思维训练是提升我们这些能力的有效方法之一,以下是100道思维训练题:1. 你如何定义成功?2. 如果你一天可以拥有超能力,你希望拥有哪种能力?3. 如何化解一场争吵?4. 你认为最重要的是外表还是内涵?5. 如果你能够改变过去,你会改变什么?6. 你如何在人际关系中保持平衡?7. 如果你有一笔巨额财富,你会怎么用它?8. 你觉得怎样的教育才是最好的?9. 你会如何处理失望和挫折?10. 怎样才能把一个问题的复杂性降低到最简单的程度?11. 你认为人类未来发展的方向是什么?12. 你觉得什么是唯一的真理?13. 当你遇到困难和挑战时,你如何鼓励自己?14. 你未来的目标是什么?15. 你如何避免自己的情绪影响到自己的决策?16. 如果你一天只能做一个事情,你会做什么?17. 你认为一个好的领导需要具备哪些特质?18. 你认为世界上最美好的事情是什么?19. 如果你有一次旅行机会,你会去哪个国家?20. 如果你可以拥有一个超出想象的技能,你会想有哪个?21. 你觉得是思考还是行动更重要?22. 如果你有一套时间机器,你打算回到哪个时代?23. 你认为如何才能拥有一份幸福的生活?24. 如果你能像动物一样变身,你需要选哪个动物?25. 你觉得生命的意义是什么?26. 你如何控制自己的情绪?27. 什么是你的秘密武器?28. 如果你能够改变世界上的某一件事情,你会改变什么?29. 如果你被困在小岛上,你会怎么做?30. 你觉得如何管理时间是最有效的?31. 你认为人性的本质是善良还是恶劣?32. 你如何处理困难选择?33. 如果你只有一天的生命,你会做哪些事情?34. 你感觉什么是最重要的–金钱,健康还是幸福?35. 如何在沟通中保持冷静?36. 你如何防止自己陷入瓶颈期?37. 你觉得动物有和人类平等的地位吗?38. 如果你有全世界观众的机会,你会为他们呈现什么节目?39. 你认为最重要的是长期规划还是短期目标?40. 你如何控制自己的情绪,避免被他人激怒?41. 如果你一天彻底关机,你会干什么?42. 你在什么情况下会放弃一次机会?43. 你如何让自己的思维更加清晰?44. 如果你是团队领导,你会如何处理糟糕的团队绩效?45. 你认为最重要的是个人选择还是社会压力?46. 如果你有100万美元,你会投资什么?47. 你如何在焦虑和压力的情况下维持平稳?48. 你认为有人发明了时间机器吗?49. 你如何处理沮丧的情绪?50. 你认为成功的诀窍是什么?51. 你觉得如何寻找灵感?52. 如果你有机会和任何名人交往,你选择谁?53. 你觉得自己的过去对当前的生活有多大的影响?54. 你如何更好地组织你的工作?55. 如果你有机会再次上学,你会读什么专业?56. 你认为如何成为更好的领导者?57. 如果你能够更改一个决定,你会改变什么?58. 你觉得如何在一个嘈杂的环境中保持专注?59. 如果你可以在一个年代中生活一辈子,你会选哪个年代?60. 你如何处理无法掌控的事情?61. 你觉得花时间阅读和研究的重要性是什么?62. 如果你有一项特殊的技能,你会如何应用它?63. 你如何控制自己的情绪,不被他人影响?64. 你认为如何平衡工作和生活?65. 如果你可以找到一种极端的方法来解决问题,你会怎么做?66. 你觉得你受过的最好的教育是什么?67. 如果你可以选择任何工作,你会选择什么?68. 你如何平衡激情和理智?69. 你认为如何创造更好的未来?70. 如果你只有五分钟来说服别人,你会说些什么?71. 你会如何为自己设定目标?72. 你如何让自己的思维更加敏捷和灵活?73. 你觉得如何快速恢复精力,以保持能量和动力?74. 如果你可以在一个地方生活,你会选哪里?75. 你如何管理自己的时间,以最大限度地提高生产力?76. 你认为如何发掘你的天赋和潜力?77. 如果你有一张银行卡可以购买所有东西,你会购买什么?78. 你认为如何面对失败和错误?79. 如果你可以让世界上任何一群人听到一个信息,你会告诉他们什么?80. 你如何处理对未来的不确定性和担忧?81. 你认为如何保持关系的稳定和长久?82. 如果你可以拥有一种闭上眼睛并立刻改变事情的能力,你会改变什么?83. 你如何处理一天工作的高峰和低谷?84. 你认为如何找到真正的幸福?85. 如果你可以阻止一场战争,你会怎么做?86. 你觉得如何在挑战中保持积极?87. 如果你可以给所有人一个建议,你会给什么建议?88. 你如何处理感情问题?89. 你认为如何找到信仰和坚定地信仰?90. 如果你可以通过时间追溯到过去,你会选择什么时候?91. 你觉得如何处理压力和紧张?92. 你认为如何提升你的影响力?93. 如果你可以给年轻人一个建议,你会给什么建议?94. 你如何看待风险和不确定性?95. 你认为如何重建和维护信任?96. 如果你可以在一个地方度过一年,你会选哪个地方?97. 你如何平衡个人利益和社会利益?98. 你认为如何调整自己的思维方式?99. 如果你可以创造一个事物,你会创造什么?100. 你如何保持目标的清晰,以及如何跟进并实现它们?这些问题涵盖了生活中的不同领域,可以帮助我们总结经验,思考未来,并提高我们的决策力和思维逻辑能力。
五年级英语数学思维拓展训练练习题40题(带答案)1.There are twenty-four hours in a day. How many hours are there in two days?A.Twenty-four.B.Forty-eight.C.Sixty.D.Seventy-two.答案解析:B。
A 选项是一天的小时数;C 选项六十不符合;D 选项七十二也不符合两天的小时数。
2.My birthday is on May 5th. What's the date three days after my birthday?A.May 2nd.B.May 8th.C.May 15th.D.May 30th.答案解析:B。
5 月5 日生日,三天后是5 月8 日。
A 选项是5 月5 日之前的日期;C 选项和D 选项相差太多。
3.There are five apples in a basket. Tom takes two apples. How many apples are left in the basket?A.One.B.Two.D.Four.答案解析:C。
A 选项一个不对;B 选项是拿走的数量;D 选项四个不符合。
4.A book costs ten yuan. I have twenty yuan. How many books can I buy?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.答案解析:B。
A 选项一本太少;C 选项三本钱不够;D 选项四本钱也不够。
5.There are seven days in a week. How many days are there in three weeks?A.Ten.B.Twenty.C.Twenty-one.D.Thirty.答案解析:C。
高中生思维训练100题1. 如果你在森林里发现了一扇门,你会进去吗?为什么?2. 画一棵没有叶子的树。
3. 你的同桌边上有一杯水,他走了,你在桌子下看到了一个虫子,你会怎么办?4. 如果你有一根 7 厘米长、5 厘米宽、2 厘米深的盒子,你能放进去最大的石头有多大?5. 你会尝试用不同的方式解决同一个问题吗?为什么?6. 如果你要给你最好的朋友上一堂课,你会教什么课程?7. 你认为什么是全人类必备技能?为什么?8. 画一个有 4 条腿的椅子,但是不能用直线连接它们。
9. 承认错误是好事吗?为什么?10. 如果你可以回到历史中的某个时刻,你会选择哪一个?为什么?11. 如果你能征服任何一种恐惧,你会选择哪一个?为什么?12. 如果你的日记会告诉你的未来自己三句话,你会写下什么?13. 如果明天你会变成别人的竞争对手,你会想到哪些计划来击败他们?14. 如果你现在有可能实现三个愿望,你会想要什么?15. 对你来说,什么是家?为什么?16. 你认为全球最大的问题是什么?为什么?17. 如果你成为了一位亿万富翁,你会干什么?18. 如果你可以选择你的名字,你会选择怎么样的名字?为什么?19. 如果你可以研究任何外语,你会选择学哪个?为什么?20. 回想你过去犯的最大错误是什么?你怎么解决它的?.........100. 如果你可以给全世界的人发一条信息,你会说什么?以上是一百道思维题,旨在帮助高中生锻炼自己的思维能力。
高一英语数学逻辑思维训练单选题30题1.There are 5 apples and 3 oranges. How many fruits are there in total?A.6B.7C.8D.9答案:C。
选项A,6 错误,5 个苹果加3 个橘子总数不是6。
选项B,7 错误,不是这个总数。
选项C,5 加 3 等于8,正确。
选项D,9 错误,不是这个总数。
2.If there are 8 pencils and 3 are taken away, how many pencils are left?A.4B.5C.6D.7答案:B。
选项A,4 错误,8 减3 不是4。
选项B,8 减 3 等于5,正确。
选项C,6 错误,不是这个结果。
选项D,7 错误,不是这个总数。
3.Two times three is equal to_____.A.5B.6C.7D.8答案:B。
选项A,5 错误,2 乘3 不是5。
选项B,2 乘 3 等于6,正确。
选项C,7 错误,不是这个结果。
选项D,8 错误,不是这个总数。
4.If a book costs $10 and you buy two books, how much money do you spend?A.$15B.$20C.$25D.$30答案:B。
选项A,15 错误,一本10 元,两本不是15 元。
选项B,10 乘2 等于20,正确。
选项C,25 错误,不是这个总数。
选项D,30 错误,不是这个总数。
5.There are 12 students in a class. If 4 students are absent, how many students are present?A.6B.7C.8D.9答案:C。
选项A,6 错误,12 减4 不是6。
选项B,7 错误,不是这个总数。
选项C,12 减4 等于8,正确。
选项D,9 错误,不是这个总数。
6.Three plus four is equal to_____.A.6B.7C.8D.9答案:B。
小学一年级英语思维训练100题问题列表以下是一年级学生进行英语思维训练的100个问题:1. What is your name?2. How old are you?3. Where are you from?4. What is your favorite color?5. Can you count to ten?6. Do you like apples?7. How many fingers do you have?8. What is the weather like today?9. Can you say the alphabet?10. What is your favorite animal?11. How do you say "hello" in English?12. What is the opposite of big?13. Can you name three fruits?14. How many legs does a cat have?15. What is your favorite subject in school?16. Do you have any brothers or sisters?17. Can you jump?18. What is the capital of China?19. How many days are in a week?20. What is the color of grass?21. How many letters are there in the English alphabet?22. Can you write your name?23. What is the opposite of hot?24. How many eyes do you have?25. What is your favorite food?26. Can you sing a song in English?27. How do you say "thank you" in English?28. What is the largest animal in the world?29. How many months are in a year?30. What is the color of the sky?31. Can you read?32. What is the opposite of tall?33. Can you name three colors?34. How many legs does a dog have?35. What is your favorite sport?36. Do you have any pets?37. Can you run fast?38. What is the capital of the United States?39. How many hours are in a day?40. What is the color of the sun?41. How do you spell your name?42. What is the opposite of cold?43. Can you name three vegetables?44. How many legs does a bird have?45. What is your favorite hobby?46. Can you swim?47. How do you say "goodbye" in English?48. What is the tallest mountain in the world?49. How many weeks are in a year?50. What is the color of snow?51. Can you write your age?52. What is the opposite of fast?53. Can you name three shapes?54. How many legs does a spider have?55. What is your favorite book?56. Do you like to dance?57. How do you say "please" in