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Plain to irrigation, to eah to eah. In other ords, if BaoPingKou stuk on, 60% of people in hengdu ill have no ater to drink. So BaoPingKou and fl sand dam is a gang of aggravation good brothers.
Dujiangan is posed of three major ater onservan projet, if think dujiangan as a fish, so the fish s head is fish mouth , fl sand dam are the bod of the fish, and BaoPingKou, is the tail of the fish. All, hengdu; River, minjiang river; Weir, dam. This is the origin of the name, dujiangan, I hope ou remember this the anestor of ater onservan projet .
Don t kno ou had open not happ? After a pla, everone goo goo alled the bell, no e are heading for food arm!
The famous anient dujiangan ater onservan projet, loated in the est of dujiangan it of sihuan, is installed ith old XianJing and alled at eir, said after the song dnast and uan dnast DouJiang is knon as the eternal alone sihuan treasure . To thousand ears ago, bing and his son in front of the minjiang river ater unrul, fire hih from the heap. Fish mouth dam ater, sand dam flood, BaoPingKou diversion, ill be treated to a rain aterlogging of est sihuan plain, into the
FDD from people, land of abundane of famine. The projet until toda still plas a role, knon as living ater onservan museum . Is the orld s the longest so far, the onl thing left, is haraterized b no dam diversion of ater onservan projets.
More than one thousand eight hundred ears ago, took a fan to mount qingheng Taoist founders Zhang Ling green beautiful, deided in the siene of uniting the road. Qingheng mountain
line bees more and more prosperous, but Taoism of guan u and pavilions built beteen lies deep in the forest, ith the mountains around the anquan.
Unique geographial onditions and the eologial environment has reated from the heap lok gorge, anient gold dike afterglo, north-est, hih send, old pool FuLong, fling Ze bridge,
herself the supernatural, minshan hunxiao natural landsape, suh as her, Aquarius, and the to Kings temple, FuLong vie, peaeful anient buildings suh as bridge, the it god temple in photograph reflet, formed the mountain, ater, it, Lin, dam, bridge, unique sener, bee the natural and ultural, human and environment, ater onservan and landsape harmonious fusion,
the unit of nature and histori spetale. With a strong ornamental, eologial and harateristi.
The dujiangan irrigation projet is loated in the hengdu plain in sihuan minjiang river on the est side of the estern
it of dujiangan, 56 km XX from hengdu. Was built in 256 BC,
is the arring states period, qin shu satrap bing leads the people to build a large ater onservan projets, up to no still in irrigated farmland, is the ell-being of the people of the great ater onservan projet. Its is haraterized b s long, undammed diversion, is the anestor of the orld ater ulture. The projet is mainl posed of uzui ater-dividing dike, fl sand dam spilla, the three most BaoPingKou inlet and baizhang dike, herringbone dam and other aessor orks, sientifiall solve the automati distributar river 36 ounties more than
10.03 million ares of farmland irrigation, more than 50
ke enterprises of hengdu and urban ater suppl, and flood ontrol, poer generation, and floating ater, aquati produts, aquaulture, multiple target integrated servies suh as fruit, tourism, environmental protetion, is irreplaeable in sihuan
provine, the national eonomi development and ater onservan infrastruture, the size of its irrigation area in the ountr.
Dujiangan is loated in minjiang river alluvial plain of
the valle into the river, it irrigation sulling ount east of hengdu plain, hite on the farmland. Original through the topograph of steep hills of the upper reahes of minjiang
river, one in the hengdu plain, ater speed slo don suddenl, thus plaing a lot of sediment and roks deposited then,
siltation of the river.
Ever rain season, the minjiang river and other
tributaries of the atershed aters often overrun; Rain is insuffiient, ill ause drought. Long before dujiangan into 2, three hundred, the anient shu kingdom ukoo king for liberal, open a artifiial river in the mountain area of minjiang river, minjiang river ater into the river, in addition to the damage. ,
Dujiangan irrigation area is the most eonomiall developed areas in sihuan provine, is the heart of politis, eonom and ulture in sihuan. The jie people spirit , histor is the land
of abundane reputation. Irrigation area ithin the natural landsape, ultural landsape, it huXXi and urban sener, olorful, beautiful. Irrigation and ater onservan, dotted, eah
exhibition harm, eah has its on harateristis, pleasing,
people s anal, DongFengQu, sanhe eir, eir, float ater the
blak dragon pool, sanha lake, reservoir, lake ripple tinkling; longquan sored, haraterized b open, ater rises . Full
irrigation area presents the long alk on the ground, the Milk Wa the sk flo; rainbo valle, happiness.to the pinghu grand piture.
