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Vehicle Handling introduction 车辆操纵性介绍
Andrew Middleton, Technical Director, Anthony Best Dynamics Ltd
Vehicle handling is closely related to ride and steering. 车辆的操纵性与行驶平顺性和转向特性是密切相关的。 Ride is not dealt with in this presentation, but vehicle characteristics optimised for ride will affect handling. 行驶平顺性在这次讲座中没有提及,但是关于车辆行驶平顺 性的优化将影响到操纵性。 The art of ride and handling is to find the “best compromise” for the type of vehicle. 平顺性和操纵性的技术在于取得车辆的“最佳折衷”的办法。
The total force between tyre and ground is proportional to the shaded area.
Hence up to a point, as the slip angle increases, the shaded area and the cornering force increase. 因此当横向偏移角增加时,阴影区域和侧向 力增加。 At higher slip angles the increase becomes non linear. 在更大的横向偏移角下,增加变成非线性。
Cornering force, slip angle and vertical load. 横向力、横向偏移角和垂直力 For a greater vertical load there is more cornering force at a given slip angle. 对于更大的垂直 力在相同的横向 偏移角下有更大 的横向力。
Suspension Geometry. 悬架几何结构 Wheel position definitions 车轮定位
பைடு நூலகம்
Ackermann geometry, Intended to make the steered wheels follow a curve without sliding. 阿克曼结构,使转向车轮依从曲线前进,防止滑动。
Note that these results apply to a vertical tyre 注意这些结果应用于垂 直轮胎
Self Aligning torque自行回正力矩- 1
Self aligning torque provides the resistance to turning of the steering wheel when cornering.
Bump steer and roll steer are geometric effects. 颠簸转向性和侧倾转向性是几何影响。 Bump steer occurs when the body height relative to the road changes. It is caused by a change of wheel toe-in/toe-out when the wheel moves vertically away from its normal ride position. 当车身高度相对于路面改变时产生颠簸转向。它的产生是由于当车轮初始行 驶位置垂直改变时前轮前束/前轮后束发生改变。 Roll steer occurs when the vehicle rolls and the wheels on each side of the vehicle steer relative to the body. 当车辆侧倾,两侧车轮相对于车身出现转向时产生侧倾转向。 Compliance steer is caused by braking and cornering forces – compliance steer may be a combination of geometric and elastic effects. 柔性转向是由刹车和转向时的力造成-柔性转向可以是几何影响和弹性扰曲 影响的综合结果。
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When cornering the tyre tread and carcass deflect laterally relative to the wheel rim. 当转向时轮胎胎面和胎体相对于轮辋横向变形。 When cornering a tyre runs at a SLIP ANGLE, the angle between the direction of travel of the centre of the wheel and the plane of the wheel. 当转向时轮胎沿横向偏离角运动,即车轮平面与轮胎接触中心的运动方 向间的夹角。 Sliding (slip) occurs between the tyre tread and the road surface 轮胎胎面与路面之间产生滑动。 As the slip angle increases there is increased sliding (slip) at the rear of the contact patch. 随着横向偏离角变大,轮胎接触面后端持续滑动。 At large slip angles the whole contact patch slides 在很大的横向偏离角时整个轮胎接触面都会滑动。
Inner front wheel turns to a greater angle than outer wheel. 内侧前轮转向角度大于外侧前轮。
Roll Axis
Roll axis =Line joining front and rear roll centres. 侧倾轴=前、后侧倾中心连线 Roll centres positioned by suspension geometry 侧倾中心由悬架结构确定
TYRES轮胎 – 2
Distortion of tyre at contact patch during cornering 转弯过程中轮胎接触面的扭曲
TYRES 轮胎 - 3
At the contact patch there is a limit to the amount of force that can be resisted without sliding. 轮胎接触面有一个力上限值可以抵制滑动。 The force vector may be in any direction, depending on whether the forces are cornering, braking or acceleration. 力向量可以是任何方向,依赖于转向、刹车 或加速产生的力。 The resultant of combined forces has a circular locus about the centre of the contact patch 合力的结果在接触面中央产生圆形作用点。
TYRES轮胎 – 4
转向力vs 横向偏离角特性
Approximately linear up to about 5 degrees slip angle.
在横向偏离角小于5度时近似线 性。
The gradient in the linear region is the cornering stiffness.
Self aligning torque自行回正力矩- 3
Initially, as the slip angle increases, the self aligning torque continues to increase, so the load on the steering wheel increases. 最初当横向偏移角增加时,自行回正力矩 持续增加,所以方向盘上的力增加。 At increased slip angles there is increased sliding at the rear of the contact patch. The centre of the shaded area moves forwards and the pneumatic trail decreases. 横向偏移角增加时轮胎接地面后端持续侧 滑。阴影部分中央前移,充气车轮拖距变 小。 At large slip angles the self aligning torque decreases and warns the driver of impending loss of grip. 在横向偏移角很大时自行回正力矩变小, 警告司机即将失去操控。
Due to suspension geometry, camber is likely to change with wheel movement. 根据悬架几何结构,外倾角会随 着车轮运动而改变。 Result is that wheels are inclined at different angles to the road when cornering. 结果是在转向时车轮会相对于路 面以不同的角度倾斜。
Self aligning torque 自行回正力矩- 2
Resultant cornering force acts at the centre of the shaded area – behind the centre of the contact patch. 合成的转向力作用在阴影区域的中央 -在接触面中央的后面。 Hence a moment about the centre of the contact patch, called “self aligning torque”, is produced. 因此产生一个作用在接触面中央的力 矩,被称为“自行回正力矩”。 Distance between the centre of the contact patch and the centre of the shaded area is the “pneumatic trail”. •接触面中央与阴影中央之间的距离 被称为“充气车轮拖距”
KINEMATICS – GEOMETRIC EFFECTS 运动性-当车轮相对于车身运动时悬架的几何参数的变化 COMPLIANCE – FLEXIBILITY EFFECTS. 柔性-悬架在负载下的弹性特性 Road surface bumps, braking acceleration and cornering; change the wheel positions and hence the kinematics change the wheel loadings and hence cause changes in elastic deflections 路面的不平整、刹车产生的加速度以及转向,改变了车轮的位置,因 此运动性改变车轮的载荷,造成了弹性扰曲。