English?58. What is the deepest ocean in the world?59. How many minutes are in an hour?60. What is the color of an orange?61. Where do you live?62. Do you like to draw?63. Can you count to twenty?64. How many legs does a fish have?65. What is your favorite movie?66. Can you ride a bike?67. How do you say "I love you" in English?68. What is the largest country in the world?69. How many seconds are in a minute?70. What is the color of a banana?71. Can you spell "cat"?72. What is the opposite of small?73. Can you name three animals that live in the zoo?74. How many legs does a horse have?75. What is your favorite song?76. Do you like to play soccer?77. How do you say "yes" in English?78. What is the hottest desert in the world?79. How many years are in a century?80. What is the color of a lemon?81. Where is your school?82. Do you like to sing?83. Can you count to fifty?84. How many legs does a cow have?85. What is your favorite TV show?86. Can you ride a scooter?87. How do you say "no" in English?88. What is the longest river in the world?89. How many planets are in our solar system?90. What is the color of a strawberry?91. Can you spell "dog"?92. What is the opposite of happy?93. Can you name three things you can find in a park?94. How many legs does a snake have?95. What is your favorite holiday?96. Do you like to play basketball?97. How do you say "sorry" in English?98. What is the tallest building in the world?99. How many continents are there?100. What is the color of a tomato?文档结束以上是一份小学一年级英语思维训练的100个问题的列表。
高一英语数学逻辑思维训练单选题30题及答案1.There are 5 apples and 3 oranges in a basket. How many fruits are there in total?A.SevenB.EightC.NineD.Ten答案:B。
本题考查简单的数学运算表达,5 个苹果和3 个橘子,总数是8。
选项A 是7,不对;选项C 是9,不对;选项D 是10,也不对。
2.A book costs $15. A pen costs $5. How much more does the book cost than the pen?A.$5B.$10C.$15D.$20答案:B。
书15 美元,笔5 美元,书比笔贵10 美元。
选项A 是5 美元,不对;选项C 是15 美元,不是差价;选项D 是20 美元,不对。
3.There are 12 students in a class. 6 students are boys. How many students are girls?A.FiveB.SixC.SevenD.Eight答案:B。
总共有12 个学生,6 个是男生,那么女生就是6 个。
选项A 是5,不对;选项C 是7,不对;选项D 是8,不对。
4.A rectangle has a length of 8 meters and a width of 5 meters. What is the perimeter of the rectangle?A.13 metersB.26 metersC.30 metersD.40 meters答案:B。
选项A 是13 米,不对;选项C 是30 米,不对;选项D 是40 米,不对。
5.A box contains 20 pencils. If 5 pencils are taken out, how many pencils are left in the box?A.FifteenB.SixteenC.SeventeenD.Eighteen答案:A。
高一英语数学逻辑思维训练单选题80题(答案解析)1.There are five apples and three oranges. How many fruits are there in total?A.SevenB.EightC.NineD.Ten答案:B。
选项A 是七,不符合苹果和橘子总数。
选项B 是八,五个苹果加三个橘子总数是八。
选项C 是九,不正确。
选项D 是十,也不符合。
2.If a book costs $5 and a pen costs $2. How much do two books and three pens cost?A.$16B.$18C.$19D.$20答案:C。
一本book5 美元,两本就是10 美元;一支pen2 美元,三支就是6 美元,总共16 美元。
选项 A 是十六,符合计算结果。
选项B 是十八,错误。
选项C 是十九,错误。
选项D 是二十,错误。
3.There are ten students in a class. Five students like math and three students like science. How many students like either math or science?A.SevenB.EightC.NineD.Ten答案:B。
喜欢数学的五人加上喜欢科学的三人,但是有部分同学可能既喜欢数学又喜欢科学,所以喜欢数学或科学的人数小于等于八,选项B 八符合。
选项 A 是七,错误。
选项C 是九,错误。
选项D 是十,错误。
4.If three times a number is twelve. What is the number?A.ThreeB.FourC.FiveD.Six答案:B。
设这个数是x,3x = 12,x = 4。
选项 A 是三,错误。
选项B 是四,正确。
选项C 是五,错误。
选项D 是六,错误。
5.Two plus three multiplied by four is equal to?A.TenB.FourteenC.SixteenD.Eighteen答案:B。
五年级英语数学思维拓展训练练习题40题1.There are 5 apples in one basket and 3 apples in another basket. How many apples are there in total?A.7B.8C.9D.10答案:B。
解析:一个篮子有5 个苹果,另一个篮子有3 个苹果,总共就是5+3=8 个苹果。
A 选项7 错误;C 选项9 错误;D 选项10 错误。
2.Mary has 10 pencils. She gives 4 pencils to her friend. How many pencils does Mary have left?A.5B.6C.7D.8答案:B。
解析:Mary 有10 支铅笔,给了朋友4 支,剩下的就是10-4=6 支。
A 选项5 错误;C 选项7 错误;D 选项8 错误。
3.There are 4 rows of desks in the classroom. Each row has 6 desks. How many desks are there in total?A.20B.22D.26答案:C。
解析:有4 排桌子,每排6 张,总共就是4×6=24 张。
A 选项20 错误;B 选项22 错误;D 选项26 错误。
4.Tom has 24 stickers. He wants to divide them equally among 4 friends. How many stickers will each friend get?A.5B.6C.7D.8答案:B。
解析:Tom 有24 张贴纸,平均分给4 个朋友,每人得到24÷4=6 张。
A 选项5 错误;C 选项7 错误;D 选项8 错误。
5.There are 7 red balls and 5 blue balls. How many more red balls are there than blue balls?A.1B.2C.3D.4答案:B。
思维拓展训练3月16日 16号【1】父亲今天32岁,儿子今年5岁,几年后父亲的年龄是儿子的 4倍?【2】育英小学四年级的同学正好可以排成一个实心方阵队列,如果横竖各增加一排,排成一个稍大的实心方阵,则需增加21人,育英小学四年级有多少人?思维拓展训练3月17日 17号【3】小红、小丽共有图书160本,已知小红图书的本数是小丽3倍,求小红、小丽各有图书多少本?【4】小明一个星期读完了210页的故事书。
照这样计算,他前3天看到多少页?思维拓展训练3月18日 18号【5】田田、丁丁、牛牛和阿普分280块巧克力,田田说:我分到的巧克力比丁丁少11个,比牛牛多15个,比阿普少20个。
思维拓展训练3月19日 19号【7】小乔原来有的故事书是小胖的5倍,两人再各买10本,则小乔现有的故事书是小胖的3倍。
小丽和小荣各有多少张?【10】三、四年级共植树108棵,四年级比三年级多植树22棵,求三、四年级各植树多少棵?思维拓展训练3月21日 21号【11】数学巧算:99+97+102+105+95+104【12】鸡兔同笼,兔比鸡的3倍少6只,而且鸡和兔共有116条腿,那么鸡和兔各几只?【13】南京长江大桥共分两层,上层是公路桥,下层是铁路桥。
思维拓展训练3月16日 16号【1】父亲今天32岁,儿子今年5岁,几年后父亲的年龄是儿子的 4倍?【2】育英小学四年级的同学正好可以排成一个实心方阵队列,如果横竖各增加一排,排成一个稍大的实心方阵,则需增加21人,育英小学四年级有多少人?思维拓展训练3月17日 17号【3】小红、小丽共有图书160本,已知小红图书的本数是小丽3倍,求小红、小丽各有图书多少本?【4】小明一个星期读完了210页的故事书。
照这样计算,他前3天看到多少页?思维拓展训练3月18日 18号【5】田田、丁丁、牛牛和阿普分280块巧克力,田田说:我分到的巧克力比丁丁少11个,比牛牛多15个,比阿普少20个。
思维拓展训练3月19日 19号【7】小乔原来有的故事书是小胖的5倍,两人再各买10本,则小乔现有的故事书是小胖的3倍。
甲书架上原有书().【9】小丽和小荣集邮,小丽邮票的张数是小荣的5倍,如果小丽把自己的邮票给小荣100张,她俩邮票的张数正好相等.小丽和小荣各有多少张?【10】三、四年级共植树108棵,四年级比三年级多植树22棵,求三、四年级各植树多少棵?思维拓展训练3月21日 21号【11】数学巧算:99+97+102+105+95+104【12】鸡兔同笼,兔比鸡的3倍少6只,而且鸡和兔共有116条腿,那么鸡和兔各几只?【13】南京长江大桥共分两层,上层是公路桥,下层是铁路桥。
A.在从电视广告里见过的商品中,一般电视 观众能记住其品牌名称的大约还不到一半。 B.近年来,被允许在电视节目中连续插播广 告的平均时间逐渐缩短。 C.近年来,人们花在看电视上的平均时间逐 渐缩短。 D.近年来,一段连续播出的电视广告所占用 的平均时间逐渐增加。
A.只有Ⅰ。 B.只有Ⅱ。 C.只有Ⅲ。 D.只有Ⅰ和Ⅱ。 E.Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ。
答案是C。 题干中议员的观点及其论证的实质性缺陷, 在于把两个具有不同内容的数字进行不恰当的 比较。 如果Ⅰ和Ⅱ被认为是对题干的恰当驳斥的话, 实际上就确认了题干中议员所作的比较是成立的, 问题只在于如何使进行比较的数字更为精确,这 显然不得要领。因此,Ⅰ和Ⅱ并不能构成对题干 的恰当驳斥。 Ⅲ指出题干中的两个数字具有不同的内容, 这就点出了题干的症结,从而构成了对题干的 恰当驳斥。
一个美国议员提出,必须对本州不断上升的监狱费用采 取措施。他的理由是,现在,一个关在单人牢房里的犯人所 需的费用,平均每天高达132美元。即使在世界上开销最昂 贵的城市里,也不难在最好的饭店里找到每晚的租金低于 125美 元的房间。 以下哪项能构成对上述美国议员的观点及其论证的恰当 驳斥? Ⅰ据州司法部公布的数字,一个关在单人牢房里的犯人所 需的费用,平均每天125美元。 Ⅱ在世界上开销最昂贵的城市里,很难在最好的饭店里找 到每晚的租金低于125美 元的房间。 Ⅲ监狱用于犯人的费用,和饭店用于客人的费用,几乎用 于完全不同的开支项目。
试题测试以下诸种思维能力: 敏捷准确的阅读理解能力; 敏捷准确地整理信息的能力(区分相关信 息和不相关信息;在相关信息中把握关键信 息); 敏捷准确地把握和区分关键性概念的能力; 敏捷准确地推断、论证与反驳的能力; 敏捷准确地比较与辨析的能力。
小学四年级英语逻辑思维训练题目1. 阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。
