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T G和 LDL ,动员内源性脂肪 ,起到减肥作用 ,而且不会产生
难以忍受的不良反应或成瘾性 ,但可能会影响脂类维生素的
吸收 。
参考文献 [ 1 ] 陈名道. 从瘦素到增食欲素 ———肥胖研究新进展 [J ] . 中华内
科杂志 ,1999 ,38 (1) :61. [2 ] 王永刚. Leptin 及其受体研究新进展 [J ] . 国外医药·合成药 ,
from an adipocyte hormone to an endocrine mediator [J ] . Eur J Endocri nol ,2000 ,143 (3) :293. [ 5 ] Tartaglia LA ,Dembski M , Weng X , et al . Identification and ex2 pression cloning of a leptin receptor , OB2R [ J ] . Cell , 1995 , 83 (7) :1263. [ 6 ] 陈刚. leptin 受体与肥胖 [J ] . 国外医学·内分泌学分册 ,2000 , 20 (6) :305. [ 7 ] Madiehe AM , Schaff hauser AO ,Braymer DH , et al . Differential expression of leptin receptor in high and low2fat2fed Osborne2 Mendel and S5B/ p1 rats[J ] . Obes Res ,2000 ,8 (6) :467. [ 8 ] Kastin AJ ,Pan W. Dynamic regulation of leptin entry in brain by t he blood2brain barrier[J ] . Regul Pept ,2000 ,92 (123) :37. [ 9 ] 傅茂 ,李秀钧. 神经肽 Y 在物质代谢和神经内分泌调节中作用 [J ] . 中华内分泌代谢杂志 ,1999 ,15 (4) :244. [ 10 ] Raposinho PD ,Vastillo E , d’Allees V , et al . Chronic blockade of t he medanocortin 4 receptor subtype loads to obesity indepen2 dently of neuropeptide Y action , wit h no adverse effects on t he ganodotropic and somatotropic axes [ J ] . Endocri nology , 2000 , 141 (12) :4419. [ 11 ] Vergoni AV ,Berlolini A. Role of melanocortins in t he central con2 trol of feeding[J ] . Eur J Pharm acol ,2000 ,405 (123) :25. [ 12 ] Makimura H , Mizuno TM , Roberts J , et al . Adrenalectomy re2 verses obese phenotype and restores hypot halamic melanocortin tone in leptin2deficient ob/ ob mice [J ] . Diabetes ,2000 ,49 (11) : 1917. [ 13 ] Xue BZ , Zemel BM. Relationship between human adipose tissue agouti and fatty acid synt hase[J ] . J N ut r ,2000 ,130 (10) :2478.
[ 14 ] Xue BZ , Wilkison WO , Mynatt RL , et al . The agBaidu Nhomakorabeauti gene prod2 uct stimulate pancreatic beta2cell Ca2 + signaling and insulin release [J ] . Physiol Genomics ,1999 ,15 (1) :11.
GL U T24 对胰岛素敏感 。可将胞外葡萄糖转运至胞内 , 介导葡萄糖的吸收过程 。这一过程受 P KB 调节 。db / db 鼠
P KB 酶活性降低 ,阻断葡萄糖转运 ,抑制葡萄糖利用 ,导致胰
岛素抵抗 。
2. 6 脂酶
子以利于吸收 。抑制脂酶可减少脂类物质的吸收 ,降低血中
αregulated i n vivo expression of t he rat UCP family differential2 ly[J ] . Biochem Biophys Acta ,1999 ,1436 :585. [ 28 ] 张乾勇. PPAR 的结构与功能及其生物学作用[J ] . 国外医学· 卫生学分册 ,2000 ,27 (5) :284. [ 29 ] 郑和昕. 肿瘤坏死因子α及其受体与胰岛素抵抗 [J ] . 医学综 述 ,2000 ,6 (8) :342.
