





1-5 CDBBA 6-10 CADDA 11-15 ABCDC

16-25 (One possible version)

16. a 17. inviting 18. heavily 19. However 20. until 21. from 22.became 23. they 24. better 25. as

26-30 BDDBD 31-35 DBBCA 36-40 DCCCC 41-45 ABDCA

46-50 CBAFE

基础写作 (One possible version)


Dear students,

We will organize an after-class activity with the theme of making a brief introduction to the development of English pl ays in our school’s meeting room at 4:30 pm this Friday.

First, Professor Li Wenhua from Guangzhou University will be invited to give us a speech on this topic, and

then we will watch a video clip from the play Hamlet written by Shakespeare. Finally, we will have a15-minute interaction between Professor Li and students, during which students are free to ask any question.

The activity we organize is to help us with a better understanding of English plays as well as a better life in our school culture. So all our teachers and students are welcome to the activity!

The Students’ Union

读写任务 (One possible version)

The author tells us what he saw and did at a common gas station. Inspired by the good deeds after surfing the Internet, he finally helped the young disabled girl with his donation.

I speak highly of the author, especially his mental change from refusing the girl to offering his help.

The touching story reminds me of the most terrible Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. During those days, we learned in the newspapers or on TV that there was one rescue after another and many students were in great need of help. Our class immediately took action to collect money and clothing. 4,500 students in our school offered to go to the disaster area to help the students. Within a short time of three days, we finally donated nearly 26,000 yuan and 7,000 articles of clothing.

From the above donation, I have come to understand that we will feel happy and proud of ourselves, if we

can do our best to help those people in trouble.



1-5 BBAAC 6-10 BBCBB 11-15 CBBCC


16-20 (One possible version)

16. first story 17. 1968 18. highest

19. 14 20. 2013




1. B。根据上下文可知,该句的意思为“在外表,大小和材料上,这三个玩具看起来都一样(same)。”故选B。

2. D。根据前面...after a careful observation, 可知学生是在这些玩具上“发现”洞,故选D。

3. D。根据下文...the student 4 the needle in one hole of the first toy. The needle came out from the other ear.可知,第一个玩具的两只“耳朵”都有洞,故选D。

4. A。根据句意“在针的帮助下,学生把针“放到”第一个玩具的一只耳朵的洞里,而针从另一只耳朵出来。”可知选A。

5. B。由第一段the second, one hole in one ear and the other one in the mouth 可知,第二个玩具的一只耳朵和嘴巴都有一个洞,因此针从一只耳朵放进去后,会从“嘴巴”出来,故选B。

6. D。根据上下文,此处是说“第一个玩具象征……的人”,stand for 意为“象征”,故选 D。

7. C。耳朵(ear)代表着“听”(listen), 而且从后面的“After listening...”可知,选C。

8. B。因为这个玩具两只耳朵都有洞,所以应理解为“这类人假装听了你说的话,但实际并不关心你,听完后就从另一只耳朵出来了,忘记你跟他们所讲的话了”,故选B。

9. C。根据句意“因此你跟这种人说话的时候要很‘小心(careful)’,因为他们实际上并不关心你。”故选C。

10. A。根据第9题的解释,此处应填actually“实际上”。

11. C。根据第三段第一句提供的线索...who make an impression that...可知此处填impression。

12. D。根据上下文,都在用玩具 (toy) 做例子,故选D。

13. D。这些人会利用你对他们所说的话去伤害你,把它告诉别人,而且甚至故意把你的秘密告诉别人。

14. C。见第13题解析。

15. B。这类人会保持你对他们的信任 (trust),故选B。



16. whose。考查关系代词。分析句子成分可知,该句是定语从句,先行词是a wallet,其与color构成所属关系,即“钱包的颜色”,故需用关系代词whose。

17. a。考查冠词。不定冠词a在此是泛指意义,表示“一名”女生。

18. trying。考查非谓语动词。动词现在分词在此做伴随状语,补充说明“opened the wallet”的目的。

19. but。考查介词。根据句意“在钱包里除了找到300元钱和一张车票,再没有其他东西。”可知,该处用介词but或except,表示“除了”。

20. worried。考查词性转化。根据前面的动词feel可知,该处用worry的形容词形式;又因是人做主语,故用过去分词形式的形容词worried,表示“担忧的”。

