高中英语冀教版必修四Unit 2 Using the Internet 教案设计




Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us Lesson 19 How Do You Use the Internet?Talk about how touse the Internet in our daily lifein English.【知识与能力目标】. Master the new words and phrases, the meaning of text.2. Learn to use Adverbial Clause with “if”.3. Talk about how to use the Internet in our daily life in English .【过程与方法目标】Communicative Teaching【情感态度价值观目标】Electronic whiteboard, Multimedia courseware【教学重点】Learn to use Adverbial Clause with “if”【教学难点】Talk about how to use the Internet in our daily life in English.图片,PPTStep 1. Analysis of the student.Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say. Review: Last week, we learned about the animals, and we knew that we should protect the animals, because the animals are important to the environment, there are not animals, there is not human.Then ask some Ss to describe the animals:Dogs are friendly and loy al; they are human’s best friends.Cats are quiet and cute, and they like to eat fish.Tigers and lions are fierce and strong.Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Homework check.This week, we will learn to talk about the Internet. And ask some Ss to introduce what is the Internet? How to use it in our daily life?Come to “Think About It!”What can you do on a computer?How do you use the Internet?Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 Prepare lessons before class.Teach the new words and phrases. Make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No. 2. Text: Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the dialogue in groups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary.At last, the teacher explains the text in Chinese. Make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No. 3 Important sentences:1. I used to have a desktop computer.2. It is easy to carry.3. I use the Internet to blog about donuts.4. I can begin to write report.No. 4 The Grammar: Adverbial Clause with “if”.1.复习“when”时间状语从句与“because”原因状语从句,(1)主句从句时态保持一致,主句一般将来时,从句使用一般现在时。

冀教版八年级下册英语 Unit 4 Lesson 23 The Internet—Good授课课件

冀教版八年级下册英语 Unit 4 Lesson 23 The Internet—Good授课课件

cause/kɔːz/v. 使发生;引起;造成 eg:Hisabsencecausedmemuchtrouble. 他的缺席给我带来了许多麻烦。
考向一 causesb. sth. =causesth. to/forsb. 给某人带来某事
考向二 causen.原因;起因;理由;动机 eg:Whatwasthecauseoftheaccident? 造成这一事故的原因是什么?
andshareinformationinseconds. However,theInternethas advantages❶anddisadvantageWWs.ihtehrtehdeoInytoeurnweat,nttogo?
youcouldmeetthisstudent. ShelivesinAfrica.
考点4 [高频]stayintouch保持联系
考向一 同义短语为keepintouch。其中touch作名词, 意为“联系”。 eg: Ihavestayed/keptintouchwithhimsinceweparte d. 自从我们分开以后, 我与他一直保持联系。 Pleasestay/keepinclosetouchwithme. 请与我保持密切联系。
TheInternetcanbeausefultool,butdon’tletit takeup❽allofyourtime. UsetheInternetproperly andcarefullyanditcanmakeyourlifemorecolourful.
Howfardoyouwanttogo? TheInternetcaneventakeyoutotheSouthPol e!
拓展 getintouchwith…和……取得联系 losetouch失去联系 outoftouch失去联系



《H o w-D o-Y o u-U s e-t h e-I n t e r n e t》教学设计全面版------------------------------------------作者xxxx------------------------------------------日期xxxx《How Do You Use the Internet》教学设计章节名称八年级下Unit 4 lesson19学时1教材分析本课是冀教版英语八年级下册第四单元第一课时How Do Y ou Use the Internet,教材以使用计算机上网为话题,从学生熟悉的日常活动出发来探讨计算机与网络的功能,认识网络对我们学习和生活的积极作用和消极影响,鼓励学生利用网络了解世界探索未知,要求学生学会科学合理安全地上网.通过解读课文对话和设置针对性练习来学习if 引导的条件状语从句,熟练掌握一般现在时和一般将来时的运用,正确使用情态动词can和must.课文由“想一想"、“主题对话”和“一起做”三部分组成.在“想一想”这一部分,预设的两个问题引出了本课的主要内容和两个关键词“computer”,“internet”,为课文学习做了有效铺垫;“主题对话"则重点围绕使用电脑上网能干些什么展开讨论和设想,相关的词汇、短语、句型次第呈现,尤其以“if”引导的条件状语从句反复出现,成为本课学习的重点和难点。


学情分析八年级学生已经学过一般将来时态和一般现在时态,已了解了这两种时态的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句等形式.首次接触if引导的条件状语从句,在接受上会有一些难度,这就要求教师在引入的时候要多从学生的角度思考.在口语运用中判断if 条件句的主句、从句也许会存在一定的困难。



