovery max.(V) Vrecovery min.(V) Vrecovery(V) Test Result No Damage90 47 PASS 90 47PASS 264 63 PASS 264 63PASSExtended Name = 90Vac; No Load (2)Vo (3)IoExtended Name = 90Vac; Full Load (2)Vo (3)IoExtended Name = 264Vac; No Load (2)Vo (3)Io Extended Name = 264Vac; Full Load (2)Vo (3)IoOVER CURRENT PROTECTIONTest conditions:The load is increased to an estimated over current value in several steps. The test is repeated at different input voltages.Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadTektronix TCP202 Current ProbePass/Fail criteria:The unit test shall meet the specification requirements.Test result: PASS@25CVin(Vac)Freq(Hz)OCP Max.(A)OCP Min.(A)OCP Reading(A)Result90.47.*PASS11560.*PASS 23050*PASS 264.63.*PASS@0CVin(Vac)Freq(Hz)OCP Max.(A)OCP Min.(A)OCP Reading(A)Result 9047*PASS 11560*PASS 23050*PASS 26463*PASS@40CVin(Vac)Freq(Hz)OCP Max.(A)OCP Min.(A)OCP Reading(A)Result90.47.*PASS11560.*PASS 23050*PASS 264.63.*PASSOVER VOLTAGE PROTECTIONTest conditions:Fooling the feedback loops of the output voltages performs it. Test equipment:Chroma Model 8000 Power Supply Auto Test SystemChroma Model # 6590 9KVA Low Impedance AC SourceChroma Model # 630X0 DC LoadTektronix TDS-5054 OscilloscopePass/Fail criteria:The unit test shall meet the specification requirements.Test result: PASSMethod Vin (Vac)Freq (Hz)Loading (A)OVPMax.(V)OVP Min.(V)OVPReading(V)ResultAC Turn Onthen OVP*PASS*PASS*PASS*PASSExtended Name = 90Vac; No Load; OVP After TurnOn(2).VoutExtended Name = 264Vac; No Load; OVP After TurnOn(2).VoutExtended Name = 90Vac; Full Load; OVP After Turn On(2).Vout Extended Name = 264Vac; Full Load; OVP After Turn On(2).VoutD. EMC/SAFETY/ENVIRONMENTALDielectric withstand voltage (Hi-Pot)Test conditions:Test equipment:7430 WITHSTANDING VOLTAGE TESTER (EXTECH) Pass/Fail criteria:Leakage CurrentTest conditions:Test equipment:SIMPSON 228 LEAKAGE CURRENT METERTK-2010 AC SOURCEPass/Fail criteria:Insulation Resistance (IR)Test conditions:Test equipment:7430 WITHSTANDING VOLTAGE TESTER (EXTECH) Pass/Fail criteria:Electromagnetic Discharge (ESD)Test conditions:Input Voltage: 110Vac/220Vac Output Load: Maximum Load (Dummy Load) Test equipment:NOISEKEN ESS-2000 (ESD TEST SYSTEM)Pass/Fail criteria:The Electromagnetic Discharge (ESD) shall meet the specification requirements.After test, the adapter shall meet the specification requirements.Please refer to tabled below.Electromagnetic Discharge (ESD) Test ResultElectromagnetic Fast Transient And Burst (EFT)Test conditions:Input Voltage: 110Vac/220Vac Output Load: Maximum Load (Dummy Load)Test equipment:EM TEST :UCS 500-M6Pass/Fail criteria:The Electromagnetic Fast Transient And Burst (EFT) shall meet the specification requirements.After test, the adapter meets specification requirements.Please refer to tabled below.Electromagnetic Fast Transient And Burst (EFT) Test ResultNote: Prior to reaching this final level the testing was incrementally in 500v increments.4.6 AC Surge Immunity (PLD_BI Wave)Test conditions:Input Voltage: 110Vac/220Vac Output Load: Maximum Load (Dummy Load) Test equipment:EM TEST:UCS 500-M6Pass/Fail criteria:The AC Surge Immunity (PLD_BI Wave) shall meet the specification requirements.After test, the adapter meets specification requirements.Please refer to tabled below.。



芯片测试报告范文Power bank 2000-4000 芯片测试报告目的:鉴于原power bank2000-4000 芯片的输出电流不能满足不断升级、更新手机的需求,继而寻找高电流出去芯片,代替原有芯片,特针对此芯片芯片进行测试,为今后的更改做好铺垫。


测试内容:1、输出电流不断上升,输入电压不断下降的状态下,输出效率变化分布;2、输入为恒压的状态下,不断的提高输出电流,输出效率的变化;3、输出电流不断上升时,芯片发热温度变化;测试方案:1 、控制输出电流从0.3A-1.9A 逐一递升变化,每0.1A,;稳压电源输出为4V,以实际电路输入电压为准,并读取电子负载上的显示参数,输出电压、电流,;输入电压U0 输出电压 U1电路板输入电流 I0 输出电流 I12、控制输出电流从0.3A-1.9A,不断调整输入电压,使之为定值 ,并读取电子负载上的显示参数,输出电压、电流,;Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industrial enterprises of coal-burning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stoneprocessing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of environmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacity. Three is to build coal-fired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exhaust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species suited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on the other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant communities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change.3、控制输出电流从0.3A-1.9A 逐一递升变化,每0.1A,;芯片等周围部件的温度变化;测试数据:1、输出电流不断上升,输入电压不断下降的状态下,输出效率变化分布;2、恒压下的效率变化;, 输入3V恒压时,随电流的上升,转换效率的变化情况Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industrial enterprises of coal-burning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of environmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacity. Three is to build coal-fired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exhaust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species suited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on the other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant communities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change., 输入3.7V恒压时,随电流的上升,效率的变化情况, 输入4V恒压时,随电流的上升,效率的变化情况3、常温下,输出电流不断上升时,芯片发热温度变化Details of green to introduce "the art of bonsai" concept, plant morphology, leaf color, aromas to create different moods and charms. (B) improving air pollution prevention and control. …… Air pollution sources in the four areas, a dust pollution and industrial enterprises of coal-burning pollution. A significant proportion of gypsum, stone processing enterprises and use of glass furnace standards of environmental protection facilities. Second, poor dust control, wide range of construction dust, road dust capacity. Three is to build coal-fired boilers in the region, particularly within the city's outdoor barbecue gas discharge seriously. Four motor vehicle exhaust is not inIn particular the greening of urban areas, it is necessary to carefully select the species suited to local soils, reflecting ... ... Features also allow for the evergreen trees, so that people walking in the shade. On one handTo expand green areas, improve planting quality fuss; but also to focus on simplicity and generosity of the green on the other hand, to enhance the Visual effect of green scale. Big green landscape according to the terrain the moderate, plant communities in natural, varied colors, flowers and clear principles, reflect the level, color and seasonal change.。