21. what。考查连接代词。根据句意“想知道如何处理它”,可知填what。what to do with sth相当于how to deal with sth,意为“如何处理某物”。

22. her。考查代词。her指代前文提到的my classmate Chen Yang。

23. wrote。查考动词时态。叙述过去发生的事,故用一般过去时态。

24. that。考查连词。分析句子成分可知,该句是一个强调句,被强调部分是at 6 o’clock this afternoon,故用连词that。

25. thankful。考查词性转化。be thankful for sth意为“对……感激”。



26. B。推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“If I never have to touch the ball, we’ll win the game.”可知,只要坚持最后两分钟,Casey队就赢了。说明她们队当时是领先的。故选B 项。27. D。细节理解题。根据第二、三段内容可知,Casey当时盯着的对手,也就是“25号”。

28. C。细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“as the ball hit her fingertips and flew past”可知,Casey没能抓住球。

29. D。推理判断题。根据第一段可知,只要Casey队能坚持两分钟就可以赢得这次比赛,又从最后几段可知,她们做到了坚守最后两分钟,故选D项。

30. B。文章标题题。文章主要叙述Casey在最后两分钟成功地救了一球,使全队最终胜利。故“A Nice Save”是最佳标题。

B 复活节可以怎么过?本文给你一些复活节可以玩的小游戏。

31. A。词义猜测题。根据第一句中“a few good ideas”及下文的内容可知,这是复活节所玩的受人欢迎的小游戏,故选A项。hit意思是“很受欢迎的人或事物”。

32. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The team that is done first wins.”可知,Tom应该尽快运送勺子上的乒乓球,故选C项。

33. B。细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The children should be divided into two teams.”可知B项正确。

34. C。细节理解题。Ghostly Waiter和Eyeball Relay Race这两个游戏中都是运送物体,故选C 项。

35. B。文章结构题。本文主要讲解了适合儿童的复活节游戏,根据第一段中的“Easter party games for kids, teens, and adults”可知,下面应该是谈及适合青少年的复活节游戏。

C Mickey Mouse在孩子们的印象中机智勇敢、善良幽默,但在新制作成的计算机游戏中,


36. A。推理判断题。从第二段的Mickey Mouse is more like classic computer heroes such as Sonic the Hedgehog可知,Mickey在新的计算机游戏中像经典游戏中的刺猬。文中又说新的Mickey 既淘气又自私,由此推断出the Hedgehog也是如此,故选A项。

37. B。细节理解题。根据第二段的his appearance grows more mouse-like可判断B项正确。以前的Mickey Mouse是善良幽默的,故A项错误;文章中对Mickey Mouse的变化有明显说明,故C项错误;文中并未提及Mickey Mouse在游戏中是否丑陋,故D项不符。

38. A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的Mickey will face the enmity of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit及A robotic Donald Duck also appears in the game可知,除了米老鼠外,Oswald和唐老鸭也都会出现在这个新游戏中。

39. C。细节理解题。根据最后一段when you're playing as Mickey you can misbehave and even be a little selfish可推知C项正确。从最后一段第一句可知Warren Spector不负责迪斯尼乐园,而且他的工作室在America,故A和B都错;最后一句Mickey is never going to be evil (邪恶) or going to go around killing people.可知D项是错误的。

40. D。主旨大意题。在新的电脑游戏中,米老鼠不再像迪斯尼动画中一样聪明、勇敢、善良和


D作家Gwen Cooper几个月旅行于各地,她不是推销她的新书Love Saves the Day,而是呼吁更多的人理解和支持动物拯救组织。

41. C。计算题。从第一段可知,Gwen Cooper从五月份开始,可能持续到十二月份,故选C


42. D。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知D


43. A。词义猜测题。根据第三段第二句中“Why do you care so much about animals?”可知,Gwen Cooper关心爱护动物,所以最接近的意思是A项。

44. A。推理判断题。根据第三段Gwen Cooper 论述可知,她认为爱护动物应该是正常的合乎情理的事情。

45. C。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“there is a message for kids in it, which is, learning to appreciate their parents”可知C项正确。