生化药 ,制剂分册 ,1999 ,20 (5) :271. [ 3 ] Unger RH. Leptin Physiology : a second look [ J ] . Regul Pept ,
2000 ,92 (123) :87. [ 4 ] Machteld W , Robert VC ,Luc F Van Gaol , et al . Human leptin :
[ 15 ] Wirt h MM , Giraudo SQ. Agouti2related protein in t he hypot hala2
mic paraventricular nucleus :effect on feeding[J ] . Pepti des ,2000 , 21 (9) :1369. [ 16 ] 何天培. 肥胖研究的新发现 ———增食因子[J ] . 生理科学进展 , 2000 ,31 (1) :47. [ 17 ] Richard D , Huang Q , Timofeeva E , et al . The corticotropin2re2 leasing hormone system in t he regulation of energy balance in obe2 sity[J ] . I nt J Obes Relat Metab Disord ,2000 ,24 ( Suppl 2) :S36. [ 18 ] Maccario M , Grottoli S , Procopio M , et al . The GH/ I GF21 axis in obesity2influence of neuro2endocrine and metabolic factors[J ] . I nt J Obes Relat Metab Disord ,2000 ,24 ( Suppl 2) :S96. [19 ] 赵红. 胰岛素样生长因子 1 的基础与临床研究进展 [J ] . 国外 医学·内分泌学分册 ,2000 ,20 (6) :302. [20 ] Butler M G , Carlson M G , Schmidt DE , et al . Plasma cholecys2 tokinin levels in Prader2Willi Syndrome and obese subjects [J ] . A m J Med Genet ,2000 ,95 (1) :76. [21 ] Oki2Hamazaki H , Watase K , Yamamoto K , et al . Mice lacking bombesin receptor subtype23 develop metabolic defects and obesi2 ty[J ] . N at ure ,1997 ,390 (6656) :165. [ 22 ] Qiang Tong , Gokhan Dalgin , Haiyan Xu , et al . Function of GA2 TA transcription factors in preadipocyte 2 adipocyte transition [J ] . Science ,2000 ,290 (5489) :134.
[ 26 ] Fleury C , Neverova M , Collins S , et al . Uncoupling protein22 : a novel gene linked to obesit y and hyperinsulinemia[J ] . N at Genet ,
1997 ,15 :269. [ 27 ] Masaki T , Yoshimatsu H ,Chiba S , et al . Tumor Necrosis Factor2
·8 ·
作者简介 :张聿梅 ,女 ,硕士 ,副研究员 ,硕士生导师
Tel : (010) 62899739 ; Fax : (010) 62898425
Chi n Pharm J , 2002 January , V ol . 37 No. 1
[30 ] Ventre J , Thomas D , Margaret W , et al . Targeted disruption of t he tumor necrosis factor 2α gene [ J ] . Diabetes , 1997 , 46 ( 9 ) :
526. [ 31 ] Chu NF ,Spiegelman D ,Rifai V , et al . Glycemic status and solu2
ble tumor necrosis factor receptor levels in relation to plasma lep2 tin[J ] . I nt J Obes Relat Metab Disord ,2000 ,24 (9) :1085.
(收稿日期 :2001202216)
[ 25 ] Surwit RS ,Dixon TM ,Petro AE , et al . Diazoxide restores beta32 adrenergic receptor function in diet2induced obesity and diabetes [J ] . Endocri nology ,2000 ,141 (10) :3630.
[ 23 ] Del Rio G. Adrenomedullary function and its regulation in obesit y [J ] . I nt J Obes Relat Metab Disord ,2000 ,24 ( Suppl 2) :S89.
[ 24 ] 郑和昕.β32肾上腺素能受体及其基因的研究进展[J ] . 医学综 述 ,2000 ,6 (11) :485.