开关电源测试报告模板篇一:电源测试报告模板电源技术认证报告关键词: AC/DC、电源模块、认证测试摘要:该报告对电源进行了详细的测试,并对其中测试的问题进行总结和记录,以供产品选型参考。

一、测试项目二、测试仪器列表三、测试结论四、原始数据记录1、负载动态响应(必须提供测试波形)(/us, 1ms)(1)常温工作(2)高温工作(3)低温工作2、纹波及噪声记录表(必须提供测试波形) (1)常温特性(2)高温特性(3)低温特性注1:纹波VPP电容,示波器20MHz频率。





篇二:开关电源适配器测试报告模板适配器12V/1A测试报告方案基本参数一览修订更新版本注:在原板上进行了以下修改:1、变压器参数更新(进行成本优化)2、输入电容修改为15uF/400V3、输出二极管修改为SR31004、可去除次级吸收回路(R21、C7)(纹波指标仍然优秀)一. 说明此文档是针对FD9020D 12V/1A适配器的测试报告,可用于90~264Vac全电压输入范围下工作。


二. 测试主要项目1)电气参数测试2)电性能参数测试3)转换效率及空载功耗测试 4)常温老化测试 5)关键元件温度测试三. 测试使用的仪器1.输入交流调压器:AC POWER SOURCE APS-95012.输出电子负载:FT6301A3.示波器:DSO-X-2022A (Agilent Technologies)4.交流输入功率计:WT210 DIGITAL POWER METER 5.数字万用表34970A6.红外热成像仪 Fluke Ti200四. 方案的实物图五. 主要项目测试记录:%(线末端测试):%(线末端测试)小结:FD9020D 12V/1A适配器能够满载工作在90V~264V范围的工作条件下,板上输出电压范围为~,具有良好的电压调整率及负载调整率。



泰克Power整体测试方案介绍哪些是电源客户(广义)COMPLEX & SME工业设备汽车数据中心军工/政府消费电子太阳能逆变器电动汽车power train数据中心服务器航天消费电子(可穿戴)……客户需求调研工作需求和个人需求结合客户关注且大部分已经购买客户关注且有需求了解方案客户不关注.阶段阶段1:器件特性阶段2:原型版设计及验证阶段3:电源质量评价阶段4:标准认证项目1. 器件IV 特性2. 动态参数测试 1.电源质量测试 2. PSRR 及环路响应测试3. 开关损耗4.磁损耗测试5. scope + ISOvu probe6.电源纹波测试+power rail7.电源谐波测试 1. 电流谐波标准测试 2. 待机功耗测试 3. 效率测试 1. EMC预一致性侧2.老化测试客户反馈70%认识到,但是没有一家测试65%有兴趣了解并需求测试方法。

35% 意识到,但是14%人真正测试71% 意识并都要求测试100% 意识到,只有28% 测试71% 意识到,但是无一家真正测试57% 意识到,28% 有测试100% 意识到,71% 有测试71% 意识到,57% 有测试71% 意识到,71% 有测试86%人意识到,71% 测试86%人意识到,71% 测试100% 意识到,只有86% 测试71% 意识到,43% 有测试泰克提供全流程测试方案功率器件选择•静态特性与动态特性•双脉冲测试•功率二极管特性验证•IGBT/MOSFET特性验证电源原型板设计•开关系统设计优化•开关损耗及磁损耗测试•环路响应和电源抑制比•板级mV级纹波测试•SiC,GaN系统设计优化验证电源质量分析•电源效率测试•电流谐波标准:IEC61000测试•电源输出纹波测试产品最终认证•EMC预一致性测试•电源待机标准测试•电源谐波标准测试•直流低待机电流测试•老化实验验证不仅仅是示波器部分测试方案简介4 MARCH 2020电源工程师工作流程器件的动态特性表征--双脉冲测试•分析电源开关阶段的开关瞬态+开关功率损耗•研究实际试验下的开关特性,与仿真工具比较的结果(例如SPICE)•保证功率器件数据表的规格•确认功率器件或模块的实际值或偏差许多工程师仍然使用游标和EXCEL手动测量开关参数。

浪涌冲击测试Power Surge 报告模板(2020版)

浪涌冲击测试Power Surge 报告模板(2020版)
试 4. 雷击电流测试条件需满足测试要求 5. 耦合电容必须选择 18uF和 确保内部电阻为 2 ohm 的条件下的通用模式 6. 异步的模式,间隔:20sec.次数:5.组合波形测试(8/20uS) 7. 电压的浪涌逐渐增加,从额定 50%的层级往上解调,增加到额定的
130%, 标准按1KV执行
□ NG

Power Surge 浪涌冲击
1. 测试机台进行满载运行 2. 测试按照0度,90度,180度,270度,四个方位进行测试, 时长:20秒. 次
数: 5次. 3. 不同模式和命令模式,组合波形脉冲(1.2*50uS),正极以及负极交替测
试验标准(Testcriterion): 具体按实验要求进行;
测试程序:Burn In, Webcam;Surge tester:LSS-F02-C1
试验结果(Test Result):
试验报告(Test Report)
样品名称(Sample name): 样品型号(Model no): 样品数量(Test quantity): 试验产品所处阶段(Phase): 客户名称(Customer Name):
表单编号: 委托人(Consignor): 委托部门(Manufactured by): 试验负责人(Test responsible): 试验开始日期(Start time): 试验完成日期(Finish time):
130%, 标准按1KV执行