Unit4 Lesson 2参考教案WebsitesTeaching objectives:To practise extensive and intensive listening skills.To find information from a website.To focus on prominently stressed as an aid to understanding – the key content words in every sentence that are stressed.To practise making plans and suggestions over the telephone.Teaching difficulties: To practise expressing preferencesTeaching Aids: computer and cassetteTeaching procedures:Ⅰ. Warming upT: Do you use the Internet?S:T: What do you usually use it for?S:T: Net changes our life and makes life more convenient. Do you want to know its history?Can you answer any of these questions about the history of the Internet?1. Why did the Net begin?a) for military reasonsb) for scientific reasonsc) for business2. what year did it start in?a) 1959 b) 1969 c) 19793. When did people start calling it the ‘Internet’?a) the 1980sb) the early 1990sc) the late 1990s4. When did the Internet start to grow very fast?a) the late 1980sb) the mid-1990sc) the late 1990sanswers: 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. bⅡ Listening and talkingListen to the tape and answer the questions.Listen again and answer the questionsWhy did the Net begin by the military?The Pentagon were worried about communication after a nuclear war. In 1969 they thought of linking computers into a network so that if one part of the network was destroyed , other parts could continue working.What do people use the network to do?People use the network to share ideas .They use it for entertainment, e-mail, playing games and getting information.Which ‘website’ can you visit to do these things?a) find out what’s going on in your townb) look for a jobc) find out the latest world newsd) get information for a school history projecte) write to your friend by e-mailf) buy clothesa3 b1 c6 d2 e5 f4 ask students to tell you the reason why you choose the answers.Listen to a telephone conversation between two people in Brighton. Which thing from the Internet page do they decide to do?Go to the cinema on Friday evening to see Richard Bailey’s new film, Virtual Planet Listen to the conversation again. Complete the Function File with words and phrases from the list.See you, 973273, Would you like, hang on, are you up to, Do you fancy, I’d better, Why don’t we, I can’t, I’d love to , Sorry, Let’s, This is, pleaseAnswer the question Hello. (1) ______.Say who you are Hello, Mrs Turner. (2) ________ Mandy.Ask to speak to somebody Can I speak to Lucy, (3) ______?Ask somebody to wait Just (4) ________ a second.Ask about plans What (5) _______ _____ this weekend?Say you didn’t hear(6) _______?Make suggestions(7) _____________ go on Saturday morning? (8) ___________ doing something on Friday night? (9) ______________ to go?Reject suggestions Well, (10) _______. I’ve got a music lesson.Accept suggestions Great, (11) __________.Finish the cal Well, (12) _________ go now.Make an arrangement (13) _____ meet at 6:30, outside the cinema.Say goodbye Right. (14) _______ tomorrow.Answers: 1. 973273 2. This is 3. please 4. hang on 5. are you up to 6. Sorry 7. Why don’t we 8. Do you funcy 9. Would you like 10. I can’t PronunciationListening Strategies: Important words•Listen for words that are stressed. They are important words.•Do not worry if you do not hear all the other words.Do the exercise 7Students listen to the seven sentences on the cassette. Pause after each sentence for students to identify the stressed words.Then play the cassette for students to repeat the sentences.Ⅲ HomeworkTurn to page 56 to do the exercise。



Unit 4 Information TechnologyTopic Talk在本课结束时,学生能够:1.通过听获取说话人上网和使用多种应用程序的原因;2.口笔头谈论信息技术的应用和影响;3.合理、完整、全面地评价信息技术的发展。


教学目标设计意图充分利用教材学生积极思考Talk about the quote from 内容,用并回答与本单“Quote …元主题信息技Unquote ”其中术相关的问题。

mechanise production. TheSecond used ________power to create massproduction. The Thirdused electronics andinformation technology toautomate production.Step 2 Pair work的已有知识,为听力活动做准(1) What do people use it 备。

(2) Why do people use it(3) How has it changedpeople’s daily lives引导学生获取学生能够完成说话人使用应Text Builder 人上网和Complete the information 用程序的理由中有关信息技和对信息技术术的句子,信息利弊的认识。


Listen to it again ifstudents have difficultywith the exercise.创设机会使学基于Text生能够逐步内Builder,学生化所学的语言能够概况谈论和内容;引导学信息技术的关生学会整体梳键要点,并能在mentions the point, tick 理和归纳文本活动中谈论人信息,初步形成们使用信息技有关信息技术术的原因和信□ communicate with/by …的结构化知识;息技术给我们□ relax by …用采访的形式生活带来的影□ buy things such as …积极促进学生响。