My name is Lily. I am nine years old. I have a pet cat named Kitty. Kitty is a very curious cat. One day, Kitty disappeared from our backyard. I looked for her everywhere but couldn't find her. I was worried and sad. The next day, I found Kitty in our neighbor's garden. She was playing with their dog. Kitty had made a new friend! Now, Kitty likes to visit our neighbors every day. She is a very social cat.Questions:- What is the name of the pet cat?- How old is Lily?- Where did Lily find Kitty the next day?- Does Kitty like to visit the neighbors?2. 排列顺序:按照正确的顺序排列下面的单词,组成一个有意义的句子。
- red- the- apples- tree- under- are3. 填空题:选择适当的词填入下划线处,使句子完整。
- My brother __________ playing soccer in the park.- Tina and Amy ___________ going to the movies tonight.- We need to ___________ at the store to buy some milk.4. 词汇选择:从括号中选择正确的单词填入空白处。
3)其实长期参加思维训练课程也是一种锻炼意志力的方法 ,无论孩子对于数学语文等学科是否爱好,想要取得好成绩就要经历凭借毅力去钻研的过程思维训练有这么多好处,下面是我整理的四年级四维训练100题,学生需要好好的理解:四年级思维训练100题(简答题、问答题):1、 199999+19999+1999+199+192、 99999×77778+33333×666663、甲数是240,乙数比甲数的3倍少30,丙数比乙数的2倍少180。
问:几年前父亲的年龄是徐红年龄的5倍?8、甲仓所存麦子是乙仓的4倍,如果从甲仓运出940千克,乙仓运出40千克,则两仓所存的麦子相等,两仓原有麦子各多少千克?9、某保险公司为奖励工作成绩好的职工,决定将4200元奖金分给三名优秀职工,已知第一名比第二名多得800元,第二名比第三名多得500元,三名优秀职工各得多少元奖金?10、两个数相加,如果一个加数增加50,要使和减少14,那么另一个加数应有什么变化?11、两数相除,如果被除数扩大4倍,商要扩大8倍,除数应有什么变化?12、某厂计划做5120个零件,16个工人工作8小时完成了任务的一半,余下的任务要求在4小时内完成,至少要增加几个人?13、 7只鸡8天要喂饲料8400克,照这样计算,有饲料720千克,可供应多少只鸡吃12天?14、电视机厂装一批电视机,每天装80台,15天可完成任务,如果要提前3天完成,每天要多装多少台?15、某工程队预计用20人、14天挖好一条水渠,挖了2天后,又增加20人,每人工作效率相同,可以提前几天完工?16、一座楼房,每上一层要走18级台阶,王老师回家要走90级台阶,她家住几楼?17、有36根粗木料,打算把每根锯成5段,每锯开一处,需要10分钟。
专题10 慰问信写作及实战演练-2021高考英语应用文写作思维训练和写作重点句型汇总
应用文慰问信写作及实战演练一、慰问信写作:1.表示安慰; 2. 提出建议或措施;3. 表达愿望或祝福。
二、慰问信常用句型1.I was (awfully/extremely/excessively) sorry to hear/learn that you’re trapped in bad mood, which is because you didn’t make it in the driving test.2.I just can’t tell you how sorry I was when I was informed of your sudden illness in your new school.3. I’m sorry to learn you’re having difficulty learning ancient Chinese poems. However, there’s no need to feel upset about it. I’d like to offer you some suggestions.4. Having known that you are under painful state and great pressure now,I’m writing to express my great comfort to you.5. Upon/On hearing the bad news that ..., I felt seized by a burst of sadness/worry/sorrow/grief.6. 无灵主语句My sorrow is beyond words for hearing you have trouble getting along with your classmates.7. 无灵主语句Words fail me to convey my worry when I heard that your left leg got badly injured in an car accident.8.It’s normal that you feel it challenging to fit in with the new school due to cultural difference and new surroundings.9. It can’t be better if you can share your experiences with others, thus helping them become familiar with you in a short period of time.10. Actually, there’s no need to worry about it. Such problem is not uncommon among Chinese language learners.11.If there is anything you need me to do, don’t hesitate to let me know/don’t hesitate to contact me.12.Remember, I won’t be far away/I will always be here if you need any help!13.I hope you can find my encouragement helpful. Best wishes.14. If I can be of any assistance to you, I hope you’ll let me know immediately/instantly.15. Hope you can have yours troubles removed soon.16. We’re hoping for your quick return to health./We’re looking forward to your speedy and full recovery.三、优秀范本假定你是李华,你校留学生Jacky在学习中国古诗的过程中有困难,心情很沮丧,发来邮件向你求助。
英语思维训练100题1. (1) Tom got the first place, ______ made his parents happy.(2) Tom got the first place, and _______ made his parents happy.A. asB. whichC. whatD. this2.(1) _______ is well known to all, the earth is round.(2) _______ is well known to all that the earth is round.A. ThatB. withC. ItD. As3.(1) It’s good _______ you to take a walk after supper every day.(2) It was really stupid _______ him to refuse the invitation.A. ofB. toC. forD. at4.(1) He is unfit for the job, ________?(2) He isn’t fit for the job, ________?A. isn’t heB. is heC. doesn’t heD. does he5.(1) Is this museum _______ you visited the other day?(2) Is this the museum _______ you visited the other day?A. thatB. whereC. in whichD. the one6.(1) He said that Mary had done it, ________?A. hadn’t sheB. hadn’t MaryC. didn’t heD. did he(2) It’s my son’s birthday next week, and I have to do my best for that, ____?A. isn’t itB. is itC. haven’t ID. don’t I7.(1)— I watched TV last night. —_________.A. So I didB. So did IC. So I wasD. So was I(2) Mr. Chen is a teacher and works very hard. _______ his wife.A. So doesB. So isC. So it is withD. It is same with8.(1) It is 10 years since we _______ school.A. leftB. have leftC. had leftD. leave(2) This is the first time I _______ here.A. wasB. am goingC. have beenD. came9.(1) Let’s start at once, _______?(2) Let us go, _________?A. will youB. shall weC. do youD. do we10.(1) There are many trees on _______ side of the street.(2) There are many students watching the volleyball match on _______ sideof the playground.A. allB. bothC. everyD. each11.(1) Mr. Johnson must have come back yesterday, _______?(2) He must have waited here for a long time, _______?A. has n’t heB. have n’t heC. mustn’t heD. didn’t he12.(1) ________ knows the truth will tell you about it, I think.A. WhoB. ThatC. No matter whoD. Whoever(2) Don’t trust him, ______ he says.A. whatB. no matter whatC. whateverD. B and C13.(1) —“_______ can the work be done?” —In five hours.(2) —______ have you studied English? —For six years.A. How longB. How soonC. How oftenD. How far14.(1) Zhang Ming is taller than ______ in his class.A. any studentsB. anyoneC. any other studentD. others(2) He studies English harder than _______ in his class.A. any studentsB. any boysC. anyoneD. any girls15.(1 )Shall we have her _______ there?(2) Shall we get her ________ there?A. to goB. goC. wentD. gone16.(1) —The experiment has failed. — I suggest you _______ again.A. to tryB. will tryC. would tryD. try(2) Her expression suggested that she _______ angry.A. beB. wasC. wereD. being17.(1) They usually have a Party meeting on Saturday afternoon, _______?A. don’t theyB. haven’t theyC. do theyD. have they(2) He hasn’t any brothers, ______?A. has heB. does heC. hasn’t heD. A and B18.(1) Waiting for her _______ me three hours.(2) We’ll ________ three days in doing the work.A. tookB. costC. payD. spend19.(1) He wanted nothing but _______ there.A. stayedB. stayingC. to stayD. stay(2) He would do anything for you but ______ you money.A. lendB. to lendC. lentD. lending20.(1) He told his mother that he couldn’t ______ the kitchen.