听说训练第28期原文及参考答案 PART A:Reading Aloud 模仿朗读 To Lisa Cherkasky, every detail makes a big difference.?坨| She is looking for just the righ(t) position for this topping ?坭on a Salmon Sandwich. Finally?坭, everything seems ?坭picture perfect?坨. | Cherkasky is a food stylis(t). | Her job is to make food?坭 look tasty. ?坨| Today?坭, Cherkasky is styling bread from the Gold ?坭Crust Baking Company?坨. PART B: Role Play 角色扮演 录像原文: W: Wow! They look very delicious, don’t they? M: Of course. To be honest, I have been very h ungry when working just now. This morning I didn’t have breakfast. So I prepare this good supper. W: I am sorry to hear that. But why, Bill? Did you get up late so that you didn’t have time ? You should know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. M: You know I have a very busy schedule every day and have no time to have breakfast. 1. Please get ready to ask three questions according to the following Chinese tips. Q1: Where do you have lunch? A1: For lunch I often have some fast food in the company to save time. You know, time in the day is very valuable for me. Q2: What do you usually have for supper? A2: Supper is my main meal in a day, so I usually have steak, pork chop and fried chicken for supper at about six o’clock. Q3: Do you have lunch and supper on time every day?A3: It all depends on my time whether I have lunch on time or not. But for supper, I have it at six o’clock on time every day, because I think it is a reward I deserve for my hard work. 2. Please get ready to answer five questions in English. Q1: What did the man have for breakfast this morning? A1: He had nothing for breakfast. Q2: Why does the man not have breakfast? A2: Because he is very busy and has no time to have breakfast. Q3: What does the woman think of breakfast? A3: She thinks breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Q4: What does the man usually have for supper? A4: He usually has steak, pork chop and fried chicken for supper. Q5: Why does the man eat supper on time every day? A5: Because he thinks having supper is a reward he deserves for his hard work. PART C: Retelling 故事复述 录音内容: Joe loved eating hamburgers. Every weekend, Joe and his friend Daniel would go to the McDonalds.


听说训练第28 期原文及参考答案 PART A:Reading Aloud 模仿朗读 To Lisa Cherkasky, every detail makes a big difference.? 坨| She is looking for just the righ (t)position for this topping ? 坭on a Salmon Sandwich. Finally? 坭, everything seems ? 坭picture perfect? 坨. | Cherkasky is a food stylis (t ). | Her job is to make food? 坭look tasty. ? 坨| Today? 坭, Cherkasky is styling bread from the Gold ? 坭Crust Baking Company? 坨. PART B: Role Play 角色扮演 录像原文: W: Wow! They look very delicious, don ' t they? M: Of course. To be honest, I have been very h ungry when working just now. This morning I didn ' t have breakfast. So I prepare this good supper. W: I am sorry to hear that. But why, Bill? Did you get up late so that you didn ' t have time ? You should know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. M: You know I have a very busy schedule every day and have no time to have breakfast. 1. Please get ready to ask three questions according to the following Chinese tips. Q1: Where do you have lunch? A1: For lunch I often have some fast food in the company to save time. You know, time in the day is very valuable for me. Q2: What do you usually have for supper? A2: Supper is my main meal in a day, so I usually have steak, pork chop and fried chicken for supper at about six o ' clock. Q3: Do you have lunch and supper on time every day?A3: It all depends on my time whether I have lunch on time or not. But for supper, I have it at six o ' clock on time every day, because I think it is a reward I deserve for my hard work. 2. Please get ready to answer five questions in English. Q1: What did the man have for breakfast this morning? A1: He had nothing for breakfast. Q2: Why does the man not have breakfast? A2: Because he is very busy and has no time to have breakfast. Q3: What does the woman think of breakfast? A3: She thinks breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Q4: What does the man usually have for supper? A4: He usually has steak, pork chop and fried chicken for supper. Q5: Why does the man eat supper on time every day? A5: Because he thinks having supper is a reward he deserves for his hard work. PART C: Retelling 故事复述 录音内容: Joe loved eating hamburgers. Every weekend, Joe and his friend Daniel would go to the McDonalds.