冀教版2022年《Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us》教案

冀教版2022年《Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us》教案

Unit 4 The Internet connects UsLesson 19: How Do You Use the Internet一、Teaching content:〔教学内容〕1. New words and phrases:technology,desktop,tablet,keyboard,invitation,industry, used to,it is easy to carry.2.Understand the meaning of text.3.Grammar:Adverbial Clause with “if〞.二、Teaching goals:〔教学目标〕1. Master the new words and phrases,the meaning of text.2.Learn to use Adverbial Clause with “if〞.3.Talk about how to use the Internet in our daily life in English.三、Key points:〔重点〕Learn to use Adverbial Clause with “if〞.四、Difficult points:〔难点〕Talk about how to use the Internet in our daily life in English.五、Teaching aids:〔教学辅助〕 Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:〔课程类型〕 New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:〔教学过程〕Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.Do the duty re port: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say. Review:Last week,we learned about the animals,and we knew that we should protect the animals,because the animals are important to the environment,there are not animals,there is not human.Then ask some Ss to describe the animals:Dogs are friendly and loyal,they are human’s best friends.Cats are quiet and cute,they like to eat fish.Tigers and lions are fierce and strong.Step 2. Lead in.〔引入〕Homework check.This week,we will learn to talk about the Internet. And ask some Ss to introduce what is the InternetHow to use it in our daily lifeCome to “Think About It!〞What can you do on a computerHow do you use the InternetStep 3. New lesson.〔新课〕No. 1 prepare lessons before class.Teach the new words and phrases.make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No. 2Text:Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the dialogue in groups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary.At last,the teacher explain the text in Chinese,make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No. 3 Important sentences:1.I used to have a desktop computer.2.It is easy to carry.3.I use the Internet to blog about donuts.4.I can begin to write report.No. 4 The Grammar: Adverbial Clause with “if〞.“when〞时间状语从句与“because〞原因状语从句,〔1〕主句从句时态保持一致,主句一般将来时,从句使用一般现在时。

冀教版八下英语Unit4 Lesson 19 How Do You Use the Internet

冀教版八下英语Unit4 Lesson 19 How Do You Use the Internet
【点拨】用语法判定法。句意为“——看! 那有一个人 正在河边打太极呢。——哇! 那是我老师, 吴老师”。本 题考查Therebe+名词+v. -ing+介词短语。表示某地有某 人正在做某事。故选C。
3.—CanIhelpyou? —Pleasegiveme______aboutthetrainstoDaqing.
Internet. 【中考·凉山】
A. messagesB. suggestions
C. preparationD. information
【点拨】messages消息; suggestions建议; preparation准备; information信息。句意为“在互联网上把我们自己的信息 提供太多是危险的”。根据句意故选D。
21 question 22 three/3 23 WeChatPayservices 24 thecountryside 25 Awiseman
一、根据汉语提示写单词, 并背记相应英语词汇 1. Modern____t_e_c_h_n_o_lo_g_y(技术) makesbuyingtrainticketsmucheasierthanitusedtobe. 2. UsuallyIusea________ (平板电脑) orlaptopinsteadofa___t_a_b_le_t__ (台式电脑).
7. Ourschool__i_n_v_i_te_d_ (邀请) severalheroestothegraduationceremonylastyear. 【 中考·宁波】


Internet and Friendships
二、教学目标master the key words and expressions about the Internet and Friendships.
(1)Students get to know how to get the main idea of a passage and the topic sentences of each arguments;
Draw a picture and compare the way of developing such an essay to the structure of a house, with main idea as its roof, arguments as pillars and the conclusion as the bottom.
(1)Students have a better understanding of the effect the Internet have on relationships, especially on friendships;



八年级英语下册《HowDoYouUsetheInternet》教案新冀教版八年级英语下册《HoDoyouUsetheInternet》教案新冀教版Unit4TheInternetconnectsUslesson19HoDoyouUsetheInte rnet一、Teachingcontent:Neordsandphrases:technology,destop,tablet,eyboard,i nvitation,industry,usedto,itiseasytocarry.Understandtheeaningoftext.Graar:Adverbialclauseith“if”.二、Teachinggoals:astertheneordsandphrases,theeaningoftext.LearntouseAdverbialclauseith“if”.TalabouthotousetheInternetinourdailylifeinEnglish.三、eypoints:LearntouseAdverbialclauseith“if”.四、Difficultpoints:TalabouthotousetheInternetinourdailylifeinEnglish.五、Teachingaids:icturesorcards.六、Typeofthelesson:Nelesson.七、Teachingprocedure:Step1.Analysisofthestudent.GreetthestudentsinEnglishandaesuretheycanresponseco rrectly.Dothedutyreport:astudentondutycansayhateverhe/sheli estosay.Revie:Lastee,elearnedabouttheanials,andenethateshou ldprotecttheanials,becausetheanialsareiportanttothe environent,therearenotanials,thereisnothuan.ThenassoeSstodescribetheanials:Dogsarefriendlyandloyal;theyarehuan’sbestfriends.catsarequietandcute,andtheylietoeatfish.Tigersandlionsarefierceandstrong.Step2.Leadin.Hoeorchec.Thisee,eilllearntotalabouttheInternet.AndassoeSstoi ntroducehatistheInternet?Hotouseitinourdailylife?eto“ThinAboutIt!”hatcanyoudoonaputer?HodoyouusetheInternet?Step3.Nelesson.No.1reparelessonsbeforeclass.Teachtheneordsandphrases.aesuretheSscanreaditcorrec tly.No.2.Text:Givethesoetietoreadthetexttheselves.Thenl ettheactoutthedialogueingroups.correcttheirpronunci ationhennecessary.Atlast,theteacherexplainsthetextinchinese.aesurethe Sscanunderstandtheeaningoftext.No.3Iportantsentences:Iusedtohaveadestopputer.Itiseasytocarry.IusetheInternettoblogaboutdonuts.Icanbegintoritereport.No.4TheGraar:Adverbialclauseith“if”.复习“hen”时间状语从句与“because”原因状语从句, 主句从句时态保持一致,主句一般将来时,从句使用一般现在时。