(2) When he saw his mother busy cooking, he could n’t ______ the kitchen.A. help cleanB. help cleaningC. help cleanedD. helping to clean21.(1) I managed to make myself ________.A. hearB. heardC. to be heardD. hearing(2) The earth must be made ______ more people.A. supportedB. supportingC. to supportD. support22.(1) _____ care for others will be respected.A. ThatB. TheseC. Those whoD. Who(2) ______ fails to finish the task given should be criticized.A. Any one whoB. Anyone whoC. Anyone whichD. Any one23.(1) East of the village _______ a lake five years ago.(2) He ________ his hand on my shoulder.A. lieB. layC. laidD. lain24.(1) Someone is asking for you, Maybe he will have ______ you.A. the word withB. a word withC. some words toD. words to(2) She used to have _______ with her husband.A. a wordB. the wordC. wordsD. some words25.(1) Our teacher entered the classroom, _______.(2) Our teacher entered the classroom, with ________.A. a book in handB. book in handC. a book in his handD. book in his hands26.(1) ______ many times, but he still couldn’t understand it.(2) ______ many times, he has already known how to do it.A. Having been toldB. Having toldC. He had been toldD. Though he had been told27.(1) To prevent the air ______, something will have to be done.A. to polluteB. to be pollutedC. from pollutingD. from being polluted(2) The bad weather prevented us _______.A. from going outB. to go outC. gone outD. went out28.(1) It was not _______ the police arrived and caught the thief.(2) The book will be printed _______.A. before longB. beforeC. long beforeD. long29.(1) _______ the sight of the jewels,Mathilde had an idea.(2) _______ sight of his old friend in the street, he felt very happy.A. AtB. InC. Out ofD. Catching30.(1) _________, we all went to the park.(2) ________, and we all went to the park.A. Being a fine dayB. Because the fine dayC. It was a fine dayD. It being a fine day31.(1) To all the people here ______ the honour for the success.(2) China _______ the Third World is a developing country.A. belongB. belongsC. belongs toD. belonging to32.(1) ______ what the schoolmaster said, the girl’s face turned red.A. After she heardB. After hearingC. To hearD. To be heard(2) _______ what the schoolmaster said, she was encouraged.A. After she has heardB. After hearingC. To hearD. To be heard33.(1) Do you remember _______ the policeman before?A. seeingB. to seeC. sawD. to be seen(2) Please remember _______ your hands before dinner.A. washedB. being washedC. to washD. washing34.(1) The letter “X” can _______ an unknown number.A. be used to expressB. be used to expressingC. use to expressD. use for expressing(2) Johnson _______ up early now.A. used to getB. is used to gettingC. is used to getD. used to getting35.(1) I’ll do whatever I can ______ my English.A. improveB. to improveC. improvingD. to improving(2) He said he could _______ me with my English.A. to helpB. helpingC. have helpedD. help36.(1) ______ hearing the news, he rushed out.A. OnB. InC. ByD. At(2) They were overjoyed ________ the news of his safe return.A. onB. inC. byD. at37.(1) Shanghai is in _______.(2) Shanghai belongs to _______.A. the East of ChinaB. the east of ChinaC. East ChinaD. the East China38.(1) _______ from Beijing to Shanghai!(2) ________ from Beijing to Shanghai?A. How a long way it isB. What a long way is itC. How far is itD. What a long way it is39.(1) They have invited us to visit their country, _______ is very kind of them.A. thatB. itC. whichD. what(2) They have invited us to visit their country. _______ is very kind of them.A.ItB. ThisC. WhichD. What40.(1) There ______ no bus, we had to go by bike.(2) As there ______ no bus, we had to go by bike.A. wasB. beingC. hadD. is41.(1) He insisted that I ______ with him.A. wentB. goC. would goD. going(2) She insisted that she ________ correct.A. should beB. beC. wasD. were42.(1) As your spoken English improves, ______ your written English.A. so doesB. thus willC. so willD. does so(2) He likes playing football, _______ his brother.A. so willB. so doesC. does soD. will so43.(1) —I haven’t heard from him for a long time.—What do you think _______?A. was happeningB. to happenC. having happenedD. has happened(2) _______ did you talk with just now?A. WhichB. WhatC. WhomD. Whose44.(1) We can’t have you ______ so fast.A. droveB. drivenC. driveD. to drive(2) The two cheats had the light _______ all night long.A. to burnB. burnC. burntD. burning45.(1) Last year they had the schoolroom _______.A. to rebuiltB. rebuildC. rebuildingD. rebuilt(2) He said he had a lot of work _______.A. to doB. doC. didD. done46.(1) _____ these pictures, I couldn’t help thinking of those days when I wasin London.(2) ____ from the top of a thirty-storied building, London looks magnificent.A. SeeingB. To seeC. SeenD. Saw47.(1) The question ______ now at the meeting is very important.(2) The question _______ at the meeting last week is very important.A. discussingB. discussedC. being discussedD. to be discussed48.(1) The funny story made up by Tom made us ______.A. laughB. laughedC. to laughingD. to laugh(2) Our teacher tried to speak louder in order to made himself _______.A. hearB. to hearC. hearingD. heard49.(1) —You’ve bought a new English dictionary. —_______.(2) You’ve bought a new English dictionary. _____.A. So have IB. So did IC. So I haveD. So I did50.(1) The more we work for our country, ______ we will feel.A. happierB. the happierC. to more happierD. the more happily(2) The more words you know, _____ you can read.A. the more easierB. the easierC. the easilyD. the more easily51.(1) ______ you need more practice is clear.(2) ______ we need is more time.A. WhatB. WhenC. WhichD. That52.(1) A singer and dancer _______ present at the party.A. wereB. wasC. hasD. have(2) A boy and a girl _______ playing with snow together.A. areB. isC. hasD. have53.(1) More than 70 percent of the population of our country _______ peasants.(2) Only 20 percent of the population of this country _____ farmingpopulation.A. hasB. haveC. isD. are54.(1) This is one of the best films that ________ greatly _______ us.(2) This is the one of the best films that _______ greatly ______ us.A. is…encouragedB. has…encouragedC. are…encouragedD. have…encouraged55.(1) He as well as his brother ______ football now.(2) He and his brother ________ football now.A. is playingB. is playedC. are playingD. are played56.