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=is equal to
≠ is not equal to
≈ is approximately equal to
>is greater than
≥ is greater than or equal to
<is less than
≤ is less than or equal to
square root
0.8 the repeating decimal 0.888…
r s’t” r degrees s minutes t seconds
right angle
┻ is perpendicular
│x│ absolute value of x
∥ is parallel to
△ triangle
~is similar to
≌ is congruent to
△x delta x
AB arc AB
π pi(3.1415…) equal to; is the same as
the result is; yields; gives
2.the sum of x and y; the total of x and y;
x added to y; x increased by y; x+y
x more then y; x greater than y
3.x minus y; x less y;
the difference of x and y; x take away y;
from x subtract y’ x decreased by y; x-y x diminished by y; y is subtracted from x;
y less than x (note the reversal)
4.x multiplied by y;
xy the product of x and y;
5. divided by y;
the quotient of x and y; x y, y divided into x (note the reversal)
6. A and B are factors of C;
A and
B are divisors of C;
C is divisible by A and by B; A B=C
C is a multiple of A and of B;
A divides C and
B divides C;
7. the ratio of a to b a:b,
8. reciprocal of x
9. x times as many z as y; z=x y
10. a squared;
a to the second power a2
11. a cubed; a3
a to the third power
12. between a and b (a,b)
between a and b, inclusive [a,b]
13. off 低于,从……中扣除
14. account for 占
15. third
16. of x (a fraction of x); x,0.75x
75% of x (a percent of x)
(3)关系符号:如“=”是等号,“≈”或“ ”是近似符号,“≠”是不等号,“>”是大于符号,“<”是小于符号,“ ”表示变量变化的趋势,“∽”是相似符号,“≌”是全等号,“‖”是平行符号,“⊥”是垂直符号,“∝”是正比例符号,“∈”是属于符号等。
(6)省略符号:如三角形(△),正弦(sin),X的函数(f(x)),极限(lim),因为(∵),所以(∴),总和(∑),连乘(∏),从N个元素中每次取出R个元素所有不同的组合数(C ),幂(aM),阶乘(!)等。
∞ 无穷大
PI 圆周率
|x| 函数的绝对值
∩ 集合交
≥ 大于等于
≤ 小于等于
≡ 恒等于或同余
ln(x) 以e为底的对数
lg(x) 以10为底的对数
floor(x) 上取整函数
ceil(x) 下取整函数
x mod y 求余数
{x} 小数部分x - floor(x)
∫f(x)δx 不定积分
∫[a:b]f(x)δx a到b的定积分
∑[1≤k≤n]f(k) 对n进行求和,可以拓广至很多情况
如:∑[n is prime][n < 10]f(n)
lim f(x) (x->?) 求极限
f(z) f关于z的m阶导函数
C(n:m) 组合数,n中取m
P(n:m) 排列数
m|n m整除n
m⊥n m与n互质
a ∈A a属于集合A
#A 集合A中的元素个数
回答者:tzzjh - 助理二级11-9 10:49
(3)关系符号:如“=”是等号,“≈”或“ ”是近似符号,“≠”是不等号,“>”是大于符号,“<”是小于符号,“ ”表示变量变化的趋势,“∽”是相似符号,“≌”是全等号,“‖”是平行符号,“⊥”是垂直符号,“∝”是正比例符号,“∈”是属于符号等。