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姓名Name : 签订日期Date : 甲方(用人单位)Party A :
地址Address :
法定代表人Legal representative :
乙方(劳动者)Party B :
身份证号码ID No :
住址Address :
联系方式Con tact:
紧急联系人方式Con tact person in case of emerge ncy :
Accord ing to Employme nt Act ,Party A and Party B agree as follows
一、合同期限Con tract Period
本合同期 ______ 年__ 月__日起至 _____ 年____ 月 _ 日或本合同约定终
This agreeme nt is valid from (________ Y ____ M ____ D)un til
(Y _____ M _______ D)or termi nated by either party
二、工作内容和工作时间Respo nsibility & worki ng hours
1. 甲方聘请乙方担任 _______________ 职务,详见职务说明书。
Party B's position : ________________________ Please refer to the job description for details.
2. 乙方须完成甲方安排的生产(工作)任务
Party B must accomplish his/her regular work and additi onal assig nments on time
3. 每天工作8小时,每周工作共48小时。
There are 8 work ing hours a day , 48 work ing hours a week.
4. 甲方如因业务拓展变化需要对乙方的工作岗位及工作区域进行调整,乙
If Party A n eeds to make adjustme nts to Party B 'work positi on and work ing area due to bus in ess developme nt , Party B shall accept it. If Party A's bus in ess expa nsion n eeds or the compa ny's merger is split, etc., Party B agrees to continue this con tract in accorda nee with the law and accepts Party A's arran geme nts.
乙方每月的基本工资: ___________ (该金额尚未扣除税金、住房费用以
Party B's monthly total revenue ( before the deduction of tax ,housing fund,social in sura nee paid by in dividual ) each month would be _____ ,After probation total revenue would be unchanged.The COMPANY shall ensure that the monthly salary of the EMPLOYEE is not less than the minimum pay standard set by the local government.
四、工资的发放Payme nt
Party A will pay the employee's last mon th's salary in curre ncy before the 20_th day of each mon th.
五、超时工作Over Time
Party B shall be committed to improvi ng work efficie ncy and complet ing work tasks on time. For details on overtime requireme nts for special cases, see the Employee Han dbook.
六、假期与福利Holiday & Ben efits
1. 有薪国家法定假日Statutory Holiday of PRC Chi na with pay
2. 有薪婚假/产假/丧假Leave for Marriage ,Maternity and Mourning with pay.
3. 有薪年假Annual leave with pay
4. 社会保险Social In sura nee
5. 年度奖金Annual bonus ( based on the mon ths worked with party A at the rate of one month ‘wage for each full year worked. )
详情请参照《员工手册》Please refer to Party A's employee manual for detail info.