UPS蓄电池检测报告英文回答:UPS Battery Testing Report。

As a seasoned UPS professional, I have extensive experience in conducting thorough battery testing and analysis. I'm proficient in utilizing advanced diagnostic tools and techniques to evaluate the health and performance of UPS batteries. My comprehensive testing reports provide valuable insights into the battery's current condition and its projected lifespan.Key Elements of a UPS Battery Test Report:Battery Specifications: This section details the make, model, and physical characteristics of the battery,including its voltage, capacity, and terminal configuration.Visual Inspection: I carefully examine the battery'sexterior for signs of physical damage, corrosion, or leaks. Any anomalies are documented and analyzed for potential implications.Load Testing: The battery is subjected to a controlled load test to assess its ability to deliver power under various load conditions. This test provides insights into the battery's capacity, internal resistance, and voltage stability.Discharge Testing: A discharge test simulates the battery's discharge under real-world conditions. The test duration and load profile are customized to replicate the specific application requirements. This data is crucial for determining the battery's runtime and overall reliability.Charge Testing: The battery's charge acceptance and efficiency are evaluated through a series of charge cycles. This test reveals any potential charging issues or limitations that could affect the battery's performance.Data Analysis and Interpretation: The collected datais meticulously analyzed to identify trends, patterns, and any deviations from expected norms. I correlate the results with industry benchmarks and the battery manufacturer's specifications to provide a comprehensive assessment of the battery's health.Recommendations: Based on the test findings, I formulate specific recommendations for battery maintenance, replacement, or further investigation. I clearly articulate the rationale behind my recommendations and provide guidance on the necessary actions to ensure optimal UPS performance.Example:Recently, I conducted a comprehensive battery test on a 3-year-old, 12-volt, 100Ah lead-acid battery used in a critical data center application. The visual inspection revealed minor corrosion on the terminals, which I cleaned thoroughly. The load test results indicated a slightly lower capacity than the rated value, suggesting some degradation. However, the discharge test demonstrated aruntime of 90 minutes at 75% load, which met the required specifications. The charge test revealed a higher-than-expected charging current, indicating a potential charging issue.Conclusion:My UPS battery testing reports provide a detailed and actionable assessment of the battery's health and performance. They empower decision-makers with the information they need to optimize UPS performance, ensure reliability, and minimize the risk of downtime. By leveraging my expertise and utilizing state-of-the-art testing equipment, I deliver comprehensive reports that are tailored to meet the specific requirements of each client.中文回答:UPS电池检测报告。



---LED电源(恒流)测试报告评戈乐电性能测试报告Electronic Performance Test Report拟制仃ested by)黄秋霞(Qiuxia Huang)日期(Date)2015-10-16审核(Approv Marey 日期(Date) ed by)评戈尔---LED电源(恒流)测试报告1概述 (3)(Summary)2测试地点、时间、人员 (3)(Test place, Time, Pers onn el)3测试引用标准 (3)(Guide)3.1技术指标要求 (3)(Tech ni cal Norm Requireme nt)3.2测试方法 (3)(Test Criterio n)4测试设备 (3)(Test Equipme nt)5结论 (3)(Test Result6问题报告 (3)(Problem Repor)7测试内容和结果 (4)(Test Items and Resu l t7.1常温环境电气性能测试 (4)(Electro nic performa nee Test at Normal Temperature7.2高温环境电气性能测试 (5)(Electro nic performa nee Test at High Temperatur)e7.3低温环境电气性能测试 (6)(Electro nic performa nee Test at Low Temperature8附录 (7)(Appe ndix)8.1输出电流测试值 (7)(Output Curre nt Test Values)8.2效率测试数据记录 (7)(Record of Efficie ncy Test Date)8.3电压调整率计算 (8)---LED电源(恒流)测试报告(Li ne Voltage Calculatio n)评戈尔---LED电源(恒流)测试报告8.4负载调整率计算 (8)(Load Regulati on Calculati on)8.5输出电流精度计算 (9)(Calculatio n of Output Current Accuracy )8.6 绝缘电压和绝缘电阻测试 (9)(In sulati on voltage and In sulatio n Resista nee Test)8.7波形记录 (10)(Waveform Recordi ng)8.7.1常温波形 (10)(Waveform at Normal Temperature)8.7.2高温波形 (10)(Waveform at High Temperature)8.7.3低温波形 (11)(Waveform at Low Temperature)评戈尔---LED 电源(恒流)测试报告1 概述(Summary )1PCS EWP200C1050LED4P 样机进行电性能测试(Electro nic Performa nee Test for Product 1PCS EWP200C1050LED4P)2 测试地点、时间、人员(Test place, Time, Personnel)测试时间(Test time : 2015-10-15测试地点(Test place :测试中心(Test Center) 测试人员(Test perso nn 创:黄秋霞(Qiuxia Hua ng)3测试引用标准(Guide )3.1 技术指标要求(Technical Norm Requirement产品设计规格书,DZ-CS3-003 A 版电源测试规范,DZ-YF-004 A 版电子分公司LED 驱动电源验证 评审检测标准(Product Design specification; <DZ-CS3-003 version A-Test Regulation of Power Supply 〉; <DZ-YF-004 vers ion A-Validatio n Testi ng Stan dard of LED Power Supply of Electro nic Branch Compa ny>)3.2 测试方法仃 est Criterion)DZ-CS3-003 A 版电源测试规范(<DZ-CS3-003 version A-Test Regulation of Power Supply>)4 测试设备(Test Equipment)5 结论(Results)回通过(Pass)』不通过(Fail) )6 问题报告(Problem Report)伊戈尔电气股份有限公司评戈尔---LED电源(恒流)测试报告7 测试内容和结果(Test Items and Results)7.1 常温环境电气性能测试(Electronic performance Test at Nomal Temperature)表7-1 常温工作测试结果(Results of Test at Nomal Temperature @25C伊戈尔电气股份有限公司---LED 电源(恒流)测试报告EAGI^LRISE 挣戈尔EAGL^R(SE 评戈尔伊戈尔电气股份有限公司---LED电源(恒流)测试报告7.2 高温环境电气性能测试(Electronic performance Test at High Temperature)试验样机带满载并置于恒温恒湿箱中,箱内温度设45C,湿度设为95%RH,稳定工作4h后进行电性能测试及开关机测试。



1.3.5 光功率检测报告(OLT)测试项目光链路测量和诊断功能测试测试目的验证OLT是否支持光链路测量功能(包含5个参数:)测试配置:测试系统如图1-4所示,采用1个OLT、4个ONU,仪表包括可调光衰减器、PON光功率计和数据网络分析仪等。