UNIT4 The Internet Connects Us Lesson21教案冀教版八年级下册

UNIT4 The Internet Connects Us Lesson21教案冀教版八年级下册

UNIT 4: The Internet Connects UsLesson 21 Books or Computers?LESSON PREPARATIONLANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE掌握词汇:appear, modern, electronic sell (sold/sold)接触词汇:press短语和句型:pass on, by hand, printing press. keep onRESOURCESaudiotape large strips of construction paperLESSON STRUCTURECLASS OPENINGGreetingGreet the class.Teacher: Good morning/afternoon, class. I have some funny jokes for you today. Write three jokes (related to the Internet) on the board. Read them aloud and then discuss the concept/meaning of the letter "e" before each word. Explain that "e" stands for electronic.So"e-mail" really means "electronic mail". Sample jokes:Do you like web jokes? Yes, they're e-larious.What do you call a fire at an Intemet cafe? An e-mergency.How do you fix a broken website? With stick e-tape.Review1)Homework check.2)Choose some students to present their list and short passage "How Computers Help Me".KEY CONCEPTSFOCUS STRUCTURES:They wrote each word by hand. Information travels faster and farther.STEP 1: PresentCLASS WORK: Think About It and Culture Tip1)Discuss the Think About Ir questions as a class.2) Discuss the Culture Tip. Then draw a Venn diagram on the board to discuss and display the similarities and differences between e-books and printed books.answer the questions in groups.STEP 2: ReadGROUP WORK: Let's Do It! No.I1)Instruct the students to read Lesson 21 and2) Check, discuss and correct the answers as a class. Teach the mastery words for this lesson (appear. modern, electronic, sell)STEP 3: Practice and PlayCLASS WORK: Let's Do It! No. 21) Divide the class into groups and have every group write out each sentence from Let's Do lt! No.2 on a separate strips of construction paper.2)Then challenge the groups to put the sentences in the correct order. The first group to complete this task in the shortest amount of time wins. Remind students that they may need to skim through the reading to complete this task.Teaching PointSkimming is useful when you want to get the main point(s) of a longer piece of writing. If a student has an hour to do some research and is presented with 10 textbooks, then he does not have the time to read them all through. He must try to make the most of his time by quickly skimming each book and choose the most relevant one. Skimming can also be an effective way of quickly reviewing something that has been read previously. so that the reader can recall the most significant parts. STEP 4: TaskPAIR WORK: Let's Do It! No. 41) Instruct the students to work in pairs to discuss whether they prefer e-books or paper books and why.2)Then ask the students to write a dialogue based on their discussion. Students should use the adverbial clause with "if' in their dialogue and as many mastery words fromthis unit as possible.3) Ask some pairs to present their dialogue in front of the class.2) Assign homework:The Printing Press or the Internet: Answer Li Ming's question in a short passage. Choose a position and give at least three reasons to support your choice. o Which invention do you think is more important-the printing press or the Intemet? EXTENSIONCLASS WORK: Alphaber ScramblePlay Aiphaber Scramble to review vocabulary from Unit 4.Ask the students to find partners and to write down the alphabet in a column on the left side of a piece of paper.2)Ask them to work with their partners to remember as many vocabulary words from this unit as possible. The students write the words next to the letter that begins each word. They may write up to three words beside cach letter.3)Give the students five to ten minutes to write down words.4) Ask them to call out the words they wrote. starting with A. Have the students count their points as you go; vocabulary words from Unit 5 will be given priority and will be worth two points, while other words not from this unit will be worth one point. The team with the most points wins.*See the "Games" section at the back of this guide for other variations of this game and further instructions on how to play.LANGUAGE NOTESI. In ancient times, there were no books, and people passed on their knowledge by telling stories.在古代,没有书,人们通过讲故事传播知识。