张聿梅 ,杨峻山 ,赵杨景 ,李先恩 (中国协和医科大学2中国医学科学院药用植物研究所 ,北京 100094)
摘要 :目的 介绍传统中药薏苡的化学成分及药理活性研究概况及展望 。方法 以国内外发表的文献为依据 ,对薏苡中发现 的多种化学成分及其药理活性进行了综述 。结果 传统中药薏苡中含有多种类型的化学成分 ,并具有抗肿瘤 、抗病毒 、抗菌 及免疫调节等方面的药理活性 。结论 传统中药薏苡具备药用兼食用的功能 ,应深入研究 ,在药物及保健食品方面进行深层
难以忍受的不良反应或成瘾性 ,但可能会影响脂类维生素的
吸收 。
参考文献 [ 1 ] 陈名道. 从瘦素到增食欲素 ———肥胖研究新进展 [J ] . 中华内
科杂志 ,1999 ,38 (1) :61. [2 ] 王永刚. Leptin 及其受体研究新进展 [J ] . 国外医药·合成药 ,
from an adipocyte hormone to an endocrine mediator [J ] . Eur J Endocri nol ,2000 ,143 (3) :293. [ 5 ] Tartaglia LA ,Dembski M , Weng X , et al . Identification and ex2 pression cloning of a leptin receptor , OB2R [ J ] . Cell , 1995 , 83 (7) :1263. [ 6 ] 陈刚. leptin 受体与肥胖 [J ] . 国外医学·内分泌学分册 ,2000 , 20 (6) :305. [ 7 ] Madiehe AM , Schaff hauser AO ,Braymer DH , et al . Differential expression of leptin receptor in high and low2fat2fed Osborne2 Mendel and S5B/ p1 rats[J ] . Obes Res ,2000 ,8 (6) :467. [ 8 ] Kastin AJ ,Pan W. Dynamic regulation of leptin entry in brain by t he blood2brain barrier[J ] . Regul Pept ,2000 ,92 (123) :37. [ 9 ] 傅茂 ,李秀钧. 神经肽 Y 在物质代谢和神经内分泌调节中作用 [J ] . 中华内分泌代谢杂志 ,1999 ,15 (4) :244. [ 10 ] Raposinho PD ,Vastillo E , d’Allees V , et al . Chronic blockade of t he medanocortin 4 receptor subtype loads to obesity indepen2 dently of neuropeptide Y action , wit h no adverse effects on t he ganodotropic and somatotropic axes [ J ] . Endocri nology , 2000 , 141 (12) :4419. [ 11 ] Vergoni AV ,Berlolini A. Role of melanocortins in t he central con2 trol of feeding[J ] . Eur J Pharm acol ,2000 ,405 (123) :25. [ 12 ] Makimura H , Mizuno TM , Roberts J , et al . Adrenalectomy re2 verses obese phenotype and restores hypot halamic melanocortin tone in leptin2deficient ob/ ob mice [J ] . Diabetes ,2000 ,49 (11) : 1917. [ 13 ] Xue BZ , Zemel BM. Relationship between human adipose tissue agouti and fatty acid synt hase[J ] . J N ut r ,2000 ,130 (10) :2478.
[ 14 ] Xue BZ , Wilkison WO , Mynatt RL , et al . The agBaidu Nhomakorabeauti gene prod2 uct stimulate pancreatic beta2cell Ca2 + signaling and insulin release [J ] . Physiol Genomics ,1999 ,15 (1) :11.
GL U T24 对胰岛素敏感 。可将胞外葡萄糖转运至胞内 , 介导葡萄糖的吸收过程 。这一过程受 P KB 调节 。db / db 鼠
P KB 酶活性降低 ,阻断葡萄糖转运 ,抑制葡萄糖利用 ,导致胰
岛素抵抗 。
2. 6 脂酶
子以利于吸收 。抑制脂酶可减少脂类物质的吸收 ,降低血中
αregulated i n vivo expression of t he rat UCP family differential2 ly[J ] . Biochem Biophys Acta ,1999 ,1436 :585. [ 28 ] 张乾勇. PPAR 的结构与功能及其生物学作用[J ] . 国外医学· 卫生学分册 ,2000 ,27 (5) :284. [ 29 ] 郑和昕. 肿瘤坏死因子α及其受体与胰岛素抵抗 [J ] . 医学综 述 ,2000 ,6 (8) :342.