图1-3 光链路测量和诊断测试配置测试步骤:1.如测试配置图1-3所示。












1.1.1光链路测量和诊断功能ONU功率计读数:-14dbm存在功率计和法兰:show interface onu 10/1/1 transceiver如果SFP模块为外部校准,此处仅显示校准后的值.++ : 高告警, + : 高警示, - : 低警示, -- : 低告警.光模块温度(℃) 电压(V) 电流(mA) 发送功率(dBm) 接收功率(dBm)10/1/1 43.5625 3.1406 10.1440 3.2498 - 15.6224 Raisecom(fttx)#show interface onu 10/1/1 transceiver如果SFP模块为外部校准,此处仅显示校准后的值.++ : 高告警, + : 高警示, - : 低警示, -- : 低告警.光模块温度(℃) 电压(V) 电流(mA) 发送功率(dBm) 接收功率(dBm) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 43.5859 3.1386 10.1480 3.2580 - 15.6224 Raisecom(fttx)#show interface olt 10/1 transceiver rx-onu-powerHAT: 高告警阈值, LAT: 低告警阈值ONU ID 监控状态光功率(dBm) HAT(dBm) LAT(dBm) 告警状态--------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 enable - 18.6646 - 20.0000 - 25.0863 high不存在功率计和法兰:show interface olt 10/1 transceiver rx-onu-powerHAT: 高告警阈值, LAT: 低告警阈值ONU ID 监控状态光功率(dBm) HAT(dBm) LAT(dBm) 告警状态--------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 enable - 17.1444 - 20.0000 - 25.0863 highRaisecom(fttx)#show interface onu 10/1/1 transceiver如果SFP模块为外部校准,此处仅显示校准后的值.++ : 高告警, + : 高警示, - : 低警示, -- : 低告警.光模块温度(℃) 电压(V) 电流(mA) 发送功率(dBm) 接收功率(dBm)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 43.6484 3.1358 10.0740 3.2625 - 15.0863 Raisecom(fttx)#show interface onu 10/1/1 transceiver如果SFP模块为外部校准,此处仅显示校准后的值.++ : 高告警, + : 高警示, - : 低警示, -- : 低告警.光模块温度(℃) 电压(V) 电流(mA) 发送功率(dBm) 接收功率(dBm) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 43.6328 3.1402 10.0420 3.1651 - 14.2481功率计读数:-15dbm存在功率计和法兰:show interface onu 10/1/1 transceiver如果SFP模块为外部校准,此处仅显示校准后的值.++ : 高告警, + : 高警示, - : 低警示, -- : 低告警.光模块温度(℃) 电压(V) 电流(mA)发送功率(dBm) 接收功率(dBm)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 43.5234 3.1394 10.1680 3.2633 - 16.5169 Raisecom(fttx)#show interface olt 10/1 transceiver rx-onu-powerHAT: 高告警阈值, LAT: 低告警阈值ONU ID 监控状态光功率(dBm) HAT(dBm) LAT(dBm) 告警状态--------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 enable - 19.5860 - 20.0000 - 25.0863 high不存在功率计和法兰:show interface olt 10/1 transceiver rx-onu-powerHAT: 高告警阈值, LAT: 低告警阈值ONU ID 监控状态光功率(dBm) HAT(dBm) LAT(dBm) 告警状态--------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 enable - 18.2102 - 20.0000 - 25.0863 high如果SFP模块为外部校准,此处仅显示校准后的值.++ : 高告警, + : 高警示, - : 低警示, -- : 低告警.10/1/1 43.7187 3.1428 8.2580 2.6264 - 23.0980show interface olt 10/1 transceiver rx-onu-powerHAT: 高告警阈值, LAT: 低告警阈值ONU ID 监控状态光功率(dBm) HAT(dBm) LAT(dBm) 告警状态--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25.0863 low如果SFP模块为外部校准,此处仅显示校准后的值.++ : 高告警, + : 高警示, - : 低警示, -- : 低告警.光模块温度(℃) 电压(V) 电流(mA) 发送功率(dBm) 接收功率(dBm) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 43.9375 3.1460 9.4300 2.6240 - 20.2687 Raisecom(fttx)#show interface onu 10/1/1 transceiver如果SFP模块为外部校准,此处仅显示校准后的值.++ : 高告警, + : 高警示, - : 低警示, -- : 低告警.光模块温度(℃) 电压(V) 电流(mA) 发送功率(dBm) 接收功率(dBm) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 43.9687 3.1460 9.4320 2.6197 - 20.1772 Raisecom(fttx)#show interface olt 10/1 transceiver rx-onu-powerHAT: 高告警阈值, LAT: 低告警阈值ONU ID 监控状态光功率(dBm) HAT(dBm) LAT(dBm) 告警状态--------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 enable - 23.5654 - 20.0000 - 25.0863 okHAT: 高告警阈值, LAT: 低告警阈值ONU ID 监控状态光功率(dBm) HAT(dBm) LAT(dBm) 告警状态--------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 enable - 29.9999 - 20.0000 - 25.0863 lowRaisecom(fttx)#show interface onu 10/1/1 transceiver如果SFP模块为外部校准,此处仅显示校准后的值.++ : 高告警, + : 高警示, - : 低警示, -- : 低告警.光模块温度(℃) 电压(V) 电流(mA) 发送功率(dBm) 接收功率(dBm) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.1452 9.4840 2.6283 - 27.2124HAT: 高告警阈值, LAT: 低告警阈值ONU ID 监控状态光功率(dBm) HAT(dBm) LAT(dBm) 告警状态--------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 enable - 29.2081 - 20.0000 - 25.0863 lowRaisecom(fttx)#show interface onu 10/1/1 transceiver如果SFP模块为外部校准,此处仅显示校准后的值.++ : 高告警, + : 高警示, - : 低警示, -- : 低告警.光模块温度(℃) 电压(V) 电流(mA) 发送功率(dBm) 接收功率(dBm) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 43.6250 3.1398 10.0300 3.2600 - 25.8502Raisecom(fttx)#show interface onu 10/1/1 transceiver如果SFP模块为外部校准,此处仅显示校准后的值.++ : 高告警, + : 高警示, - : 低警示, -- : 低告警.Raisecom(fttx)#show interface olt 10/1 transceiver rx-onu-powerHAT: 高告警阈值, LAT: 低告警阈值ONU ID 监控状态光功率(dBm) HAT(dBm) LAT(dBm) 告警状态--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40.0000 - 20.0000 - 25.0863 lowRaisecom(fttx)#show interface onu 10/1/1 transceiver如果SFP模块为外部校准,此处仅显示校准后的值.++ : 高告警, + : 高警示, - : 低警示, -- : 低告警.光模块温度(℃) 电压(V) 电流(mA) 发送功率(dBm) 接收功率(dBm) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------JAN-07-2000 04:55:41 EPON-2-OAM: ONU 10/1/1, errored symbol period alarm.JAN-07-2000 04:55:42 EPON-2-ponrpcCall: ponrpc timeout!10/1/1 43.6953 3.1384+ 10.1100 3.0024 - 31.5490 Raisecom(fttx)#Raisecom(fttx)#show interface olt 10/1 transceiver rx-onu-powerHAT: 高告警阈值, LAT: 低告警阈值ONU ID 监控状态光功率(dBm) HAT(dBm) LAT(dBm) 告警状态--------------------------------------------------------------------------10/1/1 enable - 33.0102 - 20.0000 - 25.0863 low。