冀教版八年级英语下册 (The Internet-Good or Bad)The Internet

冀教版八年级英语下册 (The Internet-Good or Bad)The Internet
harmful to people’s health.
6. It may even cause them to be less social with family and friends. 7. Aside from that, some people attack the web… 8. The Internet can be a useful tool, but don’t let it take up all tomorrow? 明天你能来吗? He said that we could go there by bus. 他说我们可以乘公共汽车去那里。 Will you be able to come tomorrow? 明天你能来吗? I’m able to do the work all by myself. 我能够独立做这项工作。
adv. 除…之外;在旁边 v. 袭击;损害 n. 网络;网 v.偷盗;窃取 n. 银行业 adv. 正确地
in seconds far away
aside from take up
在很短的时间内 遥远 除此之外 占用,占据;开始从事;
Why are some parents worried about their kids using the Internet?
We need many things in life . But I don’t like to go outside ,the Internet can get it done quickly .
Every _co_i_n_ has two sides. Everything has two sides(a_d_v_a_n_t_a_g_e_s or d_i_s_a_d_v_a_n_t_a_g_e_s), so is the Internet.

冀教版八年级下Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us Lesson 2

冀教版八年级下Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us Lesson 2
The moon
depend on 取决于;依赖;依靠 When is Easter?e.g. Easter does not faIlldoenpetnhde osanmmeydpayeneafocrhayleiavrin. gT.h我e靠da写te 作de为pe生nd。s on the moon,buAt iltl idseaplewnadyssoin tMhearwcheaothreAr.p一ril切. 取决于天气。
2 I entered some key words into a search engine to find information on this topic.
enter /'entə/ v. 进来;进去;进入 固定搭配:enter ...into.... 把……输入到/ 进…… e.g. Please help me enter this sentence. 请帮我输入这个句子。
What is Easter?
Easter is an important festival in Western culture .
It’s one of the biggest holidays in many countries .
When is Easter?
Easter does not fall on the same day each year .
4 Though the meaning of Easter has changed over time, the rabbits and eggs remain.
尽管复活节的意义随着时间的推移而改变,但兔子和彩蛋保留了下来。 though/ðəʊ/ conj.尽管;虽然 e.g. Though she gave no sign, I was sure she had seen me . 尽管她没有示意,我还是确信她看见了我。

2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us教学案 (新版)冀教版

2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us教学案 (新版)冀教版

2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us教学案(新版)冀教版课题:Lesson:19:How Do You Use the Internet?课型:新授学习目标:1.掌握本课出现的新词汇。


学习重难点:掌握词汇:technology, keyboard, industry接触词汇:desktop, tablet, invitation一.自主学习1.课前练习:英汉互译收发邮件写博客 chat online__________ plan to do________Book tickets on line______________2.根据汉语意思或首字母完成单词:(1)A t_____ doesn’t have a keyboard or a mouse.(2)I like c_____ with my friends on-line.(3)I’m collecting information about coffee ______ (工业)(4)I like to read books about ______ (技术)on puter.(5)If you have the Internet , you can learn a lot about different t______.二.合作探究★1 look 看,侧重于看的动作词组:look at 看…= have a look atsee , “看见,看到”,侧重于看的结果。

★2. If we want to have a meeting, I can send the invitation online如果我们想召开会议,我可以在线发出邀请。


例如:If you want to know how a word is used, look it up in the Advanced Learner's Dictionary.要想了解某个词的用法,查《高级词典》。








1. Over the years, digital communication has brought about more changes than the printing press did. And the standout early adopters are teenagers, whose brains appear to have an extraordinary ________ to adapt to the world.As a species, our brains are still flexible and ________ during adolescence, which means some ________ of it, such as impulse control and the ability to make long-term decisions, haven’t developed yet, and this may also explain why we spend a(n)________ period living under the protection of our parents rather than leaving home at 12 or 13. This also means the adolescent brain can adapt to new technology, allowing teenagers to ________ the accelerating pace of digital technology and manage different tasks at the same time. In the US, teenagers are spending 8. 5 hours using computers, mobiles and other devices to learn, interact and play. This jumps to 11.5 if you take into account all of the ________, such as talking on the phone while watching TV.There are ________ as to how social media is affecting the way the brain learns to________ since one of the most important skills that we learn as children is how to make friends and interact with people. These interactions are now being ________ by technology — you could have hundreds of friends, all of whom are real people that you interact with-and scientists aren’t sure whether we’ll be able to develop the same ________ using social media.There is a possible ________ of the digital trend: it is indicated that teenagers all over the world are watching the same clips and laughing at the same jokes, meaning they are more ________ than their predecessors (前辈). They may be ________ to texting their friends and posting updates on social media, but teenagers today are probably going to have access to technology and ________ social and educational opportunities that anyone with a less flexible brain might have trouble imagining. ________, there is a cut-off and by the age of 30, our brains become more set in their ways, making it harder for us to adapt and cope with new technologies.1.A.activity B.capability C.responsibility D.opportunity2.A.operating B.promoting C.adjusting D.establishing3.A.functions B.options C.restrictions D.positions4.A.opposed B.imposed C.limited D.extended5.A.keep up with B.come up with C.put up with D.end up with6.A.entertaining B.multitasking C.interacting D.gossiping7.A.curiosities B.criticisms C.concerns D.shortcomings8.A.memorize B.internalize C.realize D.socialize9.A.changed B.controlled C.troubled D.interrupted10.A.attitudes B.prospects C.trends D.skills11.A.advantage B.distraction C.indication D.tuition12.A.narrow-minded B.global-minded C.absent-minded D.quick-minded 13.A.reluctant B.addicted C.exposed D.enthusiastic14.A.however B.hence C.moreover D.instead15.A.Consequently B.Additionally C.Nevertheless D.Thus二、阅读选择(阅读理解)文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。