(1) All of the apples _______ rotten.(2) All of the apple ________ rotten.A. areB. isC. have beenD. has been57.(1) A number of books ________ on the subject.A. publishedB. has been publishedC. have been publishedD. have published(2) The number of students in that class _______ small.A. areB. isC. have beenD. were58.(1) _________, she knows a lot of things.A. So young the girl isB. Young as the girl isC. Young so the girl isD. As young the girl is(2) _______, she isn’t fit for the job.A. As the girl is too youngB. Too young as the girl isC. Since a young girlD. So young the girl is59.(1) Do you know ________ John is getting on well with his studies?(2) Do you know _________ John is getting on with his studies?A. howB. whichC. whatD. that60.(1) Two other boys were on duty ________ John.(2) There is no one in the room ______ me.A. exceptB. besidesC. besideD. A and B61.(1) I have never seen such a clever man ________ he.(2) He made such an excellent speech ________ everyone respected him.A. likeB. asC. thatD. and62.(1) I have never seen her _______ in black.(2) The baby is too young ________ himself.A. dressB. to dressC. dressingD. dressed63.(1) When I stopped thinking, I found _______ in the classroom.A. me seatedB. me sittingC. myself satD. myself seated(2) When I entered the room, I found a little baby _______ on the table.A. satB. sittingC. seatingD. seating himself64.(1) Three years later he turned ________ doctor.(2) Three years later he became ________ doctor.A. anB. aC. xD. the65.(1) My brother often plays _______ football after class.(2) He seldom plays _______ piano at the school.A. theB. aC. xD. an66.(1) She is ______ good a teacher that we all like her.(2) She is _______ good teacher that we all like her.A. soB. suchC. such aD. quite a67.(1) She often goes to school _______ bike.(2) She often goes to school _______ my bike.A. inB. atC. onD. by68.(1) You’ve just bo ught a new dictionary. Could you lend ______ to me?(2) I’m looking for a house. I’d like ______ with a garden.A. thatB. itC. whatD. one69.(1) —Did you see anyone in the room? —______.(2) —How many people did you see in the room? —_______.A. No oneB. NoneC. AnyoneD. Any one70.(1) The top of the cave was ________ twenty feet high.(2) There is _____ nothing interesting in his speech.A. nearlyB. mostC. mostlyD. almost71.(1) Who is the greatest poet _______ today?(2) Is his grandfather still _______?A. livingB. aliveC. to liveD. A and B72.(1) Your composition is well written _______ some spelling mistakes.(2) She goes to school every day _______ Sunday.A. besidesB. exceptC. besideD. except for73.(1) If it ______ tomorrow, I won’t go out seeing.A. rainsB. will rainC. is going to rainD. is raining(2) If you ______ me, I will give you some advice.A. listen toB. will listen toC. listenD. are listening74.(1) The new railway will _______ the people on the line.(2) The people on the line will ______ the new railway.A. benefitB. benefit ofC. benefit fromD. benefiting75.(1) This kind of fruit is ______ sugar and water.(2) What interested me ______ at the exhibition is the iceboat.A. mostlyB. bestC. mostD. almost76.(1) It was such a good film ______ I saw it yesterday.(2) Don’t talk about such things _______ you don’t understand.A. whichB. thatC. as toD. as77.(1) —Have you ______ these books? ---No.(2) Let me _______ the bill.A. payB. paid forC. paidD. paid…for78.(1) They were made _______ the decision.(2) The decision has been made ______ to them.A. knowB. to knowC. knownD. knowing79.(1) _____ on the stone, you will see farther.(2) ______ on the stone, and you will see farther.A. StandB. To standC. StoodD. Standing80.(1) The day we looked forward to _______ at last.A. comeB. cameC. comingD. comes(2) We are looking forward to _______ you again.A. seeB. seeingC. sawD. sees81.(1) The streets are brightly _______ up.(2) The ________ candle in the room gave poor light.A. lightB. lightedC. litD. B and C82.(1) I _______ that he work out the problem himself.A. hopeB. expectC. insistD. wish(2) I ______you will write me back soon.A. hopeB. needC. wantD. wish83.(1) —Shall we go with her this afternoon? —________.(2) —Excuse me for coming in without being asked. —_______.A. All rightB. That’s rightC. That’s all rightD. Not all right84.(1) The flower is very beautiful. And it smells _______.(2) We can guess from her face that she the was really_______with the news.A. pleasantB. pleasingC. pleaseD. pleased85. (1) Here is such a big stone _____I can’t move it.(2) Here is so big a stone _____I can’t move.A. thatB. whatC. asD. which86.(1) —It’s your birthday. Happy birthday to you! —_______.(2) —Have a nice weekend! —________.A. Thank youB. You are the sameC. The same to youD. OK87.(1) The workers ______ a new hospital since the end of last year.(2) The workers ________ a new hospital by the end of last year.A. have builtB. have been buildingC. had builtD. were building88.(1) The population of China is larger than ______ of the United States.A. thisB. thatC. theseD. those(2) A room made of stone is ______ to live in than _______ made of wood.A. not comfortable / oneB. more comfortable / thatC. less comfortable / oneD. no more comfortable / the room89.(1) ________ the book will sell depends on its author.(2) ________the books will be sold out depends on its author.A. WhichB. WhyC. HowD. Whether90.(1) I usually go to office by bicycle _____ it rains.(2) Your room upstairs is comfortable to live in _______ the furniture in itlooks older.A. exceptB. except whenC. except forD. except that91.(1) Be careful, and_______ many mistakes in your composition.(2) Be careful _______ many mistakes in your composition.A. don’t makeB. not makeC. not makingD. not to make92.(1) I wrote him a letter and suggested ______ the meeting _______.A. to put / awayB. to put / offC. putting / offD. putting / away(2) The suggestion that John ______ at once is very good.A. should startB. must startC. startedD. starts93.(1) It is suggested that students at school ______.A. would not smokeB. don’t smokeC. not smokeD. smoking(2)They gave us a suggestion that we _______ English harder than before.A. studiedB. should studyC. would studyD. studies94.(1)The headmaster ______, there were sixty people on the ground.(2)Fifteen persons were present, _____ the chairman.A. being includingB. includedC. includesD. including95.