EasyARM28x 低功耗测试报告

EasyARM28x 低功耗测试报告

广州致远电子股份有限公司EasyARM28x 低功耗测试报告类别内容关键词 MX280,MX283,MX287 摘 要低功耗模式下电流测试修订历史版本日期原因V1.00 2016/05/27 创建文档目录1. IMX28x功耗模式简介 (1)2. IMX28x低功耗下的唤醒机制 (2)2.1 Standby模式 (2)2.1.1 CPU Wait-for-Interrupt Mode (2)2.1.2 MAC唤醒 (2)2.1.3 CAN总线唤醒 (2)2.1.4 GPIO唤醒 (2)2.2 Suspend 模式 (2)2.2.1 RTC唤醒 (2)3. 功耗测试准备 (3)3.1 测试平台 (3)3.2 测试方法 (3)3.3 测试步骤 (3)3.4 测试结果 (3)1. IMX28x功耗模式简介iMX28x处理器的Low-power modes有两种模式,standby mode(待机)和Suspend-To-RAM mode(挂起)。

Standby和supend 模式下的PMIC以及各模块的工作状态2. IMX28x低功耗下的唤醒机制2.1 Standby模式In this mode, the ARM core is placed in the Wait-For-Interrupt (WFI) state。



2.1.1 CPU Wait-for-Interrupt ModeThe actual condition that wakes up the CPU is determined by ORing together all enabled interrupt requests including those that are directed to the FIQ CPU input.2.1.2 MAC唤醒The MAC receive logic is kept in normal mode but it ignores all traffic from the line except Magic Packets, which are detected so that a remote agent can wake up the node.When a Magic Packet was detected, indicated by an asserted EIR(WAKEUP), the configuration bit ECR(SLEEP) should be cleared to resume normal operation of the MAC. Clearing the SLEEP bit will automatically mask the MAGIC_ENA bit, disabling magic packet detection.2.1.3 CAN总线唤醒Two FlexCAN2 interfaces supported Low power modes, with programmable wake up on bus activity。