Unit 4 Lesson 2 Websites 教学设计 2-优质公开课-北师大必修2精品

Unit 4 Lesson 2 Websites 教学设计 2-优质公开课-北师大必修2精品

Unit 4 Lesson 2 Websites 教学设计2Step 1 Lead in1. What does the word “website” mean?2. Do you use the Internet?3. What do you know about the Internet?4. Do you know the history of the Internet?StepⅡ Listening1. Listen to the tape and then do Exercise 2Keys: 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b2. Listen to the tape again and say out the meanings of the following words.the pentagon a nuclear war link net work entertainmentStep ⅢAsk students what they can do by making use of website. Then answer the question on P 10. Which website on this page can you visit to do these things?At the same time ask and explain the words on the Internet page,such as “ancient civilization”Listen to the tape twice. (listening 5)Explain some important sentences.1. What are you up to this weekend?2. I’ve printed out the Internet page.3. Just hang on a second.4. There’s a fashion show this weekend.Ask students to fill in the missing words or phrases of the dialogue.Ask students to read the sentences aloud.Step IV1. Share the listening strategies with students and point out that it’s the same in our own language: Important words•Listen for words that are stressed. They are important words.•Do not worry if you do not hear all the other words.2. Students listen to the seven sentences on the cassette. Pause after each sentence for students to identify the stressed words. Then play the cassette for students to repeat the sentences.StepⅤ1. Ask each student to make notes of what he / she would like to do from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon.2. Revise telephone languages. Pay attention to some expressions different from Chinese ones.3. Ask students to work in pair phoning each other,talking about the plan at the weekend. Step VIAsk students to write a composition about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet in their lives.。

UNIT4 The Internet Connects Us Lesson20教案冀教版八年级下册

UNIT4 The Internet Connects Us Lesson20教案冀教版八年级下册

UNIT 4: The Internet Connects UsLesson 20 A Computer Helps!LESSON PREPARATIONLANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE掌握词汇:enter, key, search, depend. hide (hid hidden)接触词汇:laptop, Easter, topic, bunny短语和句型:search engine, depend on. Easter BunnyRESOURCESaudiotape poster paperLESSON STRUCTURECLASS OPENINGGreetingGreet the class.Teacher: Good morning/afternoon, class. How are you?ReviewI) Homework check.2) Choose some students to present their passage "The Intemet and Me".3) Review using the adverbial clause with "if". KEY CONCEPTSFOCUS STRUCTURES:The date depends on the moon, but it is always in March or AprilSTEP 1: PresentGROUP/CLASS WORK: Culture Tip and Think About It1) Introduce Lesson 20. Ask individual students to read the title (A Compurter Helps!) and discuss how a computer/the Intemet might be helpful.2) Divide the class into groups to discuss the Culture Tip. Then have each group discuss the Thhink About It questions.Teacher: In this lesson. Wang Mei docs some research about the Christian holiday, Easter. Read the Culture Tip in your groups and then share with the class what you know about this holiduy.3) Have the groups share their answers with the class.STEP 2: ListenCLASS WORK: Ler's Do It! Na IPlay the listening material for Lesson 20(A Cowputer Heips). Play it once and ask the students ust to listen.2) Play the audiotape a second time and ask the students to complete the exercise3) Check the answers as a class and correct any false stutements.STEP 3: Listen and ReadCLASS WORK: Listening and reading1) Play the audiotape for Lesson 20 and ask the class to listen and read aloud along with the audiotape 2) Remind the students to do their best to imitate the pronunciation they hear3) Go over the mastery words for this lesson (enter. key. search, depend and hide). STEP 4: ReadPAIR WORK: Ler's Do It! Na. 31) Instruct the students to read Lesson 20 silently and fill in the mind map with a partner.2) Students should check and correct their answers in groups.3) Draw the mind map on the board and check the answers as a class.STEP 5: TaskGROUP WORK: Ler's Do Ir! No.1) Divide the class into groups to discuss an important festival in spring in China and do some research about it. Students may need Internet access or you may need to provide them with some research materials.2) In their groups. students should then follow the example of the mind map in Ler's Do It! No.3 and create their own mind map for their festival. Students should deaw their maps on large poster paper und include pictures or druwings.CLASS CLOSING1)Complete Let's Do It! No. 2.Students complete the exercise independently. Then write the paragraph with theblanks on the board and split the class into two teams. Ask one person from cach team to fill in one of the blanks and read the sentence aloud. The first team to correctly fill in the blanks and read the sentence aloud wins.2) Assign homework:How Computers Help Me: Write a list of ways in which a computer has helped you. Then pick one way from youur list and write a passage about it.EXTENSIONGROUP WORK: Guess The QuestionsPlay Guess The Questions to review standard questions. Relate this game to web searches. Explain that the Intemet is only a good tool if you know how to use it and part of knowing how to use it means knowing how to search for things. When you are searching for something you are asking questions and looking for an answer. But before you can find the answers, you have to know what questions to ask.1)Divide the class into groups of four to six. Ask the students to each make their own flashcards that say Who? What? When? Where? Why? And How? and then combine their cards in a stack in their groups.2)The students then take tums picking up a card and saying a sentence that answers the question on the card. (For what? A player might say A computer.) 3)The other players then guess the question on the card. starting with the first player to the right. The first player that guesses the word correctly gets a point. Then the next student picks up a card and makes up a sentence.*See the "Games" section at the back of this guide for further instructions on how to play.LANGUAGE NOTES1. I entered some key words into a search engine to find information on this topic.我在搜索引擎里输入一些关键词来寻找有关这个话题的信息。