(1) The medical team ______ six nurses and a doctor has been sent to theflood areas.(2) Twelve men and three women______ the medical team.A. is made ofB. made up ofC. is made up ofD. make up96.(1) Three-fourths of all scientific papers _______ published first in English.(2) Two-thirds of the information ______ very useful.A. isB. areC. hasD. have97.(1) I would rather you ______ tomorrow.A. comeB. will comeC. cameD. had come(2) Rather than _____ the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.A. allowB. to allowC. allowingD. allowed98.(1) I saw him _____ at the back of the classroom.(2) As soon as he entered, he ______ himself at the back of the classroom.A. satB. seatedC. being seatedD. seating99.(1) Think it over, ______ you will get the answer.(2) Hurry up, ______ we’ll be late for clas s.A. becameB. soC. orD. and100.(1) I found her eyes ______ on the hole in the ceiling.(2) I found her _____ her eyes on the hole in the ceiling.A. are fixedB. fixedC. fixingD. being fixed参考答案1.BD2.DC3.CA4.AB5.DA6.CD7.BC8.AC9.BA 10.DC 11.DA 12.DD 13.BA 14.CD 15.BA 16.DB 17.AA 18.AD 19.CA 20.AB 21.BC 22.CB 23.BC 24.BC 25.BC 26.CA 27.DA 28.CA 29.AD 30.DC 31.BD 32.AB 33.AC 34.AB 35.BD 36.AD 37.BC 38.DC 39.CA 40.BA 41.BC 42.CB 43.DC 44.CD 45.DA 46.AC 47.CB 48.AD 49.CA 50.BD 51.DA 52.BA 53.DC 54.DB 55.AC 56.AB 57.CB 58.BA 59.DA 60.BD 61.BC 62.DB 63.DB 64.CB 65.CA 66.AC 67.DC 68.BD 69.AB 70.AD 71.BD 72.DB 73.AB 74.AC 75.AC 76.BD 77.BA 78.BC 79.DA 80.BB 81.DB 82.CA 83.AC 84.AD 85.AC 86.AC 87.BC 88.BC 89.CD 90.BD 91.AD 92.CA 93.CB 94.BD 95.BD 96.BA 97.CA 98.BB 99.DC 100.BC11。
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英语思维训练100题1. (1) Tom got the first place, ______ made his parents happy.(2) Tom got the first place, and _______ made his parents happy.A. asB. whichC. whatD. this2.(1) _______ is well known to all, the earth is round.(2) _______ is well known to all that the earth is round.A. ThatB. withC. ItD. As3.(1) It’s good _______ you to take a walk after supper every day.(2) It was really stupid _______ him to refuse the invitation.A. ofB. toC. forD. at4.(1) He is unfit for the job, ________?(2) He isn’t fit for the job, ________?A. isn’t heB. is heC. doesn’t heD. does he5.(1) Is this museum _______ you visited the other day?(2) Is this the museum _______ you visited the other day?A. thatB. whereC. in whichD. the one6.(1) He said that Mary had done it, ________?A. hadn’t sheB. hadn’t MaryC. didn’t heD. did he(2) It’s my son’s birthday next week, and I have to do my best for that, ____?A. isn’t itB. is itC. haven’t ID. don’t I7.(1)— I watched TV last night. —_________.A. So I didB. So did IC. So I wasD. So was I(2) Mr. Chen is a teacher and works very hard. _______ his wife.A. So doesB. So isC. So it is withD. It is same with8.(1) It is 10 years since we _______ school.A. leftB. have leftC. had leftD. leave(2) This is the first time I _______ here.A. wasB. am goingC. have beenD. came9.(1) Let’s start at once, _______?(2) Let us go, _________?A. will youB. shall weC. do youD. do we10.(1) There are many trees on _______ side of the street.(2) There are many students watching the volleyball match on _______ sideof the playground.A. allB. bothC. everyD. each11.(1) Mr. Johnson must have come back yesterday, _______?(2) He must have waited here for a long time, _______?A. has n’t heB. have n’t heC. mustn’t heD. didn’t he12.(1) ________ knows the truth will tell you about it, I think.A. WhoB. ThatC. No matter whoD. Whoever(2) Don’t trust him, ______ he says.A. whatB. no matter whatC. whateverD. B and C13.(1) —“_______ can the work be done?” —In five hours.(2) —______ have you studied English? —For six years.A. How longB. How soonC. How oftenD. How far14.(1) Zhang Ming is taller than ______ in his class.A. any studentsB. anyoneC. any other studentD. others(2) He studies English harder than _______ in his class.A. any studentsB. any boysC. anyoneD. any girls15.(1 )Shall we have her _______ there?(2) Shall we get her ________ there?A. to goB. goC. wentD. gone16.(1) —The experiment has failed. — I suggest you _______ again.A. to tryB. will tryC. would tryD. try(2) Her expression suggested that she _______ angry.A. beB. wasC. wereD. being17.(1) They usually have a Party meeting on Saturday afternoon, _______?A. don’t theyB. haven’t theyC. do theyD. have they(2) He hasn’t any brothers, ______?A. has heB. does heC. hasn’t heD. A and B18.(1) Waiting for her _______ me three hours.(2) We’ll ________ three days in doing the work.A. tookB. costC. payD. spend19.(1) He wanted nothing but _______ there.A. stayedB. stayingC. to stayD. stay(2) He would do anything for you but ______ you money.A. lendB. to lendC. lentD. lending20.(1) He told his mother that he couldn’t ______ the kitchen.(2) When he saw his mother busy cooking, he couldn’t ______ th e kitchen.A. help cleanB. help cleaningC. help cleanedD. helping to clean21.(1) I managed to make myself ________.A. hearB. heardC. to be heardD. hearing(2) The earth must be made ______ more people.A. supportedB. supportingC. to supportD. support22.(1) _____ care for others will be respected.A. ThatB. TheseC. Those whoD. Who(2) ______ fails to finish the task given should be criticized.A. Any one whoB. Anyone whoC. Anyone whichD. Any one23.(1) East of the village _______ a lake five years ago.(2) He ________ his hand on my shoulder.A. lieB. layC. laidD. lain24.(1) Someone is asking for you, Maybe he will have ______ you.A. the word withB. a word withC. some words toD. words to(2) She used to have _______ with her husband.A. a wordB. the wordC. wordsD. some words25.(1) Our teacher entered the classroom, _______.(2) Our teacher entered the classroom, with ________.A. a book in handB. book in handC. a book in his handD. book in his hands26.(1) ______ many times, but he still couldn’t understand it.(2) ______ many times, he has already known how to do it.A. Having been toldB. Having toldC. He had been toldD. Though he had been told27.(1) To prevent the air ______, something will have to be done.A. to polluteB. to be pollutedC. from pollutingD. from being polluted(2) The bad weather prevented us _______.A. from going outB. to go outC. gone outD. went out28.(1) It was not _______ the police arrived and caught the thief.(2) The book will be printed _______.A. before longB. beforeC. long beforeD. long29.