Test Report(测试报告)Customer (客户名称) :Model No.(产品型号) : P2324IV12P Serial No.(产品序号) :Issue Date(发布日期) : 2011-2-22 Prepared By(报告人) : 黄尚勇Audited by (审核)Approved by(核准)Test Result Contents序号Test Item测试项目Rev版本Test Result测试结果Remark备注Test 1 Standard VAC input testing - Voltage Statusof DC Output正常AC电压之DC电压1.0 12.0Test 2 Standard VAC input testing -Efficiency, Fanspeed, Fan voltage and Interior noise正常AC电压效率1.0 82%Test 3 Standard VAC input testing -Ripple & Noise正常AC输入纹波1.0 41.4mVTest 4 Maximum VAC input testing 最大电压输入 1.0 265V Test 5 Minimum VAC input testing 最小电压输入 1.0 87V Test 7 Protection testing 各项保护电路测试 1.0 OKTest 8 Power Good Signal TESTPG 信号测试 1.0 OKTest 9 Power Good Signal TEST电源自检信号测试 1.0Test10 Power Fall Signal TEST电源失败信号测试 1.0Test11 Continuity On Off连续开关冲击测试 1.0 OKTest12 Cross Load Regulation负载变动适应能力测试 1.0 OKTest13 Vibration震动测试 1.0 OKTest14 Low Temperature Start低温启动1.0 OKTest15 High Temperature Start高温启动 1.0OKTest16 safety test安规测试 1.0 OKTest17 Acoustic Noise噪音 1.0 OKTest18 Current Harmonics电流谐波 1.0 OKTest19 EMI電磁兼容 1.0 OKTest20 Temperature各元器件溫升 1.0 OKUse Apparatu 使用仪器Apparatus Vendor Model Remark Electronic Load电子负载CHROMA R60300Power Meter功率計FOREVER PF9800AC Source交流电源ANTEEN AP600Oscilloscope示波器ANTEEN ST6020ACCurrent Detector精密电流表ANTEEN CA20600Separate Transformer隔离变压器Digital Multmeter万用表FLUKE SB17Constant Tem & Hum Chanber恒温箱东莞琪孚Hi-Pot Tester耐压测试仪Temperature tester温度测试仪Vibration tester震动测试仪东莞琪孚Noise equiment噪音箱东莞琪孚Electronic Load电子负载2. Load Setting (负載设定) AC230V/50HZ Output 输出率 输入瓦数 Load (Amperes) 负載表 (安培数) 输出W输出I PF 效率电压 纹波dB 0%10%20% 50% 80% 100%Test 1 : Standard VAC input testing - Voltage Status of DC Output (正常AC 电压时DC 输出) 12.0VAC Input:90-265 V 47-63 HzTest Report (測試報告)Date of Test (测试日期) :2011-2-22Tested by (测试人員) :黄尚勇1. Specification of sample (樣品規格) AC 90-265V 输入,12V2A 输出,24瓦稳压适配器Model No (型号) : P2324IV12PIVAC Input Range (可输入电压) : 90-265+3.3V +5V +12V1 +12V2 -12V 5VSBMax. Amperes 02.05Combined WattTotal Watt24.0WOutput 输出率Watt瓦数DC (V) DC之输出电压3.3V 5V 12V1 12V2 -12V 5VSBTolerance Range 3.14V~3.47V4.75V~5.25V11.4V ~12.6V PF 效率-10.8V~-13.2V4.75V~5.25V25W 25W65W 65W20%50%80%100%Remark: FA-828ATE used for testing (使用FA-828ATE测试)Test 2 : Standard VAC input testing -Efficiency, Fan speed, Fan voltage and Interior noise(正常AC电压输入之效率, 风扇转速, 风扇电压, 任何异音) VAC Input: 230V 50HzOutput 输出率Watt瓦数Effic%(效率)Fan Speed风扇转速(RPM)Voltagefor Fan风扇电压(Vdc)AcousticNoise噪音值Interior Noise?內部异音Exhaust Fan风扇厂牌:Upper Fan风扇厂牌:Rear Fan风扇厂牌:Fan type - Fan type - Fan type -25W 25W65W 65W20%50%80%100%Remark: Fan type – H for High speed fan; M for Medium speed, L for Low speed ( 风扇型式H 代表高转, M 代表中转, L代表低转)Test 4 : Maximum VAC input testing (最大电压输入) VAC Input : 265V 63HZ Output 输出率Watt 瓦数DC (V) DC 之输出电压Interior Noise? 內部 异音3.3V5V12V1 12V2-12V 5VSBTolerance Range (Volt)3.14~3.474.75~5.2511.4 ~ 12.6-10.8~-13.2 4.75~5.2525W 25W 65W 65W 20% 50% 80% 100%Remark : Vin(115VAC) from 90VAC~135VAC / Vin(230VAC) from 180VAC~265VACTest 3 : Standard VAC input testing -Ripple & Noise (正常AC 电压纹波)VAC Input: 230V 50HzOutput 输出率Watt 瓦数Ripple (mV) Noise (mV) 3.3V 5V 12V-12V 5VSB 3.3V 5V 12V -12V 5VSB Max. mV 50 mV 50 mV 100 mV 120 mV 50 mV 50 mV 50 mV 100 mV 120 mV 50 mV 25W 25W 65W 65W 20% 50% 80% 100%1. Ripple & noise tested & measured under the standard procedures of Intel ATX12V2.2 version( 依Intel ATX12V 2.2版规范)2. Tektronix Oscilloscope used for measuring ripple & noise (使用Tektronix 示波器测量)Test 5 : Minimum VAC input testing (最小电压输入)90V 47HZ VAC Input :Output 输出率Watt瓦数DC (V) DC之输出电压InteriorNoise?內部异音?3.3V 5V 12V1 12V2 -12V 5VSBToleranceRange (Volt)3.14~3.474.75~5.25 11.4 ~ 12.6 PF -10.8~-13.2 4.75~5.25 25W 25W65W 65W20%50%80%100%Remark : Vin(115VAC) from 90VAC~135VAC / Vin(230VAC) from 180VAC~265VACTest 6 : Ultra low VAC input testing for Japanese market only (最小电压输入, 只适用于日本)VAC Input : 85VACMax. Watt 最大输出瓦数DC (V) DC之输出电压InteriorNoise?內部异音?3.3V 5V 12V1 12V2 12V3 12V4 -5V -12V 5VSBToleranceRange (Volt)3.14~3.474.75~5.25 11.4 ~ 12.6 -4.5~ -5.5 -10.8~-13.2 4.75~5.25WVAC Input : 80VACWTest 7 : Protection testing (各項保護電路測試)测试项目 3.3V 5V 12V1 12V2 12V3 12V4 OVP (过压保护, 请注明电压)OCP(过电流流保护,请注明电流)SCP (短路保护, 请用Yes或No)OLP (过載保护请注明瓦数)1. OVP : Over Voltage Protection ( Max. 4.3V for 3.3V rail / 7V for 5V rail / 15.6V for 12V rail)2. OCP : Over Current Protection3. SCP : Short Circuit Protection4. OLP : Over Load ProtectionTest 8 : Power Good Signal TEST 电源确认信号 (100ms~500ms)Test 9 : Power Fall Signal TEST 电源失败信号(1ms~100ms)Test 10 : Continuity On Off (连续开关机)Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification 测试条件: 1.输入电压以产品规格之全电压頻率范围2. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation. 2.输出负載以产品规格之最大額定电流值﹒3.On/Off 1000 times continually at 5 seconds interval. 3.连续开关机1000次,开机5秒,关机5秒﹒4. Test after the last SPS turn on 10 minutes. 4.最后一次开机完成后,10分后测试.5.量测結果(Test Result): 各組电压不能超出误差值.Output 输出率Watt 瓦数VAC Input: 85-265VAC /Frequency : 47-63HZ85VAC/47HZ 90VAC /50HZ 115VAC/53HZ 135VAC/53HZ 180VAC/58HZ 230VAC/60HZ 265VAC/47HZ 25W 25W 65W 65W 20% 50% 80% 100%Output 输出率Watt 瓦数VAC Input: 85-265VAC /Frequency : 47-63HZ85VAC/47HZ90VA C/50HZ115VAC/53HZ 135VAC/53HZ 180VAC/58HZ 230VAC/60HZ 265VAC/47HZ 25W 25W 65W 65W 20% 50% 80% 100%Vin +5V +12V +3.3V -12V +5VSB 90V/47Hz180V/47Hz115V/60Hz230V/50Hz132V/63Hz264V/63HzTest 11 : Line Regulation (输入电压变动率)测试条件: 1.输入电压以产品规格之全电压頻率范围2. The output load is full load on all outputs at under the product specification.2.输出负載以产品规格之最大額定电流值3.Test can be performed only after the SPS is on for about 10 minutes.3.开机10分后后测试.4.量测結果(Test Result):输出电压不可超出误差值.Vin +5V +12V +3.3V -12V +5VSB 90V/47Hz115V/60Hz132V/63Hz180V/47Hz230V/50Hz264V/63HzTest 12 :Cross Load Regulation (交越负載变动率)Test Conditions: 1. The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification 测试条件: 1.输入电压以产品规格之全电压频率范围2. The output load is the maximum and minimum of specification regulation.2.输出负載以产品规格之最大,最小额定电流值.(依产品规格书为依据)3.(Test Result)量测結果: 各組电压, Ripple&noise不能超出误差值.Vac input: Outpult Watt:各组Outpult Watt DC输出电压/ Ripple&noise +3.3V +5V +12V +5V +12V -5V -12V +3.3V +5VSBCross loading graph configuration1005V +3.3V p o w e r (W )005020401008060120140160180+12V power(W)300200150250350400450650550500600Test 13 : Vibration (振动)Test Condition: 1.Vibrate for 30 minutes at each vibration friguency.测试条件: 1.振动频率在10、20、30Hz 情況下,每个频率点振动30分钟 2.The SPS must be fixed on vibration board. 2.电源必须固定在振动台面上.3.The vibration must be performed from various directions. 3.振动时必须做到一角三菱六面.4.Result limit: 1.Check that the inner conponents can not loose or damage.結果判定: 1.开关检查机內零部件不能出现松动或损坏 2.The SPS can work normally. 2.电源能正常工作. 量测結果(Test result):Categories 测试項目Vibration Manner 振 动 方 式Command function test 一般功能测试Condition in SPS 机內狀況On Continuous Vibration开关持续振动Off Continuous Vibration开机持续振动On Interval Vibration开同间歇振动Off Interval Vibration开机间歇振动Test 14 : Low Temperature Start(低温启动)Environmental Conditions: Temperature must be the lowest temperature of the product specification.环境条件: 溫度以规格书上之最低溫度.Test Conditions: 1.Input voltage & frequency must be the lowest & highest in the range of the product specification.测试条件: 1.输入电压及频率以产品规格最低及最高电压及频率.2. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation.2.输出负載以产品规格之最大额定电流值﹒3.The SPS must lie for continuious 4 hours at the lowest temperatwre then test the each output voltage.3.在最低的环境溫度下连续放置4小时以上后测试各組输出电压﹒Result limit:The SPS can onrmally start up and each output voltage can’t be out of the tolerance.结果判定:能正常启动并且各组电压不能超出误差值.Full Load =W: +5V/A、+12V/A、-5V/A、-12V/A、+3.3V/A、+5Vsb/A.量测結果(Test Result):Vin +5V +12V +3.3V -12V +5VSB90V/47Hz132V/63Hz180V/47Hz264V/63HzTest 15 :High Temperature Start(高温启动)Environmental Conditions: Temperature must be the highest in the range of product specification and humidity be 90%. 环条件境: 溫度以规格书上之最高溫度及相对温度90%Test Condition: 1.Input voltage & frequency must be the lowest & highest in the range of specification测试条件: 1.输入电压及频率以产品规格最高及最低电压及频率2. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation.2.输出负載以产品规格之最大额定电流值﹒3.The SPS must lie for continuious 4 hours at the highest temperature then test each output voltage.3.在最高的环境温度下连续放置4小时以上后测试各组输出电压﹒Result limit: The SPS can normally start up and each output voltage can’t be out of the toler ance.结果判定:能正常启动并且各组电压不能超出误差值Full Load =W: +5V/A、+12V/A、-5V/A、-12V/A、+3.3V/A、+5Vsb/A.量测结果(Test Result):Vin +5V +12V +3.3V -12V +5VSB90V/47Hz132V/63Hz180V/47Hz264V/63HzTest 16 : safety test(安规测试)Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65%环境条件:温度25℃相对湿度65%测试项目测试条件测试结果AC HI-POT(高压) 1800VAC/3SIR(绝缘阻抗) 500VDC IR≥100MΩGR(接地电阻) 8VAC/30A GR≤100mΩLC(漏电流) 250VAC LC≥3.5mATest 17 :Acoustic Noise (噪音)Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage & frequency must be the middle of the rated in the product specification.测试条件: 1输入电压及频率以产品规格之中心额定电压及频率范围2.Place a microphone in the horizontal direction with fan built in the power supply,ensure the distance between them is in the range of 30cm & 100cm.2.麦克风与风扇水平同一轴线,距离为30cm&100cm﹒3.The level of the environmental noise is 25dB(the load must be on).3.背景噪声(负載机开为)25 dB﹒Result limit: Noise from all directions can not out of specification.结果判定:各方向的噪音都小于规格值量测结果(Test Result) :Test load测试负載距Power 30cm(db) 距Power 100cm(db)Full Load 滿載测Power正前方Front测Power正后方BehindDistance量测距离Plevel噪音Direction测试方向测Power正上方Above 测Power正下方Below 测Power正左方Left 测Power正右方RightPartial Load 轻載测Power正前方Front 测Power正后方Behind 测Power正上方Above 测Power正下方Below 测Power正左方Left测Power正右方RightTest 18: Current Harmonics(电流諧波)Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65%环境条件:温度25℃, 相对湿度65%Test Condition: 1.The input power is 75W, the input Voltage & Frenquency is 100V/60Hz and 230V/50Hz.测试条件:1. 输入功率为75W时,输入电压及频率为100V/60Hz与230V/50Hz.2. The output load is maximum load, the input Voltage & Frenquency is 100V/60Hz and 230V/50Hz.2. 输出负载为产品最大额定功率时,输入电压及频率为100V/60Hz与230V/50Hz.Result limit: Comply with IEC-1000-3 class D standard.结果判定:符合IEC-1000-3 Class D标准是测结果(Test Result): ( 见测试报告)Test 19: EMI电磁兼容Test conditions: 1.FCC15 standard: Input vollage 110Vac,Output load is half load of producc specification.测试条件: 1.FCC15标准: 输入电压为110Vac,输出负載为产品规格的一半额定电流值2.EN55024 standurd: Input voltage 220Vac,Output load is Maximum load of product specification.2.EN55024标准:输入电压220Vac,输出电载为产品规格的最大值额定电流值.Result limits: Pass the above two standards.结果判定:两种标准都必须PASS是测结果(Test Result): ( 见测试报告)Test 20 : Temperature 各元器件温升Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 环境条件:温度25℃, 相对湿度 65%Test Condition: 1.Input voltage & frequency must be the lowest & highest in the range of specification 测试条件: 1.输入电压及频率以产品规格最高及最低电压及频率 2. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation. 2.输出负载以产品规格之最大额定电流值﹒3.The SPS must lie for continuious 2 hours at the highest temperature then test each output voltage.3.在最高的环境温度下连续放置2小时以上后测试各组输出电压﹒ 量测结果(Test Result):A: (AC=115VAC/60HZ 之主要零件温度侦测) Vac inpult 115V环境温度效率元件位置/规格 温度输出电压EMI 共模电感( ) 烧机前烧机后桥 堆 ( ) +5V +12V +3.3V-12V SB+5V +12V +3.3V -12V SB PFC CORE ( )PFC MOS( ) 开 关 管 ( )风扇设定: 1: 风扇组装方式: 2: 风扇规格: 3. 转速: 4. 风扇厂牌:5. 最高风扇电压:温度设定:环境温度下连续放置2小时以上的测试各组输出电压实验结论:(指出温度较高的相关位置)HS1 ( ) HS2 ( ) 主变压器 ( ) +5VSB 二极管( ) +12V 整流管( ) +5V 整流管 ( ) +3.3V 整流管( )输出枙流圈 ( )PCB 铜箔 ( )B: (AC=230VAC/50HZ 之主要零件温度侦测) Vac inpult 230V环境温度效率元件位置/规格 温度输出电压EMI 共模电感( ) 烧机前烧机后桥 堆 ( ) +5V +12V +3.3V-12V SB+5V +12V +3.3V -12V SB PFC CORE ( )PFC MOS( ) 开 关 管 ( )风扇设定: 1: 风扇组装方式: 2: 风扇规格: 3. 转速: 4. 风扇厂牌:5. 最高风扇电压:温度设定: 环境温度下连续输入2小时以上后测试各组输出电压,FAN1,FAN2均有温控. 过温保护HS2 80±5℃SB MOS ( ) SB 变压器-12V 整流管 ( ) 主变压器 ( ) +5VSB 二极管( ) +12V 整流管( ) +5V 整流管 ( ) +3.3V 整流管( )输出枙流圈 ( )PCB 铜箔 ( )磁控開關 3.3V 枙流圈 PFC 整流管 RT1。