Unit 3 The Internet 第4课时教学设计【人教必修第二册(新课标)】

Unit 3 The Internet 第4课时教学设计【人教必修第二册(新课标)】

Unit 3 The InternetPeriod 4 Listening and Talking教材分析该板块的主题是“挑选最正确应用软件”(Choose the best app)。


在该板块的听力局部学生将听到Xiao B。




教学目标1.能正确理解使用以下词汇:discount, account o2.能够在谈话中得体恰当地表达预测、猜测和看法。



教学过程Step 1 Warm upStudents discuss their preference for the apps. Then answer the following questions:(1)What apps do you usually use in your daily life?(2)What do you use them for?设计意图:结合学生实际生活,激发学生对本课话题的兴趣。

Step 2 Pre-listeningTeacher helps students to understand the meanings of the new words in the first two activities. 设计意图:输入生词,为接下来的活动做好铺垫。

Step 3 While-listening1.Work on Activity 1. Listen to the conversation and find out what apps they want.2.Work on Activity 2. Listen to the conversation again. Tick “true(T)" or "false(F)” to the followingsentences.3.Listen again and check the answers- Then students highlight phrases that are used to describe functions of apps. Then write them on the blackboard.设计意图:学生通过活动1和2,初步理解说话者在做什么以及这么做的原因,有助于从整体上理解对话的内容。

【教学设计】《Unit4 Lesson 22》(冀教版)

【教学设计】《Unit4 Lesson 22》(冀教版)

Unit 4 The Internet Connects UsLesson 22 Travel on the InternetIn last lesson, we learned the computer is very helpful, and we must learn to use the computer, we can learn something interesting things from the Internet. In this lesson【知识与能力目标】牢固掌握单词:cancer blessing pyramid词组:receive/get some bad news have cancer send a good blessing to you .go online【过程与方法目标】speaking ,writing ,reading and practising【教学重点】if 引导的条件状语从句【教学难点】if 引导的条件状语从句图片,PPTStep 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)Homework check.Review: In last lesson, we learned the history of books, and we learned about in the future, we should use the computer to do anything in our life. Now, in this lesson, we will learn how to travel on the Internet, and what is the Internet, How to use it?Step 2. Lead in.(引入)1.Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.e to “Think About It!”Does your grandma live with you?What is you r grandma’s dream? What can you do to help her realize it?Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1. Prepare lessons before class.Teach the new words and phrases. Make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No. 2. Text: Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the dialogue in groups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary.Read the lesson and answer the questions:What’s the bad news about Jane’s grandma?。

冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us Lesson 2

冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us Lesson 2

Unit 4 The Internet Connects UsLesson 20 A Computer Helps教案2一、教学目标1. 在整体理解的根底上要求学生能够听、说、认读单词: laptop, ask sb. to do, search engine,.2. 理解课文内容。

3. 能自如的谈论运用互联网进展学习。

6. 能用英文谈论怎样使用电脑。

二、教学重难点1. 能自如的谈论运用互联网进展学习。

2. 能用英文谈论怎样使用电脑。

3. 在生活中运用所学知识。

三、课前准备教学ppt.四、教学过程Step 1复习稳固、激情导入复习:提问Lesson 19知识点。

导入: What can you do on a computer?How do you use the internet?Step 2出示目标、明确任务1. 牢记本课黑体词汇:laptop, ask sb. to do, search engine.2. 熟读课文,把握其意。