(1) _______ the sight of the jewels,Mathilde had an idea.(2) _______ sight of his old friend in the street, he felt very happy.A. AtB. InC. Out ofD. Catching30.(1) _________, we all went to the park.(2) ________, and we all went to the park.A. Being a fine dayB. Because the fine dayC. It was a fine dayD. It being a fine day31.(1) To all the people here ______ the honour for the success.(2) China _______ the Third World is a developing country.A. belongB. belongsC. belongs toD. belonging to32.(1) ______ what the schoolmaster said, the girl’s face turned red.A. After she heardB. After hearingC. To hearD. To be heard(2) _______ what the schoolmaster said, she was encouraged.A. After she has heardB. After hearingC. To hearD. To be heard33.(1) Do you remember _______ the policeman before?A. seeingB. to seeC. sawD. to be seen(2) Please remember _______ your hands before dinner.A. washedB. being washedC. to washD. washing34.(1) The letter “X” can _______ an unknown number.A. be used to expressB. be used to expressingC. use to expressD. use for expressing(2) Johnson _______ up early now.A. used to getB. is used to gettingC. is used to getD. used to getting35.(1) I’ll do whatever I can ______ my English.A. improveB. to improveC. improvingD. to improving(2) He said he could _______ me with my English.A. to helpB. helpingC. have helpedD. help36.(1) ______ hearing the news, he rushed out.A. OnB. InC. ByD. At(2) They were overjoyed ________ the news of his safe return.A. onB. inC. byD. at37.(1) Shanghai is in _______.(2) Shanghai belongs to _______.A. the East of ChinaB. the east of ChinaC. East ChinaD. the East China38.(1) _______ from Beijing to Shanghai!(2) ________ from Beijing to Shanghai?A. How a long way it isB. What a long way is itC. How far is itD. What a long way it is39.(1) They have invited us to visit their country, _______ is very kind of them.A. thatB. itC. whichD. what(2) They have invited us to visit their country. _______ is very kind of them.A.ItB. ThisC. WhichD. What40.(1) There ______ no bus, we had to go by bike.(2) As there ______ no bus, we had to go by bike.A. wasB. beingC. hadD. is41.(1) He insisted that I ______ with him.A. wentB. goC. would goD. going(2) She insisted that she ________ correct.A. should beB. beC. wasD. were42.(1) As your spoken English improves, ______ your written English.A. so doesB. thus willC. so willD. does so(2) He likes playing football, _______ his brother.A. so willB. so doesC. does soD. will so43.(1) —I haven’t heard from him for a long time.—What do you think _______?A. was happeningB. to happenC. having happenedD. has happened(2) _______ did you talk with just now?A. WhichB. WhatC. WhomD. Whose44.(1) We can’t have you ______ so fast.A. droveB. drivenC. driveD. to drive(2) The two cheats had the light _______ all night long.A. to burnB. burnC. burntD. burning45.(1) Last year they had the schoolroom _______.A. to rebuiltB. rebuildC. rebuildingD. rebuilt(2) He said he had a lot of work _______.A. to doB. doC. didD. done46.(1) _____ these pictures, I couldn’t help thinking of those days when I wasin London.(2) ____ from the top of a thirty-storied building, London looks magnificent.A. SeeingB. To seeC. SeenD. Saw47.(1) The question ______ now at the meeting is very important.(2) The question _______ at the meeting last week is very important.A. discussingB. discussedC. being discussedD. to be discussed48.(1) The funny story made up by Tom made us ______.A. laughB. laughedC. to laughingD. to laugh(2) Our teacher tried to speak louder in order to made himself _______.A. hearB. to hearC. hearingD. heard49.(1) —You’ve bought a new English dictionary. —_______.(2) You’ve bought a new English dictionary. _____.A. So have IB. So did IC. So I haveD. So I did50.(1) The more we work for our country, ______ we will feel.A. happierB. the happierC. to more happierD. the more happily(2) The more words you know, _____ you can read.A. the more easierB. the easierC. the easilyD. the more easily51.(1) ______ you need more practice is clear.(2) ______ we need is more time.A. WhatB. WhenC. WhichD. That52.(1) A singer and dancer _______ present at the party.A. wereB. wasC. hasD. have(2) A boy and a girl _______ playing with snow together.A. areB. isC. hasD. have53.(1) More than 70 percent of the population of our country _______ peasants.(2) Only 20 percent of the population of this country _____ farmingpopulation.A. hasB. haveC. isD. are54.(1) This is one of the best films that ________ greatly _______ us.(2) This is the one of the best films that _______ greatly ______ us.A. is…encouragedB. has…encouragedC. are…encouragedD. have…encouraged55.(1) He as well as his brother ______ football now.(2) He and his brother ________ football now.A. is playingB. is playedC. are playingD. are played56.(1) All of the apples _______ rotten.(2) All of the apple ________ rotten.A. areB. isC. have beenD. has been57.(1) A number of books ________ on the subject.A. publishedB. has been publishedC. have been publishedD. have published(2) The number of students in that class _______ small.A. areB. isC. have beenD. were58.(1) _________, she knows a lot of things.A. So young the girl isB. Young as the girl isC. Young so the girl isD. As young the girl is(2) _______, she isn’t fit for the job.A. As the girl is too youngB. Too young as the girl isC. Since a young girlD. So young the girl is59.(1) Do you know ________ John is getting on well with his studies?(2) Do you know _________ John is getting on with his studies?A. howB. whichC. whatD. that60.(1) Two other boys were on duty ________ John.(2) There is no one in the room ______ me.A. exceptB. besidesC. besideD. A and B61.(1) I have never seen such a clever man ________ he.(2) He made such an excellent speech ________ everyone respected him.A. likeB. asC. thatD. and62.(1) I have never seen her _______ in black.(2) The baby is too young ________ himself.A. dressB. to dressC. dressingD. dressed63.(1) When I stopped thinking, I found _______ in the classroom.A. me seatedB. me sittingC. myself satD. myself seated(2) When I entered the room, I found a little baby _______ on the table.A. satB. sittingC. seatingD. seating himself64.(1) Three years later he turned ________ doctor.(2) Three years later he became ________ doctor.A. anB. aC. xD. the65.(1) My brother often plays _______ football after class.