深圳市极佳光电科技有限公司电源测试报告POWER TEST REPORTNAME 名称:MODEL 型号:CODE 编码:CORPORATION 公司:ESTIMA TE 评估:Items No.Test Item/ 測試項目Unit/ 單位Test condition&result/測試條件和結果Special provisions特殊规定90V 115V 132V 180V 220V 236V 264V 60Hz60Hz 60Hz 50Hz 50Hz 50Hz 50Hz1 Unload input current (空载输入电流) mA2 Unload output voltage (空载输出电压) VDC3 Unload Input power (空载输入功率) W4 Rated load input power (带载输入功率) W5 Rated load input current (带载输入电流) mA6 Rated output voltage (带载输出电压) VDC7 Rated load output current (带载输出电流) mA8 PF (功率因数)9 Efficiency (效率)% 10 Output ripple&noise voltage (涟波噪音)mVp-p 11 Turn on delay time 开机延迟时 mS / / / / / / / 12 Hold up time 关机维持时间 mS/ / / / / / / 13 Rise time 上升时间 mS/ / / / / / / 13 Fall time 下降时间 mS / / / / / / /14 Over voltageprotection 过电压保V//// ///15 Short-circuit current protection (短路保护)OK OR NG16 Burn-in test 老化测试 40℃ Ambient, Burn-in 4Hrs17 Hi-pot test 耐压测试Input to Output : 3750Vac, 1Minute , cut off current ≦5mA18 insulation resistance 绝缘电阻 500V >1M Ω19 earth resistance 接地电阻 10A <500m Ω 20leakage current 泄漏电流240V <0.5mADATE 日期TES CONTROLER测试员 APPROV AL审批 JUDGEMENT鉴定TEMPERATURE 环境温度 room temperature 25℃HUMIDITY 湿度 %。























