3. 背诵重点句子,并灵活运用相关知识点。

Step 3自主学习、合作探究任务一:限时5分钟,熟读所有词汇,牢记黑体词汇。



Step 4师生互动、展示提升互动一:单词记忆比赛。



知识点一、I t’s one of the biggest holidays in many countries.最高级:用于三者或三者以上的比拟时,“最...〞的要用最高级形容词,最高级前一般要加______,并有比拟范围。

eg: I am the tallest in our class. 我是咱们班里个子最高的。

one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数eg: Lu Xun is one of the greatest ______ in our country.鲁迅是我国最伟大的作家之一。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Unit 2 Using the InternetThe First Period【教学目标】1.知识目标(1)重点单词:persuade, essay, modem, typewriter, highway, respond, blank, carpet, bleed.(2)重点短语:see the sight, log on, check on, in case of, might as well.(3)能听懂、会说句型:a.She is lucky to have a granddaughter like Allison, who knows that her grandmother's body might be weak, but her spirit is strong.b.They entered Internet chat "rooms" where they could have a conversation by writing instead of talking.2.语言技能目标(1)理解并掌握新词的意思及应用。



【教学重点】1.学习并掌握重点单词:persuade, essay, modem, typewriter, highway, respond, blank, carpet, bleed.2.学习并掌握重点短语:see the sight, log on, check on, in case of, might as well.3.能听懂、会说句型:a.She is lucky to have a granddaughter like Allison, who knows that her grandmother's body might be weak, but her spirit is strong.b.They entered Internet chat "rooms" where they could have a conversation by writing instead of talking.【教学难点】1.学生对本课文章内容主旨大意的准确理解。




【教学过程】Step 1 Warming up and greetingDaytime greeting to every student.Step 2 Presentation1.Show the picture of "persuade, essay, modem, typewriter, highway, respond, blank, carpet, bleed" and ask students to describe them. Then write down the words on the board.2.Ask students to answer the questions before reading.(1)Can an 84-year-old woman travel all over the world?(2)How can she do that?Step 3 ReadingFirst reading: ask students to read the passage and find out the words that they don't know. Then teacher explains the words that they don't know.Second reading: ask students to listen to the tape and read it again and think about the following questions:(1)How did you feel when you first read the beginning paragraph? Did it sound like a dream?(2)Give four reasons why Granny Cameron refused to move to a nursing home.(3)How do you like the Internet after reading the story?Then ask students to answer the questions.Step 4 Meaning through practice—"SECTION 2"(1)Ask students to finish the questions in part A and part B, then check the answer.(2)Let students listen to the tape and finish Part C.(3)Ask students to do the speaking practice in part D with their desk mates.(4)Ask students to complete part E after class.(5)Discuss part F in groups.Step 5 SummaryAsk a student to summarize the content we learned today.Step 6 Homework1.Listen to the radio.2.Review the new words and sentences.3.Read the text fluently.Unit 2 Using the InternetThe Second Period【教学目标】1.知识目标理解并掌握it的用法。








【教学过程】Step 1 Warming up and greetingDaytime greeting to every student.Step 2 Presentation1.Show some sentences and ask students what type of sentence is it. Then write down "imperatives" on the board and explain the definition.2.Learn the use of "it" in different contexts.Ask students to look at "Grammar Time" and discuss in groups to understand the use of "it" in the different sentences. Then ask a presentation to express their answers.3.Teacher explains the different functions and meanings of "it" in different sentences. Then ask students to write more similar sentences with "it".4.Ask students to complete self-test by completing the exercises "Your turn!", then check the answers.Step 3. Group worksDivide students into six groups, and ask each group to complete the following questions or requirements:(1)List the functions of "it".(2)Write down more sentences using "it".After that, ask one of the students in different groups to share their results and teacher emphasizes important points.Step 4 PracticeAsk students to finish exercises in part B.Step 5 Summary and HomeworkAsk a student to summarize the grammar we learned today, and to finish other exercises this part in book.Unit 2 Using the InternetThe Third Period【教学目标】1.知识目标(1)重点单词:physicist, ordinary, network, indicate, percentage, amount, average, tobacco, rank, dip, customer.(2)重点短语:take the initiative in doing, account for, get rid of.(3)能听懂、会说句型:a.While working as vice-president of MCI(Media Control Interface) Digital Information Services between 1982 and 1986, he headed up the team developing the first commercial e-mail service to be connected to the Internet.b.China began to have a bigger Internet population than Japan toward the end of 2002, jumping to second in the world following the United States.2.语言技能目标(1)理解并掌握新词的意思及应用。