2012年高一级双语报27期 一、语言知识及运用 第一节完形填空 Last year was the first year when I taught the fifth grade. Recently, I've been I by a "graduated" student for the first time. I was really surprised when he walked into my home. He hasn't physically changed much since 2 my class last year and if I had had to guess who would come to visit me first, I wouldn't have thought of him. Carlos was a student who had a hard time sitting 3 in the beginning of last year. He would often 4 to go to the bathroom, and he'd talk or look like he was falling asleep because of little sleep. He often needed 5 in doing anything that other students could do well on their own. I found out that the reason for his behavior in my classroom was that he had been 6 nightmares (噩梦) about his border-crossing experience. He was 7 that the immigration office would take him or his parents to prison or back to their 8 . And here he was in my class trying to leam a(n) 9 language, which he had never touched before. When he was in my class, onc thing that stood out was that he had a(n) 10 time speaking English. But when he walked in my room yesterday, all of that was missing. In walked a calm, 11 boy who spoke and understood English far better than when he left me in June. He even 12 to speak to my class in the sixth grade in English. He told me he remembered doing sign language and the video I made to help him 13 his English. His visit 14 a lot to me not only because he has made great progress, but also because it reminded me what it means to be a teacher —to have a lasting influence on 15 . l. A. treated B. recognized C. visited D. invited 2. A. leaving B. attending C. teaching D. organizing 3. A. fast B. beautifully C. still D. actively 4. A. promise B. ask C. continue D. plan 5. A. notice B. help C. time D. work 6. A. suffering B. making C. receiving D. destroying 7. A. angry B. sorry C. afraid D. disappointed 8. A. boss B. school C. street D. country 9. A. interesting B. new C. easy D. useless 10. A. unforgettable B. enjoyable C. difficult D. funny 11. A. hard-working B. naughty C. rich D. confident 12. A. pretended B. offered C. refused D. feared 13. A. improve B. copy C. examine D.find 14. A. threw B. pulled C. took D. meant 15. A. audience B. parents C. students D. Speakers 第二节语法填空 One part of my job is dealing with homeless families. The very first call I had was from 16 single mother. She was weeping. She told me she had got into a terrible car accident 17 made her lose her job, so she fell behind with her rent. She was being evicted (赶出) from her apartment and she and her two children had nowhere 18 (go). After she finished 19 (explain) the situation, she stopped and said, "I'm so sorry! Thank you 20 letting me tell my story. I've tried every shelter 21 church organization in the area but no one listen or cares."


2012年广东省高一学生双语报30期 一、语言知识及运用 第一节完形填空 Do you still remember your first day of preschool? Mine was 1 . I was about four years old and my mom was helping me get ready for school. At that time, I lived in Chicago and it got pretty 2 , so I had to wear a big coat. The school wasn't very 3 , so my mom and I walked to school. Upon arriving at the headmaster's office, we checked in. I was too nervous to 4 myself. Mom talked with the headmaster. Then he gave her the sign that it was time for her to 5 , She said goodbye and I started to 6 . My mom promised me things would be OK and told me she had to go. I walked with the headmaster to my 7 . The whole time I was thinking why this was happening to me. When we arrived, the headmaster 8 me to my preschool teacher, but I just wanted to go home. My teacher told me to have a seat with the other 9 . I sat next to a girl named Jasmine. She asked me my 10 and I told her I was called Will. She asked me why I was crying. I said, "I didn't want to be here." I guess she saw some leftover (残余的) 11 on my facc from earlier. I felt nervous again. I wanted to go out because I felt sick and wanted to throw up. But just before I 12 my hand, it happened. I felt so embarrassed. All the children shouted and I was frozen with 13 . I thought Jasmine would bc disgustcd (厥恶的) with my action, but she said, "That's OK. I still 14 you." I knew fiom then on Jasmine and I would be good 15 . l. A. exciting B. pleasant C. unforgettable D. wonderful 2. A. cold B. dry C. dark D.quiet 3. A. good B. big C. famous D. far 4. A. control B. frighten C. love D. tell 5. A. wait B. start C. listen D. leave 6. A. move B. read C. cry D. dance 7. A. classroom B. home C. school D. office 8. A. followed . B. kicked C. threw D. introduced 9. A. paticnts B. parents C. kids D. teachers 10. A. name B. address C. mother D. hobby 11. A. dirt B. smiles C. tears D. looks 12. A. caught B. covered C. raised D. hid 13. A. fear B. response C. laughter D. joy 14. A. miss B. need C. know D. like 15. A. collcagues B. friends C. students D. performers . 第二节语法填空 Do you want to leam a foreign language? Choose one of the most 16 (use) languages to learn suggested below. In most of the world's countries, English is 17 most widely used second language. Whether a person is traveling to a foreign country 18 communicating with people from some other country 19 business purposes, English is one language which will come in handy at every step. Spanish is the language of business in about twenty countries. There are many jobs in the