Dujiangan is loated in the est of dujiangan it, sihuan provine, is loated in the minjiang river in the est of the hengdu plain. Dujiangan ater onservan projet as built in 256 BC, is so far, all over the orld s most long, the onl thing left, is haraterized b no dam diversion of ater onservan projets. Is a national ke ultural relis protetion units. Near dujiangan, beautiful sener and numerous ultural relis, there are mainl FuLong vie, the to Kings temple, peaeful bridge, hih, from the pile of park, hih mountain park and lingan temple, et.
The dujiangan irrigation projet b the reation of uzui
ater-dividing dike, fl sand dam spilla, BaoPingKou irrigating gate three main engineering and baizhang dike, herringbone
dam and other aessor orks. Sientifiall solved the automati
ater distributar and desilting, ontrol the ater flo, flood, eliminates the make estern sihuan plain severe from the man s land of abundane . More than to thousand ears, has plaed a flood ontrol and irrigation. B98, dujiangan irrigation area
has reahed more than 40 ounties, irrigated area of 668700 hetares.
Fish mouth is built in jiangxin ater dam, the minjiang river surge is divided into outer and neijiang, jiang outside having, jiang baopingkou ater diversion irrigation. Fl sand dam up xie hong, desilting and adjust the ation of ater. BaoPingKou ontrol ater flo, the shape of the mouth for suh as bottleneks, therefore alls BaoPingKou. In the river after BaoPingKou into the estern sihuan plain irrigation farmland. From the hills hill part of trunation, hih is alled from the heap.
Dujiangan ater onservan projet makes full use of loal geographial onditions of high northest, southeast lo, aording to the mountain rivers in speial terrain, ater vein, ater potential, return pattern, no dam diversion, gravit irrigation, the embankment, ater, ater, sand, urtains on interdependene, for sstem, to ensure the ater flood ontrol, irrigation, ater transportation and soial prehensive benefits into full pla. After the pletion of dujiangan, the hengdu plain lies thousands of miles, provine.ith from people, do not kno famine, hen no famine, tianfu . Culture has a great development of the eonom in sihuan provine. Its greatest dam as built to thousand ears enduring, and it plas a more and more big. Dujiangan to reate, in order to does not destro the
natural resoures, make full use of natural resoures for human servies for the premise, hange for profit, make the person,
the land, ater three highl harmonious and unified.
Dujiangan projet remain, so far still plas a job. With
the enlargement of the sope of the development of siene and tehnolog and irrigation area, begin from36, graduall sith to slurr onrete build b laing briks or stones pebble tehnolog of anient projet for repair, reinforement, add some of the ater onservan failities, the engineering laout and anient eir are roded deep, lo eir tao beah , return pattern, sine the ,
utting Angle, ever heart is pumping in ba and other valuable hasn t hanged, dujiangan ater onservan projet to bee the orld s best model of ater resoure utilization. Water onservan experts, after arefull athed the hole projet design of its height more than the sientifi level of marvel. Suh as sand
eir design is a good use of the theor of sirling flo. The eir, at ordinar times an be irrigated, flooding an drain into the river, but also the role of sand and gravel, sometimes big stones an roll XX from the eir. There ere no ement, for suh a big engineering is use loal materials, using bamboo ages
paked pebble as eir, expenses in provine, effet is remarkable.
Dujiangan seni in this area, there are man plaes of interest, it is an ideal tourist attration. Dujiangan one ith
to Kings temple, FuLong vie, peaeful bridge suh as plaes of histori interest.
To Kings temple is loated in minjiang river right bank slopes, the former in dujiangan, a former memor of the king of shu emperor temple, JiJianWu hen the hange of si bing and his son, renamed the hong DE temple . After the song dnast the bing stone arving. Inside and eir ork statues of the eastern han dnast, tang dnast Jin Xian and priness YuZhen
reli - fl Long Ding hen qingheng mountain monaster.
Peaeful Bridges also knon as peaeful bridge , bridge . Was built in the song dnast. In dujiangan, fish mouth, is knon as five Bridges in anient China, is the most tpial landsape of dujiangan. Bridge to raft stone retainer, hanging from a thik bamboo able ross river on board for the dek, on both sides ith bamboo rope to bar, total length of about 500 meters. The late Ming dnast as destroed b fire. No the bridge onrete pile for able.