(2) He seldom plays _______ piano at the school.A. theB. aC. xD. an66.(1) She is ______ good a teacher that we all like her.(2) She is _______ good teacher that we all like her.A. soB. suchC. such aD. quite a67.(1) She often goes to school _______ bike.(2) She often goes to school _______ my bike.A. inB. atC. onD. by68.(1) You’ve just bought a new di ctionary. Could you lend ______ to me?(2) I’m looking for a house. I’d like ______ with a garden.A. thatB. itC. whatD. one69.(1) —Did you see anyone in the room? —______.(2) —How many people did you see in the room? —_______.A. No oneB. NoneC. AnyoneD. Any one70.(1) The top of the cave was ________ twenty feet high.(2) There is _____ nothing interesting in his speech.A. nearlyB. mostC. mostlyD. almost71.(1) Who is the greatest poet _______ today?(2) Is his grandfather still _______?A. livingB. aliveC. to liveD. A and B72.(1) Your composition is well written _______ some spelling mistakes. (2) She goes to school every day _______ Sunday.A. besidesB. exceptC. besideD. except for73.(1) If it ______ tomorrow, I won’t go out seeing.A. rainsB. will rainC. is going to rainD. is raining(2) If you ______ me, I will give you some advice.A. listen toB. will listen toC. listenD. are listening74.(1) The new railway will _______ the people on the line.(2) The people on the line will ______ the new railway.A. benefitB. benefit ofC. benefit fromD. benefiting75.(1) This kind of fruit is ______ sugar and water.(2) What interested me ______ at the exhibition is the iceboat.A. mostlyB. bestC. mostD. almost76.(1) It was such a good film ______ I saw it yesterday.(2) Don’t talk about such things _______you don’t understand.A. whichB. thatC. as toD. as77.(1) —Have you ______ these books? ---No.(2) Let me _______ the bill.A. payB. paid forC. paidD. paid…for78.(1) They were made _______ the decision.(2) The decision has been made ______ to them.A. knowB. to knowC. knownD. knowing79.(1) _____ on the stone, you will see farther.(2) ______ on the stone, and you will see farther.A. StandB. To standC. StoodD. Standing80.(1) The day we looked forward to _______ at last.A. comeB. cameC. comingD. comes(2) We are looking forward to _______ you again.A. seeB. seeingC. sawD. sees81.(1) The streets are brightly _______ up.(2) The ________ candle in the room gave poor light.A. lightB. lightedC. litD. B and C82.(1) I _______ that he work out the problem himself.A. hopeB. expectC. insistD. wish(2) I ______you will write me back soon.A. hopeB. needC. wantD. wish83.(1) —Shall we go with her this afternoon? —________.(2) —Excuse me for coming in without being asked. —_______.A. All rightB. That’s rightC. That’s all rightD. Not all right84.(1) The flower is very beautiful. And it smells _______.(2) We can guess from her face that she the was really_______with the news.A. pleasantB. pleasingC. pleaseD. pleased85. (1) Here is such a big stone _____I can’t move it.(2) Here is so big a stone _____I can’t move.A. thatB. whatC. asD. which86.(1) —It’s your birthday. Happy birthday to you! —_______.(2) —Have a nice weekend! —________.A. Thank youB. You are the sameC. The same to youD. OK87.(1) The workers ______ a new hospital since the end of last year.(2) The workers ________ a new hospital by the end of last year.A. have builtB. have been buildingC. had builtD. were building88.(1) The population of China is larger than ______ of the United States.A. thisB. thatC. theseD. those(2) A room made of stone is ______ to live in than _______ made of wood.A. not comfortable / oneB. more comfortable / thatC. less comfortable / oneD. no more comfortable / the room89.(1) ________ the book will sell depends on its author.(2) ________the books will be sold out depends on its author.A. WhichB. WhyC. HowD. Whether90.(1) I usually go to office by bicycle _____ it rains.(2) Your room upstairs is comfortable to live in _______ the furniture in itlooks older.A. exceptB. except whenC. except forD. except that91.(1) Be careful, and_______ many mistakes in your composition.(2) Be careful _______ many mistakes in your composition.A. don’t makeB. not makeC. not makingD. not to make92.(1) I wrote him a letter and suggested ______ the meeting _______.A. to put / awayB. to put / offC. putting / offD. putting / away(2) The suggestion that John ______ at once is very good.A. should startB. must startC. startedD. starts93.(1) It is suggested that students at school ______.A. would not smokeB. don’t smokeC. not smokeD. smoking(2)They gave us a suggestion that we _______ English harder than before.A. studiedB. should studyC. would studyD. studies94.(1)The headmaster ______, there were sixty people on the ground.(2)Fifteen persons were present, _____ the chairman.A. being includingB. includedC. includesD. including95.(1) The medical team ______ six nurses and a doctor has been sent to theflood areas.(2) Twelve men and three women______ the medical team.A. is made ofB. made up ofC. is made up ofD. make up96.(1) Three-fourths of all scientific papers _______ published first in English.(2) Two-thirds of the information ______ very useful.A. isB. areC. hasD. have97.(1) I would rather you ______ tomorrow.A. comeB. will comeC. cameD. had come(2) Rather than _____ the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.A. allowB. to allowC. allowingD. allowed98.(1) I saw him _____ at the back of the classroom.(2) As soon as he entered, he ______ himself at the back of the classroom.A. satB. seatedC. being seatedD. seating99.(1) Think it over, ______ you will get the answer.(2) Hurry up, ______ we’ll be late for class.A. becameB. soC. orD. and100.(1) I found her eyes ______ on the hole in the ceiling.(2) I found her _____ her eyes on the hole in the ceiling.A. are fixedB. fixedC. fixingD. being fixed参考答案1.BD2.DC3.CA4.AB5.DA6.CD7.BC8.AC9.BA 10.DC 11.DA 12.DD 13.BA 14.CD 15.BA 16.DB 17.AA 18.AD 19.CA 20.AB 21.BC 22.CB 23.BC 24.BC 25.BC 26.CA 27.DA 28.CA 29.AD 30.DC 31.BD 32.AB 33.AC 34.AB 35.BD 36.AD 37.BC 38.DC 39.CA 40.BA 41.BC 42.CB 43.DC 44.CD 45.DA 46.AC 47.CB 48.AD 49.CA 50.BD 51.DA 52.BA 53.DC 54.DB 55.AC 56.AB 57.CB 58.BA 59.DA 60.BD 61.BC 62.DB 63.DB 64.CB 65.CA 66.AC 67.DC 68.BD 69.AB 70.AD 71.BD 72.DB 73.AB 74.AC 75.AC 76.BD 77.BA 78.BC 79.DA 80.BB 81.DB 82.CA 83.AC 84.AD 85.AC 86.AC 87.BC 88.BC 89.CD 90.BD 91.AD 92.CA 93.CB 94.BD 95.BD 96.BA 97.CA 98.BB 99.DC 100.BC。