2013-2014学年高三·RX广东专版第3期测试题参考答案及部分解析 第3期A版测试题参考答案 1-5 AADDC 6-10 BCBCA 11-15 DDBDB 16-25 (One possible version) 16. conducted 17. it 18. more likely 19. of 20. which 21. Besides 22. will be reduced 23. if 24. an 25. responsibility 26-30 ACDAD 31-35 CDABC 36-40 BDBDB 41-45 BDCDD 46-50 EABDC 基础写作 (One possible version) In order to know how senior high school students will spend their summer holiday after the National College Entrance Examination, a survey was done among 3,600 students in our school last Friday. According to the result, 25% of the students will do some part-time jobs as it can exercise their own independent ability, and they can earn some living expenses. 55% will go traveling with their classmates or parents as they think that traveling can enrich their life experience and broaden their horizons. 8% plan to acquire a driving license so as to master a new skill. 12% of all those surveyed indicate that they will stay at home to do housework as they will leave home soon for further study and they want to express their love to their parents in this way. 读写任务 (One possible version) The author thinks that our natural bags have been replaced by plastics so that the world is full of non-degradable packaging materials. Therefore, the author suggests taking steps to reduce non-degradable packaging. It is a very common fact that a small item is contained in a large box, with layers and layers of materials wrapping around it. Of course the practice does a lot of harm to our earth. First of all, it consumes too much of our limited resources. When these packaging materials are torn open, they become useless waste in most cases. Besides, too much packaging will cost consumers more money when they check out in markets. Therefore, producers ought to wrap their products in environment-friendly ways. Green and recyclable materials should be used as packaging materials. As far as individuals are concerned, we are supposed to go shopping with our cloth bags or other recyclable bags or baskets.


RX版高一·安徽专版学生双语报第42期答案 1-5:CBBAC 6-10:CACCB 11-15:ABCCB 16-20:AACAA 21-25:BBCAD 26-30:BAABD 31-35:CBDBA 36-40:BADBC 41-45:BCDAB 46-50:CDBAC 51-55:BCDBA 56-60:ACBBB 61-65:ABDBB 66-70:ABDCA 71-75:DBACC 76:Introduction 77:called 78:Creatures 79:imagination 80:amusement 81:camp 82:worldwide 83:technology 84:present 85:regarded 书面表达(One possible version) Ladies and gentlemen ,welcome to Hong Kong ! Now, I would like to make a brief introduction about Hong Kong Ocean Park. Commonly known as the Ocean Park , it is situated in the southern part of Hong

Kong and opened on Jan.10,1977.It is separated into two areas,the Summit and the Waterfront.In the Summit , you can visit the aquarium, Ocean Park Tower, Ocean Express, Ferris wheel and more.You can take part in all sorts of adventure acticities .In the Waterfront,the first water park in Asia will take you to a water world and you can enjoy youself through all kinds of activities. That’a all .I hope all of you will have a good time!