Is not onl a orld-famous dujiangan ater onservan projet in anient China, is also a famous seni spot. In82, dujiangan, sihuan qingheng mountain - dujiangan seni area as an important part of it as approved b the state ounil listed in the first list of state-level seni spots. On Ma 8, 201X, hengdu - dujiangan qingheng mountain seni spots b the
national tourism administration approval for the state 5 - tourist seni spot.
Aording to the UN onvention on the protetion of orld ultural and natural heritage the seond paragraph of artile 1 of the regulations on ultural heritage definition: building: from the historial, artisti or sientifi perspetive in arhiteture, distributed evenl, or bined ith environment landsape has outstanding universal value of monomer or onnetion of buildings . Dujiangan ater onservan engineering ith a long histor, large-sale, laout reasonable, sientifi operation, bination, in harmon ith the environment in histor and siene has outstanding universal value, in 201X the United Nations onferene on the orld heritage mittee the 24th dujiangan as identified as the orld ultural heritage.
Dujiangan is loated in the ton of dujiangan irrigation mouth hengdu it, sihuan provine, is China onstrution in the anient and use of large ater onservan projet, knon as the anestor of the orld ater onservan ulture , is the national famous tourist resort. Usuall think, dujiangan ater onservan projet is b the state of qin shu satrap bing and his son leads to built around 256 BC, is so far, all over the orld s most long, the onl thing left, is haraterized b no dam
diversion of ater onservan projet, is also a national ke ultural relis protetion units.
Seni spot dujiangan ater onservan projet makes full use of loal geographial onditions of high northest, southeast lo, aording to the mountain rivers in speial terrain, ater vein, ater potential, return pattern, no dam diversion, gravit irrigation, the embankment, ater, ater, sand, urtains on interdependene, for sstem, to ensure the ater flood ontrol, irrigation, ater transportation and soial prehensive benefits into full pla. After the pletion of dujiangan, the hengdu plain lies thousands of miles, provine.ith from people, do not kno famine, hen no famine, tianfu . Culture has a great development of the eonom in sihuan provine. Its greatest dam as built to thousand ears enduring, and it plas a more and more big. Dujiangan to reate, in order to does not destro the natural resoures, make full use of natural resoures for human servies for the premise, hange for profit. Hub of dujiangan irrigation sstem is mainl posed of fish mouth, fl sand dam, BaoPingKou three major projets. All organi oordination and restraining eah other, oordinated operation, ater diversion irrigation fields, the flood disaster redution, ith the effet of hexagon, flat flo drought . The best travel time dujiangan annual temperature is higher, annual average temperature 12 ~
20 ℃, in hot summer and arm inter, the four seasons is not obvious, the four seasons are suitable for tourism.
Histor and ulture of dujiangan to reate, not to destro
the natural resoures, make full use of natural resoures for human servies for the premise, hange for profit, make the person highl snergisti, land, ater, the orld has so far onl a great eologial engineering . Ushered in a ne era in the
histor of Chinese anient histor of ater onservan, marked the histor of ater onservan in China has entered a ne stage, rote a glorious hapter in the histor of ater onservan. The dujiangan irrigation projet, is the rstallization of the
isdom of anient people in China, is an epoh-making masterpiee of Chinese ulture. The dujiangan irrigation projet. Long
after 2260 ears, the orld s ver long time, the onl thing left, is haraterized b no dam diversion of ater onservan projet. It is the most suessful in the histor of Chinese anient ater onservan orks, espeiall the anient ater onservan projet in
use toda, the past , onl the onders. With the onstrution of roughl the same time than the irrigation sstem, the famil of anient Egpt and Cuba and China s shXXnxi zhengguo anal and guangxi, the effiaious anal and the passage of time, beause
of the sea hange or annihilation, or failure, onl the ton of dujiangan, ith the onstrution of long standing and ell
established, fertile land, hite still moistens land of abundane.
B the dujiangan ith a strong loal olor of dujiangan ater ulture inluding hdrolog, ater, ater theolog relis, suh as to Kings temple , FuLong vie and vieing in ultural landsape; Bing of the eastern han dnast unearthed stone mining and rebuilding fish mouth shon stone arving; Sing psalms to bing and his son dragon harnessing of folklore and has ertain religious theolog olor ritual ativities; And the resulting offering ater, offering god, offering people the poem, i, alligraph and painting of hdrolog and so on, forming the unique dujiangan ater ulture. Dujiangan, a stone tablet, engraved ith deep pan beah, lo eir ords.