生化药 ,制剂分册 ,1999 ,20 (5) :271. [ 3 ] Unger RH. Leptin Physiology : a second look [ J ] . Regul Pept ,
2000 ,92 (123) :87. [ 4 ] Machteld W , Robert VC ,Luc F Van Gaol , et al . Human leptin :
[ 15 ] Wirt h MM , Giraudo SQ. Agouti2related protein in t he hypot hala2
mic paraventricular nucleus :effect on feeding[J ] . Pepti des ,2000 , 21 (9) :1369. [ 16 ] 何天培. 肥胖研究的新发现 ———增食因子[J ] . 生理科学进展 , 2000 ,31 (1) :47. [ 17 ] Richard D , Huang Q , Timofeeva E , et al . The corticotropin2re2 leasing hormone system in t he regulation of energy balance in obe2 sity[J ] . I nt J Obes Relat Metab Disord ,2000 ,24 ( Suppl 2) :S36. [ 18 ] Maccario M , Grottoli S , Procopio M , et al . The GH/ I GF21 axis in obesity2influence of neuro2endocrine and metabolic factors[J ] . I nt J Obes Relat Metab Disord ,2000 ,24 ( Suppl 2) :S96. [19 ] 赵红. 胰岛素样生长因子 1 的基础与临床研究进展 [J ] . 国外 医学·内分泌学分册 ,2000 ,20 (6) :302. [20 ] Butler M G , Carlson M G , Schmidt DE , et al . Plasma cholecys2 tokinin levels in Prader2Willi Syndrome and obese subjects [J ] . A m J Med Genet ,2000 ,95 (1) :76. [21 ] Oki2Hamazaki H , Watase K , Yamamoto K , et al . Mice lacking bombesin receptor subtype23 develop metabolic defects and obesi2 ty[J ] . N at ure ,1997 ,390 (6656) :165. [ 22 ] Qiang Tong , Gokhan Dalgin , Haiyan Xu , et al . Function of GA2 TA transcription factors in preadipocyte 2 adipocyte transition [J ] . Science ,2000 ,290 (5489) :134.
[ 26 ] Fleury C , Neverova M , Collins S , et al . Uncoupling protein22 : a novel gene linked to obesit y and hyperinsulinemia[J ] . N at Genet ,
1997 ,15 :269. [ 27 ] Masaki T , Yoshimatsu H ,Chiba S , et al . Tumor Necrosis Factor2
·8 ·
作者简介 :张聿梅 ,女 ,硕士 ,副研究员 ,硕士生导师
Tel : (010) 62899739 ; Fax : (010) 62898425
Chi n Pharm J , 2002 January , V ol . 37 No. 1
[30 ] Ventre J , Thomas D , Margaret W , et al . Targeted disruption of t he tumor necrosis factor 2α gene [ J ] . Diabetes , 1997 , 46 ( 9 ) :
526. [ 31 ] Chu NF ,Spiegelman D ,Rifai V , et al . Glycemic status and solu2
ble tumor necrosis factor receptor levels in relation to plasma lep2 tin[J ] . I nt J Obes Relat Metab Disord ,2000 ,24 (9) :1085.
(收稿日期 :2001202216)
[ 25 ] Surwit RS ,Dixon TM ,Petro AE , et al . Diazoxide restores beta32 adrenergic receptor function in diet2induced obesity and diabetes [J ] . Endocri nology ,2000 ,141 (10) :3630.
[ 23 ] Del Rio G. Adrenomedullary function and its regulation in obesit y [J ] . I nt J Obes Relat Metab Disord ,2000 ,24 ( Suppl 2) :S89.
[ 24 ] 郑和昕.β32肾上腺素能受体及其基因的研究进展[J ] . 医学综 述 ,2000 ,6 (11) :485.
张聿梅 ,杨峻山 ,赵杨景 ,李先恩 (中国协和医科大学2中国医学科学院药用植物研究所 ,北京 100094)
摘要 :目的 介绍传统中药薏苡的化学成分及药理活性研究概况及展望 。方法 以国内外发表的文献为依据 ,对薏苡中发现 的多种化学成分及其药理活性进行了综述 。结果 传统中药薏苡中含有多种类型的化学成分 ,并具有抗肿瘤 、抗病毒 、抗菌 及免疫调节等方面的药理活性 。结论 传统中药薏苡具备药用兼食用的功能 ,应深入研究 ,在药物及保健食品方面进行深层