2012年广东省高一学生双语报31期 一、语言知识及运用 第一节完形填空 We live in the countryside. My mother is a 1 housewife. She takes care of a big family of 8, so she has to go to the grocery store in the town at least once a week. One afternoon, she went to the grocery store in a hurry and 2 a cart to feed our big family for the coming week. She had a number of errands (差事) to run, but when she 3 buying everything she needed and pushed the cart out to the parking lot, she found she had 4 her keys in the car. She called a locksmith (锁匠), who opened the car door for her. After 5 the locksmith a check. my mother got in the car and 6 in a hurry as she had a lot of housework to do. About ten minutes later, my mother suddenly 7 that she had done something tcrrible —she'd 8 to put her cart full of hundreds of dollars worth of groceries into the car before getting into the car. You know that was a 9 sum of money for our family at that time. She hurried back and looked everywhere for her cart of the newly-bought food. It was nowhere to be found, and she was sure it had been stolen by someone else. My discouraged mother made the 45-minute 10 back to our home. She felt 11 and couldn't help shedding tears.. When she pulled up in the driveway, however, to her 12 she saw all the bags of the groceries in front of our home. In one of the bags, she noticed a 13 , which said the ice cream was in the neighbor's fridge. One 14 person had seen my mother drive off and leave her cart behind, so she got my mother's 15 from the locksmith's check and drove all the way to deliver the groceries —to a complete stranger. l. A. busy B. rude C. strange D. crazy 2. A. checked B. found C. bought D. filled 3. A. continued B. finished C. considered D. tried 4. A. locked B. offered C. hidden D. destroyed 5. A. writing B. posting C. promising D. lending 6. A. looked B. worked C. left D. examined 7. A. wished B. realized C. imagined D. explained 8. A. forgotten B. expected C. decided D. hurried 9. A. normal B. familiar C. new D. large 10. A. walk B. flight C. dream D. drive 11. A. interested B. sad C. moved D. bored 12. A. disappointment B. anger C. sorrow D. surprise 13. A. watch B. pen C. note D. man 14. A. kind B. poor C. free D. determined 15. A. phone B. card C. address D. car 第二节语法填空 Playing outside is good for the development of the brain. Thus parents must cncourage their children to spend as much time as possible 16 the open air. Recent studies show an alarming increase in 17 number of hours spent by children in front of the TV and the computer 18 a decrease in the time spent outside. 16 (suffer) fiom vision problems, more and more children have to wear glasses. Also the problem of children being overweight concems many parents 20 don't know what to do to



听说训练第28期原文及参考答案 PART A:Reading Aloud 模仿朗读 To Lisa Cherkasky, every detail makes a big difference.坨| She is looking for just the righ(t) position for this topping 坭on a Salmon Sandwich. Finally坭, everything seems 坭picture perfect坨. | Cherkasky is a food stylis(t). | Her job is to make food坭 look tasty. 坨| Today坭, Cherkasky is styling bread from the Gold 坭Crust Baking Company坨. PART B: Role Play 角色扮演 录像原文: W: Wow! They look very delicious, don’t they M: Of course. To be honest, I have b een very hungry when working just now. This morning I didn’t have breakfast. So I prepare this good supper. W: I am sorry to hear that. But why, Bill Did you get up late so that you didn’t have time You should know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. M: You know I have a very busy schedule every day and have no time to have breakfast. 1. Please get ready to ask three questions according to the following Chinese tips. Q1: Where do you have lunch A1: For lunch I often have some fast food in the company to save time. You know, time in the day is very valuable for me. Q2: What do you usually have for supper A2: Supper is my main meal in a day, so I usually have steak, pork chop and fried chicken for supper at about six o’clock. Q3: Do you have lunch and supper on time every dayA3: It all depends on my time whether I have lunch on time or not. But for supper, I have it at six o’clock on time every day, because I think it is a reward I deserve for my hard work. 2. Please get ready to answer five questions in English. Q1: What did the man have for breakfast this morning A1: He had nothing for breakfast. Q2: Why does the man not have breakfast A2: Because he is very busy and has no time to have breakfast. Q3: What does the woman think of breakfast A3: She thinks breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Q4: What does the man usually have for supper A4: He usually has steak, pork chop and fried chicken for supper. Q5: Why does the man eat supper on time every day A5: Because he thinks having supper is a reward he deserves for his hard work. PART C: Retelling 故事复述 录音内容: Joe loved eating hamburgers. Every weekend, Joe and his friend Daniel would go to the McDonalds. He liked hamburgers so much that during the week he couldn’t stop thinking about them. One night, he dreamed about hamburgers. In his dream there appeared many hamburgers. They looked very delicious. So Joe took two enormous


第29期B1版Keys: (One possible version) 词语保鲜 一、1. get through 2. get down to 3. get away with 4. get along with 二、1. in great need of 2. in favor of 3. in celebration of 4. in memory of 词语狙击 单词大练兵 一、1. awarded 2. permission 3. forgive 4. combine 5. apologize 6. admire 7. celebration 8. drowned 9. customs 10. harvest 11. religious 12. belief 13. raw 二、1. seasonal 2. worldwide 3. independent 4. energetic 5. obvious 6. balanced 7. limited 8. agricultural 9. slim 10. fool 词组训练场 一、1. in memory of 2. play tricks on 3. as though 4. earned her living 5. day and night 6. dress up 7. look forward to 8. tells lies 9. in debt 10.turned up 二、1. is admired for 2. must apologize to you for 3. consult your lawyer