MODSCAN32,922-Setup,A11测试软件,XCTU,Keysight 14585A
KEYSIGHT N6705C DC Power zer

电源测试系列之过温保护(OTP test)

电源测试系列之过温保护(OTP test)

电源测试系列之过温保护(OTP test)测试目的验证待测电源不会因下列情形发生,从而造成由于内部温度升高而导致电源损坏、系统数据的丢失及安全事故发生:- 电源周边环境温度升高,或- 风流减少或被阻;测试示意图测试条件- 输入:规格中定义的最小及最大输入交/直流电压,最小及最大交流频率;- 输出:规格中定义的最大输出负载;- 温度:常温及最高工作温度。

测试设置在电源内部关键元器件上粘贴温度线(Thermal Couple), 如开关管,变压器,电感,整流管等热源及靠近热源的电解电容等位置。


测试步骤1. 依规格要求设定最小输入电压/频率,将负载电流设为最大;测试方式12. 开机后,从最高工作温度开始,以每30分钟3~5˚C的速度改变待测电源周边环境温度,直到电源关机或输出震荡,测量并记录输出电压及各信号线波形;3. 将环境温度调整到常温,待电源冷却后重新开机,测量输出电压;4. 改变输入电压/频率,重复步骤2、3。

测试方式22. 阻挡任何风流流经电源内/外部,直到电源关机或输出震荡,测量并记录输出电压及各信号线波形;3. 将待测电源取出(恢复正常工作条件),待冷却后重新开机,测量输出电压;4. 改变输入电压/频率,重复步骤5、6。

测试方式3 -Adapter2a. 将Adapter放入无风流的烤箱内,逐渐增加烤箱温度,直到电源关机或输出震荡,测量并记录输出电压及各信号线波形;或2b. 将Adapter用厚棉布包裹,放在无风流的环境内,直到电源关机或输出震荡,测量并记录输出电压及各信号线波形;3. 将待测电源取出(恢复正常工作条件),待冷却后重新开机,测量输出电压;4. 改变输入电压/频率,重复步骤5、6。

判定条件- 待测电源不可以损坏(Damaged/Broken down);- 保护后重新开机,输出电压符合输出稳压要求(Regulation);- 元器件温度不可超过额定值或符合单一故障条件下的安规要求;- 若有时序要求,则过温保护时符合规格时序要求。



ZHEJIANG JIALONG ELECTRON CO.,LTDLab Test ReportTo/送样: Report NO:/报告编号:JL-LAB-E Subject/测试项目: UL1054 Application NO:/申请编号: Customer Code/客户代码: Sample Recv.Date/样品接收日期: Sample Status/样品类别:○Regular/正常样品○Engineering/工程样品 Sample Qty /样品数量: pcsModel/型号: Test Rec. NO:/测试记录编号:JL-LAB- Rating/标称值: Page/报告页码:1/1Report Issue Date/报告发行日期:Test Conditions/测试条件Items/项目Current/电流(A ) V olt/电压 (Vac,dc ) Power Factor/功率因数 (cos ∮)Total Cycles or Time/测试次数或时间Op.spd/ 操作速度(C/min )Remarks/备注Overload/过载 Endurance/耐久 Temp.rise/温升 HI-Pot*高压*Hi-Pot is tested between/高压施加于:Endurance terminal-enclosure Polarities/耐久后端子间. *Test circuit/测试电路:Fig. *using/使用线型: AWG #Test results/测试结果Items/项目 #1 #2 #3Overload/过载 50c Endurance/耐久 6KcTer.1 Ter.2 Ter.3 6Kc Temp.rise/ 6Kc 后温升 (30Deg.C Max ) 最大温升30℃Ter.4HI-Pot/高压Abnormal phenomenon/不合格现象Remarks/备注*Main equipment/主要设备:□Power meter/智能电量仪(EP01-004) □Data logger/温度记录仪(TT-001) □Hi-pot tester/高压仪(EV-005) □AC ammeter/交流电流表(EA-003) □Multimeter/万用表(EP01-003) □DC ammeter/直流电流表(EA-002) *Provider/供应商:Statements/声明*The report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of the testing laboratory 未经本实验室书面许可不得将部分或全部复制本报告. *The test results relate only to the samples and the items tested. 此测试结果只针对本次测试样品及各上述测试项目. Conclusion/结论*Sw. passed(failed) the above UL1054 test specification. *样品已通过(未通过)UL1054上述测试说明.Tested by/测试: Reviewed by/审核: Approved by/批准:。

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□1.2KVAC □1.5KVAC
□1.8KVAC □10mA/3S
PS-ON Suspend
□ OK □ NG □ OK □ NG □ OK □ NG □ OK □ NG □ OK □ NG □ OK □ NG □ OK □ NG
□ OK □ NG
□ OK □ NG
□ OK □ NG
STD:6.25±0.75V STD:14.5±1.5V
OPP(W) (过功率保
HI-POT TEST(高压测试) □700VAC
□ OK □ NG
□ OK □ NG □ OK □ NG
□ OK □ NG
□Conditional Passed:
MODEL NO(机型):_
TEST CONDITION 测试原因: □新产品(新 测试目的:
VOLT(电 压)(V) LOAD(负载)(W)
Part No(成品料号): _______________ PCB料号: ______________PCB版本 :
FREQ(频 率):
HZ 样 机
(10.80~13.20V) (4.50~5.50V) (பைடு நூலகம்.75~5.25V)
□ OK □ NG □ OK □ NG
65%) (效率) RISE TIME(上升时间)